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85.03% A second chance in Remnant. (RWBY Fan-Fic) DROPPED! / Chapter 108: Chapter 108. Midterms

Chương 108: Chapter 108. Midterms

Silva POV

Ruby: Silva, what Grimm are unique to the Menagerie?

Silva: Look at page 294 in your Grimmology book, Ruby.

Yang: Hey Silva, how do you tell the difference between these two plants? They look exactly the same to me.

Silva: Look closely at the leaves. They are a bit different. One has a pattern pointing away from the plant, and the other has a pattern that points towards the plant.

Nora: Hey Silva, which pancake do you think is best?

Silva: Nora, focus on your studies but to answer your question, I like my pancakes to have a bit of strawberry, chocolate chip, and walnut in it for various flavors.

Nora: Ooh, Renny, can you make me some pancakes like that? They sound delicious.

Ren sighs at Nora's question and goes back to his studies. Currently, I am helping everyone study for midterms next week, and the only ones I am not worried about are Pyrrha, Ren, Weiss, Blake, and Velvet. I don't give them direct answers usually but point them in the right direction to find the answers on their own so that they stick.

Dinner time soon rolled around, and I went with a classic for a study party, pizza. I accommodated everyone with their favorite, and for me, my toppings are walnuts, seasoned chicken, and whole ungrounded herbs like rosemary, oregano, and thyme. Something different to try. Ruby groaned out of tiredness.

Ruby: Hah, my head is going to explode with all this studying!

Yang took a bite out of her pepperoni pizza and commented after swallowing it.

Yang: Well, you did agree to skip two years, Ruby, so it's hardly surprising you need to study more than the rest of us this year.

Ruby: I know Yang, but still.

Ruby groans once more but stops when I hand her some strawberry cheesecake cookies, which were gone in a flash of rose petals aside from a few to share with the others. Velvet adds her two Lein after finishing off another slice of her veggies with carrots pizza.

Velvet: Well, look on the bright side. At least you do not have to drag your team through several missions to make up a grade if you do well on your midterms.

Coco: Do you still resent me for that, my dear Bunny?

Velvet rolls her eyes and replies.

Velvet: Resent is a strong word, but I am not going to let you live it down until after we graduate, Beacon.

Fox and Yatsuhashi give grunts of agreement with Velvet, and Coco cries out in mock sadness and offense.

Coco: Oh woe is me... But in my defense, my favorite stores was having a week-long sale.

Coco's teammates sigh at their leader's excuse and dig into their respective pizzas. Vacuo sand pizza for Fox and a cheese and herb pizza for Yatsuhashi. Blake is going through her seafood pizza like Ruby with her cookies, and after finishing off her second pie, she asked me.

Blake: Plus, once midterms are over, we get two weeks off, and speaking of which. Silva, do you have any plans for those two weeks?

Silva: Well, the first week, I am taking Pyrrha back to her hometown, and I also want to invite you all to a beach party on the last three days of our midterm break.

Blake: That still leaves you with four days you have no plans for, right?

I nodded at Blake's confirmation, and I can guess where this conversation leads to; Blake then asks the question I am expecting from her.

Blake: In that case, I would like you to fulfill that promise you made me at the hotel room when Weiss and I had our big argument.

Weiss: What promise?

Yang: Ooh, Blakey, what sort of promise did you strong-arm Silva into?

Ruby: Yeah, Blake, tell us!

Blake blushed in embarrassment and said.

Blake: That's private, sorry.

Her teammates weren't taking no for an answer and ganged up on her to make her tell them. I kinda of want to see their reaction to our kinky little secret from our risque escapade when Blake ran away after telling them her past affiliation with the White Fang. Pyrrha looked at me curiously, and I gestured that I would explain later; I then asked Velvet.

Silva: Velvet, would you like a date with me during the two-week break?

Velvet nearly choked on her pizza at my sudden question and asked for confirmation.

Velvet: What!?

Silva: Is that a no?

Velvet: What, no! I mean, yes! I would like to go out on a date with you.

I smiled at her reaction, and Coco looked at me while lowering her ever-present sunglasses and commented with a smirk.

Coco: How bold of you to ask my precious bunny in front of me.

Velvet: Coco!

Coco is teasing Velvet a little at her sudden date plans and is already talking about treating her like a dress-up doll to find the perfect date outfit for her. While part of me feels sorry for Velvet for putting her in that position, the bigger part of me looks forward to seeing Velvet's outfit. I felt someone tugging at my shirt and found Emerald looking at me with some expectations.

Silva: Don't worry, Em. I plan on taking you out too on a separate day.

Emerald: Good, it's been a while since you took me out, not that I blame you with Beacon leaving me too tired after classes to do anything but homework.

I also need to take out Melanie and Miltia on a date later since they are off during those two weeks. This leaves me one other day to plan a date, and I have an idea of who to take. I clapped my hands to grab everyone's attention and then stated.

