Tải xuống ứng dụng
81.1% Mixed HD / Chapter 352: 391-403

Chương 352: 391-403

Chapter 391 Lotus of Madness

After witnessing Su Yang casually block her Heavenly Fire with ease, Lin Shao Shang quickly rushed at him with her fists tightly grasped and prepared her second technique.

"Burning Heaven's Wrath!"

Once she was close enough, Lin Shao Shang punched both of her fists outwards and towards Su Yang, who was just casually standing there. It was almost like he wanted to get it.

Two swirling lines of flames that slightly resemble two dragons flew at Su Yang with extreme speed, creating a trial of burning ground whenever it traveled.

It was radiating such heat that even the spectators could feel a warm breeze pass their face.


The two dragons collided with Su Yang, who was still standing there with a nonchalant expression on his face even as the flames engulfed his entire figure.


What sounded like meat being seared resounded in the audiences' ears, causing their body to uncontrollably tremble.

"Good lord, he didn't die from that, right?"

"Even if he's not dead, his handsome face will definitely see some drastic changes after eating that fierce attack!"

"...Senior apprentice-brother should be fine, right?" The Junior Disciples watched with worried expressions on their faces. Even they cannot imagine anyone surviving such a brutal attack head-on.

"Haaa...haa...haa…" Lin Shao Shang breathed heavily as she stared at the burning scene before her. She didn't expect that she would have to use one of her trump cards so early into the match.

"I didn't kill him, right?"

While she hated Su Yang for many things, it was definitely not to the point where she wanted to kill him. In fact, if she killed him, it would definitely create some complications with the Profound Blossom Sect, and Wang Shuren, who appears to be in a deep relationship with them.

"Don't worry, such a gentle flame won't be able to hurt a single hair on my body, much less kill me."

Su Yang's voice suddenly resounded.

A few seconds later, when the flames died out, Su Yang's tall figure and charming face could be seen in the same position without a single injury on his body. Hell, even his robes were left unscathed. It was almost like the attack had missed him entirely. However, the area around him was scorched black, even melted.

"What?! How is that possible!"

The spectators were shocked to see Su Yang in one piece and perfectly unharmed.

"He clearly took the attack! There's no way that there's not a single scratch on his body!"


Even Lin Shao Shang was shocked speechless, and she stared at Su Yang's dazzling face with a dumbfounded expression.

"As you can see, your attacks have no effect on me. In fact, we are in two completely different worlds, like Heaven and Earth, so why don't you save your breath and energy by surrendering to me now? You'll need it for when you visit me later..."

"Screw you!" Lin Shao Shang shouted, refusing to believe that she cannot defeat him. "You must be using some trick! It must be the same trick that you used when you single-handedly fought our disciples! There's simply no way that someone as young as you can have so much power!"

After saying those words, Lin Shao Shang roared loudly, causing an abundant amount of Profound Qi to explode from within her body.

"Lotus of Madness!"

A few moments later, black-colored flames could be seen emerging from her pores and covering her body. After another moment, Lin Shao Shang's entire body was engulfed in this black flame, looking like a beast from hell.

"That can't be good for your body." Su Yang raised an eyebrow at her fierce appearance.

If one looked closely, they could see Lin Shao Shang's skin slowly turning black, almost like burned skin.

"What are you doing, Lin Shao Shang?!" Huo Yuanjia's angry voice suddenly resounded. "That technique can only be used when you are in a life-or-death situation! Are you trying to kill yourself in this tournament?!"

The Lotus of Madness technique is an ultimate technique that only Core Disciples and Sect Elders can learn at the Burning Lotus Sect, and like most ultimate techniques, it's only used during life-or-death situations, where they have no other choice but to use it to survive. However, using this technique will burden one's body heavily and more often than not harm their cultivation in the future.

"I know what I am doing, Sect Master! I'll beat him before any real damage is done to my body!" Lin Shao Shang said.

"One minute! That's all I'll need!"

As she said those words, Lin Shao Shang moved her legs.

In the next instant, almost like she'd teleported, Lin Shao Shang was at arm's length before Su Yang.

"Burning Heaven's Wrath!"

Lin Shao Shang punched her fists outward like before. But unlike previously, three lines of flames shot out of her hands instead of two, and they were all colored black and much larger than originally.

Su Yang shook his head and said, "Even though this is a tournament and you are my opponent, I cannot bear to watch a beauty such as yourself attempt to self-destruct, especially if I am the reason."

"Don't worry, you can take your time and visit me whenever you feel like it after this… I won't force you, nor did I plan to in the first place."

After saying those words, Su Yang's eyes flickered a profound light.

"Seal of the Divine Sword."

Su Yang's arms flickered, disappearing for an instant.

When they reappeared, Lin Shao Shang's eyes were blank, and her body was falling towards the ground.

However, Su Yang gracefully caught Lin Shao Shang's body before her hair could even touch the floor.

"W-What did you do to her?!"

Huo Yuanjia's panicked voice resounded, and the person himself appeared on the stage a second later.

"Calm down, I only knocked her unconscious. Oh, I also temporarily sealed her Cultivation to prevent that destructive technique from going out of control and consuming her body, so she won't be able to cultivate or use any techniques in the meantime. She'll return to normal in three days."

"..." Huo Yuanjia looked at him with a dumbfounded expression. He was speechless, but it was at more than just one thing.

392 An Otherworldly Technique

"Hey." Huo Yuanjia called out to Su Yang as he walked away from the stage.

Su Yang stopped walking and turned around to look at him.

"Thank you... for stopping her." Huo Yuanjia continued.

"If you hadn't stopped her, it would have endangered her future as a Cultivator. Worst case, she might even become crippled from the backlash."

Su Yang smiled and said, "If you really want to thank me, send some willing beauties to my place."

Huo Yuanjia did not know how to respond to such words and remained silent with a frozen expression on his face. Meanwhile, the audience was dead silent, almost like there was nobody there.

"The victor of this match is the Profound Blossom Sect!"

It was only when Zi Dong announced the result did the silence break.

"No way... this cannot be happening..."

"How can the Burning Lotus Sect lose when half of their participants are at the Earth Spirit Realm? And it's not as if they were fighting the Divine Sword Sect!"

"Damn it all! I even gambled all of my money on them winning!"

Many people seemed to be in disbelief, but even more people were in shock at the results of this match.

After all, the Burning Lotus Sect, who was thought to become the winner of this tournament by the majority of the people there had lost to the Profound Blossom Sect, one of the lowest-ranking Sect in this entire tournament.

"As expected of my Elder Brother... he's just so amazing..." Su Yin's eyes flickered with admiration.

"That technique he used to knock Lin Shao Shang unconscious... what on earth was that technique?" Bai Lihua could feel her back soaking with cold sweat after witnessing Su Yang's final technique that radiated with an otherworldly aura.

However, it was not just Bai Lihua. All of the experts there had felt a godly aura from the technique, almost as though it was of divine origin.

"Father, that technique Su Yang used..." Xie Xingfang forcefully swallowed.

"I know...but I also don't know anything..." Lord Xie held a serious expression on his face.

"Every technique in this world has a grade, and each grade has a unique aura to it. However, I have never felt this kind of aura before."

For example, most Mortal-grade techniques would emit an aura that makes it instantly recognizable as a Mortal-grade technique. This is how Cultivators usually appraise techniques that they have never seen or heard before — solely by its aura. However, the technique Su Yang used had emitted an otherworldly aura that nobody could recognize, suggesting it to be a new grade of technique or a really special technique.

"Although I do not know what grade this technique is, it's aura is stronger than any Immortal-grade technique that I have witnessed before, suggesting it to surpass Immortal-grade." Lord Xie speculated.

After a moment of silence, he continued, "As I thought, his Master must be a person from the mythical Holy Central Continent."

After the Profound Blossom Sect's unexpected victory, the tournament continued as usual.

Sometime later, Lin Shao Shang slowly opened her eyes.

"Nnng... what happened to me?" she mumbled as she sat up, feeling a soft and comfortable material underneath her. "Senior apprentice-sister! How is your body feeling? Are you in any pain?"

The disciple watching over her immediately approached her after seeing her wake up.

"Besides feeling a little bit weak, I am feeling quite normal..." Lin Shao Shang replied in a soft and confused voice. Thank heavens you are fine!" The disciple sighed in relief.

"What happened to the tournament? Why was I sleeping here?" Lin Shao Shang raised an eyebrow.

"You... you don't remember anything? You had used the ultimate technique Lotus of Madness during your match against the Profound Blossom Sect!" The disciple gave her a brief explanation.

After a moment of pondering, Lin Shao Shang finally recalled everything that had happened, and memories of the match appeared in her head.

"Ahh... I see... not only did I lose the match to him, but I had even made a fool out of myself..."

"Don't say something like that, senior apprentice-sister. You tried your best. It wasn't shameful at all." The disciple tried to cheer her up.

"Stop it. You don't need to make such blatant lies. Even though I was under the effects of Lotus of Madness, he easily knocked me out as though he was breathing. He was actually toying with me the entire time."

After a moment of silence, Lin Shao Shang continued, "However, the match is not the only thing I have lost in that fight..."

Lin Shao Shang showed a bitter smile on her face.

The disciple quickly realized what she was talking about and looked at her with wide eyes. "Senior apprentice-sister Lin, surely you must not be thinking about giving him your body, right?"

That was the bet, and it was a bet that I'd lost."

"So what if you lost?! You don't need to give him anything!"

"But it was witnessed by hundreds of thousands of people."

