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11.11% Swift and Penny / Chapter 1: Swift and Penny
Swift and Penny Swift and Penny original

Swift and Penny

Tác giả: Jake_Zick

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Swift and Penny

Their communicators were off so speedy was going to go look for them but the other cadets stopped him they Told them what was going on so speedy Decided to stay at headquarters and not go look for them the other cadets said that it took Swift more than a year to get the courage to ask her out so brody told Swift that he would cover for him and Penny for 4 days speedy said ok her is what we are going to do take 4 more days off 

The next morning speedy got a call from Penny's mother she asked when are the cadets having a day off speedy said 4 days starting to day Penny's mom asked if they could get 2 extra days off so she could spend Penny's birthday with her speedy said ok I well give them 2 extra days off  then Penny's mom asked if Penny was there speedy said that her and Swift left last night to go see his family for to days but I can give you Swift's cell phone number and Penny's mom said ok then hung up and called Swift's cell phone number it rang and Swift put the call through on his dashboard he said hello and saw an adult penguin on the call he asked Penny if she knows the pingwen she said yes it is my mom and she take the phone and toke to her  Penny's mom asked how is this Swift person that you are with Penny said that you will meet him in 2 days he is a little bit nervous about meeting you guys so please don't reject him because I don't want to ruin our friendship I well tell you way wheh I get their

then Penny's mom said see you soon then she asked if she could reach you at this number tomorrow Penny said yes just let Swift know that it is you and ask if you can speak to me then they hung up the phone they got to swifts place he told her to stand outside of the house and I well get the family set he went in and told his family that he had a surprise for them they all sat down he said don't reject her or I will never come back home ever again they said ok then he went to get her he brought her in to the house and introduced her to his family by saying this is my girlfriend Penny penny this is my dad Jeff my mom ruby and my little sisters summer and abby and connie penny said nice to meet you they all said nice to meet you Swift's mom took Penny to his room to get settled in swift said I have to go look at my flash wing and asked his sister's to give him a hand

they did everything was fine he said I have to go get some thing do you want to come with they said yes let's go tell mom and dad were you 3 are they said ok went and told them that they were going with Swift on a ride to the store they said ok then they went to get a ring the girl's helped him pick it out then they went to the grocery store Swift got the kelp-icer's and told the girls that they could get something to they hugged him and said thank you and went and got 7 bottles of soda that were 0.50$ Swift asked how much are they the girls said 0.50$ best get 2 more because the other 2 cadets are going to be here in 3 hours Swift paid for the groceries then they went back home once home they took the groceries in to the house swift put the kelp-icer's in the freezer and asked were Penny was his mom said that she was a sleep in your bed room he went out to the porch he went to practice his trick flying.

his sister's come out and saw him do the trick and asked him if he could teach them the trick he said first you have to learn how to fly he said they asked him if he could teach them to fly he said yes go ask mom and dad first they asked and mom and dad said yes but you have to listen to whatever Swift says ok they said then Swift said ok you 3 ready to fly they said yes Swift said ok then I won't you to spread your wings and let the wind take you up and I well be right there in case you get scared he said but there is nothing to be ashamed of if you do get scared everyone does their first time flying even I did then they let the wind take them up and Swift said now move your wing up and down  but don't look down but they did not listen and they looked down and got scared so they grabbed onto Swift and Penny saw Swift coming down from the flying listen with 3 scared sister's hugging him she went out to help him with with them he said thank you and gave her one of his sisters and walked inside the house and they took them to his and there room and asked them what was the scariest part of the flying listen they said how far away the ground was and said do you think we are chickens he said no I don't think you are chickens I said everyone gets scared the first time they fly even I did here hug her well I go get something for you to try and if you do not like them you can give them to me and Penny ok they said and he went to get the kelp-icer's from the freezer and got one for him one for Penn and one for summer and one for abby and one for connie then he went back to the room and gave them the kelp-icer's and said here Penny your favorite treat She said thank you they all finished the kelp-icer's and Swift said come to the family room they all did then Swift said I well be right back

then he went to get the ring that he and his sister's picked out and went back into the house and got on one knee and asked Penny to be his girlfriend and she said yes I would like to be your girlfriend he put the ring on her finger then he said that his sisters picked it out she said thank you then he told her that he was going to take her on a date tonight his sister's asked if they could speak to him in private and he said yes they won't to go with them on the date he said no but I was talking to mom and dad earlier today if you guys could come with us back to top wing academy and they said if you guys go to bed and stay sleeping when mom and dad put you to bed tonight and when me and Penny put you to bed tomorrow night that you can come back with me and Penny to top wing academy for 3 months but if you don't you have to stay here they all said ok

then swift took Penny out on the date and they eat then they went back to his house and his mom said that they wanted to wait for you to get back I told them that they could but they had to wait in the bedroom for you he said ok I well go see what they wanted and told Penny to pick out a movie to watch and went into the room and said ok what did you want they asked him to sing a song to them he said yes it went like this

swift: "Brock, what's wrong? Aren't you having a good time?"

penny: "Oh, sure, Misty."

swift: "Then, come back inside and join the party."

penny: "I will in a second."

swift: "Brock, are you... Crying?"

penny: "No, it's just cold out here, and I'm..."

swift: "And you're what?"

penny: I'm thinking 'bout Christmas back home!

