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65.75% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 2696: IN PURSUIT OF MRS KRAMER


Move-in day!

Thirty years old and I finally had a place of my own. It was a nice condo in a development that was only a couple of years old. The place had a pool, club, tennis courts, and golf course; just about anything you could want. It was a two story duplex on a little cul-de-sac with a two car garage (well actually, two one car garages side by side and a mirror image unit on the right. Each duplex was separated by a small side yard and on the back side, a deck with a little wooden slat divider to provide some privacy. The first floor had a bathroom and an open floor plan with a living room area, dining room, and a kitchen with a breakfast bar. The kitchen had a slider that opened up to the deck. The second story had one master bedroom with a bath, and then two smaller bedrooms that shared another bathroom.

I had graduated from college with a degree in computer science and had gotten a job working as a network engineer for a large cable company in the network operations center. Even though it meant working shift work, it paid really well and provided me with an opportunity to move up and in fact, I had recently been promoted to a manager position. After living in several rather small apartments in some questionable neighborhoods, I had saved up enough money to buy a condo in a nice area because the previous owners had to short sell. Although it was in a suburb, it was still close enough to Boston that I had easy access and if I wanted, I could take the commuter rail in instead of driving.

My family lived on the West Coast and I did not get to see them but maybe two or three times a year for the big holidays. I'd had some girlfriends but my work had kept me pretty busy so dating had kind of taken a back seat. Still, I did find time to work out regularly and even though I worked a desk job, my 200 pounds was pretty well distributed over my six foot frame.

All those squats and deadlifts had paid off, I thought as I carted in the few possessions that I had. Even though I had been out of college for a few years I had never really bothered to buy a whole lot of furniture figuring I might eventually want to move back West. I finished bringing in the last of it, and after looking at the pitifully empty condo; I locked up and went outside to pull my SUV inside my garage.

It was then that I first met my next door neighbor. She had pulled up in her black Mercedes S class and got out. I almost laughed because my first thought was that I had moved next door to Miranda Priestly out of "The Devil Wears Prada." She had silver shoulder length hair and black knee length dress with platform heels and black nylons, finished off with a white silk scarf and sunglasses. I did notice that she had a little cushion around the middle but that was more than offset by a great pair of legs and of course some major league hooters that must have been at least a 38D. As long as they extend past the belly, I'm good to go. I guessed she was in her early 60s but still not too bad. I of course, was wearing an old t shirt from Sloppy Joes in Key West, gym shorts and sneakers and with a two day growth of beard, probably looked like a blonde surfer dude fresh off the beach. I smiled at her as I walked up and extended my hand. She looked at me with one of those dismissive looks down her nose that I thought only possible in a movie.

"Hi, I'm Chris Smith, your new neighbor," I said.

Looking at me over her glasses, she did not take my hand and said in a rather haughty tone "You can call me Mrs. Kramer."

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs. Kramer, I apologize for my attire but have been working pretty hard moving in."

"I can see that," she said as she gave me a disapproving look, "Oh and don't forget, your vehicle is supposed to be parked inside at night. "And with that she wheeled away from and walked off.

Wow, I thought to myself, I guess we won't be borrowing cups of sugar from her will we? The realtor told me that my next door neighbor was a widow who owned a dress store or something like that. Well she gets points for style and looks, but gets major failing grades in the social department. I had her pegged as old school, especially since she dressed to the nines and was still using her married title.

Over the next few months I would occasionally run into Mrs. Kramer either coming home or leaving for work, after a run, or whatever. Still, she would not wave or acknowledge me first but would always respond if I said something first, so at least she wasn't totally rude. I helped her a few times here and there carry groceries and such but apparently not enough to initiate a full thaw.

Gradually, I started to get the place furnished and my parents came out to surprise me for Thanksgiving with my sister who was a senior in college. They came for an entire week so my Mom was thrilled to be able to spend my money to decorate the place and even my sister seemed to enjoy it. My Dad was pretty well bored with it all but was a good sport. Interspersed with shopping, I showed them the sites and at night, my Dad and I would watch sports on my new HD TV in the upstairs man cave which also doubled as my sister's room.

Anyway, Thanksgiving Day came and we had gone out the day before and bought all the stuff to have a traditional dinner. On Thanksgiving, my mom got up early to get the turkey started so I volunteered to make a run up to the donut shop and get some coffee and donuts for all of us. When I got back, I noticed that the lights were on in Mrs. Kramer's unit and that she was probably up. That's weird; I thought to myself, she must not have any family or anywhere to go.

I came inside and set everything down on the counter.

"Mom, you know my neighbor I told you about?"

"Oh yeah, hon, come to think of it we haven't seen her."

"Well she keeps to herself a lot, but I think she's home and doesn't have anyone to spend the day with."

"Oh that's terrible, hon," she said. "Why don't you go invite her over here for dinner?"

"The dragon lady?" I said. "She would as soon kill me as have dinner with us."

"Oh stop it. You go right over there and ask her. I didn't raise you to be rude."

Smiling, I kissed her on the cheek and said ok and went out the door. To say I was nervous was an understatement as butterflies were dancing around my stomach like a bunch of square dancers.

I walked up to the door, and rang the bell and stepped back so that she could see through the peephole who it was. I heard some steps coming to the door and then nothing for a moment. I figured maybe she had decided to ignore it and started to turn when the door opened revealing her in a long black robe and slippers. It was a silk robe that revealed a nice set of cleavage...I started thinking that she had some really nice boobs when she snapped me back to reality.

"What do you want? Do you know how early it is? You scared the life out of me?"

"I'm so sorry to bother you Mrs. Kramer, and yes its 8:00 and a bit early but I thought you were up. Anyway, I.."

"Well come on, I don't have all day and its cold with this door open."

"Sorry," I said, immediately questioning the wisdom of what I was doing. "Anyway, my sister and parents are in town and we are having a Thanksgiving dinner and we thought if you weren't doing anything, we wanted to invite you to spend it with us."

For a second, as I looked in her eyes, I saw a slight break in the ice, and she looked at me. After staring at me and then looking off in the distance, she fixed her gaze upon me and said, "What time?"

"Um, I think we were shooting to eat around 2, but if you want to come around noon, we will have some apps and drinks. "

"Hmm, "she said, "Well actually, my plans have fallen through, so I'm available and I appreciate your gracious invitation. What can I bring?"

"I don't really know, Mrs. Kramer," I said, "but I tell you what. If you give me your number, as soon as I go home I will call you and have you talk to my Mom."

"That would be fine," she said in that aristocratic tone she used, "my number is 555-3456."

"Great, call you in a few and again, I apologize for bothering you."

As she closed the door, I swear I almost saw a slight smile and a tear in the corner of her eye.

I walked back into my house and pulled out my phone.

"So what did she say?" asked my mother.

"She said yes, but wants to bring something so here, you can talk to her. Her name is Mrs. Kramer," I said as I handed her the phone.

"What's her first name?"

"As far as I know, it's Mrs.," I said laughing and handing her the phone.

"Hi there, I'm Joanie Smith, Chris's mother." Pause "Nice to talk to you too, Donna. We're glad to have you over, if you want, just bring a bottle of wine and maybe a dessert although we have plenty." Pause "Sure, noon is fine and we'll see you then."

"She sounds really nice," my mom said as she passed me back the phone.

"Well if nothing else, I know her name is Donna, now." I said laughing.

