Tải xuống ứng dụng
59.9% Mixed HD / Chapter 260: 766 - 775

Chương 260: 766 - 775

Chapter 766 - Throw Them Out!

"Who are you?" Elder Hong frowned. He could feel continuous wafts of cold air coming from this person. Additionally, his gaze was icy that even he didn't dare to look straight at it rashly.

The powerful force of presence couldn't conceal the strong vitality exuding out of the person in front of him. It was obvious that this domain realm master was at his prime age. He might be around 40 years old or maybe even younger. Around 30 years old?

Elder Hong didn't even have the thought that this person could be even younger. There was a document in the Federation stating that someone from the Federation managed to achieve the domain stage at 25 years old, but the power the person showed just now proved that he was not someone who had just achieved the domain stage.

Such a powerful and destructive technique could only be used by someone who had a full grasp of the domain stage. Furthermore, this person must have many years of experience on the battlefield to have created such a technique. He must at the tip of the pyramid of domain realm masters, a titled domain realm formidable warrior.

Becoming a titled domain realm formidable warrior was the goal of every domain realm master. To achieve this goal, a domain realm master must create his or her own powerful technique. The strength of each titled domain realm formidable warrior was different but that was just within realm of titled domain realm formidable warriors. No matter how weak a titled domain realm formidable warrior was, he could easily defeat an average domain realm master. The difference in power was not something that could be covered with innate talent.

Elder Hong asked this question because he couldn't think of anyone that fit the description of the physical characteristics of the person in front of him. He recalled all the ice element domain realm masters but all their ages were different than the age he had concluded the person in front of him was.

Did a titled domain realm formidable warrior pass by and coincidentally felt his domain energy? Did he come because he wanted to have a fight with him? If that was the case, Elder Hong wanted to vomit blood.

The person didn't reply to Elder Hong. He just looked at Elder Hong directly and said two words coldly, "Move aside!"

Elder Hong didn't expect the other party to reject him directly. His face turned red in anger. His white hair stood up as he shouted, "How dare you!"

As he shouted, the branches that were frozen broke free from the ice and attacked the person. He wanted to pierce multiple holes in this person to vent his anger.

The sound of branches striking something could be heard. Ice crumbs flew everywhere, blocking Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's vision. They didn't know what was happening, but they were afraid at the fact that their savior could be injured by the old man.

Finally, the attack stopped. The ice crumbs dispersed. The entire ground was filled with thick branches stabbed into it. Actually, the ground couldn't even be seen anymore. The man in a black windbreaker stood elegantly on a tree branch. His windbreaker swayed slowly. He was looking calmly at Elder Hong.

Elder Hong felt the gaze of the two young men. He turned suddenly and waved his hand. Numerous branches flew towards them viciously. Even if someone stepped in, he didn't plan to let the two young men off.

The man in a black windbreaker noticed this. He lifted his right hand immediately and an ice wall was erected in front of Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu, blocking Elder Hong's attack successfully.

However, an ice wall was not as sturdy as an ice mountain. After receiving the attack, it shattered into ice cubes and was scattered all over the forest.

Elder Hong saw this person constantly interfering with him and finally lost his patience. He gave up the thought of persuading the person to leave. He placed his hands together. The branches around Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran moved towards them. If this person wanted to stop him, let him do it. Let's see who uses up their energy first.

Elder Hong was confident that he would be the last man standing as the environment was really favorable for him. There were ample wood elements in the forest, so he didn't need to use too much of his domain energy. Compared to him, his opponent had already used up all the water elements around them. If he continued fighting, the ice element domain energy he needed to churn out was definitely much more than him.

The attacks from all four corners couldn't be stopped by one or two ice walls. Ling Lan narrowed her eyes. She placed her hands together, and four walls were formed around Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran. At the same time, four snowflakes appeared in mid-air. Each of them landed on top of the four walls, it then started to emanate a chilling breeze, freezing together everything part of the walls forming a huge ice cube. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were also encased in the giant ice cube, protecting them from harm.

"Little White, throw them out." The 'man' in a black windbreaker was Ling Lan. She was also irritated by Elder Hong's continuous attacks. She knew what his intention was. He wanted to expend her energy. She wasn't afraid of this but being on the passive end made her feel frustrated. Hence, Ling Lan used her spiritual power to ask Little White, who was doing something somewhere in the forest, to throw Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran out as these two being here were just a burden to her.

When Little White heard it's master's order, it quickly rushed over while having no time to get rid of the blade of grass that was stuck in between his teeth.

It didn't want to be hit by its master just because it was late!

Its body started expanding. Soon, it became the size of a small mountain. All the trees around it cracked when it ran passed them. The tentacles on its body flailed wildly in the air. It looked as though a UFO was attacking Planet Azure.

Little White used its ten thickest tentacles to attack the branches that were pounding the giant ice cube.

Tang Ningyu, who had been watching Ling Lan and Elder Hong's battle, felt his heart pounding furiously. A strong sense of danger was felt and the source of that danger was behind him. He turned around, and a frightening massive creature with tentacles appeared in front of his eyes. In the next second, he could feel his eyeballs rolling back.

Tang Ningyu's fear affected Mu Chaoran too. He turned around in a flabbergasted manner when he saw ten tentacles coming down on them. It made him so scared that he felt he would be smashed into a pile of meat by the tentacles.

"Bang, bang, bang…" The tentacles slammed the branches into dust. These branches were created by Elder Hong using the wood element from the thick trees of the forest, but it was not as hard as Little White's tentacles.

Chapter 767 - A Bugged Technique!

Little White used six of its tentacles to hit the branches. The remaining four tentacles grabbed ahold of the giant ice cube and pulled it up from the ground.

The giant ice cube was lifted up entirely. What is this so heavy? Little White used a lot of energy before it could lift it up. After its master sneaked into the headquarters, it went around the forest eating furiously. The energy it was using now would need to be replenished with a lot of eating.

Speaking of eating, sob, it finally could eat! The forest was full of delicious savage beasts. Many got them had been eaten by it already. If its master didn't order it that it couldn't finish all the beasts, it would have eaten everything.

Little White cried. It was the right decision to follow master. He could finally eat meat!

It used all the energy it had and hurled the giant ice cube towards the direction of the academy. Then, it dusted off its tentacles and changed back to its mini ball form. It hopped and jumped back to its forest pantry and continued eating its grass. As for whether the giant ice cube would smash a hole in any of the buildings in the academy… it has nothing to do with it, Little White thought irresponsibly.

Yes, it should eat more vegetables now. It just ate too much meat and now as of the result of that, it had a very bad case of indigestion. It must be because it hadn't eaten meat for a thousand years so its digestive system must have degraded. Little White was sad by its upset stomach. It must eat more vegetables so that its digestive system would get healthier. That way, it would not get indigestion again when it would eat a lot of meat in the future.

Little White felt the importance of this task. It started chewing on the tiny blade of grass happily.

Sob. The world outside its lake is so much more beautiful. Even this tiny blade of grass tastes so good. Little White raised its head and cried with joy. It was so touched. With this, it was sure that following its master was the best decision it made in its life.

"Ah…" When he saw the huge creature with tentacles throwing him out, Tang Ningyu, who was normally calm and compose, and Mu Chaoran, who always seemed indifferent about anything, screamed in fear.

Bang! The giant ice cube slammed into a certain school building, forming a huge hole in the roof of this six-level building. Due to everyone in school being preoccupied with Li Lanfeng's sermon in the great hall, no one was in the building. However, the strong collision still attracted the attention of some teachers and students nearby.

The giant ice cube was very sturdy, even after smashing into a building, it didn't even chip a little. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran inside were dizzy from the throw but they weren't injured.

"How are we supposed to get out?" Tang Ningyu gave a gloomy look. He didn't want the teachers and students of the Azure Central Scout Academy to look at him like an animal in a zoo. If they were to find out his true identity, he would not have the face to return to the Flying Dragon Special Forces and be their leader anymore.

Mu Chaoran aimed his hand at the ice to try to use his fire element to melt the giant ice cube, but not the slightest puff of fire could be seen. There was no element present in the giant ice cube other than the dominating ice element. This showed how powerful that domain realm master was. Mu Chaoran tried to punch the ice wall, but no cracks were formed.

Mu Chaoran shrugged, expressing that he had no idea. Time passed slowly, then they heard murmurs outside. To prevent exposing any danger to the students, the teachers didn't allow them to get close to the giant ice cube. After three minutes of strange murmurs, they heard some people coming up the stairs to investigate the hole in the roof. Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu's faces turned dark. They were going to be discovered soon. They knew that they would definitely embarrass themselves today.

They also had to explain why they were locked up in a giant ice cube too. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran felt their head hurting, they didn't want to be discovered…

The giant ice cube seemed to have heard their thoughts. It suddenly started cracking, revealing a wide enough opening for them to escape from embarrassment. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were elated, and they disappeared from the giant ice cube instantly. The giant ice pieces crumbled slowly and disappeared into the air. No signs of ice were left behind, only the slight chilliness in the air could be felt.

In the end, no one knew what damaged the building's roof, and it became one of the mysteries of Azure Central Scout Academy.

Little White's appearance not only scared Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran, Elder Hong got a shock too. He didn't know where this massive creature came from. This caused him to slow down his attacks. That was why Little White was able to hurl the giant ice cube away.

But Little White only appeared for an instant. After it completed its mission, it turned back in its mini ball form and hid among the trees and bushes. Without the uprooted trees and the disturbed terrain caused by Little White, Elder Hong might have thought that he was hallucinating.

