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32.95% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1351: MAKE A WISH

Chương 1351: MAKE A WISH

Steve stood in front of a mirror; his fingers pinched his face tightly while he checked for any cracks that may have appeared in the past few hours. His eyes were attentive with his mind focused, while he went through each and every pore on his light bronze skin to notice if the little purple dots had somehow multiplied in numbers. He remained in that same pose for a good fifteen minutes, observing himself, inch by inch, all over his body.

The dots were a sign of the time that was left. He had to fulfill his task before midnight or else...

The floor felt cold and hard as he fell down on his butt and sighed in relief at the halt in their numbers. Their increasing numbers were slowly driving him towards the crazy actions he had to undertake in order to stop them. The momentary pause left him enough room to breathe and rethink his course of action.

To calm his panicky mood, he did the one thing that had never failed to bring joy to his soul for the past two months; he took his tool in his hand and stroked it to an erection. A proud smile floated across his pale face at its huge proportion. But this momentary bliss passed much too soon. Instead, his soul became muddy by the feelings of impending fall, and fearful of the shameful retreat into the obscure confines of relative anonymity.

"Do I really have to do it?" he asked his reflection in the mirror. His voice sounded timid and very much unlike the dominating figure staring back at him.

The words of the Djinn rang loud in his mind like a blaring alarm would in a plant full of explosives. They kept reminding him of the task yet to be accomplished and the glory, the adoration, the power, which was on the line.

Listlessly, he picked himself up and took a look at the costume hanging on the left side of his cluttered wardrobe. His face darkened at the sight of it, the stark reminder of his previous shortcomings. Disgust bubbled inside his heart when he touched the fabric.

It was a Robin, the one he loathed to wear, the one which had fit perfectly on him, the one he settled to love, and the one he was set to wear two months ago. Afraid that he would get scalded if he held it for too long, he flinched back from it.

He then looked to his right and smile came upon his bleak face. It was a Batman, the one he wished to wear, the one he had had tailored to his hunky frame, the one he loved, the one he was set to wear that evening. Smirking at the memory of how it came to realization, he took it in his hands and felt the smooth texture of the material between his fingers.

He was still reminiscing about that momentous day when the sudden knock at his door startled him awake from his reverie. He hurriedly dressed his naked self as he went to the door. The husky voice and the constant tapping told him of the intruder to his sanctuary. He opened the door fretfully, only to be greeted by an angry face of his obnoxious elder brother.

"Shit tard, how long does it take to answer your door."

"I was-"

"We are leaving in fifteen. Don't leave the front door unlocked like a stupid idiot!"

"I'm not a-"

"Who are you going as?"

"Must be that same fucking Robin thing you wear every year!"

"Fucking dweeb!"

Steve could only watch on with clenched teeth as his brother insulted him and then walked away arrogantly.

He seethed at the withdrawing figure of his brother. Same as every other time in his short life of eighteen years, he was left feeling like an extra in a movie starring his brother as if he was there just to make up the numbers, to help the protagonist blow off some steam.

He stomped towards his wardrobe and took out the Batman costume. The crushing snigger and the volleys of insults hurled at him took care of any vestiges of reluctance. He'd had enough of being a punching bag. Determined to go through with what would be a life-changing event for his family, he donned the costume.

"I'm going to do it! I don't give a fuck anymore..."

He paused for a moment when the smiling face of his mother floated across his eyes. He thought about the damage he could end up doing in the end, one they might never recover from. But his misty eyes turned steely just as soon.

He knew there was no turning back from it. He had tasted the fruit that was popularity and fame, and he was determined to cling on to it until his last breath. Even if it meant going against everything and everyone he held dear.

"That Djinn better not be lying..."


Two months ago.

Steve Harper was walking down the street, his backpack fastened to his back and his hands holding the straps running down his shoulders. He looked a little haggard and his hairs were a bit ruffled. This was not an unusual sight, for he followed the same path from his school to his home, and he looked the same troubled kid in all of his days as a high school student.

Every day for the past two years and counting, he would say his goodbyes to his three friends at the front gate of their school and then watch them take the bus or ride their bikes home while he had to walk in the opposite direction. He would walk the same route to and from his house to the school despite the few misgivings he had to encounter on a daily basis.

Every day when he was confronted by the bullies in the neighborhood he would silently pass by them because he didn't want to invite any more trouble. But it wasn't as bad as it could have been with his thin and short frame, given that the Harpers were well known in their relatively small city and his brother was Shawn Harper, not someone you want to be on the bad side of.

After the little humiliating affair with the bullies, he would quietly disentangle himself from them and then he would walk steadily towards a place only he was privy to. That was his haven, his safe place.

It was a deserted pond, so he didn't have to worry about having to contend with anyone about the right to relax on its bank while gazing at the peaceful scenery. He loved to spend hours of his time sitting there in the quiet of nature, away from the judging eyes of his father. And away from the constant ribbing from his elder brother, a place he had all to himself.

He would leave only when it would get a little darker. He would then walk back the little path he came from and trudge on the way to his home.

At his home, his only respite was his mother. She was a loving woman and kept his brother in check whenever she was home. Sadly for him, it was a rare thing for her to spend much of her evenings at home with her family. Being a councilwoman, she spent most of her evenings in her office and was usually late when she got in. For most of the past year or two, only had enough time to kiss him goodnight before he went to bed.

So it was just like any other day for him when he reached the small pond. But today he felt a little chagrined at the way his life was going. He had yet to go on a date this year and he knew that chances were slim that the situation would change anytime soon. He observed his reflection in the clear water and sighed ruefully at the pathetic sight that greeted him.

"Fuck! Why!?"

He cursed at the unfairness of life. Both his father and brother were handsome and tall men but only he turned out to be a short and scrawny thing. His confidence was shot due to it, and it especially hurt when his brother's fiancée gave him pitying looks.

He rained down curses upon everything and everyone while throwing pebbles in the pond. It was the first time that he had done this with such vicious and cruel intent as it was not in his nature to act in an outrageous manner.

Suddenly, a strange mound of dirt caught his eye. So in his flared state he ran up to it and kicked it hard. He kept kicking it until he ran out of energy, protesting about the way the world treated him. The dust made him cough violently and he wheezed for a few good seconds as he sat down on the grass.

It was then that a loud noise echoed in the peaceful surrounding.

His eardrums nearly burst and his vision turned dark. He tried to move away from the source of the noise, the weird mound, but his limbs refused to listen to him. He felt suffocated and shackled, unable to do anything but watch helplessly as the cloud of dust slowly gathered into a blurry figure. His face turned white due to fear when that blurry figure took a solid form.

He shut his eyes in hopes that it would disappear, but no matter how many seconds passed he still felt the ominous presence breathing down on him. He was moments away from passing out when the figure spoke to him.

"Tell me your wish!"