The morning went by fairly uneventfully. My sister and I went out to run a couple of miles. It seemed like a fun thing to do and it had been a while since the two of us had done something together like that.

"So," asked Terry after we got out of earshot of my place, "any hot women?"

"No, not really, I'm kind of busy and working shift work makes it difficult to date. "

"But you're a good looking guy, even if you are my brother, "she said teasingly, "Your problem is you are just too darn shy for your own good."

"Maybe, but right now, I'm just kind of focused on my career. Besides, after the crap Jenny put me through for all those years, I need some down time."

Jenny was my high school sweetheart that I was madly in love with. We had this really crazy relationship where we would get together, break up, make up and repeat for 10 years. I finally realized that she was never going to leave home and was basically a control freak who figured she could always keep me on a string while she dated other guys.

"But you guys ended that a year ago. Time to get back out there, big bro," she said. "Maybe you should go after the ice queen next door," and she laughed.

I sped up the pace and yelled at her, "A little less talking and more running. You need to make sure you don't end up with a Kim Kardashian size bootie."

I turned to see her response and all I saw was her tongue sticking out with a middle finger salute aimed in my direction.

Still, as we continued our run, I started thinking about it. I mean after all, Donna, I mean Mrs. Kramer did have a decent body for an older woman and like most guys I guess I did have that Mrs. Robinson thing going on in the background. However, I kept thinking about how most of the time when she talked to me it was like she was chewing off her face so I tried to put that out of my head, although a nasty thought of her in stockings with her legs over my shoulders and her tits bouncing around while I fucked her cause me to get a slight bulge in my running tights.

We got back to my place and as we walked around in the driveway to cool off, I noticed my sister take a quick look at my crotch and I thought I saw a quick smile as she quickly looked away.

"Nice job there little sister," I said.

"Thanks," she said and she gave me a big hug. I glanced over at my neighbor's place and could have sworn I saw her looking out the window at me but figured it was probably my imagination. We went inside and the smells of a full-on traditional Thanksgiving meal filled our noses.

"So how was it?" my father asked.

"She did pretty well, Dad," I said, adding, "For a girl,"

"For a girl," she shrieked. And with that she jumped on my back and pretended to choke me. We wrestled around like old times and I finally was able to get her pinned down and afterwards, I rolled off of her and we all laughed.

"Alright you two, that's enough. Get showered and get dressed," said my mother and we both got up and went upstairs to get showered and ready.

Even though we were going to be hanging out, we had a family tradition where my mother would not accept jeans or sweats for Thanksgiving. It was understood that we would dress "up". I put on a Blue, button down shirt, tie, and khaki pants and dress shoes which I laughingly referred to as the man uniform.

I went downstairs and mom asked me to set the table.

"Why do I always have to set the table?"

Laughing, my mother, in her best mock angry voice said,"You have been asking me that for thirty years and you can ask me for thirty more and the answer is the same...because I told you!"

After setting the table, I went into my living room. My father had already claimed the recliner leaving the couch and loveseat. Dad had a football pre-game on so I sat down in the loveseat. As soon as I sat down, my mom called me.

"Chris, where is your sister? Can you get call her?"

"Oh come on Mom, I just sat down."

Before I could say another word, my sister called down from the steps, "Coming, mom."

I looked up to see her coming down the steps and she winked at me as she continued down the steps.

Holy shit, I thought to myself. I must be really horny because she looks H-O-T.

My sister had put on a short black miniskirt with black tights, and a tight red sweater that although it was not low cut, hugged her just right, along with some flats. I guess the only thing I could think of was it was classic, sorority girl, I'm too cute look. However, all I could think about was throwing her down on the couch and doing her. Man, stop that, I thought.

"You look cute honey," my mom said.

"What do you think big brother?" she asked, looking at me with a big smile.

"You look very nice, Terry," I said, adding, "Who knew you cleaned up so well?" which brought me an immediate one finger salute with her tongue sticking out as she walked into the kitchen.

"Honestly, you two stop it! You're acting like little kids," my mom scolded with a smile on her face.

At that moment, my phone rang with a number I didn't recognize.


"Hello, Chris, this is Mrs. Kramer."

"Oh hi, what can I do for you?"

"Well I made an appetizer and a desert and I need some help bringing them over."

"Oh sure, no problem at all. I'll be right over," I said as I punched the off button.

"Was that your girlfriend next door?" my sister said.

"Shut up. Girlfriend, right," I said with disdain.

"What did she want?" asked my mom.

"She needs some help bringing over some stuff so I'll be right back."

"Ok, and you two had better start behaving or I'll send you to your rooms!" said my mom.

I walked outside and thought it was pretty cold today as I went up and rang the doorbell.

When the door opened my jaw almost dropped as she let me in and closed the door. I thought I detected a hint of alcohol on her breath as she walked by me but that wasn't why I was surprised. She was wearing a white blouse with a Blue sweater over it, and a black skirt with black nylons and heels. The skirt was knee length but had a generous slit on the side.

"Happy Thanksgiving, Mrs. Kramer."

"Happy Thanksgiving to you too young man, "she said with a smile for the first time ever.

"Mrs. Kramer, if you don't mind me saying so, you look very pretty."

Upon hearing that, her smile widened a bit to display a perfect array of white teeth.

"Why thank you very much. It's always nice to get a compliment from a handsome young man."

Man, I must be a in a Twilight Zone episode, I thought to myself. She's actually being nice to me. It's either the weather, the booze, or something else, maybe sunspots.

"Here, Chris, grab this plate for me please and I'll carry this tray."

I opened the door and let her pass by and I caught a whiff of some perfume that absolutely smelled fantastic, like freshly cut roses. She locked the door and then we walked over and I opened the door for her to go in.

My Dad stood up and went to grab the tray from her.

"HI there, you must be Donna. I'm Fred, Chris's father," he said carrying it to the kitchen, "And this is my wife Joanie, and my daughter, Terry."

As he made the introductions, I could see my Dad having a hard time taking his eyes off of her cleavage which was tastefully yet graciously displayed. While not low cut, the blouse definitely accentuated her ample bosom.

After exchanging pleasantries, my Mom and Mrs. Kramer gave Terry some apps to bring out while my Dad poured drinks for everyone. We all went out to sit down and of course, my Dad took the recliner again with my mother and Mrs. Kramer sitting on the couch, leaving me and my sister to share the love seat. Mrs. Kramer was on the closest side of the couch and when she crossed her legs, the slit revealed quite a few of her legs, to the point that I started to wonder if she was wearing a garter and stockings. My sister sat down next to me and as she did, her skirt rode up a bit giving me a very nice view of her toned nylon covered thighs.

Just don't get caught staring, I thought to myself.

We sat around and had some small talk as Mrs. Kramer spoke about her little dress shop.

"So, Donna, are you originally from the area?" my Mom asked.

"Oh yes," she replied, "Born and raised, I met my late husband in high school."

"I'm sorry, dear," my Mom said.

"Thank you sweetie," she said. "We were married for thirty years but he passed away a year ago due to a heart attack. One day he was fine and the next..." her voice trailed off.

"I'm sorry I brought it up."

"No, no, it's ok. I have been doing fine and I love what I do now so things are really good," Mrs. Kramer said.

We instantly all felt bad and my mother quickly changed the subject.

"Well I hope Chris has not been a bad neighbor."

"Oh far from it. I hardly know he's here. Although he does work a lot of hours, I'm guessing."

