Tải xuống ứng dụng
57.6% Mixed HD / Chapter 250: 693 - 699

Chương 250: 693 - 699

Chapter 693 - Legend?

Seeing this, Yang Mingzhi immediately turned his mecha around. His beam gun pointed towards the tentacles and pulled down on the trigger with a great force. The barrel of gun suddenly had a bright yellow flower come out from its tip…

"One of the ace operator's sure-kill techniques, Blossoming Flash!" Those who were familiar with gun techniques would definitely be excited if they saw this move. It was a sure-kill technique because once this skill was used, it would always produce some results.

"Bang!" A large explosive sound echoed. The ground shook from the shockwave of the blast, not to mention the surface of the lake as it created countless tidal waves. A few mechas that retreated a bit slower than the rest were even hit by waves. The surface of the shore was flooded and required a long time to return back to normal.

Just as it was about to explode, Yang Mingzhi quickly backed up ten meters. Although he had already put his beam shield on the highest setting, the shockwave created by the explosion was still too much for him to handle. The beam shield's energy levels were almost depleted and his mecha was losing energy as well. If someone were to attack him at this moment, it was possible that they would be able to by-pass the beam shield and cause damage to the mecha itself.

Yang Mingzhi's move had its merits. Countless numbers of tentacles were blown off by the explosion. The explosion stopped the tentacles for a short while and averted the crisis the mecha operators were in.

The tentacle creature saw that its attack was unfruitful. Its patience was already running thin and now it was really angry.

"RAWR! A terrifying howl echoed from within the lake. Every mecha operator felt somewhat dizzy. Many of the mechas that were still in mid-air, began to lose control and fall towards the ground. However, these mecha operators were after all not second-rate mecha operators, their spiritual power levels were quite high. They quickly regained back their controls and immediately controlled their mechas.

The tentacle monster used sound waves to attack them. This attack was to incapacitate these mecha operators for a moment. That small window of time was enough for the monster to whip out more tentacles to attacks these bugs that had harmed it.

This tentacle monster was more intelligent than what they had come to have known. It instantly took away their opportunity to escape, created by Yang Mingzhi putting his life on the line. Right as they were about to wake up, they saw countless numbers of tentacles outside of their mechas. They knew they no longer had the chance to escape, thus they steeled their nerves and prepared to fight to their last breath.

It did not come to their mind that they would be caught in such a huge predicament within the field area. The mecha operators were no longer relaxed as they were in the beginning. They all had the realization that they needed to fight for their lives.

"Whirlwind Strike!"

"Multiple Point Strike!"

In the team, there were only three people who were not affected by the howl of the monster. They moved in together and attacked the tentacles once again. It was Luo Lang, Xie Yi and Li Lanfeng.

"RAWR!" The monster howled in pain. The entire surface of the lake began to rumble. A large circular shadow emerged from the lake along with the countless tentacles on its body. They began to wildly move about, causing the water to flood the shore again.

"As expected, it's a tentacle monster and it's a large one." Seeing this, Yang Mingzhi and the others felt their nerves tingle.

With just a small part of the main body coming out from the lake, along with its tentacles, they instantly knew this monster was hard to deal with. The thickness of those tentacles were about the same size as their mechas. Moreover, it was definitely 10 times longer than their mechas. No wonder with them exploding, cutting them or slicing, they didn't do too much damage to the tentacles. Are they able to dispose of this large monster with the equipment and weapons they have on hand?

"Where is our regiment commander?" Yang Mingzhi asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, this little guy would be way over its head if it thinks it can take down our regiment commander." Luo Lang's first response had a tone of looking down on the monster as if this large creature wasn't even a cause for concern.

Hearing this, Yang Mingzhi didn't know where Luo Lang's confidence came from, to trust the regiment commander's group of six to not have any problems in the lake. Even if it was Yang Mingzhi himself, he would not be much of a help and would just shudder at the sight of this large creature if he was in their regiment commander's position.

However, Yang Mingzhi didn't have the luxury nor the time to worry about others. The tentacle whipped towards them once again, complementing the sound wave attack that was coming towards them at the same time. An attack that was both physical and spiritual. This made Yang Mingzhi and the other mecha operators fall into another difficult battle.

"Luo Lang, Xie Yi, we can't keep attacking like this. We need to get closer to the main body." Li Lanfeng battled with a tentacle for a while and finally found the time to communicate his plans with Luo Lang and Xie Yi.

Although Li Lanfeng's hands were already full with his own battle, he was also paying attention to everyone else. He discovered that Luo Lang and Xie Yi were also not affected by the spiritual attack.

Li Lanfeng was spectral ability user. Spectral ability users were also able to use spiritual power to attack. The only thing that could harm him spiritually was a spectral ability of the same level. This crude spiritual attack was of course not effective against him. As for Luo Lang and Xie Yi, Li Lanfeng determined that the reasons why they were not affected was because Luo Lang's innate talent and Xie Yi's dual personalities. Luo Lang was able to easily switch between his various personalities and with him being the primary personality, he definitely had the highest level of spiritual power to be able to control all of his personalities. For Xie Yi, after fusing his light and dark personalities, his spiritual power had grown stronger and was able to easily negate damage from crude spiritual attacks.

This was why Li Lanfeng shared his plans with Luo Lang and Xie Yi.

"Just say it, what should we do?" Luo Lang replied. Li Lanfeng was a strategist that even the Boss trusted, so he of course would trust in Li Lanfeng's plan.

"Xie Yi and I will create a path for you. You will then try to move closer to it. As for the main body's weakness… Xie Yi and I will try our best to give you one minute's worth of time." Li Lanfeng looked at the main body in the lake. His eyes showed a hint of determination. He couldn't let Rabbit be disappointed in him.

"Understood!" Luo Lang shouted. Among the three of them, his close combat skills was the strongest which made him the most suitable to attack the main body. As for the other mecha operators, it was already good enough that they could endure the spiritual attack and stay alive. It would be a miracle if they could provide any help.

The three of them began to slowly change their positions and got closer to each other. Yang Mingzhi had noticed their weird movements. Although he didn't know what the three of them were doing, but he was sure that it was to attack the large monster. After blocking an incoming attack, he split a bit of his attention towards the three of them.

Finally, the three of them stood together in a triangular formation. Li Lanfeng suddenly shouted, "Xie Yi, coordinates (234,312), beam gun!"

Xie Yi raised his beam gun without hesitation and shot towards the coordinates Li Lanfeng had given him. This type of coordinate was only used inLingtian Battle Clan. Of course, now it had become a speciality for 250 Mecha Clan. Only they knew the coordinates and would cause the enemy to be confused(that was unless the enemy hacked into their communications channel).

The beam from both mechas hit the same location at the same time. The power of the attack wasn't comparable to the power of one beam. It also wasn't simply just adding the power of of two beams, it increased exponentially when combined. Not long after, the tentacles in the path of the combined beam were vapourized.

Before Li Lanfeng could say anything, Luo Lang, who was already ready, shot out like a cannonball, following the beam Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi had shot. He went straight through the path the beam had created.

In actuality, all these steps were done instantaneously. When Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi's beam dispersed, Luo Lang had already arrived above the tentacle monster's main body. A brightly flashing cold weapon was stabbed straight towards the circular main body without hesitation.

"Shu!" The large sword cut into the circular body for half a meter. A black liquid squirted out from the wound. It quickly changed the original clear blue water to pure black.

"RAWR!" The monster screeched, leaving everyone with headaches. Luckily the monster stopped attacking because it was under immense pain. The mecha operators weren't harmed physically, but everyone had cold sweat dripping down their foreheads from being afraid. If they were attacked when they didn't have their guard up, they would definitely be heavily wounded.

As expected, land clearing missions were the most dangerous type of missions within the military. They had only just arrived at the new planet and landed in the safest location. Even so, they still almost all perished.

After getting injured, the tentacle monster's entire circular body began to flop around. The tentacles that were originally attacking everyone, flailed towards Luo Lang, who was wrestling with the main body for the sword.

"Not good. Quickly everyone, attack the main body!" Yang Mingzhi saw this and knew something bad was going to happen and immediately gave an order.

Everyone knew Luo Lang was in danger. In that moment, they didn't care about preserving energy. The beams from their guns were shot out as if they were selling cabbages on the street.

The main body could no longer disregard the attack. It couldn't help but use a few of its tentacles to protect itself. This also showed the disadvantage of having such a large body. Without the agility to dodge these attacks, it could only use its tentacles to block.

Even then, one-third of the tentacles were still attacking Luo Lang. Luo Lang saw this and couldn't help but temporarily give up on the sword that was stuck in the main body and maneuvered his mecha to dodge the tentacle. Just like that, a mecha was dodging through the tentacles that were ten times taller than the mecha itself gracefully. This scene made the mecha operators on the shore watched anxiously. They were afraid that with one mistake, Luo Lang would be crushed by a tentacle and would perish.

At that moment, sweat poured down from Luo Lang's forehead like rain and his spirit was waning. The reason the mecha dodged so gracefully was because of his countless combination of controls. If one command was executed slower, he would meet his doom. In that situation, Luo Lang didn't think about anything else and only wanted dodge, dodge and dodge.

Suddenly, Luo Lang's finger slowed down and in turn Luo Lang's mecha slowed down. This sudden slowness was only for a blink of an eye, but as luck would have it, in this amount of time, Luo Lang lost the chance to dodge a cross chop attack from two tentacles.

The mecha operators on the shore watched in horror as their mouths were wide open with disbelief. Right at that moment, two whirlwinds came down from the sky. Just as the tentacles were about to hit Luo Lang, they were sent flying back by the whirlwinds.

