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76.95% Mixed HD / Chapter 334: 136-147

Chương 334: 136-147

Chapter 136 Only If You Have the Balls!

"Who's this donkey?" Su Yang casually showed up and asked, looking like he had nothing to do with this situation and was just a bystander.

"You also don't know him? Since he attacked you, there has to be some sort of connection between you two."

"That reason should be related to the other—"

Suddenly, an ear-piercing shriek resounded within the garden.

"Master Su! Master Su! Are you alright?!"

A middle-aged lady wearing clothes meant for servants came dashing towards Su Yang and Qiuyue. However, it was plainly obvious that she was not calling for Su Yang but the individual that was on the floor, who also happens to have the same surname as him.

"Ahhhhh! Murder! Master Su has been murdered by these two barbarians!"

When the middle-aged lady saw the blood by the unconscious man on the ground and on his lips, she started freaking out, almost as if she'd just witnessed a murder in plain daylight.

Mere seconds after the middle-aged lady's scream echoed in the garden, dozens of armed guards came running from every direction, very quickly surrounding Su Yang and Qiuyue with their weapons raised.

However, when the guards finally got the chance to take a good look at the culprits' faces, a few of their expressions froze upon recognizing Su Yang's handsome face.

"Y-Young master Su?! You are back?!"

The few guards that recognized Su Yang were so shocked that they pretty much forgot about the situation.

"What are you guards doing?! Apprehend these two intruders!" The middle-aged lady continued screaming like a madman.


The guards that recognized Su Yang were feeling perplexed. Apprehend who? The second oldest son of Su Xun who'd also been missing for an entire year? Their heads would, without a doubt, roll if they followed the middle-aged lady's nonsense.

"What are you waiting for?! Is this what the Su Family pays you all for? Incompetence?!"

Hearing such words, the guards that didn't recognize Su Yang slowly approached him with frowns on their faces.

When the other guards saw this, they quickly reacted by shouting, "Halt! Who do you think this is?! This is young master Su, young lady Su's elder brother!"

"What did you just say?!"

The guards immediately froze like statues upon hearing the other guards words. They then turned to look at the middle-aged lady, who was clearly as shocked and confused as everyone else there.

"So this idiotic donkey is also part of the Su Family, huh? Can't say that I'm surprised." Su Yang quickly comprehended the situation after listening to these people.

This tall figure on the floor was Su Yuhan, Su Yang and Su Yin's elder brother and also the eldest son within the Su Family.

However, this revelation only raised more questions than answers. Why did he attack Su Yang with the intent to kill? Even going as far as a sneak attack from the sky?

"This man tried to take my life, hence why he's in this half-dead state," said Su Yang in a calm manner.

"This man?" The guards there found the way Su Yang addressed his own elder brother odd, but what he said afterward was just shocking to the core.

"T-There must've been a misunderstanding, young master Su…Your elder brother would never do something so vile…"

The guards there tried to make sense of the situation. After all, it was extremely hard for them to believe that Su Yuhan, who was known for being kind and noble, would have any reasons to harm Su Yang, who's been missing for an entire year, let alone attempt to kill him.

"I don't care about his reasons for wanting to kill me but…" Su Yang ignored the guards and squatted in front of the unconscious Su Yuhan and continued, "Fortunately for you, that little girl has already lost enough. I wouldn't want to take away from her the last brother she has..."

"However, since you attacked me, I will make sure you at least regret it..."

As he said those words, Su Yang raised a finger and pointed it at Su Yuhan. Though, more specifically, he was pointing directly towards his crotch area.

The guards and servants there were puzzled at his actions, even Qiuyue, but seconds later, they all watched in horror as a beam of light shot out from the tip of Su Yang's fingers and pierce the area between Su Yuhan's legs.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!" A blood-curdling scream that nearly pierced the eardrums of the people there came out of Su Yuhan's mouth. The pain was so intensive that it'd shocked him awake.


When the male guards witnessed this scene, they instinctively dropped their weapons to cover their own balls in a protective manner.

"Y-Y-You devil!"

The middle-aged lady nearly fainted when she saw a puddle of blood start to form near Su Yuhan's crotch area. How could someone be so cruel and heartless? How will he ever have children now? This is an incredible blow to not only Su Yuhan's life as a man but also the entire Su Family itself!

"He'll be fine," Su Yang said casually. "Although I won't guarantee that he won't kill himself due to shame, I'm positive that such minor injuries will not kill him directly."

"S-S-S-Su Yang… Y-You bastard!" On the ground wriggling in agony was Su Yuhan, who was clutching onto his nonexistent balls as he screamed in a hoarse voice. "I-I will fucking k-kill you!!!"

"You will kill me? Only if you have the balls! Hahaha!" Su Yang burst out laughing at his own joke.

On Su Yuhan's face was an expression of extreme rage and hatred, and the look he gave Su Yang was as though he was looking at someone who'd just murdered his entire family, perhaps something even worse, especially after hearing Su Yang's joke after what he did to him.

Meanwhile, the guards there that were quite familiar with Su Yang looked at him with an odd expression, thinking to themselves how this Su Yang did not match the one in their memories. He was much bolder and almost heartless, unlike the silent and forgiving Su Yang they knew.

"Let's go." Su Yang began walking again.

Seeing Su Yang approach them, the guards quickly scattered to make a path for him, fearing that he might also destroy their manhood if they dared to block him.

With nobody else obstructing his path, Su Yang and Qiuyue's figure quickly disappeared from the Su Family's living quarters.

Chapter 137 Soul Divination Pill

After they were certain that Su Yang was no longer there, the guards assisted Su Yuhan, who had fainted again, back to his own room, where they provided treatment for his destroyed balls.

When the nurses and doctors saw the condition of Su Yuhan's balls for the first time, they nearly puked from disgust, their eyes filled with terrors, and they wondered to themselves what kind of monster would be so heartless to do such actions.

"I cannot imagine anyone besides the devil himself that would do something like this to another human being. Not only are his balls destroyed, but even his rod is completely gone."

The doctor shook his head, his heart feeling heavy, feeling Su Yuhan's pain just from looking at his condition.

"I'm afraid that even a divine doctor may not be able to restore his manhood."

The room instantly became silent, even gloomy.

Su Xun, who'd rushed here after hearing the news stood there with a dark expression on his face at this moment. This situation was a problem not just for Su Yuhan's future but the entire Su Family's as well.

However, it was not as if the Su Family was entirely doomed, as there was also Su Yin. But even then, with her obsession with Su Yang, would she even look at another person beside him?

But alas, even with all of those problems already at hand, there was one that trumped them all.

"Does the Hong Family know of this incident yet?" Su Xun asked in a heavy tone, his gaze at the old man beside him.

"Unfortunately," said Senior Tao, one of the Su Family's most trusted elders. "The news had already spread before we could even lay the Young Master on his bed. As a matter of fact, they are currently heading here even as we speak and should arrive within three days of time."

A distressed light flashed within Su Xun's eyes after hearing this news. But alas, there was nothing he could do at this point, as this was no longer a situation he could manage by himself.

"Whatever! I will deal with it when they arrive. For now, just focus on trying to healing my son!"


"I don't care even it is near impossible to fully heal him, but I want you to at least try! All the resources will be provided by my Su Family, so use them without being formal!" Su Xun interrupted the doctor.

Even if the chances are slimmer than slim, he still wanted to try to save his 'only' son's future.

"I understand. Although I will not promise any results, I will put forth all of my effort and knowledge into healing your son."

A little bit later, when the doctors started their treatment on Su Yuhan, Su Xun and everyone else that was not needed in the room quickly left to avoid disturbing the doctors.

"How is Young Lady's condition?" Senior Tao asked Su Xun as they walked in the hallway, their pace slow and filled with doubt.

"Not good," Su Xun shook his head. "Ever since the incident, she's locked herself inside her room and would refuse to come out no matter what I say to her."

"If this continues, I don't even want to imagine what she might do…"

"It's for the best if we leave the Young Lady alone for now until she sorts out her mind, else it might affect her Cultivation in the future," Senior Tao suggested.

Su Xun nodded, and they began preparations as they wait for the Hong Family's anticipated arrival.




"Do you know of a pill called Soul Divination Pill?" Su Yang asked Qiuyue as they walked down a busy pedestrian street.

"I do," she quickly replied. "I even saw one with my own eyes at the Holy Central Continent."

Su Yang suddenly stopped walking and stared at her with pleasant-looking eyes. "You saw one? Here? In this world?"

Qiuyue nodded. "Why? Is it that rare of a pill?" she then asked.

"It's not that valuable, but it is rare enough that I wouldn't have expected one to be in this undeveloped world."

"Are you going to use it to see whether or not you have another soul within your body?" Qiuyue already saw through his plans the moment he asked her about the pill.

Su Yang confirmed her thoughts with a quick nod. "That's right. I had initially planned on collecting the materials to create one myself, but since there already exists one in this world, that will make my life much easier."

"Are you planning on going to the Holy Central Continent for this Soul Divination Pill?"

"Naturally." Su Yang answered in a heartbeat.

Hearing his words, Qiuyue's eyes flashed with hesitation. If possible, she didn't want him to go to the Holy Central Continent, and even less, to the place with the Soul Divination Pill. As for her reasons, she wouldn't be able to handle the embarrassment that would come if he were to find out about her not-so-hidden secret there.

"I understand. However, I should warn you now that unless you rob them with sheer force then even you wouldn't be able to obtain it easily even if we go there."

"What is the reason?" Su Yang's interest was piqued.

"The place with the Soul Divination Pill is called the Four Seasons Academy, it is a Sect specialized in Alchemy, and they treat the Soul Divination Pill as though it is their most precious treasure. Even if you offer them something that is logically more valuable than their Soul Divination Pill, they will refuse the offer without a single thought."

"That does not matter," said Su Yang. "We will know whether or not they will give it to me once we get there and see them in person."

Qiuyue sighed inwardly and nodded. She then retrieved her flying boat and threw it in the sky.

The sudden appearance of a boat hovering in the sky quickly attracted the gaze of everybody on the streets, causing them to look at it with eyes of wonder.

And under the gaze of dozens, both Su Yang and Qiuyue jumped on the flying boat.

"Xiao Rong." Su Yang called for her in a calm and low voice.

Suddenly, before he could even blink his eyes, a young girl wearing plain white robes appeared before him.

"Did you have fun?" he asked her with a smile, to which she replied with a nod.

