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57.6% The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel / Chapter 53: Chapter 53

Chương 53: Chapter 53

The Fastest Man Alive

Chapter 53

The Spark Ignited

Peggy Carter

Agent 13


Frost International Icebase

Peggy was startled awake as the sound of hissing reached her ears. Lights flared to life around her, and her instincts automatically put her into motion. Her hand shot forward, but the resounding clang from the metal door that held her in added more to her feeling of wanting to escape. Sounds and voices rang out around her, but Peggy couldn't focus.

Everything had such a rich tenner to it that she couldn't separate the sounds around her. Her sight had become so enhanced that she was able to make out shadows moving on the other side of a screen meant to obscure her vision. Swiftly turning around, Peggy noticed the man standing five feet from her wearing doctor's scrubs; she tensed as she planned to launch into an attack and escape from here, wherever here was.

Before she could lunge and take the doctor as her hostage, something sprang forth between them, stopping Peggy where she stood.

"Ma'am, you have to calm down." The person in the lab coat spoke, and Peggy could hear it so clearly, she almost reflexively covered her ears. "What was the last thing you remembered Miss Carter?"

Taking a deep breath, Peggy decided it was best to center herself as she took a moment to sit on the edge of the chamber and close her eyes. All it took was a little bit of focus before all of her memories came back to the forefront of her mind. The smell of leather, a shy kiss before he left for the last time.

His skin on her skin, the pain of labor, the gut-wrenching pain when the doctor said that the child didn't make it. The years that passed and not being able to find him crashing down on her with each passing. The hope and adulation when Nicolas had come to her with his crafty little plan.

Peggy had taken the lifeline that he had presented to her and did not look back. As more and more of her memories came back, she noticed how she could recall even the minute detail that she had missed the first time around. More and more memories slammed into her mind with crystal clarity up until she had volunteered to enter the chamber for a rejuvenation treatment.

Her eyes snapped open as she looked down at her hands and body; what she found was renewed flesh. Her hand roamed and searched her body only to find smooth and supple skin, even the stretch marks of her failed pregnancy were no longer there. Peggy wanted to rejoice, cry, and rage all in once, but she couldn't. She had made a deal with that devil woman Emma Frost, so Peggy had to keep her wits about her and not lose her cool.

As her storm of emotions subsided, Peggy noticed that the screen separating the room had risen before her niece, Sharon, walked in. Shoving her emotional turmoil aside, Peggy stood straight while making sure that her hospital gown stayed closed. Behind her niece, that devil of a woman walked into her room also. Pulling back her glare, Peggy turned towards the doctor.

"Is he awake yet?"

"I am sorry, ma'am, but I do not know who you are asking about since we currently have two others under emergency care at the moment." Her doctor answered before he was interrupted.

"That is classified, but I guess I can take it from here." Emma Frost answered with such a smug smile that Peggy wanted to wipe that look right off her face.

"Why is Steve in emergency care?" Peggy asked locking onto that bit of information

"You can't just flip a switch and wake someone up out of cryostasis." Emma returned with a shrug. "I would ask if you would like to see him now, but I believe the good doctor isn't finished with you yet."

Peggy looked over at the doctor and noticed that he didn't shy away from her piercing glare.

"Aunt Peggy."

Looking to her left, Peggy noticed her niece's worried look, which was the only thing that calmed her ire. She had felt there was no need for the doctor to look her over since she had felt great. No, she felt better than great, Peggy felt amazing, better than she has ever felt in years even.

Giving both her niece and the devil woman a nod, she settled down on the medical bed for her examination.

Peggy made a mental promise to herself as she waited for the doctor to begin her examination. She was going to see Steve even if it was the last thing she did.

= /\ =

Steven Rogers

Captain America


Frost International Icebase

Steve couldn't remember the last time he felt so at peace, so relaxed. His mind hummed along before everything snapped back into focus, the war, the ship, Bucky, Peggy! The hand that found his own caused Steves eyes to snap open, body coiled, and ready to strike.

"Ohh, Steve, you're awake."

Steve knew that voice, and the face that looked down on him sparked all kinds of feelings within him. The curve of her face, the faint smell of jasmine that lingered about her, Steve couldn't take his eyes from the love of his life. Lightly squeezing her hand, he returned the smile she gave him, but before he could say anything, they were interrupted.

"Ahem, hem."

Steve noticed the curvature of Peggy's brows but smiled as he brought his other hand to pat on top of both of theirs. Steve looked over to the side, and a few particulars instantly jumped out to him. The doctor wasn't holding a clipboard he couldn't recognize, it looked to be made of clear glass with words scrolling across the top, there were even images floating for him to see.

From the side of his peripheral vision, Steve noticed that even his monitoring equipment was something he couldn't recognize. One ear was listening to the doctor while the other was listening to his surroundings, yet he couldn't place any of the weird items in the room. He didn't show it on his face, but panic was starting to set in as he noticed the clipboard's date in reverse. The date was August 11, 2011; that couldn't be, Steve thought as he sat upon his hospital bed.

No, that couldn't be right.

Before he could say or do anything other than sitting up straight, the doctor said something that dropped ice-cold dread into his stomach's pit.

"All in all, Captain, you are in perfect health for someone frozen in ice for nearly one hundred years." Doctor Sandavol said with a jovial tone.

"Hold up a minute there doc, how long was I out for?" Steve asked with some urgency to his voice. "And if what you say is true, then what about the war?"

"Steve," Peggy spoke, her voice soft as she held both his hands in her own. "There is something that you need to know."

Steven Rogers knew that something was wrong, but he could not keep himself from looking into Peggy's soulful blue eyes.

"Peggy, just give it to me straight," Steve spoke, steeling himself with a resolve that he didn't quite feel at the moment. Steve watched as Peggy also steeled herself before pulling out a small device from her pocket and then spoke up.

"You're about seventy years too late for our dance."

The device Peggy gave him was small and could fit within one of his hands. It reminded him of that radio Howard had made for him and his Howling Commandos. Steven didn't know what to think, but there was one thing that he knew, and that was the fact Peggy would never lie to him. Inside though, Steve wanted to rage; he wanted to yell and say that it was unfair. That he had to sleep his life away, trapped until someone could find and rescue him from his predicament, but he couldn't. He was still alive, and Peggy was at his side, seventy years, and she was still so beautiful…

Wait…. Seventy years…

Steve looked down at the hand he held, then looked back up at the lady that claimed to be his Peggy.

"Seventy years," Steve spoke in calm even tones as he looked her over. "Yet, you are still the same as if it was only yesterday."

Steve noticed her smile falter for a little before her hand squeezed his own once more. But before she could say anything, Steve interrupted.


The silence that stretched between them said more than enough, and Steve was starting to think that it might be time to act. He could bide his time, but before he could come up with a quick plan, Peggy spoke, and what she had to say made Steve's world spin.

"Steve…. I …. They found you, and there was nothing I could do." Peggy half whispered half spoke.

"Wow, you can cut the tension with a knife in here."

"I'm sorry, ma'am, but this is a private conversation," Steve spoke in clipped tones.

"Yeah, no can do beefcake. You see, we, emphasis on the, we, we're the ones who saved you from spending any more time as a capsicle, and I need you up off your brooding ass. There are people for you to meet and promises to keep."

"Widow, this is not the time." Peggy hissed in stoic tones.

"Don't care, Fury is here, and you took the deal to get a few more years with your magic man," Natasha replied with a shrug of her shoulder. Peggy glared at Natasha, but she was already giving the doctor more attention than either of them.

"Ma'am, Miss Widow, can we have a moment, please?" Steve asked a little lost since he had heard something about them being the ones to save him out of the ice. Then there was something about a deal Peggy had made so that she could be with him. Steve waited for this Widow person to look at him before taking the doctor with her and leaving.

The door closed with a click before Steve gave it a moment, once that moment was gone. Steve turned to look at Peggy with an expecting look on his features.

Peggy looked at Steve, and he could feel and see the conflict and hurt behind her eyes. "You were gone for seventy years, Steve, seventy years."

There was nothing much left to be said, so Steve shuffled closer and gave Peggy a hug. They shared the moment before he heard her whisper into his chest.

"They returned me back to my peak with a version of the super-soldier formula."