"You guys are finally here. You guys are too slow," Luo Lang said with discontent.

"Sorry, we wasted some time getting past the monster," Xie Yi apologized sofly. The danger Luo Lang was in just now almost made Xie Yi's heart stop.

"Here!" Li Lanfeng suddenly took out a long and large sword that looked similar to a tangdao and passed it to Luo.

Luo Lang caught it and took a look. He instantly shouted out, "Li Lanfeng, why is the Boss's Firmament with you?"

"Boss was afraid someone would lose their weapon, so he told me to bring it if by any chance that happened," Li Lanfeng said coldly. Luo Lang didn't know what to say. He could only hold the Firmament and ruthlessly pounce towards the tentacle monster.

"Wuwuwu, I will wash away the disgrace!" Luo Lang thought frustratingly.

Li Lanfeng didn't care about how his conversation with Luo Lang may have harmed Luo Lang's pride. He and Xie Yi worked together and blocked all of the tentacles attacking Luo Lang. This made Luo Lang put all of his focus into attacking the circular main body.

The attack just now made them realized that the main body was not as tough as the tentacles. However, because it was so huge, one sword strike could not cause a fatal wound. They only hoped that the sharp Firmament could create a miracle.

Luo Lang's sword attack was even more ruthless than the last one because of the disgrace he had received. In other words, this strike Luo Lang made gave off a feeling that it was either his enemy dying or himself.

"Shu!" As expected, the Firmament was undoubtedly a very sharp and tough cold weapon. It easily cut open the main body. This time, it instantly cut through around two meters. Luo Lang's mecha also followed the sword's downwards momentum and dropped into the water, creating countless ripples.

"RAWR!" The tentacle monster gave off another screech of pain which stopped the attacks of the mecha operators on the shore again. Without having to defend against the attacks of the mecha operators from the shore, all of the tentacle began to attack Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi along with Luo Lang, who had not come out from the lake.

Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi used all their might to defend against the tentacles, but still couldn't defend against the tentacle monster's desperate attack and were both struck down into the lake. The tentacle monster's attacks didn't stop there. All of the tentacles that could still move split into three groups and ruthlessly pounced towards the three mechas that were struggling to get out of the water.

At that moment, one mecha suddenly appeared in the sky. The tentacle monster actually didn't notice this mecha because all of its attention were on the three in the lake.

That one mecha plummet straight down from the air. Quicker than words could say, the mecha instantly landed on the main body, then a beam gun was ruthlessly stabbed into the wound Luo Lang had created and the operator pulled down the trigger of the beam gun without hesitation.

"Bang!" A large explosion was heard. The entire lake blew up. Mechas that were close to the shore were instantly blown away by the shockwave of the blast. The tidal waves from the lake instantly pushed them back tens of meters.

The mecha performing the final attack was also sent flying many meters away by the rebound of the gun and smashed onto the surface of the lake. Perhaps the force of the rebound was too great because his destroyed mecha was released black puffs of smoke.


"Captain Yang!"

While all the mecha operators were shouting with concern, Li Lanfeng's group of three were also watching Yang Mingzhi. In their time of need, Yang Mingzhi made a move. In order to save the three of them, he used a move that destroyed both him and the monster. Without enough the beam shield to protect the mecha, it would of course be destroyed by the terrifying explosion.

"Shu!" Yang Mingzhi's battered mecha suddenly floated above the water. Could it be that the damage to Yang Mingzhi's mecha wasn't as severe as they had thought? Everyone relaxed a bit, but quickly discovered it wasn't the case. It was because Yang Mingzhi's mecha didn't float above the water by itself and was brought up by Luo Lang who had fallen into the lake earlier.

"Captain Yang, Captain Yang…" After putting down Yang Mingzhi's mecha softly on the ground, Luo Lang anxiously shouted to Yang Mingzhi. If he didn't respond, Luo Lang would have opened the cockpit and perform emergency first aid.

"Ugh, ugh… Captain Luo, I'm alright." Yang Mingzhi had blood coming out of his mouth and tried his best to relief Luo Lang's worries.

"Drink the emergency medicinal agent our regiment commander had prepared for us. Brother Shiyu's medicinal agents are very effective." After hearing that he was alright, Luo Lang instantly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't forget to remind Yang Mingzhi to drink the medicine for the fear of some undetectable internal injuries. As long as he drank the medicine, it would make sure nothing could go wrong.

Hearing Luo Lang's concern, Yang Mingzhi wasn't going to ignore it. He took out the medicine from the small fridge contraption, opened it and drank it. These simple movements made Yang Mingzhi use all of his body's energy, causing immense pain.

"I haven't been injured in so long. Didn't think that being injured would be so painful!" Yang Mingzhi smiled bitterly. He had forgotten the feeling of pain. As expected, living peacefully was a warrior's grave. Back then, his injuries were more severe than this and yet he could still continue to operate his mecha and battle with the enemy until the bitter end. If it was back then, he wouldn't need Luo Lang's help to swim out of the lake and wouldn't be rendered him unable to move by such small injuries.

At that moment, Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi had crawled out of the lake while dragging out the main body from the tentacle monster.

In reality, the power of the explosion that Li Lanfeng, Xie Yi and Luo Lang had endured wasn't any less than Yang Mingzhi's. Moreover, they had already sustained attacks from the tentacle monster. They should have all been injured, but the three of them were like wild beasts, as if they weren't even affected…

Yang Mingzhi looked at these three and couldn't help but think to himself, "As expected of the new generation replacing the old generation, while the old generation dies on the battlefield. I'm indeed old." Yang Mingzhi's mood was slightly depressed and felt some regret, but he felt more happy. These mecha operators that were too young to be true were much stronger than he was back then. He really wanted to see how far these young mecha operators will go.

Perhaps he could follow behind them and become a legend too. Yang Mingzhi didn't know why but he actually had a thought like this.

Chapter 694 - Making a Move?

Li Lanfeng and Xie Yi dragged the main body of the tentacle monster onto shore. Luo Lang quickly ran up to them. The main body was even considered big for them, who were piloting mechas. If they fought with their regular bodies, they would be as small as ants compared to the tentacle monster?

Luo Lang thought about this for a second then frowned. He didn't want to be at the lowest level of the food chain.

Luo Lang poked at the main body with interest. Suddenly he saw that there was a circular hole at the main body's lower part. The hole had black fluid constantly flowing out from it. Luo Lang knew that this was the monster's blood. In other words, this wasn't a mouth hole or the hole at the other end. Instead, it was wound.

"Guys, come take a look. Look at that!" Luo Lang anxiously called out to people to come take a look.

A bunch of people heard Luo Lang's call and gathered around him. Han Jijyun was also poking at the hole with his large sword. Right as he did that, the black liquid that was flowing out, suddenly squirted into the air. If Han Jijyun's reaction wasn't as fast as it was, he would have been covered with the black liquid.

"It's indeed a wound and it's also a fatal one," said Han Jijyun.

"Yeah, the amount of black liquid that spewed out from the explosion wasn't as much as that wound itself." Li Lanfeng saw that the ground they were standing on was already stained black and the speed of the flowing black fluid did not slow down. The large circular body also deflated at a speed the naked eye could see. It seemed that the circular hole was the main reason why it died.

"Our Boss probably made a move," Luo Lang said with a glint in his eyes.

"I agree!" Xie Yi supported Luo Lang's idea without hesitation.

"I also agree!" Han Jijyun thought for a second and could only come to such a conclusion as well.

"I don't see why not." Li Lanfeng said with a smile. Only Ling Lan had the capabilities to find the fatal weakness of the tentacle monster and kill it in one hit.

Everyone thought Ling Lan had made a move, but Ling Lan's group had just reached the deepest part of the lake. Ling Lan didn't expect the bottom of the lake to have a deep trench. Ling Lan stood at the edge of the trench and couldn't help but frown.

"Boss, the thermal indicators are reacting greatly. It seems like this is the place." Qi Long said sternly. Although they found the real source of the thermal signal, the bottom of the trench still gave Qi Long a strong and terrifying pressure. This made Qi Long's mood heavy.

"Qi Long, do you feel a strong pressure? My instincts tell me that I shouldn't go down there." Ling Lan's strange innate talent actually gave her a warning. Ling Lan couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.

"My instincts also tells me that it's very dangerous!" Qi Long added more emphasis on 'very dangerous'.

Hearing this, Zhao Jun's expression became serious as well. He knew clearly that Qi Long's Animal Instinct was very sensitive. There was definitely an existence that was of a great threat to them since Qi Long felt danger, "Then, we're giving up on it?"

Ling Lan didn't say anything. She indeed could choose to give up and report the information to the higher-ups. However, the outcome of doing it like this would mean that afterwards, she would no longer have any part in this…

Ling Lan looked at the thermal signal shown on the mecha. She could predict that there was definitely a large energy source down in the trench. For her to give up on such a large prize, Ling Lan was still quite unwilling to do so. Compared to the credits Little Four accumulated by shady means, the thing in front of her could strengthen 250 Mecha Clan with real honor. Ling Lan's original resolve began to waver.

Go or leave?

"Regiment commander, it's all done." At that moment, Ling Yu, who Ling Lan send to clean up had returned.

Ling Lan turned around to face Ling Yu. She suddenly had a thought. With him here, going down there will be safe right… However, using this kind of means to acquire merits, isn't it too shameful?

The shame inside Ling Lan's heart began to battle fiercely with her selfishness. Not long after, her selfishness easily defeated her so-called shameful heart.

Man, since he came to her voluntarily, if she didn't use him, she wouldn't be treating herself right. Ling Lan's palm clenched together and decisively made a decision.