In Pewter City the lights are pretty

And even though I love to roam,

On Christmas Eve, I make believe I'm home!

I close my eyes and I see

My friends, my family!

The happy times that I shared

With all the people who care!

I'll be so far away

From them on Christmas Day!

And though we may be apart...

"I Keep My Home In My Heart!"

swift: "I know how you feel, Brock."

penny: "You do!?"

swift: "Sure. I love it here, but I miss Cerulean City a little, too."

swift: I'm thinking 'bout my sisters back home!

The bells would ring to songs we'd sing!

And even though I love to roam,

On Christmas Eve, I make believe I'm home!

I close my eyes and I see

My friends, my family!

The happy times that I shared

With all the people who care!

I'll be so far away

From them on Christmas Day!

And though we may be apart...

"I Keep My Home In My Heart!"

penny: When you're out on your own,

You're always alone!

Even when there's somebody there!

swift: But when you know from the start,

There's a home in your heart...

Both: You can go anywhere!

I close my eyes and I see

My friends, my family!

The happy times that I shared

With all the people who care!

I'll be so far away

From them on Christmas Day!

And though we may be apart...

"I Keep My Home In My Heart!"

I close my eyes and I see

My friends, my family!

The happy times that I shared

With all the people who care!

I'll be so far away

From them on Christmas Day!

And though we may be apart...

"I Keep My Home In My Heart!"

I close my eyes and I see

My friends, my family!

The happy times that so shared

With all the people who care!

I'll be so far away

From them on Christmas Day!

And even though we'll be apart.

if you guys have a nightmare me and Penny will be watching a movie they said ok he walked out and ran into his mom I was just coming to check on you they just won't me to tell them how me and Penny first started to have feelings for one another but I told them tomorrow night i would tell them the story he told his mother the hole story and she said that was nice of you to let her sleep with you when she had a nightmare he went back to the living room and saw the other cadets were there to he said hello to them then he asked brody if he could help with flying listen tomorrow and he said that he could they were watching a movie when Swift's sister's came in the other cadets said how are they Swift said they are my  sisters they said that they had nightmares

he showed brody were the other room was then they all went to bed Swift's bed was big enough for him and Penny and his sister's to lay down on they all went to bed in the morning Swift was the first one up so he made breakfast for the family and cadets he was done with 3 plates of food when his sister's woke up and were hungry for breakfast he said here you guys go he had 2 more plates of food and coffee read when the other cadets came out he gave them the food and the coffee then made Penny's in a heart shape and a iced coffee she came out and she asked for something to eat he gave her the food and the iced coffee than made him a iced coffee and they eat then Swift's parents woke up Swift said breakfast was in the microwave for you and coffee is in the coffeemaker me and brody are going to teach my sisters how to fly they learned how to fly without someone with them it was night so swift asked penny to come and help him with putting his sisters to bed she did they asked him if he was going to tell them the story and he said yes this is the story  

Penny sat up straight in her bed with a gasp. She looked around the dimly lit room frantically, hoping she had not awaken her friends and fellow cadets. She sighed in relief while she struggled to get her breathing back to normal.

"What a horrible nightmare?" Penny thought, wiping the tears that were forming in her eyes.

After composing herself, she looked around the room. It was still dark out and her friends were still sound asleep. She looked up towards the bed of the sleeping me.

"Swift." She thought sadly. 

After some thought, Penny quietly got off her bed and made her way over to Swift's bed. It was really high up, but there was a ladder next to it. She climbed up the ladder, careful not to wake Rod or Brody. When she got to Swift's bunk, she sat at the foot of the bed for a moment, before crawling over to Swift. She then attempted to wake me, by gently shaking one of my wings.

"Swift?" Penny whispered in an attempt to wake the blue jay without waking the others. She knew Rod was an early riser and would most likely wake up if he heard her. "Swift, please, wake up." she whispered again, still shaking my wing.

"Huh?" Swift mumbled, finally waking up, but still sleepy. His vision was blurry but he was able to recognize the figure.

"Penny?" He asked, as he slowly sat up on his bed with a yawn. "What is it? Why are you awake?" I asked in a hushed tone.