"What was the price?" Steve asked, before looking down, noticing how great Peggy fit within his embrace.

"A debt to be paid later, no questions asked."

"Then I guess we shall share that burden together then, so who is this Fury?" Steve asked, looking at the door leading out of his room. Instead of sharing any more words, Peggy pulled Steve down and kissed her man.

= /\ =

Fury was relaxing in a seat, enjoying his morning meal while Coulson and Clint were seated to his right. Since he had taken up the mantle of Director for SHIELD, Fury didn't get much time to just enjoy his meals, but that was starting to change as he was allowed more time within the secured safehouses of his nephew. Hell, it had taken him some wrangling to even gain the access he had from his sister, but that was alright with him.

She hadn't changed in all these years, always so tightfisted with the good connections.

Today was another fine day where Fury had gotten lucky. Not only had they been able to restore Peggy to her peak, but they had brought Captain America back, while also rescuing Bucky Barnes. And in the process of doing all of this, they had hamstrung HYDRA. The operation had happened without leaving HYDRA a way to retaliate on this front.

He had wanted to smile when he received that information over the augmented reality HUD of his eye patch, but he was the boss and also on the helicarrier. Something as simple as a smile would have taken the edge off of his agents, and he liked them sweating. Ignoring Coulson's giggling like a schoolgirl over some new use of his magic gloves, Fury had just brought his cup of coffee to his lips when the door to his private balcony opened up. At the door was his waiter and behind him was the man Fury was waiting for. A nod from him gave his waiter the go ahead to allow in Captain Rogers and both agent Carters.

Fury noticed that Clint did a glance to the reflective surface of his watch to find out who the newcomer was, while Coulson made him want to revoke his level nine clearance. Fury watched as Coulson jumped out of his seat as if someone had set him on fire once he caught a good look at Captain Rogers.

Fury swore he might have heard a squeal, but that couldn't have been his agent. Sighing to himself, Fury placed down his eating utensils before checking himself and standing up proper. A sly glance around made sure that no one had eyes on him, Fury did one quick flap of his badass trench coat.

The way it flowed around him and settling with style had Fury smirking on the inside as he approached Rogers and his swooning agent. As he walked up, Fury was sure he saw Coulson put his trading cards away. Clearing his throat and throwing up a mysterious and intimidating air, Fury presented his hand for a firm shake.

"When your file came across my desk, I told them that I wouldn't believe it unless I laid my eye on you." Fury spoke with a little mirth before doing his signature one eyebrow raise. "Glad to have you back, Captain."

"Good to be back, sir. Just want to settle in and see the new world" Rogers spoke firmly, but Fury could see the hidden hurt in the man's eyes. Well, let's see if I can't live that up, maybe even get a little extra out of this, Fury thought.

"Well, I think I can make it even better for you." Fury answered before turning around and directing Rogers and Peggy towards a seat. They sat down and spoke for about half an hour before Fury received the two messages he had been waiting for while he stalled for time. One was that Natasha was bringing up a certain guest, and the other was that a certainly trained assassin was finished with his reconstruction.

Clint had come in from the balcony a while back and had Rogers share stories about his howling commandos. Fury ignored them before half turning his attention towards the door as it slid open. Through the door walked Emma Frost and Natasha Blake with a black gentleman walking behind them and speaking.

"Look, all I do is hold a support group. I don't know if I am the guy for this job."

"Of course you are Sam, I even got a glowing recommendation, so let me introduce you." Natasha said as she came to a stop.

Perfect ambush distance from everyone, Fury idly noted.

"Well, let me introduce you to your first ward, Steven Rogers," Emma stated a little matter of factly. "You might also know him as Captain America, or capsicle if you like. Steve, meet Samuel Wilson, ex-military and down to earth guy who holds a support group for other veterans."

"Ohh, it's an honor meeting you, sir," Sam spoke as she shook Steve's hands. He did turn to Emma, though, not phased one bit by her or the redhead's charms. "Who is the other?"

"He just got out of an operation to replace his left arm." Fury said as he gave Natasha a quick glance before he faced Rogers. "I thought you might want to settle in before we broke the news to you."

"And what news is that?" Steve asked a little apprehensively.

"Ohh, just that we were able to recover Barnes also, but he needed our doctors to put him back together again. Since he was in pretty rough condition when we found him." Fury spoke eyeing the man before him. Fury noted that even though Rogers had a gobsmacked look on his features as his composure cracked slightly. Rogers' frame was still tightly coiled ready to react at the drop of a dime, but Fury could see that his baited hook had worked.

"I want to see him."

"That can be arranged." Fury said.

Clint shivered in dread from the smile his boss carried on his face.

= /\ =

One month later

Ororo Blake nee Munroe




Logan's Training Field

Ororo looked down at the training match taking place as Peter flipped Odinson over his shoulder once more. Before he could make it to the ground, a blast of lightning came out of his body, but it wasn't enough to keep him afloat as Piotr's shoulder checked him from the side. Ororo made a mental note on that little move Odinson used. It would seem that he still hadn't gotten the use of his lightning to fly, so that could be discussed later.

The flash off to the side drew her attention, and what she found made her chuckle a little bit. Tony was on the outside of the ring with a towel around his neck. He was sporting the whole dad vibes, he even had a camera in his hands. At the side stood Happy Hogan, and he was holding a water bottle while they were both cheering Peter onward. The poor kid's face was beet red, but he was still putting his best foot forward during the sparring match.

"Yeah! You show that surfer dude what's what, Pete." Tony yelled from the side of the ring. "Get him in a headlock, Pete, a headlock."

Ororo was starting to wonder if she would have to send the man outside of her training grounds.

"Mommy, why is he acting that way?" Phoebe asked as she looked over the balcony they were sitting on.

"Because he is in daddy mode, sweetheart," Ororo spoke as she helped the girls through their own katas. Maya, Celeste, and her sisters all looked confused as they changed forms once more. "Remember that time you were playing the piano, Celeste."

"Yeah, daddy was all over the place with his video camera," Celeste answered back after a moment.

"That's called daddy mode girls," Ororo spoke as she walked around them, correcting their forms every now and then. "They tend to get like that when they overdose on cuteness or too much pride in their children."

"Yeah, sock him one, Pete!"

Those up top turned and watched Tony cheer some more, before going back to their kata forms.

"Use that move Happy taught you, use it. Yes! Take that Point Break." Tony's bombastic voice came from down in the sparring ring.

Sighing to herself, Ororo stood back up and received the towel held out for her.

"Alright, girls, that's all for today, Alfred, run along with your sisters and get yourself cleaned up before lunch," Ororo commanded while clapping her hands together. As the kids got up and left, she jumped over the balconies rails and floated down next to the sparring ring.


"HAHAHA, come at me, little spider." Odinson's voice boomed across the training field out of the sparring ring as Peter went flying after receiving a massive blow. "NOW, METAL MAN! COME!"

Ororo wanted to say something, but she honestly could not since Odinson was lightly levitating over the ground. Quickly turning around, he was able to parry a tackle from Piotr before launching himself into an attack. Ignoring the ring, Ororo made her way to the side of Tony, who was trying to get Happy to massage Peter's shoulders.

Standing at the side and wrapping herself in a silencing charm, Ororo listened in.

"You got this, Pete; Point Break is weak on the left, so I want you to hammer him hard when he comes at you with the right." Tony said before squirting some water over Peter's head. Ororo noticed how Peter's face had taken on a beet red color, pulling out her own omnitool. Ororo made sure that the AI collective had made a copy of the sparring match and Tony being far over the top. She was certain that Ben would take a kick out of watching it later.

Taking a step away and back towards the sparring arena, Ororo noticed Jane was off to the side with a dazed look on her features. Jane was beside Darcey, who was on one of the new Vega-phones produced on the island. Without saying a word, she moved to an intercepting course between Odinson and Piotr.

A fist blazing with lightning came barreling down on Ororo from her right while one made of organic metal came from the left. With swift motions, Ororo caught them both behind the wrist before twisting on her axis. This was a smoothly performed power transfer and rotating, tossing them both outside the ring.

"Alright, boys, that's enough," Ororo said as she levitated calmly above the sparring ring. "Piotr hit the shower, Odinson, I believe you have a visitor."

