I've been so long riding the high of just the dark side in general both my magic and the force that I never even really stopped to think about how I really shouldn't be doing any of this. I was lost in my own thoughts about all the people I need to make suffer that I didn't even think about using my token to gain the legacy of Pain. I didn't even realize I was in the stupor not until it was too late nor even regret or detest what I had done.
Even when I gain the memories of Pain and the Rinnegan. I'm not sure how the system did it looking back but I've never understood anything about it to begin with anyways it just did things. Then I made my way down into Mustafa ignoring the ringing of my phone from the alliance trying to figure out where the hell I was, I barely even knew where I was until I noticed I had my face mask on in the city standing downtown right smack dab in the middle with my eyes yellow completely bleeding over the purple of the legendary dojutsu with a little bit around the edge along with flecks of red.
That did matter to me it was just a another reminder of all the power I could feel coursing through my being ignoring wether it just be false euphoria or actual strength. Then I see all these people walking around living the lives they want to how they want as they please without being crippled for it, what did I do to deserve that action to be used upon me instead of this supposed worlds real owner. The one who gets to enjoy it not me. They don't even follow a real hierarchy or have jurisdiction of any kind of anything they are just like me intruders but only at the behest of a god to hide dirty little mistakes. It all just pisses me off and my force powers revel in the darkness as I feel my chakra gathering mixing with the force and magic all together following my heed and whims.
I start floating into the air as everything I have cultivated in this life gathers into a tight little compressed ball of energy that directly was controlled and magnified by my eyes. It felt like everything in the moment just stopped from workers, heroes, villains, pedestrians, drivers, and even people in planes flying near the city all could just feel this this something coiled up like a wound up ball for about 10 seconds. Then it expanded and exploded out. No big flash, no warning, just destruction and death. Everything I had left me in that instance draining me of all the power that had also been influencing and blinding me to my usually very self perceptive state as I fell back to the dirt below me with my hair color leaving me and starching itself white in exhaustion nearly using up my life force. It was like a nuclear bomb went off and I would say without the fire but everything that could catch fire was definitely attempting to do so with all the destruction.
When pain did this to the hidden leaf he had still held back to some level especially because he still had strength enough to fight and nearly capture naruto when he did this but I spared nothing and no one. The hidden leaf also had smaller building in general to modern day japan and while stronger built, were not impervious to other buildings flying into them specifically the sky scrapers. It was like the worlds worst domino effect but some of them were scraping the ground sideways like a broom for dirt. That isn't counting cars, trees, or other people and corpses that come flying like a bullet.
A nuclear bomb can easily do damage up to a radius of 13 kilometers but when comparing it to shinra Tensei a jutsu that flattened Konoha the devastation can be even more widespread. I may not be perfectly correct but the forest of death had a 10km radius for 20 across and the hidden leaf was about 3ish times as big which was gone when Pain destroyed it for almost the entire size of the village. I'm not on pain's level even with my time training Itachi's skill set and chakra but magic and the force filled in the gap where it needed to. After a 50~ km crater across opening all the cement and underground work to the surface we find the debris continued the work as it all had to go somewhere. Just nothing but rubble as far as the eye could see for a good 13km easily more but having lost the force behind the explosion and gaining more obstacles and slowed it down enough to be less destructive past that point. No wall stopped the debris this time so it was just everywhere as far as it could go rather than piling up.
I could only look upon my own handy work with trembling hands as reality finally caught up with me. My body just having been on autopilot while under the influence 'Autopilot? Fucking good excuse for this!' I gesture out to nobody in particular. It isn't I was still in control but I just let go because I was so angry and hurt from betrayal that I let myself and my control go doing what made me feel better even ignoring the god damn voice in my head warning myself that I'm just letting the curse of hatred, the dark side, and the darkness of my powers lead me astray. I let myself go and this is what I do, I'm human trash.
[Warning large influx of souls being absorbed by system host.] it feels so wrong but the power is just returning to me so quickly I don't have time to fight it, or maybe I just don't want to because it is so much power. The negative emotions as they all died all with varying levels of raw regret, sadness, or fear was making my world swim as the darkness and dark side had left me like as though I was drowning in a sea of negativity. It all just happened so quick that I barely opened a dark corridor to escape and appear on the other side at the leagues personal little hideout.
I of course looked like shit so they assumed I had been somewhere in the debris not the source of it (considering I never showed that level of power) so I got patched up as much as someone like Dabi and Kurogiri could manage. Toga and Twice were fine still luckily not leaving without me which kept them here far away from the city. I was unconscious for the next 72 hours even but it didn't really matter as everything had halted in the wake of what I did.
There was an immediate humanitarian crisis the likes of which Japan was unprepared for. Many people were missing gone with little to no way to contact anyone assuming they didn't brutally die. Mustafu in no way is a small place as the home to UA it housed millions and being the middle of the work day in downtown for the epicenter did not spell for good news to what just laid under all the concrete, metal, and glass. The prime minister was not even showing his face because either he was too busy or too scared as it was confirmed that there was no explosion like an actual normal bomb suggesting this 'explosion' had been caused by a quirk. Only two people could be thought to have the power to do something like this and they both were out of commission one in Tartarus the other crippled and also missing.
By the time I awoke it was all everyone was paying attention to as every channel literally every channel was covering it not even kids were spared their 5 minutes of silence for cartoons man. Anyone that survived and had rescued by this point could only describe feeling some sorta power coiling up real tightly then exploding out. It also didn't help that the situation was getting really bad as the water, gas, and electricity was a tricky situation as people still need them even rescue workers but the debris was only getting more perilous with flooding in certain areas, gas mains in others, to finally downed power lines still online somehow in this mess be it connections or emergency generators and other such backups feeding out with nowhere to go.
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