"Nonsense! The people will understand if you don't do it! In fact, I'm certain that they'd rather you not do it! Why don't you speak with the Sect Master? I'm sure that he'll do something about it."

Lin Shao Shang closed her eyes and became silent as she recalled what Su Yang had said to her before she lost consciousness.

A weird smile appeared on her face, and she mumbled, "Don't worry, as if I'd actually give him my body over something like this. I won't do anything for now."

"Really?" The disciple looked at her with worried eyes.

Lin Shao Shang nodded, before saying, "Can you get the Sect Master for me? I'd like to speak with him."

"Un." The disciple nodded and left the room shortly after.

Sometime later, Huo Yuanjia entered the room.

"How are you feeling?" he asked her.

"A little bit weak."

"That's to be expected, since your cultivation base was temporary sealed. You'll return to normal within a few days... at least that's what Su Yang said."

Although Lin Shao Shang was silent, her expression was filled with questions.

"I'm sorry... for losing... for letting everybody down after everything that I've said." Lin Shao Shang mumbled a moment later with slightly watery eyes.

Huo Yuanjia shook his head and smiled, "A monster like him, I'm not sure even I can win against him, much less you. Don't think too much about it. All you need to know is that nobody is blaming you for losing."

Lin Shao Shang wiped her eyes and nodded with a gentle smile.

393 My Opinions of Him Has Changed

By the time Lin Shao Shang woke up, many matches had concluded.

"For the next match, we have the Heavenly Swan Sect and the Azure Cloud Sect!"

Once the audience heard Zi Dong's words, the entire place erupted with excitement.

"Who do you think will win this one?"

"That is a difficult one. Although the Heavenly Swan Sect is a powerful place, the Azure Cloud Sect cannot be underestimated this year because of Fairy Hong, and they have already beaten the Million Snakes Sect, who are mostly on-par with the Heavenly Swan Sect."

"I am betting 10 Spirit Stones on Heavenly Swan Sect's victory!"

"Then I will bet 50 Spirit Stones on the Azure Cloud Sect!"

"25 for Heavenly Swan Sect!"

"15 on Azure Cloud Sect!"

The audience began betting on the match with an even ratio in both places.

"Do the Sect Masters have any words before we start the match?" Zi Dong asked them.

Bai Lihua narrowed her eyes at Gu Guanting and spoke, "If your—"

"Don't worry, my disciple has no intentions of harming your disciple." Gu Guanting could guess what she wanted to say and quickly interrupted.

"What happened with the Million Snakes Sect is a personal grudge for her."

After a moment of silence, Bai Lihua turned to look at Zi Dong and nodded her head.

Then let the match begin! Please send your first fighter onto the stage!"

A few moments later, the Azure Cloud Sect and the Heavenly Swan Sect sends in their fighter.

Of course, the Azure Cloud Sect disciples were completely helpless against the Heavenly Swan Sect's disciples, as Hong Yu'er was the only one who could fight them on an equal footing.

However, the Azure Cloud Sect only wanted to exhaust as many Heavenly Swan Sect disciples as they could before allowing Hong Yu'er onto the stage, so they did not mind losing every match before that.

Many minutes later, the Azure Cloud Sect is on their last fighter, whilst the Heavenly Swan Sect still has 5 disciples they can send onto the stage.

"Hong Yu'er it's all up to you now." Gu Guanting said to Hong Yu'er.

"Go get them, senior apprentice-sister!"

"That's right! They are no match for you!"

The disciples also cheered for her.

"I'll be going now." Hong Yu'er nodded and began approaching the fighting circle.

"It's Fairy Hong! She's finally on the stage!"

The audience immediately became rowdy after seeing Hong Yu'er step onto the stage. Despite the Azure Cloud Sect not winning a single round thus far, most of the people still cheered for them.

Meanwhile, the disciples from the Heavenly Swan Sect became anxious after seeing Hong Yu'er, even a bit fearful of her.

"There's nothing to be afraid of." Su Yin's voice suddenly resounded, causing the disciples to look at her.

After seeing Su Yin's clear eyes and bright expression, the fear in their hearts quickly dissipated.

"Although Sister Hong is a powerful Cultivator, we are not weak either. Let's all defeat her together, okay?"

The disciples showed a slight smile after hearing Su Yin's words and nodded.

"Junior apprentice-sister is right. We have no reason to fear her."

"That's right! I am going to fight her with everything that I've got!"

A few minutes later, Hong Yu'er and the Heavenly Swan Sect begin fighting.


After exchanging strikes wdth each other for many minutes, the Heavenly Swan Sect disciple falls back with an exhausted expression.

"I-I surrender."

"The Azure Cloud Sect has secured their first victory this match!" Zi Dong shouted.

"This is it! The Azure Cloud Sect will make their comeback from this point forth!"

"You can do it, Fairy Hong! Defeat the Heavenly Swan Sect and help me earn some money!" The audience roared.

Half an hour of fighting later, Hong Yu'er remained standing on the stage with a nonchalant expression on her beautiful face, looking like an untouchable deity.

"If I knew the Hong Family had such an excellent individual in their family, I would've paid more attention to them..." Lord Xie shook his head.

"I don't know what it is, but I feel an otherworldly aura around her. When I look at her, I am reminded of Su Yang, who carries a similar profound aura around him. It's almost like they are of the same origin." Xie Xingfang spoke with a pondering expression.

Meanwhile, in the spectators' area, Su Yang stared at Hong Yu'er with a profound gaze, seemingly in deep thoughts.

Her noble glamor, her graceful yet decisive movements, and her cold expression, it resembles a certain someone to the teeth...' Su Yang thought to himself. 'It's almost as though this Hong Yu'er is the reincarnation of her..."

The thought of Hong Yu'er being the reincarnation of someone he used to know appeared in Su Yang^^s head.

After a moment of pondering, a gentle and peaceful smile appeared on his face.

Even though the chances of something like that could happen is near zero, my very existence supports that small chance of it being real.'

I guess I will find out the truth once I fight her.'

Sometime later, Su Yin's petite figure could be seen walking onto the stage.

"Good luck, junior apprentice-sister!" Her fellow disciples cheered for her from the back.

Su Yin showed them a smile and continued walking.

"It's the Su Family's fairy, Su Yin!"

Most of the people in the audience immediately recognized Su Yin's face.

"If I recall correctly, the Sun Family and the Hong Family have quite a close relationship with each other, right?"

"Yes. I believe Fairy Hong is currently engaged with the eldest son of the Su Family. What was his name again?"

"You mean Su Yuhan? But according to my memories, she was engaged to the second son of the Su Family."

"The Su Family has a second son? This is news to me."

"Yes. He's rarely made an appearance in the world and nobody's really seen his face before, so not many people know of him. If my memories serve me right, I believe his name was Su Yang..."

"W-W-Wait a minute. Su Yang? That disciple from the Profound Blossom Sect also has a similar name...'

"Hahaha... don't even think about it. They are definitely two different individuals with similar names. After all, why would someone from the Su Family be at a place like the Profound Blossom Sect? Even an idiot would not make such a connection."

"You're right, I guess..."

While the audience chatted with each other, Su Yin was also in a conversation with Hong Yu'er.

"It's been a while, Sister Hong." She spoke with a friendly smile on her face.

"Indeed, it's been a while, Su Yin." Hong Yu'er also smiled back, which made the audience in the background slightly louder.

"Two years, right? You stopped visiting us ever since my Elder Brother disappeared." Su Yin said, and she continued, "I also heard that you'd broken your engagement with Su Yuhan and wanted to re-engage with Su Yang. Why did you do it? I thought you hated my Elder Brother."

Hong Yu'er remained smiling and spoke, "That's quite the accusation, Su Yin. I have never said such words before."

"You did not, but your actions and attitude towards him certainly implied it."

"Indeed, I may have been rude to him in the past. However, my opinion of him has changed since then."

Su Yin raised an eyebrow and asked, "What's changed?"

A mysterious feeling appeared around Hong Yu'er as she spoke, "Let's just say I have been enlightened, allowing me to see him in a different light."

394 A Shameless Strategy

"E-Enlightenment, you say?" A frown appeared on Su Yun's face. "Are you making fun of me, Sister Hong?"

"Why would you think so? I have no reason to lie to you, as I am merely speaking the truth."

After a moment of silence, Su Yin asked her, "How serious are you about my Elder Brother?"

"Let's just say it's at a level where neither you or anybody else in this world would understand."

"I don't believe you! How can I believe someone who didn't give even the slightest efforts to search for my brother when he disappeared!" Su Yin shouted. "If I beat you in this match, I want you to forget about my brother!"

"Forget about him...? I'm afraid that's impossible." Hong Yu'er gently shook her head. "And how can you know for sure that I didn't search for Su Yang?"

After another moment of silence, Hong Yu'er continued, "I won't usually do something like this, but since you are Su Yang's little sister, I will make this an exception and accept your unreasonable demands."

"However, if I win, you must accept whatever relationship I may have with Su Yang."

"Deal!" Su Yin had no intention of losing to Hong Yu'er, hence why she agreed without hesitation.

"Are the two of you finally ready to fight?" Zi Dong asked them with a weird expression on his face.

Because there was a fierce aura between them, Zi Dong didn't dare to interrupt them all this time and patiently waited for them to calm down.

"I'm ready," said Su Yin as she positioned herself.

"I am also ready." Hong Yu'er nodded at Zi Dong.

Then... begin!"

The second the fight started, Su Yin used a movement technique to close their distance.

"Second Heavenly Form — Heavenly Spiral Fist!"