"Thank you for allowing me time with Lady Jane, your majesty," Odinson spoke in his usual boisterous tones with a half bow.

Letting him go his way, Ororo took flight towards the courtyard where lunch was being served. Odinson had made great strides in the month of him living here on the island, she noted to herself. She had noted that once the hammer was no longer in his sight, he no longer had tunnel vision for it as Jane filled the void. There were moments of lapses here and there, but Ororo was making a point to break him of such dependency.

Lightly humming to herself, Ororo cleaned up before flying over to the courtyard as Peter came walking in with Laura glaring at Tony. Her omnitool beeped, and the message she received had Ororo send a reply to her lover undercover inside the portal station. For some reason, Raven had found Gambit on the security feeds hanging around the station, and she was going to pull recon. At first, Ororo had considered why she was being told since she wasn't in charge of Raven. But Ororo understood that Raven was covering herself since she was the only other Queen currently available on the island with everyone else busy with their own thing at the moment.

Ororo lightly landed beside the lunch area and looked around her for kids, but they were already eating at their own table with Piotr's little sister Illyanna. Before she could make her way to the lunch counter, a booming voice came from the distance as a few people came into the courtyard.

"Friend Steve, Friend Bucky welcome and join me as we enjoy today's nourishment." Came the booming voice of Odinson. Ororo looked over and saw Logan walk into the lunch area with Steve and Bucky Barnes in tow right behind him. Samuel Wilson was flying in over their heads on a new jet pack designed by the island's science team.

Emma had shunted them all to the island once Barnes had woken up, saying something about them not being able to adjust to the rest of the world. Ororo knew that Emma was trying to field some sort of loyalty to Pandora and her people, but Ororo didn't really care since she knew that Fury was also trying to do the same thing.

Benjamin's mother had given him access to the island after laying down some strict rules for him to follow. Since then, other than a cafe downtown, Ororo had noticed Fury had Coulson and Clint hover around some of the schools in hopes of doing some recruiting. Since those in Star fleet and the Avengers programs were of age, Ororo had decided to ignore them since they were also held to the island's secret enforced by the smart bands.

Instead of sitting with her children, Ororo turned and took a seat beside Logan. At the table sat Sam Wilson, Steven Rogers, Odinson, Jane Foster, Darcey, her intern, and one Bucky Barnes. A small holo-screen popped out of the table before everyone. On the little screen was a menu for today's lunch on the front of the selection screen.

Idly, Ororo noted the look of fascination on Steve and Buckys face as they looked over the menu. It was nice to see that they were still enjoying all the advancements made even though they have been here a month.

"So, how are you enjoying our nation so far?" Ororo asked Steve from her side of the table as she finished selecting her meal. Steve looked up a little stunned with wide eyes before giving her a smile as he finished his meal selection. Ororo watched as Steve took a moment to put his thoughts together before answering.

"Ohh, it's amazing, ma'am," Steve spoke slowly and kept steady eye contact. "I wasn't aware of how the world had changed, but I am grateful for this opportunity to catch my breath. I did take one of the bikes out and took your advice to go out and just travel across America, but I do prefer it here."

"Yeah, I heard about that mother that propositioned you right in front of her husband," Logan spoke gruffly. "You should have seen how red he turned O'."

"Ohh, looking to add another already?" Ororo asked, laughing at his stumped expression.

"I call dibs on being next if you can keep that scary agent lady from killing me," Darcy said, looking up from her phone.

Everyone burst out laughing at the table as Steve chuckled in good humor.

"Worry not my friend, when I was younger, plenty of maidens would throw themselves at me." Odinson proclaimed boisterously, but he paused after the look Jane Foster had given him.

"So, neither you nor Bucky, are having any issues adjusting?" Ororo asked as a waiter brought her food out and placed it on the table before her. This time her attention was on the silent Bucky Barnes. Ororo had noticed how he had taken to looking at his freshly grown left arm, flexing it slowly. Of course, he would need time to adjust at having a flesh and blood arm again.

"No issues, just training, gotta get in fighting shape," Barnes spoke, when he said that, this caused Ororo to give him a speculative look before she nodded and changed the subject. Everyone's meal had arrived as they all engaged in small talk as they ate for another hour.

Ororo had double-checked her smart band and found that Raven hadn't sent her any more messages. She felt a foreboding feeling as things usually went all to hell when Raven said she had a lead on something. Ororo paid it no mind, but a quick check found Raven alive and healthy. Yet, Ororo couldn't shake that feeling of an impending battle.

= /\ =

Later that day...

Emma Frost


The day had progressed amazingly well for Emma as she reviewed some of her holdings Sage had made notations on. With the death of Shaw, Emma was noticing her profit margins were going up slowly but set a steady pace. She had tasked Sage to suss out why and what she found had Emma wanting to shoot that bastard's corpse once more.

In his role as the Black King, he was skimming profits on multiple fronts. Instead of complaining about that, she was currently relaxing on the beach, performing her motherly duties as the kids built themselves a sandcastle. The only thing that would make this better would be if Benjamin came out of his self imposed training and ravished her under the sun.

Sighing to herself and pushing those thoughts away, Emma examined her hand as the tips transitioned from flesh to bio-organic diamonds and then back again. From what the doctors could tell, her powers had evolved due to her interaction with her hubby. He was potent on many fronts, and her cells had evolved once more from the excessive amounts of energy he produced. Well, it also helps that she didn't mind swallowing either.

Flexing her fingers, Emma watched as the bio armor traveled up her arm. Idly she noted that her fingernails didn't carry over the pearl white she had them painted. The other thing she noted was the cooling sensation of her hand under the sunlight.

A peal of laughter brought her gaze up to see her kids playing. What Emma witness was Maya fly around with another one of the kids on the beach. The guards were doing their duty and followed them closely, but they had enough sense to also stay out of the way. Her girls were at the edges of the wave on a bodyboard, while Alfred was still building his sandcastle, but Emma noted he was using some type of tech to help him.

Emma would have snorted at one time if someone had said that she would make a great mother. But Raven and Natasha said she could do it and she would have to if she wanted to prove better than her own parents. No one had to know about that, though. Humming to herself, Emma went back to idly playing with her new set of powers. She also noted the irritation approaching her.

Instead of looking in his direction, Emma sent a mental message to her guards to block his path. She had no time or patience for him disturbing her relaxing time. Her spartans closed guard around her and tried to direct him onto another path. Unfortunately, Namor was far too stubborn, and after half an hour of him attempting to get by her guards, Emma had finally had enough.


"Let him through," Emma spoke as she got up from lounging on her beach chair. Ashley handed her a shawl that Emma wrapped around her shoulders to keep Namors eyes off her. Emma gave her thanks before taking a step to the side. Emma had noticed how Namor was still in his god awful swimming briefs. Around both of his forearms were golden bracers and a golden necklace around his neck. Namor had nothing on his feet, but she did idly note the wings along the side of his ankles.

Turning around, Emma stood with her back to a palm tree as she glared at the man before her.

"What is it that you need?" Emma asked, bringing forth her business persona. Emma almost threw up in her mouth as she noted Namor flexed his pecs with a hand on his hip as he looked her over.

"I have found you desirable and have come to take you as my queen," Namor spoke, looking her over. Emma looked at him, trying to understand if this was some joke or not. A raised eyebrow was all he got before a firm answer.


"You do not understand, I have come to enjoy your magnificent company," Namor spoke as he tried and failed to take a step closer. Even if they were not close enough to hear, Emma's guards were close enough to have all defenses up. Especially when it was someone noted on the black servers to have a thing on stealing women.

"So, you are asking me to leave Benjamin?" Emma asked as she looked at Namor. He stood at the palm tree's edges with a cocky swagger that infuriated her to no end.

"Ooh, of course, for him, you are not, but one of many," Namor said, a sly smile pasted on his face. "With me, you would be not many but one queen amongst my people and rule at my side."

"And then what? Stay inside for the rest of my life being unable to go out because of the pressure from the ocean's forces?" Emma asked back in a slow drawl. She then stared him down, sizing him up, but Namor could tell the look on her features found him wanting. "Spout what you will, but you can't even give me and my girls half of what Benjamin has provided."

