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22.22% Inspired Enchanter [Danmachi] / Chapter 4: Chapter Four: A Blessing on This Divine World

Chương 4: Chapter Four: A Blessing on This Divine World

"Alright." Corwyn hefted a heavy pouch of Valis. It was his pay for the day today, a good 45 thousand Valis (~350 USD, 12 hours of work, 28 USD per hour. Average Welder makes around 18-35 USD an hour).

"What to buy, what to buy." Corwyn muttered as he walked around Orario. He smelled himself and gagged a bit. 'Okay, clothes first, a bath, some accessories that have to be common, and maybe a light lunch.' Corwyn decided.

He navigated the city, asking and forming his own map of the city in his head. He enjoyed walking out and exploring the city, as the massive fantasy city was to be his new home.

'When did I start thinking of this place as my home?' Corwyn asked himself as he watched adventurers steam to and fro into the dungeon. He shrugged. 'Well, its got its charm.' Corwyn thought.

He soon entered a simple shop that had workman clothes for sale. He bought a 'nice' 'Trash - Black Bandana', some 'Common - Steel Toed Work Boots', a 'Common - Thick Forge Apron', some work pants that were 'Common - Working Man's Pants', and some 'Common - Leather Iron Worker's Gloves'.

He haggled the price a bit, coming down to 36 thousand Valis for the collection of clothes. It hurt his wallet, but he was broke before today so it didn't hurt that bad to become near-broke again.

Lastly, he perused some necklace and baubles shops that sold rings, necklaces, and other items of small value.

He picked out a cheap 'Common - Tarnished Silver Ring' that the old man had mistaken for some garbage quality ring, and an 'Uncommon - Ancient Tarnished Silver Coin' that was modified into a pendent. He got it for cheap when he pointed out that the thing was literally just a piece of old metal and neglected to mention that it was silver.

All together, it was a great shopping endeavor. Sadly, he was just about broke with a mere three thousand Valis to his name.

Thankfully, that was enough to get him a bath and a potato.

Corwyn walked back to the smithery and passed by the few smiths that were working today. Apparently it was an off-day for the Goibniu Level One and Two smiths.

Corwyn waved to the few smiths, a few of whom were fellow Apprentices looking to get in the extra hours. He entered the back rooms and sat on a low anvil before removing his Bandana.

'Alright, let's see how this works.' Corwyn mused. He took the piece of cloth into his hands and focused on a Charge. He pushed that charge and willed it to UPGRADE.

A shine of dull white and gray light made him open his eyes as he watched two auras on the piece of headgear. The gray was slowly overwhelmed before becoming light in a bright flash.

'Huh, this thing just got way softer.' Corwyn inspected the headgear and found the cloth was of better quality as was the craftsmanship. 'Damn, that's cool.'

Before doing anything else, Corwyn reached under his washed tunic -he really needs to buy a new one but was distracted by finding novelties- and pulled out his sole Uncommon Item. The ancient coin turned into a pendent was a smooth piece of tarnish metal work. It had a blotchy look to it and had some stains of what he assumed to be oil or some other liquid that made the piece of metal look even worse.

'I'll need to take some vinegar or table salt and give the coin a good rub.' Corwyn mused. He shook that thought away before closing his eyes and focusing once more. This time, he focused on Enchanting.

A flood of concepts assaulted his mind and he flinched back, but started to will specific concepts to appear before him. He inspected their effects, their future effects, and either dismissed them or considered them. Eventually, he came to two.

Two charges sprang from his soul and slammed into the pendent in his hand. Nothing visually changed about the coin or string that held it, yet there was indeed a measure of meta-physical weight to be had in the necklace.

Corwyn inspected it and hummed in satisfaction.

'Uncommon - Ancient Tarnished Silver Necklace of The Apprentice Smith'

The Apprentice: The wearer learns and retains knowledge at an increased rate.

The Smith: The wearer holds a natural understanding of the craft of smithing. This pendant smooths out small mistakes and gives the user instinctive feelings while smithing to further refine their craft.

Corwyn whistled and put the coin on, feeling its cool surface on his skin and felt a slight mystical change, although he couldn't feel what exactly changed.

He looked down to the apron on his chest and took it off. He bunched it into his hand and started sifting through enchantments for this one.

The common apron glowed, and Corwyn inspected it.

'Common - Thick Forge Apron of The Forge'

The Forge: The wearer is protected from the hazard of the forge. Fire and heat affect you less, soot and ash stick to you less.