He opened his eyes with a start. The figure was floating in front of him and he gulped in a breath as he gazed upon the dark, creepy being. He was seldom scared of anything and never had believed in ghosts or spirits but he had no other explanation of the weird phenomenon that was happening to him.

Fearfully he asked it in a quivering voice, "Are you a Djinn?"


The Djinn grinned at him, its sharp, yellow, teeth coming to the fore. Steve would have been scared silly if not for the strangely melodious and enchanting voice. When the Djinn spoke to him, he felt calm despite the outlandish scenario.

He was still afraid of it but much less than before. And when the Djinn had confirmed his guess, he felt much better. His shaking also slowed down considerably. He composed himself and raised his eyes to take it in its entirety.

It was huge and creepy to look at, with only the torso of a human being and a long ponytail attached to the back of its head which circled around under it. Its skin was pitch black and its eye sockets were empty and it was grinning wildly with its purple tongue sticking out the from between the cracks in its teeth.

'This isn't what a Djinn should look like!'

He kept this thought to himself in fear of making it angry. He took a quick peek at the dirt mound but there was no lamp in sight. This worried him a little bit. In every story that he had read or heard, there was always a lamp.

"There is no lamp?!"

The Djinn flew up in the air and circled around the pond a few times before it came back to float in front of him. Its grin broadened as it repeated the earlier words in the same honeyed tone.

"Tell me your wish!"

"Only one?!"

"Tell me your wish!"

It repeated the same words but Steve felt that somehow the tone carried a little menace which was absent before. He didn't dare to ask it again and thought hard about what he should wish for. The first thought was money, he rejected it instantly. There was no shortage of things in his life and he was confident in his ability to earn for himself after he completed his studies. The second thought was world peace; he rejected it as well but only after a moment's thought. There were far more pressing issues in his situation than thinking about the problems of the world.

Finally, after wracking his brains he settled on what he thought would serve him well for the rest of his life, the one thing he absolutely abhorred about himself. He asked the Djinn to turn him into a tall, handsome, dashing man with an eight inch dick between his legs.

The Djinn seemed to snicker at his pedestrian wish but agreed to it nonetheless.

Steve was glad that Djinn agreed without any questions or conditions and didn't dispute any of the various little tweaks he had asked for. He wanted to be turned into the best looking man he could think of and he had asked Djinn the same. He waited patiently, but his mood soured when nothing happened after a long while.

"Nothing's happening?"

"All wishes take twelve hours to come true."


Steve felt weird that it would take time before the wish came true but he didn't mind it that much. He kept checking his body to see if he could notice anything different.

Suddenly, he realized that the Djinn had not disappeared as it should after granting his wish. He was overjoyed at the possibility that he had two more wishes left. But just when he was about to ask it for superpowers, the Djinn's booming laugh echoed in the surrounding once more.

Steve cursed under his breath. In his excitement, he had completely forgotten about how odd the whole situation was. He had a bad feeling about making a wish to the creepy being. And it was just then...

"You have to pay the price!"


Steve cursed at his continued bad luck. He knew nothing ever came for free but in his moment of weakness, he fell for its trick. He wanted to run away, and yet he didn't because he had a sinking feeling in his stomach that if he tried to go back on his words, then something terrible and beyond his wildest imagination would plague him for the rest of his life. He had no clue why he felt that way, but he was sure it would come true.

"What do you want?" he asked fearfully and devoid of the earlier enthusiasm.

The Djinn took its time before it opened its mouth.

"You will lose all that you wished for if before the Halloween night is over, and you still haven't..."

'This is it!'

"... mated with Amanda!"

"Yes!" Steve shouted his agreement as soon as the Djinn said Amanda's name.

They both turned silent at Steve's unusual reaction. The Djinn stopped its grinning. Steve felt as if he was being looked like an object of amusement. He knew he had fucked up. The Djinn obviously wanted to make him uncomfortable by asking him to fuck his brother's wife to be. But Steve let out the secret in his relief of getting a task which while not being ideal was still doable.

Now they were both aware that this task was not much of a price to pay. In fact, it may happen to be something that Steve could very well enjoy. Steve nervously glanced at the Djinn, waiting for it to make its decision.

Suddenly the Djinn closed in on him, its face grinning from ear to ear. Its twisted nose crashed onto his and the noxious smell coming out of it made him dizzy.

"... and bedded your mother!"

It was the last thing he heard before he fainted from fear and shock.


When Steve woke up, the moon was up and visible. The scenery around him was picturesque. A pond illuminated in the moonlight with thick groves around it. But Steve was in no mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery around him. He crazily searched for the dirt mound yet he was unable to spot any sign of it.

"Was it all a dream?" He muttered to himself.

After a few minutes passed and there were no changes to the surroundings, Steve gave up. He couldn't make sense of the situation. Though he was grateful to be rid of the creepy entity, there was an obvious disappointment. But the nightmarish smile of the Djinn as it jumped on him, right before he passed out, was still fresh in his mind, and it was a big deterrent to any feelings of regret.

He picked up his backpack and gave a long look at the tranquil pond. The same pond he had always loved and cherished seemed a lot lonelier all of sudden like it had lost its charm. He walked a full circle around the water body and when nothing seemed to happen, he skeptically walked away.

On the way home he entered the first store he laid his eyes on. He went into the restroom and washed his face vigorously. Looking in the mirror, he chuckled at himself for being so foolish to believe in such a fantastical thing.

"You all right man?" The store clerk asked him when he left the restroom.


"Okay... you should buy some new clothes."

He gave the clerk a confused look. He had never talked to that person before in his life and it seemed weird to listen to a stranger's fashion advice.

"Those look short on you!" The man chuckled good-humouredly.

Steve gasped in shock as he checked himself in front of a mirror. The clerk's words were true that his clothes did look a lot short on him. He was baffled because moments ago everything was normal but now he had to deal with this new problem, and the sudden change rocked him to his core. He quickly took his leave from there and bought some new clothes. These were much bigger than his actual size.

'It just may come true!'

It was what he thought when he made his choice and in turn also bought some other things like shaving kit, underwear, condoms, all in preparation for a miracle that could happen the next day.

While he was doing all this, he felt as if he was forgetting something important, something which was crucial in deciding how he lived for the next two months. He felt like he should not forget it as he knew it by heart, yet it evaded him. No matter how he tried to remember it he just couldn't quite get a hold of it and every time he did so, the Djinn's grinning face would appear in front of him, haunting him.

A little later when he reached his house, he found that only his father's car was parked in the garage. Grateful that he wouldn't have to explain anything to his mother and wouldn't have to deal with his brother, he slipped in without making a peep and went straight to his room. He got naked in a hurry and studied himself in his mirror. His muscles seemed more pronounced and he felt as if he was an inch taller than the last time he measured his height.

With relative difficulty, he reined in his excitement and decided to sleep in the nude just so that his clothes may not become an obstacle.