"That's good to hear." Su Yang turned to Qiuyue and continued, "Let's go to this Four Seasons Academy, shall we?"

Qiuyue nodded, and then she turned to look at Xiao Rong and spoke to her in a cold voice, "This boat only has room for two; you will have to follow us with your own methods."

And without waiting for a reply, Qiuyue activated the flying boat, speeding hundreds of miles into the distance in the blink of an eye.

However, when Qiuyue turned around, her gaze met with Xiao Rong's, who was casually chasing behind them with seemingly no effort.

Seeing this, Qiuyue only coldly sneered.




Three days passed by in a flash, and at the Su Family, Su Xun, along with many other high-standing individuals, stood at the main entrance to the living quarters, seemingly waiting for the arrival of someone.

"They are here! The Hong Family is here!" A messenger could be seen running towards them from a distance while shouting at the top of his lungs.

"This is it, huh…" Su Xun straightened his robes and prepared for the worst.

Chapter 138 I Am Here to See My Fiance!

A luxurious carriage slowly approached the Su Family's living quarters, pulling up right before the main gate.

A few moments later, the door to the carriage opened, and a beautiful young lady wearing red robes stepped out of the carriage.

The young lady proceeded to walk towards Su Xun the moment her feet touched the ground.

"Hong Yu'er greets Senior Su," she greeted him with a gentle bow, her voice filled with respect. Although she did not expect him to meet her at the entrance, it was within her expectations that Su Xun would be aware of her arrival before she'd even arrive.

"It's only been three months since our last meeting but you've grown even more beautiful since then," Su Xun praised her with a smile on his face.

Then, he asked her while looking around, "Where are your parents? Are they not here with you today?"

Hong Yu'er shook her head and spoke, "This is my own problem, so I'd asked my parents to let me come alone."

Saying that, Hong Yu'er's expression suddenly turned serious, even cold. "That being said… where is 'he' right now? I would like to see him."

A drop of sweat sneakily rolled down Su Xun's back after hearing her words. "He's currently resting in his room," he replied after a short moment of silence.

"May I?" Despite her cold looks, Hong Yu'er still spoke in a respectful tone, as her family was slightly beneath the Su Family in terms of status and power despite their close relationship.

Su Xun reluctantly nodded before guiding her to where Su Yuhan was resting.

Once they reached the room, Su Xun knocked on the door and spoke, "Yuhan, Hong Yu'er is here to meet you…"

And without waiting for Su Yuhan to answer, Su Xun forcefully opened the door.

"W-W-Wait! Do not open the—!"

Su Yuhan's hurried voice resounded the moment the door was opened.


When the door was fully opened and Su Xun, Hong Yu'er, and many other individuals there saw the scene in the room, their jaws dropped from shock.

What they saw was the spectacular scene of Su Yuhan with his pants down on his bed, his hands clutching onto his obviously stitched on rod, looking like he was playing with himself.

Su Yuhan's instantly face turned ashen. "W-Wait! This is not what it looks like—!"

"Yuhan! How dare you show not only us, but even an innocent young lady such as Hong Yu'er such a vile scene! Do you not have any shame?! Put that vulgar thing away right this second!" Su Xun did not allow him to finish his words and roared in a voice mixed with anger and embarrassment, causing the room to shake a little.

To think he'd catch his always noble son in such an act was just unthinkable. Hell, it would've been fine if Su Yuhan was exposed in front of him alone, but unfortunately for the both of them, almost everybody that should have never witnessed this scene was there, including the Hong Family's young lady.

In other words, this was a disastrous situation.

And sure enough, when Hong Yu'er saw Su Yuhan's sickening rod, her face darkened with a deep frown, and her gaze filled itself with disgust, almost like she just ate a fat fly.

As for the other people that were there, they were so dumbfounded by the scene that they all took steps backwards, almost as if they wanted to run away from the scene.

What made this situation even worse was Su Yuhan's rod that had been recently implanted, causing his pelvis area to be filled with dry blood and stitches.

"Yu'er! This is a misunderstanding! I can explain this—!" Su Yuhan panicked and began shouting like a madman, making the situation look even uglier.

"I just wanted to see if I can get it to work after the implant! Even though the doctors say I am in a hopeless position, I can guarantee you that it will heal properly—!"


A cold voice resounded in the room, but it was not Su Xun who'd spoken those word, nor did it come from the other individuals from the Su Family. Instead, the words had came from Hong Yu'er's mouth.

"Yu'er…?" Su Yuhan looked at her with a shocked expression after hearing her cold voice.

"I came here today not to comfort you, nor did I travel thousands of miles to look at your pathetic face!" Hong Yu'er then turned to look at Su Xun and continued to speak, "Senior Su, on the behalf of my family, I, Hong Yu'er, came here today to break my engagement with your eldest son, Su Yuhan."


Su Xun did not instantly reply to Hong Yu'er and remained quiet. After a moment of silence, he released a deep sigh and spoke, "Is this the Hong Family's decision or…"

"I have already spoken with my parents, but I will repeat what I said to them here, and I will apologize for my impudent behavior in advance."

Taking a deep breath, Hong Yu'er began speaking in a serious voice. "If I have to marry this humiliating thing and spend the rest of my life with him then I'd rather be alone — six feet under the ground!"


Su Yuhan expressed great shock upon hearing Hong Yu'er's words, causing his eyes to nearly turn all white. While he knew that she never really approved of their relationship, he didn't think that her hate for him was to this extent.

"Aii…" Su Xun sighed again, his color noticeably paler. "Then what about the oath between your mother and my wife? This will surely haunt my dear even in heaven… Perhaps we can work this out—"

"Senior Su, please excuse my rudeness once again, but the oath between my mother and Madam Su is between me and 'him', not Su Yuhan."

"T-Then why did you agree to the rearrangements?" Su Xun asked with a puzzled expression.

"There is only one reason as to why I agreed… it was simply because I was pressured to by my family. However, now that 'he' is back, there is no longer any reason for me to put up with this farce," said Hong Yu'er.

"And although I didn't mention this at first, there is one more reason as to why I am here today." Hong Yu'er's cold expression noticeably turned soft at this point. "I am here to see my fiance, Su Yang!"

Chapter 139 Hong Yu'er

One of Su Yuhan's worst nightmare was Hong Yu'er finding out Su Yang's return, which might affect their current relationship, fearing that she might break their engagement in order to return to Su Yang, and the instant Su Yuhan heard Hong Yu'er's words, realizing that his worst nightmare has come true, he directly fell unconscious — but not before he coughed up a mouthful of blood due to shock and anger.

In response to Su Yuhan fainting, Hong Yu'er did not even bother to glance at him and continued to speak, \"I know that he's returned — Su Yang.\"

\"Where is he?\"

\"Unfortunately, you are a few days late…\" Su Xun said while shaking his head. \"You will not find him here, nor should you ask me about his location, because even I cannot tell you where he went after attacking his own brother, Su Yuhan.\"

\"Senior Su, why must you make it sound as though everything is his fault? I don't believe that he would attack that thing without any justifiable reason; he's just not that kind of person.\" Hong Yu'er pointed to Sui Yuhan when she said 'that thing'.

Su Xun sighed and said, \"You know nothing… Su Yang… he… he is no longer the same person you knew before disappearing, as he currently has amnesia.\"

He spoke as though he had nothing to do with Su Yang's situation, even pretending to be disheartened, his voice filled with sorrow.

\"What did you say? He's lost his memories?\" Hong Yu'er frowned the instant she heard such news.

\"That's right. He doesn't even recognize his beloved sister, Su Yin…\"

\"It's that serious?\" Hong Yu'er knew just how close the siblings were, hence why she's even more surprised.

However, she was even more surprised that Su Xun would allow Su Yang to leave the place despite knowing such facts, especially after the ruckus between him and Su Yuhan, even feeling a bit suspicious.

\"And you allowed him to leave under these circumstances?\" Hong Yu'er did not beat around the bush and questioned Su Xun, causing his heart rate to increase.

\"I would've stopped him if I knew that he was going to leave… His departure was too sudden, and I was attending to something else.\"


After a few moments of silence, Hong Yu'er turned around and began walking away.

\"Where are you going?\" Su Xun asked her.

\"I have accomplished what I came here for, so there is no longer any reasons for me to stay. As for my fiance, Su Yang, I will try to find him using my own resources.\" Hong Yu'er spoke in a calm voice, giving around her a composed atmosphere.

Su Xun did not stop her and only sighed inwardly.

\"The young lady of the Hong Family is truly exceptional… Not only is she as beautiful as a fairy, but she is also sharp and mature.\"

The surrounding members of the Su Family began speaking about Hong Yu'er after she left.

\"She's too good for someone like Su Yang, almost wasteful…\"

\"Almost? It's definitely too wasteful for her to be with someone like Su Yang!\"

\"Besides his appearance, what does she see in someone as mediocre and untalented as Su Yang, anyway? Su Yuhan is definitely a much better choice in my humble opinion.\"

The members of the Su Family spoke of Su Yang in disdain without reserve despite Su Xun's presence right beside them. This showed just how little the members of the family cared about Su Yang, even treating him as though he's not even a part of the family.


Hearing the people beside him belittle his own son, even if he was truly useless, Su Xun still clenched his fists in anger. However, there was nothing he could say to them that would denounce their words.

Ever since he was born, Su Yang would not show any interest in anything and would always stare at the empty air with a blank expression, almost like he was detached from this world. Even as a baby he would not cry, nor would he cause a ruckus within a house like every other normal baby at his age, always remaining silent. This odd behavior of his quickly worried the family, making them start to doubt that he was defective.

However, as Su Yang grew older, he would begin to show more emotions, even beginning to read books at a very young age despite never being taught how to read. Seeing this, the Su Family's hope for him began to grow once again with some even calling him a literature genius.

Time passed, and on his tenth birthday, Su Yang met Hong Yu'er for the first time because of his mother, who had considerable power and influence within the family at that time. Some would even say that she had more power than Su Xun, the family head, but none of them dared to say such words out loud, only believing it in their hearts.

However, other than his love for literature, Su Yang had nothing else that could capture the attention of the family and quickly became forgotten. And unlike his other two siblings that showed incredible aptitudes for Cultivation, especially Su Yin, Su Yang expressed no interest in normal martial arts, much less Cultivation.

As even more time pass, Su Yang's presence within the family dimmed to the point where even many of the new servants would not learn of his name until many weeks, even months after they joined the Su Family.

