The year is 2070. After humanity reached the peak of technology, the avarage lifespan of the people became around 200 years. Damian was a relativly young man only 54 years old. He did what anyone else did....nothing. Technology became so advanced the people didn't have to work, as robots did everything for them, and they could live their life as they wanted.
But then everything became wrong. A strange infection broke out. The symthoms were simple, first the patient skin would turn purple and after that their skin would melt away leaving the patient in agony before the human die, it could last from 6 to 10 days.
People could do nothing because as everybody now could afford a healthy lifestyle their bodys changed so much in theese years that everyones health was perfet thus doctors weren't needed, and so there was no one to solve this problem.
And here was Damian, lying in his bed knowing that death would soon come. He was not afraid, he was terrified. Knowing that there was no hope, he couldn't do anything so he just quietly passed away.
But what came after that was...unexpected we can say so. Damian got up from his bed and found out that he can easily move his body. He doesn't felt pain, he tought that a miracle happened and somehow he survived the infection, but then he looked at his arms and couldn't believe what he saw.
He only saw bones, his own fricking bones! And so he fainted... He woke up to a strange sound in his head, he almot tought that all it was just a dream and he will wake up in his bedroom to his alarm clock.
But when he opened his eyes he found out that it was not true. His house had disappeared and he was in a middle of a forest, he could only blink twice before a blue window popped out of nothing and levitated before his eyes. There was information about him on the blue window.
Name: Damian Steve
Class: Apprentice necromancer
LVL: 4
Evolution phase: 0
HP 4/5
MP 66/66
Age: 1 day and 1 hours
Intelect: 11
Wisdom: 6
Strength: 5
You posses three of the seven main attributes. Do certain activities to unlock more attributes.
Damian were firstly surprised, but then he got serious. He fastly tought about the possibilities of what could have happened and the only answer by his knowledge was that he was reincarnated in an another world. It was so cliche that he almost laughed almost.. because he didn't even has the ability to speak since he didn't posses lungs right now.
As he thought about that, he understood that since he doesn't have any organs he simply don't need food or water. What was strange tough that he could see, tough he couldn't see colours. From the information he now knew that he was unconscious for a whole day.
Not knowing what to do he simply said in his mind:
So what now?
He started walking to a random direction, first it was magical that he could move without muscles but he soon discovered the downfall of not having muscles. He was slow, like really slow. Soon he heard again that sound in his head but now he wasn't taken by surprise.
Name: Damian Steve
Class: Apprentice necromancer
LVL: 4
Evolution phase: 0
HP: 24/25
MP: 66/66
Age: 1 day and 1 hours
Intelect: 11
Wisdom: 6
Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Agility: 2
New attributes: Constitution, Agility
You posses five of the seven main attributes. Do certain activities to unlock more attributes.
Now he understood what does this system meant by certain activities. From the information Damian knew that he was weak. The only hope for him was his high intelect, and from what he knew from his previous life, the higher intelect you have the higher your mana and your magic damage output.
Damian figured out that he only needed to think about his status and it would appear in front of him. He then thinked about an inventory but nothing happened. He thinked about skills and several skills appeard before his eyes..or eyeholes. He doesn't had any skills.
Skillpoints (4)
>raise the dead, cost: 3
description: raise the dead from its grave.
>inventory, cost: 99
>magic vision cost: 1
>raise your level to be able to unlock more skills.
Damian frowned when he saw the simple not so informative description and the fact that an inventory cost more points that he would ever dream of. But since he had no other option he purchased the raise the dead and the magic vision skills.
He felt knowledge flood into his head about the dark ritual of necromancy. He first tested magic vision. First he didn't seen anything outstanding but when he looked at himself he saw a dark aura emitting from his bones. And there was that ding sound again. But now it only shown his attributes:
Intelect: 11
Wisdom: 6
Strength: 5
Constitution: 5
Agility: 2
Affinity: -6
New attribute: Affinity
description: Affinity with the world around you. The higher the affinity the longer you live. Only the dead posses negative affinity which allow them to live forever but at the same time they lose the ability to have toughts and thus emotions.
You posses six of the seven main attributes. Do certain activities to unlock more attributes.
Damian was surprised to see this informative description, but was more surprised to see that it looks like he wasn't supposed to have emotions and thoughts.
He then activated his second ability which cost him 10 mana but nothing happened.
After thinking a bit Damian realized how foolish was he. To raise a dead there firtsly must be a dead.
And thus, he began his adventure he started walking towards a mountain that he could see in the far sky...
My first story.. Im not even english so please be mercyful.