It was somewhat peaceful travel back, there wasn't anything that could harm them, but there is a few different animals that were starting to wander back and forth between the branches, none of them seemed to have any issues with the wolves walking back and forth. Syren wasn't really as excited as when they were in the city, just looking through the area, slipping through the trees without any look around, keeping herself moving straight.
Her cub on the other hand was looking around, he was interested in the fact that nothing was actually reacting to him. He knew that if he was with the pack, it might have been a different story, none of the animals that were usually going to have run when they would have been able find his way through the forest without any issues. His head was starting to swivel a little with each look around the forest. His mind was still back in the town, curious as to what had happened with the group, he takes the time and starts to get back to the cave.
The pair of Azure and Lapis had started to have a bit of a rough housing, having fun fighting against each other. Throwing water and seeming to have made some slush balls instead of just the water, it wasn't hard, but it was starting to smack, with just enough force to splatter, but not into a way that hurts. It was a bit of fun watching the pair fighting between each other, not really trying to get in the fight, knowing that even though he couldn't get hurt, it would be different then just having wandered through the pair.
He was quick to move back over to himself, feeling a light pull and starting to get back into his body pulling himself back inside again, looking over the inside towards the world, taking in a couple of quick changes, there was a bit more deer population, along with the rat's starting to propagate a bit more thoroughly. The animals had set up a few with deciding to set up sort of roving territories.
Most of the species weren't fighting, the only ones trying to fight were the rats. They weren't able to find many to fight, but there were a few 'skirmishes' fighting between them. The fights were mostly ambushes, having the fact they couldn't run as fast as possible. Taking his time to look over, he notices something, it wasn't a matter of his view, it was a matter of like something was coming from inside of his body, starting to cause him curl up into a different means, curling into his bellybutton, and seeming to fall into himself.
It is a strange experience, being inside of yourself and then moving deeper inside of yourself. Almost like he had reached a pinpoint, before a sudden feeling of expansion. He feels like he had burst like a balloon, the strange sensation made something feel like it had pressed out of him. It was a moment later that he pulls himself backwards, blinking his eyes as another a couple pairs are looking towards him.
Though, he couldn't really seem to have possibly seen them. The light ram's head, had seemed to dim, starting to look around, while the black pair of eyes were still black as night. "Well now, we didn't expect our host to have show himself." He says with a nod of his head. Almost wishing there was a top hat on the man's head, thinking the males voice sounded like a British male.
The rabbit's head nods, "Yes, usually we have to go looking for hosts, if we aren't comfortable. Then again, they were great at grooming." She says with a more familiar accent, it wasn't something that he could actually figure out but it was easy enough to keep listening.
The pair seemed to have forgotten talking to each other, talking about how much they enjoyed the grooming. The ram seemed to have enjoyed a shearing every month or so, keeping him cool. While the rabbit seemed to have a heavy shed that they collected their fur. Apparently, while the pair were important there was quite a few pairs.