Su Yang's lack of presence and talent within the family easily made him a target within the family, and with the help of Su Yuhan, who hated Su Yang and felt nothing but jealousy towards his relationship with Hong Yu'er — his secret obsession ever since he first saw her — turned Su Yang's quiet life into one that was similar to hell.

Many events later, Su Yang eventually 'disappeared' from the Su Family and Hong Yu'er became engaged with Su Yuhan after being pressured by both families. However, despite being engaged, Hong Yu'er rarely saw Su Yuhan, much less speak with him. Hell, even after an entire year of being engaged, Su Yuhan did not so much as get the chance to touch even a single hair on her body, and it was something he complained about every day inside his heart.




Su Xun sat on a chair inside his room with an exhausted expression. He's been in this position for many hours without moving a muscle ever since the events that have been happening lately.

Suddenly, he tilted his head to look at the ceiling and released the deepest sigh yet.

\"I had said that I wouldn't regret my decision no matter the outcome, yet here I am, silently regretting my decision that day…\" Su Xun chuckled a few times sarcastically, almost like he was mocking himself.

After a few more minutes of sitting, Su Xun stood up and walked to the corner of the room, where he retrieved a wooden box that was hidden under one of the floor tiles.

He then opened the box, and inside this wooden box was a silver needle.

After staring at it for a few seconds, Su Xun shook his head and closed the wooden box, placing it back into the hidden spot the next second.




When Hong Yu'er left the Su Family, she directly returned to her own family, relaying the events that had occurred during her trip to the Su Family, even telling them the embarrassing incident of Su Yuhan accidentally exposing himself in front of her and many others.

The Hong Family expressed awkward expression after hearing her stories.

\"Are you sure about this, Yu'er?\" Her father suddenly said to her. \"Who knows where this Su Yang is right now. And even if you manage to find him, will you be able to live a life with someone that might not even remember you?\"

After a moment of silence, Hong Yu'er replied, \"Even if he does not remember me, I am certain that I will still be able to live a blissful life with him.\"


\"Think about this carefully, Yu'er.\" It was her mother who spoke this time. \"Not only are you a beautiful young woman but you are also talented, being only slightly worse than that little monster at the Su Family. I'm sure you'll be able to find a more suitable partner for yourself without even the need to leave this house.\"

Hong Yu'er shook her head, and in a calm voice, she spoke slowly, \"Our relationship has already reached the point where it's impossible for me to find another man, not that I wish for such a thing in the first place.\"

When Hong Yu'er said this, bright lights flickered within her beautiful black eyes.


\"W-W-What do you mean by those words?!\"


Both the mother and father exclaimed at the same time, their eyes and jaws wide open, clearly shocked greatly by their daughter's sudden revelation that was almost as impactful as a heavenly tribulation.

Chapter 140 Clear Visions

"Yu'er! Explain yourself! What do you mean by those words of yours just now?!" The mother said with a panicking voice.

If Hong Yu'er's words meant what they guessed, then her chances of finding another partner would significantly reduce no matter how beautiful or talented Hong Yu'er was, since very little people out there would accept a woman that had already been plucked by another man, especially if these men are from backgrounds with power and status.

Unlike the Profound Blossom Sect, where women with multiple partners are not as frowned upon, the outside world is vastly different. To the women that are not from a dual cultivating sect, whether they are from a powerful family or a common household, their purity is of their utmost importance, hence why all of them try to stay pure until they seal their future with their chosen partner.

"Why does it matter what my words mean? It still won't change the fact that I will not be accepting anyone besides Su Yang as my husband." Hong Yu'er replied in a nonchalant manner, and she continued, "However, to calm your minds — I am still pure."

Although their hearts skipped a beat at her first sentence, both the mother and father released sighs of relief upon hearing her last few words. Her being pure meant that she's not completely hopeless. Who knows, perhaps they will successfully persuade her in the future.

"Aiya… you nearly gave me a heart attack there, Yu'er…" The father said as he fanned the sweat off his face with his own hands.

Of course, Hong Yu'er did not bond with Su Yang, as Lan Liqing was obviously the first one to extract his Pure Yang Essence from him.

"However, that still does not explain your words just now." The mother said with a puzzled look.

With a bitter smile, Hong Yu'er spoke, "It's a bit complicated, and I doubt you will believe me even if I told you with a dagger to my neck."


Her parents looked at her with a bizarre look. What kind of explanation was that? However, despite their doubts and curiosity, they did not push this topic any further. The most important question in their mind had already been resolved, so there wasn't any need to continue.

Sometime later, after Hong Yu'er spoke with her family for a few more minutes, she went back to her own room, where she sat on her bed in the lotus position and closed her eyes to cultivate.




A few hours have passed since Su Yang and the two girls began making their way towards the Holy Central Continent, and ever since they left the Eastern Continent, there's been nothing but ocean water that surrounds them.

"This Four Seasons Academy… you appear to be very familiar with them. Tell me more about them." Su Yang said to Qiuyue.

"We are not that close," Qiuyue shook her head. "I once stayed in their Sect as a guest for a few days after some incident."

"As for the Sect itself, it is honestly nothing too special," she continued. "I said this before, but they are a Sect that specializes in pills and whatnot. In fact, within the entire Holy Central Continent, they are at the top when it comes to Alchemy, second to none."

"What about their overall strength?"

"They are considerably powerful if we use this world's standard. Even the weakest of their Outer Court disciples are at the True Spirit Realm whilst their most elite disciples are all above the Heavenly Spirit Realm."

"A far cry when compared to our Eastern Continent, huh? Do they have better techniques, or is it because of their location?"

Qiuyue nodded. "Not only do they have superior techniques but their continent is also filled with rich Profound Qi when compared to the other four continents," she said. "In my experience, all the other four continents have similar overall prowess. The Holy Central Continent, however, is far more advanced in both techniques and Alchemy, mostly because of the rich Profound Qi. At least that's what I figured out after circling this world for many times during my thousand years here…"

"Maybe that dog from the Heavenly Order also had something to do with why they are so ahead of everybody else." Su Yang added.

"That's very possible…" Qiuyue agreed.

"Anyway, how long until we arrive? Surely it can't be as long as that bridge in the Legacy Tomb, right?" Su Yang then asked her.

"We should be there after another hour," she quickly replied.

"Very well…"

Su Yang closed his eyes to rest. But not very long after closing his eyes, he could feel something soft pressure his legs.

He slowly opened his eyes, and right in front of his face was Xiao Rong, who had decided to sit on his lap with her body facing his way and her legs circling around his body, her sharp eyes staring directly into his eyes like she wanted to eat him up.

"What do you think you are doing?"

Before Su Yang could ask that question, Qiuyue had opened her mouth first.

However, as usual, Xiao Rong ignored Qiuyue and opened her lips to stick her small pink tongue out and began licking Su Yang in the face the next second.

"This vulgar cat…" Qiuyue silently cursed.

"Why does she seem obsessed with licking you? Are all Phantom Cats like that?" she then asked him.

"No, not to my knowledge," he replied. "As a matter of fact, Ghost Cats dislike physical contact. However, that's a characteristic only for Ghost Cats, so I cannot say the same for Phantom Cats."

A few seconds later, when Su Yang was certain that she was not going to stop anytime soon, he covered her mouth with his hands to stop her from licking his face off.

"Why do you like licking me so much? Am I tasty to you?" Su Yang said that as a joke, but to his surprise, Xiao Rong nodded.


Seeing her nod, a light suddenly lit up in his mind.


"You are able to taste the minuscule amount of Celestial Qi that is within my Profound Qi?"

Su Yang found this reasoning to make a lot of sense. After all, Ghost Cats are extremely sensitive to Profound Qi, so it wouldn't be weird if Xiao Rong was able to sense his Celestial Qi.

Additionally, not just Ghost Cats, but all beasts under heaven love rich Profound Qi, especially Celestial Qi, the highest quality of Profound Qi!

Hearing his question, Xiao Rong only showed him a puzzled expression. She did not know what Celestial Qi was. However, such a reaction was natural, as Celestial Qi is extremely rare even within the four Divine Heavens, much less this world.

Not just Xiao Rong but all living beast with a Cultivation base, just like Cultivators, require Profound Qi to grow and survive, and the stronger they become, the more Profound Qi they will need to nurture themselves.




Within the Hong Family's Residence.

"Su Yang…" Hong Yu'er mumbled to herself as her mind slowly clears itself, slowly entering a profound state of mind that was similar to slumber.

Then, inside her head, clear images of Su Yang appeared. However, there was something different about this Su Yang in her head. He was much more elegant, charming, and… mature.

Although Hong Yu'er cannot fully comprehend these visions that were flowing through her mind, she, as ridiculous as it may sound, believes it to be memories of her past life with Su Yang.

One major reason as to why she believes in such a fantasy-like imagination was due to the fact that the images in her head are just too clear to be mere dreams. His gentle voice, his sharp gazes, and even the feeling of his hands on her body… they were all just too realistic and clear, almost like she'd experienced such events herself.

However, that being said, these vision did not appear until just recently, so she has yet to fully accept it.

Are these memories inside her head just a really realistic dream? How many more of these visions will come to her? Will she ever be able to figure out the reason as to why she's seeing these things?

Hong Yu'er was both excited and anxious to find out, even scared, but nevertheless, she continued to cultivate just to see these visions, as that is the only way to make them appear.

Chapter 141 Four Seasons Academy

"So this is the Holy Central Continent, huh?"

After traveling across the Jade Sea for a little over an hour, Su Yang and the team has finally reached the shores of the Holy Central Continent.

Su Yang took a deep breath of fresh air and could already feel his Cultivation base increase slightly.

"No wonder why you say this place is a far cry when compared to the other continents. The Profound Qi here is bursting with richness; it's like comparing a garden full of fairies to a dump site for the homeless!"

"Okay, take me to this place," said Su Yang.

Qiuyue nodded and the flying boat began moving once again.

After another half an hour, they notice a tall wall with a large sign that read Four Seasons' above a steel gate.

The scent of medical herbs penetrated Su Yang's nose as soon as they got close to the place.

"Who are you? And what business do you have with our Four Seasons Academy?"

A middle-aged man wearing green and white robes appeared in front of the gate and asked them, his gaze filled with wary.

Because of Qiuyue's eye-catching flying treasure, the Four Seasons Academy noticed their arrival before they even got close.