Elder Hong was an experienced titled domain realm formidable warrior, so he vividly remembered how the creature threw the giant ice cube away and felt that it probably had to do with the two people inside the giant ice cube or the domain realm master in front of him.

He wanted to ask Ling Lan but she had already started attacking him without giving him any time to ask. Without the two burdens, she could fight freely now.

During the exchange of blow just now, Ling Lan discovered that Elder Hong was not just a normal titled domain realm formidable warrior. Maybe… she could try something new today. Ever since she learned that skill, she didn't dare to use it on anyone yet.

You would only know the power and usefulness of some techniques after you use them in a real battle. She hoped that her opponent would not disappoint her.

Ling Lan released all her energy and created a mini ice world. She enclosed Elder Hong as well as the trees around them in her world. Elder Hong retaliated by allowing the plants around him to grow furiously, attempting to break through the ice world.

This was a battle between life and death. The ice world killed all signs of life. The trees and plants wanted to use their undying spirit to break the ice world.

This clash was a battle between their domains. The stronger person would last longer.

After their domains furiously contending with each other for a few minutes, cracks started forming in the ice world. At last, a sapling broke through the Ice Blockade. The sounds of more cracking could be heard. The sound got louder and louder. The ice world was broken apart by numerous saplings and plants.

In the battle of life and death, the power of life was stronger. Ice Blockade lost.

It was hard to win against the wood element in a forest as there was almost an infinite source of it. Ling Lan suddenly took a step back. A wooden spike had appeared at the place she was just standing at. If Ling Lan didn't move quickly just now, she would have been injured by it.

She didn't manage to seal her opponent because there was a lack of water element in the forest. Her opponent managed to manipulate his element very well. Ling Lan felt enlightened. She looked at Elder Hong who was standing on a broken trunk.

"You are indeed a titled domain realm formidable warrior!" Only people of this rank were able to change their bodies into their respective elements. This kind of domain realm masters was frightening. You never know when they would attack you and there were also no warnings or signs for you to prepare yourself.

The moment he finished speaking, he merged with the broken trunk. Ling Lan didn't know where he could be as there was wood all around her.

The entire forest was covered in mist, so it was hard for Elder Hong to find Ling Lan too. This was a battle of patience, attentiveness, courage, and cautiousness…

The entire forest was dead silent. It seemed as though there wasn't a tense battle occurring there. 10 seconds had passed… 20 seconds had passed… one minute had passed… three minutes had passed. Just when it looked as though the silence was going to continue longer, a hand shoot out from a tree and grabbed something in the thick mist.

Ling Lan's right arm was grabbed by Elder Hong.

"You're dead!" Elder Hong scoffed. "Fusion!"

Ling Lan's right arm suddenly started turning into wood. The wood was slowly spreading to other parts of her body. Ling Lan was lifted out of the mist, revealing the entire right side of her body which had already turned into wood. Elder Hong felt that he was going to win so he revealed his true form, showing a delighted smile on his face as he enjoyed his enemy dying in a slow and painful manner.

"Actually, you shouldn't grab a water element domain realm master." Ling Lan's force of presence suddenly changed. The coldness around her disappeared, turning the surroundings warm, and an innocent face with a smile was revealed. Elder Hong was flabbergasted. "You!"

The Little Brother Shaoyun who Young Master Rong wanted to invite into the organization was actually a titled domain realm formidable warrior!

The water elements in the air slowly landed on the side of the body that was turned into wood, changing her body back to its normal state.

"How is that possible!" Elder Hong was dumbfounded. His strongest technique, Fusion, got broken just like that.

"You even revealed your true form. What a stupid decision." Ling Lan sighed as she flicked her fingers, and Elder Hong exploded, turning into a pool of blood. He didn't know how he died.

Never use your true form to touch a water element domain realm formidable warriors.

Ling Lan didn't know if this ability was unique to her or could all water element domain realm formidable warriors be able to use this technique as long as they understood how to use it? This must be a bug! If Ling Lan were to meet an opponent with this exact technique and was caught by it by surprise, she wouldn't be able to retaliate too.

However, if her opponent didn't grab her with his real hand, this battle might not have ended this way.

Ling Lan's force of presence changed again. The air around her turned cold. She waved her hand at the pool of blood, freezing it. Then, she snapped her fingers. The frozen blood turned into fine dust and dispersed into the air. Only the faint scent of blood was left. It too soon disappeared and was replaced by the fresh air of the forest.

After she dusted off the dust in her hands, Ling Lan quickly returned back to her room.

"I've already locked them up for some time. It's probably about time to release them." Ling Lan snapped her fingers and a giant ice cube far away unsealed itself.

Chapter 768 - Who Taught Him Bad Things?

When they were almost to their apartment, the door of their apartment opened, revealing Ling Lan who opened the door excitedly. She widened her eyes in shock as she looked at the two of them. "You… why are you two like that?"

"He offended me just now so we fought." Mu Chaoran was slightly pale in the face. He looked at similarly pale-faced Tang Ningyu while bearing with all the pain in his body, and forced a smile out.

Ling Lan was puzzled. She didn't seem to understand why they needed to fight when they offended each other. Then, she saw Leng Hanfeng not wearing his uniform, and was only wearing a T-shirt. "Did your uniform disappear during the fight?"

"It was torn so I threw it away," Leng Hanfeng said casually.

Ling Lan nodded. She looked as though she believed what they said. All the while thinking in the head, these people sure have a lot of money to waste.

Tang Ningyu and Mu Shaoyu felt relief when they saw how easy it was to fool to Ling Lan. Fortunately, their Little Brother Shaoyun was an innocent person, so he didn't doubt their wounds as these wounds could not be explained by a fight.

The two of them wanted to go back to their rooms to dress their wounds. Additionally, they needed to report their findings. While they were thinking of reasons to excuse themselves, Ling Lan muttered to herself, "Brother Gu forgot about me the moment he got a girlfriend. It has been a while since he left."

Tang Ningyu looked at Ling Lan's sad face. He didn't know how to explain to him. Although Gu Zhengrong was not dead, he would not be back soon.

Furthermore, his mission was almost about to end. He would have to leave this school with Mu Shaoyu soon. Tang Ningyu could almost imagine how Pei Shaoyun would react when he found out that he was tricked. For some reason, Tang Ningyu felt a stabbing pain in his heart. He only met this young man for a short while but he had already entered his heart.

If Little Brother Shaoyun entered the military in the future, he would take care of him properly. He might not be able to let him climb high up in ranks but he could ensure that he would have a smooth journey ahead of him. This was enough to repay their friendship.

Thinking about this, Tang Ningyu felt that he shouldn't give Pei Shaoyun any false hope. He said, "Gu Zhengrong will not come back today."

Ling Lan looked at him in surprise. She asked curiously, "Why not?"

Tang Ningyu turned to Mu Chaoran decisively. "Ask Shaoran, he was the one who told me." He was good at finding scapegoats.

Mu Chaoran almost kneeled down. This bastard!

Ling Lan controlled her urge to laugh. She wore a look of anticipation on her face. Mu Chaoran couldn't bear to ignore her. He gave Tang Ningyu a 'just you wait' sign with his hands and smiled. "Shaoyun, mature men would do something when they get bored. Your Brother Gu did that something and doesn't have the energy to come back now." Would Shaoyun understand what they were saying?

Ling Lan gave them a look of contempt when she heard his answer. "Is he having a one-night stand? Why did you have to explain it so complicatedly?" Then, she returned to her room and banged the door shut.

Mu Chaoran pointed at the door with his mouth agape. Then, he pointed at himself. "I was too complicated?"

Tang Ningyu nodded seriously. "Yes."

"Tsk, how would I know that Little Brother Shaoyun knew about one-night stand…" He raised his eyebrows. "Who taught him those kinds of bad things?"

Tang Ningyu shook his head firmly. He looked puzzled. "Did you say anything strange to him?"

"Do I look stupid?" Mu Shaoyu glared at Tang Ningyu. Why would he teach his cute and innocent Little Brother Shaoyun such things?

"Gu Zhengrong!" The two of them thought about this person simultaneously. They immediately gritted their teeth. They were too soft on him just now. They should have killed him. If this person dared to appear in front of them again, they would definitely kill him. How dare he teach their Little Brother Shaoyun bad things!

Gu Zhengrong, who was waiting on the operation table for a new body, sneezed. The doctor beside him asked nervously, "Young Master Rong, how are you feeling?" If anything happened to Young Master Rong, everyone in the headquarters would die a horrible death!

"I'm fine. Continue to prepare for the surgery." Gu Zhengrong felt that there was nothing wrong with him. He frowned and gave his order.

After some time, he started to feel uneasy. He asked, "Is Elder Hong back yet?"

"Not yet, Young Master Rong."

Gu Zhengrong got even more uneasy. With Elder Hong's ability, he should be able to defeat Leng Hanfeng and Meng Shaoran within a few seconds. Why wasn't he back yet? The people sent to deal with them this time were stronger than expected. Did the Federation prepare a titled domain realm formidable warrior? Or did they prepare someone even stronger, an imperial level domain expert?

Gu Zhengrong felt a chill down his spine. If that really did happen, he needed to get his new body as soon as possible. If not, he might die here. Gu Zhengrong immediately gave his order. "We will not wait for Elder Hong. Get the material with the greatest potential here." He wanted to wait for Elder Hong to come back because he wanted Leng Hanfeng's body. However, from the looks of it, he had no time to wait.

"But…" The doctor wanted to say something but Gu Zhengrong interrupted him fiercely. "No buts. Start the operation immediately!"

The doctor instantly replied, "Yes, I'll prepare for the operation immediately."