My sister leaned into me and said, "He's always been like that. No time for girls." As she did so, she lightly rubbed my leg with her hand in a gesture that normally would be a loving gesture between siblings but in this case went through me like sticking your finger in an electrical outlet.

During the next few hours, we had a great meal along with lots of wine and beer. After dessert, we sat in the living room and continued our discussions. During this time, I found out that Donna had no children and was an only child herself, with barely any relatives, thus the reason that she did not have a lot of company. As I heard her story, my heart went out to her as she was essentially growing old and approaching retirement years alone, with no one to share her life with. As she talked, she would occasionally look over at me and smile.

Of course, my mom went through my history as a student and a runner and then of course bragged about my being an Eagle Scout and all that other stuff.

"Wow, I didn't realize I lived next door to such a successful young man," she said.

"I'm not sure about that, but thank you," I said.

"He's always been modest," my mother said with a hint of pride, "I just wish he would take more time to enjoy himself."

"Aw Mom, I get out now and then. Besides, I have a lot of responsibility."

"Honestly, you need to get over that stupid girl," my mom said.

Embarrassed, all I could manage was a "That is over and done with and when I'm ready I'll get back out there."

"It's ok, Chris," Donna said, "You have plenty of time besides, girls your age can be tough, I know," and her and my mom both laughed.

Looking over at my sister asleep against me, Donna and my mom smiled.

"You and your sister are pretty close, huh," asked Donna.

"Yes, we always have been, she's a pain in the rear sometimes but she's a great kid."

"She is lucky to have you, "she said.

It was now getting to be about 9:00 and it seemed like everyone was starting to run out of steam. Dad of course had fallen asleep in the recliner, and my sister had fallen asleep with her head on my chest, with her legs draped over the arm of the loveseat, her skirt just covering her crotch."Well, I think I am going to be going now," Donna said, yawning.

"Well, it's been great having you with us and a pleasure," said my mom. We have to get up in the morning to go to the airport anyway. Son, why don't you walk her back?"

"Sure, Mom, just let me get rid of this dead weight here." I got up carefully, and put a pillow under her head, threw an afghan over her and she didn't move.

Grabbing the plate and tray that Donna had brought over, I opened the door and let her out and walked her over to her place. She opened the door and I walked in behind her.

"Where do you want me to put these?" I asked.

"Oh just set them on the kitchen counter, please," she said. "I just need to go to the bathroom really quickly so don't leave yet,"

I walked in and set them down on the counter, noticing that her house had a very Martha Stewart type of touch with all kinds of little decorating details. I was standing in the living room and looking at some of the pictures she had up and didn't even hear her come back in until she was right beside me. I turned to her and before I knew it, she was giving me a big hug so I hugged her back.

"Thank you for a wonderful day," she said, a slight slur to her words, holding me tight and pressing those big tits against me.

"You're welcome. I'm glad you could come over and meet my family. And it was really nice to get to know you. It took us way too long," I said.

"I agree and by the way, that girl had no idea what she gave up, if you don't mind me saying."

"That's nice of you to say," I replied.

Pulling in even closer so that our faces were mere inches apart, she said, "There are plenty of women right in front of your nose if you look," she said and all of a sudden, she kissed me lightly on the lips and then grinning, leaned her head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. As she did so, she wobbled a little bit and I grabbed her tight to make sure she didn't fall.

"Oopsy," she said, "Maybe I should sit down for a minute." as I kept my arm around her to steady her, I directed her over to her couch and almost fell on top of her as she settled in. As I turned to her, I noticed that a couple of buttons on her blouse were now undone, giving me a full view of the swell of her breasts, contained by a white lacy see through bra. She was now leaning back against me and my left arm was pinned behind her.

"It's these damn heels," she said, kicking off her shoes.

"Oh you naughty boy, you have your arm around me," she said giggling. Getting up closer to my face, she leaned over putting her mouth near my ear and whispered, "What is it you want?"

"Well, it's kind of late, and I should be getting back home, so maybe we should pick this up some other time," I said. Oh man, this is totally crazy. By now I was totally hard but kept thinking about the fact that my family was probably waiting on me and I didn't want to start any more stuff than was already stirred up.

Ignoring me and giggling, she reached over and kissed me hard on the lips, and grabbing my hand, pushed it onto her blouse to feel her. The feeling was awesome as I had never felt ones this big before. Parting my mouth, we began to French kiss, as she put her hands on my chest. I cupped her boob, rubbing my hand back and forth over it. She then ran her free hand down to my stomach and stopped, as my erection was now clearly visible through my pants.

"Harder," she said, as she put her hand on mine and squeezed. As she moved her hand down again, I grabbed her wrist and gently moved it so that her hand was now resting on my ever-growing manhood. When I let it go, I moved my hand back to her chest and while she didn't squeeze me, she didn't move her hand either.

"Mmm, speaking of hard," she said. By this point, I had my hand inside her blouse and could feel the silky smoothness of her bra. I was just getting ready to unbutton another button when all of a sudden; she broke the embrace and started to get up.

"Oh God, I'm going to be sick," she said putting her hand over her mouth. I got up to help her as she staggered into the bathroom and got down on her knees to hug the toilet. As she did so, she immediately began to throw up. Kneeling next to her, I rubbed her shoulders gently as she continued to heave. Reaching up, I grabbed a towel and handed it to her so that she could wipe her mouth.

She wiped her mouth and then looked at me, her hair completely disheveled. Tears were in her eyes as she opened her mouth.

"Oh I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," she sobbed.

"Nothing to be sorry for, how are you feeling?"

"My stomach feels a lot better but I feel so foolish about what happened..." her voice trailed off.

"Can you stand up?"

"I think so, if you help me," she said and I held on to her as she got up.

Helping her, we slowly made our way up the steps. Getting to the top, I helped her to her bed and threw back the covers and then laid her down.

"Stay here for a second, I'm going to get a trashcan and some water for you just in case." I found a small trashcan with a liner in it and set it next to the bed. I then went downstairs and fished a bottle of water out of her refrigerator and brought that back up as well. She was now lying on her side, facing me.

"Oh Chris, I'm so sorry for this. I feel totally embarrassed. How can I face you...?"

"Donna, it's ok. No harm done, and besides, I think you're beautiful," I said smiling as I leaned over and kissed on her on the forehead. She smiled and then almost immediately passed out. I sat there for a few minutes to make sure she was ok and not throwing up anymore. It was a huge turn on to see her laying there with her boobs half out and her skirt ridden up. Before I covered her up, I had to have an answer to the question so I pulled her skirt up enough to see whether she was wearing stockings and she was! Damn, that would have been fun, I thought. The next thought that crossed my mind was that was a pretty perverted thing to do so I put her covers over her and walked out of the room. I locked the door on the way out and casually looked down at my watch, thinking I needed to get moving to go home.Oh crap, I've been gone for almost an hour! How the hell am I going to explain this I thought as I opened my door and closed it and locked it? As I turned around, I saw that the recliner and couch were empty, meaning that my parents had gone to bed. My sister was still zonked out on the loveseat so I figured I would just leave her there. I turned off the light and went upstairs to my bedroom.

I noticed that the door to my parent's room was shut so they were probably asleep. I walked into my room and closed the door. Taking my tie off, I threw it on my dresser and sat down on the bed, taking my shoes off. As I did so, I thought I heard steps and then a door close and I figured it must be my sister going to bed. I took of the rest of my clothes except for my underwear, turned out the light, and got under the covers.