Although the Holy Central Continent is superior in every aspect when compared to the other continents, the existence of flying treasures like Qiuyue's boat is still extremely rare, so only the rich and powerful backgrounds would have such a treasure, hence why the middle-aged man, who is an Elder of the Four Seasons Academy, came to greet them instead of the usual disciples on guard duty.

"Do not be so tense," Su Yang said with a calm expression. "We are not here to cause trouble, only for business."

"Business?" The Sect Elder expressed a puzzled expression. He was not aware of any ongoing business for the Sect at the moment, so where did this lot come from?

"What business are you talking about? I don't recall my Four Seasons Sect doing business with anyone at this moment," asked the middle-aged man.

Su Yang smiled and retrieved a paper scroll that he'd written during his travel from the pockets of his robe and tossed it to the middle-aged man.

"Show this to your Patriarch and let him know that Su Yang is here to see him!" he said as he threw the paper scroll.

The middle-aged man caught the scroll, but he didn't open it to read its contents. Instead, he looked at Su Yang with a weird expression.

"Patriarch? We don't have a Patriarch here..."

The Sect Elder's words dumbfounded Su Yang, and his head snapped to look at Qiuyue with a gaze that demanded an explanation.

"The one in control of the Four Season Academy is a woman…" she said in a nonchalant voice.

"Aiya! You couldn't have said that before we arrived? I just made a fool out of myself!" Su Yang sighed loudly.

"Well… you did not ask…"


Su Yang turned speechless.

He then turned to face the Sect Elder with a bright smile and said, "My apologies, let me correct myself. I came here to see your Matriarch, so show her that paper in your hand."

"Why should I do that? Who are you people, anyway? What business do you have with our Matriarch? She does not have the time to play with children!"

The Sect Elder quickly refused to listen to Su Yang. After all, in his eyes, they were just a bunch of children that came out of nowhere demanding for their Matriarch's attention. Where do they think they are? The playground?

"If you are only here to play around, then I suggest you leave before any problem arises!"

The Sect Elder continued to press them.

Su Yang shook his head at how quickly this Elder refused to listen to them without even looking at the paper.

"Are you sure you want us to leave without looking at the contents of that paper? Who knows, maybe whatever is written inside that scroll has the potential to greatly affect your Sect's future, even changing the way you all see Alchemy entirely…"

"What nonsense!" The Sect Elder suddenly shouted, clearly a bit angry. "Who do you think you are to talk about Alchemy in front of the Four Seasons Academy?! Our expertise in Alchemy is already recognized and approved by every soul in this continent — second to none! Yet a nobody child like you without any background actually dared to come here talking as if you can change the way we look at Alchemy with just a mere piece of paper?! How conceited of you!"

The Four Seasons Academy sat at the top of Alchemy since its founding days with no other Sect getting anywhere close to their proficiency and skills in the field of Alchemy, so it was only natural for this Sect Elder to be mad at Su Yang's seemingly arrogant words.

Not even one of the other three Holy Sects would dare to say something as arrogant as 'change the way you see Alchemy' to the Four Seasons Academy, much less a child without any background!

"Get lost before I lose control of myself, you brat!"

The Sect Elder already showed great restraint by not slapping Su Yang in the face at this point, mostly because of his mysterious background.

"Very well, but I hope you won't regret this decision after we leave…" Su Yang calmly turned to Qiuyue and continued, "Let's go."

"Are you sure? What about the Soul Divination Pill?"

"It'll be fine," Su Yang smiled. "They will come to find me once they see the contents of that scroll."

Hearing his confident voice, Qiuyue couldn't help but believe them. "However, what if he throws it away before reading it?"

"There are plenty of other ways to get their attention."

"If you say so…"

The flying boat turned around and carried Su Yang and the others away, quickly disappearing from the Four Seasons Academy.

"W-What ludicrous speed that treasure has!" The middle-aged man's eyes widened with bafflement, thinking to himself that he made the right choice by not attacking them outright from anger.

A few moments later, the Sect Elder looked at the scroll in his hands and coldly snorted.

Although he didn't want to read the contents, his curiosity got the best of him.

When he opened the scroll and read the first few words, his eyes widened with shock and disbelief.

"T-T-This is—! I must show this to the Matriarch!" He thought to himself as he returned to the Sect, nearly tripping on his own robes.

Chapter 142 If You Are Not Careful, I Might End up Also Consuming You!

"Where should we go from here?" Qiuyue asked Su Yang after they left the Four Seasons Academy.

"Anywhere that will allow them to find us easily," Su Yang casually replied.

"If I recall correctly, Father enjoys drinking wine, right? Although it cannot compare to the wines available in the Four Divine Heavens, it should be just enough to quench your thirst."

"Hmm? You are inviting me to drink wine? If you are not careful, I might end up also consuming you! Hahaha!" Su Yang burst out laughing.


Qiuyue looked speechless, but deep inside, she was wishing for it to actually happen!




"Matriarch! Matriarch!"

The middle-aged man that received the paper scroll from Su Yang rushed to the meeting hall, where the Matriarch and many other high profile Sect Elders are currently gathered.

"Which ill-mannered disciple is causing such a ruckus outside while knowing that there was going to be an important meeting today?" One of the individuals from inside the meeting hall said with a frown on his face.

Bang! The door to the meeting hall suddenly opened, and the middle-aged man came rushing inside.

"Who dares to barge in here without permission?! Prepare for your punishment!" Another individual shouted.

"Wait… Elder Deng? Are you out of your mind? What do you think you are doing, acting like this?"

When the people in the meeting hall finally realized who the troublemaker was, they all gasped with shock.

How could a Sect Elder act in such a misbehaving manner, much less Elder Deng, one of the Great Elders?

"I-I know! But this is urgent! Matriarch, please, look at this!"

Elder Deng ignored the other individuals in the room and directly approached the old woman sitting at the end of the room.

"I sure hope that this urgency of yours is worth interrupting our meeting…"

The Matriarch casually grabbed the scroll and opened it to read the contents.

However, two words into the scroll, the Matriarch's eyes widened with shock and even stood from her seat.

"T-This is—! Where did you get this?! Tell me!" The Matriarch stared at Elder Deng with narrowed eyes filled with killing intent, and the Profound Qi of a Sovereign Spirit Realm expert pressured the room.

When the others in the room saw this, they looked at the situation with fearful expressions. What happened? What was in the scroll that caused the usually calm Matriarch to get all rowdy?

Startled, Elder Deng spoke in a hasty manner, "T-T-There was this group of children! They approached the Sect and asked me to pass this scroll to the Matriarch!"

"A group of children? What did they want?"

"They said something about doing business!"

"Business? What else?"

"T-That was all they told me…"

The Matriarch collected her Profound Qi back into her body and sat back down with a pondering expression.

"When did this happen?" she then asked him.

"Just now." Elder Deng immediately replied, not daring to delay the answer for even a second.

"Are they still out there? Bring them to me right now!"


Elder Deng instantly turned silent and stood there like a stone statue. Bring them to her? Bring who? The people he'd already chased away before reporting to her?

"Why are you still standing there? Did you not hear my words just now?" The Matriarch asked him with a frown.

"M-Matriarch… these individuals you speak of… they have already left," said Elder Deng, his back filled with cold sweat.

"What?! You allowed them to leave even after seeing this paper?! Are you stupid?!" The settled Matriarch suddenly turned agitated once again.

"I-I thought they were only here to fool around, so I sent them away before actually reading the contents of the scroll. They were only kids, after all."

Elder Deng explained everything that had happened to everyone else in the room.


The Matriarch turned silent after listening to him, and her anger was even subdued.

"I understand," she suddenly said. "You are not to be blamed for your actions, as I'm certain that everyone in this room would've reacted the same way if they were in your shoes, and I apologize for acting up; that was not very professional of me."

"There's no need for the Matriarch to apologize to this disciple! I also should've been more patient with them before chasing them away!" Elder Deng bowed to her with respect.

"Matriarch, if you don't mind me asking, what is the content of that scroll?"

An old man with a similar age to the Matriarch suddenly asked the question that was in everybody's mind.

The Matriarch sighed and said, "The content of this scroll is nothing new to everyone here, but that's exactly why it is concerning…"

"It is nothing new to everyone here?"

The Elders were still puzzled.

"See for yourself," said the Matriarch as she tossed the scroll to the old man.

"This is! This is impossible!"

The old man's almost closed eyes widened the moment he read the scroll. He then looked around the room at every single individual there with doubt in his gaze.

"Stop right there," the Matriarch suddenly said. "I can tell what you are thinking right now, but I trust everyone in this room as the Matriarch and as fellow disciples, not to mention that the contents to the scroll already exceeds the knowledge of everyone here, so it's impossible for anyone of us to have leaked it outside."

After a moment of silence, the old man nodded and said, "I understand. I apologize for doubting you all."

The other Elders exchanged puzzled looks with each other. In the end, what is the content of the scroll?

"Here, take a look at this…"

The old man then opened the scroll in a way so everyone in the room could read it.

[Soul Divination Pill Recipe…]


Everyone in the room shouted simultaneously.

"How is that possible?! We have been researching the Soul Divination Pill's recipe for generations now and have never spoken to anyone about our findings!"

"Wait! How do we know it's real? It can be fake for all we know—"

"It's highly unlikely that this is fake." The Matriarch shook her head. "I also thought the same at first, but if you haven't noticed already, the recipe here has the exact same material as our research… and more…"

"You are right! Then this is really…"

"What's important right now isn't this paper but the person who wrote it. We must find these individuals immediately and find out what they want from us! Elder Deng, you will assist us in this, correct?"

"Of course!" Elder Deng quickly replied.

"Good! As for this meeting, we will continue at a later date. Does anyone here disagree?"

After a moment of silence, the Matriarch nodded. "Very well. Then this concludes the meeting!"

"Yes, Matriarch!"

Chapter 143 Nine Spring Hall

After leaving the Four Seasons Academy, Qiuyue led Su Yang to a luxuriously decorated nine-story pagoda inside a city near the Four Seasons Academy.

"This is the Nine Spring Hall, one of the most famous places to dine in the continent," Qiuyue introduced the place to Su Yang. "From common dishes to foods filled with Profound Qi, you can taste all of them in here."

"There are nine floors in the Nine Spring Hall with each floor serving different qualities of food, and at the most upper floor, they serve the best food that even money cannot buy."

"The first five floors are essentially the same, and the next three floors are mostly for influential people. As for the ninth floor, only people like Sect Masters or Family Heads are allowed to step foot inside."

