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66.66% Soulmates in the Meadows / Chapter 10: Ice Cream?

Chương 10: Ice Cream?

Since that encounter with Matthew, we had been doing an even better job of ignoring each other. Even Miriam picked up on our tension. But today, it was the weekend, and I slept in until noon.

That also meant, that it was finally Saturday and my first date with Mark. It was nice to think of going on a relaxing date and putting aside all my worries, if only for a few hours.

As I came down the stairs, I heard Miriam spot me, and call for Teresa.

"Good morning, Miriam!"

"It's afternoon, silly!"

I chuckled, "I suppose I did sleep in a bit too much."

Teresa came over to us, in a bright orange ensemble, more dressed up than usual. She took notice of the outfit I picked out for my date,

"Aww sweetie, look at you!"

"Grazie, Teresa. You look great too! I want to borrow that gown sometime."

"Now tell me, what's the occasion? Is my son finally dating you?"

The blood rushed to my face and my heart became uncomfortably warm again. Whatever do I say to that?

"Actually.. I'm going on a date with someone else."

"Oh.. okay." Her playful expression was dropped instantly. "Well, um.. I was just going to look for you anyway."

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Cesare and I were invited at the last minute to go to a charity gala in SoCal tonight. But we'll likely stay the night and come back tomorrow."

"That's great! I hope you enjoy it!" I turned to Miriam, "You must be really excited, right?"

Teresa sighed, "That's the thing.. There's a strict 'No Children' policy at the event, and so unfortunately, we have to leave Miriam at home. Our usual babysitter is out sick, and you know we can't just let anyone come into this home."

I think I know where this is going.. I hope I didn't have to reschedule my date.. Oh well. I love Miriam and she gets lonely anyways. I just hope Mark takes it well, and doesn't think I'm making up excuses. Besides, when I move off-campus, she'll be even lonelier on the weekdays outside of school.

"Don't worry about it. I'll reschedule and I'll be happy to take care of Miriam."

Miriam was already celebrating next to me and Teresa showered me with thank you's.

"I'm so relieved to hear that! I wish I had a daughter like you, sweetie."

Sigh.. maybe someday.

"Thank you for babysitting me, Shelley.", Miriam exclaimed.

"Oh, don't thank me, sugar. I'm happy to spend time with you."

Teresa announced that she and Cesare would be leaving in two hours, and once she left, Miriam started tugging on my skirt.

"Um.. Shelley?"

"Yes, Miri?"

"Can you please make macarons?"

Oh my god. Those take forever to make!

"Pweease?! Pweeease?! With a cherry on top?! I'll do anything!"

She gave me her puppy eyes and damn it.. how could I‌ say no to that look?

"..Alright Miri."

We were just discussing what colors she wanted for her macarons, and what she would be doing meanwhile waiting when she suddenly caught me in a small bear hug.

"I love you, Shelley."

My heart melted.

"I love you too, sugar."


A few minutes later, I went up to my room and was thinking about how to break the news to Mark. I had to call him and see if I could reschedule.


"Hey, Mark? This is Shelley."

"Well, would you look at that! Can't wait to see me?"

"Ha, you wish."

There was a snort on the other end of the line.

"Okay, I'm sorry but I‌ actually needed to tell you that something came up at the last minute and I need to be home by 3.. I'm really really sorry! It's totally last minute and I hate brushing you off like this."

"Don't worry, Red. I'm actually in San Jose now, at home.. are you able to meet now?"

"Yeah, that would totally work!"

"Great!‌ Since you have to be home by 3, how about I pick you up in half an hour? What's your address?"

I didn't want him to know that I'm living with Matthew, so I decided to just ask him to pick me up two blocks away.

"Do you know where Thistle Drive is?"


"Could you be a nice Daffodil and pick me up there?"

"For calling me that, I'm making you walk. Or maybe leash you to my car."

"You wouldn't dare!"

I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips. I really liked me and Mark's banter.

"Haha! Try me again and face the consequences. Well, I guess I'll see ya in 30."

"Cool!‌ Bye."


Hmm.. he was sort of getting cuter the more I spoke to him. I was just happy that I could still go on the date.


"What flavor are you thinking of getting?"

Mark and I stared intensely at the many rows of flavors.

"I personally love the pineapple coconut.", he added.

"Okay that sounds.. less than appetizing. Just say you want a pina colada."

He teased back, "Fine girl, stick to your low class vanilla or nutella flavors."

"Wait.. they have nutella?!"

"Figures you would go for that."

"Hey, don't hate on the nutella, pal."

We made fun of all the different kinds, coming up with more ridiculous jokes as time went on.

