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10% Growth through Chaos / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Where are We?

Chương 2: Chapter 2: Where are We?

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or One Piece.

Chapter 2:

Where are we?


In a single instant….

A serious of choices made by pure chance. Altered the course of two different dimensions. As Team 7 disappeared. Leaving no trace behind of them.

Four minutes past. Everything was unchanged. Birds flew from above. A family of rabbits peeked out from their hole. The wind began to rise, forming a gentle breeze through the stoic trees.

Another minute….in the same spot.

"Here! We! ARE!" a deep, thundering roar echoed in the clearing. Smoke, the shade of sulphur, began to form. Coming out from the spaces between the wind. A number of Billowing tendrils of smoke reached out, stretching forward. Upon contact with the ground, they began to churn. Until the figures of humans could be made out. They were the size of adults. One carried a pair of swords. Another shouldered an odd, serpentine bow. Large scrolls were carried by all of them, near the small of their backs.

After a handful of seconds, their bodies were clear through the yellow haze. Which began to recede.

Looking around, one individual gazed about. Old memories stirring in their mind. An odd sense of loss, nostalgia, wistfulness, and more. A well of regret and concern, was filled with relief.

"So. We're finally home. I guess that wish on the Bottle really was a good idea. But not all of didn't take the chance."

"All of those people. Those adventures."

A female voice answered her lover. "Those memories definitely won't leave us anytime soon, my love. Just like we never left each other, when things were at their most bleak and dangerous."

Another woman spoke-up. "I agree. I'm actually eager to see home different the Leaf Village is compared to my old home."

"Then let's not waste time." The oldest figure stated.

"It is time to return to the Lead Village. Time for us to return home, and show Lord Hokage the growth we have made, across all these years, and through the chaos the Grand Line."

(To the past: Genin aged 12, Kakashi aged 26)

Team 7 were tumbling through shapelessness. Nothing within their touch could be grasped, yet the colours, sights and sounds surrounding them were chaos personified. Their bodies were drawn onward. None of the four had any sense of a space, only a thrilling velocity forcing them towards a single destination was clear to their senses.

It all lasted a few moments.

"We're Heeerrrrreeeeeee!" The Genie's voice pierced their minds.

Various shouts came, some desperate and others confused. "Where is here!?" "What is going on!?"

Soon, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, and Uzumaki Naruto felt solid ground beneath their feet. The eldest ninja steadied himself, while the others dropped to their knees. Gradually, the blanket of purple smoke unfurled from their bodies.

New sensations reached them: warm sunlight, soft grass between their open-toed shoes, and moisture hanging from the air. Once their faces were uncovered, bright sunlight filled their vision, blinding them in its radiance.

A salty scent touched their noses. Crashing waves echoed behind them. Overlaid with scents of fire, explosions, and the distant sounds of violence

Sakura and Sasuke were dazed, too bewildered to grasp their placement. While Naruto and Kakashi recovered quicker, opening their eyes to a beautiful clearing. Dense forests were in the distance, while a blend of flowers and grass surrounded them. The sky was cloudless, and the warmest sun they had ever felt comforted the visitors.

"Here We Are!" Everyone whirled around, to find the Genie behind them. "I have granted your wish! This world will certainly allow you to find the adventures, dangers, and people to fulfill the wish you have made. I even have a brother here, who can grant wishes as well. Finding him might be tough. But you'll definitely be able to have more wishes from him, and get back to where we were through one of them!"

Each of the ninja's were baffled. "Here? Where exactly is here! Where have you brought us!?" Kakashi demanded. His voice deep, serious commanding. "Bye-bye!"

"Hey wait! What has Naruto's wish done! Where is the Leaf Village!" Sakura screamed.

"Be-hu! Ge-hu! Be-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-HU-HU-HU!" the Genie simply laughed, his arms flailing about while the bottle began to suck him inside.

"Still Tickles!" As the last whisps entered their confines, the bottle began to glow. Strange lights resonating along the edges, as it began rising up to hover in the air. Moving higher and higher, a growing star ascending to the heavens. "I hope you all have fun here! Let's meet again! In your own home! In another Thousand yeeeaaaaarrrrrrrsssssss!"

