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6.34% Sith Warrior [OLD] | Star Wars: The Old Republic / Chapter 4: LIGHTSABERS


It was still a frightening experience, but she had to proceed. Every pain on her body and every pain in her heart as well soul, the Force wasn't kind to her and she knew that it will never be.

At 18, she was summoned by Darth Baras, he already had her new assignment for her. "Now, there are sacred ruins in the tomb of Tulak Hord. The ancient inscriptions that once adorned the walls of each ruin lie in the pieces. You will venture through the entire tomb, search all of the ruins and bring me a shard from each of these inscriptions. You will do this or you will die."

Three years and it was always the same: Do this or die, statement over and over again. Of course, in his eyes, she was still a child. A child yet to have the grasps of the dark side of the Force. Her eyes were yet to be yellow and Baras wondered how much pain does he have to grant her, for that to happen.

The girl who had once black hair, had slowly turned white throughout the years. Now, not an inch of a single black strand left on her head. High levels of emotional stress, which, in turn, causes less pigmentation of the hair. Luckily, there was no side effect on hair loss or she would be bald. Because of this, Baras can spot her within the academy from a mile away.

"Vemrin and my other acolytes have already been sent. There are no rules regarding how they secure the shards, and they will stop at nothing. Fight your way through the tomb of Tulak Hord in the Valley of the Dark Lords, and bring me the shards from each of the ruined shrines."

"Yes, master." Leena bowed in his presence. She didn't want to see his metallic face any longer, even though she needed his approval and become his apprentice to be stronger. Strong enough to kill him.

Even with that kind of feeling inside of her, she still couldn't bear to kill anyone she doesn't have a beefing with. Vemrin was one of them, although he and she have this undeniable rivalry that, even grab the attention of the dark lords of the Academy – she knew he would kill her at some point. Eskella told her to get rid of him before things could get worse but, Leena refused.

Of course, there was teaching saying: Attack him where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.

Leena had a different idea onto the approach, after all. When able to attack, she must seem unable. When using the Force, she must seem inactive. When she is near, she must make the enemy believe that she is far away. When far away, she must make him believe she is near.

Toying with him for three years was fun for her, and yet, she will only defend when he attacks. And strike for the kill when only he attacks.

A general who wins a battle makes many calculations where the battle is fought. The general who loses a battle makes but few calculations beforehand. Thus, do many calculations lead to victory and few calculations to defeat. That's how Baras thinks, she knows that she has studied that, but she hasn't fully understood it.

It is by the attention, in which she can foresee who is likely to win or lose.

The girl pretends to be a pawn and collected the shards as instructed. Not much problem, she managed to collect them while the other acolytes were fighting one another for them. Warfare is based on deception, after all.

On her way back to Darth Baras, Klemrel was there: "You—you did it, didn't you? You got the shards from the tomb and you're on your way back to Lord Baras."

"Are you here to congratulate me, Klemrel?" She said in a rather obvious joke. After all, he was the only acolyte she was able to get along with for the past three years.

"I'll take that as a yes, Leena." And that tone, well, Leena understood that he meant business with these shards.

Leena looked at her fellow acolyte, "Klemrel, you don't want to do this…"

"I made a mistake, Leena! I tried to get through the tomb, but there were too many shyrack! I barely even escaped! I figured better to ambush you and take the shards! Since Baras has always been fond of you, maybe he wouldn't even punish you and give you another task!" Leena's eye twitched.

If she came back without a single shard, he would torture her again and add more scars on her back. Or have someone close to her be killed and stare at their lifeless body until she cries in regret. Baras would beat her, humiliate her, or do something against her will.

On the outside, she looked like the star favorite of Baras along with Vemrin, but behind the walls, she was nothing but another torture toy for him to play with and make sure her loyalty was aligned to him and only him.

"Vemrin is already inside with Baras, all the other acolytes died. You were my only chance, Leena. Now I'm doomed, I'll never become Sith. Unless I return with the shards, Baras will have me killed."

"Take my shards to Baras as your own, I'll get more." Without any hesitation, she gave her own shards to him.

"Really? You—you're giving me your shards? Thank you!" Klemrel's face brightened as Leena gave out a small smile. That kindness in her didn't die out just yet. "I—what can I do to repay you?"

"Nothing." Leena shrugged. "Just do me a favor and keep this between us, friend."

"Don't worry, Leena. I won't breathe a word!" He owes her big time. "Good luck going back into the tomb for another set of shards. I'll see you in Lord Baras's chamber."

Baras would have to torture her even more if he finds out about this. A network of spies here and there but, she was taking her chances and went back into the tomb.