Silva: Okay, everyone, it's getting late, and we got all of tomorrow to cram in some last-minute studying, so I expect all of you up bright and early to make the most of the day.

Some agreed while others groaned, but ultimately, they all decided to head off to bed.

( Start of Midterms)

I am at Glynda's office, and right now, Glynda is more swamped than ever, with midterms starting, and she has bags under her eyes. I whipped up some tea for her to help take the edge off her duties as both a teacher and deputy headmistress, along with Ozma's paperwork he does not do for whatever reason. I poured her a cup which she drank all of it in one go, and curtly thanked me.

Glynda: Thank you, Silva.

She then returned to her paperwork with a vengeance, and I decided to offer her whatever help I could provide because I have nothing better to do during midterms. Hurray for being an elite-huntsmen-in-training.

Silva: Is there anything I can do to help?

Glynda paused for a moment to think, then quickly replied.

Glynda: Unfortunately, no, Silva, because while you are an exception to midterms, you are still a student, so I can't even have you serve as a supervisor for the exams due to the rules.

Silva: Then how about I get out your hair then?

Glynda: Go ahead.

Glynda absentmindedly said as she went through her stacks of paperwork. I left her office and decided to go see my favorite bad girl in Vale.

( A bit later)

I am standing in front of Vale's largest ice cream parlor, and as I entered, I saw that it was mostly empty except for the employees and one customer I am familiar with. Still, before I went to her, I got myself a cone bowl full of strawberry ice cream with some vanilla and chocolate syrup on top. I took a seat in front of her and ate my ice cream while she went through her massive bowl of Neopolitan ice cream.

I finished my small bowl before her but not for long as she finished off her ice cream gave notice to my appearance before by texting to me on her scroll, Neopolitan.

Neo: What do you want, Silva?

Silva: I am bored and have nothing better to do than see what trouble you are stirring up unless you rather not keep me company.

Neo: I wouldn't say that. XD.

I shrugged and then asked her.

Silva: How do you feel about going on a date with me after midterms are over?

Neo: Midterms, yuck. XP. XP. But why not? I don't have any plans during that time, so sure, see you later. ;-).

Neo, or rather the illusion she left behind, shattered, leaving me by myself, and as I was about to leave, one of the employees came up to me and said.

Employee: Your bill, sir.

Silva: But I paid upfront?

Employee: Not for your friend that left.

NEOPOLITAN! Just wait until I find you! I sighed and also paid for Neo; I wonder if she pulls this stuff on Roman? I then spread my sonar to hunt Neo down and get some payback for her little stunt. Found her! I barreled through the streets and found the alley Neo was skipping down, and I called her out in a sing-song voice.

Silva: Oh, Neo~.

Neo did not bother turning to look at me and broke out in a run to get away from me. I chased her, and she quickly created some constructs of herself with her Semblance and spit in three different directions. Neo, you're going to have to do better than that, and I went after her unseen self as those three constructs were all fake.

I broke through her illusion that made her invisible and grabbed her on the scruff of her neck like a kitten. I turned Neo towards me, and she gave me a mischievous smile and conjured a sign that said.

Neo: Long time no see, snowball.

I rolled my eyes at her and replied.

Silva: Really, Neo? If you wanted me to pay for your ice cream, you could have asked.

Neo shrugged and changed the writing on her sign.

Neo: Where's the fun in that?

I sighed and wryly smiled at her that soon turned sinister and said.

Silva: One good turn deserves another.

I lifted up Neo further and pulled back, then threw Neo into the sky and followed after her with magic-powered flight. Neo drew her parasol-hidden sword, Hush, and opened it to slow down her descent, and I then asked her with a smug smile.

Silva: Having fun?

Neo held her chin and looked like she was thinking, then held her finger and thumb apart, gesturing a little. I shook my head at Neo's nerves of steel in wry amusement and said to her.

Silva: Well, I paid you back for the stunt you pulled, so we're even.

Neo then texted me after she landed safely.

Neo: Oh, please, you enjoy chasing me. ;-).

Silva: I can neither confirm nor deny that, but putting that aside, do you want to see what sort of trouble we can cause in the next few hours?

Neo smiled at my proposal and gestured me to follow her.

( A few hours later)

Well, my time with Neo just reaffirmed my knowledge that she is a little crazy, not the bad kind but the fun kind. Drag racing with stolen cars, pickpocketing competition, and messing with explosives to make the biggest bang but overall not a bad couple of hours to kill. I made sure to conceal my identity with a bit of magic to avoid any awkward questions.

Neo and I are now just relaxing at the castle after an eventful few hours, and Neo is, of course, ordering massive amounts of ice cream from my chef bots. Where such a petite girl puts all that ice cream is beyond me, but whatever. As Neo finishes off the last of her ice cream, she pulls a bottle out from somewhere and gets it open. The smell of strong alcohol fills the foyer, and I ask her.