Namor scoffed. "I rule half of this planet; I can give you anything you could ever want."

"Yes, and what have you done over your hundred years of rule, Namor?" Emma asked with some heat in her voice. "From my recollection, not a damn thing and that's why you're worthless in my eyes. Benjamin might not have been around as long as you, but he has done and brought real change. And before long, I will be a queen amongst the stars with planets bowing down to worship at my feet. So tell me this Namor? Why would I leave a winning situation to join a lost cause?"

Namor stuttered and got angry but didn't get anything out before Emma opened her mouth once more.

"I would suggest you leave before you lose your kingdom and head. Benjamin isn't so forgiving of those attempting to break up a happy home." Emma then walked away back towards her lounge chair. Hopefully, he would get the hint and leave before something happened and he loses his worthless little life.

Fury spread across Namors face as he heard the condescending tone within her words. Unfortunately, he didn't get a chance to retort as the island's wards ejected him out of its bounds and back into the ocean. Growling at his failure, Namor brought up his com device and sent his part of the plan.

He would have her, this Namor swore.

= /\ =

Pietro watched from the distance as Gambit flirted with the girl at the portal station. He didn't like the plan, but it was one that he could do without being caught. Unlike that fool inside, Pietro thought as he watched them walk off to the side. The plan was simple, plant the bomb, destroy the control station, and his father would be able to come in and conquer everything. After double checking his pockets, Pietro was sure he still had the explosives Namor provided them.

Ignoring that odd feeling he was getting, Pietro focused on the door as it opened. Out of the portal control room walked Gambit with that operator in tow. Pietro noticed they had gone into the ladies' room but he paid that no mind. Before the door could get halfway to lock, he sped inside. Now that he was on the other side of the door to portal control, Pietro had no clue where to start.

His job was to lower the teleportation defenses before blowing the place up, but he never took the classes for portal operations. Cursing to himself, Pietro sped around the room hitting buttons and switches before finally giving up. The screens were flashing red so he just took out the odd explosives and started it's firing procedures.

The circle on the front of the explosive started to flash red as it slowly cycled down to zero. Pietro's eyes widened before dashing to the door. Running into the door, he bounced off before realizing that he still had the explosive device in hand. Pietro jumped back to his feet, peeled off the back covering before slamming it under the portal council.


Panicking, Pietro looked behind him; eyes widened at the sight of the guards at the ready with rifles up. The other thing that drew his attention was the constant pinging as the bomb got closer and closer to detonation. He was the one to do this because he was fast enough to escape the blast radius.

Instead of fighting the armed guards who he knew were far stronger than himself, Pietro slapped the bomb onto the control panel. He then turned around and ran, jumped, and slipped through the middle of the guards as he made to run for outside of the portal operations center.

Pietro ran and ran, never looking back. He knew where he had to be, and that was not here. Before his mind could catch up with his feet, Pietro was at the Atlantean embassy. This was where he would be safe; this was where his father would be able to find him; this was where that Blake guy wouldn't be able to reach him.

= /\ =

Musing to herself, Raven had gone along with Gambit as she played her disguise to see what he had planned. This wasn't the first time he had made a visit to portal control and slyly tried to get information from those on duty.

Raven had wondered what Anna had seen in this guy, but she was sad to say that it wasn't much. If only the profile inside the black server was wrong. Her daughter wouldn't have to go through any of the heartbreak coming to her soon. She flirted and made her cheeks blush as he ushered her into the ladies' room.

Off to the side, Raven had noticed Pietro trying to play like nothing was happening. Raven knew that they were up to something but wasn't able to tell what it was. Lucky Natasha had agreed with her on giving them some rope and allowing them to hang themselves with it.

So here she was about to see what they were up to after listening to a few corny pick-up lines from Gambit. He posted her up against the sink and came in for a kiss. Unfortunately, she noticed the syringe in his hands and got him before he got her. Raven's leg went boneless before wrapping around his arm and breaking it.

"Ahhhh!" Gambit screamed. Instead of listening to anything else, Raven signaled her guards to come and collect him. Changing back to her normal form, Raven pulled out a pair of inhibitor cuffs. She then placed them around his wrist, not caring about them being broken at all.


Raven's head snapped up and made eye contact with her guards. Two turned around and dashed out and she was right on their heels heading for the portal control room. Raven noticed that a pair of guards were already inside the room. The center console didn't look damaged, but there was some smoke coming out from underneath.

"My queen, please stay back."

One of her guards walked forward to inspect the damage, but Raven already had her own omnitool up. Above her wrist floated a holo-image of the room, in the image was the video feed for this very same room. From what she could see, it looked like Pietro was trying to figure out how to lower the teleportation defenses.

There is only one person who knew about that and he was only told because he didn't want us to teleport inside his city whenever we wanted. Raven zoomed in the video in on the bomb that Pietro had in his hands. It was easy to tell that the explosive wasn't made by any technology available. From the odd shape it could only come from one other place.

Rotating the image, Raven needed more information so that she didn't wrongly accuse the wrong person. What she found made her blood boil, the explosive was shaped like a conch shell. Raven had noticed how the redlight followed the spiraling of the shell.

"My queen." Spartan Luis called as he got up from inspecting the portal controls. "The damage is minor, but there does seem to be some shock damage."

"How is it not destroyed?" Raven asked with her eyebrows going up at hearing how minor the damage was.

"The outer shell is made of a new alloy with eight percent vibranium mixed in." Spartan Luis answered as he placed an order for some new components. "They also didn't take into account the fact that our King wanted all important stations to have kinetic dampers installed. He said something about not dealing with exploding council syndrome."

"And more examples of his paranoia working to prevent issues," Raven muttered to herself. "Alright, let's bring in some guards under the radar and go ahead and drop the teleportation shield."

"My queen, might I ask why?" Spartan Luis asked with his hand hovering over his own omnitool.

"Easy, they went through all of this trouble to bring a fight to us and I don't plan on keeping them waiting," Raven said with a predatory look on her features. "They think they can sneak in and invade, well we know how they are going to get it. It's time to set a trap, I know that we have half a million troops always at the ready. Let's see what they can do against a foe like us."

Spartan Luis gave his Queen a salute and nod before bringing up his omnitool.

"General Faora, we have a situation."

= /\ =

King Magneto

Asteroid M

Magneto stood on his asteroid, looking down on the Earth through the window of his personal quarters. His apostles were at the ready and so were his brotherhood of mutants. The only thing he was waiting on was his son and that spy of Sinister's. He knew what he wanted to accomplish and what he had to do today. Before this day was out, he would be crowned King of the mutant race.

Eric's attention was drawn from gazing down on Earth as the computer at his desk started to ping. Turning him back towards the view down on Earth, Eric walked over to this desk and smiled at what he saw. On the screen was the confirmation that his son had set the bomb like he was told. The other notation was that Namor was on the move, and the last one was that the two new allies were here.

Sending his confirmation, Eric pressed a button and opened up a secret hatch for his combat gear. Inside next to his armor and cape were his helmet, but also a few weapons he had prepared for his situation. On the side of each of his gauntlets were six metallic balls. These were weapons

designed to enlarge or shrink at his mental command. He was beyond such barbaric weapons, such as pistols and the like. Here, he thought, were elegant weapons suitable for one such as himself.

On the side of his boots were the same metallic weaponry and there was a set of twelve built into the harness. His harness was connected to his cape then went around his shoulder. His door opened and Eric stepped through with his helmet tucked under his arm. Walking down the halls of his asteroid throne away from Earth, he could feel the electricity in the air. Today was the day and nothing was going to stop him from his conquest.

Exodus was another Omega level mutant and he would be able to bring him Blake's head. Let's just hope his other allies are able to deliver the same way he did. Walking into the large room, Eric was first greeted with the sight of his acolytes. Exodus, the leader, stood tall and proud as an Omega level telepath and telekinetic. The second in command after Exodus was Fabian Cortex, an alpha level mutant, but he came with power augmentation. He wasn't the brightest of the bunch, but Exodus had him well under control.