With a final twinkle, the jar was gone. Leaving the ninja's behind.

For a long while, four pairs of eyes were trained on the sky, watching for a glimpse of their strange acquittance. Eventually, Kakashi glanced around, taking in their surroundings. While Naruto moved to help Sakura to her feet. After accepting his help, the pinkette promptly shoved Naruto to the ground, rushing over to her "beloved Sasuke" to see if he had been hurt or dazed. Completely uncaring for the blonde boy.

Naruto brushed it off, and began to glance around, with innocent confusion. Oblivious to the predicament his wish had placed Team 7 into.

"He-He-Help! He-He-Help me, please!"

"Get back here, you piece of shit!"

Turning their heads, Team 7 witnessed a younger man, dressed into scorched tatters, stained with blood, stumbling towards them. Behind the man were a pair of armed thugs, wearing plain bandana's, open vests, dirty pants, and swords

'What kind of sword are those?' Kakashi thought. 'The hilts and blades are connected by a strange metal cup, covering their hands. One of them is raised overhead and showing a line of metal between the cup and pommel.'[1]

"Pl-Pl-Please! Pl-Pl-Please, save me from these pirates!"

"Hang on, I'm coming to save you!"

"Naruto, wait!" but the blonde was already rushing off. Kakashi sighed, 'why doesn't he follow orders, no matter what is going on.'

"Naruto, you baka, stop! Sensei said to-"

"Enough Sakura." The girl froze. Kakashi's voice carried a hard edge, the same he had during their confrontations with Zabuza. "In fact. If we save that man, he might tell us where we are right now. Come on!"

Faster than a blink, Kakashi was moving forward, to catch up with his orange-coloured student.

Naruto ran ahead, causing the brutes in his vision to pause in surprise. Naruto smirked, leaping into the air for a kick, only to see a sword honing in towards him.


The weapon pierced his chest. While the grunt holding it smirked.

"Just another useless kid trying to play hero and got himself killed."

Pfffwwt! In a flash, the body impaled by a sword was replaced with a log.

"Huh!? Gaaah!" The man was surprised, as his body pitched forward, weighed-down by the heavy log his sword was planted in. "Hey!" Glancing up, the man saw another child, with black hair and dressed in a navy-shirt and white shorts, twirling in their air. Fly strait at him. The movement built-up momentum, driving the boy's foot straight into the grunt's head.

'Hmmm. Idiot heard my voice and glanced up, giving me the perfect target.' Sasuke smirked with satisfaction. The kick aunching the man onto his back. As he landed, the Uchiha look back in surprise.

"Gawwwhh! Little shit!" The grunt brushed-off his face, drawing a knife from his belt and scrambling towards Sasuke.

"Hey!" came Naruto's voice. "Super-Shuriken toss!" The Genin threw out two hand-fulls of Shuriken. Complete off-target. "Ahhh! Naruto!" Sakura cried, narrowly evading several of them. While the bandit stopped in confusion. Sasuke took the chance, sweeping the man's feet out from under him and tied-down with a series of ninja-wire.

"Hey! No fair!" Naruto dashed up to Sasuke, shouting all the while. "Sasuke, you selfish bastard! That guy was mine! Why did you steal my action!? Quit trying to make yourself look all cool! It sucks!"

"Heh," the Uchiha scoffed. "The only thing that sucks here is you. Not one of those shuriken touched him, and you passed-up the opportunity. I don't need to try anything. You're just terrible."

"Grrrrrrr! I'll show you-"

"Enough!" They boys froze in place. While Sakura did the same; her charge to take payback on Naruto's terrible shuriken throw stopped in its tracks. Kakashi stood behind them. His prisoner already bound and weaponless.

"Naruto. You are far too slow to react, and Sasuke took the openings that came. Sasuke, well done. But your rivalry isn't important right here." With a few steps, Kakashi grabbed the other brigand and moved to a nearby tree.