The buzz I had from the wine was pretty much gone after the events next door and I was a little tired as I laid my head down to go to sleep. What a weird f-ing day! I never imagined any of it happening, particularly being turned on by my sister, and I damn sure never had a woman throw up on me before. Ok, maybe not on me but near me.

Eventually I fell asleep and the next thing I knew it was 6:30. I had originally told everyone we would get up at 7 in order to have time to get ready to get to the airport. Of course, I knew my mother would be the one getting me up instead of the other way around as she was the early riser in the family.

I drove the family to the airport and said goodbye, my sister crying a little as we hugged. Quite honestly, I was looking forward to going home and having a few days to myself of some normal time and just relaxing. As I pulled up to my place, the thought of what happens next with my neighbor immediately popped in my head. But, I was pretty tired so I walked in, shut my door, turned on the TV and lay down on the couch. I was pretty tired and a little hung-over and I ended up falling asleep.

The sound of the doorbell woke me up. I looked at the clock and it was 5:30 PM. Holy Cow, I slept all day. Who could be at the door?I walked over and it was my neighbor, Donna or Mrs. Kramer, or whatever I was supposed to be calling her. I opened the door with a smile.

"Hi Donna," I said.

"Hi Chris, did I catch you at a bad time?" she asked.

Well looks like Donna it is.

"Oh, no not at all," I replied, "Come on in, I had taken a nap when I got back from the airport. I've been asleep ever since."

"Oh ok, well I won't stay long. After my day, I have a feeling I'll be asleep early myself."

She walked past me and her scent filled my nostrils like flowers in spring time. She was wearing a nice skirt and jacket combo with heels and nylons of course and looked fantastic. I motioned for her to sit down and she did in the loveseat.

"That's fine, so how are you feeling today? You had to get up and work didn't you?"

"Well, "she said haltingly, "That's why I stopped by. Yes I did and I will get to bed early tonight but I'm not quite sure what happened."

"What do you mean?"

"I was a bit drunk last night, and I remember you walking me home and vaguely remembering getting sick...."

"Oh don't worry, no problem at all. I just helped you upstairs and made sure you were ok before I came home."

"Well I really appreciate it but I am so embarrassed. I haven't had that much to drink in a long time," she said. "I didn't do anything bad?"

"Believe me, it's quite alright. I think everyone here had a bit too much as well and certainly no one noticed and I didn't say a word. A gentleman knows how to be discrete," I smiled.

She smiled back at me and spoke, "That's the other thing. I just wanted to also apologize for the way I've treated you the last few months. You have been a nice young man and I have been a total bitch to you. I honestly don't know why I've been that way to you; I guess I've put up such a wall since the death of my husband..."

"Well, I did kind of wonder, but it's all good, Donna. I think yesterday was just what we needed. Let's just start from scratch, put all that behind us and move on."

"That sounds great to me," she said and she stood up. "You really are a gentleman."

Ha, if you only knew or could remember the half of it, I thought to myself.

Before I could stop myself, I blurted out, "Hey, if you aren't busy, would you like to go out to dinner tomorrow night?"

"Why, I'd love that," she replied instantly, surprising me. "Where?"

"The Ranch.. Is that ok?"

"Wow, pretty high class place. We don't have to go there, we can go somewhere else. Besides, wouldn't you rather go out with someone your own age?"

"It's not that expensive and I'll forget the age thing," I said smiling. "I know you have your shop to run, what time is good?"

"Why don't you pick me up at 7 and we can eat say around 7:30?" she said.

"Done. I'll set it up and see you tomorrow night," I said as I walked her to the door.

"Great. Thanks again for understanding."

"Not one more word. It's all forgotten."

What the hell was I thinking? The answer is, I wasn't.But I didn't really have much of anything else to do, and I wanted to get out a bit now that my family was gone. And besides, not only did I still kind of have the hots for her, but she was turning out to be a decent woman, and I was starting to want some company.

The next evening rolled around really quickly. I took a shower, shaved and got dressed, putting on a coat and tie since the restaurant had a dress code. It was a bit chilly, being two days after Thanksgiving, so I threw on an overcoat and backed my car out of the garage, and left it running to warm up while I went over to get Donna.

When she answered the door I was once again struck by how classy she always looked. This time, she had on a navy blue dress that went just below her knee, blue hose, heels, and a string of pearls finished off with a full length fur coat.

"Wow you look beautiful," I said.

"Oh, you're sweet. And may I say you look very dapper."

She locked her door and I walked her over and opened the door to my Explorer. Given it was an SUV, she had to step up to get into it. Unfortunately, with the long fur coat on, it denied me a hoped for peek at her thighs.

Dinner was a great experience and the time flew by as we ate our meals and had coffee and dessert. The conversation, while at first was a bit awkward, eventually flowed easily and after a few hours, you would have thought we had known each other for years.

I found out that she wasn't as old as I had been thinking and in fact was in her early 50s. Her husband had died about a year ago and had left her enough money to open her own business. Having worked in the fashion industry as a buyer, she decided to go out on her own with a small boutique dress shop that was doing quite well and in fact, was frequented by some of the upper crust of Boston social circles. She was an only child and really did not have a lot of family save for a few cousins down south.

We got in the car and drove home. As we pulled up to the driveway, I stopped and said, "How would you like to come over for a bit? I can build a fire and we can sit around and chat. I mean, that is if you want to. "

"That sounds wonderful," she said.

Parking the car in the garage, I led her in my place and took her coat and hung it up in the closet with mine and draped my suit coat over the recliner.

"Why don't you make yourself at home while I build a fire?"

"Sure," she said. "Do you want me to make you a drink?"

"I still have some wine in there from the other day; I'll take some of that."

I set my iPhone in the dock and turned on Spotify to a mellow station. Then, I kneeled down and worked on the fire After I got it going, I stood up and as I did so, I felt her hand on my shoulder and as I turned she handed me my glass of wine.

"Thanks," I said and noticed that he glass was on the coffee table in front of the couch so I went over and sat down next to her. She leaned into the corner of the couch and had kicked her shoes off and folded her legs up underneath herself as she sat back holding her glass of wine.

"Well, who would've thought a few months ago that we would be sitting here like this," I laughed.

"Oh my gosh, I know," she laughed back. "This is really nice, having a fire on a cold evening and relaxing and talking, I had forgotten what this is like..." her voice trailed off.

Not knowing how to respond to that, I took a sip and then slid over and put my arm up on the couch and she readily slid under it and leaned her head on my shoulder a bit.

We just sat there for a while, neither one of us saying anything, staring at the fire, listening to the music.

"This is really nice," she said and I looked down at her and nodded. "What are you doing going out to dinner with an old woman like me?"

"You're hardly an old woman, and besides, I think you beautiful."

"You're so sweet," she said as she reached up and kissed me on the cheek, and then leaned further into me, putting her arm around my back and her other one draped across my midsection as she put her glass on the table. I leaned forward and set my glass on the table as I started to rub her arms and shoulder. Between the fire and her body, I was feeling kind of warm including some stirring down below. Her head was facing down and I knew if she was looking at my crotch she's be able to tell that I was getting a major boner. I reached down and unbuttoned my shirt collar and loosened my tie.

"Hmm, getting a little warm?" she said with a hint of flirtatiousness.

She slid up a bit and brought her lips to within inches of mine.