Very soon, a body was pushed into the room. After the doctor inspected it, he said with satisfaction, "This body is not bad. Young Master Rong, what do you think?"

Gu Zhengrong lifted the sheet covering the face of the body, and a familiar face was revealed. It was Xiao Yiqiu!

After Ling Lan sneaked into the base, Xiao Yiqiu was prepared to leave the forest to get some help. However, he was unlucky. Just as he was about to leave, another guard patrolling the area found him, so he didn't manage to escape the fate of being caught.

Xiao Yiqiu was unconscious after he was given some tranquilizers. What he didn't know was that this would be the final moment of his life.

"It's him? Haha, good." Gu Zhengrong thought that his mission to infiltrate the military had failed. But, it didn't look that way now.

"Let's use him." With one sentence, Gu Zhengrong had sealed Xiao Yiqiu's fate.

Soon, the operation started.

Su Pei rushed all the way back to the school. He tried contacting Xiao Yiqiu along the way but failed. Su Pei knew that Xiao Yiqiu was in danger. He only hoped that he was caught and not dead.

Su Pei knew that he didn't have any time to waste. He rushed to the great hall where Li Lanfeng was giving a lecture. The hall was crowded with people who he could ask help from, but Su Pei didn't trust anyone from the school now. Hence, he didn't create a huge commotion. He prepared to find a chance to get close to Li Lanfeng. Then, he would tell him what had happened in the forest.

Chapter 769 - Final Attack!

Su Pei wrote a message and secretly passed it to the youth who came with Li Lanfeng. The youth looked at the message, and his expression immediately changed. He went onto the stage and whispered something to Li Lanfeng. Then, he left.

Li Lanfeng continued smiling on stage, as if unaffected by the message. "Do you guys mind if I go and have some water? I have been speaking for quite a while now."

"No problem!" The scouts below shouted simultaneously.

Li Lanfeng's lecture was very interesting. Sometimes, he would talk about the funny things that happened at the First Men's Military Academy and the 23rd division. All the scouts listened to him happily. In the past, Li Lanfeng was just a legend of the Azure Central Scout Academy. He was someone their teachers always asked them to look up too. Now, Li Lanfeng became a well-respected senior in the eyes of many as he was no longer someone who only existed in their imagination. Many scouts had made a decision that day. No matter which academy they went to in the future, they would apply to the 23rd division after they had graduated. They wanted to be in the same division as Li Lanfeng.

Also, there was Ling Xiao, the ultimate idol of the military. These two people made the scouts in the Azure Central Scout Academy even more curious about the 23rd division.

The moment Li Lanfeng walked down the stage, he asked Li Shiyu to bring Su Pei to the side entrance of the stage situated outside the great hall.

Su Pei quickly told Li Lanfeng what had happened in the forest. Li Lanfeng wasn't surprised as he was already informed by Ling Lan. He lowered his voice and replied, "Don't worry, I'll contact my division immediately and ask them to send a rescue team."

Su Pei nodded. He started to feel less worried. He knew that it was not possible to save Xiao Yiqiu with just themselves. They would not be able to win against frightening domain realm masters.

Li Lanfeng asked Su Pei to return to the great hall and wait for news. Then, he contacted the headquarters of the 23rd division and told them what had happened. After he finished explaining everything, he went into a daze. Li Shiyu didn't want to talk to his cousin but he didn't like the helpless expression on his face too. He thought for a while and finally said, "What happened?"

"I can only report and not participate when I meet such a situation. I'm useless." Li Lanfeng lowered his head and clenched his fist tightly. Why couldn't he catch up with him? He could only watch him fight alone.

Li Shiyu went silent for a few seconds. He said, "Be stronger then!" Their Boss's opponents were getting stronger but, they could only stand at the side and watch him. This sense of helplessness made them uncomfortable.

"You will help me, right?" Li Lanfeng looked at Li Shiyu hopefully.

Li Shiyu turned and replied coldly, "I'm not helping you. I just can't bear to see our regiment commander standing alone."

Li Lanfeng smiled. His younger brother replied harshly but he still had a soft heart. Li Lanfeng was grateful. "Thank you, Shiyu."

Li Shiyu got a little furious. "I said I'm not helping because of you. It's for our regiment commander. Why are you thanking me?" He angrily returned to the great hall. He had not forgiven his eldest cousin brother yet. A 'thank you' was not enough to buy him over.

Boom! A loud noise was heard. A school building near them was smashed by something. The noise alerted all the students in the great hall, and they immediately rushed out of the great hall.

"What happened?"

"Ah, something seems to have smashed into the roof of that building."

"What is it?"

"What is happening?"

Li Shiyu silently moved beside Li Lanfeng. He asked in a low voice, "What did you see?"

"Ice," Li Lanfeng replied with a stern face. He saw it a glimpse of it.

"You mean our Boss?" Li Shiyu was shocked.

"Let's go and take a look." Li Lanfeng moved his body and arrived at the building.

"Wait!" A teacher who had arrived before them shouted.

Li Lanfeng frowned. However, he didn't stop. "Teacher, what happened here?"

"An unidentified object fell onto this building just now. We have made arrangements for someone to inspect the building so don't go in first. We don't want to destroy the evidence left at the scene," the teacher replied seriously.

Li Lanfeng nodded. Li Shiyu quickly pulled Li Lanfeng. He didn't understand why Li Lanfeng gave up so easily.

Li Lanfeng whispered, "With our Boss's ability, he wouldn't be the one who got thrown there. It might be his opponent."

Li Shiyu was enlightened. To fight with their boss like that, that person must be a domain realm master. They would not be able to deal with him. If they went in and got taken as hostages…

Li Lanfeng was thinking about the same thing so he brought Li Shiyu back. Since they couldn't help their Boss, they must not create trouble for her.

Soon, news came back that there was nothing there. The hole seemed to have appeared out of nowhere.

Many people saw the damaged terrain in the forest, arising a huge commotion in the academy. Many teachers turned serious. Damaging a terrain to this scale would definitely need a person who was much stronger than them. They were just at the Qi-Jin stage, what could they do if they met a domain realm master. What on earth happened here? Who came to their school and created this mess?

Li Lanfeng looked at the debris in the forest. He thought for a moment and decided to send Ling Lan a message. If Ling Lan was safe, she should be able to receive his message.

In her room, Ling Lan asked Little Four to message Li Lanfeng immediately when Little Four told her that Li Lanfeng was looking for her. If Li Lanfeng looked for her at this time, it must be something important. This was why she went back to her room when she had the chance to.

Li Lanfeng was relieved to know that Ling Lan was safe. He told Ling Lan what Su Pei told him. Ling Lan frowned. She knew that she had saved Xiao Yiqiu. If Xiao Yiqiu was still not back, it must be because he met someone from the organization again.

"Boss, what do we do now? Are we going there again?" Little Four asked.

"Firstly, what is the plan of the Federation?" She had sent that information to the Federation already. By now, they should have started to move.

Thus, it was not a good time for her to go out now. Additionally, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were still here. She didn't know if they would suddenly look for her. Also, all the students and teachers in school were currently paying attention to the forest now. The organization should have realized the wood element titled domain realm master was dead by now and would have strengthened their security.

Ling Lan didn't want to expose herself in this mission. She didn't want to have anything to do with the Flying Dragon Special Forces and didn't want to endanger her comrades.

The Azure Central Scout Academy was just the surface level of the organization, one could imagine how deep their hands had gotten into, as there was a half step imperial level domain expert guarding the organization. There were also many fake domain realm masters who were created. This organization was too scary. If they knew that she was the person who leaked the information, she believed that this organization, which conducted human experiments and performed many illegal actions, would kill her comrades and everybody close to her.

"The order has been given. They will attack at 2 pm tomorrow." Little Four managed to decipher the message from the military headquarters quickly.

"There is less than 24 hours left. Let's see if Xiao Yiqiu is lucky enough." Xiao Yiqiu was an acquaintance of hers. She was not going to risk the safety of her friends just because of him.

Time passed by slowly. The divisions that were based near Planet Azure sent their domain realm masters over. As time was tight, only less than 30 domain realm masters came. The commander-in-chief received intel that their opponent had a titled domain realm formidable warrior. Without one on their side, he could only be worried. He hoped that the intel he received was accurate, that the ice element titled domain realm formidable warrior was on their side and not just a passer-by.

Finally, the time for the attack came. When the Federation entered the grounds of the Azure Central Scout Academy, they realized that they were trapped in a difficult position.

The Federation attacked suddenly so they managed to catch their opponent off guard and controlled most of the school. However, the organization had made preparations for such situations. When they realized they were being attacked, the spies disguised as teachers from the organization kidnapped a portion of the students as their hostages. Coincidentally, the special class 2 was part of the hostages.

The teachers who kidnapped the students were not Qi-Jin masters. They were domain realm masters. Although they were fake domain realm masters, they overpowered the hostages using numbers. The domain realm masters from the Federation were not afraid of the fake domain realm masters, but they didn't dare to act rashly because of the hostages.

The people in the headquarters received the news of the attack, so they quickly came out of the forest. Very soon, more than 30 fake domain realm masters had gathered together. The people from the military cursed when they saw the number of fake domain realm masters. They made it seem as though domain realm masters could be made in a factory. What would those domain realm masters who worked so hard to reach their current status think about this?

Ling Lan squatted among the scouts while covering her head with her hands. Her entire body was trembling.

Mu Chaoran couldn't bear to see him like this so he comforted him. "Little Brother Shaoyun, don't worry. We are here."

"Yes, don't worry. We will ensure your safety." Tang Ningyu added on. If he could, he wished that Pei Shaoyun would not experience these things. He didn't want to taint his pure heart.

