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90.32% Mixed HD / Chapter 392: 988-1002

Chương 392: 988-1002

Chapter 988: Key to Success

"Manager, what are you trying to retrieve?" Mei Xing asked him while they waited.

"The key to our success," he said with a mysterious smile on his face.

"I don't understand," she said.

"You will understand it in the near future."

A few minutes later, the receptionist returned with a small metal box in her hands.

"I have verified the information. Here is your item." The receptionist handed the box to him without asking any more questions, as that was how the place worked.

Anyone could enter this place and store anything for a fee depending on how long they intend on storing it, and anyone could retrieve the item as long as they had the storage number and the password to it.

This made things convenient for the customers and the workers alike.

Of course, this place isn't unique to the City of Pleasure, as there are many storage areas like this across the Four Divine Heavens.

Once he verified the thing inside the box is what he expected, Su Yang walked out of the building with a gentle smile on his face.

'I never thought I would need this thing…' He couldn't help but smile after recalling how he thought that he would never use this item when he first received it, as it was something that would only be useful inside the City of Pleasure.

Both Mei Xing and Mei Ying's anticipation grew when they noticed Su Yang's expression, and they began wondering to themselves what could possibly be inside the metal box.

About another hour later, they finally arrived at their new building for their business.

"Wow, there are two floors to this building? And it's so big compared to our last building!" Mei Xing was deeply impressed by their new building.

Just the reception area alone was larger than their entire building before. Furthermore, there was furniture already prepared for them inside the building.

The three of them proceeded to explore the new building together.

Besides the reception area, there were 4 other rooms on the first floor, and each of them was many times larger than the massage room in their old building.

Moreover, there were beds in every single one of these rooms, almost like they were in a hotel instead of a massage parlor.

The second floor was the same as the first floor including the reception area that was right in front of the staircase.

"Manager, there are so many rooms— too many, in fact." Mei Xing said to him afterward.

"Do you intend on hiring new workers? If not… Then this place is truly overboard for three people." Mei Ying said.

"This is actually the second smallest building out of my choices." Su Yang said.

"And I don't intend on hiring more workers. I am satisfied with just the two of you."

"As for these rooms, we don't really need to use them."

"But that's such a waste…" Mei Xing said.

Then she had an idea.

"Oh! Manager! I have a suggestion! We can rent out the unused rooms like a hotel! This place can be a hotel and a massage parlor at once!" She said.

"That's not a bad idea. I personally don't care about the rooms, but if that's what you want, we can do that. However, I won't be hiring more people to manage the rooms."…

Mei Ying nodded and said, "That's perfectly fine, Manager. One of us can manage the reception while the other manages the rooms."

"I want to be the receptionist!" Mei Xing quickly said.

Mei Ying nodded.

"As for your rooms, you can use any rooms you like." Su Yang then said.

Sometime later, Su Yang retrieved his metal box and opened it.

Both Mei Ying and Mei Xing looked at the item inside the metal box, but they were more puzzled than surprised after seeing it.

"What's that? It looks like a medallion of sorts. How is that the key to success? It's not even a key." Mei Xing said.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "It's the Medallion of Pleasure."

"Medallion of Pleasure? This is my first time hearing such a name," she said.

Mei Ying also showed a questioning expression.

"Really? Neither of you knows about the Medallion of Pleasure? I thought it is supposed to be a very recognizable treasure in the City of Pleasure, and I was told that everyone in the City of Pleasure would be able to recognize it at glance."

Mei Ying shook her head and said, "I'm not really sure, but our knowledge isn't that good despite living here for pretty much all of our lives so maybe that's why we don't know about it."

"Manager, are you sure you didn't get tricked? Who sold you this medallion?" Mei Xing asked him.

"I didn't buy it. It was given to me after I helped someone, and that person wouldn't lie to me." Su Yang said.

"Then what is it suppose to do?"

Su Yang didn't answer her question and instead said, "Why don't we see for ourselves?"

He then walked outside and hung the medallion in front of his building where it could be seen by nearly everyone in the street, just like he was advised in the past.

However, nobody really took notice of the medallion since they all ignored what Su Yang was doing.

"It's doing nothing. I think you really got tricked, Manager." Mei Xing said to him when nothing happened even many minutes later.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Let's give it some time before we jump to any conclusions."

Mei Xing nodded, and they went back inside the store.

Shortly after they went inside the building, one of the pedestrians there noticed the medallion hanging outside the building and immediately stopped walking to stare at it with wide eyes.

"I-I-It's a Medallion of Pleasure?! When did a store with a Medallion of Pleasure open up in this place?!" The pedestrian exclaimed in a shocked voice, altering the others in that area.

"What? Did someone say the Medallion of Pleasure? How is that possible?"

"Are you sure you're not seeing things? There's no store with a Medallion of Pleasure on this street."

"L-Look for yourselves! I'm sure that's the Medallion of Pleasure!"

The pedestrian pointed at the medallion hanging outside Su Yang's store, and sure enough, when the others saw it, their eyes widened with shock, looking like they just witnessed a ghost.

Chapter 989: Real or Fake

"It really is the Medallion of Pleasure! But where did this come from? It wasn't here yesterday!"

The pedestrians gathered outside Su Yang's building to take a closer look at the medallion hanging outside.

"How do we know if it's real? This is too sudden."

"Why don't you take a closer look at it?"

"You want me to touch it? What if it's real? Are you crazy?"

The people there weren't sure whether the medallion was real or not, but they were all too scared to touch it for some reason, acting like it was taboo.

Eventually, even the store owners in that area left their store to take a look at the medallion.

"Who owns this store now? It has been vacant for several years now." One of them asked.

"I think I saw a young couple and a child go inside not long ago."

"So they just arrived? And they already have a Medallion of Pleasure? How is that possible?"

"What kind of business are they operating? I don't see any signs."

"Does someone want to get an official to verify the medallion?"

"I already called one! He will be here in a few minutes."

Thus, everybody there began waiting for the official without moving from their spot, almost as though they had to find out whether the medallion was real or fake no matter what.

In the meantime, they would continue to talk about the Medallion of Pleasure as though it held great importance.

A few minutes later, an old man could be seen running in their direction.

"Where is the reported Medallion of Pleasure?!" The old man asked the people there, and they immediately pointed at the medallion hanging outside Su Yang's store.

"W-Wait… This building is…"

The old man recognized this building, as he was the one who gave this building to Su Yang just yesterday night!

'He had a Medallion of Pleasure this entire time?!' The old man cried inwardly.

If he had such an item, why did he resort to bribing for a spot in the Red Light District, much less the Pink Light District? He could've easily opened a store anywhere in the city even without bribing!

"Old Ping, is this Medallion of Pleasure real or fake?"

Someone there suddenly asked, snapping the old man out of his daze.

"Right. Does anyone here have a ladder? I want to take a closer look at it."

"I have one! Give me a moment!"

A few minutes later, the old man was given a ladder, and he placed it right beside the medallion before climbing it to inspect the medallion without actually touching it.

The people there held their breaths as the old man inspected the medallion, and they nearly died from lack of air after waiting for many minutes….

After a few minutes, Old Ping climbed down the ladder and looked at the massive crowd there with a solemn look on his face.

He then spoke in a low voice, but everyone there was able to hear it as clear as day, "It's real."

As though the ground shook, many people there staggered a little upon hearing the results.

"It's real? Heavens…"

The place turned dead silent for a good moment.

"Old Ping, do you know what kind of business is being done here?"

He nodded and said, "If my memories serve me correctly, it's a massage parlor."

"What? A massage parlor of all things? This is the first time a massage parlor has managed to acquire a Medallion of Pleasure…"

"What about the owner of this store? Who is it?"

"It's a young man named Xiao Yang. That's all I know about him."

"Do you know how he'd acquired the Medallion of Pleasure?"

"I wouldn't be this surprised if I knew…"

Unfortunately for them, the store was closed at this moment, so they didn't have any reason to enter the building.

Meanwhile, inside the building, Mei Xing and Mei Ying were completely oblivious to the crowd outside their building since they were trying to decide which room they should stay inside.

Although all of the rooms were almost identical to each other, the mother and daughter pair still took their time to pick a room.

As for Su Yang, he decided to stay in the same room as them, as he didn't care which room he slept in, and that would give them an extra room for hotel services.

Eventually, they decided to live on the first floor inside the room that was closest to the reception desk, as that would make things more convenient for them.

"Manager, what is going to happen to our clients from before? We don't know who will show up and who won't, so it will make accepting new clients complicated." Mei Xing asked him sometime later.

After all, they had a whole list of clients that had scheduled in advance, and it was not like they could act as though the list never existed. However, they won't be able to accept new clients until they finish the list, as they'd have to put them in the back of the list that would take months to finish.

"It's actually quite simple. I will continue to serve those on the list as scheduled, but if someone doesn't show up and we have a new customer, the new customer can take the absent one's place."

"What if all of the old customers show up?" Mei Xing then asked.

"Then I will serve them first and serve the new customers after hours. In other words, I will be working overtime until the list is finished."