Silva: Where did you get that?

Neo conjures a sign a says.

Neo: Borrowed from Roman without permission.

I shrugged, not caring, and surprisingly enough, Neo also poured me a glass of amber liquid. I look at her questionly, and she conjures another sign saying.

Neo: Thanks for the fun few hours; Roman has been busy with Fire B*tch's Dust stealing plan.

I ignored the reference to Cinder and took a sip of the alcohol, then commented on the taste.

Silva: Roman had sh*t taste in liquor.

Neo scrunched up her face in agreement after tasting the alcohol, and I went to the kitchen to get my stash of liquor that I had on hand. I got out a coconut liquor from the Menagerie and mixed it with some lemon, lime, and berry juices, then served it to Neo.

Silva: Here, this should be more to your taste, Neo.

Neo took a tentative sip of the mix drinking I gave her, then showed a slight smile and took a bigger sip. I enjoyed my drink and started to feel a slight buzz hit me after a few minutes and decided to stop after that because I wanted to keep my wits about me. Neo asked for another serving by placing her glass in my face, and I complied.

Neo's face was flush from the alcohol after her fourth drink, not surprising the liquor has a 30% alcohol rating, and Neo does not strike me as much of a drinker. Neo then decided just to take the whole bottle and down it; she's going to regret that in the morning. When the bottle ran out, she came up to me and sat in my lap, facing me with a drunken smile.

I looked at her curiously, and the next moment, she grabbed my chin and kissed me. I quickly debated whether or not to take advantage of this and decided, screw it. I returned the kiss and embraced Neo tightly. After a heavy make-out session, I unbutton Neo's shirt and pants. Neo just looked at me in a drunken but happy state, and I grabbed her perky little butt with my left hand and went to work on her vagina in the other.

Neo showed no resistance in her drunken stupor and soon opened her mouth in silent moans. I kissed her neck then sucked on it to give her a hickey to remember me by in the morning. I soon felt her cum, and I picked her up in a princess carry to my room; thankfully, Kyuu and Morgana were asleep by now. I laid her on my bed and stripped her naked, then leaned on her for another kiss as I grabbed her breast and vagina, then went to work on them, making her cum again with vibrations running through my hands.

I then stripped down myself and showed my hardened member. Neo stared at my iron rod, drunk and curious, then conjured a badly formed sign with unintelligible gibberish on it. I pushed Neo down then penetrated her in a single movement. Neo's eyes widened in shock, and I kissed her while I started to pump into her.

Neo wrapped her legs around my torso, and I blew my first load into her as she came from my vibrating cock. I flipped her around as she was faced down on the bed, as I started to pound her again, and once I came again, I changed my positions with Neo again as things began to get hazy.

( The following morning)

I woke up feeling someone pulling on my ear and saw Neo looking at me with a cross expression. I looked at her, confused because while I may went a step or two too far, but she did start it first by getting drunk and kissing me and not resisting my advances even if she was drunk. She pointed to a spot on my bed and saw a red stain, and I quickly put two and two together.

Silva: I took your first time!?

Neopolitan conjured a sign with her semblance that said.

Neo: You think, Dum Dum!

I won't deny part of me is happy being Neo's first, but I have to deal with damage control first.

Silva: So what now?

Neo looked a little angry at my question that slowly shifted to confusion, and her sign changed to.

Neo: I don't know?

Silva: Well, since you are probably feeling a hangover right now, how about I whip something up for that, then talk about what you want.

I got up and headed to the kitchen to make something for my and Neo's hangover. If all goes well, I might get into a more serious relationship with Neopolitan, which will work in my favor if Roman dies in the Fall of Beacon like I expect him to, but first, I need Neo to see this as more than a fling or one nightstand.

After making something for our hangovers, Neo and I took a seat in the foyer to talk. I then asked her.

Silva: So Neo, how do you want to handle our night last night?

Neo shrugged, unsure what she wanted right now.

Silva: Well, I do find you very attractive and fun to be with, so I would like to have a more serious relationship with you. If you like?

Neo had a complex expression on her face, then shifted to neutral and conjured a sign that asked.

Neo: Why me?

Silva: I like you. Do I need any other reason?

Neo expressed, whatever, with her body language, and I smiled as I said.

Silva: If you like, we can take things slow until you figure out what you want.

Neo conjured a sign that said.

Neo: Sure, but first I am hungry, so breakfast, please, honey.

I rolled my eyes at her calling me honey with her mischievous smile.

Silva: Coming right up, and before I forget, I need to tell you that I have almost a dozen other relationships with other women.

The stunned look on Neopolitan's face was priceless, so I took a picture before heading into the kitchen to get breakfast. Well, let's see how things play out for now.

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