"Now. I have some questions for the pair of-"

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" More shouts of gratitude filled the air. The young man in grimy cloths knelt towards the Shinobi, bowing his head all the while. Until a loud shriek filled the air.

"Oh no! The-the-the village! Pl-pl-please, help my village! The-the-there's a crew of pirates running wild there! The-the-they're looting and kidnapping everyone in sight! The-the-there're just too many, and the Marines aren't here to help us! Pl-pl-please, please!"

"You need help! I'll help you save them!" Naruto nearly ran off again. Nearly.

Sasuke tripped his teammate as the boy ran by, and soon bound him with ninja-wire. "Slow down for a second, Loser. Stop running off the play hero all the time."

"Gaaah, come on! We need to help these people! They're getting attacked by pirates right now!'

Kakashi groaned in resignation. "Naruto! Stop rushing off in such a hurry. We need to know about who this man is. And whether we can or should do anything." Turning towards the pirates, the air around the group began to drop; growing colder and bleak. The pirates shivered, their bravado overwhelmed with a single emotion: fear.

The Jonin glowered down at the pair, his killer-intent driving them shitless.

"Now. I have some questions. Which the pair of you will answer."

Under Kakashi's watchful eye, the pirates confessed to all his questions. Their crew numbered 60 men, nobody with a significant bounty, and were directed by a captain Sendou. A rookie pirate looking to become a big-shot. Kakashi was confused by certain words that the pirates used, such as weapons called 'canons' or 'rifles,' but push the topics aside; and ordered the Genin to do the same.

Once the interrogation was done, the Jonin turned towards the villager, and weighed his options. 'Getting involved with these pirates could be dangerous. Yet, I still have no idea where we are. This isn't a mission, nor is there anyone in this village that are particular towards the four of us. Yet leaving these people to fend for themselves doesn't feel right. Charging in could come back to haunt us if this Sendou has any connections. But, helping this village could mean shelter, food and some information from the people for a few days. Enough to learn about where we are. That settles it.'

"Excuse me," Kakashi addressed the kneeling villager. "My name is Kakashi Hatake. Can you share yours?"

"Min-Min-Minorou! My-my-my name is Minorou. Pl-pl-please hel-"

"It's alright, Minorou-san." The man replied, raising a hand for silence. "We will help your village." The man's face broke out in relief. While Naruto yelled in excitement, and began shouting at Sasuke to untie him.

Kakashi continued to speak, "Please, tell us where the village is, and draw a small map of the layout here in the ground. Along with the location of the Pirate's ship. I have a plan to stop them and get your people to safety. But I need some information to ensure that we will have success."

Gradually, Minoura told the Jonin all that he needed to know. Next, Kakashi called his Genin over and began to share his plan with them. Sasuke and Naruto protested at the suggestion that they will be paired-up. But Kakashi pointed-out how they would handle most of the fighting. With a reminder of their success against the remaining bandits in Tazuna's home village during the aftermath of Gato's downfall.[2]

Sakura agreed to accompany Kakashi. Then, leaving the neutralized pirates knocked-out, the Lead Shinobi moved out towards the village.


Within Hanma-Village, the Swirl-Fan[3] Pirates were tearing homes apart, grabbing women from their children, and pushing back the few men still standing to fight. Captain Sendou watched in grim pleasure as his crew were at work. 'Heh! There won't be much, but you gotta start small before going after the tougher targets. This village will have some valuables, and plenty of worthless lives to sell off to the Auctioning Houses. I'll get some extra money, and more men from this success, then move on to some better targets.'

Soon a pair of crewmen approached their captain, carrying a large chest. While a third of the crew were dragging people in shackles onboard to sell-off.

One Pirate was chasing after a mother and her child, moving out of the village for the treeline. Yet the brigand was gaining on them with each step. Reach out to seize the young woman.

"Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" With a loud shout, an orange swarm engulfed the man and left him beaten and dazed. Simultaneously, another boy ushered the women to the trees and was joined by his partner.

"It's alright. Just stay hidden, and we'll help your village."