"But what if new customers continue to arrive? Won't we need to continue the waitlist?"

"No, I will no longer continue the waitlist. If someone wants a massage but we don't have a slot on that day, they will have to return another day."

"I see… So a first-come-first-serve basis just like the priority system? That makes sense. Hopefully, we will have many customers like before." Mei Xing sighed.

Chapter 990: Medallion of Pleasure

After Old Ping verified that the Medallion of Pleasure in front of Su Yang's building was real, news spread within the Red Light District like wildfire.

"Did you hear?! There's a new business with the Medallion of Pleasure!"

"What?! Since when? How come I haven't heard of this!"

"That's because it was discovered today! Apparently, it's a new business, too!"

"A new business with the Medallion of Pleasure? That doesn't make any sense. The medallion isn't something that can be acquired by a new business. In fact, the last time someone acquired one was over 10,000 years ago."

"I don't know what to tell you. Go check out the place if you want. It's in the Red Light District, but the store is closed now."

"If this information is true, then this place will be the 21st business in the City of Pleasure to have a Medallion of Pleasure since the city's creation!"

Although 21 Medallion of Pleasures may seem like a lot, one must keep in mind that the City of Pleasure has existed for millions of years, and for there to be only 21 medallions in existence, they can be considered quite rare.

As for what the Medallion of Pleasure signifies— they are the most prestigious honor that one can obtain within the City of Pleasure, and only those that have been approved by the lord of the city can be rewarded with such a thing.

There have been many lords for the City of Pleasure throughout the years, and they have the ability to hand out a Medallion of Pleasure. However, they are only allowed to give out one Medallion of Pleasure in their life.

With that being said, there have been hundreds if not thousands of people that have taken the position of 'lord' for the City of Pleasure throughout the years, but not every lord has the ability to give out a Medallion of Pleasure.

The system is a little complicated, but only the most monumental lords with the most accomplishments within the City of Pleasure are allowed to give out a medallion, hence why they are so rare and taken so seriously.

As of this moment, including Su Yang's massage parlor, there are only 3 stores in the entire City of Pleasure with a Medallion of Pleasure, hence the peoples' excitement when they learned that there was a new business with the Medallion of Pleasure.

Furthermore, when a business has the Medallion of Pleasure, one can expect guaranteed satisfaction from these businesses, which will definitely attract countless customers.

Of course, Su Yang knew about the Medallion of Pleasure, hence why he called it their 'key to success', but it has been tens of thousands of years since he obtained the medallion, so he wasn't sure if it was still as revered.

As for why neither Mei Ying nor Mei Xing knew about the Medallion of Pleasure— it was simply because the Medallion of Pleasure was too grand for the people of Pink Light District, so nobody really mentions it.

In fact, most people in the outer areas of the city that aren't business owners are not aware of the medallion's existence.

"Manager, when will we open up the store again?" Mei Xing asked him right before bedtime.

"We can open up tomorrow if you're ready," he said.

"I am ready!" She quickly responded.

"I never thought that I would be able to work in the famous Red Light District… I cannot wait for tomorrow to come!" Mei Xing said as she entered the bed and went under the blanket, sleeping beside Mei Ying.

"I also would've never imagined that I would be working in the Red Light District. Thank you for giving us this opportunity, Manager." Mei Ying said with a smile on her face….

Su Yang silently nodded with a smile on his face as well.

A few minutes later, the mother and daughter fell asleep while Su Yang cultivated for the rest of the night.

The following morning, Mei Xing and Mei Ying woke up and began prepared themselves for work.

"Manager, how much should we charge for the rooms?" Mei Xing asked Su Yang when she realized that they didn't have a price prepared for their second business.

"One high-grade spirit stones for a day," he calmly replied.

And he continued, "We will also change the price for my massage. They will now cost 1 high-grade spirit stone for a 10-minute session, but the price will remain the same for those that are on the waitlist."

"One high-grade spirit stone?!" Mei Xing was left speechless by his response.

How can they charge such an astronomical price for a single day, much less a 10-minute massage session?

"Don't forget that this is the Red Light District. If you make your services too cheap, it will actually harm your business since they will think that your services are as cheap as its prices, not to mention the Medallion of Pleasure…"

"I guess that makes sense…" Mei Xing mumbled to herself after hearing his reasoning.

"Speaking of the Medallion of Pleasure, how do we know if it's working?" Mei Ying suddenly asked.

Su Yang showed a mysterious smile on his face and said, "Why don't you go outside and see for yourself?"


Neither Mei Ying nor Mei Xing was aware of the massive crowd outside their building, so they were in for a big surprise.

And sure enough, when they opened the door to go outside, they were greeted by a massive crowd that surrounded their building, making it impossible for them to even go anywhere.

This greatly startled the two of them, especially since the crowd all snapped their heads to look at them the moment they opened the door.


Mei Ying even screamed out loud before falling on the floor on her buttocks when she saw the crowd outside.

"W-What is going on? Are we under attack?" Mei Xing mumbled in a dazed voice.

Su Yang appeared a moment later, and he said with a slight smile, "I think they are customers."

"C-Customers? This many?" Mei Xing stared at them with her eyes wide as saucers, clearly in disbelief.

Chapter 991: Medallion of Pleasure (2)

"Hello, how may I help all of you?" Su Yang asked the crowd with a friendly smile on his face.

However, they didn't immediately respond to him, as they were dumbfounded by his young and ordinary appearance.

While there are rumors of Su Yang being a young man, nobody really believed it, but now that they are seeing him in person, they have no choice but to believe it.

"A-Are you the owner of this place?" One of them finally asked him.

"That's right. My name is Xiao Yang, and this is my store," he confirmed.

"What kind of business do you do here?"

"This is mostly a massage parlor, but we are also a hotel, and I only offer my massage services to female customers," he said.

The crowd was amazed to learn that a massage parlor had managed to receive the Medallion of Pleasure since it has never happened before.

"If you don't mind me asking, who did you acquire your Medallion of Pleasure from? Oh, I am the owner of the store right across from yours."

Su Yang smiled and said, "It was entrusted to me by a friend."

"That makes a lot of sense…" The crowd there began mumbling to each other.

Once the lord of the city hands someone a Medallion of Pleasure, they are not allowed to take it back, but the person who received the medallion is allowed to hand over the medallion to another person, and it has been done many times throughout the years.

However, most of them have either been destroyed in incidents or their owners lost them, hence why there is only three Medallion of Pleasure left in the City of Pleasure as of this moment.

Furthermore, if the current owner of the medallion isn't up to standard with their services or business, they can have their medallion revoked by the city, which will be destroyed afterward.

The people in the city also didn't mind that the medallion could be passed on as long as the services provided by the medallion holder is qualified to hold the medallion.

Of course, this meant that one could also steal the medallion from another, but that has never happened before simply because they will be offending the entire City of Pleasure by doing so, and the medallion is useless outside the city, so it made no sense for someone to steal it unless they are working in the city.

"Then do you know which Lord gave out the medallion?" Another person there asked him.

Su Yang shook his head, "Unfortunately, I do not."

Obviously, he knew who gave the medallion, since he is the original owner, but it would make people question his identity if they knew the Lord, especially since the Lord can only give out one medallion in their lifetime.

If they learn the name of the Lord, they will also learn that the Lord had given her medallion to the infamous Su Yang, and that would let the people know that he has a connection with Su Yang, something he wanted to avoid….

Fortunately, the people didn't really seem to mind, as they only cared about the significance of the medallion, not who handed it out.

"When do you open? I'd like to experience your massage service and see if you're qualified to hold the medallion." One of the women there suddenly asked him.

"We will be opening shortly. However, before anything, you should all know a little about my business since I have actually been working in the Pink Light District for a little before coming here." Su Yang said to them.

"What? The Pink Light District?"

They raised their eyebrows. How could someone with the Medallion of Pleasure work in the lowly Pink Light District?

But they didn't say anything and allowed Su Yang to explain first.

Thus, Su Yang began telling them about their waitlist, why he'd decided to relocate to the Red Light District, and how he will be handling his new customers so that they wouldn't be puzzled.

"I wanted to work my way up without using the Medallion of Pleasure at first, but because of that incident, I was forced to relocate to this place and use the Medallion of Pleasure." Su Yang sighed out loud after explaining everything to them, acting like a pitiful victim.

"Qian Fuju? Isn't that Red-robed Madam's son who's currently working in the Yellow Light District? I already knew that he was trouble, but to think he would offend someone with a Medallion of Pleasure… What an idiot."

While nobody in the Pink Light District dared to even look at Qian Fuju in the eyes, the people at Red Light District couldn't care less about Qian Fuju and even dared to talk badly about him in public since he was beneath them.

"If you don't mind the temporary inconveniences, you are more than welcomed in my store. Thank you all for listening, and I will see you soon." Su Yang said to them before going back inside the building and closing the door.

He then turned to look at Mei Xing and Mei Ying, who was still dazed by the whole situation.

Su Yang chuckled and started explaining to them the significance of the Medallion of Pleasure.

"Amazing… And you got such a priceless treasure from a friend? What a generous friend." Mei Xing said.