The normally outgoing penguin, looked down at her wings that lay on her knees as she knelt in front of her friend. She avoided eye contact, unsure if she should asked what she wanted in the first place.

"Penny?" I asked with a bit of worry.

Penny gave a heavy sigh. While still not looking at her friend, she asked a bit nervously. "S-Swift? I-Is it okay for me to sleep with you for the rest of the night?"

Swift's eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't expecting that. If he wasn't fully awake before, he was at that moment.

"Uuuhhh..." was all he was able to let out, still in shock and unsure what to say. The young penguin in front of him kept her head down while rubbing one arm nervously.

When she got no answer, Penny sighed. "I'm sorry, Swift. It was a stupid request. I'll just go back to my own bed." she said, trying to hold back her tears. I noticed this and quickly but gently grabbed hold of one of her wings.

"Penny, wait." I whispered, as I turned her to face me. She looked up at me with watery eyes. I gave her a worried look.

"Penny? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked. 

She nodded. 

"D-did it have to do with me?" he continued.

Penny nodded again as the tears began to fall freely, as she remembered her nightmare. Swift swiftly brought her into an embrace in hopes to calm her down.

"Shhhh. It's ok Penny. I'm here. You can stay the rest of the night if you want." he whispered to her softly.

"Th-thank y-you, S-Swift." Penny replied.

Once Penny had calmed down a bit, Swift got back under the covers and laid down, since the night was a bit chilly. Penny lay above the covers while she snuggled up to Swift. Being a penguin, she wasn't bothered by the chilly night air. Swift placed a wing around her, while the other was placed under his pillow.

"Goodnight, Penny. Sweet dreams." He whispered.

"I hope so." Penny mumbled. "Goodnight, Swift." 

They said it was nice of you to let her sleep with you he said good night and you have to listen to me when I send you to bed at Penny's house for 4 days they said ok it was morning and Swift said that he had to go to the store to get some things and when he got back they were going to leave he got back and Swift's sister's got 3 months worth of clothes they were 2 hours out of town when they realised that they had forgotten their panties and pajamas at the house they got to Penny's house after dark so they slept in the Flash wing Swift woke up early and saw that Penny was already up  He made her a cup of iced coffee and him 1 as well than Penny went in the house and got her family ready to meet him and told them if they rejected him that she would never come back home they said ok and what are you drinking she said it is something called a iced coffee that Swift invented oh and he has 3 more surprises that are not mine she went out to the Flash wing and took one of the girl's and he carries one of the girls in the front of him and one in the back of him they walk into the house and Penny introduced him to her family as her boyfriend and these 3 little bundles of joy are his sister's summer and abby and connie

then they started to cry so swift asked Penny's mom to take one of the girls off of him so that he could do it right she held connie penny held abby and swift held summer Swift started to sing a song and they stopped crying and woke up she said swift you already know my mom my dad Steve and my little sisters ruby and mushi nice to meet you he told his sister's to say nice to meet you and they did than he said you go play with Penny and her sisters well I go call the person who called me when we were asleep

than he called his long time  friend that work at the hospital and he said that his parents were killed in a gas explosion because there was a gas leak at the house ok I well tell my sisters the news he said thanks peak then he went and told penny to come here but leave my sisters there she did he told her and her parents about the deaths and to not let the little one's know they said ok then he said that he had to go toke to speedy at headquarters and he would by back his littlest sister asked were he was going and he said to top wing academy she asked can I go with he said yes he told brody and Penny and rody that they only had 2 of his sister's to look after they said ok than he took off to top wing academy once there he asked bee if she could look after summer she said yes I would look after her for you then he told her that she was going to look after you for a few minutes will I go talk to speedy then he went to the bridge to talk to speedy and tell him about his parents death and asked if he could build another room for his sister's to stay in he was going to bring them back home but found out that his parents were killed in a gas leak in the house he said yes I well make another room but it will take 3 weeks so when you come back you have to share a bead with them swift asked if he wanted to meet one of them he said I would love to meet her he went and got her and said he has someone that he wants her to meet and took her to the control room speedy meet summer he said nice to meet you she hides behind Swift she is shy go on he won't hurt you I promise than she said nice to meet you my name is summer or sunset if you can not remember summer