"Thank you for a wonderful evening," she said and closing her eyes, kissed me on the lips.

"No, thank you," I said and kissed her back; our lips eventually parting and my tongue meeting hers. We made out for a minute or two in a sitting position, and then I adjusted myself to lie on my side, and she lay down next to me, alternately kissing and looking at me, smiling. We started to make out harder, picking up the pace, probing each other's mouths. Her hand rubbed back and forth across my chest and stomach as I ran my hands down to her knee and then slowly rubbing back and forth, worked my way up her thigh, sliding her dress up as I went. Her thighs clamped together a little to stop me so I stayed an inch or two above her knee, but I got high enough to know that they weren't pantyhose.

"Oh God, I have to tell you, I love stockings on a woman."

"Oh really now," she said, "I'm glad to know that."

Moving to my neck, she began kissing me and, she gently nibbled on my ear as she breathed into it. The effect was electric and blood flowed instantly to my member. I grabbed her hand and pulled it to my crotch, and she began gently squeezing me and rubbing back and forth. My hand went to her chest and began massaging her large breasts through the outside of her dress. Damn I wish she was wearing a blouse, I thought. As we continued to kiss, she would occasionally pull off, taking a quick breath and then going back at it. I kicked off my shoes and then slid my leg in between hers, my knee in between hers as I increased the pressure of my rubbing her chest.

"Oh man," I said.

"What's wrong?"

"Well, I don't know how to say it delicately, but my erection is straining my pants."

Kissing me again, I felt her hand on my zipper and slowly unzipping my pants. Then, she undid my belt as I unclipped my fastener.

Reaching in, she said, "Hmm I'm betting briefs."

"Actually boxer briefs."

"Mmm, nice," she said as she reached inside the fly of my underwear and began rubbing me. "I figured you were probably big down there."

As she felt me up, I moved my hands behind her and reached the zipper of her dress. Slowly, I began to pull it down. Giving me no resistance, I continued to pull it down and then reaching back up, started to pull the top half of her dress down.

Pulling back a bit, she shook her head, "Take it easy, sweetie, not so fast," and I decided to go back to trying to feel her nylon covered legs. As I did so, she continued to rub her hand along my cock which by this point was rock hard. My hands made their way to the tops as I could feel the fasteners. Wanting to encourage her, I took my hand from underneath her dress and put it around her fingers to get her to pull my cock out of my pants. As she pulled it out, the pressure of her tongue in my mouth increased, and she pulled back gasping as she looked down.

"You have a nice one," she said.

"Oh that feels so good," I said, "Don't let go."

She lightly grasped my shaft and began moving up and down, the precum oozing out of it as she used it to lube me. As she did so, I slid my hands up her leg, parting her thighs as I could now feel her skin above the tops of her stockings. She quickly took her free hand and grabbed me, stopping me from going further, pushing my hand back to her knee and removing her hand from my cock.

"I'm sorry, hon, I just can't move that fast. It's been a long time...."

"It's ok, "I said pausing, "I understand, but I'm so turned on right now. I mean I'm so hard."

"I know and I feel bad, I didn't mean to lead you on," she said. "But I don't think I'm ready to go all the way yet," she said. Then, chuckling, she added, "I haven't used that phrase in about 30 years."

"Well, I hope you don't mind, but I have to do something about this, "and as I said it, I took my hand and began to work it up and down my shaft.

Feeling her hand on top of mine, she kissed me and softly said, "Let me do it."

I changed position to lie on my back and she moved in, her head up a bit in the crook of my shoulder, looking down at my swollen member as she began working her hand up and down on it. She looked back at me and our mouths parted as our tongues wrestled. As we kissed, I reached down with my outside arm and began rubbing her stocking covered leg.

"Oh this feels great, harder, harder, make me cum," I said. My breathing got shallower and shallower and all of a sudden, I broke our embrace as I grunted loudly. The first stream erupting and nicking my cheek as it hit the couch behind my head.

"Wow," she whispered, as she continued to stroke the length of my shaft. I had my eyes closed as shot after shot of hot sperm hit me all over my shirt as she attempted to aim it away from her. My hips were thrusting into the air with each ejaculation as I finally got release. Finally, the flow slowed down and I opened my eyes to see her red colored fingernails on her hand wrapped around the mushroom head of my cock, white strands dripping off of them. I was now very sensitive and I gently grabbed her wrist to stop her motion. She then held her hand up in the air.

"Do you have a towel," she asked. I quickly shed my shirt and handed it to her and told her to use that and after hesitating, she did. After she wiped her hand off, she wiped off my cock and shoved it back inside my underwear.

"Holy shit, Donna that felt awesome."

I'm glad. You poor boy, you had that built up for a while didn't' you?" she said and kissed me on the lips.

"Well, you really turned me on. It was more about you as I don't remember ever cumming that hard. I mean, the tip of my head actually hurts from the force. You are so hot."

At that, she grinned at me and flashed a 1000 watt smile.

"IT's been so long since I felt so beautiful and wanted. And, I'm sorry I wouldn't let you go any further. I really wanted to, but I'm a little old fashioned and was confused because it has been so long and you're the first since..." her voice trailed off and I could detect a bit of sadness.

"No, don't worry about it really, "I said. "Was I a little disappointed? I'd be lying if I said no but I get it and I want you to enjoy it too and be comfortable."

"Aw, thanks, you're such a gentleman." She said. "Don't worry; good things come to those who wait."

We held each other that way for about an hour or so and dozed off on the couch. I loved the way that she felt and smelled. Eventually, she got up saying that she had to get up in the morning and go to work and asking me what my plans were. I informed her that I was starting midnight shift on Sunday night so I was getting ready to live like a vampire. I got up and walked her to her place and she quickly went inside and closed the door. It was cold as hell so I ran back and went inside my place as well.

I went upstairs to my bedroom, took off my clothes and got in bed to watch some TV and fell asleep, wondering what the new normal was going to be in my life.As the week went by, I found myself missing Donna, and wondered whether she felt the same way. Of course, being on midnight shift, I really didn't get much chance to see her as she would leave her house about the same time I was getting home from work. I did want to talk to her though because I had gotten an email at work. Our employee committee had put together a Holiday Party for next Saturday and we needed to RSVP by Friday. I left a little early on Friday morning to get home and as I pulled up she was walking out of her door.

"Good morning, neighbor," I said.

"HI there, stranger, "she said, "or should I call you Dracula? "And we both laughed. We stood there for a second making small talk when I mentioned about the party.

"So, you're sure you want me to go with you to this party?" she asked.

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't ask you," I replied.

"Yes but how will it look, you with some old lady?"

"Geez, don't worry about that. And, you are definitely not an old lady like I told you. Hell, look at all the celebrity couples. Besides, I won't hold the age difference against you if you don't hold it against me. You can take pictures and make your friends jealous of you with a young stud," I laughed.

"You know what, you're right!" she said. "I don't care what anyone thinks, except you."

"Ok, so can I put you down as a yes? By the way, it's formal so I will be wearing a tux so you will have to wear whatever the female equivalent is."

"Female equivalent?" she laughed. "You're not too up on social things are you?"

"Nah, for me, paper napkins are a social upgrade from paper towels."

Rolling her eyes, she walked over to her car and said, "Well, I have to go but yes, put me down, it's a date. See you later handsome."

Well that was stupid, I thought. Now I have to go buy a tux.