Thus Ling Lan ordered," You guys wait here. Ling Yu, go down with me."


"Regiment commander!"

The other four all shouted. Was it safe to take a recently joined clan member? They weren't confident about Ling Yu, who had only just joined and had unknown capabilities.

"Don't worry, Ling Yu is part of the Ling family. He will protect me." Ling Lan comforted and at the same time she expressed the fact that her decision could not be changed.

Hearing this, Qi Long couldn't help but look towards Ling Yu… Did the Boss mean that Ling Yu is stronger than him? Or perhaps, because Ling Yu is a loyalist of the Ling family, thus if something were to happen, Ling Yu would give up his life in exchange for the Boss to escape?

Qi Long was worried. He didn't know why, but his instincts were telling him that it was the first reason he had thought. That was because his Boss would definitely not sacrifice lives randomly, even if they were loyalists.

Ling Lan led Ling Yu and jumped down into the trench. Not long after, they disappeared into the darkness. In the end, they had completely disappeared from Qi Long and the others' radars.

Maybe it was the strength of the thermal signal. It might have interfered with their other searching systems… The four of them looked at the empty radar and could only comfort themselves with this fact.

Ling Lan piloted her mecha and sunk down slowly. The cockpit was completely silent with only her soft breathing sound echoing through it. Loneliness, in addition to the pressure increasing as they sunk lower, made Ling Lan feel anxious. She couldn't help but say, "You're weird. Does the 23rd Division not have anything for you to do? You actually have time to play dress-up?"

"Lan'er, your heart's wavering." Ling Yu voice changed. The warmth it had also had a hint of comfort and made Ling Lan's heart instantly stop wavering.

"I'm sorry dad!" Ling Lan took a deep breath and expelled the anxiousness out of her. It turns out Ling Yu wasn't the real Ling Yu and was Ling Xiao dressed up as him.

"It seems that feeling the danger below could silently affect your mood. Looks like it's a hard opponent." Ling Xiao coldly stared at the bottom of the trench. It dared to bully his daughter. It was looking for a death wish.

"Dad, that thing at the bottom is mine." After calming down, Ling Lan of course knew clearly who caused her mood to waver. She was instantly filled with anger. It actually dared to make look weak in front of her father. It was indeed looking for death wish!

"Alright!" Ling Xiao replied with a smile and was proud of her. As expected of his daughter, gutsy and would not back away from a difficult situation!

Aright, the two of them were never on the same page, but now somehow had a mutual understanding of each other.

Chapter 695 - Tossed Out the Door!

Inside the trench had an area shaped like an upside down triangle. The space inside this area was vast, but it was filled with unknown plants and roots. Ling Lan and Ling Xiao didn't turned on their mechas' engines but instead chose to slowly sink down. They carefully piloted their mechas and moved away from the unknown plants. Their mechas didn't make any sound and safely landed at the bottom of the trench.

The surrounding area was completely silent as if there wasn't anything alive within the trench. However, Ling Lan and Ling Xiao knew there was definitely a terrifying creature hidden in this trench. Seemingly to have hidden itself perfectly within the trench.

Ling Lan didn't want to just sit and wait for the creature to come to them. She released her spiritual power and scanned the entire trench. Then she waved her mecha's arm, creating waves within the still water. It was as though a drop of water had fallen onto a heated pan, livening up the "dead zone" in an instant.

However, Ling Lan's movements didn't lure out the creature. The surrounding area was still silent and unmoving. Ling Lan couldn't help but frown, she didn't understand why that thing hadn't made a move yet. Could it be that her instincts were wrong? Was there no terrifying creature in this trench?

Ling Lan immediately overruled her sudden change of thought. She believed her innate talent, Profound Insight, would be never wrong, there was definitely a creature more powerful than her in the area. It was just that it was patient enough to not make a move. There was definitely a reason for that…

Ling Lan suddenly had an idea. She looked towards Ling Xiao and had a sudden realization. Could the creature also sense danger? Did it sense her father's hidden and terrifying power, thus it didn't dare to make a move?

Ling Lan was instantly frustrated. She originally wanted her father to be there as her insurance. Now it seemed like it was a terrible idea. The creature was probably so scared, it didn't dare to make any moves. If she can't completely destroy the creature, even if they reported the existence of the energy source, 250 Mecha Clan wouldn't be considered as the real founders.

After all, her father, Ling Xiao, was going to leave after this mission. Once Ling Xiao leaves, this dangerous creature would immediately cause havoc. If she couldn't finish off this thing before anyone else discovers it… Ling Lan became frustrated.

The military's regulations stated all discovered energy sources, must be safe and not threatened by any form of danger. If it was discovered that it was dangerous, then the founder of the new energy source would be the one who resolved the danger. Ling Lan was not going to hand it over to others on a silver platter.

Then how could she make the creature not fear Ling Xiao for it to make a move? Ling Lan glanced towards Ling Xiao as she thought about how she could get rid of her annoying father…

Ling Xiao suddenly sneezed. He glanced at the temperature reading on his cockpit and saw that it was very warm. Why did he sneeze then? Could it be that his wife was lovingly thinking about him at home? Yes, that was probably the case. Ling Xiao had this thought joyfully. His wife was definitely lamenting the feeling of how one day felt like an eternity. She was probably now missing him and already regretting kicking him out!

Planet Southcrest, headquarters of the 23rd Division, Lan Luofeng was looking at the information only accessible to senior colonel rank. Every rank had their own data access permissions. The higher the rank, the more information they could access.

Lan Luofeng looked through the list of information she had access to and discovered there wasn't information on what she wanted to know. Then she sighed and turned off the communicator's screen. Deputy Officer He, who stood beside her, carefully began to speak, "Senior colonel, if you want more information, you can always ask General Ling Xiao."

As Lan Luofeng's deputy, Adjutant He knew that a while ago, her senior officer had a fight with General Ling Xiao. Of course, the reason for their fight wasn't because of some family matter or the appearance of a mistress. It was instead because of their son, Young Master Lan.

Inside Adjutant He's mind, a young and proud Ling Lan, who broke three past records, activated his battle team during the new recruit training phase, looting one of the newest model of mechas from Caesar and earning his merits to be 250 Mecha Clan's Regiment Commander… After thinking up to this point, Adjutant He's eyes showed a hint of admiration. General Ling Xiao was indeed strong to make people admire him, but that was a legend in Senior Colonel Lan's generation… Luckily, they had a Young Master Lan!

Frankly speaking, this fight was started by Senior Colonel Lan. It was because Senior Colonel Lan was not content with Young Master Lan and General Ling Xiao being sent off to a mission to explore new planets. Additionally, Adjutant He also believed that General Ling Xiao was quite fearless. Although Adjutant He believed Young Master Lan was very talented, if he was given a few more years, Young Master Lan would definitely be able to take on a mission like this by himself. However, it was still too early, after all Young Master Lan was still a new recruit who had only joined the division for less than a year. He had only been a regiment commander for a bit over 6 months…

Even the most talented leader would not be able to fix that mecha clan in such a short amount of time. Moreover, it was mecha clan filled with damaged individuals. Nobody could accomplish anything without the necessary tools. Even if it was Young Master Lan, he wouldn't be able to train a group of individuals who could take on a land clearing mission in such a short amount of time.

The result of the fight between the two of them, left them parting on bad terms. General Ling Xiao seemed to be warm and easy to talk to, but in reality, when he made a decision, he was firm with it. Even Lan Luofeng, who he loved with all of his heart, could not change his decisions.

Lan Luofeng, who could not receive a satisfying answer, angrily kicked General Ling Xiao out of the 23rd division's headquarters. The two of them gave each the cold shoulder, General Ling Xiao had not returned to the General's mansion for more than a month. This made Adjutant He worried. It should be known that in the 23rd division, there were many young and beautiful female soldiers. If General Ling Xiao drowned his sorrow with alcohol and was taken advantage of by someone, wouldn't her senior colonel go insane?

Thus, whenever she had the chance, Adjutant He wouldn't forget to remind her senior officer to give in and ask the general to come back home.

Lan Luofeng knew her adjutant was doing this to be nice. She knew very well where Ling Xiao was at this moment. Even if she wanted to contact him, she wouldn't be able to at this moment.

However, she wasn't thinking of that bastard. Her mind was filled with thoughts about her soft, cute and adorable Baby Lan. That idiot Ling Xiao actually made the decision to take her baby girl away on a land clearing mission! After thinking up to this point, Lan Luofeng's anger was reignited. She felt that she hadn't hit Ling Xiao enough on that day! It wasn't enough to get rid of the resentment in her heart!

What kind of mission was a land clearing mission? As a soldier in the Federation, she of course knew of it. From the beginning days of the Federation, the mortality rate never dropped below 40% during these missions. It was a ratio of one person dying out of two people. This made her worry immensely, thus how could she not hate Ling Xiao? Back then, when Ling Xiao sent their daughter to the Men's Academy accidentally, she was already angry. She didn't think that letting Ling Xiao do as he pleased would make him go overboard. This time, he didn't even notify her and sent her daughter to a land clearing mission. If her adjutant didn't tell her this, she probably would be still in the dark…

Luckily that bastard still had some resemblance of being a father. In the end, he promised her that he would personally go to protect their daughter. Lan Luofeng then felt a bit better.

Ling Xiao was after all a division's leader and couldn't leave the headquarters for too long at a time. In order to let Ling Xiao leave silently, the two of them conveniently used this fight as a reason to be away from each other. Ling Xiao pretended to be depressed and hid in the headquarters, not meeting with anyone. During this time, he only met with First Staff Officer He Xuyang (First Staff Officer was once again screwed over by General Ling Xiao. When necessary, he would pretend to be the general and approve documents for him… As expected he must have owed the Ling family's father and son in his past life. Thus in his current life he must be their slave to repay them).