Corwyn smiled and felt his remaining two charges. He glanced down to his shoes and hummed, he felt for any possible enchantments, but only found protection and movement based ones. Technically he could place anything on any item, but he figured if he wanted the most bang for his charge, he'd stick to items that paired with their enchantments. He moved from them and focused on his gloves. He quickly found a few that would synergize with the gloves and his needs.

'Common - Leather Iron Worker's Gloves of Crafting'

The Crafter: The wearer gains deft fingers while wearing these gloves, allowing for extremely dexterous handling of tools and materials for detailed work.

'Not exactly what I was going for, but still an amazing enchantment.' Corwyn thought. He noticed that the 'pair' of gloves only took one charge.

He then debated on enchanting his bandana, or his pants. He eventually decided to choose the bandana. For this one, he chose a vague enchantment.

'Common - Black Bandana of the Sharp Minded'

Sharp Minded: The wear's mind is kept at a sharp edge. Exhaustion, fatigue, emotional and mental stress, and the rigors of life will dull a mind. Whoever wears this gains a great resistance to anything that might try and dull the mind.

"Well, I'm at zero now." Corwyn muttered as he affixed his new attire.

"Corwyn! Help me out here!" Yelled an apprentice.


'Back to the grind.' Corwyn grinned and headed out.


Three weeks later.

Corwyn hammered away at a piece of steel, still wearing his gear he'd made three weeks ago. It was satisfactory as of now, and relying on Enchantments to live life wouldn't be a wise idea. They were Enhancements to what was already there; the spice of life.

He quenched the blade and pulled it out to inspect his work and gave a satisfied hum. 'Looks good.' Corwyn mused. He stepped away from the forge and moved over to the grind-wheel and started to give the blade a good edge.

The falchion, a single edge curved sword was forming up. It was missing its hilt, handle-guard, pommel and any decoration, but now it had a good edge.

"Corwyn!" Rinok yelled across the smithery. The man was dressed in his battle gear, heavy plate armor, a thick tower shield, and a short spear. "Get over here!"

Corwyn stood up and placed his blade on the anvil and met Rinok and his Adventurer party. Rinok and Nov were the two Level Twos in this smithery, veterans who've stayed as such for years. Rinok said it was his lack of talent. Nov said it was his lack of drive.

'Wish I could, but I just ain't got the mind and body for it. Too dull of mind for the numbers, too slow of body for the dungeon. I'm a third-grade, kid, I've accepted it.' Rinok said.

'Why do I stay level two? Well, I don't like what's ahead. The middle floors are...sane. They are foes that mortals can fight back against. The deeper floors...boy, lad, I've been there. It's hell, plain and simple.' Nov shook his head.

Corwyn wasn't sure why he wanted to delve the dungeon. Curiosity? The thrill of danger? He wasn't sure. He wanted to know, though. He wanted to have a dream, something to push him to dive down into those dark places and come out with a shining smile on his face.

'Is it wrong to just want to make artifacts of mystery?' Corwyn wondered as he fell into step with Rinok and Nov. The two men didn't say a word, just leading him somewhere.

They arrived at a low hanging building, its front was guarded by a beast of a man with a massive cleaver by his side. He gave a low nod and let them pass into the building.

Standing by a desk was a short old man. His face was wrinkled, his hair gray. Yet, there was a feeling of intense pressure and focus from the man. His amber-orange slitted eyes only highlighted that feeling.

Corwyn had recognized a few names of Gods in this world. Loki and Hephaestus were hard to miss, as were the fallen Zeus and Hera families. Call him a nerd, but Corwyn knew his mythology. He didn't know who Goibniu was in his world, but he knew right away this short old man was a god.

"So, this is the kid you want to join the family?" The old man spoke as his hawkish eyes inspected Corwyn. His brows furrowed on Corwyn's necklace, but it was a passing glance, rationalized away.

"He's worked hard, and he's at a level that is acceptable to be added to our Familia." Rinok stated firmly with Nov nodding as his he spoke.

"Hmm, I've seen a few examples of his work, you've grown significantly in the few short weeks you have learned smithing. You are talented, young man, have pride in that fact."

Corwyn nodded, "I shall endeavor to nurture my talents." He spoke, meeting eyes with the god.

Goibniu snorted, "You've got a spine, and some wisdom. Good. Good. Come, I'll give you your blessing."