When he woke up the next morning he felt different. He felt better. He felt as if every cell and tissue in his body pulsed with life like he was structurally different from his previous self. He quickly checked his crotch and exclaimed in joy when he took his thick, erect member in his palms. It was what he had wished for, an eight-inch cock.


He spent a whole hour in front of his mirror trying to burn into his mind every little detail of his new and improved self. The first thing he noticed was that he had become tall, really tall, and no more was he that scrawny little thing. His frame had filled out, his pectoral muscles were well defined and his abs were prominent. He had more than a few extra pounds of muscle mass to support his core.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!"

He thanked the creepy Djinn for granting his wish. There was a sudden sinking feeling in his gut but he ignored it and concentrated on doing pushups. He was not much surprised when he easily reached a count of a hundred.


He became sure that everything was for real and not just an illusion. All of the changes to his body were not just there to make up an empty shell. Now if ever those bullies tried to make fun of him he could just wipe the floor with them.

He did a little more exercise and tried to work his muscles. Though he felt a little out of sorts, he very quickly got comfortable with his movements. He was delighted and found it hard to contain his happiness. He wanted to shout out of the rooftops but he knew that would only attract undue attraction towards him so he held himself back but only just.

After he freshened up, he dressed in the clothes he had bought the previous evening. Thankfully they fit and didn't make him look like a clown. He took a little time to admire himself and style his hair before he left his room.

Suddenly, he felt nervous to face his family. He realized he can't think of any excuse for his sudden overnight transformation. He very well couldn't tell them that Djinn granted his wish, they would think he was crazy, anyone would. As he thought more about it he decided on denying everything, if anyone mentioned it, he would just brush it off as the opposite party not paying attention to him. For the first time in his life, he felt happy that only a few people were even aware of his existence.

He prayed to the Djinn as he left his room. His brother would be out already so that was a relief in itself and his father never cared for him much so he was more than a little confident that he could get away with the flimsy excuse. The main problem was going to be convincing his mother. If he could somehow evade her sharp senses and motherly instincts then fooling the rest of the people would be a piece of cake.


Susan was busy preparing breakfast when she saw Steve come around the corner. She stopped her hands and turned all her attention on him. She observed him as he seemed especially fidgety. Her eyes narrowed as she stared at him.

Steve felt more and more nervous by the passing second. He was scared that the jig was up and he would have to confess all to her. His voice skittish, he greeted her.

"Morning Mom!"

"You look... different."

Susan hummed. He looked odd to her as if he had grown a foot taller or something like that. Even his body looked muscular and hunky. But somehow she felt a voice telling her that it was all normal, that he looked the same as he did a day before.


"Well anyway... you look great. Have you been going to the gym behind my back?"

She felt weird even as the words left her mouth. She was sure that he was one of those people who absolutely hated the word gym. But once again a voice disrupted her train of thoughts.

Suddenly, a burning smell filled the area.

"Oh Mom, something's-"

"I know!"

Susan turned off the gas and got busy to make a new batch. While she did so, she kept looking back at him from time to time. And just when Steve felt that she was about to call him out, one thing or the other distracted her and she seemed to forget about it.

'Fucking Djinn!'

Steve chuckled to himself. He didn't know how that Djinn was doing all this, but he loved it that he didn't have to do anything and the problem had resolved itself on its own. Now he was confident that nobody was going to catch on to his sudden transformation.


Susan dropped a fresh pancake on his plate and asked in a concerned voice, "You are good for time, right?"

"I should be fine."

"Maybe I can give you a ride..."

"It's fine Mom!"

He pulled her down on the empty seat next to him and felt great at how effortlessly he was able to do it.

"I still don't get why you refuse to buy a car! We have the money for it."

"It's fine. I like walking."

He was telling the truth when he said that. But there was another reason for it; if he had a car then he couldn't get to the small pond without leaving it a few good yards off the road. He felt afraid of the possibility that someone would steal it from there, and then he would have his father to deal with.

"Maybe your father can do it..."

Just then Oscar Harper walked in and took his seat from across his wife. He glanced at his son and paused for just a tad longer than usual before picking up the newspaper. He didn't seem to notice any change to the ordinary and buried himself in his newspaper.

'I figured as much...'

Steve scoffed at his father. He wondered if he even needed the Djinn's help to divert his father's attention from his transformation. He was quite sure that his father wouldn't even register it even if some car totaled Steve.

"Honey, why don't you drop Steve on your way to work?"

"Fine." Oscar groaned through his throat from behind the newspaper.

"Now you won't have to hurry!"

Susan tousled her son's hair before giving him a kiss as she went to get changed and ready for the busy day ahead.


Steve whined as he fixed his hair. As he watched his mother about to disappear around the corner, he felt a stir in his loin. It was not an unusual thing for him. But for the first time, he didn't feel ashamed because of it. No, he felt worthy of her. For far too long he had been ashamed to even call himself as her son, with his below-average looks and persona, but not anymore.

He felt great like he could be the one his mother deserved. But first, he would have to grow a lot more to really be worthy of her companionship, for that to actually become a possibility, even if that was only in his fantasies. He promised himself that he wouldn't be the same gloomy person any longer and try his hand at all the different things he had denied himself till now, just so he could be ready.

"Let's go!"

Oscar announced as he left to get his coat and the keys.


Throughout the ride to school, Oscar didn't say a word to Steve. Only once did he make a passing comment about owning a car as a senior in high school. Steve was fine with it as he didn't have anything to tell him either. The time passed in relative silence with both father and son ignoring the other.

Steve got out of the car and walked to the school gate with his head held high. He wondered about the reactions of his friends and teachers, about how the Djinn would distract so many people at the same time. He felt countless eyes on him as he stepped in the hallway but for the first time, he didn't cower like he used to. He walked proud and steady. With a newfound swagger in his steps, he entered his classroom.

When he sat down among his friends, their reactions were just as he had imagined, mildly confused.

"Steve you..."

"... look-"


His three friends then all said something along the lines of him being a little sharper than usual. He cracked a joke about 'how a new hairstyle makes a new man' and all four of them burst into laughter. And though they looked at him from time to time, no one said anything more on the subject.

What really surprised him though, was the reaction of everyone else in the classroom. They behaved as if he was a transfer student, new to the class, and kept giving him glances throughout the duration of the class. Even his teacher seemed to be a little more engaged towards him.

Steve was further amazed when a group of his classmates flocked around him in the hallways and around his locker. The chatter around him enforced his confidence and he felt the top of the world. The more the people seemed to be praising his looks, the more confident he grew in himself. So much so that when there was even an invitation to try out for the swim team, he jumped on it.

'That's a great idea!'

He had always wanted to join the swim team but was too insecure about his physique and the prospect of being the butt of jokes at the shower stalls, to try his hand at it. Now that the problem regarding his body and his tool had been resolved he had no qualms about it anymore.