"Hmm… then how far up do you think we will be allowed?" Su Yang asked.

"If we show them enough money, then we should be able to sit on the sixth floor. Also, although the quality increases as you eat on the higher floors, there's really not much difference, or else this place wouldn't be this famous."

Su Yang looked into his storage ring to see a little over 700 spirit stones inside. Although that is a lot of wealth in the Eastern Continent, it may not be worth a fart here in the Holy Central Continent.

"Ah, whatever. It won't matter which floor we end up on, we won't be here for long, anyway."

Before entering the Nine Spring Hall, one of the workers there approached them with a welcoming smile.

"How many will be dining today?"

The pretty lady asked them.

"Three." Su Yang said.

"Very well. Do you have any reservations?"


"Then do you have a recommendation?"


"May I ask for your surname?"



The pretty lady looked a bit surprised.

"Is there something wrong?"

Su Yang was puzzled by her reaction to his surname. Perhaps there is also another influential family here with the same surname as him?

"N-No, there is nothing wrong. But if I may, can I ask you if you know—"

"Ahem!" Qiuyue suddenly cleared her throat in a loud manner and spoke in a cold voice, "Excuse me, but I am starving. If you don't mind, can we enter already? We don't have all day to answer your questions."

Su Yang looked at her with a dumbfounded gaze. What was that all about?

Although a bit dazed by her sudden interruption, the pretty lady still quickly answered, "I apologize for the wait, but in order to ensure the best experience for our valued customers, we have to confirm their—"

"There's no need for you to confirm our identity because we are just a group of ordinary people with a lot of money to spend." Qiuyue interrupted her again. "Any floor will do."

After hearing her words, the pretty lady showed a smile and said, "It seems like this valued customer has been here before. Very well. Please take this card and enter."

The pretty lady handed a yellow card to Su Yang and no longer bothered them.

"This is?" Su Yang asked Qiuyue.

"This yellow card will allow us to go as high as five floors."

Su Yang nodded and said, "Lead the way."

They entered the Nine Spring Hall shortly later, and another worker approached them upon seeing the yellow card in Su Yang's hands.

"Excuse me, valued guests, but all of the rooms for the first five floors are already occupied. If you don't mind waiting here, please relax in the waiting room over there, or else you can return at a later time."


The place instantly turned quiet.

"What now?" Su Yang asked Qiuyue, who looked a bit irritated at the situation.

"Please wait a moment…"

After saying that, Qiuyue began searching her storage ring.

A few seconds later, she pulls out a jade slip and tosses it at the worker.

"Are there any free rooms now?" she asked the worker in a cold tone.

"I'm sorry, but this—"

The worker spoke as she lowered her head to look at the jade slip.

"T-T-This is—!"

The worker suddenly looked shocked, almost as if she was a commoner holding precious gold.

Then, with a cynical expression, she asked Qiuyue, "W-Where did you get this? If this is fake—"

"Use your brain! Do you think anyone would dare to forge a fake recommendation with her name on it?!"

Hearing her words, the worker bowed and apologized, "Please wait a moment while I have a word with my superior! In the meantime, valued guests may wait in any one of the free rooms on the eighth floor that is to your liking!" After saying that, the worker turned and ran off to somewhere with the jade slip in her hand, leaving Su Yang puzzled at what had just happened.

"What did you just give her?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Just a recommendation from someone I know here," she vaguely replied.

"You couldn't have shown that to the lady outside just now? That would've made things much more simple." He shook his head. "And I didn't realize this until now since you have been the same Qiuyue that I knew from back then, but have you been living the past few hundred years with that cold attitude? It reminds me of the first time we met here. Ah, how did that docile little girl turn into such a cold woman?"

Qiuyue smiled bitterly at his words. "Maybe getting chased around the world had something to do with it? If I had remained the same, I wouldn't have been able to escape from the Sacred Moon Palace, let alone meet with you again in this vast universe."


Su Yang turned silent for a moment. Of course, she would change after getting chased around the world by her own family, not to mention spending hundreds of years alone in a world that she has no connections to — it would be much weirder if she didn't change after all these ordeals!

"Come on, let's head to the eighth floor." However, Qiuyue did not show any signs of resentment towards Su Yang for his inconsiderate remarks. Instead, she was just happy that they are together now.

"Un." Su Yang quietly nodded.

"You really are a grown woman now, huh?" he thought inwardly as he followed her upstairs.

Chapter 144 Three Ancient Academy

Upon reaching the eighth floor, they were greeted by a long hallway with eight rooms. Three of these rooms were already occupied, leaving five free rooms, so Qiuyue randomly picked one and approached it, followed by Su Yang and Xiao Rong.

Out of the three occupied room, one of them left the door open, and a large group of young men and women could be seen dining happily when Su Yang passed through their room, their appearance suggesting that they were disciples from the same place.

Naturally, when Su Yang noticed the group of disciples, they also noticed him.

"Who are they? I don't recognize them nor their robes, but since they are able to eat on the eighth floor, they must be from some influential background."

One of the disciples said in a wondering voice when he couldn't recognize Su Yang's group even a little bit, which is extremely rare considering that they should be famous if they were to eat on the same floor as them.

"Do any of you recognize them?" The disciple proceeded to ask the others.

The other disciples quickly shook their heads. None of them were able to recognize Su Yang's group.

"What? How can someone with the ability to enter this floor not be recognized by any of us?"

The mysterious appearance of Su Yang's group quickly piqued these young adults' curiosity.

"Why don't one of us go and talk to them?" One of them suddenly suggested.

"That's a great idea! But… who will go?"

They all exchanged glances. Clearly, none of them wanted to be the one to greet Su Yang's group, seemingly afraid of the unknown.

"Stop this nonsense." A stern voice suddenly resounded from the end of the table. "We are here today to celebrate senior apprentice-sister Wu's acceptance as the Prime disciple, not to bother strangers that have nothing to do with us."

The disciples turned to look at the handsome young man who'd just spoke, then to the beautiful young lady beside him with apologetic looks, "You're right, we didn't come here to fool around. Senior apprentice-sister Wu, we didn't mean it... sorry..."

"I don't mind." The beautiful young lady surnamed Wu said with a smile, and she continued. "As a matter of fact, I also find it interesting…"

Her words dumbfounded the disciples there. She found it 'interesting'? The disciples there were well aware of how little things their senior apprentice-sister Wu actually find 'interesting'. As a matter of fact, she would normally show no interest in anything that was not Cultivation!

The handsome young man beside her looked at her with wide eyes. He's known her for many years but this is his first time seeing her express interest in something that was not Cultivation techniques, much less another human being!

"That young man with the green robes… I wonder what his name might be?" Senior apprentice-sister Wu suddenly mumbled in a low voice that was heard by everyone.


The disciples stared at her with dumbfounded eyes, their mouths wide with shock.

"S-Senior apprentice-sister Wu… are you okay? Did you perhaps drink too much Spirit Wine?" The handsome man beside her asked in a trembling voice.

"Perhaps I did drink too much, hence why my body is feeling warmer than usual…"

Senior apprentice-sister Wu suddenly stood up and approached the door. "You wanted someone to talk to them, right? I'll go."

Immediately after saying those words, senior apprentice-sister Wu walked out of the room, shocking everybody there numb.

"S-Senior apprentice-sister Wu… is she interested in that young man just now?" One of the disciples asked out loud in a doubting voice.

"Impossible!!!" The handsome young man suddenly exclaimed with anger, his face looking like he was going to eat whoever said those words. "How dare you even think that?! To disrespect her like that!"

Startled by his outburst, the disciple who just spoke quickly apologized with his forehead touching the floor, "I apologize, senior apprentice-brother Zhang, for my immature thoughts just now!"

"Hmph! Get out of my face!" Senior apprentice-brother Zhang coldly snorted, and the disciple swiftly left the scene without even daring to look back.


The place instantly turned silent, and the happy atmosphere disappeared instantly, replaced by a gloomy feeling.

After a few more seconds, the handsome young man spoke, "I will also go with senior apprentice-sister Wu."

When senior apprentice-brother Zhang left the room, the disciples there released sighs of relief.

"Senior apprentice-brother Zhang is only jealous that senior apprentice-sister showed interest in another man whilst never showing him any despite always sticking to her like some pet," complained one of the disciples.


Many people there quickly hushed whoever said those words just now.

"Do you want to die?! Don't you dare say such things again if you want to continue being a disciple of the Sect!"

"Yeah! And it'll even affect us later on!"

A few seconds later, one of them suddenly asked, "Does anyone else want to go?"


That question was answered by the sheer silence in the room.




Inside the room picked by Qiuyue, Su Yang casually sat by the window enjoying the gentle breeze. He then turned to look at the door with a calm expression.

Qiuyue and Xiao Rong also followed him and looked at the empty entrance, seemingly waiting for something.

A few seconds after they turned to look at the door, the figure of a beautiful young lady showed up in front of their door with her face slightly red.

"You do not look like a worker here," Qiuyue was the first to open her mouth. "What do you want?"

"My name is Wu Jinjing, a disciple of the Holy Sword Academy," she calmly replied despite Qiuyue's cold tone.

"Holy Sword Academy?" Qiuyue raised an eyebrow after learning of her background.

"What does someone from one of the Three Ancient Academy want from us?" she wondered to herself.

"Yes, have you heard of us?" Wu Jinjing continued to act humble, even purposefully avoiding her status.

"Of course, I have heard of the Holy Sword Academy, one of the Three Ancient Academy alongside the Four Seasons Academy and the Tyrant Physique Academy, but what does someone from such a background want from us?"

Hearing Qiuyue speaks the names of the Three Ancient Academy casually like she doesn't even put them in her eyes, Wu Jinjing's interest in them grew greatly.

Chapter 145 Even If I Request for You to Warm My Bed?

"There's no need to be wary," Wu Jinjing said in a calming tone to Qiuyue, who was clearly suspicious of her approach. "I only came here to greet you all, since there are very few people in this continent that can enter the eighth floor that I do not recognize, and my fellow disciples are also fairly curious."

"However, your background does not matter to me. Instead…"

At this point, Wu Jinjing ignored Qiuyue and turned to look at Su Yang with eyes that were seemingly filled with awe.

"You are clearly only at the True Spirit Realm, yet…" Wu Jinjing's eyes glittered like she was looking at someone she respected.

"Hoh? You can see it?" Su Yang eyebrows raised slightly, and he showed a handsome smile, his interest piqued.