Swift said that we best be off we still have one more person to pick up and it is Penny's best friend anu ok I well call master polerbar and tell him that you are coming to pick up anu he said ok then he and his sister went to the flash wing and took off to polerbar island they got their and anu was waiting there with her dad swift said I well have her back in 3 days but if you won't to talk to her call this number and I well give my cellphone to her so she can talk to you he said ok they were about to take off wene anu asked how's bousterseat is this he said my littlest sister's  where is she oh I found her come here and she did then Swift spun around and said anu these is sunset nice to meet you my name is anu do you won't to sit next to me she said she will sit next to you and did

then they took off they got back to Penny's house and were about to land when they saw penny and the others playing outside he told anu to hide because she did not know that I was going to pick you up ok she said and hid in a little box under the dashboard and he landed and told Penny to cover her eyes and she did then he told anu to come out and she did then he told Penny to open her eyes and she did and saw anu and tackled her to the ground and they both started to laugh then she said me and Swift have something for you he let me put on the finishing teaches on a gift for you but we have to go inside than you get it swift hands sunset to anu and she took her in to the house Swift followed her and stopped anu at the door and let sunset go in and told anu the bad news and that he had not told his sisters the news yet she said that she would help calm them down thank you and Penny said that she would help to they went in and anu gave Penny the bracelet then Swift said Penny we have been friends for a long time now and I know that you love me and I love you so it makes it easier to say this he got on one knee and said Penny will you marry me then she saw the diamond and said Swift of course I will marry you her dad said you need a marriage gift I have one brody said that he had been planning this for 3 years and Swift gave her the necklace she said I love it her parents asked were he got it he blushed and said that he had made it himself they said how creative he said thank you so do I have your permission to marry your daughter she said that she has been waiting for a blue fellow to ask her to marry him so yes you do have our permission to marry her thank you

then Penny and Swift and anu took Swift's sisters to the other room and Swift told them the news one went to Penny and one went to anu and one went to Swift and then they started to cry the others heard it and said they must have told them the news then he said i have one more gift for you and went to get it he gave it to her but said i don't want you to use it until I teach you to use it she said ok then she opened it and it was a jetpack she said thank you then Swift went outside to the Flash wing and sat down on the wing and got some paper out of the Flash wing and started to right down how he was going to do the funeral then Penny's sister's came out and sat beside him and asked him if he was ok he said yes they all went to bed 3AM Swift was going on a walk and Penny's sisters asked him if they could go with him he said yes but you have to keep up with me they got back and Swift said that he was going to make the family some breakfast he made pancakes for the family at 5AM everyone smelled the pancakes and they all went to eat Swift gave Penny's parents some iced coffee to drink and Penny one to then gave rod and brody regular coffee and the little ones some iced tea to drink then went to the Flash wing and got him a energy drink then he went back in said he was taken off to the next island to get some things Penny and anu asked if they could go with him and he said yes then said he would do the dishes when he got bak in 1 hour then they left

they got their and Swift got 7 lockets and they went back to Penny's house and he gave one locket to each of the little ones then he gave Penny a locket then he saw that the dishes were done and said you guys did not have to do the dishes they said they did because that was a good breakfast then he said if you liked that you are going to like dinner and the cake I am making for Penny's birthday party tomorrow it was time to make the dinner and Penny asked him if she could help him with the dinner and he said yes you stir this well I see if we have everything for the cake and he made a list of what he needs it was time for dinner he told everyone that it was a new recipe and if they don't like it to tell him and he would not be upset about it so they tasted it and they all loved it he said that he had to go and get some things from the next island and asked them if anyone wanted to go with him and his littlest sister said I want to go and Penny's 2 sisters said that they wanted to go with him he said only if it is ok with your parents and they said yes you can go  they got in Swift's Flashwing and took off to the store they got 11 bottles of soda Swift got 1 bottle of wine some eggs and some milk and some other cake things then he payed for the groceries and they went back to Penny's house everyone else was asleep so he told them to give him the soda and he would put them in the fridge

they did then Swift took them to bed then Swift started the cake Penny's sisters had a nightmare and did not want to bother their sister because it was her birthday they knew that Swift was making a cake so they went and asked he if he would sit with them for a little while he said yes he just finished the cake just let me go and put it in the Flash wing and he did then he went back in Penny's house and sat down with her sisters and went to sleep everyone else woke up before Swift and her sisters did and saw the way they were Swift woke up and told them that they had a nightmare and he did not want to woke them up just yet 30 minutes later they woke up they all had breakfast then Swift washed the dishes 5 hours later he said anyone want some cake and they all said yes so he went to the Flash wing and got the cakes then took them inside Penny's house everyone asked what kind of cake is it 1 kelp-icer and 1 chocolate everyone except rod and brody eat the kelp-icer cake he said it was his recipe was time for bed and the little ones asked him to tell them a story about when he and Penny first started to have feelings for one another he said yes