The team's muscle was Issac Javitz coming in with super strength and durability, he was a mountain of a man, but Eric didn't care for his over-compensation of his other fallacies. The ace of his team, Exodus, stood beside Suvik Senyaka formally working for Selene as a bio leech. The more biological essence he was able to drain, the stronger he would become during a battle of attrition. The last but not least of his brotherhood of evil mutants was Amelia Voght, his teleporter. She was capable of turning her body into mist and teleporting large groups from one location to another. All she would need is an image and idea of where to go, her powers sorted out the rest.

Looking to the other side, Eric was able to see who Sinister had brought from his Murders. The last Eric had heard, these clones were all that was left of the man's holdings. This was after Blake had gone on a tear through his organization and island.

The Marauders consisted of Malice, a recon type capable of possession of others and using their powers in combination with her own. Riptide, also known as Janos Quested, was floating around the back of the group looking agitated. In front of him stood the leader of the group, Scalphunter. He was a most distasteful man Eric thought to himself as he made small pleasantries known and shook the man's hand.

It was all for the greater good, Eric told himself.

Scalphunter was a known mercenary that had the distasteful proclivities. Just looking at the man, Eric wanted to kill him, but he could do that later once he was King. Beside Scalphunter stood a delectable beauty by the name of Chimera. Eric couldn't help but take in her magnificent curves and the legs she had on display.

Eric had noted how Nathaniel wasn't here and the information Scalphunter had provided, irritated more than it should have on his big day. Giving a nod of confirmation to Scalphunter, Eric made sure no one noticed as he applied a little bit of magnetic force to a switch. This would activate a protocol once they left enclosing Nathaniel's labs to keep him from double crossing them.

Standing not too far from his own acolytes was the Wakandan contingent led by the prince himself. Eric almost laughed when he heard about the story of a lost love being stolen. Yet, he did not because this was another force helping him on his path to kingship of his kind.

Walking over to their sides, Eric shook his hands with the young prince before making small talk and pleasantries with his royal contingent. There was another ping on his communicator and Eric noticed that it was Namor letting him know that his army was on the march.

Walking up to the archway, Eric looked down on all those standing here with him. All elite soldiers in their own right, all here to assist in bringing his goals to fruition. Looking down on all those before him, Eric felt that some words were in order.

"Today, we fight as one. Today we move to correct an injustice that the world has been made unaware of. Today we topple a tyrant and replace him with a benevolent leader. Today we march to ensure that our brothers and sisters stop living with a lie told to them by a man with an agenda. Today is the day of liberation!" Eric finished rising into the air as the mutants around him cheered his name. Pulling his helmet onto his head, Magneto signaled for the teleportation. Mist wrapped around everyone and Magneto felt the world shift as everything went weightless for a moment.

Gravity returned and his eyes shined as he saw it, Pandora, the gem that soon becomes his throne. From what he could tell, they were in that teleportation station his son spoke of. His communicator pinged and his other allies updated him on the Destroyer attacking the shield facility.

Turning to his troops, Magneto took to the sky.

"Let the liberation commence!"

= /\ =

Ororo was teaching an afternoon class when the lights started to flash red signalling an invasion force. The trainee Avengers that she was teaching at the moment started to panic, Ororo was about to bring forth a gust of wind to calm them all down when Logan stuck out a hand to stop her.

Turning to look at him, Logan pointed towards the one girl who was calm as can be. Ororo watched as she stood up, popped her bubble gum, charged up her powers and then released a massive blast. Everyone quieted down; then they turned to look at her. Ellie turned to look towards them before speaking up.

"Alright teach, you can speak now." Ellie said as she stood off towards the side of the room. Before Ororo could say anything, the door was yanked open, Steve and company came barreling into her danger room. Ororo had noticed that they were all dressed and ready for battle. Her own class was lucky that they were already wearing their combat gear. Bringing up her own omnitool, a few taps on the screen had the danger room open it's hallway towards the hanger bay.

"Piotr, lead them to the hangar bay, there you will find our rides." Ororo spoke as she gathered with the older, more experienced fighters. Looking at them walking, Ororo made a snap second decision. "Alright Logan, who would you recommend from the class to lead our defenses?"

"You can't be serious?" Steve Rogers spoke as he looked between the two.

"Extremely so, they need to learn." Ororo replied, looking him in the eye. "They signed up for the class and want to make it a career choice, so they need to learn now, Logan could you please?"

"Shadow Cat, step forward." Logan's gruff answer to both of them. Kitty Pryde, who was acting like she wasn't listening to them, jumped and squeaked as everyone turned towards her. "The rest of you better get to that hanger."

The rest of the class looked at each other before taking off at a jog. They all knew what would happen if they stayed, and no one wanted extra training lessons with Logan. Nodding to Logan, Ororo brought a mini-map of the island on her omnitool.

"Kitty, how would you deal with our invaders?" Ororo asked as Kitty's own omnitool lit up with a mini-map. "Remember sixty seconds before shields reach critical at the portal station."

Kitty looked nervous, but the nod Logan gave her helped firm up her resolve. Steve gave her an encouraging smile and Sam gave her two thumbs up. Odinson had a grim of challenge on his face and she noticed that everyone was willing to hear what she had to say.

Kitty took a deep breath before starting. "We send Smoke and Neon to help assist in evacuation, they have the speed and with QuickSilver not showing up to class. They are the only speedsters on tap unless we call the bossman himself. Iceman on defense, setting up blocks here and here. The north and northwest side of the teleportation center. Colossus, on the ground running interference with any heavies that they might have brought. Since there are buildings around that area, I want Spider-man to run interference for their flyers and web up runners."

"What else?" Logan asks, trying to get her to think more, notice the gaps in her defenses.

"Hmmm, shut down the portal and use the shield emitters to block the intruders in?" Shadowcat squeaked.

"Good, now what about the shield power station?" Ororo asked as she changed the holo-image. The image had Odin's face turning pale.

"That should not be here." Odinson spoke in a somber tone. Everyone noticed his shift in attitude and tone.

"What is it?" Ororo asked, eyes sharp as an eagle.

"That is the destroyer and it is of Asgard," Odinson spoke as he turned to walk towards the outside. "I do not understand why it is here."

"Hmm, I guess your brother does not take well to being disciplined," Ororo spoke before the wind started to whip around her as she walked. Those beside her took a step away as lightning started to flash from her eyes.

"Why would a Queen such as yourself, have to discipline my brother?" Odinson asked, looking confused by the situation.

"Because he is worse than the children in my classes." Ororo returned.

"How dangerous is this thing?" Steve Rogers asked, Ororo noted he moved with a purpose now that an enemy was before him.

"Very, it guards the vaults of Asgard," Odinsons spoke as they came to the outside hangar bay. "I would not think father would send such a thing, and I must stop it and then ask for an audience through Heimdall."

"You might not be able to," Ororo spoke looking at Odinson. "The last time I spoke to him, he was calling himself the temporary ruler of Asgard."

The look of shock on his face told them all that something wasn't right.

"Since the Destroyer is of Asgard, I would like to face it and make amends," Odinson said, serious about the situation.

"I will send a team of Spartans to back you up, but as you face this construction. Make sure you protect the people first." Ororo replied as she took a step backwards allowing him access to the sky. No one had noticed Jane had come running around the corner. Odinson smiled and raised his hand to the air summoning his lightning. What he did not expect was for Ororo to throw his own hammer at him.

On reflex, Odinson snatched the hammer out of the air. For a moment, everyone stood there looking at him. The look of pure shock on his face was clear for all to see.

"Your hammer no longer defines who you are." Ororo spoke with a smile on her face." It was time to return it since you have already learned that the man makes the man not the hammer."

The look of joy and relief on his face told all those watching how important this was to the big man. The smile on his face was infectious as they watched him raise the large hammer over his head.


Lightning rained down, covering the area in a spectacular display of power. They shielded their eyes as they watched the lightning wash over his form. The lightning slowly went away and they all looked at the now armored up Thor Odinson.

Thor's massive arms were on display wrapped in metallic chainmail like armor, same for his legs. A cape bellowed out from his back royal red connected to his shoulders. Thor was as large as Ben, Ororo idly noted as she watched Jane Foster come running up.

"Lady Jane," Thor spoke as he looked down at her smaller form.