Su Yin punched her tightly grasped fists at Hong Yu'er, causing a ripple of Profound Qi to spread.

However, Hong Yu'er calmly dodged the attack by shifting her body slightly to the right, barely evading Su Yin's fist. "First Heavenly Form — Mountain Splitting Palm Strike!"

Immediately after missing her first strike, Su Yin quickly adjusted her position to strike again.


Su Yin's strike was narrowly dodged again, but the strike had destroyed a dozen tiles on the stage.

"Fierce strikes and decisive movements. You have matured a lot since I last saw you." Hong Yu'er praised her after dodging the attack.

"I don't need your praises! Second Heavenly Form — Heavenly Spiral Fist!"

Once again, Hong Yu'er dodged the attack.

Your attacks will never hit me. Why don't you just give up? I'd rather avoid hitting Su Yang's little sister if possible."

Su Yin's face fumed after hearing her words. "I knew it! You are mocking me!"

Hong Yu'er sighed and raised the sheathed sword in her hands slightly.

When Su Yin saw this, her body instinctively reacted and quickly retreated to a safer distance.

However, a moment later, Su Yin noticed that her body had gotten lighter for some reason.

Su Yin decided to look down, but when she saw that the lower part of her robes had been shortened by something sharp, her body shivered from fear.

What was that?! I couldn't even see her unsheathe the sword!'

Her robes had obviously been cut by Hong Yu'er's sword, but she wasn't able to notice it, much less react to it.

"Your senses are quite sharp. If you hadn't retreated just now, your undergarment would be in full display to the public right now." Hong Yu'er spoke with a mischievous smile on her face.

"I am not very good at holding back, but I do not want to harm you, so this is the only way I can think of that'll make you surrender."

"Y-You villain! You coward! Fight me fairly!" Su Yin gnashed her teeth in anger.

"What are you going to do if I refuse? Hurry up and surrender. At this rate, you'll have to fight me while being naked." "Y-Y-You bitch! I will never let my brother anywhere near a woman like you!"

Damn it! If I don't surrender this fight, she'll eventually strip me naked before so many people! I would rather die than to let anyone else that's not my beloved brother see my body! But if I give up, I will have to allow this vixen near my brother, and I don't want that either!'

Su Yin was put into a predicament by Hong Yu'er, who threatened to strip her naked if she does not surrender the fight. It was something she would've never expected.

As I thought, although she shares the same appearance as Sister Hong, her character is entirely different! It's almost as though she's possessed by a ghost!' Su Yin narrowed her eyes at Hong Yu'er.

"Hoh? What's this? Are you crying?" Hong Yu'er covered her mouth and acted surprised when Su Yin's eyes began tearing up.

I am not crying!" Su Yin bit her lips and resisted her urge to cry.

Then do you feel like surrendering yet? I do not have the patience to wait all day."

"I will not surrender!" Su Yin shouted.


Hong Yu'er's eyes glowed a mysterious light, and the sword in her hands trembled slightly.



Su Yin cried out loud when her sleeves suddenly slipped off her arms, revealing her slim and smooth arms.

"H-How shameless! How dirty!"

The Heavenly Swan Sect disciples were dumbfounded by Hong Yu'er's unexpected and dirty strategy to get Su Yin to surrender. After all, this kind of dirty play is something one would expect a man to do, not a beautiful genius like Hong Yu'er!

"Oi! Gu Guanting! What the hell is this?! Is this how the Azure Cloud Sect does things now?!" Bai Lihua decided to direct her anger towards Gu Guanting, Hong Yu'er's Master.

However, Gu Guanting, who was as surprised as everyone else by Hong Yu'er's antics, quickly shook his head and said, "Don't blame me! I-I have nothing to do with this!"

Screw you! I want to have a word with you after this! Don't you dare run away!" Bai Lihua shouted at him.

"Y-Yes..." Gu Guanting surrendered his fate and sighed loudly.

Oh, Hong Yu'er... What the hell are you thinking? First the Million Snakes Sect and now this... Are you trying to get me killed?' Gu Guanting felt an urge to cry.

395 Hong Yu'er's Real Cultivation

"What an unprecedented event..."

The audience was dumbstruck by this situation, something nobody there could've predicted.

"I-I hate you, Sister Hong!" Su Yin was at a loss for words.

"It's your fault for trying to separate us, Su Yin." Hong Yu'er casually shrugged. "Even if you are his little sister, I won't let you get away without any consequences."

"Anyway, have you come to a conclusion? If you don't surrender within the next ten seconds, I will remove the lower half of your robes."

When the male audience heard Hong Yu'er's words, their minds couldn't help but imagine the scene. On one hand, they do not support Hong Yu'er's method of forcing Su Yin to surrender. On the other hand, however, they wouldn't mind seeing this entire thing play out to the very end.

Damn it! This wasn't supposed to happen! I was supposed to beat her fair and square and have Elder Brother praise me afterward!' Su Yin was on the verge of crying out loud.

"Ten... nine... eight..." Hong Yu'er began counting down, causing Su Yin's body to tremble.

"I will not forgive you for this...!" Su Yin slowly raised her hand, seemingly prepared to surrender.

However, just as she was about to open her mouth and surrender, a familiar voice resounded in Su Yin's head.

The Vanishing Sword Dance is a technique that focuses on fooling one's perception. You won't see it with just your eyes. You need to feel the wind in the air and predict the sword's direction.'

"Elder Brother?!" Su Yin was pleasantly surprised to hear Su Yang's voice in her head.

"Five... four... three..." Hong Yu'er continued counting down.

Close your eyes.'

"C-Close my eyes?" Su Yin was speechless.

To close one's eyes before a swordmaster during a battle was akin to accepting death.

However, as ridiculous as it may sound, Su Yin has unwavering faith in Su Yang, so she closed her eyes and lowered her arm.

"Two... one... zero." Hong Yu'er raised the sword in her grasp slightly. "You can only blame yourself for being stubborn, little sister."

"The right!" Su Yin's eyes suddenly snapped open.

"Second Heavenly Form — Heavenly Spiral Fist!"


A sharp sound of metal colliding with each other resounded in the area.

"Oh?" Hong Yu'er's eyes widened slightly, seemingly surprised that Su Yin had barely blocked her strike.

"I-I did it! I blocked it!" Su Yin shouted in a cheerful tone while looking at Su Yang, who was sitting in the audience.

Seeing Su Yin look at Su Yang, Hong Yu'er immediately realized how Su Yin understood the trick to her Vanishing Sword Dance so quickly.

"Is this your way of telling me to fight her properly, Su Yang?" A small smile appeared on Hong Yu'er's face. "If that's what you want, I'll become a little serious just for you, my darling."

"Little sister, here I come!" Hong Yu'er suddenly tossed the sword in her hands and rushed at Su Yin.

"What are you trying to do now?!"

Surprised by Hong Yu'er's puzzling action, Su Yin prepared to run away.

You wanted to fight me properly, right? Allow me to fulfill your wish!"

Hong Yu'er imitated Su Yin's previous movements and pushed her fists forward.

"Second Heavenly Form — Heavenly Spiral Fist!"


Su Yin was too surprised to see Hong Yu'er use her own technique to even defend herself properly, allowing the strike to connect perfectly.


Su Yin shouted in pain as her body was tossed into the air before flying many meters into the distance after being struck, feeling as though she'd just been stomped by an elephant.

"What?! Impossible! How does Hong Yu'er know that technique?!" Bai Lihua and the other disciples were as shocked as SuYin.

Unless Su Yang also shared the technique with Hong Yu'er, there was no way she could've learned this technique.

However, Su Yang never shared this technique with her, so the only explanation would be that Hong Yu'er had learned the technique after watching Su Yin use it.

Of course, besides Su Yang and his vast experience as an Immortal, someone with such monstrous talent shouldn't exist yet — unless Hong Yu'er was similar to Su Yang — someone whose experience surpasses all of this world's logic.

"This is a pretty decent technique for a Heaven-grade technique." Hong Yu'er casually said.

"H-How do you know that technique?!" Su Yin spoke as she struggled to stand up.

"If you keep using the same technique over and over again, I'm going to learn it even if I don't want to."

"What kind of nonsense is that?" Su Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry at such ridiculous words.

"Are you ready to give up yet, little sister? You should have realized by now that you can't defeat me." Hong Yu'er said to her.

"Never!" Su Yin shouted.

Hong Yu'er sighed. "What a pity."

A moment later, an invisible pressure appeared in the arena, dumbfounding Su Yin and the audience.

"W-What is going on?!" Su Yin looked at Hong Yu'er with wide eyes filled with disbelief.

"If I don't show you the difference between us clearly, you will never understand it."

A vast amount of Profound Qi suddenly exuded from Hong Yu'er's body, causing her cultivation base to skyrocket in levels.

The first level of the Earth Spirit Realm... the second level... the third level... the fourth level...

Within just a few seconds, Hong Yu'er's cultivation base soared from the peak of the True Spirit Realm to the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm!

"I-Impossible..." Su Yin's face turned blank, looking as though she was daydreaming.

"I am not finished yet..."

With another push, Hong Yu'er's cultivation base advanced by another level, entering the Heavenly Spirit Realm.

"Good heavens..." Bai Lihua and Lord Xie mumbled simultaneously.

Xie Xingfang remained silent, but hidden behind her veil was a serious expression.

As for the audience, they were all shocked silent.

It was so quiet within the colosseum that even a pin drop could be heard from a mile away!