Lan Luofeng on the other hand, would handle everyone who came to the general's mansion to meet Ling Xiao. Normally, Lan Luofeng hated dealing with this type of public relations… However, she endured it because of her baby daughter!

Of course, Lan Luofeng, who was still depressed, made a decision that unless her Baby Lan returned home safely, she would definitely not forgive that bastard!

Alright, at this moment, Lan Luofeng was definitely regretting her decision and was thinking of Ling Xiao just as Ling Xiao had predicted. Well, it can't be said that she wasn't thinking about him. After all, Lan Luofeng was thinking of beating Ling Xiao a few times to let out her frustration and anger.

Thus, one must never provoke a female tiger protecting their cubs! There would be no going back.

And thus the heroic father Ling was kicked out by the heroic mother Lan… People should light some candles for General Ling Xiao!

Ling Xiao suddenly felt killing intent in the air while he was blissfully think about Lan Luofeng. Ling Xiao didn't hesitate and blocked with his large sword.

"Clank!" The clash between the two cold weapons was muffled by the water. The huge shockwave shook the water around them and split the water apart as it quickly flowed back into position.

Ling Xiao smirked, "This is method you thought of?"

"Since it's afraid of you and doesn't dare to make a move, then I'll just let it have that chance," Ling Lan replied indifferently. In such a short time, she indeed couldn't think of any other way to lure the creature out. It wasn't the fact she couldn't get Ling Xiao to leave, but Ling Lan would not actually put herself in peril just to lure out the opponent. That would be a stupid move.

After thinking back and forth, the only way was to make it think that the two of them were not in the same team. This would allow the creature to believe it had a chance to sneak an attack onto Ling Xiao. As long as it made a move, Ling Lan would be able to find it.

"It indeed is a way to resolve the issue. Then let your dad test out how much you've improved!" Ling Xiao said somewhat excitedly.

The creature here was considered dangerous to Ling Lan, but wasn't to Ling Xiao. In actuality, he had already somewhat sensed the location of the creature. It was just that Ling Lan had said that the prey was hers, so he couldn't make a move. Additionally, he didn't want his own daughter to miss out on a battle with an opponent who was stronger than her. With him by her side, he could protect his own daughter and make sure she wouldn't get injured. How could Ling Xiao destroy this opportunity of a lifetime for Ling Lan.

Chapter 696 - Violence!

Now that they both understand the current situation, this father and daughter couple began to fight for real in the depths of the trench.

Ling Lan put all her effort into fighting with Ling Xiao, a god-class operator. It was because Ling Lan knew that even if she tried her hardest, she would only be able to go a few rounds. If she still kept holding back, she was looking for beating.

It was just as Ling Lan had thought. Right as Ling Xiao retaliated, she was immediately under pressure the entire time and was getting pushed back from each attack. She could only block and not have any chance to counterattack.

"RAWR?" The creature that was silently watching the prey that had entered his domain, was now very confused. It didn't understand why these two creatures that came together began to fight each other. Was it because they weren't together?

It had a sudden realization and began to move about. The two creatures that came from above, one wasn't very dangerous, but the other one terrified it. It was also this fear that made it watch them from the sidelines. It was the reason why it chose to continue to hide silently and not attack recklessly.

This creature that was hiding in a corner was the ruler of these waters. No other creature dared to enter its domain. Everyone that had entered his domain had already been devoured by this creature. Originally, after these two entered its domain, it was preparing to gobble them up. However, when it was about to make a move, it felt a terrifying aura around the prey. This aura was very familiar. The high ruler of this planet also had this type of aura. This creature had once seen other creatures that were stronger than it be ruthlessly torn apart by this high ruler…

It believed in its instincts because from when it was born, it lived through many dangerous situations using its instincts and safely lived until now. This included the time when it revolted against the high ruler, but it sensed the feeling of death and decisively chose to submit. This also helped it live until now as well… Its other companions however did not believe in their instincts and were killed by the high ruler in the end.

The creature was originally planning to give up hunting them instantly had a change of heart because of Ling Lan and Ling Xiao's actions. It was because this creature had not eaten meat for a very long time. Ever since the apocalypse, the temperature of these waters kept getting higher and higher. The organisms in the lake started decreasing and in the end, only it was left… Even if it ate plants, it could still survive. However, eating meat once in a while was also good.

The creature felt the saliva dripping from his mouth. It looked towards its prey. One it didn't dare to attack. If the two of them were on the same side, then it would of course not be greedy. However, now it seemed one of the prey could be caught…

Moving away from the creature that was debating with itself in a dark corner, on the other side of the water, Ling Lan felt her entire body completely drained of energy after only blocking eight hits from Ling Xiao… However, Ling Xiao didn't hold back and followed up with another attack that was going straight for the helmet of the mecha.

Bang! The two large swords clashed forcefully once again. Ling Lan's mecha was pushed back. Normally, Ling Lan would immediately reposition the mecha, but because of how tired she was, she actually couldn't reposition it in time.

A chance! The creature hiding in the darkness saw this and became excited. It didn't even think for a second and four tentacles silently moved towards Ling Lan. This creature had a habit of ambushing in this way. The tentacles silently yet swiftly rose up from the darkness, looking to capture Ling Lan's mecha.

"Shu, shu" The large sword Ling Xiao was using to attack Ling Lan suddenly slanted and moved a little bit. Two tentacles had been severed by Ling Xiao. At that moment, Ling Lan had already noticed the attack of the other two tentacles. She didn't choose to dodge and also didn't use her large sword to block. Instead, she let the tentacles wrap around her mecha.

In its blind spot, a powerful laser rifle slipped into the mecha's left hand.

The tentacles pulled Ling Lan rapidly down into the depth of the trench. Ling Lan's mecha was instantly dragged to a corner of the trench.

The creature that attacked Ling Lan wasn't stupid. It's tentacles had wrapped around the two arms of Ling Lan's mecha. After watching the two of them fight, it knew that these two organisms used their two arms to attack. As long as it controlled their arms, there wouldn't be any danger.

Of course, the creature wouldn't choose to attack Ling Xiao. It didn't want to die just yet. Just from watching the two of them fight, the creature knew that Ling Xiao was much stronger that it was… If it wasn't because of his hunger, it wouldn't jump into the fray and fight over the prey.

Of course, the reason why the creature dared to make a move was because in its mind, whoever acquired the prey would be able to eat it. No one would fight to the death for food.

The creature clearly thought Ling Lan and Ling Xiao had similar habits. This was also the reason it was doomed to be living a terrible life.

Ling Xiao's had a glint in his eyes as he saw that his daughter being pulled away by the tentacles. Although he knew of his daughter's plan, the creature was still taking away his daughter right under his nose… This was definitely something Ling Xiao couldn't endure.

His mecha then disappeared from its original position. In the next second, his mecha appeared at the end of the direction Ling Lan was being pulled towards. The outer shell of the mecha changed into a standard ace mecha in the blink of an eye.

The creature was still excited about catching its prey, it did not notice a mecha had appeared above its head. The barrel of a large beam gun was silently aimed at its head. If the creature harmed his daughter in any way, Ling Xiao would blow the creature into a million pieces in an instant.

The creature, that didn't have a sense of crisis, had its eyes fixed on the prey it had snatched. It opened its drooling mouth and ruthlessly bit down on its prey…

On Ling Lan's side, she saw that the ground suddenly had a large crack appearing. The crack suddenly rose up as if it was a large mouth and bit on the right leg of her mecha.

Ling Lan activated her beam shield in an instant!

"Crunch!" It bit down on the mecha's leg with a large force. If Ling Lan didn't use a high capacity beam shield energy storage unit, the energy level of the beam shield would probably have been broken through from this bite. Even so, Ling Lan's mecha's beam shield energy levels dropped to nothing instantly. The entire mecha instantly became dark and would not be able to take on another bite like the last one.

"Ow, ow, ow!" The creature instantly spat out the leg of the mecha. It even saw that one of its teeth was spat out as well. It began to have tears form in its eyes from the pain and the thought of losing its tooth.

"Wah wah wah!" It was originally filled with hope that this prey would be full of delicious meat but all it got was a tough bone… Additionally, was it because it hadn't eaten meat for so long and only ate plants, causing his teeth to no longer be able to bite down on bone? "Wah wah wah, my little tooth!"

While the creature was still sad about his broken tooth, Ling Lan knew that she was in a dangerous situation. The laser rifle in her left hand suddenly shot out a slew of beams and hit the tentacles wrapped around her mecha's arms. The tentacles were instantly sliced apart by the beams.

The prey didn't taste any good and wanted to escape. This was definitely a provocation!

The creature became angry. Its tentacles were like trees after a first spring shower, violently rising up from the ground. It wanted to hold its prey in place then think about how to eat it.

Although its idea was perfect, Ling Lan didn't give it that chance. The laser rifle's consecutive attacks destroyed the tentacles one by one. It created an opening and Ling Lan moved her mecha out of the grasp of the tentacles. The large sword in her right hand instantly slashed towards the direction the tentacles had risen up from.

Right here!

If Ling Lan still didn't know the location of the main body after so long, the time she spent in the learning space all these years would have been considered a waste of time. She would definitely be taken back into the learning space by all the instructors and relearn everything.

The large sword ruthlessly hit the ground. A black ink-like liquid spewed out from the ground. A painful roar echoed and a shapeless spiritual attack flew towards Ling Lan.

Ling Lan activated the Heptashield and countered the soundwave attack.

