At the Uchiha Secret Training Ground.
"We're here. All we need to do is wait for Itachi nii." I said.
"Otouto. Before Itachi comes, I'm gonna do something dangerous. I'll jump off the cliff over there. Catch me with a clone okay?" He said with a smile.
"What if my clone missed you?" I said.
He anime fell on my words.
"This is serious you Otouto Teme!" He said.
I laughed at his antics. I just wanted to lighten the mood somehow before Itachi comes. I then made a clone with the chakra that I have left.
If not for the training and increase in chakra I received all this year, I would have exhausted my whole chakra for a long time now.
"You know what to do!" I grinned at the clone.
"Heyy what was that Otouto? What did you whispher to your clone!?" He asked. I just smiled at him and didn't answer, well I'm just messing with him.
After a few minutes Itachi nii arrived.
"Daisuke, Shisui. Are you both alright?" He said. "Why was Daisuke involved Shisui."
We then recall all that happened to Itachi.
"Well, what will we do now?" I asked.
"No Daisuke, this is our clans problem. You've helped a lot now Daisuke. Let us handle this." Itachi said.
"I think of you both as my 2 Big Brothers. If it's your problem, then i'll stick my head were I shouldn't, because we are brothers." I said.
Itachi and Shisui remained silent at my words and then Shisui said.
"Okay, but you will not fight anymore! It's the duty of the Older Brothers to protect their Younger Brother. So just let us handle the fighting. Okay?!" He said.
"I won't promise something I couldn't keep." I said and Shisui sighed.
We then went back to the topic.
"Most probably the council especially Danzo would suggest a quick wipe out of the clan. Because it's either the clan or the whole Village of Konoha." Shisui said.
"If that happens what would the 2 of you do?" I asked.
"I would do anything to protect the Village Daisuke." Itachi said.
"Even if it means killing Sasuke and all of the innocent Uchiha's that don't know about the coup." I said.
"Yes, even if it's come to that." He said.
"If your so fixated to protect Konoha then why not suggest to the Hokage to just kill all of the members of the coup and spare the innocent. You have the list of every suspects and the leaders right?" I said.
"No, Danzo won't let that happen." Itachi said.
"What is it with Danzo this, Danzo that! He's not the freaking Hokage!" I said.
"It's because....." Itachi wasn't able to finish his words.
"Enough! Itachi if your so fixated on killing all of the Uchiha members then why not kill me right here, right now. I won't be able to even fight back." Shisui said.
Itachi remained quiet at Shisui's words.
"You can't do it? Well I'll do it myself." Before Itachi and I could do anything. Shisui smiled at us and jumped off the nearest cliff.
"Shisui!!!!!!" Itachi yelled and ran as fast as he could.
His Sharingan activated and his eyes bled and changed from a full Sharingan to a different patterned Sharingan.
"See, you can't even accept that I just died, an innocent Uchiha and you plan to even kill your brother." Shisui said while my clone shunshined him at my position.
Itachi turned around and was surprised to see Shisui alive.
"Now you also possess the Mangekyo Sharingan." Shisui said with a smile on his face.
"If it comes to a need that we need to massacre the clan, we will spare the innocent people as much as we can. You want to protect Konoha right, Itachi? Then why kill the innocent Uchiha who's also a part of the Village." Shisui finished.
Itachi just cried with all that happened and at what Shisui said.
When Itachi calmed down.
"Who are included in the list of leaders and suspects?" I asked.
"Almost all the Adults Ninjas are involve in this operation, we don't even know any adult that is not involved." Shisui answered.
"Is Izumi nee also involved in the Uchiha coup?" I asked.
"No, she doesn't even know what's happening. That is why lately I've been observing her of any indication of her knowing since her father is one of the Clans Elder. Maybe its because of the reason that both of them hates each others gut. Her father doesn't even wants to tell her about the Coup. His father is scared of Izumi telling to the Hokage about the Coup." Itachi answered.
I exhale a lot of air I didn't even knew I was holding.
"Including Sasuke, Itachi nii. How many children are there in the entire Uchiha compound?" I asked.
"If you include the Genins aged 14 and below there are 40. If it's only the academy students and below there are 32." Itachi answered.
"Among the Genins except Izumi nee. Are there anyone of them involved in the massacre?" I asked.
"No, all of the Genins are innocent. All 7 of the 8 Genins are all orphans that lives together in the outskirts of the Village. The Clan mostly disregards them since none of them are really talented individuals." Shisui answered.
"How about the civilian?" I asked.
"None of the Civilians know about the Coup as far as we know." Itachi said.
"Okay we will spare all of the genins aged 14 and below plus all of the civilian. We will kill all of the involved Uchihas with no mercy. But only if the Hokage accepts our resolution." Shisui finished.