Qiuyue looked at him with a puzzled expression. What was he talking about?

"Yes, I can see it. Something as amazing as that… how could I miss it?"

"How old are you?" Su Yang then asked.


"Quite young, huh? Your parents must be proud of you."

Wu Jinjing nodded.

"I didn't think someone like you would exist in this place, but I guess even a place like this has their own talented individuals."

"I will congratulate you since what you are seeing is not something one can see with just a high Cultivation base." After a moment of silence, Su Yang continued, "That being said… what do you want from me? If you are only here to admire me, then quickly admire me and leave."

Qiuyue was dumbfounded by how the situation had progressed. What was even happening? What could this Wu Jinjing see about him that she couldn't?

"How dare you speak to her like that! Who do you think you are?!"

An irritated voice suddenly resounded, and a handsome young man wearing robes with the same design but different color as Wu Jinjing appeared.

Su Yang looked at this newcomer with raised eyebrows and spoke in a nonchalant voice, "Where did this horny dog come from? Is he with you?"

"Horn—?! What did you just call me, you bastard!?"

"Junior apprentice-brother Zhang, please step back." Wu Jinjing said to him in a cold voice. She was clearly unhappy about his appearance.

"But senior apprentice-sister Wu! The way this bastard speak to you is full of disrespect and arrogance like he's above you! Does he even know who he's looking at?!"

"I will not repeat myself." Wu Jinjing frowned, causing the handsome young man to shiver uncontrollably before stepping back to stand behind her. "Step down if you do not want to die."

"I apologize for my fellow disciple's disrespectful act just now…" Wu Jinjing then bowed to Su Yang and apologized with a sincere voice.

This action of hers greatly shocked the young man surnamed Zhang behind her. He has never heard of Wu Jinjing acting in such a manner before, much less witness it with his very eyes. It seemed almost as if she was revering that man?! Impossible! Not his senior apprentice-sister Wu!

"As for your question before…" Wu Jinjing's gaze turned serious at this moment, looking like she was ready to engage in a battle. "May I politely ask to experience it personally?"

"Are you serious?" Su Yang calmly asked.

"Do I look like I am joking to you?" The air around Wu Jinjing began to stir with excitement. "As a disciple of the Holy Sword—No... As a master of the sword, it would be disrespectful to my sword if I keep it sheathed even after meeting someone like you…" Wu Jinjing rubbed the storage ring on her finger and retrieved a steel sword with a red blade.

"The Demon Slaying Sword!"

The young man surnamed Zhang instantly recognized the sword in Wu Jinjing's grasp. It was her most treasured and powerful sword in her sword collection, and it was something that she'd only be willing to bring out during important events in her life.

"What is the meaning of this? Why did senior apprentice-sister Wu suddenly bring out the Demon Slaying Sword? Is she planning to fight this man? Even though he's only at the True Spirit Realm? Even after telling me to step down?" The young man behind Wu Jinjing was bewildered beyond anything he's experienced in his life, feeling like the world he knew had just flipped upside down.

"A master of the sword, you say…" Su Yang chuckled. "Although I'll give it to you for being able to see the natural Sword Qi surrounding me, you are still nowhere near being a real Swordmaster!"

Although Wu Jinjing may be recognized as a Swordmaster by even the experts of this world, she was still too green to be considered a true Swordmaster in his eyes! Compared to the Swordmasters in the Divine Heavens, she was not any different than someone who'd just picked up the sword for the first time in their life!

Wu Jinjing bit her lips after hearing his words that disregarded her title that she held with pride, but she didn't refute him — she couldn't — not when the individual in front of her was surrounded by a frighteningly amount of Sword Qi!

When an individual reaches a certain level with their respectful weapon, they will start to emit a special kind of Qi related to that weapon, such as Su Yang emitting Sword Qi because he'd reached such a level with the sword.

However, Sword Qi should not be confused with Sword Intent, as Sword Intent could only be manifested through sheer experience while Sword Qi will naturally grow as an aura through one's insight with the sword.

"A peak Heavenly Spirit Realm such as yourself challenging someone at the early True Spirit Realm… do you have no shame?" Qiuyue looked at Wu Jinjing with a frown.

"True Spirit Realm? Only a fool would be fooled by such a disguise when he's surrounded by Sword Qi that even surpasses the Sword Qi emitted by the Patriarch of my Sect!"

"A disguise, huh…" Su Yang smiled.

Because of the powerful Sword Qi that surrounded Su Yang, Wu Jinjing did not believe that Su Yang was only at the True Spirit Realm.

"I don't mind letting you experience my sword, but what do I get from it? I'd rather not waste my energy if I don't have to, especially if it's only to entertain some little girl."

It would be tiring even for him if he uses even more than half of his Sword Intent's full potential with his pitifully weak Cultivation base.

"Little girl…"

Nobody has ever addressed her in such a manner before, but for some odd reason, Wu Jinjing did not feel insulted by it.

"If you can satisfy me with it, then I will let you request anything from me," she said a moment later.

"Anything?" Su Yang remained calm and asked, "Even if I request for you to warm my bed?"

"You bastard! What nonsense are you—!"

"I don't mind." Wu Jinjing suddenly interrupted the enraged Zhang.

"Hoh?" Su Yang did not expect her to answer him so quickly, and in such a calm manner, at that.

He then stood up and stretched his arms like he was asking for something, "Do you have a sword I can borrow? The ones I have will not do it." Su Yang said with a smile.

Chapter 146 Let's Start by Removing Your Dirty Clothes

"A Swordmaster of your caliber does not have a sword of his own? What kind of joke is this?" Wu Jinjing frowned.

Su Yang smiled, and he replied in a calm manner, "A place of this caliber, do I even to bring my sword?"

Wu Jinjing's eyes widened. What kind of individual does not put even the Holy Central Continent in his eyes?

"Fine, I will lend you a sword…"

After saying that, Wu Jinjing pulled out another sword from her storage ring. Although it could not compare to the Demon Slaying Sword, it was not too far behind it in terms of quality.

"The Black Crystal Sword!"

Her junior apprentice-disciple Zhang recognized this sword in a heartbeat. It was Wu Jinjing's favorite sword before obtaining the Demon Slaying Sword! Although it may be not as powerful as the Demon Slaying Sword, it held an important place within Wu Jinjing's heart simply because of the memories she made with it!

Su Yang casually accepted the sword. "This should be good enough."

He then turned to Qiuyue and spoke, "Create a defensive formation in this room around the two of us. I don't want to turn this city into rubbles."


Both Wu Jinjing and disciple Zhang looked dumbfounded by his words. Turn the city into rubbles? Is that even possible? What does he think this city is made of? Dirt?

Qiuyue nodded and waved her finger around in an artistic fashion, almost like she was drawing in the air.

A few seconds later, a large semi-transparent box that had the thickness of a foot encased both Su Yang and Wu Jinjing, separating them and everyone else in the room.

"What a thick barrier!"

Wu Jinjing has never seen such a powerful defensive formation before. She looked at Qiuyue, who appeared ordinary in both appearance and atmosphere, with a new light. Now that she thought about it, there's no possible way that an ordinary girl would be following around someone like Su Yang.

But why can't she see her Cultivation base even now? Could she be at a level which even she, a peak Heavenly Spirit Realm master, cannot sense? This room is filled with nothing but crazy individuals that she cannot comprehend!

Who are they really? And how are they not recognized by the world yet?

"What is this weak thing?" Su Yang shook his head upon seeing the defensive formation. "Are you also underestimating me just because of my Cultivation base?"

Qiuyue looked at him with wide eyes. Underestimating him? Is he saying that this defensive barrier that could effortlessly block even an attack made by someone at the Sovereign Spirit Realm won't be able to handle his strike at the True Spirit Realm?

And just as she prepared to strengthen the formation, Su Yang raised his hand telling her to stop, and said, "Forget it, this will do."

He then turned to face Wu Jinjing. "Are you ready?" he asked.

Wu Jinjing strengthened her grip on the sword and nodded in a serious manner.

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu! You don't have to do this!"

Disciple Zhang shouted from behind the thick barrier, but alas, Wu Jinjing did not even bother to answer him, completely ignoring his existence.

Su Yang smiled, and he said, "One strike — if you can still stand after taking one strike from me, I will consider this your win."

Wu Jinjing's eyes sharpened upon hearing his arrogant words. "One strike? Although I respect your Sword Qi, aren't you underestimating me too much? Even if you are at the Sovereign Spirit Realm, you won't be able to defeat me with one strike."

Still, with a smile on his face, Su Yang said, "Don't misunderstand, I am not trying to just defeat you."

"What do you mean by that?" Wu Jinjing asked with a frown. She's starting to have an ominous about this

The atmosphere in the room suddenly darkened, and killing intent began emitting from Su Yang's body.

"You…" Realizing the meaning behind his words, Wu Jinjing's eyes widened.

Without saying another word, Su Yang closed his eyes and started to slowly lift the sword in his hands until it was above his head, looking like he wanted to chop logs, and the aura surrounding him grew stronger with every second along with the pressure within the formation growing increasingly denser.

Wu Jinjing tightened her grip on the sword even more, even beginning to sweat a little just from the tension alone.

However, Su Yang did not move even after many moments, seemingly frozen in that position.

After a few more seconds, he slowly opened his eyes, but the color of his eyes was no longer black but gold. Additionally, a crazy amount of Sword Intent exploded from his body and quickly filled the formation!

"What is this feeling?" Wu Jinjing could feel an otherworldly feeling around Su Yang, but she couldn't comprehend this feeling no matter how hard she tried. It felt like looking at something that was out of this world — something that did not belong in this world, almost like a celestial being of sorts.

"Don't die, little girl."

Just as he finished saying those words, the sword in his hand began to generate black flames with tiny lights flickering within the darkness like the starry sky, until the entire sword was fully engulfed by the black flame.

Before Su Yang even begun swinging down the sword, the defensive formation created by Qiuyue was already trembling due to the sheer energy being emitted by the sword!

"T-This is?!"

Wu Jinjing's eyes widened with shock upon feeling the tyrannical power being released by the sword that surpasses any technique she's ever witnessed before and instantly came to the conclusion that she will definitely not be able to block such a powerful attack!

'W-Wait! If you attack me with that—"

Before Wu Jinjing could finish her sentence, the sword bursting with energy in Su Yang hands was already chopping down towards her direction.