396 Til Speak With You Soon, Su Yang...

This can't be possible...' Lord Xie frowned. 'The Spiritual Totem reported her cultivation base to be at the True Spirit Realm, but she's clearly exuding the cultivation of the Heavenly Spirit Realm! The Spiritual Totem has never been wrong even after a thousand years!'

A moment later, Lord Xie suddenly realized something.

Wait a minute! She's not the only one! That Su Yang is reported to be at the Profound Spirit Realm, which is clearly bullshit! What does this mean? Do they have a method to hide their real cultivation base from the Spiritual Totem?'

While Lord Xie pondered, Su Yang stared at Hong Yu'er with a mysterious smile on his face.

"S-Su Yang! W-What is going on here?! How's she suddenly at the Heavenly Spirit Realm?!" Liu Lanzhi asked him with a bewildered expression.

"What do you mean suddenly? She's always been at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. It's just that she had hidden that fact and pretended to be at the True Spirit Realm this entire time."

"Eh? But that's even more confusing. She should've been tested with the Spiritual Totem..."

"A little toy like that will only work so much. There's plenty of ways to get around it."

"Then..." Liu Lanzhi realized something and looked at Su Yang with wide eyes. "Don't tell me you also did something to your cultivation base? After all, it's a little bit hard to believe that you are only at the Profound Spirit Realm when everyone else is at least True Spirit Realm."

Su Yang merely shrugged and said, "Perhaps."

Meanwhile, Su Yin stood on the stage with a dazed expression, seemingly losing all of her confidence and desire to fight Hong Yu'er, who was actually an entire realm above her.

"Haha... what kind of joke is this? How am I supposed to win this fight?" she mumbled to herself.

"Do you finally understand the difference between us and why you cannot win against me, Su Yang's little sister? Even if there's ten of you, I will still win this fight." Hong Yu'er suddenly said to her.

After a moment of silence, Su Yin lifted her head and stared at Hong Yu'er with a serious expression.

"We won't know that until I try! My Elder Brother is watching me right now! I cannot surrender without even trying!" she shouted.

Hong Yu'er showed a slight smile and said, "You have really matured, Su Yin. How admirable."

Very well. Then allow me to fight you to the end."

Su Yin immediately straightened her posture and prepared to clash with Hong Yu'er.

"Third Heavenly Form — Heavenly Aura!"

A powerful and divine glow suddenly enveloped Su Yin, raising her cultivation base by three levels.

I just learned this yesterday, so I'll only be able to use it for a minute at most...' Su Yin thought.

"As expected of someone from the Su Family. They are people with unwavering hearts."

Although the audience did not believe Su Yin could defeat someone that's an entire realm about her, they admired Su Yin for not withdrawing despite the clear difference in their power, even cheering for her.

"Even if she loses this one, nobody would blame her."

"Forget about Fairy Su, even the Heavenly Swan Sect's Master might not be able to defeat her. Fairy Hong is simply too strong."

"Su Yin, if you can remain standing even after this strike of mine, I will admit defeat. How does that sound?" Hong Yu'er suddenly said to her.

"Really?" A glimmer of hope appeared in Su Yin's eyes.

"Of course." Hong Yu'er nodded and imitated Su Yin's movements again.

"The Second Heavenly Form, again?" Su Yin raised an eyebrow.

"Here I come!"

Hong Yu'er suddenly dashed towards Su Yin, who felt like she was watching an unstoppable dragon rush at her.

"Second Heavenly Form — Heavenly Spiral Fist!"

Hong Yu'er thrust her fists forward, but unlike previously, it was supported by her Heavenly Spirit Realm cultivation base, making the heaven-grade technique's strength resemble that of an Immortal-grade technique.

Deciding to focus purely on defense, Su Yin held her arms before herself and prepared to block the attack with her entire body.


The moment Hong Yu'er's fist clashed with Su Yin, a powerful ripple that was filled with Profound Qi swept the arena, causing a small earthquake within the colosseum.

As for Su Yin, she was unable to resist the blunt force of the strike and directly flew off the arena, before hitting the wall and falling unconscious.

"F-F-Fighter Su Yin has fallen off the platform and been rendered unconscious! The winner of this fight is Hong Yu'er, and the Azure Cloud Sect wins this match!" Zi Dong announced after snapping out of his daze.

After defeating Su Yin, Hong Yu'er turned to look at a certain individual within the spectators and showed a mysterious smile on her face.

"I'll speak with you soon, Su Yang..." she mumbled before leaving the stage, leaving behind a graceful aura.

"I can't believe it... The Heavenly Swan Sect also lost to them..." Liu Lanzhi mumbled after witnessing their loss.

"D-Do we really have a chance against them?" Sun Jingjing sighed in a gloomy voice. "Someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm can easily deal with a dozen experts at the Earth Spirit Realm. Unless we also have someone at that level, I doubt we'll be able to defeat Hong Yu'er. What do you think, Sister Fang?"

"Who knows..." Fang Zhelan calmly shrugged her shoulders.

"How can you remain so calm? Is it confidence or something else?" Sun Jingjing raised an eyebrow.

"Trust... I guess it would be trust," she replied.

"Trust? In what?"

"No what, but whom..." Fang Zhelan smiled.

"S-Since when did you reach the Heavenly Spirit Realm?! You could've at least told me, your own Master!" Gu Guanting said to Hong Yu'er when she returned to them.

"Oh? I didn't? Then I must have forgotten." Hong Yu'er said in a nonchalant voice.

"Y-You forgot? Listen here—"

"I'm tired, so I'll retire for the day." Hong Yu'er interrupted him and quickly walked away.

"Haaaa... always doing whatever she wants..." Gu Guanting sighed.

Although he wanted to lecture her, he didn't have the courage despite being the Sect Master. There was something about Hong Yu'er that makes him nervous whenever he's around her, almost like he's in the presence of a supreme being.

Chapter 397 Fourth Day of the Tournamen

"Nng… what happened to me?" Su Yin slowly opened her eyes, still feeling pain on both her arms and half of her body.

"You're finally awake? Hong Yu'er knocked you off the stage." Bai Lihua was right beside her when she woke up.

"Sect Master… so I lost?"


"Damn it!" Su Yin gnashed her teeth.

While she was upset that the Heavenly Swan Sect had lost the tournament, it couldn't compare to the pain of losing to Hong Yu'er as a woman, or at least that's how Su Yin saw it.

"There's no need to be frustrated. Hong Yu'er had fooled everybody and turned out to be at the Heavenly Spirit Realm. There was no way you or anyone else could've defeated her. Even I am not confident that I could defeat her." Bai Lihua thought Su Yin was upset because they had lost the tournament and tried to soothe her.

"By the way, why are we inside the hotel? And where's my Elder Brother?" Su Yin asked her.

"The tournament has already concluded. And since the Profound Blossom Sect has won, they should still be at the colosseum, waiting to find their next match."

"I see…" Su Yin nodded.

Meanwhile, inside the colosseum, Liu Lanzhi looked at the paper she'd just picked.

"This is…" Liu Lanzhi showed Su Yang the piece of paper and the number 1 on it. "We'll be fighting first tomorrow."

Sometime later, once everyone had picked their number, Zi Dong began announcing the matches.

"We'll be fighting Mount Kai Sword Academy, huh.." Liu Lanzhi sighed after hearing their name.

"Never heard of them." Su Yang shrugged.

"The Mount Kai Sword Academy is said to be the second-best in terms of swordsmanship in this world, only below the Divine Sword Sect. They are quite famous within the Northern Region."

"Only the second best? How are they compared to the Heavenly Swan Sect or the Million Snakes Sect?"

"They're only slightly behind them, I guess."

"Then there's nothing to worry about."

"N-Nothing to worry about?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow. "Well, since we did beat the Burning Lotus Sect, the Mount Kai Sword Academy shouldn't be much of a problem…"

An hour later, when the Profound Blossom Sect returned to the hotel, Su Yang gathered the disciples and said, "For tomorrow's fight, I want Fang Zhelan to fight all 10 rounds."

"W-What?" The disciples looked at him and Fang Zhelan with wide eyes.

"Do you think you can do it?" Su Yang asked her.


After a moment of silence, Fang Zhelan nodded. "I am the only one who's yet to fight a single match since day one. I was beginning to wonder if I'll ever get a chance to enter the stage."

"And to make it more exciting, if you manage to win all ten matches in a row, I will reward you with an Immortal-grade technique," said Su Yang.


The disciples showed a shocked face after hearing his words, and even Fang Zhelan couldn't help but stare at him with a dazed expression.

"I-I won't let you down!" Fang Zhelan spoke with a serious expression a moment later.

The following morning, the Profound Blossom Sect made their way to the colosseum for the fourth day in a row.

And although there were less than 30 Sects fighting today, the crowd was much larger and rowdier than the previous days.

"Welcome to the fourth day of the Regional Tournament! For our first match today, we have the Mount Kai Sword Academy versus the Profound Blossom Sect, this year's second most surprising dark horse!" Zi Dong said.

"We are only second? The Azure Cloud Sect must be first, huh..." Sun Jingjing guessed.

"There's no helping it. Hong Yu'er being at the Heavenly Spirit Realm is simply too shocking." Fang Zhelan said.

"Speaking of Hong Yu'er, did you hear about what had happened yesterday? Thousands of people flooded the Century Jade Hotel after the tournament yesterday because they wanted to meet with Hong Yu'er. There were even some big families trying to court her with extremely expensive treasures." Liu Lanzhi said while looking at Su Yang.