Over the course of the next week, I was back on the day shift so I was able to see her but she seemed pretty busy. I did notice that she apparently was coming home, changing, and then going to the gym. If nothing else, she is pretty amazing as her workout attired from head to toe always matched. Other than to say hi, we were pretty much ships in the night.

Being the junior manager, I got the duty for the Holidays. I was actually kind of glad that I wasn't going to be able to get out to the West Coast for Christmas as I figured it would give me more time in my pursuit of Donna.

On the Friday before the party, I went to the men's shop and picked up the first tux I had ever owned. I had to admit it really looked sharp and of course, they talked me into another few hundred dollars' worth of things like cufflinks, buttons, etc. I figured she wouldn't be able to resist but to make sure, I also had a dozen roses sent to her dress store with a card that just had my initial on it. After work, a bunch of us went out for drinks at a local bar. A few of my friends were surprised that I was bringing a date to the party as no one had ever seen me out with anyone. The running joke was whether or not I would bring an air pump with me to inflate her in case something happened. (In other words, a blow up doll). The other one was what is his name. As we were sitting there, I got a text message with a picture of the flowers and a heart emoticon that said, "Can't wait!!!!" Smiling, I put my phone back in my pocket.

The Saturday of the event came and I got a phone call about 10:00 from Donna confirming that I was picking her up at 7. She then went on and on about nails, hair, etc. that she had to get done so she wanted to make sure she was on time. At that point, I was thankful I was a guy. Hell all I had to do was shower, shave and get dressed. She also said we would take the Mercedes tonight and if I was a good boy, she'd let me drive.

At around 6 I went into the bathroom and proceeded to start getting ready. As I started to get dressed, I started to think about what kind of underwear I should put on and decided on boxer briefs. I thought about boxers but figured I would probably be getting a woody pretty early on and the boxer briefs would be better at containing everything. After struggling with the bowtie, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought to myself what a damn good looking dude.

I grabbed a single rose that I had bought and walked over to her door and rang the bell. As I stood there in the cold, my heart started beating about 100 miles per hour and I had that nervous pit in the stomach of anticipation. The door opened a crack and I hear her yell for me to come on in as she just needed another minute.

I walked in, closed the door and stood in the little foyer.

"Ok, here I come," she announced from the top of the stairs.

When I looked up, I was completely speechless. She looked like something out of a movie. Her hair was immaculately done and curled. She had on a red evening gown that screamed elegance, beauty, and class. It was strapless, with a plunging neckline revealing the most incredible breasts I had ever seen, coming up only about an inch or two above her areolas. The gown had a slit up the middle that when she moved just right, flashed about halfway up her thigh. She was wearing a short pearl necklace with pearl bracelets and matching earrings. The whole ensemble was finished off with black hose with a diamond pattern and red heels. The gown hugged her curves nicely and the only thought that came to mind was classic buxom beauty. In fact, she looked about twenty years younger. She came down the steps and walked up to me and kissed me on the cheek.

"You can close your mouth, now, handsome," she said smiling.

"Oh my God, you look beautiful," I stammered.

"Mmm, so you think I look presentable enough to meet your co-workers?"

"More than that. I have a feeling I'm going to be fighting them off all night."

With that, she smiled broadly, flashing a megawatt smile and looking at the rose, she reached out and said thank you as she took it and laid it on the table by the foyer.

"So these must be related to the ones I got yesterday?"

"Well, I wanted it to be a special night."

"Mmm, I think it will be, "she said. Grabbing her fur, she handed me the keys and then made her way to the door. I walked her out and opening the passenger door, I let her in, and shut the door. As I got in, she leaned over and kissed me, saying that she thought I was the most handsome man she's ever seen, a remark which instantly caused a stir in my boxer briefs.

On the way there, she put down the sun shade and proceeded to put on bright red lipstick. When she was done, she looked over and puckered at me.

"Damn, Donna, you just look so, so so..."


"I don't have words, honestly. You look like someone out of a movie or TV."

"I'll take that as a compliment."

We got to the hotel where the dinner was and I pulled up to the valet. I handed the guy $20 and he immediately hopped to and told me he would take good care of it. I walked up to her and she put her arm in mine and we walked in and headed to the ballroom. After checking her fur, we walked over to the foyer outside the ballroom where the cocktail hour was already underway. A few heads turned when they saw her and I knew the guys were thinking I wish she was with me and the woman were just pissed that she looked so good.

"Nervous?" I asked.

"A little. I mean, I don't know anyone here and they're all going to be wondering who the old lady is,"

"Ok, that's the last time I want to hear that. You are not old, you don't look old, and for the record, you are the best looking woman in the place. Now what do you want to drink?"

"Probably a glass of chardonnay," she said.

"Coming right up."

I got the drinks and we made our way over to a couple of overstuffed leather chairs next to a table and sat down. About a minute later, a couple of the guys I worked with came over.

"Hey Chris, how are you?"

"Fine guys, how are you guys?"

"Good, man, you look like 'The Great Gatsby' who's this?" Asked Mike, staring directly at Donna's cleavage.

"Mike, this is Donna, Donna, this is Mike and Henry."

"Pleased to meet you both," she said and smiled at them.

"So where are your dates?" I asked.

"Well, they're probably out there somewhere," said Henry, adding, "We just haven't met them yet."

We all laughed and sat around and talked about different things. Eventually, the doors opened and we made our way to a table and sat down. After a few typical corporate speeches about how great we were, they finally started bringing out the food and we settled in. I introduced Donna to the others at our table and dinner went on uneventfully.

Once the dance music came on, we continued to chat and a slow song came on and so I figured I would ask her to dance. The dance floor was packed as would be expected with a slow dance, and we began to move.

"How are you holding up so far?" I asked.

"I'm having a ball," she said, "Your friends are hysterical. They are really funny but they are also a bit on the geeky side."

"Well it's the kind of work we do, it attracts us."

"I don't think you're too geeky, besides, you're much better looking," she said and put her head on my shoulder as we moved along. The scent of her perfume wafted through my nostrils and filled me up as the soft feeling of her curves was like touching a soft flower. The best part was watching everyone staring without looking like they were staring at her and when she had gone to the ladies room, the guys were high fiving me and telling me how lucky I was.

For the rest of the night, we would alternate dancing and talking, and she was a good sport, even dancing with the guys at the table. It was obvious she was having a great time.

After a few hours, I leaned over and said, "You're having a ball aren't you?"

"I didn't expect to but I really am! I haven't had this much fun in years!"

"Oh, then I guess, you wouldn't' be open to leaving?"

"I thought you'd never ask," she said as she reached under the table and ran her hand up and down my thigh.

We got into the car and pulled away. I looked over at her and she had adjusted her gown so that the slit revealed most of her right leg as she crossed it over her left.

"Like what you see? Better keep your eyes on the road."

"Uh, it's kind of hard not to," I said.

"I'm counting on that, she said, "the hard part anyway."

"I'm glad you enjoyed that, "I said.

"It was a ball! Everyone was really nice although I think your friends need to learn how to look a woman in the eye."

Laughing, I responded, "Maybe, but in defense of my gender, it's kind of hard not to look. Isn't that kind of dress designed to show it off? I've always been confused."

"Yeah I can tell by the smirk on your face that you've been kept up nights pondering it."

After getting home, I pulled into the garage and we got out and walked inside her place. She hung her fur up in the hall closet and I pulled my coat off and draped it over the stairs.

Damn, she looks pretty good from behind, too, I thought.