The prodigal supplicant, Leena Sern returns with all the shards from the tomb of Tulak Hord. Baras was pleased and yet it seems that he won't be able to torture this one anymore. She has learned to be obedient and knows what she needs to do.

A single mistake leads to a single shock. "It appears Klemral was right and you were wrong, Vemrin." Said the Dark Lord as he turned to his acolyte.

"Appearances can be deceptive." He defended Vemrin as he crossed his arms. Leena was giving him a hard time with this, if she didn't come along three years ago, he would have been apprentice by now.

"Excuse Vermin, supplicant. He expected you to fall on your face."

"This is an old hat for Vemrin." Said Leena with a rather cheeky tone. "He should be used to disappointment by now, master."

"The tension is thick between you two. A great source of emotion to feed on." Just as he hoped. "I wonder what will happen when it boils over. But first, a matter to clear up: There is very little that escapes my security and I know, supplicant, that you provided Klemral with his shards."

The tone of disappointment leads to a punishment that she didn't want. She knew that and she was outsmarted. "So, since it was only by your tolerance that Klemral stands before me, I leave his fate into your hands. What should I do with him?"

The latter this time, but Leena knew the answer already. "He still manages to succeed. The directive was by any means necessary. That kind of resourcefulness should be rewarded." There weren't any rules on how to get the shards anyway.

"Surviving this long is no small feat, so I agree that he should be allowed to live." Leena was waiting for his but. "But, I do not find him to be Sith material. Klemrel, I'm assigning you to oversee the Academy prisons. It's not a glamorous post but does your job, and you will be respected here. Report to Jailer Knash, immediately."

"Thank you, my Lord. Thank you both." Klemrel bid his thanks with a small bow and left to the Academy prison. Wasn't much but at least he was alive and Leena was surprised that Baras even listened to her for once.

Bras then turned to the supplicant. "He certainly lacks backbone, but perhaps he'll rise above that someday. Now, are the two of you ready for your final trial? After how many years, now, you both stand on the precipice of becoming Sith. But only one of you will have the opportunity to claim a special lightsaber and serve as my apprentice. I thought it would be you, Vemrin but I've changed my mind."

After three years, she finally got his approval and didn't have to sweat much on the trials. But, she paid dearly for it.

"What?!" Vemrin, on the other hand, wasn't so happy with what he heard. "I've done everything you've asked! Better than any of the others! The honor should be mine!"

"I'm sorry, Vemrin. I know how much you were gunning for this." Unlike her, he didn't have the privilege. He worked hard for it and she took it on one swoop.

"Today, Vemrin is every bit your equal but the Force is stronger with you, supplicant. And there is power sleeping within you. It was a simple decision." The Force is strong within her, she heard that so many times for the past six years – she wondered from time to time, how powerful was her mother with the Force? "Now, Vemrin, go wait in my antechamber for your instructions. This instant!"

When Vemrin left, Baras didn't hesitate to face the Sern girl. "Now, I hope you fathom how fortunate you are to be singled out. If you become my apprentice, the galaxy will bend before you. Your mother would have been proud."

"You're not going to regret this, my Lord. I was born to be Sith."

"The lightsaber you will seek is old and powerful. It is housed in a forbidden cavern in the tomb of Naga Sadow where few Sith ever set foot." Baras immediately began his instructions towards the young Sern. "Almost no one knows how to find the secret entrance. But there is a Twi'lek is the holding pens who was caught breaking in there, years ago. I hear she is quite willful. Take her and make her show the entrance of the forbidden cave."

"I will take care of that." She assured.

"Other acolytes seeking to complete their trials are sent to the tomb, where Academy laws are waived. They will try to murder you." He warned. "This final test will determine if you become Sith, so, bolster yourself. To set foot in the tomb of Naga Sadow is to breathe in death itself."

"I will try to remember that, my Lord." Leena bowed and proceeded to excuse herself in the process. Murder and mayhem, things that young Sith acolytes would embrace when they first enter the Academy. But unlike her, she didn't experience the horror that Baras showed her at a young age.

What more can he do once she's the apprentice?

She remembers the Twi'lek from three years ago from her first few trials. Tremel said she made the best choices during the situation – she wondered if she would make the right choices now that he's gone.

She went on to lay the plans and soon she would wage war. She's young and inexperienced, she needed more knowledge, more power for her to proceed. A good warrior knows when to save his strength and when to destroy her enemies.

When she came into the prison again, she saw the Jailer shocking the twi'lek for who knows what. "Ouch! Give it a rest, will you?"

"I'm getting my fill of fun while I still can, slave."