He was easily selected as his lap time was the best among all the prospective recruits. He was surprised by his time as it was his personal record and took a moment to thank the Djinn.

Suddenly he was much the center of attention when he left the locker room. Girls were giggling at him instead of treating him as air. There were a few flirtatious glances and a lot more curious peeks as he passed by them. People were smiling at him and trying to talk to him, and he was sitting with his new, popular "friends" in the cafeteria.

Everything had changed around him but it was much too sudden. He didn't feel like he thought he would. When he looked around himself, he could help but scoff at the shallowness of it all, 'Looks like I made the right choice with my wish!'

Yet his mood turned rosy when Vera, his crush, waved at him. He swooned in his seat and couldn't stop smiling at the unexpected turn of fate. He reflected that only yesterday he was but a background character who could merely gaze at her from afar, and now he was being waved at by the most beautiful girl in his class.

'What could be better than this?!'

For the rest of the day, things continued in the same vein. There were a lot of surprises, some little some not so much. He swaggered to the front gate after saying goodbyes to his new friends only to watch his buddies ignore him and take a different path. He was shocked by it. He was very much looking forward to boasting to them about his swim team achievement.

Suddenly he realized the divide that had emerged between them and sighed at the dirty reality. He felt a little sad for himself and them too, and not even the sight of a smiling Vera made it better.


He walked back towards his home on the familiar path, alone with his thoughts. When he passed by the dreaded area, the hunting grounds for small-time bullies, the situation got tense. He stared at them from a distance but nobody seemed to be making any moves. He walked away after a while, humming a low tune as he scoffed at them in his mind.

'Scared!? Just like that?!'

His feet stopped when he reached the little path that led to the deserted pond. He stood unmoving as he thought about going in and hanging out by the banks of it, yet he never raised his foot in that direction. There was the whole Djinn business but more than that he didn't feel a need to go in like there wasn't a point anymore to spend his time there all by his lonesome.

'It's over isn't it?' He heaved a long sigh.

For better or for worse, he had changed. And this was to be his life from now on. He sighed heavily before he continued on the road to his house without turning back to take a single glance.


Present. Amanda's House

Steve sifted through the drunken crowd as he looked for Amanda. He was a little late and the party was already in full flow. It was just like any other Halloween party, with lots of booze and lots of weirdness. He felt a lot of grabs, at his crotch and his ass, while he navigated his way in.

He marveled at the size of the party. Amanda's parents were loaded, he knew that but he never thought that they were extravagant to this extent. The decorations were top class and costly, he should know because he helped make that sale. There were spare costumes for people who didn't manage to get one in time. And the food and drinks seemed fancy as well.

'Shawn lucked out.' He thought about his brother about to marry the only heir to the Pearson fortune.

Steve searched around for any signs of Amanda but had no luck. He was looking for a pair of Batman and a slutty nurse, the costumes for his brother and Amanda, as he scanned through the crowd. There were a few good slutty nurses out there too, but none of them turned out to be Amanda in the end. He spotted a few Batmen but none of them was his brother.

'Such bullshit!' Steve snorted at the number of people who had dressed up as Batman, which was funny as all the three men in his family were in a Batman costume too.

It had started as a funny idea, Oscar and Shawn as Batman and Robin. When Steve came along after a few years, Shawn suggested that they should change it up. Since he was the elder of the two he would be Batman and Steve would be Robin. The family thought it to be a great idea as it was much better for a pair of brothers to do it instead of a father and son. And that was the start of how Steve got stuck with that stigma and that costume.

So tonight, Steve had purposefully donned the same costume as his brother and his father because it served as a symbol of his transformation, and it also helped in his plans to trick his would-be victims.

"What's the time?" He asked a slutty firewoman.

"I'll show you the time!"

Steve quickly evaded the drunk and horny woman's attempt to hang on to him but still managed to sneak a glance at her phone.

'Nearly five hours till midnight!' He gnashed his teeth in frustration.

Midnight, it was the deadline after which he would be back to his earlier self. He couldn't imagine how that would feel.

'Like Cinderella or some shit!'

He chided himself for stalling it till now. He had long known about the deadline but he waited and waited, and now he had only a few hours left to go through with it. He had been between two minds for much too long and it had led to his current situation.

The truth was that he didn't want to do it. He didn't want to bang his brother's girl and he most definitely didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with his mother. It was the only thing that held him back. For all the changes he had been through since his transformation, he still loved his mother dearly and dreaded to disappoint her.

It was two weeks ago that he recalled the condition put forward by the Djinn. Since his mother was away at the time, he took it as a sign and resigned himself to his fate. It was hard to take at the time but he made his peace with it. After all, he had been used to it, and it's what he thought at the time.

Then surprisingly his mother returned earlier than expected. He was caught off guard by it.

"Oh baby! Did you really think I wasn't going to be home at Halloween?"

Susan had laughed at his shocked face.

"I may be busy but not that busy!"

That was more than a surprise. Suddenly, he had a decision to make once more. He had thought that he wasn't fated to enjoy his transformation beyond the Halloween night, but now it was on him to make a choice; his own status at the top of the food chain vs. the risk of losing his family. It was not an easy one. Not even the one about Amanda.


A pair of soft hands wrapped around him from behind. He recognized the person from the voice, it was Jodi. The woman he worked for as a part-timer; the long-lost friend of his mother's, who had relocated to their city only recently; the woman he had been fucking for the last three weeks; the woman he had lost his virginity to.

She was a gorgeous, mature, sexy woman and every tiny action of her exuded lust. She was one of those women who could make you crazy for them by just a simple flick of their hair, who could make you go weak in the knees just by a simple glance at your direction. With her long eyelashes and her mysteriously charming smile, she was a beauty to behold.

Joan Holloway, that's what she had dressed up as. She was a natural redhead, with a top-heavy figure and a big booty to go along with it. All it took was a touch of makeup, a sixties hairdo and the outfit, and voila she was it.

Steve smoothly took her in, his arms resting on her wide hips.

"Hey, yourself!"

"You look fantastic! But I already knew that." Jodi giggled and pecked his lips.

"Good thing we kept your mouth free and open for business."

She gave him a long kiss this time. Steve returned it enthusiastically. He pawed her meaty ass and ground against her crotch.

"Are you sure it's a good idea? You shouldn't be molesting your friend's son in the open view of everyone!"

"It's fine. No one knows me here and I only got the invite because I sold them all this stuff."

Jodi felt his cock throb against her, so she hissed in his ear, "And if the son is such a hottie, everything's a fair game."

Steve sucked in a breath at that sinful phrase. It was the same thing she had said before she seduced him for the first time.


Three weeks ago

"So what are you thinking for your costume?" Jodi asked the young man sitting across from her.

Steve was deep in thought, and he didn't realize that she had been talking to him. She shook her head as she smiled at his silly yet endearing behavior.


She was very grateful that Steve had been helping around in the store. He was attentive and patient with the customers, apart from the times when he was lost in his thoughts, and overall was a really nice kid. She liked him.