"Okay okay, seriously, we need to choose now."

After selecting my order, I offered to pay for my half, to which Mark just gave a scrutinizing laugh.

"Hey now, this was my idea and it's a first date after all. What kind of man are you making me out to be?"


"I won't have it. With the way you're acting, one would think you've never been on a date before!"

I immediately looked away, hoping that he wouldn't find out that it was in fact true. Because that would just be really embarrassing.

"Haha!‌ How funny! Well, thank you so much!"

With that, I picked up my order and rushed to go sit down.


While devouring our treats, Mark and I chatted, and soon we were done eating.

"That was delicious!‌ Thanks again."

"We still have around 45 minutes before 3pm, soo now that you don't have your face buried in the ice cream we can talk some more."

I laughed, it was true that my entire attention span could easily be held by the food in front of me.

"So.. you turned 18 last month, right?"

"I did! How did you ever remember that?"

"First off, happy late birthday! Well, I realized it because of the stone on that necklace you usually wear."

He pointed at my mother's pass-down to me hanging delicately around my neck.

"I just took a guess since Ruby means July."

I clapped, "Wow. That's impressive! I don't know many people that can name birthstones just from sight.. let alone assign them to particular months!"

"Well. Holmes Jewelers has a lot to do with that. I'm next in line for ownership, which is why I'm majoring in Business Administration. As such, I've picked up a thing or two in the jewelery biz."

Oh right.. Holmes, the son of Charles Holmes, owner and heir of the enormous Holmes Jewelers enterprise.. if I recalled correctly, they were the leading jewelery branch in almost half the states in America.

"Are you ever planning on getting rid of that obscenely cheesy slogan?"

"Perhaps.. is it really that bad?"

"Oh come on.."

I mock-singed the catchy commercial tune back to him,

"Jewels to make your heart and home bedazzled! Start a home with Holmes!

If that isn't cheesy, I don't know what is."

"When you sing it like THAT, of course it sounds cheesy!" He retorted back, "However, I do remember that you had quite the fondness for singing in plays and musicals back in high school productions. It's good to know that you haven't lost the voice."

I shyly expressed how flattered I was to hear that.

"I never realized that you paid much attention to my performances when we were younger."

"Well.. not in that way.. not the way Aladdin paid attention."

Matthew did always attend my performances without fail.. but the way Mark says it suggests that Matthew had 'a thing' for me.

Maybe he's misinterpreting it.. After all, Matthew WAS very protective of me, and some people could mistake that for couple-like behavior. But I swear it was more like the protectiveness of an older brother.. or was it? Was there perhaps something more going on that I was potentially blind to?

"Helloooo? Anybody home?", Mark called out for me.

"Oh, sorry! Just spaced out there a little. What were we talking about?", I asked timidly. "Oh right! You were talking about how you paid attention to my singing.."

"Yes, but let's not talk about tha-"

"You know, I don't ever remember you attending any of my practice sessions or performances."

Except for that one musical..


Oh my god.

"..that was YOU?!"

"Um..", Mark looked down in shame, confirming what I‌ suspected.

You're probably wondering what I remembered.


Well, in high school, my biggest (and last) part in a musical was in 'The Little Mermaid'..

I was good at ballet, I sang, and I had red hair. What else could you ask for in a lead for this role? The acting bit was a little challenging, but with lots and lots of practice, I became a natural. I spent hours upon hours preparing for my lead role, and I was so excited to impress the audience, my parents and my classmates.

Against a backdrop of a sunset on the beach (and with blue contact lenses) I came alive as Ariel.

Although Matthew was not a member of the drama club, the original person cast for Prince Eric fell ill at the last minute. Matthew was a reasonable replacement. He didn't only look the part of the prince perfectly. His ballet lessons paid off, and his voice was a charming surprise. With his introspective, ponderous nature and emotional build, it wasn't hard at all for him to adapt beautifully into the role of Eric.

I was so excited.

My first kiss.. as Ariel.. would be with Matthew.

It was magical.. and honestly, to me, it was as though Matthew and I were the only two people on stage. It was perfect and building up to be one of the happiest moments of my life.


Not even 2/3 through of the musical, I fell on grease and broke my arm while falling. Not only was it the most painful thing I experienced, it was also one of the most humiliating moments of my life.

At the ER, as I clutched my broken arm, sobbing my eyes out, the most prominent thought on my perfectionist mind was that I had failed to accomplish my job as a performer. I failed to deliver to the audience, who came for a show and instead saw a disaster.

My Mamma and Papa were extremely upset, even as Mamma battled cancer. Ultimately, the poor school janitor took the blame, but I knew better.