Penny sat up straight in her bed with a gasp. She looked around the dimly lit room frantically, hoping she had not awaken her friends and fellow cadets. She sighed in relief while she struggled to get her breathing back to normal."What a horrible nightmare?" Penny thought, wiping the tears that were forming in her eyes.After composing herself, she looked around the room. It was still dark out and her friends were still sound asleep. She looked up towards the bed of the sleeping blue jay."Swift." She thought sadly. After some thought, Penny quietly got off her bed and made her way over to Swift's bed. It was really high up, but there was a ladder next to it. She climbed up the ladder, careful not to wake Rod or Brody. When she got to Swift's bunk, she sat at the foot of the bed for a moment, before crawling over to Swift. She then attempted to wake him, by gently shaking one of his wings.Swift?" Penny whispered in an attempt to wake the blue jay without waking the others. She knew Rod was an early riser and would most likely wake up if he heard her. "Swift, please, wake up." she whispered again, still shaking his wing."Huh?" Swift mumbled, finally waking up, but still sleepy. His vision was blurry but he was able to recognize the figure."Penny?" He asked, as he slowly sat up on his bed with a yawn. "What is it? Why are you awake?" he asked in a hushed tone.The normally outgoing penguin, looked down at her wings that lay on her knees as she knelt in front of her friend. She avoided eye contact, unsure if she should asked what she wanted in the first place."Penny?" Swift asked with a bit of worry.Penny gave a heavy sigh. While still not looking at her friend, she asked a bit nervously. "S-Swift? I-Is it okay for me to sleep with you for the rest of the night?"

Swift's eyes widened in surprise. He wasn't expecting that. If he wasn't fully awake before, he was at that moment."Uuuhhh..." was all he was able to let out, still in shock and unsure what to say. The young penguin in front of him kept her head down while rubbing one arm nervously.When she got no answer, Penny sighed. "I'm sorry, Swift. It was a stupid request. I'll just go back to my own bed." she said, trying to hold back her tears. Swift noticed this and quickly but gently grabbed hold of one of her wings."Penny, wait." Swift whispered, as he turned her to face him. She looked up at him with watery eyes. Swift gave her a worried look."Penny? Did you have a nightmare?" he asked. She nodded. "D-did it have to do with me?" he continued.Penny nodded again as the tears began to fall freely, as she remembered her nightmare. Swift swiftly brought her into an embrace in hopes to calm her down.

"Shhhh. It's ok Penny. I'm here. You can stay the rest of the night if you want." he whispered to her softly even longer if you want Th-thank y-you, S-Swift." Penny replied.Once Penny had calmed down a bit, Swift got back under the covers and laid down, since the night was a bit chilly. Penny lay above the covers while she snuggled up to Swift. Being a penguin, she wasn't bothered by the chilly night air. Swift placed a wing around her, while the other was placed under his pillow."Goodnight, Penny. Sweet dreams." He whispered."I hope so." Penny mumbled. "Goodnight, Swift."Swift frowned at her response. He couldn't help but wonder what could have happened in her dream... no, nightmare... to have her so shaken up. He looked over his shoulder to see if the others had woken up. Sure enough, Rod and Brody were awake and were looking towards the two. Both wore worried expressions on their face. Swift mouthed a 'later' towards them. They nodded and went back to sleep.

Swift turned and brought his attention back to the penguin now sleeping next to him. It didn't take long for her to fall asleep. He smiled and subconsciously began to gently caress her side with the thumb of his wing that lay on her. This caused her to snuggle into him more. He gave a slight chuckle before he yawned and fell back asleep as well.The next morning, Swift woke up to find Penny with her arms wrapped around his waist. She was sound asleep. He gave a soft groan.How am I going to get out of this without waking her?" Swift thought.Rod and Brody popped up from the side of Swift's bed and saw the position their teammates were in. They were already dressed and ready for the day."It's going to be hard  getting out of that." Rod whispered to Swift. Brody nodded in agreement."I know. But what can I do? She had a rough night. I don't want to wake her until she is ready they said that they well tell their teachers that they would be late for class.when she and brody Got to me but I was unconscious and she had to do mouth to mouth to try to revive me but it did not work i was on life support for 4 weeks and she stayed with me until I was better than she kissed me so that is how we met they said that was nice of you to let her sleep with you when she had a nightmare It as the last night at Penny's house swift made Penny's parents a fancy diner with him as the server you can have a lot of nights like this if you agree to what your little ones ask you tomorrow morning than they finished the meal Swift did the dishes and they went to bed 