"No Shisui. I'll do it. Your not allowed to be seen alive by Danzo." Itachi said.
"Yes Aniki. We're not strong enough to handle the wrath of that old b*stard. Plus you lost one of your Sharingan. You're not even fully recovered yet." I said.
"No Daisuke. It's not like we're gonna perform the plan tonight. Let me have your mask and cloak Otouto. I'll disguise myself as what you look like and we'll stage my death with the Hokage's permission. I won't let my little brother handle all of this burden." Shisui said.
"But I'll also come." I said.
"No Daisuke. This time I'll not let you fight. If the massacre breaks out the Anbu of the village will respond quickly. We can't let you fight with the Anbu. Please just listen okay?" Shisui asked.
I reluctantly nodded. We all finalized what we'll do and then me and Shisui went to meet the Hokage at his residence.
"Bye for now Itachi nii."
Hello Guys,
Here's an update for today.
Thank you for the support guys.
I don't want to cancel the Uchiha Massacre so I just left it as more of a mass murder. Sasuke's growth is mainly dependent on the massacre of his clan so I will still do it.
Also this is what gives me a real headache. The death of Shisui was a very important key of the massacre arc so in saving him, it was very hard to visualize what might happen during the massacre.
Anyways, thank you guys and have a great day.
Walker Out!
In the Sarutobi Compound
I used Shukutchi from the Secret Training Ground up to the Sarutobi Clans Compound. I then maneuvered while Shisui Aniki is holding me. In a few jumps of Shukutchi, we arrived at the Hokage's study room where Hiruzen is currently smoking with his Pipe.
"Well what a fascinating Jutsu Daisuke chan. Tell me, is that a space time ninjutsu?"
"No Hokage sama. I just added lightning chakra with the shunshin jutsu to create this jutsu i named 'Shukutchi'." I said.
"Fascinating. Well enough of that, what have you discussed with Itachi?" He asked.
Shisui then recounted what we've discussed with Itachi.
"Are sure that you want to do this? We can still think about another way to face this problem." Hiruzen said.
"Yes Hokage sama. Both Itachi and I agreed with this plan. We know that even if Danzo gets apprehended, the coup will still happen. If that happens all of the Uchiha members will die along with its reputation. Also we need your cofirmation and a promise Hokage sama that the survivors will be protected, and that no one will ever know about the clans plan of coup, to save the Uchiha name." Shisui finished.
"You do know that after this, without anyone knowing what really is the reason of the soon massacre, Itachi will be branded as a missing nin." Hiruzen said.
"Yes Hokage sama. Itachi is fully aware of the consequence."
"Hokage sama, I only have one question. Why do we need to tell the village that Itachi was the one that killed the Uchiha members." I asked.
"Well we can also do that Daisuke. But this will also asked as a statement for Danzo. If Itachi was the one who kills all of those powerful Uchiha members. Danzo will think twice when it comes to hurt or kill the survivors because they are under Itachi's protection." Shisui answered.
"Yes Daisuke, that pretty much is the answer to that question." Hokage added.
"Can't we just put the blame under Danzo? I mean, he is the one who wanted to do the massacre. Can't we also pull him down with Itachi nii." I asked.
"Well, I haven't thought of that Daisuke. That is a good plan. Both Itachi and I will discuss this tomorrow. Would that be okay Hokage sama?" Shisui said.
"Okay, tomorrow you can speak with Itachi, Shisui. Also Daisuke, tomorrow i need you to come and bring your mom at my office. Even if Shisui will disguise himself at the Uchiha Massacre as you, Danzo might still know your involvement of what happened earlier. I plan to hide you in the Anbu Corps so that you'll be able to train to your full potential while also being under my wing." He said.
"Isn't Danzo one of the incharge ninja for the Anbu program?" I asked.
"No, i will fire him of his ninja duties and disband his own Root organization. So don't worry Daisuke." He answered.
"But what about me hiding at the confines of the Ninja Academy Hokage sama?" I asked. I really don't want to be separated with my friends.
"With what Iruka said in your profile, you are the best in your class. Staying in the confines of the Academy longer might also attract Danzo's interest plus the fact that you vanished earlier in class might arise Danzo's suspicion if he knew. That is why your alibi would be 'you escaped class and trained at the academy's training ground, I saw you and asked you to perform your techniques, and I'll also announce tomorrow that you'll do your graduation exam after 2 weeks.' Understood?" Hiruzen said.
I then nodded reluctantly. 'No regrets, no regrets.' I kept on saying those words in my mind.
Hiruzen then gave Shisui an Anbu mask and cloak as a disguise. He then told him to rest in one of the guest rooms to recuperate from his injuries.
I also gave the Anbu I killed to Shisui and told him that he should use it as the decoy for his death but he said that he already has a plan for that.