Hearing that such a thing had happened, Su Yang smiled and said, "Is it that shocking? Hong Yu'er is a real beauty and has unparalleled talent in this world. If I didn't know any better, I would've also tried to approach her."

"If you didn't know any better?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow, puzzled as to why he would use such a phrase.

A few minutes later, when Zi Dong called for the fighters to enter the stage, Fang Zhelan began approaching the stage with a serious expression on her face.

"Good luck, senior apprentice-sister!" The Junior Disciples cheered for her.

"Beat them down, Sister Fang!" As did the other disciples.

Meanwhile, the audience expressed surprise for Fang Zhelan's appearance. Because she hasn't fought a single round ever since the first day, they thought that she was the Profound Blossom Sect's final trump card. Now to have her enter the stage on the first round, what does it mean?

"The Mount Kai Sword Academy has sent out Disciple Du, who is at the seventh level of the True Spirit Realm!" Zi Dong introduced Fang Zhelan's opponent.

"Meanwhile, the Profound Blossom Sect has chosen Disciple Fang to be their fighter, who, shockingly, is at the seventh level of the Earth Spirit Realm!"

After learning of Fang Zhelan's cultivation base, half of the audience gasped in shock.

"What?! How is that even possible?! The Profound Blossom Sect also had someone this talented amongst them?!"

"Although it's not anywhere near Hong Yu'er's level of shock, this is still pretty baffling!"

"Why are there so many peerless geniuses appearing this year? Where have they been hiding? Why appear now?"

"S-Seventh level Earth Spirit Realm? Are you kidding me?"

Even the Mount Kai Sword Academy's disciple couldn't believe it. How is he supposed to fight someone that's an entire realm above him? He wouldn't even last a single strike from her! Hell, he might as well be fighting Hong Yu'er right now!

Chapter 398 Courting Fang Zhelan

"Profound Blossom Art: Falling Petals!" Fang Zhelan unleashed a dozen devastating sword strikes within the blink of an eye, instantly blowing away her opponent.

Once the Mount Kai Sword Academy disciple flew off the stage, Zi Dong shouted in excitement, "Fang Zhelan defeats her opponent with ease, and the Profound Blossom Sect secures their fifth victory this match!"

"Although she's at the seventh level of the Earth Spirit Realm, it seems like she only has the strength of someone at the first level," said Xie Xingfang after analyzing the fights. "Another explanation would be that she's limiting her own strength to that level on purpose."

"This year's tournament is simply too crazy even for me." Lord Xie showed a weird smile. "Is this a new era for Cultivators?"

Meanwhile, the disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect watched Fang Zhelan dominate the rounds with envy.

"Even though her strength is restricted to the first level of the Earth Spirit Realm, she's still dealing with disciples from an Elite Sect with ease. The Immortal-grade technique might as well be in her hands now…" Sun Jingjing sighed.

A few more minutes later, Fang Zhelan defeated another disciple, bringing their total rounds won to six.

Another half an hour later, Fang Zhelan defeats the 10th disciple from the Mount Kai Sword Academy, securing the Profound Blossom Sect's victory for the day.

"I've defeated all of them." Fang Zhelan said to Su Yang afterward, who was casually smiling.

"Yes, you did." Su Yang opened his palm to show her a piece of jade. "Take it."

"T-This is an Immortal-grade technique?" Fang Zhelan raised an eyebrow, as she has never seen a cultivation technique hidden within a piece of jade before.

"Just pour some of your Profound Qi inside the jade and the technique will appear in your head as though it's already a part of your memories. It's much more convenient than carrying a scroll around, right?"

"T-Thank you…"

Fang Zhelan was speechless and unsure of how to show her gratitude properly, as she has never even dreamt of obtaining an Immortal-grade technique in her life.

When she accepted the jade slip, her hands were trembling, almost as though she was holding a priceless treasure that was as fragile as thin glass.

After giving Fang Zhelan her reward, he turned to look at the other disciples that were practically drooling at the jade slip in Fang Zhelan's hands.

"Once the tournament is over, all of you will also have a chance to cultivate an Immortal-grade technique."

His words that were akin to lightning during a clear sky caused all of the disciples to look at him with wide eyes, seemingly in disbelief.

"R-Really?" Sun Jingjing couldn't help but ask him.

"Of course."

"I love you, Su Yang!"

"Me too!"

The disciples suddenly threw themselves at Su Yang and embraced him as though he was a doll meant for squeezing.

After the Profound Blossom Sect's victory, the Azure Cloud Sect went onto the stage, and as many have expected, their opponents immediately surrendered, as their efforts would only be pointless.

A few hours later, when all of the matches concluded, the remaining 12 Sects went to pick their next match.

"I pray that we won't get matched with the Azure Cloud Sect…" Liu Lanzhi silently prayed to the Heavens as she picked the number in the box.

A few minutes later, Zi Dong announces the matches.

"Number 5, Profound Blossom Sect and Nine Beast Halls!"

"Yes!" Liu Lanzhi tightens her fists in excitement when they don't have to fight the Azure Cloud Sect.

"Although the Nine Beast Halls is definitely stronger than Mount Kai Sword Academy, as long as they don't have someone at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, we should be able to win."

Once everyone knew their match for the next day, they all went home to prepare.

However, when the Profound Blossom Sect arrived at their hotel, they were instantly surrounded by people that watched their fight today.

"I am an Elder of the Gu Family from the Northern Region, and I would like to inform Fairy Fang that our Young Master requests for dinner tonight."

"Ignore the Gu Family! They are nothing in my Wan Family's eyes! Our Young Master Wan has been in a daze ever since he witnessed Fairy Fang's beauty on the stage and would like to have a word with her!"

"Fairy Fang! My name is Han Yifan, and I am the Direct Disciple of the Thunder—"

"I am Jiang Chen, and I have—"

Countless people approached Fang Zhelan with the intent of courting her, dumbfounding the Profound Blossom Sect disciples.

"Senior apprentice-sister Fang is suddenly very famous…" The Junior Disciples were in a daze.

As time passed, even more people crowded them, and within a blink of the eyes, the entire street was filled with people trying to court Fang Zhelan.

Despite her status as a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, these people did not care whether or not she was pure, as her talent was simply too shocking to ignore, and they wanted to rope her into their family no matter the cost.

"Shut up!" Liu Lanzhi suddenly roared, silencing the place.

"If you want to speak with my disciple, you will have to go through me first. However, due to the ongoing tournament, I will not allow anyone to disturb her. If you still wish to speak with her, you may make an appointment after the tournament ends and we have returned to our Sect."

After a moment of silence, Fang Zhelan spoke, "Sect Master, there's no need for any of that."

She then stepped forward and spoke in a loud yet calm voice, "I have no intention of joining any family, as I have discarded that idea before I'd even become a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect, so please forget about me."

"If you have something else besides that matter, you may visit the Profound Blossom Sect at any time after the tournament. Now if you'll excuse us, we have tons to prepare for tomorrow."

Chapter 399 I Want to Pleasure You All Night With This Body 18+

"What an ordeal that was…" Sun Jingjing sighed after they finally managed to return to the hotel. "I never want to experience something like that again."

"Senior apprentice-sister Sun doesn't want to be popular?" The Junior Disciples asked her.

Sun Jingjing shook her head and said, "As long as the person I love looks at me, I couldn't care less even if the world ignores me…"

"Wow… so romantic…" The Junior Disciples looked at her with sparkling eyes, especially the girls.

"Does this mean Senior apprentice-sister Sun has a crush?! Who is it?!" One of the Junior Disciples asked.

"Is that even a question? Of course, that would be Senior apprentice-brother Su!" said another Junior Disciple.

"You guys! Keep your voice down!" Sun Jingjing blushed from listening to their words.

However, she took a peek at Su Yang's handsome a moment later and blushed even more.

"See? Senior apprentice-brother Su is the only male disciple in the sect that can cultivate with the female disciples, so it's only natural that it would be him!"

The Junior Disciples whispered to each other.

A few moments later, Liu Lanzhi gathered the disciples and said, "We are now down to 12 Sects in the tournament. Every opponent we fight from this point forth are all elites amongst the elites! Even though we have been doing amazing, we cannot underestimate them, especially the Azure Cloud Sect!"

"Don't worry about the Azure Cloud Sect and fight to your heart's content. Without Hong Yu'er, they're not any better than the Sects that we've already defeated." Su Yang suddenly said with a smile.

Liu Lanzhi turned to look at him with a puzzled face but did not question him in the end.

After speaking with the disciples for a few minutes, Liu Lanzhi allowed them to return to their own rooms to rest for the day.

"Junior sister Sun." Fang Zhelan suddenly called for her.

"Is there something wrong, Sister Fang?" Sun Jingjing noticed a hint of hesitation in Fang Zhelan's eyes.

"Yes… I'd like a favor from you…"

'A favor from me? This is indeed unusual!' Sun Jingjing thought to herself. She has never seen Fang Zhelan looking so uncertain.

"If it's within my capabilities, I won't say no!" Sun Jingjing answered with a serious expression.

Fang Zhelan nodded and continued, "Then… I would like you to sleep with the other disciples just for tonight. There's something I must discuss with Su Yang alone."

Sun Jingjing looked a little bit dazed for a moment before saying, "That's it? I was worried for a second since you looked so hesitant. It's just one night. I don't mind it."

"Thank you." Fang Zhelan showed her a smile.

Many hours later, when nighttime arrived, Fang Zhelan entered her room.

Naturally, Su Yang was also in the room, as he'd been silently cultivating by himself for the entire day.

"Su Yang…" Fang Zhelan suddenly called for him.