Su Yang didn't respond to such words and merely nodded with a smile on his face.

As for how he actually acquired the Medallion of Pleasure, it was many thousand years ago when he traveled to this city to treat the lord at that time, who was seriously ill from having too much Yin Qi in her body because nobody was able to satisfy her.

And being Su Yang, he took it upon himself to treat the Lord, satisfying her until her body was exhausted of Yin Qi for the first time in forever.

After that, the Lord gave him the Medallion of Pleasure in case he ever decides to open up a business in the city.

Chapter 992: Why Am I So Unlucky?

"Boss! We have a problem! A huge problem!"

One of Qian Fuju's lackeys rushed into his room with a panicked face.

"What happened?" Qian Fuju asked with a frown on his face.

"It's that massage parlor you're trying to destroy! Not only are they really working in the Red Light District now, but there is something even more shocking! They actually have a Medallion of Pleasure!"

"WHAT?!" Qian Fuju stood up so hard that he nearly pulled a muscle in his legs.

"Repeat that!" He demanded.

Despite his nervousness, the lackey repeated his words.

"They have a Medallion of Pleasure… And pretty much the entire Red Light District is now aware that you had messed with the owner. Things are going to get rough for us."

"Impossible! How can they possibly have a Medallion of Pleasure?! If they had one, why didn't they say anything when I tried to ruin their business?!" Qian Fuju was in complete disbelief.

Not even in his wildest dreams would he have imagined that someone within the Pink Light District would have the Medallion of Pleasure.

Due to the prestige of the medallion, if someone were to mess with the owner or its business, they were basically offending the entire City of Pleasure.

"Are you sure this information is correct?!" Qian Fuju asked his lackey again, seemingly unwilling to believe this information.

"It's true, Boss! They even had an official verify the medallion! If you don't believe me, you can go see for yourself! However, it would be risky to leave this place now…"

"Shit! Fuck! Damn it all! Why am I so unlucky?!" Qian Fuju kicked and tossed his furniture around.

Not only did he lose his favorite woman to another man, but he might even lose his business now that he's offended someone with the Medallion of Pleasure!

After destroying his room, Qian Fuju sat down and began pondering about a solution.

However, before he could think very far, someone kicked his door down before entering his room.

"Who dares—"

Qian Fuju screamed as he turned to look at the door, but his voice forcibly halted when he saw the individual walking at him in an angry manner.

"Fuju! What is the meaning of this?!" A beautiful woman wearing a revealing red robe shouted at him.

"M-Mother! What are you doing here?" Qian Fuju immediately stood up and looked at his mother, the Red-robed Madam, with a terrified expression.

"I am here because the entire district is talking about you! They are saying that you'd caused trouble for the owner of a Medallion of Pleasure! Is this true?!"

"M-Mother! L-Let me explain!" Qian Fuju immediately explained the situation to her.

"I didn't know he had a Medallion of Pleasure! And he was working in the Pink Light District before moving to the Red Light District! There was simply no way that I could have known that he would have such a thing!"

"You useless thing! Do you have any idea what you've done?! Ignorance won't save your ass since this is the Medallion of Pleasure we are talking about! If that owner goes to the current lord of the city and complains, you won't be the only one to be punished! Even I could be affected!"

"I am sorry…" Qian Fuju said to her with his head lowered from shame….

However, his mother wasn't impressed by his apology, and it even worsened her mood.

"Sorry?! As if an apology will do anything! If you're going to apologize, do it to the right person! Go apologize to that person and plead for his forgiveness!"

"Y-You want me to beg him to forgive me? Impossible! I'd rather die than lower my head to him!"

"Then you can die!"

His mother immediately retrieved a sword from her storage ring and pointed it at her own son without any hesitation.

"Either you personally apologize to him, or I will kill you right here and use your corpse to apologize!"

In her eyes, no matter how much she loved her son, she wasn't willing to risk her own business and livelihood that took her thousands of years of effort to build.

"F-Fine! I get it! I will go and apologize to him!" Qian Fuju quickly had a change of heart after seeing his mother's serious expression as she pointed her sword at him.

Red-robed Madam retrieved her sword and said in a cold voice, "The quicker you apologize to him the better. In fact, I will give you until tomorrow. If it's not done by then, I will apologize to him instead— with your head."

Qian Fuju swallowed nervously before nodding in a stiff manner.

His mother left the scene shortly after.

Qian Fuju collapsed on the floor afterward, and he would sit there for the rest of the day with a blank expression on his face.

Meanwhile, Su Yang opened his business after Mei Ying and Mei Xing were prepared.

Immediately, people began flooding the first floor.

"W-Welcome to Heavenly Massage! How may I help you today?" Mei Xing greeted the guests with a somewhat nervous smile on her small face.

"I would like a massage," said the person first in line.

"Are you on the waitlist? If not, you'll have to wait five minutes to see if that person will show up for her appointment. If she doesn't show up, you can take her place, but if she does show up, you will have to wait until later."

"I understand." The woman nodded.

Five minutes passed quickly, but the person who was on the waitlist didn't show up, so Mei Xing gave the spot to the new guest.

Once inside the massage room, Su Yang greeted the beauty with a friendly smile on his face.

"Do I have to remove my clothes?" The woman asked him.

"That is entirely up to you," he said.

The woman pondered for a moment before deciding to remove her clothes.

Su Yang then led her to the bed that had its mattress replaced with his own, and he began massaging the woman.

Chapter 993: Are You Here to Cause Us Trouble Again?

About ten minutes after Su Yang accepted his first client, the door to the massage room opened, and an ordinary young man walked out with a seemingly unconscious woman in his arms being carried to the room on the other side of the hall.

Now that he was working in the Red Light District, Su Yang no longer held back as much when it came to his techniques since the standard for him and his business had skyrocketed due to the Medallion of Pleasure.

Of course, this didn't mean that he would be going all-out, as that would instantly give him away as Su Yang.

If one had to gauge how much effort he was putting into the massages, it would be around 40 percent out of 100 percent, and that much was more than enough to dominate the entire City of Pleasure where everyone has above-average endurance.

After putting the unconscious woman that had passed out from experiencing too much pleasure inside one of the available rooms so that she could rest properly, Su Yang returned to the massage room to wait for his next client.

A few minutes later, another woman entered the massage room to experience his massage techniques.

'Heavens… It feels like it's been forever since we've had this many customers…' Mei Xing said to herself as she greeted one customer after another.

"I would like to rent a room for a day." A 'couple' stood before Mei Xing.

"Okay, that would be 1 high-grade spirit stone." Mei Xing said to them, feeling a little nervous afterward since she has never asked for so much money before.

"Here you go."

And to Mei Xing's surprise, the client handed her a high-grade spirit stone in a very casual manner.

'Wow! The Red Light District is truly another beast! Everyone here is so rich that they can spend so much money without thinking twice!' Mei Xing accepted the high-grade spirit stone with excitement.

Meanwhile, Mei Ying worked as a room service, cleaning the rooms after a customer leaves.

Although most people pay for a day's worth of room, they would check out early after finishing their 'business' inside.

Of course, this meant that their hotel was being used as a temporary brothel where people go to have fun with their partner that they picked up from the street, but that is very common in the City of Pleasure, so it wasn't anything unexpected.

The day continued with the massage parlor receiving great business.

At the end of the day, Su Yang accepted his last customer.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Yellow Light District, Qian Fuju left his room and made his way to the Heavenly Massage.

"B-Boss! Where are you going?!" His lackeys asked him when they noticed him leaving without saying a word.

"I don't think it's a good idea to go outside now, boss," said another lackey.

Qian Fuju shook his head and said, "I have to. Don't bother me."

The lackeys looked at each other. They could tell that Qian Fuju was dispirited just from his voice alone, so they decided to ignore him.

After he left, one of the lackeys said, "The Red-robed Madam visited earlier today, and I am guessing that it has something to do with her."

"I have never seen the boss acting like that before."…

"Probably because he's never offended someone with a Medallion of Pleasure before…"

"What do you think is going to happen now?"

"Only heaven knows."

Once Qian Fuju left his building, he began making his way to the Heavenly Massage, and just as he'd expected, everybody in the street was giving him weird looks.

"Isn't that Qian Fuju? He dares to show face after offending someone with a Medallion of Pleasure? Is it boldness or stupidity?"

"Hahaha… He's probably going to apologize for his actions!"

"Qian Fuju apologizing? Now that's something that only happens once in a lifetime!"

Qian Fuju's face was flushed red from anger after hearing the people openly mock him. However, he didn't do anything about it and merely started walking even faster.

Eventually, he arrived at the Heavenly Massage.

Even though the place was already closed, there were still people lining up outside the building, most likely for the next day.

Qian Fuju ignored the line and walked straight to the entrance. After taking a deep breath, he knocked on the door.

"We're closed!" Mei Xing's voice resounded the next second.

However, Qian Fuju continued to knock on the door, and he would continue doing so until someone opened the door.

Eventually, Mei Xing went to open the door to see who was being so rude and annoying, and to her absolute shock, Qian Fuju was at the door!