"Naruto. Create a couple of clones to keep her safe form any pirates who come this way."


Leaving the pair of civilians with a few guards, the boys went back to the pirate, and dragged him up to the roof tops.

Meanwhile, a grown man with grey hair and pre-teen pinkette snuck around the hull of a brigantine ship.[4] Crawling on the vertical surface with their chakra-control, the pair were on the side opposite to the wharf, to lessen the chances of being spotted. The pair moved around slowly, with the older one counting the different foot falls on the decks or peering into the hull.

They saw the group of captives and captors moving about on the decks, and waited. 'Now, we just need Sasuke and Naruto to get their attention.'

A handful of minutes later, a familiar shout came to Kakashi's ears. Followed by a scuffle from the village-square.

"Fire-style: Great Fire-ball Jutsu!"

"What! C-c-c-captain! Th-that kid just-"

"I know, I saw it. Must be Devil-fruit powers. Come on men! Charge the brat all at once and pin him down! Someone with his powers will be worth a lot as a slave!"

With a roar of excitement, feet clattered about the deck. Before silence grew onboard.

'Hmmmm,' Kakashi nodded with approval. 'Sasuke and Naruto always do get people's attention. Now Sakura and I can free the slaves, the force the rest of the Pirates to run back here, straight towards me. Oh-'

"Sakura-stay here." The man whispered to his Genin, noticing she was about to leave and could guess why.

"But sensei! They're talking about giving Sasuke-kun into slavery! I have to help and protect him!"

"That won't happen. Sasuke and Naruto know their jobs and are fulfilling them. Now, we have to do our jobs, and free these people. Remember, you stay with the people and I'll take the Pirates when they come back. Alright?"

"But Sasuke-"

"Has Naruto with him. They can watch each other's backs in a fight, just like they did against Zabuza and Haku. You know that. Know, focus on this job, not on him. Understood."

It wasn't' a question, but a command. With a sigh of resignation, Sakura nodded. Then the pair slipped aboard and got to work.

Back in the village, Naruto and Sasuke stood before the crowd of charging Pirates. Several others were scattered about, sporting different bruises and burns. While most of the people were behind the Genin and scared to see a pair of 12-year-olds standing up to the Pirates.

THe Uzumaki and Uchiha grinned. Caught-up in the thrill of the one place the pair would cooperate together: battle.

"Naruto! These are a lot more than those thugs in Land of Waves. Split them up and attack from different angles! And watch out!"

"Got it! Let's go!" Naruto brought his hands together, crossing his hands to perform a signature technique. "Multi-Shadow-Clone Jutsu!"

Columns of smoke erupted, giving the Pirates pause. Once it cleared, many stepped back in awe. The villagers were equally surprised. 200 copies of a single boy filled the village. Most of them forming a buffer between the Pirate crew and the villagers, with the rest scattered across multiple streets and rooftops. All of clones taunting the Pirates:

"You think you can outnumber me, Do ya!" "You're outdone four to one, believe it!" "Just sit down and surrender!" "There's no ways you can win!"

Captain Sendou growled in frustration. "These two might be a problem."

"Let's go!" each of the Naruto's charge at the crew, with Kunai drawn and eager to win.

The Pirates recovered and began to fight back. Many of the Naruto's were hit, but some landed several hits of their own. Yet the grown men could shrug them off, with some effort. The captain had drawn an extra sword, cutting down several with each move.

Still, the action kept them distracted. A situation compounded by the smoke given-off by every felled clone. Hiding the other Ninja. "Demon-Wind Shuriken!" A large, spinning blade cut through the smoke-screen, felling several pirates at once. Sasuke peered down, Sharingan ready and focused. The Uchiha traced both the shuriken and the pirates, throwing smaller stars and kunai at the right opportunities; disarming or crippling more and more of the Pirates. Eventually the Fuma-Shuriken split, cutting down more of the enemy before Sasuke caught them effortlessly.

Naruto was also at work. Dropping smoke bombs and additional clones to keep the Pirates occupied, while some extras led any civilians nearby to a safer distance.