A slave. Leena thought to herself as she approached the two. "Ah, as if on cue, look who's back. Word is you might become Lord Baras's apprentice. Hrmph. Nice work, if you can get it. Baras supposedly sent me an acolyte named Klemral, some whiney little castoff, but the dead bloat still hasn't shown up. You know anything about him?"

"Klemral means well and he tries hard." She answered rather honestly. If he hasn't shown himself by now, he might as well be killed by someone. "What ought to try hard is to be on time. So, I hear you'll be relieving me of this Twi'lek. She's a pain in the neck."

"Ha!" The twi'lek mocked. "Who's a pain in the neck? I'm the one wearing the shock collar."

"Hrmph. Consider that a going-away present, Twi'lek. Seems you might be useful for something after all—this bruiser is taking you into the tomb where we caught you years ago."

"None of you can figure out how to activate the tomb statues to open the forbidden caverns, huh?" She seemed amused. A Sith needing her help. "You got some kind of business in that secret Sith chamber, do you?"

"yes, and I'd appreciate your help." Always a kind and polite child.

"Don't bother being pleasant." The jailer warned her. "Here, kid. Take this shock control collar. I'll set it to a higher level. Use it enough, she'll show you the back door to her mother's house." He continued as he gave control to the acolyte.

All Leena knew was that she doesn't need to be cruel or a pushover towards a slave. "I suppose I can play tomb tour guide. A lot of work went into cracking that nut, but I did it once, I can do it again." She then looked at Leena, "So we're clear, I'm officially on strike when it comes to domestic duties."

"I promise you, I won't require a maid." She just needed to fulfill this task.

"Well then, maybe things are looking up for me. As if they could get any worse." She's being given to a Sith in training, sure things can get worse and Leena knew that Sith wasn't too kind on things. When the jailer opened the cage and the twi'lek was finally out. "Lead the way. I'll show you the unlocking points throughout the tomb, and then open the secret door for you."

Leena made sure that those acolytes who would try to kill her wouldn't even see another day. It was bloody but she had to, she was going to be Sith and she will be Sith. The twi'lek was useful, healing her and having her back when she needs it during a brutal exchange.

"So," The twi'lek spoke out of the blue as they were walking deeper into the tomb. "What's your name?"

"Leena," She answered calmly. "How about you?"

"Vette." The twi'lek smiled for a moment, perhaps a small act of kindness can tell how good a person is true. She hoped that Leena wasn't like other Sith. "So, do I call you… my Lord? Or Master?"

"Leena is fine." The girl turned to the twi'lek with a gentle and kind smile. "What about you? Do I call you… my Lord? Master?"

The twi'lek laughed in amusement. "We're going to get along, Leena."

"I count on it, Vette." Hearing her name from another being brought in the sunshine in her soul. She hasn't heard someone call her that in a while, it was always a slave. Leena was young, but Vette was older for a couple of years. Probably two or three. She wondered when was the last time she saw this kind of kindness.

She must be strong, for her to strive to become a Sith and do what her master tells her to do. "Hey, this is it. The secret entrance to the hidden cavern is in here. Just let me get my bearings."

Leena nodded as Vette proceeded to push the needed buttons to open the tomb. "Look out!" She swore she heard Klemral's voice. Leena didn't hesitate to kick in Vemrin as she turned around when he held his warblade towards her.

"Klemral!" Vemrin wasn't so happy. How dare you interfere! This business is far beyond you!"

"I'd be dead if it wasn't for her," he said in defense. "I'm not going to let you stab her in the back."

"You've been most helpful, Klemral," Leena spoke in gratitude as she took out her warblade. "It's the least I could do." He smiled.

"The least you could do is die!" Vemrin didn't take it too kindly as he went on to hit him, but Leena held out her blade nice and high enough to block him. "The fool must have spotted me following you. Too bad his warning will do you no good."

Holding her position as Vemrin was forcing her down, being in physical shape, he was stronger.


"Don't worry about me Vette, just do what you have to do!"

"It ends now, Sern. Once I kill you, the slave-girl will show me the forbidden cave, and I will claim the lightsaber and my rightful place as Lord Baras's apprentice." Physical strength is one thing as Vemrin held the grip of his warblade tight. Pushing her down with all his might.

"Over. My. Dead. Body!" Leena cried out as she quickly took the practice blade with her left hand and hit him nice and hard down on the stomach.

"My passions run deeper than yours!" Vemrin called out. "I am the true essence of what it is to be Sith! My legacy has suffered long enough!" Charging towards the girl as she stood still with two blades in her hands, her ground were hers and so was her mind.

Exchanging blows, one after another, she was truly trained well in the art. And Tremel was to congratulate for that – in order to kill the enemy, she must rouse to anger, that there might be an advantage from defeating the enemy, she must have her reward.