"RAWR?" This was the first time this creature's spiritual attack was countered. The tentacles that were about to attack Ling Lan suddenly froze and floated in the water.

Seeing this, Ling Lan moved her mecha and pulled on one of the tentacles. She saw half of the large circular body be pulled out of the mud at the bottom of the trench.

"Spiritual attack? Then I'll let you have a taste of what a real spiritual attack is like." Ling Lan saw that the tentacle monster planning to attack again, thus she sent a spiritual charge straight towards the circular body.

As the creature roared once again, countless tentacles around the circular body began to tremble intensely. The tentacles that were closer to the main body began wrapping around it as though to protect itself from the next attack.

"You think you can block the attack if you do that?" Ling Lan snorted coldly. Her left hand pulled on the tentacle in her hand. The circular body instantly flew up from the bottom of the trench and towards Ling Lan.

Ling Lan decisively threw down the large sword. Her large clenched fist ruthlessly punched the circular main body.

"This is for making me look bad in front of my dad! And this, and this too!" Ling Lan didn't forget what it did to her and was full of resentment. Now that she saw the culprit, how could she hold in her anger?

Ling Lan, who had been the pillar holding together her group of friends, as luck would have it, showed her weak side to the person she wanted acknowledgment from the most. This made Ling Lan feel irritated. She actually wanted to use her actions to tell Ling Xiao that she was able to hold her own. Unfortunately, things didn't go the way she wanted. Her opening display was not very good, especially since she would rarely have a chance to go on a mission together with her dad.

Just like that, one punch, two punches, three punches… Each punch hit the flesh, pushing away the tentacles, revealing the circular main body. Ling Lan didn't stop and was still punching. Her punches made the creature constantly roared in pain. Not long after, wounds started to open up on the circular body, black ink-like fluid flowed out from them. As Ling Lan's fists hit it one after the other, more liquid slowly flowed from the main body.

Ling Xiao watched as the stubborn and unreasonable fists of Ling Lan continued pummeling the unknown creature. His face twitched a little bit. He decided to turn around and pretend he didn't see the gory scene. He definitely wouldn't admit that the violent mecha operator down there was his daughter…

It should be known that him and Lan Luofeng were warm and friendly people and were definitely not violent. Their daughter also inherited their virtues and was a kind and cute young lady… Thus, he was definitely hallucinating!

Chapter 697 - Acting Cute?

"RAWR!" Ling Lan suddenly stopped whaling her fists and looked at the circular body that she had already punched countless of holes in. What she heard just now, was it what she thought?

"Rawr! Rawr!" Seeing Ling Lan stopping her fists, the circular body suddenly called out excitedly. That excitement seemed as though it was rejoicing that it managed to gain a new lease of life.

"Dad, did you hear what I did? Ling Lan turned around and asked her father, who was coldly watching from the side, with uncertainty. She could actually understand the creature's words. Could it be that she had already been possessed by this creature's father without her noticing?

Ling Lan shuddered at the thought and immediately examined her body. After finding that everything was normal, she was no longer worried.

"Mhm, that's right." Ling Xiao covered his mouth with his hand and coughed, holding in his laughter as he answered. He seemed to have also understood the meaning of the sound the creature had made. It was too funny.

"It actually dares to call me 'dad'. This little sh*t, I will definitely kill it." Ling Lan instantly exploded in anger. She wasn't even married yet and did not have any children. Most importantly, she was a woman. A woman. Why not call her 'mom' instead of 'dad'?

The creature referring to her as 'dad' touched Ling Lan's reverse scale. She clenched her fists and pummeled the creature once again. However, the force behind her punches had decreased a lot. Although Ling Lan was angry, she did not let it get to her head. She knew that in this unknown planet, if the creature of this planet could provide them some information, then the road ahead would undoubtedly be much easier. Thus, Ling Lan decided to temporarily keep it alive until it wasn't useful anymore, then kill it.

Ling Xiao thought for a moment and said with uncertainty, "It's possible that during our conversation, it heard you called me dad. It probably thinks "dad' is a respectful term to address a strong individual."

Ling Lan thought about it and thought that seemed right. This creature had never seen humans before and would definitely not know the meaning behind the names they called each other. It only imitated the way she called Ling Xiao. It believed that 'dad' was a term for a strong individual because Ling Xiao was clearly stronger than her.

After understanding what it meant, Ling Lan stopped and let go of the beaten up body of the creature… She glanced at the creature, her face twitched a little. It seemed that she may have put too much force into her punches. The circular creature was lying lifelessly at the bottom of the trench with all of its tentacles sprawled on the side… Well, there were still two tentacles moving about, but these two were only unconsciously convulsing.

Ling Lan covered her face with her hands. "Wuwuwu…" Ever since her dad and her been together on this mission, her behavior was quite insane and barbaric. She didn't have any bit of her usual calmness or strategic thinking. Could it be because she knew that she had someone to rely on, thus she wasn't afraid of anything?

Ling Lan looked at Ling Xiao with frustration. Next time, she wouldn't come out together with her father. Otherwise, she would get used to the habit of relying on her father. If that were to happen, she can kiss being independent in the future goodbye.

After making a decision, Ling Lan piloted her mecha and landed beside the circular creature. She kicked it, surprising the creature, causing all of its tentacles to move about. Then she coldly asked, "Are you willing to submit?"


"Submit?" What is that? The creature was confused. This was the first time he spoke with a human and could not understand what the word meant.

"There is actually a way to talk to that thing. That is to use your spiritual power to communicate with it. This creature's spiritual power seems to be pretty high, it should be able to endure the high pressure spiritual communication method you normally use."

This method that Ling Xiao had suggested wasn't a friendly method with no risks. It was instead an extremely violent way of forcing what one wanted to express into the mindspace of another individual to make them understand.

Of course, this method had some risk for the individual taking the brunt of the force. These individuals would easily be injured from the immense spiritual power of the aggressor. If these individuals had weaker spiritual power, they might even instantly become mindless zombies.

Ling Lan heard Ling Xiao suggestion and felt that it was appropriate. Originally, this creature was her prey, so if she destroyed it, she wouldn't regret it. Thus she forcefully sent over what she wanted to convey using her spiritual power, warning the creature to not go against her, otherwise she would instantly kill it.

The circular creature knew that its life was being held hostage by this scary and terrifying creature. Additionally, another even more terrifying creature was watching it from above. It wouldn't dare to go against her.

Normally creatures with large bodies were all strong physical attackers with weak spiritual power. This huge circular monster however was an oddball. Aside from its terrifying physical attack power, its spiritual power was also very strong. It easily withstood Ling Lan's spiritual pressure.

This way, the two of them could now easily communicate with each other.

"Yes dad, I choose to submit to you." The circular creature still hadn't realized the term it used to address Ling Lan with had some issues.

Ling Lan felt her fingers itch, but she endured it. She decided to let it go this time since it didn't know any better. However, Ling Lan didn't want to suddenly have a random otherworldly baby in her life. She also felt his circular creature was too ugly and did not meet the requirements of her need for pretty things. She coldly corrected it and said, "Don't call me 'dad'. Normally, servants who chose to submit all called me 'master'."

The circular creature immediately changed the term it addressed Ling Lan and shouted, "Master."

"Are there any creatures stronger than you in these waters?" This was the first thing Ling Lan had to make sure. After all, this was going to become their 250 Mecha Clan's base camp, so she needed to make sure it was safe.

"There aren't any others. I am the strongest here. Master, I'm very scared." Ling Lan didn't know why, but she detected a hint of fawning and ass-kissing from the creature's voice. Could it be an instinct of the creature to get it out of dire situations? So this creature that had never seen humans before, yet it knew how to behave itself?

"Was it your subordinate who attacked my subordinates on the shore?" Ling Lan asked. "How many more subordinates like that do you have? Can you control them?"

"They aren't my subordinates. They're my clones," replied the creature proudly. "There are countless clones of myself in these waters. Of course I can control them."

"Will they attack objects that move closer to them?" Ling Lan asked another question.

"Of course they won't. Without my orders, these clones will only stay in the water and eat things. My main body is very large, requiring a lot of nutrients to sustain myself. Just relying on my main body, I would definitely starve to death. Thus, I made countless of clones to help me eat," replied the circular creature earnestly.

Ever since the apocalypse, only this creature survived in these waters. It was because it had felt a terrifying danger approaching and sent countless clones to protect its main body. In the end, millions of clones were sacrificed to give the main body a chance to live. Due to the lack of food, it was unable to return to its original peak in power. This was why it was easily caught by the prey it had set its eyes on. If it was at its peak power, even a scarier creature might not be able to take it on.

The circular creature was sad after thinking about all that. It was already filled with sadness due to its companions disappearing, even itself had become the prey of another organism. It only hoped that this organism would be kind enough to let it go, after all it didn't taste good. Back then, stronger creatures had bitten down on his tentacles before, in the end puked it out and ran away. Yes, this was why it had survived in the beginning. The taste of its flesh was indeed not very good.

The circular creature rejoiced in its mind and prayed the taste buds of its master wasn't too odd. Otherwise it wouldn't know whether or not it could live. If it could live, it would definitely not want to die. This desperate attempt to live was also one of the reasons why it had gotten away from dangerous situations one after the other. It was one of the only organisms that had managed to live through the apocalypse in the end.

"Then, are there any creatures stronger than you on this planet?" After knowing there were no more threats in these waters, Ling Lan was relieved. She began to become interested in the ecology of this planet.

The circular creature replied earnestly, "Of course there are ones stronger than me. I am only the high ruler of these waters. Other places have creatures stronger than me. It's just that I'm not sure whether they survived the apocalypse." The circular creature's mood was a bit depressed. Ever since the apocalypse, it hadn't seen any of its companions.