Between the pair, 50 pirates were cut down to 35 within minutes. Captain Sendou growled, shouting for the brats to face him in a clear field, like true men. The Genin only laughed, hidden by the smoke and aggravating the captain more.

"Fine then!" Dropping his swords, the temperamental man reached for his pistols. Drawing several and firing-off randomly. Uncaring about who was hit but his shots, whether it was the people or his crew. 'I'll always replace them with mountain-bandits or lowlifes from other towns and cities anywhere. They're expendable, and these brats are making a mockery out of me!'

Sasuke's eyes grew wide! His Sharigan picked-up the tiny projectiles fly from the smoke. Until one moved towards him. Shifting slightly, the precognition of his eyes barely gave enough time to avoid the shot. Dropping to the ground, he saw similar projectiles tearing through the wooden houses. The boy's mind was blank, shocked and confused over what weapon could do such a thing.

Naruto wasn't any better. At the sound of the pistols, his curiosity got the better of him. Peeping around a house one bullet passed through a narrow beam, sending a shower splinters over his face.

"Aaahhhhhhgggggg! Ahhhhhggggg!" Naruto shouted in agony. His hand flew up, rubbing over his face. The boy wanted to get rid of the sharp feeling cutting inward, but his hands only forced the splinters deeper into his skin.

"Naruto!" Sasuke shouted at the screams. Slipping through the houses, he soon found his teammate, lying on the ground and calling out. "S-Sasuke. Get them off! Get them off! Get them off me!"

Sasuke moved to see what injured Naruto, but his eyes caught another danger. Dashing around the orange-ninja, Sasuke drew a kunai, as most of the Pirates came into view. Following the screams the where Naruto had landed.

"Heh! You're finished, boys." Captain Sandou swore through gritting teeth. He was focused and angry, eager to make the boys suffer for humiliating his crew.

"Excuse me!" A new voice called out, form the ship. Everyone turned. To spot a tall figure on the deck, amidst a pile of men, beaten unconscious.

"My ship! My men! Where are my-you Bastard!"

Now Captain Sendou was angry. And his crew knew this was the worst. Once he became angry, Sendou's habits would become cantankerous and aggressive. The man tore a sword from his closest men, having spent all of his ammunition, and charged towards the ship. While his men remained frozen by fear, spotting the red-coloured eye of the new arrival.

Kakashi frowned, taking in the situation. "Sasuke. Get Naruto back!" Then the Jonin entered the fight.


To clarify the beginning. Some members of Team 7, and an extra, found a way back to their home dimension, to the same time and place after only several seconds pasted. Those who did return are now adults. This way, nothing in the Ninja World would will have changed or been missed, letting the characters develop with the Straw hats without rushing the story and compromising the Naruto-universe. Letting the characters stay with the Straw Hats near-indefinitely, instead of being rushed back to Konoha after only 1/10th of the Grand Line.

This idea was inspired by the Disney series Gargoyles. Clan Building Chapters, issue #13, where one character, Brooklyn, was caught in a time-gate. The character travelled throughout time on his own personally odyssey, before returning to his home. Personally, the character travelled for 40 years, before returning to his own time 40 seconds after he disappeared.

[1]-While One Piece does have a broader range of material culture, Naruto primarily uses Japanese or Chinese cultural materials. Including different types of houses, ships, religions, customs, clothing, and weapon-styles. I found it could be a plot-hole if Kakashi would recognize a cutlass.

[2]-Naruto Shippuden, episode 180. "Inari's Courage put to the Test." Or Manga chapter #451.

[3]-Yes. I wanted a catchy name for these pirates, and came up with a blend of the Uchiha and Uzumaki symbols. Purely for amusement.

[4]-A style of sailing ship, popular in the 16th and 17th centuries A two-masted ship that could be powered by oars. Giving them good speed and maneuverability. Distinguished by a square-rigged sail, and popular among pirates for their speed, maneuverability and easy handling. Generally Smaller than a Brig, yet bigger than a sloop.

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