'And it doesn't hurt that he's such eye candy!'

She had asked him if he was a model or ever planned to go into modeling but he had refused her shyly, said that he wasn't interested. She had told him that it was a shame in her opinion because she had seen much worse models make a name for themselves.


Jodi went behind Steve's chair and put her arms around his neck.

"Yes. Sorry!"

"I asked you something!"

She breathed sexily beside his ears.

"What are you planning for your costume?"


Steve replied enthusiastically and instantly.

"Really!?" Jodi snorted.

"You're better than that. Come on think something different. You have all these costumes at your disposal. You can be anything you want!"

"Well, sure. But it has a special meaning in my case."

"And you can't tell me, right?"

He smiled apologetically. Jodi stared at him for a while as if she was contemplating something before she dragged him from his seat.

"Alright then, let's go. I have something special for you!"

She led him to the back and searched for something in the packed boxes.

"So tell me, you like working for me?"

"Of course! Initially, I agreed because my allowance suddenly felt short of my needs. And since I didn't want to bother my parents, it was the best option. But now I very much like it."

"Yeah?! Just for that, you've earned a kiss!"

Jodi jumped on him and smooched his cheeks.

'Fucking Cute!'

She thought to herself as she saw his blushing face.

She kept ogling him for a while before she once more went through the boxes. Finally, she pulled out a Batsuit and handed it to him.

"What do you think?"

"It's the same as my father's!" Steve shouted in surprise.

"Really?! Huh, some coincidence."

Jodi runs her hand over his arms and smiles dreamily as she says to him, "Why don't you try it out? See how it looks... "

When Steve seemed skeptical about it, she nudged him by squeezing his arm between her massive boobs.

"Please! For me?!"

He agreed, embarrassed and blushing.

She watched him go to the dressing room and had to hold herself back from smacking his tight ass.

'So fucking cute!'

When he came out donning the suit, she marveled at how amazing it looked on him.

"Tell you what, you can keep it and I will even make sure that it fits you perfectly."


"Yes. But you'll have to wear it for the whole day today."



They were closing for the day, it had been a slow one with not many customers, and Steve asked her what had been on his mind since the morning, "Why did I have to wear it inside the shop? For the whole day too!?"

"Oh come on! You can't be serious?!" Jodi smirked as she said that.

Steve honestly didn't know the reason why she had put forward such a weird condition and told her as much.

"Oh so you are serious!"

Jodi strutted right up to him and let out a hot breath on his neck. She grabbed the massive bulge in his pants and throatily let out, "Do you understand now?!"

"Jodi, we shoul-"

"Shh..." Steve turned silent when Jodi placed her long, beautiful finger over his lips.

"Women love confident men," She whispered and then unzipped his pants and pulled out his dick to jerk it in her hands.

"Well, I can't deny the charm in your innocence though..."

Steve gasped breathlessly, dangerously close to cumming.

"It's alright. You don't have to impress me. I won't tell anyone!"

"But if-"

She gave him a long smooch, this time on his lips. Steve swooned on the spot. He felt her tongue creep in inside his mouth and the taste of hers drove him wild for more.

"You're so cute! I won't abandon you just because of that."

Jodi held his gaze, her eyes serious and clear of the cloud of lust, and her tone became sober.

"As long as you wish, I will always accompany you."

"But I don't have any expe-"

She gaped and jerked him with renewed fervor. Her voice once more laced with honey, she uttered, "Don't worry, I will teach you everything."


"Yes, just like that. Cum for me."


It was after that time that the purple spots started appearing. And it was those purple spots which reminded him of the condition laid down by the Djinn.Present, Amanda's House

"Well as much as I want to take you to one of the many empty rooms in this mansion and fuck your brains out..."

Jodi pumped his cock from over the costume before she continued, "I can't."

She did a quick twirl and let her hands trace her curves.

"I have to use this and make some money off of these rich drunks."

Steve snorted at her accurate read of the situation. Most of the people here were already drunk and vulnerable, not that she needed them like that. He felt that her charm was so sensational that she could have anything she wished. So it was just a paltry thing for her but she could definitely promote her business much more effectively and with no extra cost at the party.

In his heart though, he was just as grateful that she had left. He had grand plans for the evening, and he just couldn't say no to her, no matter how hard he tried.

Steve sighed as he watched Jodi sashay away from him. Shaking his head, he set his mind on the task at hand. He searched around for Amanda as he waded through the crowd and when he couldn't find her, he decided to check her room.

He went upstairs and straight towards her room. He knew it from before when he had delivered all the party stuff and Amanda had invited him in. At the time he found it a little odd that she would invite him of all people to her room but it was all made clear to him when she made a move on him. He was shocked and appalled. He couldn't believe that she was being such a slut. He had his chance then but he had refused her illicit advances. He refused her due to the love he held for his family and his own personal code.

Though Steve didn't like his brother, he still had memories of his brother being nice to him when they were kids. It was only in the recent few years that Shawn had become an asshole towards him.

Steve had warned her not to do it ever again or else he would tell it all to Shawn. Amanda had relented and apologized to him before he left her house that day. Consequently, she had been dodging him ever since.

Because of this Steve was positive that he would be fine even if he got exposed. She had already made her intentions clear and he still had that incident to pressurize her if it ever came to that, and things had changed since then. He was no longer the same man. The cutting remarks of his brother were still fresh in his mind and that combined with the fear of the supposed inevitable made him feel liberated and empowered to go along with the sinful proposition. So he decided to skip knocking on the door and assumed an arrogant stance before entering her room.

Amanda, with her back to him, was inside when he opened the door. He thanked his lucky stars that he had finally found her and then he entered quietly.

"I know you're there Shawn!"

Though Amanda's whiny voice startled Steve, he quickly composed himself. He was further emboldened by the fact that she thought of him as Shawn and it made all the much easier to proceed through with his plan.

"I was waiting for you!"

Amanda moaned as she felt a pair of strong hands on top of her shoulders. She tried to turn around but the man behind her had held her with force and gave her no room to move, not even an inch.

"Ooh... What took you so long?"

Steve kissed her nape in order to not have to answer her question and risk getting exposed.

"You weren't with that slut Mia, were you?"

Steve had to hold in his laugh at the accusation.

"I'm telling you! If you even think about cheating on me, I will dump you!"

The irony in her words was too much for him to hold it in any longer, and he let out a guffaw.

"What you think I won't do it?!"

"I'm serious!"

Amanda was livid. She turned around to give him a piece of her mind. But she stopped in her tracks when she realized that the man opposite her had a different costume than what Shawn was wearing. It looked more like what his father, Oscar, had worn to the party. Eerily so.


"Who are you?" She asked in hopes that her suspicion was wrong because, '... it would be so wrong.'

Steve took off his mask with a start.


Amanda gasped in shock.


"Yes. Steve."