Although the circular creature lived in the water, it was an amphibious organism. It could also live on land, but every time it crawled onto shore, it would feel an intense sense of danger. It, being the careful creature that it was, would choose to retreat into the water. Although companions were important, its life was more important. Thus it stayed submerged in the water, until today as it was captured by this organism standing in front of it.

Thinking up to this point, the circular creature regretted its decision. If it wasn't greedy for the taste of flesh, it would still have its freedom and still be the high ruler of these waters.

Hearing this, Ling Lan shook her head. As expected, this planet wasn't just a simple planet. She looked towards Ling Xiao and saw Ling Xiao shaking his head. Ling Lan knew what that meant. He came here after hiding his identity only to protect her. Thus, even if other clans met with stronger creatures, he would coldly watch from a distance and wouldn't make a move.

Although this seemed cold-blooded, Ling Lan knew her father didn't have a choice. If enemies knew her father was here, enemies of the Federation would without a doubt not give up on this chance to murder Ling Xiao. Although Ling Xiao was strong and was probably the strongest god-class operator, even the strongest god-class operator would not be able to survive the onslaught of many god-class operators attacking him at the same time…

Ling Lan took a deep breath, her eyes glistening with coldness. She was a selfish person. The reason she tried so hard to be stronger was to make sure her family members could live a peaceful life. Thus, she didn't want to see her father helping others, voluntarily putting himself on a silver platter…

"Then, Dad, remember to watch over me. Don't let those stronger creatures hurt me. Otherwise, you should think about how you will plan on telling Mom," Ling Lan said plainly.

Ling Xiao had a blank look on his face…

"Did my daughter just act cute? Cute? Acting cute? Ling Xiao's joy flowed through his entire body…

Chapter 698 - Spiritual Entity!

Ling Lan began to think about ways to dispose of this large creature. Although this thing had submitted to her, it was still not human and would definitely have selfish thoughts. Ling Lan didn't want to have a threat existing outside of their headquarters of this planet.

Although this creature seemed to be afraid of death at the moment and was easily subdued, this thing might still show its violent nature if her father was not here. Only Ling Lan and Ling Xiao could control it. If others wanted to control it, they probably needed to pay with a lot of blood.

After feeling the killing intent seeping out from Ling Lan, the circular creature's tentacles began to tremble. It roared to beg for mercy. Two tentacles were even holding onto Ling Lan's thigh as if its life depended on it. Afterwards, the entire circular body wrinkled into a ball shape. Two points on the body actually had transparent droplets coming out from them. It was like two flowing rivers, merging with the lake water in the end.

"Dad, is it crying?" Ling Lan frowned. The behavior of the circular creature gave her a headache. This thing was behaving nothing like a violent creature. How can she be ruthless now?

In reality, Ling Lan purposefully didn't move away from it hugging on her thigh. She wanted to dispose of this creature completely to make sure there were no threats around their headquarters. However, it had submitted to her after all. Although Ling Lan was ruthless, she never killed things for no reason. Thus, she softened her heart. She gave it a chance to attack her. If it does attack her, she would then have a reason to kill it.

However, she didn't think this thing would actually cozy her up. This made Ling Lan unable to make a decision.

"It's probably crying." Ling Xiao rubbed his chin and looked at this circular creature who behaved oddly. He began to search through his Divine Command sect to see if there were methods to control other spiritual entities. If there weren't any restrictions placed on the creature, he would not be able to have peace of mind when he returns.

"I think we should just kill it." After looking through all the methods, the amazing General Ling Xiao still couldn't find a method to control the creature. In order to eradicate any possible threats in the future, General Ling Xiao decided to end this creature in cold-blood.

Ling Lan looked at circular creature sympathetically. The creature seemed to understand its end. The two rivers of tears instantly became waterfalls…

Oh my, crying like this actually made Ling Lan waver in her decision. After feeling that it had a slim chance to live, a 'bang' sounded and the circular creature's body suddenly split open. From the crack, a small white ball suddenly jumped out. Oh, it wasn't a ball because the bottom half of it seemed to have some hair. Then it forcefully bumped on Ling Lan's cockpit.

Ling Xiao's expression changed. Right as he was about to cut the white ball with his sword, he saw Ling Lan giving him a signal. It was signalling him not to move.

It turns out, Ling Lan didn't feel any killing intent from the white ball. She wanted to see what this white ball wanted to do.

The small ball bumped on the cockpit, then vanished. Ling Lan had an expression of surprise on her face as she looked at the little white ball appearing in her cockpit. She didn't know what method it used, but it had actually entered her cockpit. Ling Lan squinted her eyes and a flash of killing intent passed through her eyes. This situation was too weird. Even if Ling Lan pitied the creature, she still needed to be ruthless at this moment.

"Master, that is a spiritual entity." Ling Lan didn't understand how Little Blossom knew what the ball, that appeared in her cockpit, was.

"Meep, meep!" The little ball suddenly had two eyes appeared on it and looked at Ling Lan with tears in its eyes.

"Master, don't kill please."

Sh*t… It is so cute. Ling Lan didn't think that such a large main body would house such a cute and petite spiritual entity. Although Ling Lan always behaved like a man, she still had the heart of a young maiden. After seeing the little guy, her maiden heart fluttered furiously.

"Little Blossom, can you control its spiritual power?" Although Ling Lan liked it very much, she didn't forget the threat it posed. She suddenly remembered Little Blossom had the power to devour spiritual power. Little Blossom had once used his clones to watch over her subordinates. Thus she asked with uncertainty.

After all, Little Blossom's power was only used against humans before. However, she didn't know whether it worked against spiritual entities.

Little Blossom bit on his fingers and looked at the ball, as if deep in thought.

Seeing this, Ling Lan sighed, "If there's any danger, then don't even consider it. I will have to kill it then." Right as Ling Lan was about to form a strong spiritual charge to completely destroy the spiritual entity of the circular creature, Little Blossom pulled out his fingers from his mouth and nodded with great force, "I can do it."

Ling Lan immediately stopped her spiritual charge, "No danger?" Ling Lan was worried that Little Blossom might be hurt while trying to control the spiritual entity.

Little Blossom nodded proudly, "Piece of cake!"

Ling Lan flicked his forehead and said, "Why did you look like you were making a difficult decision then?" Little Blossom made Ling Lan think that it wasn't possible or perhaps dangerous, or perhaps Little Blossom felt that Ling Lan would be hurt. That was why Little Blossom showed such an expression.

Little Blossom rubbed his forehead with tears in his eyes. His expression was innocent and said, "Little Four said to display our importance, we should act a little bit and not follow when asked.

"So it's Little Four huh!" Ling Lan gritted her teeth. Little Blossom only awakened for a short while and had already been taught how to be naughty by Little Four… When he wakes up, she would definitely beat him to a pulp!

However, she still had to wait for him to wake up in order to punish him! Ling Lan's mood was somewhat down. She now thought about Little Four, who always slipped up every once in a while.

Little Blossom saw that his master was thinking about Little Four and knew that Ling Lan wasn't going to be paying any attention to him for some time. He had temporarily gotten away from a dangerous situation. In order to make sure the Boss would not come back in the future to punish him, Little Blossom decided to make amends. He immediately broke off a piece of his hair then blew it towards the little white ball, who was making noise nonstop.

Little Blossom's movements didn't escape Ling Lan's eyes. The short hair Little Blossom had broken off was actually his spiritual power. It flew out of her mindspace, towards the little ball. The little ball didn't feel the terrifying spiritual power approaching or perhaps it was because Little Blossom didn't have any killing intent.

Finally, Little Blossom's spiritual power touched the little ball. The little ball then felt the terrifying spiritual power. It cried out and the hairs below it began to stand up. Ling Lan then discovered that those weren't hairs, but rather tentacles that could stretch at will…

The little ball felt the spiritual power had the power to destroy it. Once it lets the power enter its spiritual body, it could be instantly destroyed. The little ball began to squirm around intensely, attempting to expel the power out of its spiritual body.

"Since you want to submit to me, then you must choose to live with it." The little ball suddenly heard Ling Lan's voice.

"Meep, meep." The little ball felt wronged and cried out. After thinking about it, it finally stopped struggling and let the terrifying spiritual power enter its spiritual body.

Even if it tried its hardest to stop the power from entering its body, it still couldn't stop it. The little ball decided to take a gamble and hope that its master did not actually want to take its life. When it felt the terrifying spiritual power had completely entered its body, the bright little ball instantly darkened. Its mood was down and hid in the corner of the cockpit. It faced away from Ling Lan to show its wronged heart.

It really wanted to submit to its master. Why would master do this to it?

Ling Lan didn't care about this little thing's mood. She made it submit to her forcefully. If it wasn't for the fact that the spiritual entity was somewhat cute, she would have destroyed it. Thus, if anyone wants to live a longer life, looking pretty and cute are necessary.

Ling Lan used her finger to poke the spiritual entity. The little ball then turned around and looked at Ling Lan with a saddened expression to show how hurt it was.

"Oh, now that I've confirmed to take you as a subordinate, shouldn't you go back to your main body? Are you not afraid of dissipating?" She remembered that Little Four had once said spiritual entity could not leave their main body for too long at a time. Otherwise there would be the danger of the spiritual entity dissipating. The white part of the little ball was already becoming translucent.

Hearing this, all of the tentacles of the little ball stood up in fear. In the next second, it immediately pounced towards its main body. While being sad, it had completely forgotten that it was a spiritual entity. If it wasn't for its master's reminder, it would nearly die from its spiritual body dissipating.