"First Asura Secret, Heaven Consuming Strike!" Su Yang swung the sword with all his might, and an arc of light covered in flickering black flames was released from the sword and flew towards the petrified Wu Jinjing.

"I'm dead!"

Forget about blocking the incoming projectile, Wu Jinjing was so terrified by the pressure coming from the sword that she was unable to move her body, causing her to stand there like a stone statue waiting for her demise!

The black flames exploded upon impact and filled the entire defensive formation with black flames, blocking any vision from the outside.

Additionally, the defensive formation that could block even an all-out attack from a Sovereign Spirit Realm expert began to crack with lines everywhere, dumbfounding Qiuyue, who truly did not expect the impact to be this powerful.

If Su Yang had used this attack without the defensive formation, it would not be too surprising if it destroyed half of the city.

And if one were to look at the sky now, they would notice that all the clouds in the sky had dispersed for some reason, looking almost like someone had split it apart.

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu!"

Disciple Zhang's face paled and exclaimed with shock.

"Y-Y-You bastards! What did you do to her?! If anything happens to her, the entire Holy Sword Academy will be after your heads!" he turned to Qiuyue and yelled.

Qiuyue ignored him and remained silent, but she was pretty sure that even a master like Wu Jinjing would not be able to survive an attack at that scale.

After a few more moments of anxious waiting for disciple Zhang, he finally noticed that the black flames were beginning to disappear.

Once all of the black flames were gone and they were able to see inside the barrier, disciple Zhang's anxious trembling came to a stop.

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu!"

He was ecstatic to see her still alive!

Indeed, Wu Jinjing was still breathing! And beside her robes being a little dirty and torn, she was seemingly unharmed in any way!

However, she was sitting on the floor with her butt, and her dazed face was as pale as sheets. And if one looked closely, they would be able to see a dark area at the bottom of her robes!

The experience was so terrifying that she, a peak Heaven Spirit Realm expert, had uncontrollably pissed herself!

As for Su Yang, he was standing there with a calm expression looking peaceful as always.

He looked at the Heaven-grade 'sword' in his hands and spoke in an apologetic tone. "It seems like the sword wasn't able to handle my sword technique turned into fragments."

"W-Why did you miss on purpose?" Wu Jinjing ignored her beloved treasure being destroyed and asked Su Yang, her voice a bit shaky from the shock.

If Su Yang hadn't adjusted the swing before releasing the black flame, her body most definitely would have turned into charcoal, maybe even erased from existence itself.

"You wouldn't be able to warm my bed if I really killed you, right?" he casually replied with a smile.


After a moment of silence, Wu Jinjing lowered her head with a defeated smile on her face.

"I lost," she mumbled. "Miserably, too."

She then stood up and lowered the upper half of her body to deeply bow to Su Yang.

"Thank you for opening my eyes. If not for you, my love for the sword may have been limited by my experience," she said, her voice filled with admiration.

After saying that, Wu Jinjing raised her head and looked at Su Yang in the eyes with a serious expression.

"As for your request, please, allow me to warm your bed." Wu Jinjing spoke with sincerity.

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu?!"

Disciple Zhang cried out loud, sounding like he just witnessed his love stolen from him.

"There's no need for you to take his request so seriously! You don't have to listen to him!" he continued to try to persuade her.

Without looking back, Wu Jinjing said calmly, "Although it may not seem like it, I am not doing this because of his request. A Swordmaster of his caliber… even if he didn't ask, I would willingly offer myself to him."

"Senior apprentice-sister Wu!"

Disciple Zhang looked desperate, even more so than he was just moments ago when the barrier was filled with black flames.

Wu Jinjing no longer bothered with him and continued to look at Su Yang, "When do you want my service?" she suddenly asked.

Su Yang smiled and quickly replied, "I happen to have a lot of time right now."

"Now?" Wu Jinjing repeated with a look of surprise.

"Why, are you scared of doing it here?"

"It's not that…" Wu Jinjing blushed at this point for the first time. "I am a little dirty right now."

When she said dirty, she was referring to peeing herself by accident.

"I don't mind it." Su Yang continued to smile.

Wu Jinjing turned silent.

After another moment of thinking, she finally said, "If you say so…"

Wu Jinjing then turned around glared at her fellow disciple and said in a calm voice yet threatening voice, "You may leave this room."


"Get out of my face!" she unknowingly repeated the words he said to the other disciple.

Seeing the killing intent in her eyes, disciple Zhang reluctantly left the room.

As for Su Yang, he only looked at Qiuyue with a smile without saying anything.

"You perverted barbarian…" Qiuyue growled as she left the room in a grumpy manner.

After Qiuyue left the room, Su Yang looked at Xiao Rong, who'd been silently watching the entire time without a clue as to what's going on.

"Go play."

Hearing that, Xiao Rong happily left the Nine Spring Hall to explore this new continent.

Once those that did not belong left, Wu Jinjing slammed the door shut and turned to face Su Yang, silently waiting for him to move.

Although she looked calm on the surface, her heart was actually beating crazily. She was still a maiden, after all.

"Let's start by removing your dirty clothes," Su Yang said, still with a calm expression.

Wu Jinjing nodded and began loosening her robes, letting them drop on the floor.

Chapter 147 Can I Bear Your Child? 18+

Once Wu Jinjing was completely naked, Su Yang feasted his eyes upon her beautiful body like he was looking at a delicious meal.

She had a sculpted figure which was like an hourglass. Her waist was narrow and she had a blushing complexion. Her delicate skin was silky smooth and pale as white jade. A pair of scrumptious-looking breasts topped with erected pink tips, and her fair hands were slightly covering the lips between her legs.

However, even when facing such a mouth-watering scene, Su Yang remained calm and still. If it was anyone else beside Su Yang seeing her bare body, they would've already pounced on her like a dog during the mating season.

"As expected someone who'd trained with the sword, your body is—"

In the middle of his sentence, Su Yang suddenly staggered backward and coughed up a mouthful of blood, staining the floor with fresh blood.

"?!" Wu Jinjing's eyes widened upon seeing him cough up blood. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

"I am fine." Su Yang quickly wiped the blood from his lips and said while waving his hand.

"What happened?"

"It's the result of trying a little too hard to impress a girl," he still managed to smile despite his body hurting all over the place at this moment.

Although he looked perfectly fine on the outside, his inner body was a mess. Su Yang knew that there would be a backlash for using such a powerful sword technique at his Cultivation level beforehand, but he didn't expect it to be this bad.

"If you aren't feeling well, we can wait until you are in a better shape…" Wu Jinjing suggested, worrying that he might be pushing himself too hard. She's starting to develop affection for him but is still unaware of it.

"No, I'll be fine," he replied. "In fact, this is exactly what I need right now for a fast recovery."

After a moment of silence, Wu Jinjing nodded. "If you say so…"

"With that said, why don't you come over here so we can begin?" Su Yang pointed to the large table beside him.

Once Wu Jinjing was beside him, Su Yang positioned her on the table, laying the upper half of her body down with her hair spread across the table like some silky tablecloth.

"Um… this is my first time… so…" Wu Jinjing mumbled in a sweet innocent voice.

Su Yang smiled and said, "Just relax and let me do all the work."

After saying those words, Su Yang traced her soft skin with his slim fingers, sending shivers down Wu Jinjing's spine.

He gently touched her from the center of her chest, slowly moving down to her nether region.


A surprised sound escaped from Wu Jinjing's mouth the moment she felt something gently touch her most private area that has never been touched by another individual until today.

Once Su Yang could feel the soft lips between her long legs, he began massaging it.


Wu Jinjing began moaning in pleasure shortly after Su Yang started massaging her with his godly finger techniques, her voice echoing in every corner of the room.

"Making this much noise, are you not afraid of the others hearing you?" Su Yang asked her in a teasing voice whilst thrusting her wet cave with his fingers.

Wu Jinjing covered her mouth once he mentioned the others. She'd been so engrossed by his heavenly techniques that she'd forgotten that they were not in a private room but inside a restaurant and that her shameful voice could be easily heard!

However, after thinking about it, she's been quite loud for some time now, so there was no point in silencing herself now.

With that in mind, Wu Jinjing quickly removed her hands and continued to let her pleasure be heard by everyone.

"How daring." Su Yang smiled and increased the intensity of his technique, even pressing his mouth against her gorgeous breast.

A few seconds later, Wu Jinjing could feel her body shivering uncontrollably, feeling like she was going to pee again.


Wu Jinjing's body suddenly lifted from the table slightly and immediately started spraying water uncontrollably from her twitching pink hole.

The sparkling water sprayed meters into the distance and would not stop even after many seconds. Wu Jinjing was afraid that she would never stop cumming at one point, even covering her face in shame the entire time.

Once she finally stopped cumming, Wu Jinjing noticed that her body had become unnaturally light, almost weightless like a feather, and the warmth in her body felt like she was wrapped by the world's softest blanket.

It was an extremely pleasant feeling, and she wanted to continue feeling this warmth forever.

However, Su Yang was not done with her.

After Wu Jinjing stopped cumming, he reached into his storage ring and retrieved a bottle of wine.

"The saying that wine tastes best when there's a beauty beside you — I believe this wholeheartedly." Su Yang said as he removed the seal on the bottle.

Wu Jinjing looked at him with a red face, wondering what he was going to do with that bottle of wine.

"Weren't you afraid of being 'dirty'?" Su Yang suddenly smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will clean it up for you."

Su Yang squatted and placed his mouth right before Wu Jinjing's pink hole with her soft thighs resting on his shoulders. He then tilted the bottle of wine above her and began pouring wine down the crack between her lips and immediately began cleaning her with his mouth whilst drinking the wine that enhanced the flavor of her sweet juice.


Wu Jinjing cried out in surprise when she felt something cold pour on her, then shocked when something enters her body through her lower hole. It was an inexplicable feeling. Although she wasn't aware at first, she quickly realized that Su Yang was actually licking her while drinking wine at the same time!

Wu Jinjing was at a loss for words at this scene. She wouldn't have imagined that someone could enjoy wine in such a fashion even in a million years! However, she didn't have a problem with it. As a matter of fact, she also enjoyed it as much as him if not even more!

"Ohhhh… more…"



Wu Jinjing continued to moan loudly without a care in the world if the others could hear her even many moments later.

Once the bottle of wine finally poured its last drop, Su Yang stood up and released a refreshing sigh. "Ahh... good wine."