Ling Lan looked at them pitifully. "Are we really fine?"

Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran nodded at the same time. They comforted him with their gazes.

"Stop talking. If not, I will kill you all." The domain realm master heard the commotion there and threatened them.

Ling Lan looked down hurriedly as if she was afraid her little life would be taken away. A killing intent flashed past Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's eyes. How dare he scare their Little Brother Shaoyun. He is looking for death!

Chapter 770 - Wrong Person!

The organization asked the military to retreat out of the academy grounds. The military, of course, outrightly refused them. They prepared for so long and sacrifices so many soldiers in order to get evidence of their crime. How could they let these people escape just because of a few hundred hostages?

The discussion came to a standstill. The leader of this bunch of kidnappers sent a weird look to his men. Ling Lan, Mu Chaoran, and Tang Ningyu's heart stopped beating for a moment when they saw that look. They felt that something bad was going to happen soon.

Sure enough, the fake domain realm masters grabbed the scouts beside them.

The leader sneered at the commander-in-chief. "You might be willing to talk after we show how serious we are here."

The commander-in-chief's expression changed. He shouted angrily, "Stop it!"

However, his shout was not enough to stop his opponent. The leader from the kidnappers raised his hand, and his subordinates all started to release their energy, getting ready to strangle the scouts to death.

"Bastards!" The Federation's domain realm masters rushed forward furiously. However, the fake domain realm masters stopped them. The Federation's domain realm masters wouldn't be able to break through the fake domain realm masters' blockage and saved the suffocating scouts.

Just as the scouts were about to die, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran looked at each other, and without any hesitation, they activated their domain.

Lightning bolts and flames appeared from their bodies, attacking the fake domain realm masters who were strangling the scouts to death.

These fake domain realm masters who were occupied with strangling the scout suddenly felt a sense of danger. They immediately threw away the scout in their hands and activated their domain, blocking Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's attack.

As for Ling Lan, the moment Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran acted, she used her spiritual power to send an order to Little White.

Just after the fake domain realm masters blocked Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran's attack, they heard a loud bang.

The entire ground started shaking. The buildings at the side crumbled to the ground. Dust flew in the air, blocking everyone's vision.

At that moment, multiple whips (tentacles?) flailed across the sky. Then, they heard numerous slapping sounds with screams and shouts for help also ringing through the air.

The military then saw the tentacles hurling numerous black balls at them at an insanely fast speed. One could hear screams of terror following the black balls.

Is this an attack? The military was worried. They couldn't see what the creature looked like but from afar, they could faintly make out its size. It was humongous. These experienced soldiers would not be able to resist an attack from it.

The domain realm masters, on the other hand, weren't scared of this huge creature. They could faintly see that those black balls it hurled at them were the hostages. No matter what this creature was, it was helping them. They quickly shouted, "Catch those people!"

As expected of soldiers, the moment they heard this order, they knew what to do. They acted quickly and split into teams of three. When they saw someone falling close to the ground, they would dash in and catch that person.

A while ago, they were hostages. Now, they were flying humans. The scouts couldn't control their emotions and started crying the moment they landed in the arms of the soldiers. They were not scared or surprised. They were just confused.

The dust settled soon, and a big white circular creature was revealed among the hostages. Its tentacles flew everywhere. However, the domain realm master could see that it was not flailing its tentacles wildly for no reason. It looked messy but the creature only hit those fake domain realm masters. As for the scouts, they were hurled to the military.

The circular creature was big and had many tentacles. By the time the people from the organization realized what was happening, only Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran were left.

Little White happily hurled one hostage after another. It reached out its tentacles and felt around… there was no one left. Little White realized that it threw all the hostages out already.

Did it throw everyone?

Huh? Little White suddenly widened its eyes and let out a screech of despair.

The literal sound waves it produced caused everyone around it to kneel to the ground. Some scouts that were weaker got internally injured by the sound waves and vomited out blood. Even some domain realm masters felt dizzy when they heard the screech. They had to activate their domain to block off the sound.

Little White dazedly looked at the empty place. It was flabbergasted.

It hugged its head with two tentacles in disbelief. It didn't notice that it threw its master out like a piece of rubbish! It, it, threw the wrong person! Ahhhh! It was dead.

Little White was so frightened that it turned small and hid in a corner of the hole, trembling in fear. It would definitely be beaten up by its master. Sob, can someone save me? I didn't do it on purpose.

Without the hostages, the military could finally attack without any worry. A battle between domain realm masters occurred. The scouts were able to spectate a domain battle, something they, by right, couldn't see this early in their life. This was a rare opportunity for them. Many students who were talented in physical skills received a lot of insights from this battle, thus improving their physical skills. A talented valedictorian set a greater goal for himself after watching this battle. In the future, this valedictorian became a domain realm master.

There were fewer domain realm masters from the Federation but the difference in strength caused them to subdue their opponents and take control of the situation.

When Tang Ningyu killed his second domain realm master, Mu Chaoran had killed his second domain realm master too. They looked around and realized that there were no more opponents around them. They exchanged glances with each other and nodded. Both of them wanted to go to the headquarters again.

Tang Ningyu still brooded over the fact that he didn't manage to enter the headquarters yesterday. The headquarters' boss was probably buying time for them to retreat by sending most of his men here. This time, he would not let them succeed.

Mu Chaoran wanted to investigate the headquarters too. He still remembered Su Pei saying that Xiao Yiqiu was caught. Although he had sent a message to the military headquarters, they would not change their plan for an unimportant person like Xiao Yiqiu.

Since they met and became classmates, Mu Chaoran didn't mind helping him along the way if he had a chance to.

As the two of them were about to leave, Mu Chaoran saw something from the corner of his eye. He walked there and squatted down near the hole. He looked inside and picked up a trembling round little ball.

"Haha, the pet is the same as its master. His pet is so timid too." Mu Chaoran looked at the teary-eyed Little White who was shivering in fear. He smiled.

"Suits him perfectly." Tang Ningyu smiled gently too.

Chapter 771 - Another Look At The Headquarters!

"Little Brother Shaoyun should be safe, but he forgot his pet in all the chaos," Mu Chaoran guessed.

"Rawr… please tell my master that I didn't deliberately threw her…" Little White looked at Mu Chaoran with a pitiful expression on its face, hoping that Mu Chaoran could help it explain to her master.

"Look how sad it looks. It's probably frightened. Don't be scared, I'll find your master for you in just a bit…" Mu Chaoran pinched Little White's cheeks and comforted.

"Find my master?" After hearing that, Little White jumped up and down frantically, "Rawr… I don't want to go! I don't want to go! I will not go before my master assures me that she is not angry at me!

"You're excited because you know we're going to go look for you master, right?" Mu Chaoran laughed. "But, we need to go to the headquarters first so you'll just have to come with us." Right after Mu Chaoran finished speaking, he and Tang Ningyu moved out and quickly ran towards the headquarters in the center of the forest.

Little White, who was being held by Mu Chaoran, suddenly remembered that yesterday, its master mentioned that she was going to go to the headquarters to save someone…

"Rawr!" Little White let out an agonized cry. Isn't it serving itself to its Boss in a silver platter? If it could, it would definitely return to its original form and smash Mu Chaoran into a pancake. He wants me to suffer from master. Jerk, jerk, jerk…

Unfortunately, his master did say that it couldn't use its original form without her permission! It knew that if its master caught it in its original form, it would live the rest of its days in fright, waiting for the punishment to come. If it was caught and exposed, then it would definitely become a dead Little White…"Wah, wah, wah. Just you wait, Mu Chaoran!" Little White sobbed and laid limply onto Mu Chaoran's palm. It waited in despair for its tragic end!

Ling Lan deliberately let herself get hurled by Little White. After being saved by those soldiers, she followed the hostages to retreat to the back-lines. However, when they retreated, she silently left the big group.

That was because the place was in chaos and no one was keeping track of the number of hostages. Ling Lan's silent departure didn't attract any attention.

In a few seconds, Ling Lan arrived at the entrance of the headquarters in the forest. Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu were already waiting there. From the beginning of the attack on the academy, Ling Lan had ordered Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu to hide in the forest during the chaos to monitor the situation of the base.

"How are things looking?" Ling Lan walked beside the two of them and used spiritual power to communicate with Li Lanfeng.

"Other than those fake domain realm masters who went to the academy, there weren't any others moving out of the headquarters." Li Lanfeng told Ling Lan what they had seen.

Hearing this, Ling Lan frowned. She knew that with the military attacking this academy, the headquarters only sent out a few fake domain realm masters to defend and yet these people didn't use this chance to move the rest of their troops. This was clearly strange. Suddenly, Ling Lan expression changed slightly after thinking of another possibility.

"Little Four, get me all of the surveillance footage of all the areas surrounding the Azure Central Scout Academy. See if any area suddenly had a large convoy or crowd moving through." The gate wasn't the only place they could escape from. Ling Lan actually didn't think of this possibility.

"Yes, Boss!" Right as Little Four was about to connect to the surveillance equipment, he discovered that this forest was the same as the Li mansion, not having any surveillance equipment. Little Four immediately notified his Boss of this situation.

"Enter the base!" If they couldn't gain any information from the outside, then they must go inside to investigate. Ling Lan decisively made this decision.

Ling Lan made Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu stand guard outside. No one knew what the situation inside the headquarters was like. Ling Lan didn't want her comrades to be in unnecessary danger.

Seeing Ling Lan entering the enemy's headquarters by herself, Li Lanfeng, who had a warm aura around him, suddenly became stone cold. This version Li Lanfeng, or rather Li Mulan, was never before seen. Li Shiyu, who stood beside him, couldn't help but worry for his mental state.