And yet, there was no proof. The real alleged perpetrators roamed the halls, free of any disciplinary action.

The bullying became much easier to deal with after that incident, probably because no one meant for me to literally break a bone, and so they got scared and were more cautious from then on.

But it was of no help or benefit, because my parents passed away soon after and I was yanked out of San Jose anyway.


"You watched me as I practiced, so you would know exactly where I would step and fall down, as your little gang planted the grease!"

I was livid.

"I stopped being in plays and musicals, and gave up on singing because I was so traumatized, all because of what you guys did!"

"I'm so sorry and so ashamed. My stomach turns when I think of what happened.", his face conveyed sympathy.

From the distance, I‌ heard camera shutters, which didn't help my emotional state at all.

"Hey Ginger! Flipping out again, I see. Smile for the camera!"

Mark flipped the guy off, "Back off you jerk!", shooing him away.

"Ugh sorry about that.. and um, sorry about everything. I wish I knew how to make it up to you. I can't express how disgusted I am at myself and how sorry I am for making your teen years a living hell."

"I said I forgave you, and I don't revoke that. It means a lot that you're apologizing now, but I just realized how much bad history I actually have to surpass before we get any cozier."

"I totally understand. Please take your time.. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm sorry.", I said as I was reduced to tears by his overwhelming sincerity and words of promise.

"Hey.. don't cry, Red."

Before I‌ knew it, strong, gentle arms held me close, and I was so shocked by the kind gesture that I couldn't help but feel my heart skip beats. He rested his chin on my head, which rested against his shoulder. At first, it felt strange and foreign.. but after a moment.. it felt comforting and something a little bit like home.

"Why the tears? Is it because of what I did when we were younger?", he asked softly.

"Oh my god, I'm so embarrassed."

But I couldn't stop the over-emotional tears from spilling out.

"Don't be.. I'm sure it's overwhelming to see your childhood demon after all these years and have those memories hurling back.."

"It is, and I'm glad you understand.. but that's not why I'm upset."

"What is it then? Is there something I can say to make you feel better?"

He searched my eyes intently while asking that, and I could tell that he really meant it. How did he know exactly the right things to say? How was he so nice?

"I.. I just don't know if THIS is worth it."

Mark paused upon hearing my statement. "What do you mean?"

"Well.. you're charming, handsome, smart and well-off. You could have any girl you wanted. Why would you wait for me to figure things out and sort out my messed up emotions when you could have another relationship without all of this baggage? No one deserves that. I've never had a boyfriend before and even I know that."

He contemplated before speaking.

"But that's where you're wrong, Red. The best things come to those who wait."

He paused again to lift my face to look up at him, meeting his gaze.

"And.. I really like you."

"B-but you hardly know me anymore."

I didn't know why I‌ was playing so stupidly hard to get. He wouldn't let me get away with that though.

"I know. But the part of you I've gotten to know makes me want to discover more. I know it sounds cheesy. But I really want to get to know you better."

Sensing my hesitation he added, "When you're ready, of course."

It blew my mind the sheer amount of respect I felt, from just one conversation.

"..Thank you, Mark. But if you ever change your mind, just let me know in advance."

He chuckled, assuring me that he doubted that would happen but agreeing to do so regardless. After a moment of comfortable silence, he spoke up,

"Um, Red.. I think we need to get out soon if I'm going to get you home by 3."

I was surprised to realize that I wasn't even that bothered by the nickname anymore. We were still locked in the same position he took when he first embraced me, and talking like this, quietly, intimately and deeply.. not seeing each other but hearing his heartbeat, feeling the way his chest rumbled as he spoke..

I couldn't describe this feeling except to say that it was one of the most calming things I'd ever felt.

"I don't think I feel much like moving.", I confessed sleepily.

"I wouldn't mind personally, but I think you'll eventually regret sleeping on me here."

The deep rumble of his chest as he laughed was even more relaxing.. but responsibility was calling, and I had to remove myself from Mark's warm frame.

"Thanks Mark. For the ice cream, for talking.. I appreciate it.. all of it."

"Hey, don't mention it. I know our conversation sort of flopped in the middle there," he cleared his throat awkwardly, "but all in all, I really enjoyed spending time with you."

His mouth stretched into a pure, gentle smile.

"When you're ready, I hope we can do this again. But in the meantime, let's get you home now."

"Thank you."

Unspoken but understood in that sentence was that I thanked Mark for waiting, for giving me time to process things, and for allowing me space.

The meaningful look in our gazes spoke volumes to that promise.

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Rank -- Xếp hạng Quyền lực
Stone -- Đá Quyền lực

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