He then looked at Wu Jinjing, who was laying on the restaurant table as though it was her own bed and breathing heavily, and spoke, "Are you ready for the real fun?" he asked with a smile.

"The real fun?"

Wu Jinjing wondered what the 'real fun' would feel like if the foreplay already almost sent her soul to heaven.

Su Yang began to loosen his robes.

Once the waist sash that held his robes together dropped to the floor, Su Yang's hard rod pushed aside the robes hiding it and entered Wu Jinjing's view, allowing her to gaze upon his majestic rod with eyes that seemed mesmerized by its beauty.

"T-This is your…"

Wu Jinjing was shocked by Su Yang's large rod and began worrying that it might not fit inside her tight hole! And since this is her first time seeing a man's treasure, she felt an urge to hold it in her hands.

"C-Can I touch it?" she asked him in a sheepish voice, sounding embarrassed by her own request.

"Be my guest," he casually accepted.

Hearing his approval, Wu Jinjing sat up on the edge of the table and reached for his rod. She used both of her hands to feel it, and it was as hard as steel and it was burning with energy, feeling like she was holding a sword that was too large for her to handle — a greatsword.

Wu Jinjing's love for the sword is on an immense level and she has never felt as strong for anything else beside it since birth, not even her own parents, but after feeling Su Yang's 'sword', her heart began to beat with excitement, just like when she picked up a sword for the first time in her life.

After playing with Su Yang's rod for a few minutes, even putting it in her mouth, she was finally satisfied.

However, she was not truly satisfied. If not for the fact that she really wanted to feel his sword pierce her body, she would've kept playing with it for a much longer time.

Once Wu Jinjing was done, she released Su Yang's rod and returned to laying on the table, this time with her legs spread wide open for him.

"Please…" she asked in a pleading voice.

Su Yang nodded and approached her.

Just as he pressed the tip of his rod on her hole, Wu Jinjing suddenly said, "Wait!"


Su Yang looked at her silently, waiting for her to continue.

"I don't think I ever asked for your name…" she said, sounding somewhat awkward.

How could she have forgotten to ask for the name of someone who is about to take her virginity away? She felt like a child who got so overly excited by something that she forgot about everything else!

Su Yang smiled, and in a charming voice, said, "My name is Su Yang."

"Su Yang…"

The name sounded somewhat familiar to her like she'd heard it from somewhere before, but she was not in the situation to think too much about it.

"Su Yang… I have another request…"

This time, Wu Jinjing spoke in a somewhat worried tone.

"What is it?"

"This may seem sudden since today is our first meeting but… can I… bear your child?" she asked him with a serious expression on her face.


Su Yang turned quiet.

Wu Jinjing then continued, "I am not asking you to stay by my side forever and be a father, nor will I ask for anything from you beside this one request. I only want a child with you, nothing else."

Wu Jinjing knew that it is only wishful thinking to make Su Yang, an individual that is beyond her comprehension to stay by her side forever and bear the responsibility as a father, but she wanted to at least have a child with his excellent genes to keep her bloodline alive and potentially raise a genius that would one day be like him.

Although geniuses like her will reach a Cultivation that will allow her to live for a few hundred years and will more often than not find their partner around 100 years old, Wu Jinjing was lucky enough to find someone as talented as Su Yang so early on, so it would only be a waste to let him go.

Not to mention that she doubts that she will ever find another individual like Su Yang ever again.

In her eyes, it was now or never, especially after meeting someone like Su Yang.

"Why are you staying silent?" she asked with a worried frown after not hearing from him for some time. "Am I not worthy enough to bear your child?"

Su Yang suddenly smiled, and without answering her, pushed his body forward, piercing Wu Jinjing's virgin hole with his sword.


Wu Jinjing was not the slightest prepared for the sudden penetration and released her loudest moan yet, her eyes rolled all the way back.

The piercing pain really felt like she was stabbed by a real sword, but there was also a pleasurable feeling mixed within the pain, so her senses were a bit confused for a moment.

Su Yang could feel her tight hole wrap around his rod and sucking it like it wanted to consume him. It was an extremely pleasant and irresistible feeling, but after taking Wu Jinjing's status as a maiden, he resisted the urge to continue thrusting her.

Wu Jinjing was in incredible pain from having her small hole spread so wide for the first time, but currently, in her head, she could only think about Su Yang entering her body and the meaning behind his actions.

"You… does this mean—"

Su Yang suddenly reached for Wu Jinjing's beautiful face and wiped the tears from her eyes. However, her tears did not come from the pain she was feeling but pure happiness instead.

Happiness from being accepted by Su Yang.

"What a silly girl," he mumbled in a soft voice with a calming smile. "If you want to bear a child, even if it's with my Yang Qi, what need is there to ask for my permission?"

In this world, Cultivators or not, the women usually ask for their man's permission before they are allowed to have a child with that man, so Wu Jinjing was surprised when Su Yang basically told her to do whatever she wants.

And if the man refuses to have a child with the woman despite giving her his Yang Qi, the woman would absorb the Yang Qi as energy for their Cultivation. As for mortals, they would consume pills that prevent the Yang Qi from getting them pregnant.


Wu Jinjing nodded slowly and said, "I promise you that I will take good care of our child! Please, allow me to!"

To answer her plea, Su Yang smiled and started to move his body once again.




"Who are you bastards, really?!"

The disciple surnamed Zhang asked Qiuyue in a yelling voice after Wu Jinjing closed the door on them.

"Do you know who senior apprentice-sister Wu is?! She is the Prime disciple of the Holy Sword Academy, a chosen that could potentially become the Sect's next Sect Leader!"


Qiuyue ignored him and remained silent.

"Even if you ignore me now, once the Sect learns of what happens today, they will surely chase after you lots for an answer! You won't be able to ignore us once that happens!"

But alas, despite his words, Qiuyue continued to ignore him. All that's on her mind right now is Su Yang being with another woman while she was just a few steps away from them, unable to do anything but watch another woman embrace the man she loves dearly!


Suddenly, Wu Jinjing's voice that was filled with pleasure came from the room.


The disciple became silent the instant he heard Wu Jinjing moaning in the room. His eyes also turned bloodshot, looking like he was ready to tear someone in half.

At this moment, he wanted to kick down the door and kill Su Yang for stealing what was supposed to be his, but he knew that such actions would lead him to an early death. Forget about Su Yang, who easily defeated Wu Jinjing in a single strike. If he interrupted them, it would be more likely that the one to kill him would not be Su Yang but his own senior apprentice-sister Wu!

Just like Qiuyue, there was nothing he could do about this situation beside stand there and accept the situation while envying them.


Just as the Wu Jinjing moaned for the second time, Qiuyue waved her sleeves, creating a formation around the entire room that blocked all noises from coming out of the room and going into the room, sealing their privacy.

Although Wu Jinjing did not care if others could hear her, Qiuyue definitely minded. If she had to listen to Wu Jinjing enjoy herself while she has to stand there in jealousy, she would definitely lose her mind in minutes even with her 2,000 years of experience.

After sealing the room with a sound-proof formation, Qiuyue released a long sigh.

"How did mother do it? Dealing with something like this and still remain calm and sane?" she wondered.

While her mother, Yuehai, did not speak of Su Yang being a womanizer while he was with her, Qiuyue could easily guess that Su Yang was doing the exact same he is doing now back then.

If Su Yang could pluck females' purity like weeds the way he is right now, just how many lives did he ruin when he was fully grown and many times more attractive? She could not imagine.

"What are you two doing, standing out in the hallway like that?"

A voice suddenly called out to Qiuyue and the disciple.

Qiuyue turned to see a handsome middle-aged man and the servant from the first floor that disappeared with her jade slip approach them.

"Hello, young lady. I am the owner of this Nine Spring Hall, Jiu Chun."

The middle-aged man greeted Qiuyue whilst completely ignoring the disciple beside her.

"You are the one who showed this jade slip, correct?"

Because he was briefed by the servant behind him, Jiu Chun knew exactly who to speak to.

"That's right."

Qiuyue answered in a cold voice.

Although Jiu Chun was a bit surprised by how nonchalant Qiuyue acted after learning of his identity, he was not too shocked since she was the owner of the jade slip.

"Very well," he said in a friendly tone, completely ignoring her cold behavior. "If you don't mind, why don't we find a room and talk over some of the best wine my Nine Spring Hall has to offer? I have a few questions I'd like to ask you."

"If you have questions, just ask me here."


"The subject is something I'd rather talk about in private if you don't mind—"

"Then there's nothing to talk about." Qiuyue coldly interrupted, completely not giving a single care about Jiu Chun's face.

But despite her rudeness towards him, Jiu Chun managed to keep a smile on his face, albeit a bit stiff and awkward.

"Very well…"

Jiu Chun turned to look at her servant, his eyes telling her to leave them alone.

The servant quickly realized his intent and immediately left the scene.

He then turned to look at the disciple beside Qiuyue.

"You must be Zhang Wei, Core disciple of the Holy Sword Academy. I wasn't aware that you came together with her…"

Jiu Chun easily recognized him.

"Who the hell came with her?!" Zhang Wei shouted before angrily stomping away.

Once everyone besides Qiuyue and Jiu Chun was there had left, Jiu Chun showed her the jade slip she gave them to her.

"I can tell that this jade slip is genuine, but this only makes me wonder, what is your relationship with 'her', and do you know where 'she' currently is?"

"You ask too many questions," Qiuyue said.

"Please, just tell me already! Ever since she disappeared, I have been looking everywhere for her!" Jiu Chun asked, clearly getting impatient.

"If you have any information about her — any at all — tell me! I will also reward you greatly if you do!"

When talking about 'her', the lofty owner of the Nine Spring Hall was no different than a young boy looking for his missing girlfriend.

"Even if you find her, your feelings will never be answered," Qiuyue suddenly said to him. "She already has a husband, after all."

"Even still, I have to try!" he continued. "She — Immortal Fairy Su Yue — is the only woman that can make my heart beat like this even if I am only thinking about her!"

Hearing his words, Qiuyue sighed inwardly.

"Although I cannot tell you her exact location, she did mention something about leave the Holy Central Continent for some reason," Qiuyue said a moment later.

Learning this information, Jiu Chun's eyes flickered with delight.

"Thank you! Thank you very much!"

He then handed her a small pouch with a few things in it as a token of his gratitude before quickly leaving her alone.

Qiuyue did not even bother to watch him leave and continued to stand outside, silently pondering many things while waiting for Su Yang to come out.

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