"Scarlet! It's you! My daughter! Ahh!"
Scarlet's mother appeared out from the crowd, then hugged her daughter deeply. Both of them were closed in a deep hug full of tears and emotions... It was a beautiful sight of the two gorgeous ladies reuniting with each other.
Everyone was happy to see that.
The situation of the tribe was so bad it was like a bright sun sharing some of its help and heat on their cold and heartbroken selves.
People also had noticed Xia Feng, but his looks and aura overall was just different compared to the erossu bad master. They didn't even think of him as such for a second. Instead, Xia Feng was a great man who had come here with Scarlet to introduce himself and allow his wife to reunite with her family.
Xia Feng is the great man indeed.
"Scarlet... But those are..."