"It's alright. One day, I'll be able to follow in his footsteps." Li Lanfeng turned around and smiled at Li Shiyu. He would never give up on his goal. It was the same in the past, the present and the future.

"Alright!" Li Shiyu pretended to not be concerned, but he still couldn't help but say, "I feel you're self-inflicting pain and suffering." A monstrosity like their Boss was not someone who anyone could easily follow and become on par with.

"If I can't do that, how can I defy my fate?" Li Lanfeng raised his eyebrows. He never once thought that following in Ling Lan's footsteps was more difficult than changing his own fate. If he couldn't do that, then he shouldn't even consider trying to change his fate.

"Defy your fate?" Li Shiyu was confused. It was the first time he heard his eldest cousin brother say something like that. Did he say it because of his weak and delicate body from the past? Li Shiyu felt that the situation wasn't as simple as he had previously thought. Is his eldest cousin brother still hiding something?

Seeing a confused Li Shiyu, Li Lanfeng smirked…

At that moment, Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran also arrived.

"Here." Tang Ningyu reached the entrance of the headquarters. The location of the headquarters was very intricate. If it wasn't for the fact that Tang Ningyu was given a map by his superiors, they may not be able to find it in a short amount of time. Currently, with all of the fake domain realm masters and guards being sent to intercept the military… the entrance was no longer guarded.

"This gate should be one of those high-tech password gates. Do you know the password?" Mu Chaoran inspected the gate, then turned around and asked Tang Ningyu.

"No!" Tang Ningyu replied sharply.

"Then, how do we get in?" Mu Chaoran was dumbfounded.

Purple lightning appeared and started buzzing around Tang Ningyu's palm. He calmly said, "By force!"

After saying that, a flash of purple lightning shot towards the gate. The gate was instantly melted into a pile of mush and could no longer be used as a gate.

Seeing this, Mu Chaoran rubbed his nose and said, "Very forceful indeed!" He suddenly opened his hand and a fire dragon flew out from it. The fire dragon wrapped around the mush and boiled it until its gaseous state.

After getting rid of the gate, it revealed a bottomless hole. Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran looked at each other, then both of them jumped down one after the other.

After landing at the bottom, Mu Chaoran and Tang Ningyu knew that they were around a few hundred meters deep based on how long it took for them to land.

What they first saw was a wide corridor, but it wasn't as dark as one would think being in a tunnel hundreds of meters deep as there were lights for every three steps that they took which lit up the entire corridor. If there were guards in this corridor, even if there were only one for every 50 meters, they would still be discovered the moment they entered it.

However, currently, there weren't any guards in the corridor. They were probably all intercepting the military. This made it easier for them to move about and not worry about being attacked.

The two of them didn't slow down and quickly ran across the corridor. Once they got out of the corridor, they saw large headquarters. No one knew how this unknown organization managed to build such a large headquarters under the forest. Even these two from the Flying Dragon Special Forces couldn't help but be in awe of this organization's achievements.

However, this large headquarters which was originally orderly, was now chaotic. People there were like headless flies, running around aimlessly without a supervisor in sight.

Tang Ningyu seemed to have realized something and shouted, "Not good!"

"What's wrong?" Tang Ningyu made Mu Chaoran jump up in fright.

"This headquarters has another exit," Tang Ningyu said with certainty.

"That's impossible. We received information that there's only one." Mu Chaoran couldn't believe it.

"I speculate that the exit is only known to a few. No, maybe only the boss of this headquarters knows where it is," Tang Ningyu smiled bitterly.

"In other words, they gave up their lives to keep their boss safe?" Mu Chaoran said confusedly.

"Looks like that's the case. Those in the academy area, along with these people in the base, are people that have been abandoned." Once the military breaks into this headquarters, these people will be sitting ducks.

"Why don't they just leave the headquarters?" If they didn't know about the other exit, couldn't they just leave with the gate the two of them came in from?

"It's possible that they don't even know they have been discovered," Tang Ningyu said calmly. "This is an enclosed space so they can't contact the outside world." This was why they couldn't get hackers to find the location of the headquarters and could only use spies that only had results popping up after three years.

"The reason for the chaos is probably because they can't find the person-in-charge. I guess they could already tell that there is something going on. However, the enclosed lifestyle made them react much slower," Tang Ningyu continued. "However, even though they are very slow on the uptake, they will soon escape from the place we entered from…"

Mu Chaoran smirked, "Looks like we came right on time. We have to stop these people from leaving."

"I can handle it myself. Shouldn't you be finding someone?" When they were coming here, Mu Chaoran talked about Xiao Yiqiu's situation.

"Alright, I'm going to go find him. Just call me if you can't handle them." Mu Chaoran went to find Xiao Yiqiu.

Right as Tang Ningyu was about stop people from escaping, Little Four, who had already took control of the headquarters, gave an order in the voice of their boss under Ling Lan's command. After completing that, he then had the time to tell his Boss that her two roommates had arrived.

"If they're here then that means the military will be here soon as well. Little Four, did you find the second exit?" Ling Lan target was the second exit.

"Boss, I found it, but that exit can no longer be used." Little Four told Ling Lan the bad news.

"What happened?" Asked Ling Lan.

"When they left, they destroyed the passage," said Little Four.

"They're getting away just like that?" Ling Lan was in dismay. Ever since she discovered what this organization had done, Ling Lan had decided that she wouldn't let them go no matter what.

"Maybe not… ah ha, I found their location!" Little Four expanded the map of the Azure Central Scout Academy by a few hundred yard radius in Ling Lan's mindspace. There was a red dot blinking on one spot of the map. "The exit is there! They're still packing something and haven't left yet."

"Good job, Little Four!" Ling Lan finally smiled slightly. Then, she disappeared into the mist and began to move about. She had to get there.

"Little Four, give Mu Chaoran some hints to let him find Xiao Yiqiu quicker." After saying that, Ling Lan completely disappeared.

Chapter 772 - No Effort Required!

After taking control of the headquarters, Little Four quickly found the lucky Xiao Yiqiu, as he was only just tossed into a room and unconscious.

Tang Ningyu and Mu Chaoran split the workload. Tang Ningyu guarded the corridor to make sure those in the headquarters didn't escape before the military arrived, while Mu Chaoran silently went deeper into the headquarters to look for Xiao Yiqiu.

However, a sudden change surprised the two of them greatly. The originally chaotic and panic-filled headquarters, slowly became orderly. This made Tang Ningyu, who was guarding the corridor, suspect that something was off. Could it be that their guess was off? Is the boss of the headquarters still supervising the headquarters?

Seeing this change, Mu Chaoran also became more cautious. He didn't want to get trapped in this headquarters before he could save Xiao Yiqiu. He had already personally experienced a titled domain realm master's terrifying capabilities. If that titled domain realm master was in the headquarters, or perhaps there were similar level experts within the headquarters, he probably wouldn't be able to stall them until the military arrived.

Mu Chaoran hid within the darkness. Right when he was thinking about how he would find Xiao Yiqiu, two staff members of the headquarters suddenly walked past him. They spoke softly as they walked past him.

"That's odd. Why would the higher-ups order us to move the material in Room Q1 to Room F7?" Normally, a material would only be moved from a room if the modifications were successful or a complete failure. Otherwise, the material would be left in the room for its entire life."

"That's enough, don't say anymore. Ever since yesterday afternoon, the orders from the higher-ups began to be confusing. Now we're only changing the room of a material, there's nothing weird about that," said the other staff member nonchalantly.

"Do you think something happened?" Every since yesterday afternoon, the orders of the higher-ups seemed to be extremely odd. The lower-ranked staff members could feel something was in the air, and also began to suspect whether something had happened to the headquarters…

"Who knows.." the other staff member said dazedly.

"Sigh!" The two of them sighed and shook their heads as they walked towards Room Q1. They were all at the bottom of the chain of command. When the higher-ups were still in the headquarters, they didn't have a chance to run even if they wanted to. They could only obey the orders given to them.

After hearing the conversation between the two of them, Mu Chaoran suddenly had a thought, and he followed behind them. Since he didn't have any idea where to look for Xiao Yiqiu, he should follow them, maybe he could find more clues.

Room Q1 was somewhat far away. Mu Chaoran carefully hid from everyone he had encountered along the way and finally arrived at the so-called Room Q1 mentioned by the two staff members.

Room Q1 was actually the first room in a long corridor of rooms. The rooms all had Q in their names. Each room's design was very simple and crude, all the room just had one bed, a dresser and a tiny washroom.

The two staff members used some equipment to open the door. Behind the door, an unconscious person was lying on the bed. Right as the two of them were about to lift up that person, Mu Chaoran saw the familiar scout uniform and had a thought.

"Bam! Bam!" Mu Chaoran instantly knocked out the two staff members.

Mu Chaoran carefully used the equipment in their hands to close the door of the room. Then, he walked towards the bed and smiled, "That was really easy, no effort required!"

It turns out, it was Xiao Yiqiu who was lying on the bed. Mu Chaoran quickly checked around and instantly let out a sigh of relief. Xiao Yiqiu was only tranquilized and wasn't injured.

Soldiers on missions always had life-saving medicinal agents on them. Mu Chaoran quickly took out a vial of medicinal agent and made Xiao Yiqiu gulp it down.

Not long after, Xiao Yiqiu began to slowly open his eyes. After seeing Mu Chaoran's face, he was instantly surprised and almost shouted. However, he quickly reacted and softly said, "Meng Shaoran, you got captured as well?"