"M-M-Manager! Help!" Mei Xing shouted in a terrified voice that sounded like she was about to be abducted and sold to a brothel.

Su Yang, who was cleaning the massage room but was aware of Qian Fuju's presence didn't panic when he heard Mei Xing's cry, but Mei Ying ran like she would die if she didn't when she heard her daughter's scream.

"Mei Xing! What happened—?!" Mei Ying halted her movement when she saw Qian Fuju's figure standing at their front door, and her body uncontrollably trembled as she recalled her traumatic experience with him.

"W-What are you doing here?! Are you here to cause us trouble again?!" Mei Xing eventually got off the floor and onto her feet, confronting Qian Fuju in a brave yet terrified manner.

Seeing her daughter's action, Mei Ying pounced forward and stood between Qian Fuju and Mei Xing in a protective manner, as she was afraid that Qian Fuju might harm them.

However, to their surprise, Qian Fuju didn't do anything, merely standing there with an uncaring expression on his face.

Su Yang showed up a few moments later, and he calmly approached Qian Fuju until they were only a few steps away from each other.

"Looking to scout out my new store before you make your lackeys guard the front door like previously?" Su Yang asked him in a joking voice.

Chapter 994: Qian Fuju's Apology

When Qian Fuju saw Su Yang appear before him, even cracking a joke like they were buddies, Qian Fuju immediately fell to his knees and kissed the floor with his forehead before speaking in a loud voice, "I apologize for trying to ruin your business, Xiao Yang. Please, forgive me!"


Both Mei Ying and Mei Xing stared at Qian Fuju with their eyes wide open, especially Mei Ying, who would've never imagined that she would witness Qian Fuju apologizing while kowtowing.

"Oh? You want me to forgive you?" Su Yang asked in a confirming manner.

"Yes, that's right. I have wronged you. Please, forgive me. I am willing to do anything," Qian Fuju confirmed.

"Hmm… What should I do? I am a scholar and a benevolent person, so maybe I should forgive you. After all, not much harm was done to me, anyway." Su Yang said.

Qian Fuju grew hopeful when he heard Su Yang's words, and even his eyes flickered with a hopeful light.

Su Yang then continued, "However, I failed as a scholar, and you have done plenty of harm to other people. Let me ask you this… Did you forgive your victims when they pleaded for mercy? Oh, you don't actually have to answer that since I already know the answer."

"You want me to forgive you? Hahaha!" Su Yang suddenly started laughing.

Qian Fuju's facial expression grew ugly when he heard Su Yang's laughter, and his complexion paled after he listened to Su Yang's next sentence.

"I refuse. I will not only not forgive you, but I will also make it my life's mission to make your life as miserable as possible. Don't worry, I won't do it right now. I want you to savor this feeling of despair."

"If you wish to live a little longer, then you should get the hell out of this city."

"Now that you have my response, you may get away from my store. Your unpleasant presence might affect my business."


Before Qian Fuju could even respond, Su Yang slammed the door in his face.


The entire street was silent as they watched Qian Fuju's miserable appearance.

Qian Fuju's body trembled in anger, and he gritted his teeth so hard that his gums began bleeding.

He currently has this uncontrollable desire to destroy the building before him and everyone in it, but he knew that he would die before he could do so, as there were many experts in that place silently watching him from the shadows.

Thus, Qian Fuju could only swallow his anger and go home for now.

What happened today quickly spread throughout the Red Light District as well as the other districts, as Qian Fuju was an infamous person who has harmed a lot of people, mostly those from a lower-ranking district than his.

"Hahaha! Serves that bastard just right!"

"Qian Fuju offended someone with a Medallion of Pleasure? Hahaha! This is the best news I have heard all decade long!"

"Who is this person he offended? Xiao Yang? I have never heard of him before."…

"What's going to happen to Qian Fuju now?"

"Nobody knows."

"Hopefully, he leaves the city and never returns."

People from all around the City of Pleasure began celebrating Qian Fuju's misfortune.

When this news reached Red-robed Madam, she was definitely not happy. However, there wasn't much she could do in this situation.

Her son had offended someone with a Medallion of Pleasure, and he was known for being a troublemaker in the City of Pleasure. Nobody will be on Qian Fuju's side besides his lackeys.

But as much as she wants to leave Qian Fuju alone, he was her son at the end of the day, and he went to apologize as she'd asked of him.

Red-robed Madam then called a few people to gather information on Xiao Yang to see if there was anything she could do.

A few days later, she received all of Xiao Yang's information, but to her surprise, there was none.

"What? There's no information on Xiao Yang before he arrived in the City of Pleasure? How is that even possible? Surely, he must have some sort of background!" Red-robed Madam was shocked to learn that all information on Xiao Yang was virtually nonexistent before his appearance in the City of Pleasure, almost like he was a ghost prior to coming to the city.

"He claimed to be a failed scholar. Did you check with the scholars? They should have his information!"

"There is none, Madam Qian. In fact, that was the first place we checked! There was nobody by the name of Xiao Yang that had taken their scholar examination in the last decade!" The informant said to her.

Red-robed Madam frowned when she heard this.

"Xiao Yang… Just who are you? You have no background outside of the City of Pleasure, and you somehow have a Medallion of Pleasure…"

Red-robed Madam was more intrigued than ever now.

'What are you hiding, Xiao Yang? Whatever it is, you've clearly put in some effort into hiding it! Once I learn your secret, I will have you in my control!'

"Continue searching! I don't believe that he has no traces in this world! Find an information broker if you have to! " Red-robed Madam commanded her informants.

Meanwhile, at the Heavenly Massage, business was as busy as usual.

"Looks like Qian Fuju won't be coming back to bother us any longer." Mei Xing said as she cleaned the reception area after business hours.

"I sure hope so…" Mei Ying sighed.

A few days have passed since Qian Fuju disappeared after pleading Su Yang for forgiveness, and ever since getting rejected, Qian Fuju hasn't reappeared in public since then.

Nobody knows where he went— not even his own lackeys or mother.

People speculated that Qian Fuju had left the City of Pleasure due to fear, but others believed that he was hidden somewhere within the city, quietly plotting revenge against Xiao Yang, who pushed him into this hole that he dug himself.

Chapter 995: Acting Innocent

A week have passed since Qian Fuju's disappearance, and business was as usual within the Heavenly Massage.

In fact, business was so good that Mei Xing and Mei Ying had forgotten about Qian Fuju, allowing them to focus on their work.

Early in the morning on one day, an extremely beautiful woman wearing red robes and red heels approached the Heavenly Massage.

When the pedestrians there saw this red-robed figure, their eyes widened with shock.

"T-That's the Red-robed Madam! What is she doing here?"

"Do you think she's here because of what happened to her son, Qian Fuju?"

"Very likely…"

The pedestrians there mumbled to each other in a mosquito-like voice. Unlike when they cursed Qian Fuju out loud, nobody there dared to speak badly of the Red-robed Madam out loud.

"Do you mind if I cut the line? I have some important business with the manager of this place, Xiao Yang. I will compensate everyone for this inconvenience." The Red-robed Madam asked the people standing in line outside the building.

"G-Go right ahead."

Everyone in the line nodded their head with nervous smiles on their faces.

"Thank you all." The Red-robed Madam no longer bothered with the people there and entered the Heavenly Massage the next moment.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Massage! How may I help you today?" Mei Xing greeted her without knowing her identity as Qian Fuju's mother.

"I'd like to speak with your manager, Xiao Yang."

"The Manager? What is this about?" Mei Xing then asked.

"It's about my son, Qian Fuju." The Red-robed Madam said, not planning on hiding her identity.


Mei Xing didn't immediately comprehend Red-robed Madam's words, but when she did, her eyes widened with shock.

"Q-Qian Fuju's mother?!" Mei Xing exclaimed.

"P-Please wait a moment!"

Mei Xing immediately got out of her chair and ran into the massage room to explain the situation to Su Yang.

"Manager! Someone claiming to be Qian Fuju's mother is here to speak with you!" She said to him.

"The Red-robed Madam, huh?" A profound smile appeared on Su Yang's face.

He then went outside with Mei Xing following behind him….

"Hello, I am Xiao Yang. You're Red-robed Madam, Qian Fuju's mother, right? Let's go somewhere more private, shall we?"

Red-robed Madam nodded and proceeded to follow Su Yang into one of the hotel rooms while Mei Xing returned to managing the reception.

"I'm sorry, but I don't have any tea to serve you since I didn't expect any visitors in such a manner." Su Yang said to her once they sat down in front of each other on the couch.

"It's fine. I came here unannounced, and I do not plan on staying for too long," she shook her head in a calm manner.

"Then let's immediately continue onto the subject. Why do you want to speak with me?" Su Yang asked her with a calm yet serious expression on his face.

"It's simple. I am here to apologize for my son's actions," she said in a sighing voice.

And she continued before Su Yang could even open his mouth, "Ah, please don't misunderstand my intentions. I am not seeking for your forgiveness, nor am I asking you to spare him. I am merely here as a mother to apologize for her own son's wrongdoings."