in the morning Penny's sister's asked them if they could go to top wing academy for 2 months with Swift and Penny and they said that they could  they got ready to go and they went to the Flash wing and were off they got to top wing academy and Swift and Penny introduced them to speedy and bee they said nice to meet you than they told speedy and bee the news and speedy said that it's about time Swift confessed his feelings for her. The next morning speedy got a call from a penguin asking for Swift he went on to Swift's watch and told him to come to the control room and he did the penguin told that Penny's parents had died in a gas leak last night and they did not make it he said he would tell them the bad news and said that he was going for a walk to think about how to tell them the bad news and told speedy not to tell them the bad news he said ok he went to the Lemon Shack and asked Ronda if she knew of the best way to tell someone that their parents were killed in a gas leak just the way you said it he said ok he was about to go back to headquarters wene he saw his sister's and Penny and her sister's and rod and brody come down the path he told Ronda whatever they order is on me she said ok he took Penny and her sister's aside and told them the bad news they started to cry so Swift order 50 kelp-icer's to go and paid for the other cadets stuff to then Ronda asked if it was her parents that died he said yes then she said whatever she ordered is on the house he said keep it that he would be back in 4 hours to get something for everyone at top wing academy she said ok then he took Penny and her sister's back to headquarters speedy saw them and said did you tell them Swift said yes I did tell them we well be in our room if you need me 4 hours later the rest of the people came back to the headquarters and Swift asked his 2 of his sister's to come to the Lemon Shack and help him bring back something for everyone summer and connie went with him and they got 11 drinks 4 kelp-icer smoothies and 7 mixed barriers then they went back to headquarters and gave speedy and bee 2 mixed barriers and gave rod and brody and summer and connie and abby mixed barriers then he went in to the room and said this might help they said what is it he said kelp-icer smoothies they drank them and said thank you and can we sleep with you for the night he said yes but my sister's well have to sleep in your bed she said ok they can he told everyone that he and Penny and her sister's were going to bad and not to bother them

then they went to bed he got up early and went on a run with bee he told speedy that if his sister's or Penny or her sister's wont me they have to wait until I get back from my run he said ok than he took off his younger sister was looking for him speedy said that he just left if you hurry up you can get him she said ok she got him in the lunch bay and asked if she could go with him he said yes they left 30 minutes later his other to sister's asked were he is speedy said he went on a run with bee they said that they would be back in 2 hours from now on the run he asked bee if she could help him plan his and Penny's wedding and she said yes she would help him plan the wedding he said he already  had a perfect place for the honeymoon Howie and I will be taking all of you with me she said grate they were done with the run same time tomorrow Swift you know it we will plan the wedding tomorrow on the run he went and got all of the girls dress sizes he said it is for a new dress he is making for them but they will not be ready until the wedding day me and bee are planning it on our run tomorrow thank you for the dress sizes then he asked Penny if she had anything to do she said no he said do you want to go get some thing to eat they all said yes he said that he will get them after he is done with training for the day they said ok he asked speedy if their was training he said no Swift told him that if Penny or his sister's or her sister's are looking for him tell them he is on a training mission he said ok then he went to the Lemon Shack and asked Ronda if she could put this in a clam and bring it to me and Penny tonight she said that she could he said thank you and gave her a sack of money then asked oscar to play Penny's favorite song he said he would then he went back to headquarters and he got Penny and her sister's and his sister's and they went to the Lemon Shack they got their and sat down and Ronda brought her the clam she said i'm allergic to clams Swift said just open it she did and saw a ring in it with a kelp-icer stone on it than he told the little ones that bee was going to put them to bed tonight because me and Penny are going on a date they said ok but she better be good she is they went on the date and had Italian food they went back to headquarters to find the little ones sleeping he gave her some money for babysitting for them they went to bed Swift got up early and went on a run with bee they talked about the dress and what they should be like he said ok then they talked about the rest of the wedding they were done he went to work on their dress he got them done one day before the wedding they tried them on and looked good the next day was the wedding the Sherman said dose anyone not think that these 2 birds should not be together speak now or forever hold your piece no one did he said may I have the rings Swift's sister gave them the rings they said I do than cut the cake it was the day of the funeral's the funeral's were over they went back to headquarters