"You're looking good." Jane spoke a little breathily

"It brings me joy for you to be able to see me like this," Thor spoke as she pulled Jane close to his form. "But I must go. There is mischief afoot and I must do my part."

"Then come back to me." Jane spoke before going on the pits of her toes and kissing Thor.

"Alright, Point Break, you heard the lady, hop to it." Logan's gruff voice cut across the purely pink moment. Thor looked back at everyone with a smile before jumping and taking to the sky.

= /\ =

Opening the door that led outside of the hyperbolic time chamber, I took a moment to breathe a breath of fresh air as I looked through the window overlooking my island. Turning around, I glanced at my guards walking out of the chamber behind me.

"Go get cleaned up," I told them. "You guys can take the rest of the week off. I don't plan on leaving the island anytime soon. Selene, go get some rest also."

Without looking back, I performed a smooth transition teleportation to my home.

"Hello?!" I called out loudly, but from what I could tell no one was home right now. Looking down at my wrist, I noted the broken mark one omnitool. It was broken about two years into my self imposed training. I didn't really care about changing it out at the moment. Instead, I discarded the parts for recycling and made my way to the showers.

Stripping down, I noticed some of the scars I had received during my training from Selene's magical attacks. After a while, I had gotten tired of shaving my hair and had started to dread it up before tying it back in a Viking knot. A flick of my wrist had my blade out of its sheath from the small of my back.

Another flash of my wrist and the bread on my face fell away, the sides of my head were shaved and I had even clean lines as the bad parts of my hair were cut away. Instead of looking like one of my hobo friends back in New York, I now looked like a respectable guy in his early twenties. That was funny considering the fact that I was way past one hundred now.

Pushing what little morbid thoughts I had to the side, I hopped into the shower and got cleaned up. A good half hour later, I felt refreshed and clean as I was finally out of the UMF suit I had for my training session. Pulling a clean UMF from the closet, I transformed it into a pair of combat trunks before laying across the massive custom bed. Before I passed out the clock was showing early noon. It was amazing being finally able to sleep again.


I sprang up and out of bed, ready and willing to kill all in my path in my combat stance. It didn't even take a nano-second for me to realize that I was at home inside my bedroom.

"Eve, Friday, Azula, Toph, give me a sitrep as soon as possible." I barked out commands to the AI collective that was always connected to my house and islands infrastructure. Looking at the clock before I left, I noticed that I had only gotten two hours of sleep before all this happened. "I want to know where everyone is and what was that."

With those commands given I was already moving with my combat pants on towards where I heard battle. As I was running across the island, my AI collective was giving me a quick rundown on everything. What I found pissed me off to no end, I didn't wait to say hi, I didn't wait for Thor to get knocked to the side. I moved with a purpose and I moved with lethal intent. I knew what he was fighting and I was not fucking happy that it was on my fucking island.

I! Was! Not! Happy!

The Destroyer didn't get a chance to look at me and see me coming. The upper torso was ripped apart as I slammed my forearm into it performing a super high-speed laret with the force of reality breaking gravity behind my move. I came to a stop and caught Thor's hand before he could bring his hammer down in a crushing blow on an already destroyed foe. I was far more worried about him doing that so close to the island's shield emitters and generator.

Thor looked stunned at my sudden appearance before he pulled his hammer back and looked me over. Ignoring him for a moment, I called over one of my Spartans and had him give me his spare omnitool. MY thumbprint and biometric readings confirmed it was me as everything I was missing started to upload themselves instantly. What I discovered did not make me any happier at all. Magneto was here trapped in the portal control center and he had brought guests with him.

Turning around I looked at Thor, we were the same height and I could feel his call to all of the storm in the cosmos. Another thing I had to get used to when it came to the new understanding of my powers I noticed. Ignoring that and pushing it aside, I extended my hand to the man.

"I appreciate your assistance in helping my kingdom, the name is Benjamin Blake. King of Pandora." I spoke with firm tones, shoving the inner fanboy aside. This was no moment to be gushing over someone when my people were in danger.

"That is fine because this is only what all heroes of Midgard would do." Thor spoke as he took my arm in a forearm clasp old school warrior style. I gave him a nod before taking a step back.

"Will you be talking with your father about sending such a thing?" I asked, already knowing what was happening here.

"Yes, I must have words with whoever sent such a thing." Thor answered before looking up and starting to yell for Heimdall. I took a step away as I flicked a quantum communication tacker to his cape. I was going to find the location of Asgard and I prefer it to be sooner rather than later.

Thor yelled for about the sixth time before he was sucked up by a mix of rainbow lights. Turning away, I had my Spartans begin cleaning up and I made sure that the Destroyer made it to one of my labs. I was already pretty close to recreating Richard Ryder's helmet so I would need a new side project soon.

Twisting on the spot, I was next to the teleportation center before anyone could blink. I had noticed the line in the concrete and how the Avenger Trainees were all here battling. Behind them were my spartans and they were playing the role of back up. Pulling up my omnitool, I noticed that a nice percentage of them were at the beach pushing back an invading army.

There could only be one such person who would attack from the ocean, and America wasn't aware of me yet to send in their Seal teams. I typed out a quick Neptunes protocol to Faora and left it at that. Namor was going to be in for one nasty shock.

Moving from my perch on a tree limb, I focused on the air around everyone. I grabbed it and then formed it into a typhoon between my palms. No one paid me any mind until I came slamming it down right in the center of everyone.

"WHO! FUCKING! DARES!" I bellowed, rattling everyone with just the power emanating from my voice. Everyone stopped and looked at me with shocked expressions on their features. My head snapped to the side and I dashed over to save Ororo from getting captured by some netting. She had been flying in the air and they had her attention split between three groups.

What she didn't notice was the fucker in the Black Panther suit coming up from her blind spot. I caught the net, spun it in my hand before tossing it at the Dora that threw it in the first place. She was not fast enough as the net sliced through her from how much force I threw it with. A yell and scream drew my attention to the Black Panther.

The Black Panther yelled as he launched that primitive vibranium spear towards me. Silence descended and everyone's eyes widened as it inched closer and closer. A flick of my fingers sent it in a spin, and they and I all held our breaths in sick fascination as the spear rotated before me.

No one knew what to do or say as they watched me in erie attentiveness. I said nothing, but they knew what happened next was going to be far beyond their own comprehension. The spear fell before me, oh so slowly, but I paid it no mind. My gaze was locked with that of T'Challa fifty feet away, an easy distance for someone like me.

The shaft of the spear finally rotated to where it was fully parallel to the ground when I acted with swift grace. My hand went up and tapped the back end of the staff with one glowing finger. In the tip of my finger, I had such tight control of gravity, I knew the change was somewhere around ten thousand times standard.

They all watched in sick fascination as my finger connected with the end of the spear, the air rippled. Everyone felt as if they had been hit in the chest as they felt the thump from my actions. The ground cracked and a shockwave was released as the spear shot forward. Yet, it did not move as everyone expected it to, or to be more precise, reality didn't react the way everyone expected.

Everyone knew that the spear was moving at an incredible speed, yet the fact of the matter was it appeared to move at a snail's pace before all of our eyes. Ripples spread through the air as the spear made its way, everyone's eyes tracking its progress. T'Challa's eyes widened in horror as he jumped in an attempt at dodging, but it was far too late. Our eyes met for one final time, and that was when he realized he fucked up.


The shock on his face was easy for all to see, but that was replaced with terror. Before anyone could move to assist a sickening squelch was heard when the spear connected to T'Challa's chest. The solid thump was so pronounced that they had to grab their own chest as if they felt it hitting them. Everyone had to catch their breaths from watching such a display.

That was when reality kicked back into high gear. The entire Wakandian contingent died from an explosive well of gravity. Those who had come following Magneto looked on as the only parts that were leftover were the lower half of T'Challa. That was the only part that survived because it was covered with vibranium and outside of my attack's epicenter.

Looking around, I found the fucker floating over everyone like he was supposed to be our savior. Ororo floated up beside me, shooting me a smile. There were plenty of things that I wanted to know, but my questions could wait for later.

Looking over, I locked eyes with the man. He had fucking balls coming here with his fucking bullshit.

"I thought you were smarter than this, Eric?" I started looking him over. He was here in a red cape and had some weird metallic balls floating around his person.