Although Su Yang remained nonchalant on the outside, he was actually sneering in disgust inwardly.

'Acting innocent, huh? You might be able to fool others with your appearance as an honest and sincere person, but I know exactly how rotten you are as a person.' Su Yang sneered inwardly.

Red-robed Madam had acted in the same manner when he visited this place before as Su Yang, but as soon as he rejected her approaches, she immediately started plotting to ruin his image, accusing him of kidnapping, assaulting, and torturing her.

If he could, he would kill her at this moment.

However, Su Yang didn't show any of his disgust towards Red-robed Madam on the outside and acted like this was their first meeting.

"I see… You've now put me in a difficult situation. You seem like an honest person, and I don't want to make you sad, but when I recall the horrible things that have done to others, I just cannot bring myself to spare him. I hope you'll understand."

"No, I completely understand. As I'd already said, I didn't come here today to ask for your forgiveness. In fact, I would like to become friends or something similar."

"Friends?" Yuan couldn't help but chuckle after hearing her words, and he said, "Even though I might be the reason your son dies?"

"If that happens, then so be it. That idiot son of mine has always been causing trouble for others no matter how much I warn him. I knew that karma would eventually find its way to him and make him pay for everything one day. I have already long prepared myself for such a situation." Red-robed Madam said.

Her intentions were clear— to make it seem like she doesn't care about Qian Fuju and appear to be on Su Yang's side so that he doesn't go after her business in the future if she cannot save Qian Fuju, perhaps even benefit from him, who has the Medallion of Pleasure.

Unfortunately for her, she had already messed everything up without realizing it, and it was done so many thousand years ago.

"And to start things off, why don't we talk about our background so we get to know each other a little better? I will start first," she said, obviously trying to gather information on his background.

"Oh, I will pay for taking up your time, so you don't need to worry about that," she suddenly added.

Su Yang pondered for a moment before nodding his head with a friendly smile on his face, "Sure. Why not?"

After all, the more he knew about his enemies, the easier it would be for him to deal with them.

Thus, Red-robed Madam began telling Yuan about her past and how she began her business in the City of Pleasure.

Chapter 996: Room Services

"And that's how I came to the City of Pleasure, starting my own business. After thousands of years of sweat and blood, I have finally arrived in my current position." Red-robed Madam ended her story of how she arrived in the City of Pleasure.

"That's really admirable, Madam Qian." Su Yang said to her.

"I'm sure your story will be even more admirable. Why don't you tell me a little about yourself? How did you arrive at the City of Pleasure? What made you open up a business?"

"Well, it's really nothing compared to your story. I am merely a failed scholar who decided to work in the City of Pleasure after hearing so many good things about this place from my buddies." Su Yang said with a smile.

'Again with the scholar background? I have already double-checked that information, and you never even went to take the scholar exam.' Madam Qian sneered inwardly after hearing Su Yang's story, but she made sure to keep calm and not reveal her thoughts.

"A scholar, huh? I think you have what it takes to become one. Why did you fail? And why the City of Pleasure? It's such a sudden and abnormal change in career." Madam Qian asked him.

"Well… To be completely honest with you, it's mostly because of my family. I never had any interaction with other people besides my own family, nor was I given the chance to. This aspired me to become someone who can have a lot of interaction with other people, and what better place than the City of Pleasure that is known for connections and such?"

"As for why I failed to become a scholar… It's simple. I never even took the test. My family wanted me to become a scholar, but I turned around in front of the examination building." Su Yang shrugged.

"Wait… Huh?"

Madam Qian's eyes widened when she heard Su Yang's last sentence.

He'd turned around at the examination building? Is that why there isn't any record of a Xiao Yang? Does this mean it's all a huge coincidence?

However, Madam Qian refused to believe that Xiao Yang had no secrets.

After all, even if he didn't take the scholar examination, there were still many blank spots in his background.

"You mentioned your family… What kind of family is it?" Madam Qian then asked.

If she cannot get any information on his identity, she could do so with his family's background!

Unfortunately, Su Yang had already thought this out, and he said in a clear voice, "Sorry, but I cannot say anything about my family. They really hate it when I mention them, as I am nothing but a failure in their eyes, and they do not want to associate themselves with me."

"If they learn that I'd mentioned being part of their family, they will definitely tear down my business and drag me back home."

Madam Qian was left speechless. How is she supposed to get any information on him like this? At this rate, she will leave this place empty-handed!

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. I promise." Madam Qian said with a beautiful smile on her face.

However, Su Yang remained reluctant and said, "I'm sorry, but I do not have the courage. Maybe in the future, when I am more courageous, I will tell you."

"I see… Then you must visit me whenever you feel comfortable telling me." Madam Qian said to him.

After talking for a few more minutes, Madam Qian left the place with an unsatisfied look on her face.

"Is everything okay, Manager?" Mei Xing asked him when he came back outside.

"Yes, everything is fine. You can start sending customers my way now."

Mei Xing nodded, and the day proceeded like usual….

At the end of the day, Su Yang greeted his last customer for the day.

"Hello." Su Yang greeted this tall beauty with a gentle smile on his face.

The beauty stared at him in silence for a good moment before speaking in a sneering voice, "Are you really as good as they say? I don't believe it. Look at your fragile-looking arms. How can you possibly pleasure anybody with them?"

Su Yang continued smiling, and he said, "Whether they are right or wrong… Why don't you find out for yourself?"

"That's exactly why I am here. If you disappoint me, I will…"

The woman didn't finish her sentence and laid on the bed.

"What do you want me to do?" Su Yang asked her.

"I want you to satisfy me, of course. Just so you know, I haven't been satisfied for over 500 years now," she said.

"500 years? How often do you come to this city?" Su Yang asked.

"Who knows…"

"Rest assured. I won't let you leave this place until I completely get rid of your exhaustion." Su Yang rolled up his sleeves and immediately began massaging her stiff body.

"Your body… Do you practice the sword?" Su Yang suddenly asked her.

"Hm? I do. How can you tell?"

"Your muscles. Those that wield the sword practice in a certain way, so their muscles are often stiff in similar spots," he said.

"Not bad, I suppose."

However, despite her seemingly tough attitude, the woman began moaning very quickly after experiencing Su Yang's hand techniques, and after three minutes, she could no longer resist the temptation to remove her clothes.

"Show me what you're made of." She said with her arms and legs spread wide open in a seductive manner.

Su Yang gladly accepted her request and stripped naked before inserting his stiff rod inside her tight cave, banging the living soul out of this woman.

About fifteen minutes later, the woman walked out of the massage room with staggering movements, looking like she was drunk.

"Good job, Manager." Mei Xing said to him when he returned to their room.

However, shortly after they retired for the day, someone knocked on their door.

Su Yang was greeted by a beautiful young lady with a smile on her face.

"Hello! I am sorry for bothering you, but I was wondering if your hotel provides room services such as massages. The other hotels have this option, but I wasn't sure if this hotel was the same."

Chapter 997: Deal!

"Room services?" Su Yang raised his eyebrows.

Although they did not provide such services, Su Yang didn't immediately refuse for some reason.

"If I need to pay extra fees… How about 100 high-grade spirit stones?" The young lady suddenly offered.

"100 high-grade spirit stones?!" Mei Xing immediately jumped off the bed and tugged on Su Yang's robes.

"Manager, you should do it! Even if it's just a one-time thing, this is 100 high-grade spirit stones, which is equal to 100 customers!"

Su Yang looked at Mei Xing who was staring back at him with money in her eyes.

"Are you sure you want to pay 100 high-grade spirit stones? There is a no refund policy here." Su Yang asked the young lady.

"Yes, I am sure," she quickly nodded.

"Alright then." Su Yang agreed to her offer, mostly because of Mei Xing, who would surely be sad if he let go of so much money.

"Great! Follow me! I live on the second floor!" The young lady suddenly grabbed his hand and began pulling him upstairs.

Once they were inside the young lady's room, she handed him the spirit stones before sitting on the bed.

"I should've asked you this earlier, but how long do I get for 100 high-grade spirit stones?" She asked him.

Su Yang pondered for a moment before speaking, "For that much money, you'll get as long as you can last."

"So if I can last the whole night…"

"Yes, then I will spend the entire night with you."

"Deal!" The young lady chuckled.

"Give me a moment to change my clothes."

The young lady then removed her clothes before wearing a semi-transparent dress that revealed every inch of her body.

She then laid on the bed and beckoned him with a seductive smile on her face.

Su Yang climbed the bed and immediately began massaging her body.

"Oh~! Not bad! This is definitely worth 100 high-grade spirit stones!" The young lady spoke after experiencing his techniques for a couple of minutes.

"However, that won't be enough to satisfy me."

Hearing her words, Su Yang poured more spiritual energy into his fingertips before pressing them deep inside her soft skin.

"Ah~" The young lady released a gentle moan, but she managed to keep her body in control.

Most of his customers would immediately begin gushing with Yin Qi once Su Yang used this technique, but this young lady was stronger than she appears.

'Not bad…' Su Yang smiled when his technique didn't work on this mysterious young lady.