Mu Chaoran glared at him. "You're the one who got captured. I'm here to rescue you."

"Just yourself?" Xiao Yiqiu instantly became nervous. "Do you want to die? There are domain realm masters here."

"Don't worry, the troops the military sent will be here soon. We just need to wait until then." Mu Chaoran didn't want to explain that he was a domain realm master. He only told Xiao Yiqiu that they were going to be safe soon.

Xiao Yiqiu was a smart person and immediately said, "You're a soldier!" He thought of their current situation and said, "You're here to investigate the organization, right?"

Xiao Yiqiu didn't wait for Mu Chaoran to answer and said angrily, "Sh*t, we really have been harmed by this organization. You don't know, the Xiao family…"

"Stop! Su Pei already told me!" Mu Chaoran's lips twitched. He didn't think that Xiao Yiqiu was actually the talkative type! He hated being with talkative types.

"Ah, Su Pei! Oh, is Su Pei alright?" Xiao Yiqiu immediately asked as he was reminded by Mu Chaoran about Su Pei who had tried to escape with him.

"He's luckier than you, and has returned safely," Mu Chaoran replied. In reality, he wanted to save Xiao Yiqiu not just because of Su Pei's request. It was because in the forest he had chosen to save Su Pei and not Xiao Yiqiu. Although he was forced to do so, he still felt that he did Xiao Yiqiu wrong.

"That's good…" Xiao Yiqiu let out a sigh of relief and was happy that Su Pei was able to safely escape. Then, he looked at the monotone room surrounding him and smiled bitterly, "Unfortunately, we don't know when we can leave this god forsaken place…"

"Bang!" Suddenly, a loud quaking sound made Xiao Yiqiu, who hadn't completely recovered, almost roll off the bed.

Mu Chaoran smirked slightly, "It seems the military is here." It seemed that those fake domain realm masters have already been taken care of by the military.

After hearing this news while trying to balance his body, Xiao Yiqiu's eyes brightened, "Are we saved?"

"That's definitely the case. You wait here, I'm going to see what's happening outside…" Mu Chaoran opened the door and ran out.

The door close once again and the room became silent. At that moment, Xiao Yiqiu had a big smile on his face. He softly said, "Mu Chaoran, Tang Ningyu, I look forward in becoming your comrades!"

Ling Lan, who turned into mist, went past Tang Ningyu and returned to the surface.

Tang Ningyu frowned and looked back at the empty corridor behind him. He didn't know why but he felt as though something had gone past him just now… If it was possible, he wanted to activate his domain to lock down the area, but unfortunately his domain was too loud. Plus, the military hadn't arrived yet. He also didn't know whether there were any hidden experts within the headquarters, making Tang Ningyu not dare to expose himself.

"It's probably nothing. Only titled domain realm masters can silently leave under my watchful eyes. If there were titled domain realm masters in the headquarters, how could they let an invader like me come in?" Tang Ningyu thought that it wasn't possible, so he tossed aside the odd feeling he had.

Chapter 773 - The Bigger Pot!

After Ling Lan arrived on the surface, she lead Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu back to the Azure Central Scout Academy.

"What's the situation down there?" Li Lanfeng asked.

"It was as expected, everyone important has escaped through another exit, and they destroyed the exit after they left." Ling Lan replied in a concise manner. Then, she asked, "Have they all arrive?" She originally wanted to just spectate in the backlines, but now it seemed like she actually had a chance to benefit off this altercation.

"Everyone's here, and they're all getting ready to let loose," smiled Li Lanfeng.

"Tell them to come to this set of coordinates," Ling Lan sent Li Lanfeng the coordinates Little Four had given her to let him arrange everything immediately.

"This is a great chance to get military merits but…, the opponents are very strong, so tell them to be careful." There was also something Ling Lan hadn't mentioned yet, and it was the fact that they were going to fight fake domain realm masters. Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi, who were all stuck at the optimal peak Great Perfection of Qi-Jin for a long time, would definitely benefit from fighting with these fake domain masters.

Ling Lan was currently too strong to be their sparring partner so she could no longer spar with them to help improve. It was even possible that sparring with her would actually be detrimental to their physical skills' progress. If by any chance she pressured them too hard, forcing Qi Long and the others walk down Qiao Ting's path, then it wouldn't be the best for them as they wouldn't advance naturally to the domain stage. This was why Ling Lan would only watch on as Qi Long and the others become frustrated at the fact that they were stuck at the optimal peak Great Perfection of Qi-Jin.

She originally thought that she could only wait for her comrades to naturally advance to the domain stage, but she didn't think that the mission she randomly received allowed her to see an opportunity, the fake domain realm masters. Fake domain realm masters only had a quarter of the power of a real domain realm masters. These fake domain realm master could defeat Qi-Jin experts, but because of their flaws in their domain, they wouldn't be able to outrightly dominate them. Thus, this was Qi Long and the others' opportunity. As long as they could endure the pressure of fighting against a fake domain realm master, they would be able to understand the concept of a domain

Once they gain an understanding and break through their Qi-Jin's barriers, they would not be too far off from advancing to the domain stage. This was why she asked Li Lanfeng to get Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi to come here as soon as possible.

Li Lanfeng immediately notified their three comrades who had waited for a long time!

"Oh yeah, the military headquarters is also sending their people here." Li Lanfeng told Ling Lan the information he had received.

"Who?" Ling Lan's heart dropped. Is her father coming out again…

"Someone we're very familiar with. Staff Officer He, He Xuyang!" Li Lanfeng cracked a smile. He and Han Jijyun had battled with He Xuyang a few times for some clan resources. Both sides had wins and losses. Every time He Xuyang saw the two of them, his head would suffer from painful headaches. Li Lanfeng hoped that he didn't hate them too much.

Ling Lan smirked. "Looks like the 23rd Division also wants to reap benefits from this mission."

"Since this mission was given to you accidentally, General Ling Xiao would definitely not give up on such a good opportunity," Li Lanfeng said softly. "The 23rd Division is a new division. All of its achievements are not noteworthy. If they want to gain more say in the military, then they must have achievements that the military can not dismiss easily, and this mission is very important for the military so…"

"If that's the case, then we're not enough!" Ling Lan only wanted Qi Long and the other two to benefit, and she didn't think as far as Ling Xiao. Now that she thought about it, with just a few of them, they probably wouldn't be able to completely take over everything.

"Don't worry, there are a few domain realm masters from the 23rd Division who are coming with Staff Officer He…" Li Lanfeng didn't think that General Ling Xiao would be so daring that he would disregard the military's order to gather, and instead order the domain realm masters under him to wait for a chance to strike.

"You either don't do it or take the bigger pot!" Ling Lan immediately understood what Ling Xiao was planning. If the 23rd Division's domain realm masters obeyed the military's orders to gather for this mission, they would only be awarded with the standard amount of military merit upon successful completion. If they weren't successful… the 23rd Division, a division with very few resources, wouldn't be able to afford to spare these domain realm masters. Of course, if Ling Xiao discovered that other force joined in, completely reversing the situation, he would order his generals to help out in the time of crisis. Then, the amount of merits awarded would be very different.

Of course, if the military's domain realm masters could handle this mission by themselves, Ling Xiao would give up the merits of this mission. It was just as Ling Lan had said, Ling Xiao was either going to do it and not want anything, or do it and take the bigger pot to reap more benefits.

"My father isn't as perfect as you think." Ling Lan gave a friendly reminder to Li Lanfeng. She thought of how the people see Ling Xiao as the perfect soldier, the face of justice. She couldn't help but sigh. Only she knew that Ling Xiao also had his own agenda and was definitely not as perfect as people thought.

"I know, that's why I admire General Ling Xiao!" Li Lanfeng replied earnestly. If Ling Xiao was a real saint, Li Lanfeng wouldn't be admiring him that much.

Right at that moment, the military had already taken control of the entire academy area. There were only a few fake domain realm masters from the unknown organization who were still fighting with the military. Ling Lan predicted that soon, the military would finish the battle and attack the headquarters in the forest.

While everyone's attention was on the domain realm masters in the battle, Ling Lan led Li Lanfeng and Li Shiyu out of the Azure Central Academy silently and went towards the direction the higher-ups of the organization retreated towards.

Qi Long's group of three had already reached the location where the coordinates their Boss had given them were indicating, but this location was quite close to where the retreating organization was currently at, so Ling Lan didn't want Qi Long and the other to fight them head on without waiting for her first.

In order to make sure no one notices them, Ling Lan's gathering spot was a remote path with lush trees on both sides, where elders would only pass by in the morning.

When Ling Lan appeared, Qi Long instantly excitedly called out, "Boss!"

"Is everything ready?" Ling Lan asked.

"Of course!" Qi Long cracked his knuckles. Luo Lang was also excited and his face heat up until it was a beautiful blush red color, making Ling Lan understand what it really meant to be blindingly beautiful. Xie Yi on the other hand, just stood there calmly. Although he didn't say anything, one could still tell from his clenched fists that his fighting spirit was at its peak.

"Regiment Commander Ling, it's been a long time!" He Xuyang who was awkwardly standing beside Qi Long, and was thinking that Ling Lan would greet him first, said in dismay.

'Young Master Lan, how could you ignore me?' He Xuyang cried on the inside.

"Staff Officer He, it has indeed been a long time. Your body seems to be stronger than before!" Ling Lan said nonchalantly.

What does Young Master Lan mean by that? He Xuyang thought about the meaning behind Ling Lan's words. Then, he saw a few domain realm masters' lips moving slightly, as if they were trying to endure something. He suddenly realized… Sh*t, Young Master Lan is saying he is fat!

