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4.22% Villainous daughter of the Duke, needs a hero. / Chapter 6: A new member for the Order

Chương 6: A new member for the Order

Madeline always liked to come to the Order of the Rose dining room early so that she could eat quickly and still have plenty of time in the library before her afternoon classes. The first few weeks were wonderful as no one else bothered her and she could quickly escape before the rush of upperclassmen arrived and filled the dining room. A short time after the first exam results were posted, Guy de Montfort, Claude de Rouvroy and Olivier de Girard started to join her at her table every day. Soon, several young ladies also invited themselves to the table. Lady Leon, Lady Baux and finally the newest member of the Order of the Rose.

The table was loud and noisy, Madeline was trying to eat quickly and still maintain proper etiquette, poise, and grace when she nearly choked on her food. One of the upperclassmen on the Order of the Rose council brought Alicia de Foix over to the table, "Good afternoon, I'd like to introduce our newest member, Lady Alicia de Foix. I'm sure the others need no introduction, Lady Foix."

Alicia did a graceful curtsy and smiled, "Lord Montfort, Lady d'Aumont, Lord Girard, and... I don't believe we have been introduced, m'lord?"

Claude stood up and did a gentlemanly bow, "Claude de Rouvroy."

Alicia then greeted the other ladies before seating herself at the table next to Guy. She turned to Madeline and smiled, "Lady Aumont, it seems we now equal."

Madeline raised her cold eyes and looked at Alicia. She tilted her head and asked, "Then your father has been made a Duke?"

The others at the table looked at the pair with jaws dropped. Alicia smiled smugly and accepted a glass of water from a servant who busily added a place setting for her at the table, "Oh, I'm sure it will only be a matter of time once my dear sister has her wedding." Alicia then turned to Guy and smiled, "Lord Montfort, I hear that you placed first in the swordsmanship class." Alicia lightly placed her hand on Guy's arm.

Madeline's eyes were locked on to Guy's arm for some reason as he replied jovially, "Indeed Lady Foix, although Lord Rouvroy and Lady d'Aumont were also ranked highly, I feel that over the coming years, the three of us will all challenge for the top spot."

Madeline's eyes moved up to see Guy looking directly at her, for some reason, this caused her some discomfort so she quickly looked away. When she did, she noticed that Claude was glaring at Guy. Madeline assumed he must be angry over not getting the top spot in swordsmanship. Madeline decided to resume her attack on her lunch in order to escape to the library when Olivier de Girard smiled and said, "I had heard that the women of House Foix were as gentle as a flower and as bright as the sun, it seems the rumor has had it backward."

"What is Lord Girard's meaning?" Alicia smiled and asked in a pleasant tone.

Olivier who was sitting between Lady Leon and Lady Baux put his arms around each of the ladies who then leaned into him, "What I mean is, you are clearly not invited to this table, unwanted company for those at this table, and yet you seated yourself as if you were inviting us to join you." He smiled as he leaned back with the two ladies under his arms, "Of course, it really isn't so unusual for the women of House Foix to steal a seat which doesn't belong to them, is it?" He smiled and then looked at Guy giving him a wink.

Madeline suddenly stood and looked at Guy, "Lord Molester, everyone, if you'll excuse me, I would like to read before my afternoon classes begin, I'll be taking my leave." She gave them a graceful curtsy and withdrew through the library entrance in the Order's dining room.

Guy said simply, "It's Montfort."

Once she was gone, everyone turned almost as one and stared at Alicia.

Claude was the first to stand, "Everyone, if you'll excuse me, I have swordsmanship practice, so until next time." He gave a half bow and walked off.

Olivier then looked at each of the ladies he was still holding on to and asked, "Ladies, shall we go for a nice walk and enjoy the flowers?" He stood up with the two women in tow, and gave a bow to Guy and said, "Lord Molester, I wish you luck getting through to the flower." He grinned.

Guy smirked at him and said, "Not you too, damn it. You'll be trading blows with me during sword drills this afternoon, so you should be respectful." He sighed and then said, "Thank you, I appreciate what you are trying to do."

Olivier gave him a wave and then left with the two women by his sides.

Once the table was cleared, Alicia and Guy were left sitting next to each other. Alicia blurted out, "That Madeline d'Aumont is out to get me. Did you see how rude her friends were to me?"