I then excused myself from Hiruzen and Shisui.
When I arrived back home I was nagged by my mom by being home late. It's currently 11 in the evening. I then told her that the Hokage saw me training when I ditched class and wanted to ask her to come with me tomorrow. I then told him that I trained all day that I lost track of time.
After my mom finished nagging I then went to my room and went straight to my bathroom.
I looked at myself and after a second everything that happened flashed in my mind like a movie in timelapse.
I then gagged and vomit in to the the toilet. The content of it were just saliva and acid since I haven't eaten anything since breakfast. The 10 plus people I killed earlier sinked into my mind as all of the adrenaline left my body.
I was even surprised that it took me this long to cave in. Afterall it was my first kill and I've already killed 10 plus persons.
'I even lost count of how many I killed earlier.' I thought.
When I was born in this world I've already steeled myself that to become a great shinobi, I need to kill at some point.
After I'm done emptying my stomach I then went to bed and proceed to sleep.
The next day, I can feel something touching my cheeks.
'It's just carrot.' I thought.
I then grabbed the thing that was touching my cheeks and pulled it into bed and hugged it. I then went back to dreamland while my hug pillow struggle on my arms. 'Thats strange.'
After a few minutes I heard a loud shout!
"Daisuke!!!!!!!" My hug pillow decided that i've hugged it far too long that it decided to revolt and shout my name.
'Wait! Hug pillows don't shout. Baka! I don't have a hug pillow. This should be carrot? No carrot's not this big.'
I then opened my red eyes and stared at a beautiful pair of deep blue eyes near my face. The hug pillow was none other than Yuki, blushing with visible steam appearing on her head.
"Good morning?" I asked with a big smile.
"Good morning?" She said, while I can see a death aura behind her.
Yuki then pulled her head and headbutted me.
"Ouch what was that for?!" I asked.
"What was that?! I've been trying to wake you up but you decided to pull me onto bed! Then you hugged me into a strong lock that I wasn't even able to move my hands. I've been calling your name for the past few minutes silently since I don't want your mom seeing us like that if I scream to loudly but it's already a few minutes and your still not waking up so I screamed!" She said while catching her breath.
"I'm sorry. I'm just so tired." I answered while rubbing my forehead.
"You're tired but you hugged me in a tight bear hug." She murmured.
After recovering to that embarrassing scene we then went down to have breakfast since we just missed our daily run.
Yuki eats breakfast with us every day since I started training with her. She's been like a cute daughter to my mom that she wished Hana had been and a little sister to Hana that she wish I had been if I was a girl.
Also Yuki is an orphan so she yearns for this kind of love from a family. After a few days that Yuki ate with us every morning, my mom just offered her to live with us which she agreed happily.
I've also tried to do that with Naruto when we were younger but once the council knew he's been staying in our house for many days, the council accused my mom of harboring the jinchuriki to enhance our clans power.
Well my mom didn't said those exact words but she said that she really wants Naruto to live with us, but there are circumstances that hinders us of housing Naruto.
I then just invite Naruto every now and then to lessen his yearning for a family and to always be there for him when he needs comfort the most.
After eating breakfast, Yuki, Mom and I went on our way to the Ninja Academy slash Hokage Tower.
Yuki then went to our room and then I told her that my mom and I needs to see the Hokage.
When we entered the room, Hiruzen told my mom 'the alibi' that we've created last night.
At first my mom was against it but after that the Hokage said something that changed my mom's mind.
"Danzo is looking Tsume and I just want to help your son. Also the room is secured and it's just the three of us that can hear this discussion." Hiruzen said.
Tsume had a very shocked reaction.
'Wait wait wait!' Why would mom be scared of Danzo looking at me. Ofcourse she needs to be wary of him but why is there such a huge reaction with mom's face.' I thought.
"Tell me son. Were you touched by the full moons light last night?" She asked.
"It's not full moon last night mom! Also what are you talking about?" I said.
My mom was shocked and scratched her head. She forgot that it was not full moon last night and her expression seems like she slipped on a topic that she doesn't want me knowing.
She then told me what happened when I was born.
"The moonlight touched you that night Dais chan, your hair grew and your eyes turned black with red irises. That is the indication of our Ancestors Bloodline, the Mythical Sulong." She finished.
"Wait mom are you talking about this?" I then transformed to my Pseudo Sulong Transformation.
My mom's eyes grew large as well as the Hokage. Both of them have their mouths wide open from the shock
Hello Guys!
Here's the new chapter for today.
I hope that you enjoy it.
The massacre will still happen and Itachi will still be the one to execute the mass murder, but this time with Shisui's help.
Also Danzo won't be unscathed from what will happen.
Thank you guys and have a great day.
Walker Out!
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