"Do you want something to drink, I'm going to pour a glass of wine," she said.

"Actually, if you have a beer, I'll take that."

"Sure, I have some Guinness in the fridge is that ok?"


"Why don't you find us some music on TV?"

I turned on the TV and quickly found some soft rock and turned it on. As I sat back, putting the remote down, the lights in the place dimmed a bit and then she walked in carrying a wine glass and the beer.

"I didn't bring you a glass for your beer because I noticed you don't use one."

"Ha, real men don't use glasses for beer. That's a drinking violation."

Rolling her eyes, she sat down next to me, "Whatever."

"I have to say, you look incredibly beautiful."

"Thanks, sweetie, flattery will get you everywhere," she said winking.

We looked at each other for a moment, each taking a sip of our drinks, listening to the music, letting the feeling of the moment wash over us. I put my drink down on the table and then, reaching over, took hers and set it down on the table as well.

We moved into each other and kissed, gently at first, but quickly increasing the intensity, as both of us had been anticipating this moment. Although I was already stiff, I didn't want to rush it. Last time, she had gotten nervous so I figured going slow and letting her set the pace a little might be better. Besides, for some reason, it wasn't just about the sex.

Damn, am I falling in love with her?

"Hey, a penny for your thoughts. Are you with me here?"

"Of course"

"I was just thinking about us and how lucky I am to be here with you right now."

"Aw, that's so sweet," she said as she leaned in and we resumed our embrace. I moved my hand down to her chest and the started rubbing the exposed skin of her breasts as she ran her hand back and forth up and down the length of my thigh, stopping just short of my crotch. I moved my hand down to cup her, and could feel the outline of her nipple. I started to try to expose her bra when she stopped me.

"I guess I'm moving too fast?" I asked.

"No sweetie," she said, "The gown is kind of tight and I don't want you to rip it. Here," she said as she turned," unzip it a little in the back."

I got about half way down her back and she stopped me and then, without a word, she got down on her knees in front of me.

"What are you doing?"

"If you can't figure it out, then you need to go back to school, hon," she laughed, "Besides, I should have done this for you last time." And, with that, she pushed my legs apart and getting in between them, she moved up and unfastened and then unzipped my pants, maintaining eye contact the whole time. She reached in and pulled my waistband down. I sat up a bit to allow her to pull them down and my cock sprang up at her, hitting her gently on the lips.

"Wow, looks like someone is ready to go tonight," she said as she gently started to caress it.

"Oh my God, I've dreamed about this," I said.

"Mmm," she said, licking the head," Pressure's on. I'd better do good then, but I haven't done this in years, so let's see if I still remember how to do it."

Taking her one hand, she firmly grasped my cock as she licked at the base, her other hand gently massaging my balls. The sight was incredible, as I looked down, she will still fully dressed, her ample tits forming two large bell shaped curves in the background as I watched her head go up and down the length of my manhood, a red ring around it as her lipstick wore off slightly on it. She moved up and licked around the head of it and kissed it, as my precum was flowing steadily out of my cock. She licked it and looked at me and then moved up to kiss me, sharing the taste of it as she moved back down and slowly worked the entire length into her mouth, swallowing me. When she got it all in, she flicked her tongue a little on it which caused me to twitch, having never had a woman do that to me before. Gradually, she began moving up and down the length of me again, and as she did so, I put my hands on her head. Gently, she twisted her head to get my hands off of her and she shook her head as a subtle signal to sit back.

Taking me out of her mouth, she stroked my cock as she took first one, and then both of my balls gently into her mouth and then popped them out. Gently, she nibbled on my sack as she continued to go up and down with her hand, twisting it back and forth as she went.

Not missing a stroke, she let go of my balls with her mouth and said, "How am I doing>"

"Oh God, don't stop, Donna, this is the best blowjob I've ever had."

Laughing, she kissed it and then gripped the head tightly and moved up and kissed me on the lips.

"I don't want you cumming yet, I want to make you to beg me to make you cum."

Reaching behind me, she grabbed my ice cold beer, and put the cold bottle against my cock as she kept a firm grip on the head. The cold bottle numbed the feeling a bit.

"Never seen that before," I said.

"Just a little something I've picked up over the years."

Setting the bottle back down, she surprised me by engulfing my erection in one move, going all the way down to the base. She slid her lips back up and then, taking her hands off of it, began licking it. My cock stood straight at attention and waved around a bit as she licked it and then grabbing it, slowly worked her mouth back on it, and as I opened my eyes, I saw her looking directly at me, as if to establish that she was in control.

As she continued to move her mouth up and down on me, I reached down and pulled her gently off of me.

"I'm going to cum soon," I said.

"It's ok sweetie, "she said as she licked my hand, "I want to swallow you and taste you."

My head rolled back and all I could do in reply was moan as I felt her mouth take my head in, this time, stopping just below the ridge as she licked my piss slit. Gently, she bit the head of my cock as I could feel my balls beginning to tighten, my eruption imminent. Keeping her lips wrapped around the mushroom head of my cock, she began working her hand up and down the length bringing her hand up to her lips while her other hand cupped and kneaded my balls. The feeling was indescribable as I tried to hold out but my resistance was futile as my cock began to convulse and the first contraction of my cock took place as I could feel myself shooting into her mouth. Leaning forward slightly, she formed a seal around my cock as she continued to stroke my cock up and down, milking the cum from me. The pressure on my head was incredibly tight as she had clamped down and it almost hurt as she was trying to control the flow into her mouth with her lips. I leaned my head back again and closed my eyes as I completely let go and my cock continued to ejaculate with force, as I was trying to overcome the pressure she was exerting on me. Wave after wave continued to flow and as I looked back down, she gagged a bit as if choking, and as she took her lips off of it, I could see the white sticky stream flowing down out of her mouth and down my shaft. My sperm dripped off of her lips and down her chin as she continued to pump me dry. Eventually, the flow stopped and I got a bit light headed and actually saw sparkles in front of my eyes. She nodded her head downward as she tried to swallow what was in her mouth, and then, looking at me, she expertly licked up the remainder around my cock.

Finally, I broke the silence as she got back up on the couch, wiping her lips with the back of her hand as she kissed me, my cum still on her lips.

"Holy shit!"

"I'll take that as I did a good job," she said, "I'm pissed though because I wanted to swallow all of it."

"I'd say you did a damn good job of it"

"You know, I never swallowed a man before, not even my husband."

"You didn't have to, hon."

"I wanted to and besides, you earned it for sure. You have been a perfect gentleman. What I can't believe is that you are still semi-hard."

Reaching down, I handed her the wine glass and grabbed my beer.

"Thank you," I said, "You definitely blew my mind."

"Actually, sweetie, I blew your dick," she said and we both laughed. "I read in Cosmo that guys love to have fully clothed blowjobs."

"That's in Cosmo?" I asked incredulously.

"It is."

We sat there on the couch for a few minutes, neither one of speaking, sipping our drinks. Her gown had slipped down a bit revealing a red strapless bra. My pants were slightly down and my semi-erect penis was flopped to the side, my shirt still fully buttoned and my tie still tied.

"That's quite a sight," Donna laughed.

"Yeah how the hell did that happen?" I said as I pulled up my underwear.