Once it returned to the main body, the main body returned to liveliness from before. It hugged and kissed Ling Lan's mecha while crying. It didn't forget to be grateful to its master for saving its life.

"Preparing to let it go?" Seeing this, Ling Xiao knew Ling Lan had already made a decision.

"Yeah, it's not a bad fighter." Ling Lan would of course not give up on this super terrifying fighter since she had control over its life-or-death.

"Alright, then make sure you watch over it well. Don't let it create any problems." Ling Xiao didn't have any complaints. No matter what Ling Lan decided, as a father following the teachings of the Twenty-four Filial Exemplars, he would agree without any conditions.

"Understood," Ling Lan smirked. With a father like Ling Xiao who trusted his own daughter unconditionally, how could a daughter not love him? Ling Lan loved a father like Ling Xiao.

Ling Lan began to patiently give orders to her new subordinate. She made it use its clones to be stationed at different locations of the lake to monitor the entire area of the lake. Once there were signs of danger, these clones would send a warning. After all that, the two of them piloted their mecha, returning to the entrance of the trench. The two of them then led the Qi Long, Zhao Jun and the others, who were waiting worriedly, out of the lake. Seeing the six of them returning safely, Li Lanfeng and the others who were waiting on the shore of the lake were relieved.

Ling Lan landed her mecha and ordered, "Jijyun, notify Lin Zhong-qing. All mecha operators and logistics personnel land will here. This place will be the 250 Mecha Clan's first base camp on this planet!"

"Yes regiment commander!" Han Jijyun said excitedly. Since their Boss had given his orders, this meant that these waters were no longer dangerous. They were without a doubt very lucky to be able to quickly acquire a safe area to set up camp.

Chapter 699 - XXQ1 Base!

"Ah, there's some news from Boss." Lin Zhong-qing, who had been waiting in the starship, jumped up in excitement when he saw the message on his communicator. The people beside him also started clapping at the good news. Finally, after waiting for a few hours, their Boss called them.

"I'll immediately apply for a landing request." Lin Zhong-qing rushed off immediately after saying that.

The logisticians of 250 Mecha Clan were on board the starship. If they wanted to unload their supplies, the entire starship had to land. A landing request had to be made immediately because they were not the only mecha clan on the starship.

All the mecha clans were rushing for time. No one wanted the starship to land while they were still packing their supplies. Hence, everyone rushed to apply for the landing request.

Li Shiyu stretched his back to loosen up his stiff body. Then, he stood up and said to Luo Chao and Han Xuya, "Inform our people to take care of medical supplies carefully. We can't afford to lose a single pill."

"Yes!" Han Xuya and Luo Chao received the order and rushed out to inform the logisticians of the medical department.

Li Shiyu gave this order because the logisticians were carrying special medicines and agents. He didn't place them in the warehouse because the warehouse was used by everyone. If someone made a mistake or detain a portion of their medical supplies, he would cry. These medicines and agents were really important to 250 Mecha Clan. They could save lives. Hence, they must be safely protected.

In the central command center, an officer who was staring at the optical supercomputer screen shouted, "A mecha clan is requesting to land. They have sent in the coordinates."

The officers, who were about to fall asleep, jumped up in excitement.

"Haha, we are the first to get the request. Which impressive mecha clan is that?" One of the officers laughed. He was in charge of communicating with the other fleets so he knew that no other starships had landed on the new planet yet.

"It's…" The officer's smile froze when he saw the three numbers.

"What happened?" The other officers asked anxiously when they heard no reply.

The officer's smile disappeared. He said softly, "250."

"What?" Some people didn't hear it properly.

"It's 250 Mecha Clan." The officer shouted this time.

The entire command center turned silent. A few seconds later, someone groaned, "F**k, it's not someone from our fleet."

"Our passenger is faster than our own mecha clans? This is impossible."

"Even the ace mecha clans from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd division haven't found a base yet. How did this rubbish mecha clan find one before them? What kind of luck was that?" Someone sighed.

"Did they just simply chose a spot, then requested us to land?"

Unsurprisingly, many officers agreed with this thought. No one believed 250 Mecha Clan was able to find a safe place to set up their base in such a short time. Some officers even suggested asking 250 Mecha Clan to inspect their location again to ensure its safety.

"Hmph!" A cold voice came from the door. Qi Aiming walked into the central command center with a stern face.

"Just because 250 Mecha Clan is not under us, you don't trust them and even want to set up obstacles for them?" Qi Aiming stared at the officers seriously. There were disappointment and anger in his eyes. They were not from their fleet but 250 Mecha Clan was still a part of the 23rd division.

"I'm sorry, commanding officer. The 250 Mecha Clan had always been deemed as useless so we suspected them." One of the officers bucked up his courage and spoke the truth when he saw Qi Aiming being angry.

"Those were just rumors. Did you see the 250 Mecha Clan personally before? Even if you did, how do you know that things haven't changed over these past few years? Who said that 250 Mecha Clan would be useless forever?" Qi Aiming glared at all of his officers. They lowered their heads in shame.

Actually, Qi Aiming was curious whether 250 Mecha Clan really found a safe spot to set up their base. However, he knew that if General Ling Xiao gave 250 Mecha Clan this mission, it meant that the mecha clan was ready to accept such missions. Qi Aiming firmly believed in the decisions made by General Ling Xiao as he was a crazy fan of Ling Xiao.

He waved his hand and said, "Have the starship land at the coordinates given by 250 Mecha Clan."

"Yes!" The officer immediately accepted the 250 Mecha Clan's request after receiving this order.

"If you are not convinced, you can push our mecha clans to work harder. We still have a chance." Qi Aiming couldn't help but remind them. If 250 Mecha Clan could do it, their mecha clans could do it too. It would be an honor for them if they were faster than the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd division.

Many officers got enlightened by their commander-in-chief's words and quickly contacted the regiment commanders under them. After speaking to them, all the regiment commanders promised that they would work harder with their clan members.

F**k, 250 Mecha Clan, I hate you! All the regiment commanders screamed in their cockpit after hanging up the call.

Ling Lan sneezed suddenly.

"What happened?" Ling Xiao got nervous. His daughter just sneezed. She could be sick! He wondered if there were any unknown viruses on the new planet. Is it harmful to the body? How can he help his daughter?

Ling Lan rubbed her nose and examined her body carefully. She felt great. She calmed down and said, "I'm fine. Maybe Mummy is missing me."

Ling Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. That's good! If something happened to his daughter, he would have a hard time later at home.

Soon, the news of 250 Mecha Clan finding a place for their base was made known to the other divisions. The commanders-in-chief of the other fleets were furious. The first mecha clan to set up their base would have their names written down in history. This was an honor. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd division had been fighting for this glory within themselves for so many years but this time, someone else took it from them. It was the 23rd division, a division that they never held in high regard.

However, no matter how strong a team was, luck was an important factor too. Everyone thought that 250 Mecha Clan just got lucky. No one would have thought that they had to fight a formidable monster and had gone through many obstacles before finding their location. Of course, this thought was to act as their excuse for their incompetence.

All the divisions were jealous of 250 Mecha Clan. They wished that they were the ones who found the location first. Anyone who went through a land clearing mission knew, there was a huge difference between a division with a base and a division without one. Having a base would allow the division to officially enter the planet, enjoying all the benefits if they successfully finished their mission.

250 Mecha Clan managed to attain the highest status with just a single step!

Soon, the starship arrived at the location where Ling Lan was at. Since they were not sure if the ground was able to support the weight of the starship, the starship didn't land.

However, the logisticians were still able to transport all the supplies down. This was all thanks to the transportation mechas Chang Xinyuan had created. The other logisticians stared at 250 Mecha Clan's logisticians with envy. When would they be able to operate a mecha?

Even if it was just a transportation mecha, it was still a mecha… all the outstanding logisticians hoped to operate a mecha someday!

After these logisticians return to the 23rd division, they told everyone the 250 Mecha Clan's logisticians had transportation mechas. Thus, in the future, whenever 250 Mecha Clan was recruiting for logisticians, logisticians that wanted to operate a mecha all signed up.

The person-in-charge of the various mecha clans in the 23rd division hated 250 Mecha Clan. It was hard to raise a batch of qualified and excellent logisticians. Why did they have to give these rare resources away to 250 Mecha Clan, letting them benefit from their hard work? Shameless!

Yet, there was nothing they could do to stop their logisticians from applying to 250 Mecha Clan. They could only grit their teeth and let them proceed.

Back to the new planet. Lin Zhong-qing organized the logisticians and they started building their base. Chang Xinyuan's mecha research center officially started its operation. He first modified all the transportation mechas so they would become more efficient.

Everyone knew that their safety depended on how strong their base was. This base would be the home of the mecha operators. The mecha operators could only rest at ease if this base was safe.

The logisticians of 250 Mecha Clan were amazing. Normally, a temporary base would take one week to complete. However, they finished it in three days. Of course, with the help of Chang Xinyuan's modified transportation mechas allowed them to speed up the building process. The mecha operators that didn't have any missions would help the logisticians to carry supplies around. Hence, their base was built really quickly.

When Lin Zhong-qing came to report that the base was finished, Ling Lan got a shock."

"Really? Was there any false report on labor and uses of substandard materials?" Ling Lan believed in Lin Zhong-qing but she still had to make sure that it was safe because they would be living there for quite a while.

"Don't worry. I supervised the entire construction with Chang Xinyuan. There is no mistake. Also, Chang Xinyuan inspected the base a few times. It passed his test." Lin Zhong-qing smiled. He knew that his boss questioned him because the speed of construction exceeded his expectations, not because he didn't trust him. He felt happy that he was able to give his boss a surprise.