chapter 2

2 weeks later Swift and Penny were laying on the ground writing poems wene Swift felt 3 little weights on his back he looked back at them and he said ruby,sunset and summer he got up and hugged them and said did you guys come here alone then he heard this you know we would never let them come alone he looked up and saw his parent's he said that he was happy to see them they asked if  he could watch his sisters for a few weeks and he said yes they asked how is this you are with he said that he would tell them at the Lemon Shack he took penny put her on his back and started to go up but one of his sisters grabbed his large he asked if she could fly yet and she said no he asked his younger sister if she could fly but she said no so he took them told them to put their arms around his neck he called the other cadets and told them to meet him and Penny at the Lemon Shake they said ok one sister on one side of him and the other one on the other side he had some trouble getting off the ground but he made it work they were all most at the Lemon Shake when he saw rod and brody they saw him carrying two blue Jays and Penny he landed he said I would like you to meet my family this is sunset and ruby they said nice to meet you and they are may sister summer and my mom connie and my dad Steven they all said nice to meet you then swift said now that we are all here I have something for Penny that I have been working on for a long time he got on one knee and asked Ronda to play a romantic song than he took Penny by the  hands asked her to be his girlfriend and she said yes I was waiting for you to ask me everyone said how cute it was he said drinks are on my everyone got Lemon smoothies he saw speedy and Bea coming down the trail and he said he would need two more Lemon smoothies he gave them the Lemon smoothies then he said I well have some little guests staying with me for a few weeks speed said ok They went back to headquarters he ordered 2 kelp-icer smoothies and gave one to Penny his sister's asked him what it was he said it is a kelp-icer smoothie with energy drink in it they asked if they could try it he said yes just a sip they loved it they went back to headquarters and he introduced them to speedy and Bea he asked if he could use the verarolrealaty room with mates on the floor to teach this to how to fly speedy said yes he could then he went and got his bed then went to the verarolrealaty room with it he started to teach them to fly they were done for the day it was late his sister's fell a sleep he took them and the bed back to the room once there he saw that Penny and summer were sleeping so he put them to sleep kissed them good night left them a note that said that he went to get their stuff  and that he would be back in two hours he kissed Penny that woke her up he said that he would be back in two hours and then he left he got to his hometown got the stuff and went to the store and got some energy drinks and then he went back to headquarters he was on his 2 energy drink and he saw penny she said that his younger sisters just started to cry I tried to get them to stop but I couldn't so I went to see if you were back he went to the room and saw that the other cadets were trying to get them to stop crying then he went to them held them and started to sing a special song to them that went like this 

It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love light the way

 that stopped them from crying the other cadets said how did you do that well i'm the only one In my family that could get them to stop crying for a few weeks now I have to go meat Bea for our sunrise run he left he got to the hanger he meat Bea there she said she tried to get them to stop crying but couldn't he said he sang them a song she said that is way they stopped crying she asked him were he went he said that he went to get  them some clothes from home they went on the run on the way back he stopped at the Lemon Shack and got 9 Lemon smoothies 6 with energy drink in them and 3 without they went back to headquarters and they went to the control room and found everyone was their he gave them their smoothies and said something to say thanks for dealing with the crying last night then he went to their room and he gave Penny her smoothie and said thanks for dealing with the crying last night  then he gave his sister's their smoothies then they asked him were he went last night he said that he went to get them some clothes from the house they said thank you he got a call from an old friend he said that are in the hospital and are asking for you and your sisters he said he would be there in 2 hours penny and him were the only ones up he asked her to come with him and his sisters to the hospital she said she would he picked up to of his sisters and Penny took the other one he left a note with brody that told them were he was going they left and 2 hours later landed in the parking lot of the hospital his sister's were awake and he said they had to wait outside of the room well he talked to his parents they did they asked if he could adopt his sister's he said I would have to talk to speedy about that her let me call him he should be up by now it is day time their he called speedy and asked him he said yes you can he hung up the phone and his sister came in his parents told them that they might not make it so swift said he would adopt you so you are going to stay with him they said ok then the machine started to beep so they had to wait in the waiting room they did then Swift saw the doc he said they did not make it his sisters started to cry he asked if he could try something that allows worked on other people the doc said yes he rubbed his hands together it did not work so he took his sisters to the house to  get there things then they went to the HQ the next day they arrived at HQ speedy asked did they make it Swift said no now if you do not mind I have some calls to make and a funeral to plan he went to the rooftop to be alone he called his uncle and asked him to spread the word that his parents were gon and that he was planning the funeral he said ok I well Swift said that the funeral was in 3 months he said ok then swift went to the lemon Shack Penny saw him live to go their she said she was going to check on Swift at the lemon Shack and she left 

At the lemon Shack Swift sites at the bare and asked Ronda for a kelp icer smoothie with energy drink in it she said ok then he said he was going to be up for a week ahead asked way he said that his mom and dad he was planning the funeral she said she was sorry to hear that he drank the smoothie and was about to leave when he saw Penny coming down the road he asked Ronda for 2 more kelp icer smoothie and 2 kelp icers she said yes and got them he gave 1 of each to Penny then they went back to HQ they got their he heard his sister's crying so he went to the sleeping room and went in and saw the others were trying to get them to stop crying he went up to them got his getar and played them this song 

It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love light the way

That got them to stop crying he told penny if she needs him to tell brody to get him he went to the roof with his sleeping bag Penny asked if she could go with him and he said yes they went up to the roof speedy got a call from Penny's mother she asked if she could speak with Penny  he said she left her watch here but I can transfer the call to swift's phone she said ok he did Swift answers the phone she asked if she could speak with Penny he gave the phone to her she asked how Swift was she said you will find out when I come to see you I well ask speedy for time off but I have to bring his sisters she said ok she hangs up the phone penny went to the control room to ask speedy for some time off he said ok I well give you 4weeks off she said me and Swift and his sister's are going to my house they got in the flash wing and went to Penny's house it was night time when they got their heard crying  So they went in and went to see what was going on her mom was sleeping they saw her and hugged her But they were still crying so swift said let me try something that always worked on my sisters and he sang them this song It's holiday time