"Your reign of tyranny ends today, young man." Magneto said from across me, projecting his voice for all to hear.

"So that is your play then," I replied, nodding my head at him as I swiftly put the pieces together. "We both knew how this confrontation would end, I would have thought leaving you alive would have pushed this day further back. But you came up with a nice little plan. I can give you credit for that."

"What do you mean, speak clearly."

"Sigh, I had thought you would be happy with your asteroid. I had thought you found another way, but it seems I was wrong." I spoke, pushing forward the disappointment in my voice.

"You knew?" Magneto asked, sounding incredulous.

"Of course I knew, anyone with half a brain cell can locate you if they searched for heavy magnetic disturbances. Too bad you're so ego driven." I replied with a shake of the head.

"Exodus, attack! Kill him! Kill him now!" Magneto screamed out in panic as I slowly started to move.

Magneto's dog moved for the attack and I moved to defend Ororo who would be in the range of any shockwaves.


I had grabbed Exodus's hand a foot from my face and my eyes widened in a little surprise as I was pushed back slightly along through the air.

"Impossible!" Magneto nearly shouted from his floating location. Ignoring him, I twisted Exodus's hand to the side, exerting my strength, breaking his wrist, elbow, up to his shoulder socket.

I would have thought that arm ruined, but I knew the power set given to Omega level powerhouses, and I refused to have this battle happen right here on my island. A high-speed twist had me perform a roundhouse kick planting my combat boots right into Exodus's face. This created another shockwave as Exodus was ejected from my island. From how far I had sent Exodus, I knew that I had used to much power within my attack.

Instead of doing anything to Magneto, I had noticed the looks on my ladies faces, so I left Erik to them as I took my dance partner somewhere else. Exodus had flown a mile out from my island. I knew I could catch up with him in nano-seconds, so I made a little detour. On the beaches were the Atlantean forces trying to battle their way onto my island. Unfortunately for them, they were in the range of my railguns, and my troops were all too happy to recreate another D day.

Thousands of Atlanteans died in a very vain attempt to breach Pandora's perimeters. Their blue bodies were piling up, but I ignored them for other prey.

It didn't take me that long to find who I was looking for. It was kind of hard to miss the fucker in his tiny golden briefs as he fought Faora to a stand still in the air. He never saw me coming as I rammed my hands through his back. For a moment, the blood eagle flashed through my mind, but I thought better of it.

"Soldiers of Atlantis," I yelled down at them all. They looked up, and I noticed the look of dawning horror on their features. At this point, Namor was barely wheezing. It was no wonder as I had one of my hands slammed through his back and gripped his heart. My other hand had a firm grip on his ribcage. Blood slashed across my chest, hot and smelling of iron. Ignoring the battlefield, I flexed my muscles as I pulled to either side. There was a wet ripping sound accompanying the screams of Namor. Hands holding on to the now deceased Namor, I channeled some power down on those below me. "STAND DOWN, NOW!"

I then tossed the bloody meaty chunks of Namor over onto the beach. I ignored the looks of horror and shock on their features as I turned towards my General.

"Clean this up; then I want Atlantis conquered. You already have the planned Protocols." I accepted her bow before taking off towards that shit stain, Exodus. I found Exodus still tumbling across the ocean. His body had already healed, but Exodus hadn't caught himself with his telekinesis with the amount of power I used. Checking to make sure we were at a safe distance from my island, I attacked.

I noticed Exodus had finally recovered, but I dodged to the left of his attack, allowing it to brush by me as I performed a cross-counter smashing Exodus's lower jaw apart and sending it down into the ocean.

Twisting, I performed a hammer blow smashing apart his head. Blood, brains, bone and viscera flew everywhere as his head ripped apart from the force of my blows. The signs of rapid regeneration irritated me, forcing me to think outside the box. Slapping aside a telepathic blast from Exodus, I noted that he was getting faster with his attacks. Ignoring that thought, I grabbed him by the ankle and flew upwards.

The games were over with, it was time to unleash that part of me I always kept locked away. That part of me that I knew came from my mother's side of the family. The part that said death and destruction was far too kind for my enemies, I had to see them broken before me, then have them watch as I tore apart the rest of their lives with my bare hands.

It was time they all learned who they were fucking with.

We broke the stratosphere, then the exosphere within seconds as the Moon came into view for me. Exodus kicked and kicked trying to break my hold, but when he had gotten in a cheap hit. I had gotten angry and slammed a heel into his family jewels. The strength of the blow had him throwing up some internal organs, but I had no care for that. I knew that his internal organs had ruptured and healed some time ago, but I gave him no chance to catch his breath.

Grabbing a firm grip onto Exodus's ankle before I then flew us both to the Moon, but before we could break the outer layer of the Moon's atmosphere, I spun. One hundred rotations, two thousand rotations, then I got to fifteen thousand rotations before I snapped Exodus forward like he was a whip. His leg broke apart like putty in my hands and he went smashing into the side of the Moon.

I put both of my hands above my head and channeled my powers. I knew what I was about to do, but I had run out of fucks to give. The only way to kill omega levels like myself was total disintegration. From my elbow to my fist my hand glowed with raw power. More and more power was funneled into both of my arms and that was when something clicked. I was welding so much power, and instinctively I knew that I could crack a continent back on Earth.

Fuck it.

Exodus had no chance to recover and regenerate as I came down on him bringing forth all of my pent up rage and frustration. Frustration with this death universe, frustration and rage with Erik for forcing my hand, and frustration for having to actually show people why they should not have fucked with me and mine.


A crater formed and then the Moon broke, fissures erupted all along our sides as Exodus screamed out as his body warped as reality tore and time broke as smashed my fist down into him.

= /\ =


King of the Inhumans

This was the day that he had been waiting for half of his entire life. This was the day that he has been not only groomed for but raised for. This was the day that he was going to get his wife and put forth his DNA to continue his bloodline and continue the future of his people. Behind him stood his brother, one of the best men he had known and beside him stood another. Gorgon stood beside his brother and stood tall as he lent his support this day. Boltagar heard the steps of the priest softly approached from the back, turning around.

Maximus turned with his brother and started to translate as his brother's hands flew through signs.

"Are they prepared?"

"Yes, my king."

"Then call her in so we may start this wedding."

They nodded towards their King before a guard ran out of the side of the royal palace. Boltagar stood with his back straight, head held high as he looked over his people. This was the day that would solidify his reign for the centuries to come.

Boltagar was lost in thought, but was pulled out of it when the music started to play. Down on the other end of the palace stood Medusalith in her beautiful purple wedding clothes. Her hair was done up and a crown upon her head. Ignored now by all around him, Boltagar walked down the aisle to receive his bride. He knew it was improper, but he had waited for her long enough.

Years of growing up with his cousin and today she would finally be his. Years of having his brother pull strings as he did his duty as a King should. Now he was the leader of his people and now he would have the woman he wanted, regardless of what she might say or want.

Medusalith would be his.

Boltagar felt Medusalith's hand tremble within his own, but he ignored such weakness. She would not ruin this day for him. Pulling her forward, they came to a stop beneath the genetic advisor as he may ordain their joining of genetics markers.

Boltagar stood firm with his back straight, the Gentic's Advisor spoke in strong somber tones. He smiled at the live feed that was going throughout his city of Attilan. Boltagar put a smile on his face and was about to say, Yes, that was when it happened.

There was a massive boom as the entire city of Attilan shook from some impact. Most of the nobles in court screamed, but he was already moving. He had to get control of the situation quickly. Pulling out his communicator device, Boltagar input commands to get him a report on what was happening.

The information that they gave him had his eyes widen before narrowing in pure abject anger. This was supposed to be his day, he was supposed to get the woman of his dreams, bed her so that he could secure the future of his line. Yet out there on the Moon's surface, two humanoids, whoever they were, were fighting and disrupting his day.

Standing tall before his people, Boltagar started to sign with his brother quickly translating.

"Royal Guard with me, Medusalith, do not go anywhere."

Turning around, Boltagar was ready to express his anger to the ones who dared to interrupt his big day.