She ignored Eskella's advice and look where it led Vemrin, right to where she wanted him. "After today, you will be forgotten! Your legacy ends here and now!"

Charging in anger, was always reckless if one does not know his opponent. Leena took a few steps to the side, as Vemrin missed and with a single opportunity – she stabbed him in the back with her blade. "My legacy has just begun, Vemrin. Victory or death."

Leena then turned to Klemral with a smile. "You didn't have to come all this way, friend."

"It's the least I could do for you, Leena. You saved me after all."

"You better go to the prisons now, friend." She said as she patted his shoulder. "I owe you one." Klemral smiled as he took her hand and gently kissed it before he left. Kindness was its own reward after all.

"Wow, nice work there… I didn't know you were popular." Vette said in a teasing tone and a cheeky grin on her face. Leena smiled and shook her head, "Well I'm glad that impressed you."

"Come on Sith Lady," Vette said in excitement as she went towards the entrance. "The secret entrance is right here." Pressing a few triggers on the wall, the statues began to move and the door in front of them began to open. Revealing the tomb where she was supposed to get the lightsaber.

"Uhh, you're welcome?"

Leena giggled, walking towards her new friend as she patted her on the back. "You've been most helpful, Vette."

Vette smiled in return. She was starting to like this kid. "It's nice to be acknowledged, thanks."

Leena proceeded inside while Vette just waited for her in the entrance. Thinking that the Sith thing was creeping her out, the Sern child was feeling something around the tomb as she walked towards the stairs. Statues were all over the place as if it was supposed to be protecting something.

The girl used the Force to move the stone coffin, so it would open. A corpse, as she expected. It was a bloody tomb after all. The lightsaber was there as Baras said earlier, picking it up – he was right. She could feel some power coming from the lightsaber, a power that speaks to her and possibly her untapped potential with the force.

She opened it to find a red beam in front of her, the color of a Sith. But before she could even close it or climb down the stairs, she heard a disturbing sound of whispers. And before she knew it, the statues began to break and out goes mummified warriors with war blades going towards her.

"Uhhh, Leena?!" Vette called out for her on the other side.

"Just stay there Vette!" She instructed, in hopes that they wouldn't attack her. "I'll handle it!"

And handled it she did. The girl managed to slice each and every single mummy that would charge towards her. With the new lightsaber, cutting things in half was rather easier said than done. She had to be careful not to kill herself with it.

When she returned to Darth Baras's chambers, he seemed pleased. "I am beside myself. Not only did you get the Twi'lek to cooperate but you completed the task and claimed the ancient lightsaber. Vemrin was not in my chamber as I instructed. I take it he sought to stop you and claim the ancient weapon as his own. Stupid choice, only a fool would go against a Sern without proper tactics."

"He wouldn't take no for an answer, my Lord. I was forced to kill him." He was starting to get on her nerves, she was willing to grant mercy but he insulted her until he died.

"Bravo. I see you may indeed become one of the strongest Sith in the galaxy and will continue your mother's legacy." He began to praise the girl. "Your trials are over, you are now my apprentice."

"After three whole damn years…" Leena began to complain.

"Mind our tone, little one," Baras warned, Vette wanted to laugh. It was like seeing a rebel child smart-mouthing her father. "This is only the beginning. With you as my right hand, we shall strike fear into the Empire's enemies."

"I must convene with the Emperor and inform him of your progress. This shuttle pass will take you to Dromand Kaas. Meet me in the Citadel there."

"Tell the Emperor, I said hello."

"I'm sure he'll be thrilled. Take the twi'lek slave as my gift. Do with her as you wish. If she'll be of use, by all means, take her with you to Dromand Kaas. But before you go, I have another gift for you." The child basically froze when he said gift. It could be literal and at the same time, it could mean punishment.

Baras took a box and granted it to Leena, she opened it in hopes that it wasn't something gruesome but instead, she saw a well-crafted lightsaber. "Beautiful… isn't it? That was your mother's lightsaber before she died in the hands of a Jedi. Imperial soldiers found it and I figured that, perhaps one day, I will see one of her children in this academy for her legacy."

"I…" she was speechless. "…I am most grateful to you, master." She knelt down in gratitude. Of course, what he did to her before – she will never forget. She could feel the scourge of power around the lightsaber of her mother.

Lord Zylas Sern, a mighty warrior who was struck down by a Jedi. If her brothers were alive, they would have had this, but instead, she was the one who came here for the legacy. She stands and follows into the footsteps of her mother and she will be a powerful Sith.

"Remember this, apprentice," Baras spoke. "These weapons are your life."

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