"Wh- What are you doing here?"

She backed off and in doing so stumbled on her feet. Steve caught her in his arms before she could fall down.

"I changed my mind."

She gulped nervously. Instinctively she knew what he was talking about and her pussy tingled at the sudden and unexpected turn in her evening.

"Really?!" Her voice came out more a cheer.

"Someone's happy," Steve tightened his hold on her waist.


"Aww... Look at you blush!"

Amanda's blush deepened as his teasing finger brushed her cheek. She felt hot in his arms. She felt an unquenchable desire to throw off everything and feel his hands on her bare skin. She felt like a million little bugs were crawling over her and the only way to get relief from this torment was to lie in his arms, naked and primed.

Steve took a few steps back and let her stand on her own feet. He circled around her and made comments on her figure as he took stock of her.

Amanda felt like a piece of meat being auctioned off. His eyes were as if he was inspecting the goods before bidding for it. Her breathing grew heavy and her breasts heaved under his piercing gaze.

She loved it.



"Strip your clothes."

Steve clapped his hands to show his frustration and impatience.

"You want to do it, right?" he added when she remained motionless.

"I-I don-"

Amanda had never stuttered like this ever before in her life. She didn't know why but Steve just had something about him that made her weak in the knees. She didn't feel that way before and yet she had been feeling it more and more recently. The worst of all, she didn't know how to resolve the situation other than the obvious.


Amanda bit her tongue and took off her top and her skirt. She wanted to make a show of it but felt an unsettling amount of nervousness and insecurity about herself and her ability to impress him.

And only a couple of weeks ago she was the one who came on to him, she couldn't believe it anymore. His eyes had the same determination that day too, but tonight they wanted her and not the other way around. Next, she took off her bra and panties and stood still with her head bowed down.

"Ooo... Nice!" Steve let out a wolf whistle.

He ran his hands all over her naked body, taking his sweet time to pay special attention to her erect nipples and her wet, puffy lips.

Amanda whimpered in delight as his fingers played with her pussy. She knew she was drenched there and felt ashamed of it.

'He's not even in college,' was the thought going through her mind.

"Shawn has done well for himself."

Steve said as he pushed his fingers through her opening.


Amanda moaned throatily. His scalding reminder about their taboo tryst only stoked her fire hotter. She held onto his shoulders as her knees turned wobbly due to the waves of pleasure crashing into her soul. The sloshing sounds made by his fingers thrusting in and out of her dripping kitty told her of her immense arousal.

Suddenly, Steve pulled out his fingers. Amanda whined in protest and gave him a pleading look. She had never felt so vacant as she did at that moment. His muscular fingers had felt better than any plastic or flesh cock.

Steve placed his fingers below his nose and made a show of sniffing them.

"Hmm... fruity."

He then put them right on top of her lips. Amanda obliged without a second thought. She licked them clean, tasting herself on his fingers. She liked it the taste better than ever like it was somehow enhanced on his finger.


Amanda did as told. She kneeled and waited in anticipation of being granted an audience with her object of worship, Steve's cock. All her recent dreams had been dominated by that one thing. The sinful pleasure of sucking on her brother-in-law's enormous cock, it was what she desired the most.

Steve opened his fly and took out his cock. He stroked over her face and messed her hair with it. After he had marked her face with his juices, he fed her to it. Amanda gleefully accepted her servings. She sucked on it like a lollipop. Her fingers encircled the thick member and her tongue licked its length.

She slobbered on his cock, getting it wet and slippery so that her mouth could effortlessly slide on it. She had never had such a great length to work with and she wanted to make the most of it. But most of all she had never loved a cock such as this and her being called upon her to drown it in her love.

Her mind was focused on doing the best job she ever could. She wanted to draw out a moan of pleasure from him, a groan of helpless resignation, a sigh of satisfaction.

"Ah... You're good!"

Her pussy twitched at the words of praise. She wanted to hear more of them and thus tried to swallow him to the root. She tried and tried but couldn't do it. Alas, it was too big for her. Her eyes teared at thought of never being able to deepthroat his member.

"Awww. Don't be so sad."

Steve motioned her up and gave her a kiss.

Amanda was taken aback by this unexpected sweetness. Since he had entered the room he had been acting a little cruel to her. Though she loved it dearly and wouldn't change a thing as she had never been wetter, she welcomed the change. So she leaned into him and kissed him with all her heart, till her toes gave in.

Steve lifted her in his arms as he went towards the bed. He then laid her down on the bed and got on top of her. His body covered her lithe figure. He cupped her tits and gave a slow lick to her nipples which made her moan.


Amanda felt him from over his costume, her hands rubbed across his torso. She felt a pang of regret that she couldn't feel the heat of his skin. She wanted to experience his rugged build, to breathe in his scent, to wipe off his sweat.



"Will you take it off? Your costume."

Steve smirked at her and asked in a low voice, "Have you earned it?"

Amanda's whole body jerked and she squirted her juices. A simple, single sentence of his was enough to make her cum, and she came yet again when she realized it.

Steve shook his head and took off his Batsuit.

"I have to take it off after that display, right!?"

She blushed at that. As she ran her hands on his naked form, she became mesmerized by his sculpted figure. Hypnotically, she traced each and every contour of the Adonis on top of her.

Steve, impatient and distracted by her beauty pierced her opening.

"Oofh..." Amanda moaned at the sudden invasion.

Steve loved her reaction very much. He found that he was enjoying it more than he should, more than he had intended to.

Earlier in the evening, he just wanted to get it done and over with as soon as possible. After all, he didn't feel a thing for her. But there was something about fucking his brother's fiancée that just brought out the animal inside him. He wanted to tease her mercilessly, wanted to watch her writhe under him, wanted to make her forget about Shawn her fiancé and his brother. He reveled in the knowledge of his power over her, in the taboo pleasure of the illicit affair.

He knew it was immoral and wrong, that he was better than that. But if it was to be his last night as Steve 'The Dream' Harper, he wanted to go out with a bang. He didn't know how it will all change and whether people would even remember this form of him, so he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest and take out all his issues on Amanda. And thus, he thrust inside her with passion.


Amanda felt full and filled. She looked down to see that not all of his length was inside her and she came a little at the thought of engulfing him completely inside her folds.

"So fucking good!" She moaned.

"Oh yeah?! Then what about..."

Steve slid out and thrust in more of his cock than what she could take.


"Love... It."

Amanda muttered even as her eyes glazed over. She locked her arms behind him when she felt him getting bigger inside her throbbing cunt. She was floating on a river of pleasure and his cock was her ride.

"The best..." She whispered to herself.

Steve smirked at her mutterings, immensely proud and satisfied at her convulsing state. Suddenly though, he had a wicked thought.

"Where will you live with Shawn?"

"Ahem... We have already put a d-" Amanda replied, a little confused by the question and the intent behind it.

"So not with us, right?"

