"I apologize, I must resign myself from adding anymore. My husband would prefer us to keep this matter to ourselves until we make the official proceedings and then announcement."
"You cannot tell an old friend?" She brought her hands to her lap, olive-green eyes probing. "I would hope our friendship means something towards revealing a trivial secret or two."
"Don't take me wrong, Lady Katrine. We've nothing to hide, especially not from friends."
"Then why do you not spare me the slightest detail? I assure you talks between confidantes stay between confidants." Her gaze was scintillating. "You can speak to me freely, Anya. Unless of course, you intend to offend me, by suggesting that I am untrustworthy?"
"It is not that way. While I appreciate the sentiment, I must refuse." Lady Sutherton swallowed hard, before bouncing her eyes around the room eager for something to drink.
"Do you really have so little faith in me, old friend?"
"Of course, I have faith in you, Katrine," she returned the informality with a tense smile. "But there is nothing I can say on this matter. If you shall find any more offense with that, do know it is my husband who has requested so from me."
"I see." She kept a curious stare on the nervously growing Lady Sutherton. "Well then, I won't seek to press the matter any further. Shall we talk of other things?"
"Yes. Let's."
"Speaking of marriage and wives, I heard that Master Privy was considering for another wife. People say Lady Helena could be infertile. He may lawfully responsible to divorce her."
"I was not aware of that." She fluttered her eyes, brushing the baby hairs on her temples. "Sounds dreadful."
"I know right. The Master Privy must be so frustrated that his wife is so inept. She failed him the one duty she was responsible for. Think of how betrayed he must feel."
Lady Sutherton pressed her lips together in response, remaining quiet as Katrine continued.
"Did you know I also heard that Lord Dickinson---you remember him, right?"
"Of course." She nodded.
"Well, he was found guilty of disloyalty after he was caught betraying the Great Peace."
Genuine surprise ballooned her eyes. "What did he do?"
"He was found colluding with insurgents and getting these awful pamphlets out to the public to read." Disgust curled her thin colored lips into a sneer. "They say that he could have been a part of some 'movement' that claims there's some spooky man named the Crownless One who's going to lead some type of 'revolution'." Her head shook and scorn broiled in her tapering slanted eyes. "Sounds ridiculous right?"
Lady Sutherton merely nodded, letting Katrine continue.
"It just baffles me how some have the nerve to threaten the security of our country when it's never been any more perfect under the mandated reign of Glorious Ones. It is like those savages want to regress back to an uncivilized age where everyone was oppressed under the Tyrants of 3 and their deceitful ways. Our people were slaves both mentally and physically back then. Who in their right mind would think it's alright to support any insurgent terrorist thinking?" She placed her hand against the surface of the table, barely resisting hitting it as she tried to contain her hatred. "Don't they see all the progress and wealth our people have gotten from the true blessed lineage leading us to the light? I just understand it. It's as if some people don't know when they should be thankful and show gratitude."
Just as finished, a maid returned with a service cart. She approached quickly, setting cups on the tea table.
"What took you?" Katrine snapped at the maid. "Don't have my guest and I waiting that long!" she barked, taking up her drink with haste.
Turning her attention back to Lady Sutherton, she continued speaking. "I hope the Dickinson family will promptly be taken care of. Our country cannot be harmed by loose imprudent fools of their lot. I know that I will not stand by it."
"Oh and did you hear they are finally putting into action the stopping of those barrell houses where they taught attempt those books and pamphlets, and all those people printing, publishing, and writing it. Reading is not good for the general public. There are too many people taking thier liberties with the written truth of law and public They just don't understand it. I once read this story before by this writer, Ayvaan. He was telling this story about a bride, a genie, and a jar of strawberry jam and---well, it didn't make sense. But I heard that people were reading that, and thinking that the story's world it was talking about ours and-and people started thinking there was something wrong with their lives and with the way things are. Which is crazy when there's so much wealth and beauty around us. That people would think a fictional folktale could hold any weight to reality and---."
"---Katrine." Lady Sutherton frowned. "Let us not talk all day about unpleasant things."
"Of course, let's speak of much brighter things. Are you excited for the Independence celebration? I cannot wait to go to the Tricitidal," she gushed. "Once my husband finishes up his business, we will join you up there."
"I see, good." She nodded, taking notice of the steam coming from one of glass cups placed in front of her. "Oh?" She took hold of the warm cup, turning it in the light; it was a thick viscous crimson fluid with floating coagulated particles. "This doesn't appear to be wine."
"Yes. One is the wine you requested; the other is a very special drink of mines; I must implore you to try it." The whites of her teeth appeared. "But before that, I'd like to speak more on the celebration. Do tell me, Princess-Nier Sabina will be there, right?"
Hesitating, Lady Sutherton looked up from the crimson drink. "Sabina?"
"Yes. I haven't seen her in a while, and she has not been responding to any of my party invites. In fact, I hear she has not even been seen much in the high courts."
"Really?" She gripped the glass cup, warmth seeping into her palm.
"Yes. I'm surprised you didn't know. Doesn't she keep in contact with you?"
"She does, but uh---." She stopped, clearing her throat. "Sabina gets busy."
"Oh." Katrine nodded, swirling her own glass before sipping it leisurely. "Everyone has been so excited to see her since the news of her pregnancy. But now that it's been some time and she's been missing in action, it's bound we're all a little worried."
"Very understandable." She eagerly nodded, raising her drink. "But it's nothing to worry she's fine."
"And what of the royal baby?"
Steam rolled off from out from their glasses. "The baby?" Her eyes were saucers. "Well, the baby is uh---." Her voice broke. "Sorry, my throat is a little dry." She swallowed a mouthful of the red drink, a sour metallic bitter taste burning her tongue. Immediately, she cringed, gagging as she nearly spat her drink out. "What is this?" She examined the glass with a wince.
"I meant to warn you." Katrine calmly sipped.
"Warn of me what?" There was a thick aftertaste gunking up on Lady Sutherton's tongue.
"It's Ichor. It's a new drink that everyone is saying the Queen possibly drinks. I was even told it might be her ultimate secret beauty drink. Her secret to staying so elegant and youthful!" she enthused. "It's the ultimate Grand Kaelixliege secret---a drink blessed by their gods themselves."
Lady Sutherton covered her mouth, shuddering at the lingering unpleasant taste. "Katrine. I don't need the history. What is Ichor?"
"Well, you're welcome, Anya," she snarled, finding offense at her tone. "I'm providing with you with a well-guarded secret. Very few know about this beauty secret."
"I appreciate that, but the drink is an acquired taste, Katrine." She sat her glass down, rejecting it by sliding it a little distance away.
"I understand being out there in your country estate means sometimes you fall out of the loop. Do you not find gratitude that I've parted this information and drink with you?" She sipped her drink in between breaths.
"Please, don't take my words to offense, Katrine. I merely found the drink---unique with its taste," she said, grimacing at the glass.
"I'm glad you appreciate my efforts. I went through a lot of trouble getting it. Ichor can't be from animals; it has to come from the 'right' live sources. Sven had so much of a headache arranging for some of the lower caste youth to provide me us a feasible amount." Once more, she tasted her drink, reveling and rolling her tongue in it.
"That much?" She glanced at the cherry red liquid shifting in the Katrine's cup. "Why is such a thing needing of such preparation? What is inside it?"
"Blood." Red stain blended in with the rogue on her lips. "Oh, and a little sugar for sweetener."
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