"Do you want to turn around?" Su Yang asked her a few moments later.

"Sure! I was close to falling asleep, anyway."

The young lady then flipped her body, allowing Su Yang's hands to roam all over her small chest and naked kitty.

Eventually, Su Yang slipped his fingers inside her cave.


The young lady began moaning intensively, clearly feeling it.

However, it still wasn't enough to make her cave gush with Yin Qi….

After fingering the young lady for a few more minutes, Su Yang asked her, "Do you want more?"

"Of course!" She quickly responded.

Su Yang removed his clothes the next moment before positioning himself in front of her wet cave.

After rubbing his thick and hot rod between her slit for a few moments, Su Yang inserted it inside her cave, spreading it wide open.

The young lady's body trembled with delight for the first time.

"You don't have to go easy on me." She said to him.

Su Yang nodded and immediately began thrusting his rod, reaching the deepest parts of her cave with every single thrust.

"Oh~! Yes~! Give it to me! I have been yearning for this!"

Su Yang would go on to thrust his hips without any breaks for the next two hours, and in this time, the young lady had only released her Yin Qi three times, which was an incredible feat even though Su Yang wasn't using his full strength.

Of course, Su Yang could quickly increase the intensity until she could no longer endure it, but he didn't want to rush things, especially since he had no reason to.

"Are you tired already?" The young lady asked him with a smirk on her pretty face.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "If you can make me tired, I will massage you whenever you want for as long as you want— as long as it's after hours."


The young lady suddenly stood up and pushed Su Yang on the bed.

She then sat on him and began riding his stiff rod as though it was a horse for many hours without stopping.

"Is the Manager not returning? It's already been hours." Mei Xing sighed as she laid on the bed with Mei Ying.

"He's most likely going to be with her for the rest of the night since she paid so much money." Mei Ying said.

"I guess so…"

Meanwhile, back at the young lady's room, Su Yang laid on the bed with a look of disbelief on his face, his body soaked in sweat.

'Just who is this woman? I cannot see her cultivation, but it's definitely much higher than mine!'

Su Yang thought to himself.

"What's the matter? Finally finished?" The young lady asked him with a wide smile on her face.

"Yes, I am exhausted. You win this one." Su Yang said.

Even though he lost to this unknown girl, he was neither disappointed nor too prideful to admit his loss.

After hearing Su Yang's words, the young lady suddenly snapped her fingers, creating a powerful concealment formation around the room.

Su Yang immediately frowned at this, and he asked her, "Who are you?"

The young lady chuckled gracefully before speaking, "You've really lost your edge after two thousand years, Su Yang."

"What…?" Su Yang's eyes widened with shock after hearing his name come out of her mouth.

The young lady then retrieved a pill from her storage ring before swallowing it.

The next moment, this young lady transformed into an exceedingly beautiful woman that could only be described as a true goddess.

"Do you recognize me now, Su Yang?"

Chapter 998: Xing Aiying

"Xing Aiying?" Su Yang muttered her name when he saw her face that was the definition of ethereal beauty.

The beauty who turned out to be Xing Aiying, the master of formations and illusions, pounced on Su Yang like a starving tiger and said, "You can remove your disguise now. I have this entire building secured."

Hearing her words, Su Yang removed his disguise, returning to being a handsome young man.

Xing Aiying chuckled when she saw Su Yang's appearance, and she spoke, "I heard from Sister Ziyi that you look much younger than before, and I must say, you definitely meet my expectations!"

"I knew that you guys would eventually start showing yourselves, but I didn't expect it to be this soon." Su Yang said with a smile on his face.

And he continued, "How have you been, Aiying? It's been 2,000 years."

"It's been too long, you idiot!" Xing Aiying said as she lowered her body and hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry for leaving you ladies like that…" Su Yang gently combed her silky hair with his fingers, and he had a good feeling that he'll be repeating such words many more times in the future when he reunites with the others.

"I have heard of your situation from Sister Ziyi, but I want to hear it from you, Su Yang. Tell me. What happened?" Xing Aiying asked him after wiping her tears on his shoulders.

"I will tell you everything, but it's going to take a while."

"Make it quick, because I only have two months with you," she said.

"Two months…? Is that what you ladies agreed on?"

"Yes, to make things fair for everyone until you permanently return to us."

"I will try my best to not make you ladies wait too long."

Su Yang then began to tell his story to Xing Aiying, who listened intensively.

After listening to the whole story, Xing Aiying released a long sigh.

"It sounds like to me you had a great vacation in some mortal world while the rest of us suffered because we thought that you had died," she sighed.

"A-A vacation? I also suffered too, you know…" Su Yang said.

"I had to live every day worrying about everyone here, especially after learning about the situation from Lingxi. However, you're right. Compared to you ladies, my suffering was nothing in comparison."

"If there's anything I can do to make it up to you…"

"You impregnated Sister Ziyi…" Xing Aiying immediately responded.

Su Yang smiled and said, "You want a child, too? This is the first time you've asked me, you know."…

"Yes, I want a child, but I don't want one now," she said.

"If I suddenly have a child, people will definitely start questioning it. I guess Sister Ziyi was too excited to think at that moment, but once the world realizes that Luo Ziyi is pregnant, they will begin to search for the father."

"Luckily for her, she can make excuses for the child since she's the only one who's pregnant."

"However, if everyone who is affiliated with you is suddenly pregnant, it will raise too many suspicions." Xing Aiying explained to Su Yang her reason for not wanting to bear his child right now, which made perfect sense.

The entire world is aware of their relationship with Su Yang, and if all of them suddenly became pregnant, one would begin to wonder if Su Yang was actually still living somewhere, secretly impregnating his women.

"Now that you mention it… That would definitely be a major problem. Fortunately, you opened my eyes before I impregnated the others." Su Yang said, thinking to himself that he has to control himself and not impregnate everyone that asks him even if he really wants to.

"But then again, it might take us a few thousand years before we can actually conceive, so unless you plan on taking that long to return to us, it's okay to impregnate us." Xing Aiying added.

"A few thousand years, huh? Hopefully, I can deal with my problems much quicker."

"By the way, what are you doing now? I know that you're trying to enter the Boundless Yin Yang Sect, but what's your progress like?" Xing Aiying then asked.

"It started out a little slow, but things are picking up now that I am working inside the Red Light District with a Medallion of Pleasure. It'll only be a matter of time before someone from the Boundless Yin Yang Sect shows up," he said.

Xing Aiying then poked his nose and said with a cheeky smile on her face, "At your current level, I'm not sure they'll even accept you."

Su Yang chuckled at her words and said, "Did you really think that I would go all out on a customer? I will show you the real me tomorrow night."

"However, unless the Boundless Yin Yang Sect increased their standards significantly, I will have no problem entering their sect at my current level."

"I did a little research before coming here, and the Boundless Yin Yang Sect has indeed increased their standards 10 years ago. Of course, knowing you, it'll still be a breeze to enter," said Xing Aiying.

"But what's going to happen to your business here once you leave? Do you intend on giving it to those two girls working for you?"

"Mei Xing and Mei Ying? Even if I give it to them, they most likely won't accept it. I will see what they want to do when the time comes." Su Yang said.

"You really care about them, huh? Should I start calling them 'sisters' now?" Xing Aiying asked, indicating that he might accept them into the family.

"Who knows." Su Yang said with a profound smile on his face.

The two of them continued to spend the rest of the day talking to each other.

The following morning, Su Yang asked her, "What are you going to do now? Want to work for me?"

"I will enjoy being spoiled by you as a customer for now," she said with a smile before disguising herself again.

Chapter 999: Xing Aiying(2)

Once Xing Aiying left the room, Su Yang also returned to his disguise and made his way back to Mei Xing and Mei Ying.

"Manager, where have you been the whole night?" Mei Xing asked him as she prepared herself for work.

"I was serving the customer," he calmly said.

"For the whole night? That's amazing! Most customers would not last an hour, much less the whole night!" Mei Xing expressed her admiration for the customer.

"She's a special one alright." Su Yang chuckled.

Once they were all prepared, everyone went to work.

"Welcome to the Heavenly Massage!" Mei Xing greeted the customers.

Meanwhile, inside the massage room, Xing Aiying was casually sitting at the corner of the room.

"Are you sure you don't want to work for me? You'll look less suspicious like that." Su Yang said to her with a smile on his face.

"I can be your assistant in name," she said.

"As you wish, princess."

Sometime later, someone knocked on the door.

"Come inside." Su Yang said.

"It's me, Manager." Mei Xing entered the room a moment later.

"Hm? Did something happen?" Su Yang asked her, as she rarely leaves the reception desk.

"You have a special guest…" Mei Xing then stepped aside, allowing the handsome middle-aged man behind her into the room.

"Lu Gu of the Peach Blossom Delicacy. I am also an owner of a Medallion of Pleasure, and I decided to stop by when I heard that we have a new medallion holder. Nice to meet you."

Lu Gu politely greeted Su Yang.

"Nice to meet you. Xiao Yang." Su Yang returned the greeting.