"Regiment Commander Ling!" Staff Officer He felt hurt. He looked at Ling Lan with a depressed expression as if to blame Ling Lan for his sadness. Him becoming fat was because Ling Xiao threw him most of his work, thus not allowing him to have the time to exercise.

"What are the orders?" Ling Lan ignored He Xuyang's expression and asked coldly.

Not fun at all. He Xuyang replied with disinterest, "The general gave us an order. Everything is under Regiment Commander Ling's command."

After hearing that, the domain realm masters that came with He Xuyang had confused expressions on their faces. They originally thought that He Xuyang, the Staff Officer, would be the one commanding them. They didn't think that it was actually going to be this young mecha clan regiment commander.

However, those who were sent out by Ling Xiao were all Ling Xiao's confidants, so the domain realm masters didn't have any gripe with the decision. If General Ling Xiao made the decision, then he definitely must have his reasons.

Ling Lan didn't decline and immediately explained the situation to the domain realm masters. After hearing that the enemy might have titled domain realm masters in their group, the domain realm masters all had serious expressions on their faces.

One of them said, "If they still have titled domain realm masters, then we probably won't be able to handle it."

When it comes to the domain stage, the difference in domain strength could not be overcome with numbers.

"It's alright, if there are any titled domain realm masters, I can handle them!" Ling Lan said calmly.

Ling Lan's words made the domain realm masters widen their eyes. They knew that the person in front of them was definitely not a dumb and naive youngster if Ling Xiao trusted him. He wouldn't joke with them about that as his life was on the line too. Thus his words meant that he could definitely hold control of the situation. Could this very young man be a domain realm master? And also reached the level of being a titled domain realm master?

He Xuyang was satisfied. Before coming here, he was informed that Young Master Lan had already reached the capabilities of a titled domain realm master, which had frightened him greatly. Now, there were finally people who were also frightened by that fact.

"Indeed, Regiment Commander Ling already has the strength of a titled domain realm master." He Xuyang made certain of their guesses.

Ling Lan looked at He Xuyang. It seemed that He Xuyang managed to get past Ling Xiao's test and finally acquired Ling Xiao's trust…

"Since everyone is clear on the mission, let's move out!" Right as Ling Lan finished speaking, she completely disappeared.

The domain realm masters looked at each other. Just then, they felt Ling Lan's domain energy. Shockingly, this young regiment commander was already a domain realm master. After mulling over that, they followed suit and also disappeared.

"Staff Officer He, we're leaving now." Qi Long and the other two waved towards He Xuyang, and also left the scene.

Right as Li Lanfeng was about to follow them, Li Shiyu grabbed him.

"It's too dangerous there!" Li Mulan had only reached peak stage of Qi-Jin so he was not fit to join them.

Li Lanfeng slowly pushed away Li Shiyu's hand and softly said, "If I back out now, then I would never be able to follow them in my lifetime."

Li Shiyu wanted to say more, but Li Lanfeng didn't give him another chance, and he left without hesitation.

Li Shiyu stomped his feet and bit his lip before he followed behind his eldest cousin brother. He couldn't just watch silently as his eldest cousin brother put himself in danger. Domain battles were not something they could participate in.

Chapter 774 - Private Manor!

Their destination was a private manor. The entrance of the manor had a few manifestation stage guards patrolling around it. Everything seemed similar to a manor of a rich merchant.

Ling Lan and the others didn't think that it was odd. If the organization was to have the exit lead them to a crowded area or perhaps a normal residential area, then that would be considered odd. A private manor could completely cover up everything that they were going to do.

"Boss, I found the information… this private manor was purchased by a foregin merchant with the surname Xu." Little Four quickly acquired the information of the private manor.

"You can't find any dirt on him, right?" Ling Lan asked calmly.

"How did you know that Boss?" Little Four was surprised. He indeed didn't find any useful information, so he used all of his efforts to try to find some dirt on the owner of the manor. He even gone through all of his ancestors. Unfortunately, it was just as his Boss had said, there was nothing wrong with it at all.

"If they were to screw up that easily, then the military wouldn't have such a headache with this organization, and used almost half of the entire Federation's military power just to find some clues. Even so, in the few years that ensued, they still couldn't even find the tail of the organization, so I knew that this faction's background wasn't that simple. It's possible that this manor's owner is used as a cover-up. If we look for them there, we would definitely not be able to find them." This was why Ling Lan didn't want to expose herself. With her current capabilities, she still couldn't go against them head-to-head.

"Then, would it be too troublesome for us to wrap around them?" After being trained by Ling Lan, Little Four no longer had a one thought mind. His brain worked very fast and immediately thought of this problem. He didn't want his Boss to be in a sticky situation.

"Since our father made the decision, then he probably already has a fool-proof plan!" Ling Lan trusted that if Ling Xiao went ahead with this plan, then he must have already prepared their plan for retreat. It was just that Ling Lan's didn't know Ling Xiao's entire plan. She could guess parts of Ling Xiao's plan and could not completely guess it.

However, that was fine! She couldn't see the plan now, but it didn't mean that she wouldn't be able to do it in the future. Although Ling Lan trusted her father, she still didn't like the feeling of anxiousness that would come up when she couldn't control the situation.

Ling Lan carefully examined the inner parts of the manor, and felt a few strong auras within it. As expected, there were a few strong domain realm masters within the group who had retreated. Luckily, there wasn't anyone as strong as the wood element titled domain realm master. Ling Lan also discovered that not only were there fake domain realm masters, but also many actual domain realm masters.

Ling Lan finally had a grasp of the situation. The strength of domain realm masters in the manor compared to her group of domain realm masters were around the same level, so it wasn't impossible for her group to completely devour the opposition.

Since there wasn't a really difficult opponent, Ling Lan decisively waved towards Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi, telling them to move in.

Qi Long and the other two moved stealthily into the guard house without hesitation. They instantly struck down the group of guards, who hadn't noticed anything. The three of them were decisive, ruthless and didn't give the guards any chance to react. They took care of the guards and didn't alert anyone else in the manor.

The five domain realm masters behind Ling Lan couldn't help but nod at Qi Long and the others' decisiveness.

Ling Lan nodded towards the five domain realm masters and then led them through the gate.

What they saw a large green forest surrounding a beautiful westernized white manor.

At that moment, the plaza of the manor already had many hover trucks of different sizes parked there. Many people could be seen desperately trying to quickly load things into the trucks as if their lives depended on it. It seemed that, while they were retreating, they wanted to also take some precious resources. It was because of this that allowed Ling Lan and the others to catch up to them.

They were almost done loading the supplies on the hover trucks. Seeing this, Ling Lan raised her eyebrows and held out her right. She then pointed straight at the hover truck in front of her!

In response, the five domain realm masters all looked at each other. One of them nodded and vanished in the next second. Almost instantaneously, that domain realm master appeared on top of one of the roofs of the hover trucks. He then performed a pushing down, creating a strong force that was pushing everyone at the scene down, freezing everyone.

"Impudent!" An angry shout came from inside the manor. Rocks from all directions suddenly flew towards the domain realm master who was on the roof of the truck.

Seeing that, the 23rd Division's domain realm master snorted coldly. As the rocks were about to reach half a meter in distance of him, a flash of light went by, knocking the rocks back to where they came from.

Suddenly, a white haired elder flew out from the manor. When he landed, he saw the domain realm master on the hover truck, and he instantly narrowed his eyes. "Who are you? Do you not know that this is a private area?"

"We're looking for you! You dared to break the laws of the Federation. Even if you wear the skin of a human, I will still peel it off of you!" This domain realm master from the 23rd Division was a middle-aged muscular man. Before Ling Xiao sent him here, Ling Xiao had already told him about all the laws this organization had broken, so the middle-aged man already hated them to the bone. Thus, he did not care about propriety and leak out the killing intent in his words.

After hearing that, the elder knew they had been exposed. He cried out loudly and flew up into the air with a fist coming towards the middle-aged man!

This wasn't a battle of physical skills, but rather a battle of domain. After his fist was sent out, it turned into a thousand ton stone and flew towards the middle-aged domain realm master from the 23rd Division.

The middle-aged man pulled his hand back and a light appeared in the place where his hand was. Then, he slowly pushed the light out with his hand.

"Bang!" A loud bang sounded. The large stone was stuck in mid-air and didn't continue to forward.

The elder's expression froze. He saw a flash of light flashing under him and said, "A light elemental domain!"

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, which was when the sun was the most bright, empowering his domain even further, while the elder was at a disadvantage as the surrounding areas were all grassy fields, with only a small amount of the stone element… The only stone element source that could help him was the manor behind him.

However, he wasn't the only one in this battle! A flash killing intent went past the elder's eyes. Suddenly, stone walls were erected at the four sides, forming a square cage, boxing the both of them. He then began to go at his opponent from all sides.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang." Four flashes of light appeared and guarded against the four-prong pillar attack from the walls. The two of them began to fight using their domain to see who would last longer. Right at that moment, a silhouette appeared above the middle-aged man. A sharp sword came from the heavens and ruthlessly went for the middle-aged man's head.

The man was completely focused on fighting elder so he couldn't do anything about it. Right as he was about to lose his life, a water whip suddenly appeared and wrapped around the sharp sword. The water whip pulled on the sword and also pulled out the person who performed the sneak attack.

At that moment, a middle-aged man with an elegant aura appeared at the scene. He spoke to the assassin, "If you need an opponent, then I can fight with you!"

Chapter 775 - Reaper!

"Who are you people? Aren't people the Federation sent still at the academy?" The assassin asked with a fearful expression on his face. They clearly had lured all of the troops the military had sent. Why are there still domain realm masters here? Is there a traitor among them?