The most special of seasons

So come gather round

To remember the reason

It's not all the gifts

The food or decorations

But the Spirit of Love

That marks this celebration

So come walk with me

Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more

Than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love light the way

We all have our ways

Of observing this evening

Yet each of us shares

Something we all believe in

What makes this one night

Out shine all of the others

Is sharing our joy with our sisters and brothers

So come sing with me

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

And down every street

Are new friends we can meet

On this holiday

Let love light our way

Every December

As we honor all our traditions

It's nice to remember

That it's not a big competition

So let love be your mission

The night outshines all the others

With our sisters and our brothers

So come walk with me Sing along and you'll see

On this holiday

Let love light the way

As we stand around the tree

All together we'll be

On this holiday

Let love light the way

You need nothing more than those you adore

On this holiday

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love

Let love light the way

  That stopped them from crying penny asked if they wanted to sleep with her   They said yes so they all went out to the jet to sleep In the morning penny's mom went to wake them up but saw they were not in bed So she went looking for them and saw the jet she walked up to the jet and saw that penny swift and swift sisters and penny sisters were all sleeping in the jet  They woke up and went into the house and penny introduced him as her boyfriend He said nice to meet you but I have To go and plan my parents funeral Penny's mom asked is there anything I can do to help he yes can you take care of my sisters for me while I go plan the funeral and she said yes I can take care of your sisters for a few hours for you then he went out to his jet and got some pen and paper and started writing down stuff to say at the funeral  Penny went with him and got one of his famous drinks then went to back into her house her mom asked what it was she was drunk and she said it was something called iced coffee with energy drink in it she said can I try it and she said yes She loved it Swift wrote down a song to sing at the funeral Then he went inside and met penny's father she in introduced him as her boyfriends and He said nice to meet you Penny's father asked her what gift did he give you she said nothing yet but he has something he has been working on for me for a while  Swift left to go get anu Then they went back to her house she saw penny playing in the snow and ran and hugged her It was the next day and it was penny's birthday swift gave her the necklace and bracelet that he made himself Her parents asked were he got them and he said he made them himself because he really loves penny and wanted to give her the best courting gift he could He said he also has something else for her and her sisters and anu He went out to the jet and got their cellphones and gave one to each of them and said know you guys can get ahold of penny anytime you want instead of Calling  speedy you can call this number and gave her parents her number than penny and her sisters and anu hugged him and said thank you he showed them how to use the phone then they all went back to HQ bee said she needs help fixing the VR room he said let me see it he was able to fix it he got a call for a penguin he said that Penny's parents are dead he said he would tell them the news anu was with them so he asked her to help him tell Penny the bad news she said she would so they went to the sleeping room and told Penny and her sisters the news Penny went to Swift and her sisters went to anu Penny started to cry into Swift's shirt he took her to the roof than he said let it out 1 hour later speedy was looking for him he called his watch and asked him how to fix the vr table he said when I am done helping Penny with what we are doing he heard penny crying speedy said take your time he said thank it was bedtime so swift took penny to her bed and tucked her in he saw that her sisters and anu and his sisters were sleeping in his bed he went to fix the vr table  it took him all night because he had to fix the big screen to he was fixing it wene speedy asked him if he had slept at all he said no I spent all night fixing things now if you'll excuse me I have to go get some smoothies for all of us he said ok so he went to the lemon Shack for the smoothies

Then he went to HQ gave speedy and bee their smoothies then he went to the sleeping room and saw that everyone was up he gave them their smoothies then he gave Penny's sisters and his sisters watches like theirs then he asked Brody and rod To be has best men then penny asked her sisters and swift's sisters to be her bridesmaids it was day of the funerals so swift flew the command center To go get all of the people for the funerals then flew the command center to the funeral home after the funeral everyone went back to big swirl for that at for the wake The next day it was that day of the who were in so swift decided he to make penny a good an ice sculpture it  was time for the wedding so swift stood at the beginning of the altar and comerdormicterk Started to say do you penny take Swift to be your lawfully wedded husband for better or worse as long as you both shall live She said I do then he asked swift do you take penny to be your lawfully wedded wife for better or worse as long as you both shall live he said I do they kissed then cut the cake then Swift unveiled his surprise then he said go outside they did and saw fireworks that said I love you from swift Penny kissed him 

The end

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