And he continued, "How can I help you?"

"Don't mind me. I am just here for a quick introduction today. We can sit down and talk another time."

After saying that, Lu Gu turned around and walked out of the place, leaving Mei Xing speechless.

"What's the Peach Blossom Delicacy? Sounds like a brothel." Su Yang asked afterward.

"Because it is a brothel, one of the best in this city— at least that's what I heard." Mei Xing said.

"They have the prettiest ladies, and they are all highly skilled in the art of pleasure."

"Where did you hear such information?" Su Yang looked at her with raised eyebrows.

"From the ladies in my previous workplaces. They would always talk about the Red Light District and the places they wish to work in, and the Peach Blossom Delicacy is one of them."

Mei Xing then turned to look at Xing Aiying.

"Aren't you that customer asking for room services yesterday? What are you doing in the massage room?" Mei Xing questioned her.

"I am working as his assistant," she casually responded….

"What!" Mei Xing expressed great surprise upon hearing this information.

How could the manager hire another worker without even consulting them first?!

"Sorry, but I didn't get the chance to tell you last night, and I forgot to this morning, since it was a very sudden decision."

"Hello, little sister! You can call me Sister Aiying!" Xing Aiying greeted Mei Xing with a friendly smile.

"M-Mei Xing…" she responded.

"I look forward to working with you, little sister!"

Mei Xing went back to the reception desk shortly after while Xing Aiying went back to her room since Su Yang was receiving his first customer.

At the end of the day, Su Yang explained the situation to the Mei Family.

"That girl I hired turned out to be the daughter of one of my close friends, and she wants to experience working for me for a little, so I hired her."

"I see… That makes more sense." Mei Xing nodded as though she understood the situation.

"Also, she's been suffering from loneliness, so I will stay in the same room as her."

Although Mei Xing wanted to sleep beside him, she didn't say anything and nodded her head.

Sometime later, Su Yang went to Xing Aiying's room to make up for the time that he's been missing, which will definitely take more than two months to fully compensate.

"Are you sure you want to leave those two alone?" Xing Aiying asked him.

"They seem very dependent on you."

"Yes, and I would even say that they're too dependent on me. I need to teach them to care for themselves in case we cannot stay together in the future."

Xing Aiying then said, "I am a generous sister, so I will sacrifice some of my time with you to let the junior sisters have some time with you once in a while."

"But I will have you to myself for this entire week! This is not debatable!"

"Yes, yes, my little princess." Su Yang said with a smile on his face as he entered the bed with Xing Aiying.

After a long session of cultivation that left them both covered in sweat, Xing Aiying started a conversation with Su Yang.

"Hey, Su Yang… Do you remember that day you came to my family to learn about formations?" She suddenly asked him.

"Of course. You were only a little princess that just started her cultivation at that time, and you would always skip training to bug me to play with you." Su Yang said.

"And I remember how you messed up my parents' relationship by sleeping with my mother, instantly sending the entire family into disarray. You know, my family still hates you even after your 'death'."

"You're still mentioning that? You know it was your mother who seduced me, not the other way around. Your father was also neglecting her, which is the biggest reason she came to me."

"Of course, I know that. If I blamed you, I wouldn't have followed you, right?"

"Speaking of your family, how are they doing? Are they still angry at you for leaving the family?"

"Obviously! There's no way they'd ever forgive me! They still send letters to me every few hundred years just to state their disappointment!"

"What about your mother?"

"Who knows. She's probably still traversing the Four Divine Heavens, something she started doing after divorcing my father." Xing Aiying shrugged in a casual manner.

Chapter 1000: Do You Want to Try It?

"Even though we don't know her situation, I'm sure that my mother is fine. She's a tough one, after all." Xing Aiying said.

She then turned to look at Su Yang and asked him with a solemn expression, "Su Yang… Do you think we will ever return to how we used to be?"

"Of course. Although I don't know when it'll happen, I will try my best to make it happen as soon as possible."

"I look forward to that day," she chuckled.

"Anyways, are you ready for another session? We still have an hour before the store opens."

"Let's do it." Su Yang nodded, and they proceeded to cultivate with each other for the next hour until it was time to open the store.

"Good morning, Manager." Mei Xing greeted him with a wide smile on her face when she noticed him approaching the reception desk right before the store's opening.

"Morning… Hm?" Su Yang stopped walking when he noticed something different about her.

"You have successfully managed to enter the Elementary Spirit Realm? Congratulations on taking your first step towards becoming a true cultivator."

Indeed, Mei Xing had finally managed to comprehend the cultivation technique and become a cultivator last night.

"This is all because of you, Manager! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!" She said.

"How are you feeling?" Su Yang then asked her.

"I am feeling great! In fact, I have never felt any better! My body is gushing with energy! I feel like I can work an entire week without any rest right now!" She exclaimed with an eager face.

Su Yang chuckled and said, "Don't get too excited. Although you have managed to become a cultivator, you still need to rest properly."

Mei Xing nodded, and then she asked, "Manager, what should I do now that I am a cultivator?"

"There's only one thing you can do— continue to cultivate."

"Eh? I still have to cultivate even though I am already a cultivator?" Mei Xing said.

"Of course. Just because you've become a cultivator doesn't mean you can stop cultivating."

"I will teach you more about cultivators later since we have to open the store now."

"Okay!" Mei Xing nodded eagerly.

After opening the store, Su Yang returned to the massage room while Mei Xing greeted the customers.

At the end of the day, after closing the store, Su Yang went to Mei Xing's room and lectured her about cultivators.

"You may have become a cultivator, but you're only at the lowest level. If you want to actually achieve something as a cultivator, you'll need to continue cultivating to increase your levels because at your current level, you're not much different when compared to a mortal who has never cultivated before."

"So I just need to continue cultivating until I reach a sufficient level?"

"Yes, but almost every cultivator will cultivate until they reach their limit."

"How many levels are there in cultivation?" Mei Xing then asked.

"There are five major realms, each consisting of minor realms, and each realm will have 9 total levels. For example, you're currently at the first level of Elementary Spirit Realm, which is the lowest realm."…

"Once you have absorbed enough spiritual energy, you will be able to breakthrough to the second level of Elementary Spirit Realm."

"You will continue this until you reach the ninth level, and once you breakthrough that level, you will enter the next minor realm, which is the Profound Spirit Realm."

Mei Xing's mouth dropped wide open as she listened to Su Yang's lecture on cultivation.

"T-There are so many levels! How long does it usually take for one to increase a single level?" She then asked.

"That will vary from person to person depending on their cultivation talents. Some could take a single day to breakthrough while others might need a week— even month to breakthrough, and the higher you go, the longer it will take for someone to increase a single level."

"Cultivation is a long process that requires a strong will and patience since it will take years upon years, and even then, you might not reach the apex."

"Do you still want to become a cultivator?" Su Yang then asked her.

"I do!" Mei Xing nodded without hesitation.

"Then good luck." Su Yang said to her with a smile.

Although Mei Xing's cultivation talents were subpar at best, he could easily fix that with some heavenly treasures. However, he didn't want to give these treasures to her so early, as he wanted to make sure that she won't suddenly give up on cultivation.

"Thank you, Manager! I will immediately start cultivating right now!" Mei Xing said as she took a seat on the floor and began cultivating.

Mei Ying couldn't help but smile after seeing her daughter acting so eager to cultivate.

Su Yang looked at her and asked, "Do you also want to try cultivating?"

"Me? I don't think I will be a good cultivator." Mei Ying shook her head.

"What makes you think that?" Su Yang then asked.

"I don't think I have the patience for it, and I am already too old to start cultivating. Don't most people start cultivating before they can even run?"

Su Yang chuckled and said, "It'll be fine even if you start late. Only those racing against others would care about such things."

"Even if you say that…" Mei Ying turned to look at Mei Xing and sighed, "I don't think I can sit there all day doing nothing. It seems very boring if you ask me."

"If you think cultivation is boring, why don't you try dual cultivation?" Su Yang suggested.

"Dual… cultivation?" Mei Ying raised her eyebrows in a puzzled manner.

Although she has heard this term many times before, she never really understood the meaning behind it.

"Dual cultivation is when two people embrace each other for the purpose of cultivating, which makes things less boring." Su Yang explained to her.

"You can cultivate in such a manner?" Mei Ying mumbled in a dazed voice.


Su Yang then approached Mei Ying before whispering in her ears, "Do you want to try it?"

Chapter 1001: Free Massage

"A-Are you sure?" Mei Ying asked him in a hesitating manner.

"What is there to be hesitant about? It's not like it's our first time doing it. You just need to learn how to absorb the Yang Qi. It's definitely much more entertaining than just absorbing the spiritual energy in the air."

"Here you go. Go read this and let me know your decision later." Su Yang handed her a scroll about dual cultivation before leaving to spend the night with Xing Aiying.

The following day, Mei Ying approached Su Yang and said to him, "I want to try dual cultivation."

Su Yang nodded with a smile and said, "Alright. I will give you a taste of it tonight."

And after a hard day at work, Su Yang called Mei Ying to another room while Mei Xing silently cultivated in her own room.