"The Huaxia Federation have had the 36 stratagems since ancient times. Have you not heard of it before?" The elegant middle-aged man replied with a smile.

"Make a sound in the east, then strike in the west…" The assassin said begrudgingly.

"Looks like you've researched the treasures of our ancestors very well. Since you were guarded against the attack on the academy, then we, of course, will make a sound in the east, and then strike in the west!" The elegant middle-aged man was still smiling warmly as if he was a teacher patiently answering his students' elementary questions.

This attitude was undoubtedly to mock these people. The assassin didn't want to say anymore, as another question would undoubtedly lead to another insulting reply. Another sharp blade suddenly appeared in his other hand. With both swords in his hands, he ruthlessly pounced towards the elegant middle-aged man with a heavy piercing attack!

In actuality, there wasn't only just one assassin. Two other assassin did appear, but it was just that they were intercepted by the two older domain realm masters who came with Ling Lan.

Currently, there was only one domain realm master that stayed beside Ling Lan, but not for long, as Ling Lan could feel another three stronger forces of presence in the manor.

In the next second, four domain realm masters suddenly flew out from the manor. Their auras were weaker compared to those who came out in the beginning. The last domain realm master beside Ling Lan frowned as he was surprised by the number of domain realm masters that were coming out of the manor. Although, he could stand his ground if they were to fight him one after another, but the outcome of the battle would be very different if they were to attack together. Right as he was about to intercept them, Ling Lan reached out her hand and pressed down on his shoulder.

This domain realm master had a shocked expression on his face. In the eyes of the others, Ling Lan had stopped him just before he had moved, but this domain realm master knew he had already moved. It was just that in the moment he moved, he was easily forced down by Ling Lan's hand, forcibly removing his momentum.

Are titled domain realm masters this strong? This domain realm master started suspecting something was off. Although titled domain realm masters were stronger than them by one stage, they were definitely not strong enough to instantly stop them from moving. Who is this Regiment Commander Ling? Maybe, he just looked young, but was actually a one hundred old demon?

While this domain realm master was still in deep thought about Ling Lan's age, Ling Lan looked towards Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi, and nodded to gesture to them that they could go in.

The three of them went in without any hesitation. It was just that there were four fake domain realm masters and they only had three people, so someone needed to fight against two of them.

Seeing this, Qi Long bit his lip and decided to take the harder challenge himself. Out of the three of them, he was the strongest. Thus, only he had hopes of defending against attacks from two opponents for one or two rounds. If it was Luo Lang or Xie Yi, they would probably just lose in one hit.

Suddenly, Ling Lan reached her hand out and grabbed someone behind her. Then, a silhouette could be seen flying straight into the battlefield and landing in front of one of the fake domain realm masters.

"If you're not afraid to follow us, then you must have the resolve to die!" Ling Lan's cold and heartless voice rang through Li Lanfeng's ears.

Although Ling Lan was being cold and heartless, Li Lanfeng was not in low spirits. Instead, he was overjoyed. Li Lanfeng knew Ling Lan really well. If he didn't have any hopes of winning against a fake domain realm master, Ling Lan would never let him go into battlefield and would also not say something like that… This meant that, even if there was a small chance, Ling Lan was still willing to believe that he would be able to find his way and become a domain realm master.

A man will die for anyone who recognizes his potential! Li Lanfeng finally understood the deeper meaning of those words! It was his life worth of luck that allowed him to have Ling Lan in his life.

Li Lanfeng suppressed his emotions and concentrated on the opponent standing in front of him. The only way he could repay Ling Lan was to make sure the trust that was given him didn't go to waste. He must use this experience to understand the rules of the domain stage and become a domain realm master.

That's right, even though Li Lanfeng had only reached the peak stage of Qi-Jin and hadn't reached Great Perfection yet, he could still clearly feel a shapeless barrier that was halting his advancement… It appeared after his spiritual power was quelled by Ling Lan. As time went on, this feeling became even clearer. He didn't know why his situation was different from the others, as they could only feel the barrier after reaching Great Perfection. He didn't know whether it was a good or bad thing, and was clueless on what to do.

He originally wanted to ask Ling Lan after the mission, but after hearing there were fake domain realm masters and Ling Lan telling him to contact Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi, the intelligent Li Lanfeng knew what Ling Lan was planning. Ling Lan was creating an opportunity for the three of them to advance to the domain stage…

After understanding this, Li Lanfeng was really tempted to join. He didn't want to be left behind by Ling Lan and lose to Ling Lan's comrades. He wanted to follow in Ling Lan's footsteps, so he couldn't let others advance before he did. This was also the reason why he wanted to come here.

"Bam!" "Bam!" "Bam!"

On the other side, Qi Long and the other two have already begun their battles with the fake domain realm masters. They originally thought they would be severely injured in one hit, but their current situation was that they were just slightly injured. This made them realize that these domain realm masters were not on the same level as their Boss.

After gaining more confidence from their continuous successive defense, Qi Long and the other two became wilder as the battle went on. The three of them were the type of people who don't care about their lives. Once they got used to the pace of the battle, unless they die, they wouldn't stop fighting.

Just like that, they were continuously struck down by their opponents, but would always rebound back up and continue fighting like elastic bands. This made the three domain realm masters feel extremely amused by their hilarious acts, but as time went on, they began to become irritated.

They originally thought that they were just Qi-Jin stage ants who were performing a hilarious act without a care for their lives, and that it would only take a few hits until they die. However, after more than a dozen rounds, these three people were still full of vigor. Every hit caused them to spit out blood as if they were about to die. However, they didn't know what type of medicinal agents they did consume for them to be constantly full of vigor.

In the end, they were actually held back by three Qi-Jin ants, blocking them off to the side so they couldn't help the guests of their manor. They seemed to feel the watchful eyes that were filled with mockery coming from inside manor that were watching their battle. Their boss must definitely feel that they were losing face for the organization.

Everything they had were given by the organization. If the organization abandoned them… the three of them suddenly felt a chill in the air. They didn't want to become 'materials' and die in the laboratory. With that crisis in mind, they finally activated their strongest domain techniques.

A sand element domain realm master was facing Luo Lang. A sand dragon appeared out of mid-air. Seeing the sand dragon, Luo Lang's wild expression suddenly became calm. He transformed from being a berserk beauty to a beauty that was as cold as ice.

A wind element domain realm master, who loved close-range combat, was facing Qi Long. There were shapeless wind blades all around him with attacks that were undetectable by the naked eye. In actuality, Qi Long was in the most danger, but his smile was becoming wider and wider. It was as though he didn't care about his life.

On Xie Yi side, a paper world had manifested. Layers and layers of paper started surrounding Xie Yi and the paper element domain realm master. In the end, it became a sphere made of paper, trapping Xie Yi and the paper domain realm master within it.

Qi Long, Luo Lang and Xie Yi had all reached the point where they had to fight for their lives. However, Li Lanfeng's situation was even worse than theirs. With weaker physical skills, he could only be pushed back without any chance to counterattack. If it wasn't for Li Shiyu's medicinal agents, Li Lanfeng probably would have not been able to get up a long time ago. However, even with the medicinal agents Li Lanfeng was still not in a good state. Even though he didn't die, he almost there. He was continuously spitting out blood from the hits his opponent was sending his way.

The domain realm master beside Ling Lan saw this and narrowed his eyes. His body moved unconsciously with the thought of helping them but he resisted the urge in the end. He looked at the cold, heartless and unmoving Ling Lan. He didn't know what Ling Lan was thinking. Is he not doing anything because his comrades didn't listen to his orders and came here on their own accord? So even if they were about to die on the battlefield, she wouldn't make any moves just because it was their fault to begin with?

"Li Lanfeng, if you insist on following us, and die because of that, I will look down on you forever!" Li Lanfeng, who was somewhat in a dazed state, suddenly had Ling Lan's cold voice rang through his mindscape.

"No, No, I don't want that!" Anyone can look down on him, but Rabbit definitely cannot!

Li Lanfeng returned back to consciousness. What he first saw was his opponent activating his domain. His opponent was actually a gold element domain realm master. The surrounding area was filled with thin gold needles. In the next second, these gold needles would make Li Lanfeng into a porcupine.

His physical skills on paper was only short of Qi Long and the others by a small stage, but the difference in battle was so great. They could still endure in the fight, but Li Lanfeng could only watch as he gets beaten up…"Sh*t" Li Lanfeng cried out internally. If this was the virtual world, no one would be able to bully him like this? In there, he was the reaper who had control over life and death in the virtual world!

"If we are in the virtual world, I will just need one thought to kill them. One thought!"

Li Lanfeng, now full of wounds across his body, had blood running down his forehead like a fountain into his eyes, reddening his originally dark eyes. Now, he saw everything in a shade of red. Everyone was in a blood-red color…

Just like that, the people who he wanted to kill turned blood-red… After losing too much blood, Li Lanfeng's consciousness wavered once again, making him feel that he had entered the virtual world…

"Thousand Needle Rain!" Every gold needle went towards Li Lanfeng. Ling Lan clenched her hand and trembled slightly, but she suddenly had a stunned expression on her face. She didn't think that Li Lanfeng's domain was like that.

"You want to kill me?" Li Lanfeng smirked with hint of mockery. "You actually dare to defy a reaper. Then, you must know that the reaper will take your life!"

Li Lanfeng's entire force of presence changed. The space around him became twisted and a strong force started to suck in everything around him.

Li Lanfeng slowly raised his right hand and a black reaper scythe slowly manifested in it.

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