Guy rubbed his brow and then asked, "Lady Foix, I wonder if you have ever considered what it might be like for her?" He took a breath and then looked into Alicia's blue eyes and continued, "First, your sister stole her engagement. For a noble lady from a great house, it was the equivalent of sentencing her to exile from high society. Next, you accused her of harassing you and incited people to attack her in the hallways, which wasn't true. After that, you had a group of young men confront her in the hallway when she was just trying to apologize to you and end the conflict. Now, you interrupt our daily lunch uninvited and try to provoke and insult her? I mean, are you even aware of what would need to happen for your father to become a Duke?"

Alicia smiled and then touched her cheek cutely, "His Majesty will simply appoint him as a Duke, obviously."

Guy shook his head and then said, "For a count to be raised up to a Duke, it means one of the existing houses will be removed. Let me tell you which two houses would be in danger, my House Montfort, and Madeline's House Aumont. Noble houses aren't simply demoted. That would make them a risk for rebellion. When a noble house is removed, the members, servants, and retainers of that family are killed."

Alicia looked at Guy in shock, "I didn't know that.."

Guy stood up while looking down on Alicia and then gave a half bow, "M'lady should consider her audience the next time she decides to impress her fellow nobles."


Madeline found a book on the history of Pays Des Abrutis she hadn't read and curled up by one of the large windows in the library. For some reason, she thought about Alicia putting her hand on Guy's arm and it bothered her enough that she couldn't concentrate on the book. Madeline frowned and then put the book back on the shelf. Instead, she walked back over to the window and looked outside. She saw Alicia walk out of the Order's dining room in a hurry looking frustrated. A short time later, she saw Guy walk out and look over at the library. He stared at the library windows for a few moments before turning and walking toward the training grounds.

Madeline couldn't stop watching him as he walked away. Something about the way he moved completely captured her attention. She stared at the spot he had occupied for some time before she heard the bell sound for the top of the hour. In a panic she rushed out of the library and headed toward the class she was already late in attending. Madeline felt like her whole world was falling apart as her chest hurt and her heart raced. She got about halfway to her class and then she started to cry uncontrollably. She crouched down behind the bushes and cried until tears wouldn't come out anymore.

Madeline staggered to her feet and then tried to calm herself, she smoothed out her uniform and then walked calmly toward her dorm room. As she was walking back one of the girls from her dorm saw her with tears running down her face and red eyes.

The next day the rumor that the ice queen had finally melted down spread all over the campus. The upperclassmen from the Order of the Rose approached Madeline and asked her to return her pin. They explained that members of the Order of the Rose needed to compose themselves and act like nobility, not make a scene and skip their classes.

Chương 7: The third prince

Madeline started to stay in her dorm room more often after being thrown out of the Order of the Rose. She would go to her classes, the training ground, and the library as needed and the rest of the time she would find an excuse to stay in her room. When she was out of her room, the other students often found excuses to bump into her in the hallways or would whisper hateful things as they passed by her throughout the day. A couple of times she saw Guy de Montfort from a distance or Claude de Rouvroy, but the two of them didn't see her so they didn't approach.

Things stayed like this for almost two weeks before Duchess d'Aumont arrived at the school in grand fashion with her servants in order to make a ball gown for Madeline. Madeline was hiding in her dorm room when the Duchess arrived at the Academy. The school's Chairman, the student council president and the head of the Order of the Rose all came out to greet the Duchess when she arrived at the school. The Duchess smiled and asked, "Why have the three of you come to greet me without my daughter?"

The school's Chairman led the Duchess to her daughter's room. The Chairman knocked on her door only to be greeted with, "Who is it?"

"It's your mother." The Duchess answered in an irritated voice. The sound of things hastily being tossed around sounded from behind the door. The Duchess motioned to a servant who forced open the door only to find a disheveled Madeline hastily trying to clean a room that was cluttered with trash, dirty clothing and school books. Madeline looked at her mother in horror. The Duchess turned to the school's Chairman and said, "I'd like a moment alone with my daughter, and then I would like to see those other two you greeted me with this morning."

For the next half hour, the Duchess heard the entire story of what had been happening to her daughter thanks to the rumors, the lies and that had been spread by the girl from House Foix. The Duchess gave her daughter a big hug and then brushed out her hair, she ordered the servants to clean her daughter's room and to help her make herself presentable while she met with the Chairman.


The Chairman sat in his office with the school council president and the head of the Order of the Rose, "So tell me, what has been happening with Lady d'Aumont? She should be a member of the Order of the Rose, I assume?"

The head of the Order turned slightly red and then stammered, "Well, you see, about that... His Highness the second prince sent word that House Aumont was not to be considered a Noble house and that House Foix would soon be taking their place."