A moment later, Su Yang opened his eyes that glowed a profound light for a second.

He turned to look at Fang Zhelan, who seemed a little bit different today.

"What's the matter?" he asked her.

"Regarding what I said earlier…"

'Did she say something to me earlier today?' Su Yang pondered but could not recall such events that would make her act like this.

"I had said that I wouldn't join any family… and I truly meant that." Fang Zhelan continued.

"Even before I was old enough to understand what dual cultivation was, I had discarded the idea of having a family, since I prefer being by myself and without having any complicated relationships."

"My resolution remained the same even after I joined the Profound Blossom Sect. I couldn't care less about my chastity or my body, and I cultivated to my heart's content without retaining any everlasting emotions even after meeting countless people."

"However, ever since I met you…"

Fang Zhelan suddenly began loosening her robes, revealing her smooth skin and slim body.

"Even though this body of mine is no longer pure, even though I'd promised myself that I will not belong to anybody, even if you do not want it, I just want you to know that this tainted body of mine is now yours and forever only yours, and you can do anything to it and I will not utter a single word."


Su Yang was speechless for a long moment before speaking in a soft voice, "Is this your way of repaying me for the Immortal-grade technique? Because if it is—"

"No!" Fang Zhelan suddenly interrupted him.

"This has nothing to do with the Immortal-grade technique! Even if I give you everything in my possession, including my body and soul, it would not even be worth half of the Immortal-grade technique's value!"

"I had given up my identity as a woman when I joined the Profound Blossom Sect! I thought I didn't want a family! However, you have changed my heart! After being in your embrace for hundreds of times, I cannot help but want to remain in your embrace forever! But I know that's all but an unrealistic dream. We live in different worlds, you and I. I am simply not worthy."

'I am not worthy'. It was a phrase that Su Yang has heard countless times in his lifetime from his partners.

"Whether she is the Heavenly Emperor's daughter or an insignificant disciple from a small Sect, only I can determine if she's worthy of me, so do not devalue yourself like this. As for your 'tainted' body, I cannot see anything dirty about it." Su Yang said as he pulled Fang Zhelan towards his body and made her sit on his lap like a little girl being spoiled.

"But I—"

Su Yang gently pressed his finger on her soft lips, momentarily sealing her ability to speak.

"Since you think you have a tainted body and I think otherwise, allow me to examine every nook and cranny of this body just to be sure…"

Su Yang gently caressed his fingers around her body, from her neck to her legs, causing her body to tremble.

"There's no dirt on my skin, so it must be something else, huh?"

Su Yang opened his mouth and gently kissed her neck, before moving down to her breasts.

"Ahhh…" Fang Zhelan moaned softly as her steamed buns were being teased.

"There's nothing wrong with the upper half, so it must be the lower half, huh?"

Su Yang laid her body on the bed before spreading her legs and giving her little sister a gentle kiss.


Feeling Su Yang's warm tongue splitting her flower petals, Fang Zhelan's little sister tingled with joy.

After many minutes of tasting Fang Zhelan's wet flower, Su Yang said, "I wasn't able to taste anything dirty, either. So what do you suggest I do next?"

Fang Zhelan responded with teary eyes, "I get it… I was wrong… I am not tainted… You… can do whatever you want… This body already belongs to you..."

Su Yang shook his head and said, "If I went by your logic, I would be this universe's dirtiest man..."

"As for your body, it's only mine during our cultivation. Otherwise, it's still your body, and I don't dare to claim it even if you forced me with a sword on my neck. Furthermore, if your body is mine during cultivation, then my body is also yours," said Su Yang as he removed his own robes, unleashing his awakened dragon that looked as though it wanted to tear a hole in the heavens at this moment.

"My body is yours, and your body is mine…" Fang Zhelan slowly pushed herself to sit on the bed with her face directly before Su Yang's raging dragon.

She then wrapped her fingers around it and opened her mouth.

A moment later, Su Yang could feel Fang Zhelan's soft mouth around the tip of his rod with her tongue pleasuring it on the inside.

It was an indescribable feeling — a heavenly feeling that would instantly melt one's mind.

After massaging the dragon's head with her tongue, Fang Zhelan proceeded to swallow the entire dragon in one go, allowing it to dive deep into her throat.

Sometime later, after many minutes of passionate sucking from Fang Zhelan, Su Yang released his first wave of divine liquid.

A large amount of Yang Qi flowed into Fang Zhelan's mouth, and she swallowed all of it without hesitation.

Fang Zhelan removed her mouth from Su Yang's rod afterward. However, as she'd expected, it was still raging and relentless, like a real dragon.

"Stick it in me, I want to pleasure you all night with this body." Fang Zhelan laid on the bed and spread her arms wide open.

Su Yang showed her a smile, and a moment later, he thrust his rod into her body.

"Ahhhhhh~" Fang Zhelan moaned loudly, feeling every nook and cranny of her tight hole being rammed by a mighty dragon.

Although they have cultivated many times before today, this is the first time Fang Zhelan's ever felt so passionate about their cultivation. It felt like this is her first-time dual cultivating, and it was with a man that she truly loves.

Thus, Fang Zhelan and Su Yang cultivated for the entire night. And if not for the sound-concealing formation that Su Yang had deployed beforehand, nobody in the hotel would've been able to sleep through Fang Zhelan's intense moaning.

Many hours of cultivation later, Fang Zhelan mumbled with a face of complete satisfaction, "They say you won't experience the real thing unless you love the other person. I guess this is what true dual cultivation really is…"

Chapter 400 A Bunch of Cowards

Early in the following morning, the Profound Blossom Sect gathered at the hotel lobby.

"How did it go with Su Yang yesterday, Sister Fang? Did you manage to finish your business properly?" Sun Jingjing approached her and asked.

Fang Zhelan nodded with a bright smile and said, "Yes, it went perfectly."

She then continued, "Junior sister, if you want, you can share the room with him alone tonight. I will sleep in another room."

"Eh? There's no need, really." Sun Jingjing calmly shook her head.

"Even if you say that, my body needs to rest for at least a few days after cultivating with him for the entire night." Fang Zhelan said with a slightly red face. "Even now, I can barely stand properly."

"The two of you stayed up for the entire night?" Sun Jingjing looked at her with wide eyes. She cannot help but wonder what kind of business she had with Su Yang that ended up with cultivation for an entire night.

However, it was not as though they had never skipped a night of sleep to cultivate with Su Yang, so what was so different about this cultivation?

Unfortunately, Sun Jingjing did not dare to ask her.

After everyone gathered in the lobby, they left for the colosseum.

On their way to the colosseum, they kept attracting the pedestrians' gazes. It was almost as though they had become celebrities like the Elite Sects.

"Look! It's the Profound Blossom Sect! Despite being a low-ranking Sect, they have managed to remain in the tournament even now!"

"I heard there are two exceptional geniuses that have reached the Earth Spirit Realm in their place, and one of them is especially talented, reaching the seventh level!"

"Nobody would believe me when I said that they were near the brink of destruction half a year ago!"

"Even if they lose today, they'll surely attract numerous disciples in the future."

"I'm not too sure about that. After all, their practices are a bit…"

"You are underestimating the amount of perverts there are in this world! If I had a better-looking appearance, I would not hesitate to apply to their place!"

When the Profound Blossom Sect disciples heard the pedestrians' mumbling, their mouths curved into a slight smile, clearly happy to see their reputation slowly restore to its former glory.

Sometime later, when the Profound Blossom Sect arrived at the colosseum, they were greeted by the Heavenly Swan Sect.

"Hey, we will be watching your performance today," said Bai Lihua.

"Since we have already lost, there's nothing else to do." Su Yin shrugged her shoulders.


Bai Lihua looked at her with squinted eyes.

"Anyways, who will you be fighting today?" she then asked.

"Nine Beast Halls," said Liu Lanzhi.

"So you got lucky, huh."

"What do you mean by that?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow.

"You were lucky enough to avoid the Azure Cloud Sect, after all."

"I guess you are right if you put it like that…"

The Profound Blossom Sect and the Heavenly Swan Sect entered the colosseum shortly later.

After an hour of waiting, Zi Dong finally appeared on the stage.

"Welcome to the fifth day of the Regional Tournament! We only have 6 matches today with 12 Sects fighting!"

Zi Dong proceeded to explain the rules one more time for those new there.

"With that being said, allow me to introduce our first match of the day, the Azure Cloud Sect and the—"

Zi Dong suddenly stopped talking before he even finished his sentence.

"Eh? Where's the Ancient Grave Sect?"

He realized that Azure Cloud Sect's opponent, the Ancient Grave Sect, was nowhere to be found.

"The Ancient Grave Sect has fifteen minutes to show up before they automatically forfeit the match!" Zi Dong loudly announced.


The audience was speechless.

"The Ancient Grave Sect must be absent on purpose, right?"

"It can't be anything else. They knew that they couldn't win against the Azure Cloud Sect and decided to run away."

"They'll surely be a laughing stock after this!"

"We can't really blame them. The Azure Cloud Sect — Hong Yu'er is simply too powerful. She's scaring away all of their competitors."

After waiting around for ten minutes, somebody approached Zi Dong and whispered something into his ears.

When Zi Dong heard this, he shook his head.

"I have just received information that the Ancient Grave Sect was spotted leaving the city last night, so they are no longer in the city! With that being said, due to the Ancient Grave Sect's absence, they automatically forfeit the match, and the Azure Cloud Sect wins this match by default!"