Leaning over to kiss me, she stood up, pulling her gown up over her bra, and said, ""I'm a little uncomfortable with all this stuff on. Give me a few minutes and we can continue this upstairs and, by the way, when you do, just bring yourself, leave the rest of that stuff you have on, down here."I sat back and watched her walk upstairs and heard her bedroom door close. I couldn't believe how awesome this and I began to take my clothes off. I peeled everything off and sat there, naked sipping on my beer for what seemed like an hour when I heard her call my name.

As I walked up the stairs, I could only imagine what might be next. The bedroom was illuminated by candles and the bed was turned down.

"Go over and sit on the bed," she called from the bathroom.

"Ok, I said."

The light went out in the bathroom and as my eyes began to adjust to the low light, I saw her.

"Don't stare," she said as she slowly walked to me.

"I can't help it."

"I'm a little self-conscious."

"Don't be. You're beautiful, I keep telling you that."

She stood in front of me, wearing a black camisole, which came down to her waist. The black patterned stockings turned out to be suspender hose and underneath, were a pair of red panties. There was a little hint of a stomach which on a younger woman would be a bit of a turnoff but on her, just made her voluptuous. Finally, a glimpse of her huge tits, I thought, which hung down from her chest. Her nipples were large and were easily seen through the sheer fabric of her lingerie.

I stood up and wrapped her in my arms, and we kissed.

"Oh man, you are so hot, and you know what I think about stockings."

"I remembered and figured this would be better because you don't have to take them off of me. I'm guess by the reaction of your little friend there that you like it?"


"Men like their women to be ladies outside the bedroom, and sluts in it."

I leaned in and kissed her stomach as she draped her arms over me. Moving back, I sat on the bed and kissed her, reaching around and grabbing her ass. As I did so, my hands roamed up underneath her camisole, and finally cupped her tits. Standing up, I leaned in and first sucked one, then the other into my mouth, paying careful attention to the nipples as she gasped and rolled her head around. As I continued to suck on her tits, she kissed the top of my head, moaning softly. Bending at the knees, I began rubbing her thighs up and down, loving the feel of the nylon on my hands. Taking her hand, I turned her around and picked her up, and gently laid her on the bed, standing at about her midsection and looking down at her. I continued to rub her legs with one hand as I reached down and fondled her breasts with the other, while she reached out and placing her hand on top of my cock, gently pulled back and forth on it. Smiling, I kissed her on the lips and then climbed into bed, positioning myself between her legs. I looked up at her and then, I started licking, going down to her toes and then licking all the way up the inside of her calf and thigh, my tongue running over the soft silkiness of her nylons. I ran my tongue over to her crotch and licked her pussy through the fabric of her panties . She shivered for a second as I did so, and then she reached down and undid a snap on the side, and flung them to the floor.

"I was wondering how I was going to get those off without making you take off her your stockings."

"Just shut up and keep doing what you're doing," she said with a smile.

I continued to lick down the inside of her other leg, and as I licked her, I ran my hands gently inside her thighs. She was moving her legs around a bit and her right hand was playing with her swollen clit while her left hand pulled her boob up and she licked it. Wow, that is hot as hell; I never was with a woman who could do that.

I Iicked back up to her pussy and then started licking up and down, my nose rubbing her clit as I did so. I then took two fingers and gently inserted them into her as I licked and nibbled on her clit. Her thighs then moved together to squeeze my head, making it a little hard to breath as she also put her hands on top of my head and tried to push me inside of her.

"Oooh yessss," she whimpered as her whole body trembled slightly.

Taking my hands, I squeezed together her labia and turning my head slightly sideways, licked up and down the length of the folds, hitting her clit as I went back and forth. The reaction was immediate as her head started moving back and forth and legs started to shake almost uncontrollably, her tits moving around as she pinched her nipples, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she moaned. Her eyes were closed tightly as her midsection tightened and her whole body shook, her legs thrashing about.

"Oh my God, I'm cumming, don't stop. Don't stop baby," and she made a noise that was part shriek and part moan at the same time. Her breathing was short and rapid and after another minute, she pulled my head off of her.

"Holy shit, I've never come like that before," she said,"I need a break for a second, it's so sensitive."

I moved up and kissed her, not bothering to wipe the juices off my face, and kissed me back deeply, tasting herself on me.

"Where the hell did you learn to do that?" she asked, "I've never had an orgasm so intense."

"I picked it up along the way," I laughed, "Did I meet your standard?"

"I'm never letting you get away, that's for sure, where've you been all my life?"

"Next door," I replied and we both laughed.

Reaching down, I pulled the camisole off of her and threw it on the floor. Leaning back down over her, I positioned my cock over her pussy and she reached down and stroked it a few times, rubbing it over the entrance to her pussy.

"Let's see how good you do with this thing," she said and she guided me in. She was so wet, my cock went all the way inside her up to the hilt, and she grunted for second.

I began, slowly at first, sliding myself in and out of her pussy. I was a little surprised because I expected her to be a little loose but it was actually kind of tight, and I could feel her squeezing me as I moved inside her. Her tits were bouncing around and I leaned forward, sucking first one, then the other as I fucked her. She reached around and grabbed my ass, pulling me in as I continued to fuck and we kissed as my chest mashed her tits against me, her legs now moving up and around my back. I loved the way it looked, seeing her stocking covered legs wrapped around me as I plunged in and out of her.

"Oh baby, I love fucking you," I said.

"Fuck me hard then, baby, fuck me, give it to me you fucker."

Hearing her talk dirty like that to me was all the encouragement I needed as I picked up the pace, pulling out just enough so that the head of my cock was at her entrance, and then sliding it all the way in. As I continued to pump, I looked down and saw her tits moving with a mind of their own, moving sideways, up and down at the same time. Her finger moved down to play with her clit as I pounded her.

"I'm going to cum all over you."

"Oh, so nasty," she said, "I want to see you cum."

My balls started to tighten up as I could again feel that familiar feeling and I pulled out.

"Stroke it for me, make me cum," I screamed.

I moved up and straddled her midsection as she reached down and stroked me harder and I began to shoot my load. The first wave shot out like a rocket, and hit her flush on the chin. It was quickly followed by another shot that hit her cheek and then I grabbed it. Squeezing her tits together, I shot all over them, the white hot stickiness dribbling down her cleavage. I then took it and moved it around, shooting all over her stomach, the flow covering her with shiny streaks of white fluid. Grunting, I finished off by rubbing it off on her thighs, the color of it making a nice contrast on her black stockings.

"Wow," I said.

"Wow is right," she said, and looking down at herself, "Eww, I'm covered in a sticky mess."

"Sorry, stay right there, let me get a towel," and I jumped up, grabbed a towel and came back, handing it to her as she cleaned herself off.

Lying down beside her, I kissed her again.

"You know, I've never let a man do that to me. No one," and then added, "Let me guess, you saw that in a porno movie and wanted to try it."

Laughing, I replied, "I guess so, I was just so turned on it seemed like the right thing to do."

Squeezing my cock, she said, "To be honest, I always wondered what it would be like. As long as it doesn't get in my hair, I guess I'm ok," she laughed.

As we lie there, she confessed that her sex life with her husband had not been good and in fact, they hadn't had sex for a couple of years prior to his death. She also said that he'd never gone down on her and that with me, she had already done things that she never thought she would ever be able to do.

"Sweetie, do you mind if we go to sleep?" she asked.

"No that's good, hon, I think I'm empty."

She kissed me and then turned away on her side and I moved forward getting next to her and draping my arm over her, grasping her breast and we fell asleep.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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