"That's good. Let's go take a look then." After staying in the mecha for three days, Ling Lan felt her body was turning into a mecha. Hence, she was elated to know the base was finished. Sob, she is so dirty. Luckily, she didn't have any obsession with cleanliness. If not, she wouldn't know how she would survive the past three days.

All the team leaders were unhappy when their regiment commander left with Lin Zhong-qing. They knew nothing good would happen when this guy appeared. He must be here to curry favor with their Boss!

The ten team leaders immediately operated their mechas to follow after Ling Lan. They would not let Lin Zhong-qing have a chance to gain any favors from their Boss.

When they reached the base, they were stunned. The entire base was shimmering with white light and was quite huge. The white light was due to the protective shield around the base. Since the environment of the new planet was not suitable for humans, they needed to activate the protective shield and equip the base with oxygen conversion systems. That way, the bad air would be blocked outside and the air within the protective shield would be suitable for humans.

"I thought that it will be an enclosed space. It is more advanced than what I had imagined." Ling Lan smiled. What a surprise this was.

"Seems like you extorted a lot of pieces of equipment from Xuyang. You even got this." Ling Xiao looked at the familiar protective shield. He used the two ace mechas from Caesar to exchange for this technology. This new technology had undergone five rounds of experiments and was going to be released to the public soon. He didn't expect it to land in the hands of his daughter in the end.

"Of course. A land clearing mission is not an easy mission to do. It's better to have more protection. Moreover, it's a waste to keep this thing in the headquarters' warehouse. Why not bring it out and let it do what it should do?" Ling Lan glanced at her father. "You can't blame the chief of staff for this." If her father reprimanded He Xuyang, she wouldn't be able to extort things from him again. Ling Lan liked asking things from He Xuyang. It was fun for her.

"Why will I blame him? I didn't see anything." Ling Xiao coughed and expressed his opinion.

He should be having an argument with his wife in the main base of the 23rd division. How would he know what was happening so many light-years away? Even if he knew, he had to pretend that he didn't. Good things should be used by his daughter. Who else was supposed to use them? Those guys? He must give some credit to He Xuyang after he goes back so he could continue helping Ling Lan.

Ling Lan was satisfied with her father's answer. As expected, in this world, having a good father was the most important thing. Ling Lan knew that she had such a smooth journey in the 23rd division because of her father. He gave her a good environment and good resources to display her talents.

There were no gates at the base. There were only two big and brightly lit holes. Logisticians wearing hazmat suits stood outside the holes and waved the flags in their hands.

"That is the entrance and exit." Ling Lan understood the flag language.

"Yes. These two holes are the exit and the entrance of the base. The interior was designed based on a starship's launching port. If there was an emergency, we could use these launching ports. Of course, we can walk in too as the ground here is firm."

"Your mechas will be stored in the warehouse closest to the entrance. This is to make sure if our base got attacked, our mecha operators can get ready for battle within the shortest possible time." Lin Zhong-qing asked everyone to follow him in. He followed the orders given by the logisticians at the entrance and slowly flew down.

50 meters into the passage, there was a door. Once they went through the door, it closes automatically and isolated them from the air outside. They passed through five such doors before finally reaching the last gate.

"Boss, welcome to the ZZQ-1 base of 250 Mecha Clan. I'm your JMC to help you enter the base. Please listen to me." A gentle and cute voice sounded in Ling Lan's cockpit. It was Luo Chao.

The other mecha operators were not as lucky as Ling Lan. Besides Qi Long who managed to have Han Xuya as his JMC, everyone else had a man speaking to them. Among male JMCs, only Li Shiyu had a pleasant voice.

Due to the lack of manpower, the members of Lingtian who hadn't started working as well as some logisticians who performed well, like Chen Yi'an, Zhou Yu, and Guo Rongqi, were all dragged by Lin Zhong-qing to become JMCs.

The others were still okay with their new role but Li Shiyu was not. He was always an elite of the elites, someone who was treated like a prince all the time. Yet, when he came here, he had to do all kinds of tough work. Some even had nothing to do with his specialization. If his instructors knew what he was doing now, they would definitely hug him and cry. What a waste of talent…

However, he had no choice. The only thing 250 Mecha Clan lacked was manpower. Lin Zhong-qing had to worry about the lack of manpower every day. When they were on the Rising Sun fleet, his mouth watered when he saw people in logistician uniform. He wished that he could knock them unconscious and abduct them into his team. From this, you could see how much Lin Zhong-qing suffered from the lack of manpower.

Thus, when he saw Li Shiyu, Luo Chao, and Han Xuya idling around, he turned frantic and immediately gave them the job of being a JMC.

Li Shiyu didn't like to be on the losing end. Three people handling 200 mechas? They would die from the workload. Hence, he dragged Lin Zhong-qing's four deputies to share the workload with him. These four people were not as free as Li Shiyu. They were really busy. They had no choice but to ask Lin Zhong-qing for help. Lin Zhong-qing knew that if he wants to save his four deputies, he needed to give Li Shiyu more people. In the end, Lin Zhong-qing unwillingly passed a few of his men to Li Shiyu and this issue regarding the JMC was finally solved.

Currently, Ling Lan and her team were the people Li Shiyu and his temporary JMC team had to service. They didn't leave a good first impression but they managed to accurately bring them to their landing spots without any mistakes.

Ling Lan heard her mecha entering the mecha hold and jumped out of her cockpit.

The other mecha operators landed almost at the same time. Zhao Jun stomped the ground furiously. "I can finally feel the ground. I almost suffocated to death in the mecha." This was why they needed a base. If they live in a small cockpit for a long time, they would start to develop a mental illness. It would affect their performance.

"This is not the safety zone of the base. Everyone, please follow me," Lin Zhong-qing said.

Everyone followed Lin Zhong-qing to a small door. A red light appeared from the top of the door. Lin Zhong-qing was scanned from top to bottom.

"Everything is normal. Please display your identity chip." A gentle female voice sounded. At the same time, a virtual character appeared. She had long hair and was looking at Lin Zhong-qing with a gentle expression.

Lin Zhong-qing showed his communicator to the virtual character. A beep was heard. The virtual lady smiled and bowed. "Your identity is confirmed. Senior Captain Lin, you've worked hard."

"You too, XXQ1." Lin Zhong-qing smiled. The virtual lady titled her body, opening the door behind her. Lin Zhong-qing nodded at the virtual lady and walked in. After that, the door closed.

Qi Long scratched his head. "Are we supposed to follow what he did?"

"Of course. If anyone could enter our base, we will be dead." Han Jijyun rolled his eyes at Qi Long. He stepped out and stood in front of the virtual lady.

"Everything is normal. Please display your identity chip."

Han Jijyun showed his communicator to the lady. A beep was heard and the virtual lady smiled. She bowed. "Senior Captain Han, you've worked hard."

"You too, XXQ1." Han Jijyun copied what Lin Zhong-qing did.

The virtual lady tilted her body and the door opened, showing Lin Zhong-qing who was smiling and waving at them behind the door. Seems like he was waiting for them inside. Everyone started entering the base. In the end, only Li Lanfeng, Ling Lan, and Ling Xiao were left.

Li Lanfeng wanted to let Ling Yu enter first so he could have some alone time with Ling Lan. Ever since Ling Yu appeared, he had been staying beside Ling Lan. Li Lanfeng was unable to talk to Ling Lan alone, making Li Lanfeng frustrated. Thus, he was not willing to give up the chance now.

"Lanfeng, you can go in first." Ling Lan knew that Li Lanfeng probably had something to say to her but she could only reject him now. She must not let her father's identity be exposed. Would XXQ1 say something like 'Ah, General Ling Xiao, you've worked hard'?

Speaking of which, how did XXQ1 appear? She didn't remember asking this from the chief of staff.

When Li Lanfeng heard Ling Lan asking him to enter first, his heart dropped. Not only did he have to fight with Ling Lan's childhood companions to become the Ling Lan's most important person, but he also had to battle with the Ling family's loyalist now.

It had to be said that Li Lanfeng was a little abnormal. Because of various reasons, he previously had to give up on his friendship. Hence, when he managed to get it again, he wanted to get more from Ling Lan. He was never satisfied with what he currently had. You could say that Li Lanfeng had gotten the 'Ling Lan friendship' illness. If he wanted to get cured… it would be difficult. We could predict Li Lanfeng would do many stupid things because of this illness. However, life wouldn't be complete without doing a couple of stupid things in life, right?

Li Lanfeng was sad but he didn't want to disappoint Ling Lan. Hence, he nodded and walked in first.

"Okay father, you can walk in now." She wouldn't have to disappoint her friend if she didn't need to cover up for him. Ling Lan glared at Ling Xiao.

Ling Xiao looked at Ling Lan thoughtfully. He touched his chin. "Is Li Lanfeng very important to you?"

"Of course. He is a good friend." Ling Lan smiled. They sneaked into the Mecha World last time and trained together. Although they never spoke much, they cheered each other silently. That year, if it wasn't for Li Lanfeng, she would not be able to withstand the boring fundamental training.

Ling Lan still remembered the things they went through together so to her, Li Lanfeng was a little more special than her other comrades, but just a little.

"I will not interfere with your choice of friends. However, Li Lanfeng makes me feel uncomfortable. I just hope that you keep an eye on him." Ling Xiao was an open-minded parent. He didn't like Li Lanfeng but he trusted Ling Lan and let her decide how to live her own life.

"I know." Ling Lan smiled secretly. Li Lanfeng has spectre abilities. He is the enemy of everyone who has spiritual power. Thus, it was normal for her father to feel uncomfortable around him.

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