"An Elite Sect running away with their tails between their legs, what a disgrace to their title, and an embarrassment to the Xie Family." Bai Lihua sighed with contempt.

Right as Bai Lihua said those words, Lord Xie stood up and shouted loudly, "I could've never expected that the Ancient Grave Sect would be a bunch of cowards! Starting today, they are no longer an Elite Sect! Instead, I shall bestow this title to the Azure Cloud Sect!"

Hearing Lord Xie strip the Ancient Grave Sect of their elite status, the audience roared with cheering for the Azure Cloud Sect.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for bestowing the Azure Cloud Sect this prestigious title! We will not disappoint the Xie Family!" Gu Guanting immediately kowtowed on the floor with tears streaming down his face.

He would've never expected that the Azure Cloud Sect would one day become an Elite Sect, and all because of one individual, Hong Yu'er.

"Unbelievable…" Liu Lanzhi was speechless.

"Well, considering the Azure Cloud Sect's current standing, it's not weird that they were given the title of Elite Sect." Bai Lihua said. "I'm actually more surprised that they didn't do it sooner.��

She then turned to look at the Profound Blossom Sect and thought to herself, 'You guys may be next in line to become an Elite Sect…'

Sometime later, the Azure Cloud Sect left the colosseum to celebrate their new status, and the matches continued.

Chapter 401 I Know That You Have Been Sleeping With My Daughter

Three hours have passed since the tournament began on the fifth day.

"For our next match, we have the Profound Blossom Sect and the Nine Beasts Hall!"

The two Sect appeared on the stage and bowed to each other before being sent back by Zi Dong.

"I won't be participating today, so don't let me down." Fang Zhelan said to the other disciples.

"Don't worry, Sister Fang. We can handle this by ourselves just fine." Sun Jingjing showed a confident smile.

A few minutes later, it was decided that Sun Jingjing would fight for the Profound Blossom Sect first.

"Profound Blossom Art: Falling Petals!"


"Profound Blossom Art: Blooming Blossoms!"


"Profound Blossom Art: Petal Fury!"


"The Profound Blossom Sect wins their fourth consecutive round!" Zi Dong announced after Sun Jingjing defeated her fourth opponent in a row.

"Go get them, Senior apprentice-sister Sun!"

"Beat them up! Beat all of them!"

"Show the world the prowess of our Sect!"

The Junior Disciples cheered for her with a frenzied expression.

"This girl… It's only been a few days since she last fought but it feels like she has gotten even stronger. Just what kind of training does she undergo at the Profound Blossom Sect?"

A middle-aged woman, presumably Sun Jingjing's mother, watched her fight with a dumbfounded expression.

"Besides 'that', what kind of training do you think they do? I only pray that he's a worthy man for her," said the middle-aged man beside her.

The middle-aged woman looked at the disciples from the Profound Blossom Sect and said, "I have been watching them this entire time, and that handsome young man seems to be the only male disciple they have. While his appearance definitely qualifies to be my little girl's partner, I'm not sure about his character."

"I have done some investigation on the Profound Blossom Sect, and it seems that he's currently the only male disciple that's in their Sect after that incident. Besides him, who else would she be cultivating with?" said the middle-aged man.

"If that's the case, I must have a conversation with him later to see for myself whether he's worthy of our girl or not."

"Eh? You plan on accepting him into our family? But what about that matter…"

"Who cares about the Ye Family! I won't allow that ugly and lustful bastard to touch my daughter even if it's the last thing I do!"

As Sun Jingjing's parents spoke of her future, Sun Jingjing herself secured another victory for the Profound Blossom Sect.

After defeating half of the participants from Nine Beasts Hall by herself, Sun Jingjing stepped off the stage and said, "I will leave the other half to you girls."

Sometime later, Zi Dong announced the results of the match, "Congratulations to the Profound Blossom Sect for winning this match 10 to 7, entering the top 10 for this year's Regional Tournament!"

"Senior apprentice-sister Sun is simply too amazing. She managed to defeat 5 of them, whilst the rest of us could barely defeat even a single of them…"

The disciples sighed after a close victory.

"Good job, girls. There are only three more matches to win before we take this year's championship." Su Yang said to them with a smile.

The disciples looked at him with a smile.

"Senior apprentice-brother is really trying to win this tournament, we cannot disappoint him."

After their match, the Profound Blossom Sect decided to return to the hotel.

However, they were stopped by a couple wearing luxurious robes right as they left the colosseum.

When Sun Jingjing saw these two individuals, her eyes widened with shock.

"Father! Mother! What are you doing here?!" Sun Jingjing quickly approached them.

"Elder Sun's family?" Liu Lanzhi raised an eyebrow.

"They are Senior apprentice-sister Sun's parents? They look very wealthy..." The other disciples' interests were immediately piqued.

"Why wouldn't we be here for such a big event? We wanted to witness for ourselves the growth of our disobedient daughter," said her mother.

"By the way, where's your grandfather? I haven't seen him this entire time. Is he even in this city?" The middle-aged man asked.

"Elder Sun is currently cultivating in seclusion at the hotel. It'll be at least a few more days until he comes out." Liu Lanzhi stepped forward and said.

"You must be the Sect Master. Thank you for taking care of our daughter. It seems like she's become a formidable individual because of you." The father bowed to her.

"I-I didn't do anything to be worthy of your praises. If anything, you must thank Sect Master Su. He was the one who trained your daughter." Liu Lanzhi pointed to Su Yang with her eyes.

"S-Sect Master Su? He's also a Sect Master?" The couple were dumbfounded by this information, as they would've never expected such a young man to be a Sect Master.

"Your name is Su Yang, right? I know that you have been sleeping with my daughter, and I am here to see whether you are worthy of her or not!" Sun Jingjing's mother stepped forward and said to him with a serious face.

"M-Mother?! How can you say something so embarrassing in public?!" Sun Jingjing's face bloomed with redness after hearing her words, and when she looked around, the surrounding people were looking at them with faces of disbelief.

"Embarrassing? What's more embarrassing, a few words or the daughter of the Sun Family being a disciple in a place like the Profound Blossom Sect?! Even though I have warned you many times, you still followed your grandfather's footsteps! Do you have any idea how much shame you have brought to our family's name?!" Sun Jingjing's mother scolded her.

"..." Sun Jingjing was speechless for a moment before speaking back, "What do you mean by that?! Look at me now! I am a Cultivator at the Earth Spirit Realm because of that decision! Even Grandfather, who was the number one genius in our family, was stuck in the True Spirit Realm for many decades before taking the Earth Advancement Pill! How many people in this world are in the Earth Spirit Realm at my age, huh?!"

The mother and daughter pair suddenly became engaged in a word battle.

"Why don't the two of you calm down? We are still in public." The father finally decided to step in and stop them.

"If it's not inconvenient, why don't you return to the hotel with us? I'm sure there's a lot to discuss." Liu Lanzhi suggested, to which the couple accepted.

Chapter 402 Sun Jingjing's Parents

After returning to the hotel, Sun Jingjing and her parents immediately entered a room to have their conversation.

"Jingjing, I will get straight to the point. How many men have you slept with up to this point?" Her mother suddenly asked her with a serious expression.

"W-Wha—?! What do you mean how many—"

"Do you see me as a fool? I understand the practice. There's only one logical explanation to your tremendous growth — you must have slept with a considerable amount of men."

"Nonsense!" Sun Jingjing shouted with a red face. "I have only slept with one man in this life, and that is Senior brother Su Yang!"

Her mother looked at her with wide eyes that were filled with surprise. How could a single man assist her cultivation base so much?

"Really?" she asked with a doubtful voice.

"I-If you don't believe me, then you can ask Grandfather! My chastity has been intact until half a year ago, when all of the disciples left the Sect, and during this entire time, Su Yang is the only male disciple in the Sect besides a few Sect Elders!"

"What do you think about this?" Her mother turned to look at her father and asked.

"There's only one thing to do, right?" Her father said.

Her mother nodded and said, "Jingjing, bring Su Yang in here. I would like to speak with him."


Although she was reluctant, Sun Jingjing called for Su Yang's presence in the room.

A few minutes later, Su Yang appeared before them.

"Allow me to reintroduce myself. I am Sun Ren, and this is my husband, Sun Quan."

"According to my knowledge, you are the one who took my daughter's chastity, right?"

"That's right." Su Yang nodded without hesitation.

"Then I will get straight to the point — how are you going to take responsibility? Although the Sun Family is not renowned for our military power, nor do our family have any famous Cultivators, we are one of the most influential families with business connections in all four regions."

"Furthermore, our daughter is a complete beauty with countless admirers. Do you understand where I am getting at?" Sun Ren asked him.

Su Yang showed a slight smile on his face. He could pretty much guess what they wanted from him, as this is not his first time dealing with the parents of his partners.

"Wait a moment, mother! I was the one who approached Su Yang first, and I never once thought that he needed to take responsibility for my actions! Furthermore, he has already done enough for me!" Sun Jingjing suddenly stepped in.

"Shut up, Jingjing! I am speaking with Su Yang right now!" Sun Ren snapped back.

After a moment of silence, Su Yang said, "As Sun Jingjing had said, I bear no responsibility for taking her chastity, as we are both disciples of the Profound Blossom Sect, and things such as responsibility do not apply there. However, I am not someone who will make such pathetic excuses. After all, she is already my woman. With that being said, how do you want me to take responsibility?"

"Su Yang…" Sun Jingjing's face was as red as a tomato at this moment.

"...I want you to join the Sun Family." Sun Ren immediately said.

