/Inferno: Nix: From here on out, let's use this channel for raid purposes only. Junie will be in charge.
/Inferno: Jun Li: Everyone leave the prep area. Once you are clear, summon all of your Spirit Companions.
Nix walked out a few meters and stopped. There were about 20 meters of clearing before the zone turned into a fairly dense jungle. He quickly summoned Morti, Fey, and Ducky. Since this zone was water-free, he left Soup in the Sea-World.
"You should bring your Arch-Winds, they will feel bad if they are left out." Rhy had walked out with Shae and Fajii.
"Damn... I keep forgetting." He activated his bracelet and summoned Tor, Cal, and Shadai.
Cal bowed slightly. "Special instructions Nix?"
I will put the next chapter up in a few hours.