The Chairman then turned and looked at the student council president who looked away and said, "His Highness the second prince sent word that he would appreciate if the girl from House Aumont could be taught a lesson about getting in the way of Lady Foix."

The Chairman set back in his leather chair looking miserable. "So you two are telling me, that the Duchess of a great house, is going to come here and hear from the two of you, that on the word of the second prince, you put a rural Count's daughter above a great house Duke's daughter?" He looked them both in the eye and then asked, "Are either of you aware that the second prince has no authority over this Academy? Are either of you aware that the Duke, whose daughter you have offended, does hold authority over this Academy?"

The two student leaders looked at each other in horror, "Well, you see... We have to keep in mind our future prospects, not just the school!" The head of the Order of the Rose stammered.

The student council president added, "You can't expect us to go against the royalty!"

The Chairman shook his head, "You two idiots still don't get it. When the Duchess comes in this room with the two of you and asks me to have you expelled. You will be expelled. The second prince can do nothing to have you reinstated. The second prince could ask his Majesty to have you reinstated, and it's possible that could or might happen, but ask yourself this, is the second prince so much of a supporter for the two of you that he will do this for you?"


Olivier looked at his friend Guy who was depressed. "You know, there is a very simple solution here. You can either frame House Foix or have the older sister killed." He smiled at Guy.

Guy turned and glared at him, "Olivier, I need a solution that doesn't kill my House if there is a problem."

Olivier laughed and then said, "The other solution is to have one of the other princes marry the girl."

Guy seemed to really consider this option seriously. Olivier decided it would be fun to tease him, "Guy, did you know there was a rumor that the third prince was secretly attending the Academy this year?"

Guy looked shocked for a moment and then remembered one of the times his sister talked about the game, the prince really was attending the Academy! Guy looked at Olivier and asked, "Olivier, how much power do the princes really hold, honestly?"

Olivier gave his friend a smile and shrugged, "About as much as I do. It is his Majesty, the King, who holds the power, the princes merely borrow his name and the threat that he might agree to one of their favors." He smiled and then added, "In some cases, the princes can get favors from the great houses as well, in those cases, it's based on the idea that should they become king in the future, a favor would be returned with interest."

Guy looked at Olivier and asked with a serious expression, "With the backing of House Aumont and House Montfort, would you have more power than your older brothers?"

Olivier grinned and nodded, "Indeed, with two of the four great houses at my back, I'll be made the crown prince. How did you know?"

Guy said simply, "I'm smart."

As the Duchess was headed over to see the Chairman, Guy de Montfort and third Prince, Olivier saw her walking with her entourage. They decided it would be a good time to have a chat. Guy de Montfort stepped in front of the Duchess and asked, "Your grace, might we have a moment of your time? It's about Lady d'Aumont."

Olivier stepped forward and smiled, "Duchess d'Aumont, it's a pleasure to see you again, you're looking stunning as always. If you don't mind, we are in a hurry so skip all the usual formalities and come with us a moment, it really is an important matter."

The Duchess looked shocked, but nodded and had her people spread out to give them privacy.


The Duchess arrived in the Chairman's office a while later, she sat down in front of his desk without being asked. She turned her head and saw the pale complexions of the two student leaders and then looked at the Chairman, "His Highness the third prince now has the backing of House Aumont and House Montfort. I assume you understand what this means?"

The Chairman gave a slow nod.

"My daughter chose to attend the Academy because she wants to win back the honor that was stolen from her by the second prince with her own hand." The Duchess paused and then stated factually, "The Duke and I supported her in this because we believed that this Academy was a place with honor and integrity." She turned and looked at the two student leaders and then stated, "I would hope that wrongs against my daughter will be made right and that the ring leaders of her systematic harassment will be found and punished."

After the Duchess left his office, the Chairman interwove his fingers and then slowly looked over at the two student leaders. He let out a deep breath and then asked, "Did you understand what the Duchess just said here?"

The two student leaders looked at each other hoping the other had picked up what was implied.

The Chairman shook his head and calmly explained, "She said that the third prince now has the backing of two great houses. It means she knows who was ultimately behind the harassment of her daughter." The Chairman looked at the two of them and said, "Your backer no longer has a shot at the throne. I would hope you understand what this means. You have insulted a member of a great house who is backing the next king of Pays Des Abrutis, I would expect this issue to be solved by the end of the day, am I clear enough?"

The two student leaders nodded and left in a hurry.

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