Amanda nodded her head meekly. She was surprised at the sudden twinge of guilt she was feeling like she was not supposed to be away from Steve and as if she was committing a grave sin by not being near him.

Steve swung his hips hard and fast. He felt himself getting closer and closer. The feelings of doing his brother's fiancée, Amanda's wetness as well as her passion were all a little too much for him to hold on for much longer.

"Then how will you keep fucking me?" he smirked as he spoke the words.

Amanda gasped. His voice had sounded like the devil's temptation. She came as she thought of herself getting a daily dose of his massive member.

"And how will you have my child?!" Steve whispered in her ear.


Amanda squealed as she came. She felt him cumming deep inside her unprotected pussy. That and his words wracked her cunt and made her cum as she had never before.

Then suddenly she felt his lips on top of hers, kissing her. It was all a bit too much for her, and she passed out from the overload of senses.


Steve stood in front of a mirror, counting the number of purple spots. They had not changed or disappeared.

"Fuck!" He cursed at the Djinn.

He had hoped that it was his imagination and that Djinn had only mentioned Amanda's name in its condition. It all came to naught when the number of purple spots remained the same even after "mating" with Amanda.

Now he still had to "bed" his mother before midnight.


He cursed again as he walked away from the mirror. Right after he came out of the bathroom, what greeted him was a sight of naked and passed out Amanda. He smiled to himself, feeling liberated and incredibly satisfied. The alarm clock on the bed table was what brought him out of his reverie.

"Nearly three hours left..."

He picked up his costume and his mask and put them on in a hurry. He turned to leave, and he was almost out the door when he suddenly stopped and came back in to tuck her under the covers.


Susan was getting increasingly bored. She had thought that the famed Pearson Halloween party would be able to rekindle the ambers of her dying relationship but nothing changed. Oscar was still a drunk and she was still left alone.

"Maybe Halloween is not the best time to repair your relationship," she muttered under her breath.

She had been more and more busy at work and her personal life had suffered because of it. Now her husband was distant, her eldest son had become an asshole to the world and her youngest... she didn't even understand what was happening to him.

It was on her friend's advice that she had rented this extravagant little thing, a "Bunny-Girl" costume. For a forty year old woman, a costume like that seemed laughable to her. She even had to send her son away due to embarrassment before she agreed to try it on in Jodi's shop. Still, her husband didn't seem impressed by her risqué outfit.

When she asked him for a dance, he excused himself to go to the toilet and still wasn't back from there. She felt like a fool standing alone amidst the crowd. If it was any other year, she could at least bank on Steve to dance a few numbers with her but that too looked unlikely this time.


Steve had been staring at his mother from a distance. Jodi had told him she would be in a navy-blue Bunny-Girl costume and he had no problem in finding her. She looked sexy in it. Her long legs covered in black spandex stirred unknown emotions in him. Her ass was only half covered by the costume and the black and blue combination matched perfectly on her bubble butt. Her fake, white bunny ears and the fake tail at the end of it added a unique charm to her.

It tickled his heart, and it gave rise to an inimitable feeling of trying to protect her from the world and at the same time ravish her under his arms. Her deep cleavage too was on display with her breasts pushing the envelope between lewd imagery and artistic brilliance.

When he watched his father go towards the toilet, he paid twenty bucks to the nearby waiter to get him to stall his father.

"Just spill a drink on him. If he gives you any trouble, then just hand him a double to calm him down... He'll forget all about it."

'Okay, that should take care of him. Now for Mom...' He thought to himself and focused all his attention on Susan.

Steve was not much confident that he could fool his mother quite so easily only by virtue of donning the same costume as his father. But he was sure she had been drinking throughout the night, and that it should help him out a little. Furthermore, his voice was also quite similar to his father because of which many a time people mistook the two of them over the phone.

'Thankfully that's the only thing I have the same as him!'

He decided to go for it and confidently strode towards her.

'Confidence is the key, and women love a confident man. At least according to Jodi, that is... Well, it worked on Amanda,' he kept repeating to himself to be confident.


Susan saw a man in a Batman costume coming for her. She assumed that he might have mistaken her for someone else. But before she could point it out to him, she found herself in his arms and in the middle of the dance floor.

'Well, one dance won't hurt anyone.' She thought to herself and remained mum about the confusion. All throughout the night she had been itching to get on the floor and she found the chance much too appealing to deny.

Steve was overjoyed that his ruse had succeeded. He couldn't believe how easy it turned out to be. He made up his mind that he would just carry on in the same vein. He would act confidently and freely, as a husband should with his wife, and everything would be alright. And once she was horny enough, then he would pounce on her.

'All I've to worry about is the mask! If it holds on, then...' Steve sniggered to himself.

He thought about how he would have slept with his mother and she wouldn't have a lick about it. All his problems would be solved. He would have paid the price for his wish and he wouldn't even be ostracized by his mother, the only person he didn't want ever getting hurt. There was a little guilt at the back of his mind for deceiving her so but he knew that nothing could ever be perfect.

'Well there's Amanda too, but I can deal with it later...'

Susan had a growing suspicion that the man she had been dancing with for the past few minutes was her son, Steve. She didn't understand why he was dressed in the same thing as his brother and father, why they all had to always be the same thing, Batman and Robin, why all three men in her family were so fascinated by the comic characters. But most of all, she didn't understand why he was masquerading as a stranger.

Her suspicions grew stronger by the second. The way the man seemed to know about all her go-to moves, and the way he seemed comfortable with her body, apart from Oscar it could only be Steve. She didn't get why he hadn't said a word to her and why he held her a lot closer to him, much closer than a son should his mother, but she decided to wait for a bit longer. For one thing, she felt great and second, she felt relieved that Steve was seemingly back to his normal self. So even if it felt a little weird to do this with her son, she kept mum to figure out his intentions.Steve, on the other hand, was pretty sure by now that he had his Mom fooled. He was sure of it because in his eyes there was no way in hell she would let a stranger take such liberties with her. He knew it in his heart that she was not some unfaithful wife, and nothing could ever change that belief. Unless his parents' marriage was already over and he didn't get the notice, he wouldn't for a second believe that she would allow an unknown man to invade her space in this manner.

And even in the off chance that she did figure it out that it wasn't her husband that she had been dancing with for the last few minutes, he was confident there was absolutely no way she could tell it was him. So he lowered his hand from her hips to her ass. He paused to judge her reaction and when she didn't move to slap him away, he started a slow rub on her latex covered fleshy cheeks. Daringly, he cupped her from beneath and pressed his throbbing cock to her crotch.

"Ahem... What are you doing?"


Steve halted his advancing hands. He repeated to himself that it was still doable, that all he had to do was project confidence.

"Nothing, Honey!" he spoke even as his heart rate spiked.

"Honey?! Since when did you start calling me honey?"

"What? I've alway-"

"Steve! I know it's you!" Susan remarked, exasperated.

'Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!'


Steve couldn't help himself from asking.

'She couldn't possibly have guessed it, right?'

"I only suspected it earlier but now you've confirmed it." Susan's voice turned steely towards the end.


"I'm your Mom, what did you expect?" she asked irritated by his frivolous act.


She rained down upon him with a flurry of questions.

"Is this why you've been acting weird?"

"What? You have a crush on me?"

"Didn't you have a girlfriend? Vera or something..."

"We've only been on two dates!" Steve defended himself.

"So that's why, huh?"

Susan grabbed his tool in her hand, which had wilted to its most pitiful state, and gave it a squeeze.

"You couldn't keep it in your pants so you made your move on me," she sneered.


Steve didn't know what to say or do in this situation. No amount of preparation was enough for this situation. With his mother questioning him in such a cruel fashion, he didn't know what was going to happen to him. He forgot all about the Djinn and the midnight deadline. What he wanted was to find a way to somehow pacify his mother and make her forgive him, never to remind him of this shameful night.

'And why is my dick getting hard?!'

Suddenly he realized that his mother had grown very quiet. Her eyes seemed to be glazed over and she was stroking his cock without a thought to the world as if they were the only two people on the dance floor with no one else around in their surroundings and as if they were not a pair of mother and son but a pair of lovebirds.


"Oh I'm sorry. I-" Susan turned around hurriedly, brought out of her trance by his voice.

Steve took her fingers in his hands to stop her from walking away from him. He took her to a quiet corner and demanded, "What? Say it!"

He didn't want her to hate him forever and he could see it in her eyes that she was hiding something from him. He wanted to know what it was before the night was over and before he was...

He was positive that the Djinn's magic would take care of all the problems he had created. But somehow he felt that he shouldn't leave it like this. There was a voice telling him that if she left the party without him, he would lose her forever. He would lose himself and he would lose his mother too. At the end of it all, he wanted to at least be able to call her "Mom" without evoking feelings of disgust in her heart.

Susan sighed before she laid bare her soul in front of her son.

"I just- It's been so hard in recent years. My marriage is almost over, Shawn has become... Shawn, and now even you have turned me away."

"What? No. I never."

"It's true. You have been so distant and closed off for the last two months. And now when you pulled this stunt... I was happy!" her voice nearly broke down towards the end.

"Huh?!" Steve was flabbergasted by this revelation.

Susan continued despite his reaction, "Yes, it may seem strange to you. But I was happy. I was relieved to know that you weren't turning into your Dad or your brother."

Steve scoffed at the notion that he could ever be like his brother or his father.

"But then why? Why did you do that?"

Susan turned her face away from as if she was ashamed to confess the reason behind her inappropriate action, "I told you, didn't I? I was happy that you still liked me, that you thought me beautiful, that you were so infatuated with me that you didn't care if I was your mother."

Suddenly though, she glared at him in defiance, "Is that reason enough for you?"

Steve was shocked by this candid confession. But he too turned aggressive as he commented in a tone full of contempt, "You wouldn't do it if I was a scrawny little thing with an average dick instead of a handsome guy with a horse dick!"

Susan raised her eyebrow and looked at him funny before she poked his head with her finger, "You think I'm some dumb bitch from your school! I don't give a fuck about all that shit. If I love someone it doesn't matter how they look or how many inches they have between their legs. Don't ever disrespect me like that!"

Steve was stunned. If it was any other time he would have pointed to her that she was cursing, that she couldn't be sure, that it was easy to say so when she didn't really have to deal with it. But at this time all that didn't matter to him.

He only had a single thought, "You love me?!"

"Yes. So wha-"

Susan's eyes widened as she stared at her son.


Steve entered his home with his mother in tow. She had been quiet on the drive back home. His mind was spinning as he kept replaying her words. He held her hand and dragged her upstairs. He stopped when he reached a divide where he had to make a choice between his room and her bedroom that she shared with her husband.

He resolutely chose his own room. Because quite unlike earlier in the night, he didn't have a single thought of taking revenge on his father. It was about him and it was about his mother, and there was no place for anyone else.

Susan quietly followed her son as he led them to his room. After she entered, he locked the door and sat up on the bed. Feeling apprehensive and scared, she sat beside him.

"Do you love me?" He asked her in an even tone.


"Yes or No! Do you love me?"

Susan stared at him, speechless. She thought hard about his question. If she had to ask herself, she honestly didn't know. She realized then that she had forgotten long ago what love felt like, what loving someone felt like, what being loved by someone felt like.

'Does always wishing the best means to love?'

'Or wanting to be with him all the time means to love?'

'Does getting jealous means to love?'

'Or wanting to shield him from the world means to love?'

The truth was that she didn't know when she stopped loving Steve as a son and where it started as the love between lovers. All she knew was she never wanted him to be sad and always wanted to be there for him, even if it meant leaving behind everything and everyone.

'If that is love then...'

"Yes. I love you."

"I love you, Steve Harper. And I want you to love me back!" Susan declared with an almost imperceptible smile on her face.

Steve remained speechless for a while. No one had ever told him that and no one would ever either, at least that's what he used to think. In the last two months a lot of things had changed and so did he. He didn't think the same anymore. But this felt different. This felt honest. This was from someone who mattered, who had always mattered, and who always would.

Steve sealed her lips. That was his answer.

He gently removed every article of clothing from each of their bodies. Slowly he fell down on the bed, pulling her beside him. His leg spooned over hers as his hands pulled her for a cuddle.

Tenderly he brushed his lips over hers, "I love you too, Susan Harper."

Softly, he cupped her breast and took it between his lips.

"Ah..." Susan whimpered.

She stroked his hair as she felt his tongue licking her nubs. Her hand bumped against his erect member which made him moan into her breast.

She took it in her hands and gently she rubbed it with her fingers. It was beginning to throb and drip, and so was she. She led it by its length and placed it on her opening, inviting him to enter her sanctuary.


"Uff... "

They moaned as he slid into her. They remained gazing in each other's eyes as they slowly ground their hips.

Steve smiled at his mother. He felt as if he was in heaven and as if nothing could ever make him happier and more at peace. He was sure the squeeze he felt at his shaft was enough to topple him over, and that even if didn't move a muscle, he would orgasm in a matter of minutes.

Susan smiled at her son. She felt fulfilled. For the longest time, she had been searching for it and now she had found it. She knew she was close that she could go off any second but she wanted to wait for him. And she didn't have to for much long...


Their lips came together as they climaxed as one. Their breathing slowed down and they both gave in to the gentle wave of sleep brought about by the fuzzy feeling in their hearts.

The faint sound of the clock striking twelve was the last thing Steve heard before he fell asleep in his mother's embrace.

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Tình trạng nguồn điện hàng tuần

Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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Viết đánh giá Trạng thái đọc: C1351
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Rank NO.-- Bảng xếp hạng PS
Stone -- Power Stone
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