"Are you ready?" Su Yang asked her as they entered the bed.

"Yes." She nodded with a resolute face.

Mei Ying began moaning loudly shortly after.

About half an hour later, Su Yang released his Yang Qi inside her body.

"Now recall the scroll I gave you and try to absorb the Yang Qi inside your body. It's okay even if you don't succeed on your first try. This is merely for the experience." Su Yang said to her afterward.

Mei Ying nodded and sat in the lotus position and began trying to absorb the Yang Qi in her body.

Unlike normal cultivation that requires one to absorb the spiritual energy in the air into their body, dual cultivation was slightly easier in the sense that they only need to absorb the spiritual energy that is already within their body.

Furthermore, Su Yang's Yang Qi was incredibly pure, and he even adjusted it so that even a mortal who has never cultivated before like Mei Ying to absorb it without harming herself.

Unfortunately, just like her daughter Mei Xing, Mei Ying had no talents in cultivation whatsoever, so she was unable to absorb the Yang Qi.

"I'm sorry for wasting your time and effort…" Mei Ying sighed after failing to absorb his Yang Qi.

"Don't worry about it. Like I'd said in the beginning, it's okay to not succeed on your first try, especially since you have zero experience in this sort of thing. We'll do this every day until you succeed."

"Okay. Thank you for bearing with me." Mei Ying nodded.

Sometime later, she returned to her room while Su Yang went to find Xing Aiying.

"You're teaching that girl dual cultivation?"

"Yes. In case we go separate ways in the future, they will at least have some power to protect themselves."

"How kind."

The following day, a beautiful woman wearing unique red robes approached the Heavenly Massage and proceeded to stand outside with a pondering look on her face.

"Medallion of Pleasure… I wonder if this place can satisfy my hunger…"

"Young fairy, the line is back there." The person in front of the line said to her.

The woman turned to look at the line that reached all the way to another street and shook her head.

"I don't have the time to wait. How unfortunate. Looks like I will have to return another day. Hopefully, they are still in business by then." The woman then turned around and began walking away….

However, the door suddenly opened, and an ordinary young man walked out and called out to her.

"That beauty in red robes, please wait."

"Huh?" The woman turned around to see Su Yang standing in front of the Heavenly Massage.

"What do you want from me?"

"I would like to offer you a free massage."


The customers already waiting in line were shocked to hear this, as this was Su Yang's first time offering a free massage to someone since the business' opening. Why would he suddenly give such an offer to some random woman in the street?

"Why would you do that for me? What are your intentions?" The woman asked, clearly suspicious of his actions.

Su Yang pointed at her robes and said, "You're a disciple of the Boundless Yin Yang Sect, right? Someone from your sect had saved my life before, and I have sworn to help those from your sect since then. However, I never got the chance to do so. Please, let me help you."

The woman that turned out to be from the Boundless Yin Yang Sect was a little surprised by Su Yang's words.

Someone from her sect had saved him, so he's giving her a free massage? Although it still sounded a little suspicious, the woman looked at the Medallion of Pleasure again.

'I was intended on giving this place a visit in the first place— if not for the long line. This place also has a Medallion of Pleasure, so they should be trustworthy…'

After pondering to herself, the disciple nodded.

"Alright. I'll let you help me."

"Thank you!" Su Yang spoke from the bottom of his heart, as he has been waiting for this opportunity ever since he arrived at this place!

He then turned to look at the customers in line and bowed to them, "I apologize for this inconvenience."

"Don't worry, we understand your situation." They quickly said.

Su Yang then led the disciple into the Heavenly Massage.

Meanwhile, Mei Xing watched Su Yang with a profound face.

'The Manager was saved by the Boundless Yin Yang Sect before? I wonder what happened…' She pondered inwardly.

Once they were inside the massage room, Su Yang said to her, "Before we start, can I say something?"

"Go ahead." The disciple said as she entered the bed.

"Oh?! What kind of bed is this?! Even the beds at my sect aren't of this quality!" She suddenly said after feeling the mattress.

"I made the mattress." Su Yang said with a smile on his face."

"Is that so? As expected of someone with a Medallion of Pleasure. Anyways, what were you about to say?" She turned to look at him, waiting for him to speak.

Chapter 1002: Stop Using Your Fingers!

"I just wanted to say that if you're satisfied with my massage, can you let your fellow disciples know about my store so that they can also experience it?" Su Yang said to her.

And he continued, "Don't worry, it's not like I am trying to profit from your advertisement. All disciples from the Boundless Yin Yang Sect will receive free massages. I just want to help more people from your sect, that's all."

"You care awfully a lot about my sect. I know that you almost died, but what happened?" She asked him.

"Let's just say I had an unfortunate encounter with a powerful magical beast. If it were not for that expert from the Boundless Yin Yang Sect, it would've killed me in a brutal manner."

"Anyways, allow me to start the massage now."

After taking a deep breath, Su Yang began massaging the disciple's back.

"Oh! Not bad!" The disciple was immediately impressed by his hand techniques.

Although the Boundless Yin Yang had its own masseurs, they could not be compared to Su Yang's store.

Once he was in the mood, Su Yang began using the technique Fingers of Fulfillment on the disciple, instantly arousing her body and awakening the lustful beast within.

'What's going on? Why is my body suddenly so hot?' The disciple was shocked that Su Yang had managed to arouse her lust.

As dual cultivators, they must learn how to control their bodies and their emotions, meaning they can control their lust. And as a disciple of the Boundless Yin Yang Sect who has solid control over her body, she did not expect it to naturally become aroused in a massage, hence why the disciple was surprised.

However, to lose control over her own body was akin to losing face in the world of dual cultivators, so the disciple immediately tried to regain control over her own body, suppressing her lust.

And while it might work on even experienced masseuse, she was before the God of Pleasure, so all of her efforts would become pointless.

The disciple sighed in relief inwardly when she managed to suppress her lust. However, her lust returned a few seconds later, and it was even stronger than before.

Of course, the disciple was shocked to feel her body flaring up again with lust.

'Just who is this guy?! Even within the inner court, only a few people can make my body like this!'

"Relax," Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded.

"Don't fight it. You'll enjoy it more that way. Also, it is my job to make you feel good."

The disciple listened to his words and stopped trying to control her lust, allowing it to flow all over her body.

Once her body was hot enough, Su Yang flipped her body over and began massaging her front body.

The disciple was already breathing heavily at this point, and when Su Yang reached the soaking wet slit between her legs, he asked, "May I?"

The disciple silently nodded, as she was worried that if she doesn't exhaust some of her lust, she'll go crazy.

Upon her approval, Su Yang began working on her little sister, which gushed with Yin Qi even at the slightest touch.

And before Su Yang could do much, the disciple would suddenly grab his wrist and say, "I don't want your fingers! I want the real thing!"

Su Yang smiled and said, "As you wish."

He then removed his clothes and went in-between her legs.

'Heavens… What a massive…'…

The disciple stared at the rod between Su Yang's legs with wide eyes. This is her first time seeing it so majestic— so perfect.

"Hurry up and put it in me already!" She quickly urged.

Su Yang nodded before inserting his rod into her cave, and the disciple immediately moaned with pleasure.

Su Yang then performed slightly above average in the bed to please the disciple. He didn't want to appear so good that it was suspicious, but he also didn't want to underperform and disappoint this disciple, losing his chance of joining the sect.

Fifteen minutes later, Su Yang unplugged his rod from the disciple's hole, and Yang Qi immediately began flowing out like a river.

'I-In just fifteen minutes…' The disciple's body twitched all over the place as she recalled the massage she'd just experienced.

'I have never been exhausted this fast before…'

The disciple turned to look at Su Yang, who was casually putting his clothes back on.

"What's your name?" She asked him.

"Xiao Yang," he replied.

"Do you belong to a sect?"

"No, I do not."

"Do you wish to join one?"

"I do, but all of the sects have already closed their disciple examination."

"I can recommend you to my Master in the Boundless Yin Yang Academy if you want." The disciple said.

"Really?! You'd do that for me?" Su Yang acted surprised and excited, but he was genuinely happy about the outcome.

"Yes. You have the talents to be a great dual cultivator. Hell, even your Yang Qi is extremely pure and powerful! I wouldn't be surprised if you're already a dual cultivator!"

"Haha… Actually, I have studied dual cultivation a little, but it's not much. As for my Yang Qi… I had a fortuitous encounter with a Yang treasure many years ago."

"That explains why your Yang Qi is so rich with spiritual energy. Alright, I will speak with my Master when I return to the sect. In return, once you're accepted into the sect, you'll assist me in my cultivation."

"Sure." Su Yang nodded.

After dressing back up, the disciple walked to the door.

"Oh, my name is Luo Mi. See you at the sect, Xiao Yang."

After Luo Mi left the place, Su Yang continued his day working as a masseur.

Once the day was over, Su Yang filled Mei Ying's body with his Yang Qi and gave her small lectures regarding dual cultivation.

After that, Su Yang went to meet Xing Aiying in her room, telling her about the disciple.

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