"!!!" Sun Jingjing's eyes widened with shock. Her mother wants Su Yang to join their family? This was extremely convenient for her, since she wanted to bear Su Yang's child in the future!

Su Yang closed his eyes and shook his head, "Unfortunately, due to many reasons, I will not be able to do that."

Sun Ren frowned upon hearing his refusal, whilst Sun Jingjing only sighed inwardly, as she already predicted this situation, since it was unlikely to bind someone like Su Yang to the Sun Family.

"Explain yourself." Sun Ren said.

"First and foremost, there are things that I must do which will require me to travel extremely far. Second, I will not join any family, as this is something I have already decided. However, if you were to ask me to accept your daughter into my family… then that would be a different matter."

"You want my daughter to join your family?" Both Sun Ren and Sun Jingjing looked at him with a surprised look, as he basically just proposed to Sun Jingjing before her parents.

"Besides being the Sect Master of the Profound Blossom Sect, what exactly do you have? How will you support my daughter? The Sun Family has endless resources and wealth from our business."

"Although I may have nothing in hand right now, what I can do to support your daughter is already evident, and that is only the tip of an entire mountain," said Su Yang, using Sun Jingjing's growth as physical proof.

"As long as she remains by my side, she will undeniably become someone who will stand at the peak of this world."


The room turned silent. Neither of Sun Jingjing's parents were able to deny his words, as he was able to help Sun Jingjing reach the Earth Spirit Realm at such a young age.

"I will do it!" Sun Jingjing was the first to break the silence. "I will join your family, Su Yang!"

"You—! Don't go deciding something so important by yourself again! This is your future that we are talking about! Letting you join the Profound Blossom Sect was already a mistake, and I will not allow a second one!" Sun Ren shouted.

"No matter what you say, I won't change my mind. Furthermore, I am already addicted to our cultivation! I can't live without his techniques in bed anymore!" Sun Jingjing said.

"How can you say something so shameless?!"

"Hmph! But it's the truth! You will understand if you also cultivated with him!"

"?!?!?!" Sun Ren's face immediately flushed.

"Ahem…" Sun Quan loudly cleared his throat, pretending that he didn't hear Sun Jingjing's words just now.

After a moment of awkward silence, Sun Ren spoke again, "Su Yang, what about the other disciples? Are you also 'cultivating' with them?"

"Naturally." Su Yang proudly nodded.


While it was not weird for one man to have many wives in this time, Sun Ren felt that her daughter deserved much better. After all, she didn't want her daughter to be a mere mistress.

"Allow me some time to think about everything we've discussed today. However, there's one more thing I must say today."

Sun Ren turned to look at Sun Jingjing with a serious expression and said, "The Mu Family has sent us a marriage proposal with their eldest son, Mu Shun, asking for your hand."

"What?! That disgusting pig?! Why do you even need to tell me that? Just send it back and act as if it never happened!" Sun Jingjing frowned.

"I would like to do that, but the Mu Family is serious this time. They even indirectly threatened us with war in the business industry if we refused. Although we have many connections, the Mu Family has as much if not slightly more influence than us. I'm afraid it'll turn into an ugly battle that might harm the entire economy."

"Who is this Mu Family?" Su Yang suddenly asked.

"Besides our Sun Family, there are other big families within the business circle, and the Mu Family is one of them. Their eldest son, Mu Shun, has been chasing me even before I became a disciple of the Profound Blossom Sect." Sun Jingjing sighed.

"Is that so? By the way, if I may ask, what kind of business does the Sun Family specialize in?" Su Yang then asked.

"We have a market for pretty much everything cultivation related, but medicine and pills are our staple as well as the Mu Family," said Sun Quan.

"Pills and medicines, huh…" Su Yang mumbled.

"Anyway, I have managed to delay our response until after the tournament." Sun Ren said and turned to look at Su Yang and continued, "Before then, I want to see for myself if I can leave my daughter in your hands."

"If I find you unworthy for our daughter, I will accept the Mu Family's proposal."


Su Yang remained silent, but what surprised Sun Ren the most was that Sun Jingjing also remained nonchalant to her words.

"What? You think I won't do it?" she asked Sun Jingjing.

Sun Jingjing showed a confident smile and said, "No, I am just confident that you'll accept Su Yang."


Sun Ren was speechless. This is the first time that she's ever seen Sun Jingjing appear so confident.

'Maybe there really is something special about this Su Yang beside his techniques in bed…' she thought to herself.

Chapter 403 Su Yang's Family Seal

"Why did you tell them that you would accept the Mu Family's proposal when you clearly won't do so?" Sun Quan asked his wife after they left the hotel.

"Besides feeling like teasing our daughter for ignoring me and joining the Profound Blossom Sect, nothing else really, I guess." Sun Ren said with a smile on her face.

Of course, Sun Ren never intended to accept the Mu Family's proposal, but she wanted to get revenge for Sun Jingjing's disobedient behavior, hence why she lied about her proposal.

However, she did not expect Sun Jingjing to not react to it, much less get angry. It was truly unexpected of her to act so mature and calm in such a moment.

"Maybe that young man also had something to do with that?" Sun Ren mumbled to herself.

"You are really unbelievable…" Sun Quan shook his head.

Meanwhile, back at the hotel, Liu Lanzhi asked them, "Is everything okay? Did you manage to sort things out with your parents?"

"Yes, Sect Master." Sun Jingjing nodded with a smile.

"That's good to hear. Then I'll leave the two of you alone for today." Liu Lanzhi said before leaving them alone in the room.

Silence filled the room after Liu Lanzhi left, but Sun Jingjing broke the silence a few moments later.

"Su Yang… I apologize for today. You don't need to mind my parents, especially my mother, who always speaks whatever is on her mind. Just ignore what they said today."


After another moment of silence, Su Yang stared at her in the eyes and said in a clear voice, "But I meant every word I said. If you truly want to become a part of my family, I won't say no."

"R-Really?" Sun Jingjing emotionally covered her mouth.

"However, it won't be a small family. In fact, there will be many others. Although you have not met them yet, they exist somewhere far away."

"I don't care!" Sun Jingjing immediately answered without hesitation. "Even if there are hundreds of others, I would still be willing to join!"

While a single man having many wives is not very common in this world, it's not exactly uncommon either, especially for the wealthy and the strong in the cultivation world. In fact, the stronger one is, the more likely they would have a harem, as that will allow them to give birth to more geniuses in their family.

'As long as I am still a part of his life, as long as he doesn't abandon me, I won't mind even if I am only one of his many partners…' Sun Jingjing thought to herself as she stared at Su Yang intensively.

After a few minutes of silence, Su Yang suddenly stood up and loosened his robes, revealing to her his stiff little brother.

Sun Jingjing looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"If you truly want to become a part of my family, then accept my family seal."

"Family… seal? What's that?" Sun Jingjing tilted her head with a puzzled expression, as she has never heard of this term before.

"It's a common tradition in my hometown, mostly for families with only one man in the household with the rest being his wives and mistresses," said Su Yang, his hometown being the Divine Heavens.

"Before one can be recognized as a member of the family, they must accept the family seal, which will be created through dual cultivation with the man's Yang Qi."

"Once the family seal is imprinted onto your body, you will have to follow the family's rule. If you decide to break the rules or betray me, the family seal will completely cripple your cultivation base if not outright kill you. Of course, if you ever feel that you no longer want to be a part of the family, I can assist you with removing the family seal, which will not affect you in any way."

"Do you wish to hear the rules?" Su Yang then asked.

Sun Jingjing quickly nodded.

"One, you will not cultivate with another man beside myself for as long as you are a member of my family. This should be self-explanatory, but if you betray me, the family seal will immediately kill you."

"Two, you will not purposefully plot against, harm, or kill anyone within the family. If you have any grievances with another within the family that cannot be solved personally, you will come to me, and I will promise to sort it out. Depending on the severity, the punishment will vary. In most cases, if you don't kill anyone, you will only have your cultivation crippled."

"Three, you will not do anything that may tarnish our family's reputation or another family member's for that matter. Again, depending on the severity, you may be crippled or killed."

"Fourth, once you accept the family seal, only I will be able to remove it for you. If you forcibly try to remove it... let's just say you don't want to find out."

"And lastly, you are obligated to cultivate with me at least once every 2,500 years in order to renew the family seal."

"Do you have any questions regarding the rules?" Su Yang then asked her.

Sun Jingjing shook her head. Besides the 2,500 years rule, she found everything else logical and normal.

'2,500 years? Can one even live that long?' she wondered.

Seeing her answer, Su Yang nodded before continuing to speak, "Now that you have heard all of the rules, are you still willing to join my family?"

"I am willing!" Sun Jingjing answered without hesitation as she loosened her robes.

"Good! Then come here!"

Sun Jingjing immediately jumped into Su Yang's embrace, and after a few minutes of foreplay, Su Yang pushed his divine rod into Sun Jingjing's charming body.


Sun Jingjing moaned loudly as Su Yang drilled her cave, slowly releasing his Yang Qi into her body.

After a few minutes into their cultivation, the word 'Su', colored in black, began forming on Sun Jingjing's body at the area slightly below her belly button. The word was no larger than 3 inches in length and width, and it was emitting an unfathomable aura.

Once the word was fully formed, Su Yang bit a hole in his finger and wiped his blood on the spot the word was imprinted, coloring the word bright red.

A few seconds later, almost as though it was alive, the word imprinted on Sun Jingjing's body quickly absorbed Su Yang's blood, before turning into a golden color.

"It's done." Su Yang said to her with a smile she'd never seen before. "You are now a member of my family."

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