Corwyn smiled lightly and moved over to the god, taking off his apron and shirt. He stunk a bit, but this was a family of smiths. Everyone either smelled like a ripe mortal or of ash and smoke.

Corwyn turned his back to the god and the man drew his finger down his spine, the blessing forming onto his back.

A piece of paper was pressed and the god chuckled. "Rinok, Nov, you brought quite a talent to our familia. Rarer than Orichcalcum."

The two men's jaws dropped at the last statement.

Corwyn was handed his status sheet and he inspected it.

Name: Corwyn Hallows

Level 1

STR: I 0

END: I 0

DEX: I 0

AGI: I 0

MAG: I 0

Development Ability:

Mystery (H)



Inspired Enchanter - Grants Mystery Developmental Ability. Enchants items with Charges. Upgrades item rarity with Charges. (21)

Grand Soul - Mystical and Magical Effects are easily resisted. Curses do not take hold. Growth is moderately accelerated.

Corwyn hummed as he looked at the status sheet before crumpling the sheet. "I heard that you can lock a status, making it hard to read without a...status thief?" Corwyn asked his new God.

"Hmph, that would be right. Good forward thinking. I'll lock it right up, and there's a candle over there." Corwyn nodded and turned to allow his god to lock the falna before catching a corner of his status sheet on fire and watching as it burned to ash.

"Anything of note that I need to know?" Corwyn asked his god once that was finished.

Goibniu shook his head, "No. Most of my children are level four and three. We don't have any level fives, sadly." The god sighed at that fact. "We focus on quality work, and our sales are geared towards the high-leveled of Orario. We compete directly with Hephaestus, although its a friendly rivalry so don't be hostile to your fellow smiths." Corwyn nodded at the warning. "You already know where your workshop is, you'll just have a higher status than a mere 'falna-less smith'. Lastly, is the Dungeon."

Goibniu sighed and shook his head. "I'll be honest, I've never had a child with your start. I don't know if you'll be level two in a year, or next month." The two level twos in the room glanced at one another with wide eyes. Curious, but knowing full well that they should keep their mouths shut about anything that happened in this room. "We have our own pool of Supporters, so should you need any just ask, but for party members...hmm, I know one level one in our family that you could party with. Not much of a party, but it'll be better than going down into that hell alone."

Corwyn nodded, "Their name?" He asked.

"Her name's Marco Powell. She's less a blacksmith in all honesty and more an engineer. She's just about ready to level up to Level 2, so if you want a party member, I'd suggest learning how to swing a blade or hammer to not be dead weight."

Corwyn hummed, before a thought occurred. "What about the apprentices in the Level One and Two area?"

"Already developed teams, lad." Nov answered. "They've got their teams, and taking in a newbie will ruffle feathers. We can't just force ya' onta' them. However, forcing two solos to work together is a new story entirely." The dwarf chuckled, "Besides, Marco's my granddaughter. She'll be a blast, trust." The smith hammered his fist into his chest.

Corwyn nodded, "Very well. I'll trust you, but in all honesty, I'd prefer to go in solo." Corwyn looked out to the tower of Babel, seeing its girth from a window in the building.

"Oh? A dangerous preference." Goibniu said with narrowed eyes.

Corwyn shook his head, "One that I'll only do when I'm ready. I'm in no rush to level or risk my life. Like you said, I still need to learn how to swing a blade or hammer."

That got a snort. "Get out brats. Rinok will bring you to the guild. There, at least try to learn something from the Clerks. Nov, find someone to teach the kid how to swing a weapon." The old smith waved the trio away, entering the back of his home.

"Well, lad, let's get going." Rinok said, clapping down a hand on Corwyn's shoulder.

"I'll see if I can wrestle together a tutor. Any clue what weapon you want to use, kid?"

"A polearm." Corwyn stated without hesitation.

"Oh? Why's that?"

"They're superior weapons, that's why. Why would I want some dinky weapon suited for killing humanoids when we're facing monsters in the Dungeon?" Corwyn asked.

"Okay, then why not a spear?"

"Finn." Corwyn said simply. "I don't like copying someone. Best tread my own path."

Nov and Rinok snorted, "Kid, a hundred adventurers would kill you if you said that around them."

Corwyn shrugged. "Just how I see things, is all."

"Let's go lad, gotta get to the Guild at a good hour." Rinok interrupted.

"On your six."

"The fuck does that mean?"


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