= /\ =

Taking a step back to look around me, I took in the fact that I had broken the Moon. No, I didn't just form a creator, I had broken the Moon. The image showing on my omnitool had the Moon looking like an egg that had its shell cracked. Large portions of the Moon were now floating in the void still pulled by the small gravity well of the Moon's other part.


That was barely one percent of what I was now capable of and I was already breaking things. The shuffling under my feet drew my attention to the last limb of Exodus. Snorting, I watched as he regenerated from just half a foot. Looking at him, I steeled myself to what I was about to do next.

Dodging out of the way from a massive telekinetic blast, I backhanded his head from his body. I got in close before going into a crouch; ready to head out into the void once more. What I wasn't expecting was to get blasted from the side.


His low word of stop, slammed into me from the side as I was facing off against Exodus. I had finally gotten the man where I wanted him, and then this fucker showed up with his cheaty voice powers. I should have known the Inhumans lived on the Moon, but I didn't know that they would interface with my business.

Hell, I did not have time for these inbred fuckers right now.

I looked over to where he was standing after I shook out the effects of his cheaty ass voice powers. Standing beside him was a man with goat legs, who I knew went by the name Gorgon. The little weird bodied green fucker was called Eelak and beside him was Chynae who was useless out here in a battle on the Moon's surface. The one on her right in the sleek looking grey and black suit was called Drive, their version of a speedster. Behind Black Bolt and on his other side stood a reptilian skinned person, who could only be none other than Triton.

"enoUGH!" Black Bolt started soft, then transferred to a scream.

The sound waves slammed into me, rippling my skin, bursting my eardrums once more, and rupturing blood vessels. Gritting my teeth, I increased my gravity one thousand fold and kept myself anchored to the spot. Slowly, I made a step forward. I grinned at the look of shock on Black Bolt's face as I took another step.

"Why won't you JUST QUIT?!"

"Because I'M THE JUGGERNAUT BITCH, AND I! AM! KING!" I roared as I slammed a fist into his chest then another and another. There was a cough of blood as I felt a lung collapse, but I kept punishing him with blows.

Black Bolt doubled over and I caught his face in my grip, I turned and twisted to toss his inbred ass out into space, but he sent out a word.


My left arm was obliterated down to my elbow, but I paid it no attention as I twisted and kicked that little shit stain Eelak out into the open vacuum of space. The force of my blow shattered him as if he was a watermelon.

I was getting tired of looking at that little shit anyway.


Chynae was shit out of luck for screaming out since I was beside her next, a quick yank, and I had ripped her arm right out of its socket. Rotating the limb around, I used the bloodied end to slap her across the face with it, knocking her out completely. Tossing the limb aside, I turned my attention back to my own injury.


Now that I was paying attention, it was far too easy to stop then reverse the flow of events around my missing limb. Blood, bone and muscle came and reformed as I felt the events that removed my hand were reversed out of the timeline.

Ducking low, the kick Gorgan tried to deliver missed me entirely. A quick jab upwards smashed his family jewels to bits before I grabbed him by his hooved feet. Gorgon never had a chance as I stepped down hard crushing his spine before using him as a bludgeoning tool.

Triton was all ready and raring to go but he never saw me coming at mach 6 to slap him across the face with his best friend Gorgon. Meat paste was the only thing left of the two.

Exodus had fully regenerated at this point and Black Bolt was looking at me with pure horror in his eyes. That soon turn to murder as he looked over the dead forms of all his inbred friends and guards. Drive came yelling and running in from my left as if that was going to help any, taking half a step back. I dodged his desperately thrown punch, then kicked out, breaking both of his legs and hip in one fluid motion. A flick of gravity took him out of the big boy's zone.

Checking my omnitool, I sent a message to Oliver to bring my guards and to prepare an invasion force separate from the one conquering Atlantis and her other cities. I noticed the flexing of his lungs, but I was already moving. I pulled out an adamantium, vibranium alloy ball gag, then slapped it into his mouth not caring if I broke a few teeth. The gag was a specially made one for those with voice type powers.

On the inside of the mouth, the gag would open with bio-organic tentacles forcing its way down a person's throat. A little nasty sure, very hentai of course, but it kept airways open while also disabling the vocal cords. They weren't made with him in mind, but they would work for him regardless.

A pair of adamantium cuffs went around his wrists and I broke one of his legs to hobble him for good measure. Kicking the defeated form of Black Bolt away, I turned and dodged an attack Exodus launched at me.

Jumping over and shifting my position to make sure Black Bolt wasn't caught up in the blast. I launched myself at Exodus as a portal opened up for my little gift. I had to get rid of the pest before me, so I could get back to doling out some more punishment to that inbred fucker Boltagar.

I slammed a fist in the psionic shield that Exodus had tossed up before me, shattering it as I moved in to lay a kick across his chest. His upper torso disintegrated as I grabbed onto his leg. Turning around, I found my orientation to the sun before taking off in its direction.

= /\ =

Everyone in the Inhuman Royal Palace watched as their King and his royal guards were not only beaten but destroyed with such ease, that no one could believe it. They watched as another who they knew nothing about proclaimed himself King before slapping their own King away as if he was an unruly child. This was not a battle, no this was a one sided slaughter and their greatest fears coming to fruition.

Those inside the Royal Palace could hear the screams and panic of those outside of it's halls as they watched the deliberate thrashing of their vaunted royal guards. Medusalith wanted to scream, to run with the rest but here was her one chance.

Turning around and looking at her long time friend, she decided to buck tradition and tackle her problems head-on as she had always done.

"Alaris, gather the rest of the royal guards, I'm taking control." Medusalith commanded before removing that dreaded crown from on top of her head. Medusalith's hair unfurled from the hairstyle her dressers had placed it in. Those standing around the wedding alter backed away as she unleashed the full might and power of her beautiful red locks of hair.

No one could say that Medusalith didn't know where the wind was blowing and she knew where to find her new found freedoms. Her hair flashed out as she made her commands, seeking Medusalith's enemies.

The first to get strung up and tossed out of one of the high windows was the science leader to the genetics banks. From there, the nobles in court started to scream as she made her way over to impale one of Black Bolt's more fanatic loyalists.

Hanging high in the air, Medusalith looked around trying to stop that little cretin Maximus. He had tried to run once the video feed showed his brother the King losing his battle. He didn't make it very far because Medusalith noticed him pushing a lady out of his way. A few strands of her hair raised before striking quicker than the lightning she watched play out in the holo-rooms. There was a scream and a yelp as she picked him out from the back of the crowd he had attempted to escape behind.

Maximus screamed and kicked, but Medusalith paid him no mind. She had caught her prey and she had a good idea of how to use him. The little rat was brought to levitate before her and Medusalith wished that she had more time to savor this moment, but it seems reality wasn't in her favor. Alaris came back panicked with blood dripping down from his face. When he spoke, he only released three words and it filled the royal court with dread.

"He is here."

= /\ =

I had left Black Bolt on the Moon's surface for Oliver and the rest of my three hundred guards to handle. The gag would absorb any and all words he might attempt to speak, but he wouldn't have that chance before I got back to the Moon's broken surface. Currently, I was fast approaching the sun that gave life to the SOL system.

Within mere seconds that it had taken me to make my way across the wide expanse of the galaxy, I quickly came upon the sun. Exodus had started to regenerate in my hands, I had known that immortality and high-speed regeneration were part of his power set; but damn was it annoying to deal with. The fact that Exodus and Nathaniel were around meant that the big grey asshole was asleep somewhere in Africa back on the planet. That meant that I would need to figure out a way to kill him for good because using the old 'toss him in the sun' method wouldn't work on Apocalypse.

That fucker was like a cockroach.

Exodus' head was starting to form, but I was already flying past Mercury and fast approaching the sun. The effect of gravity was already showing and I could even feel the burn of the sun on my skin. I shortened the distance by half once more as Exodus's eyes started to flutter open. I could feel the actual pull of the gravity well now and I had to make an active attempt to keep myself from falling into its substantial gravitational pull.

Pulling up just a few million miles from the sun, I watched as it tugged at the clothes of both myself and Exodus in an all consuming attempt and doing what it was made for. It didn't take long for Exodus to realize where we were and for his attempt at escape to escalate.

I looked at him, my eyes piercing while I looked him over. My left hand had a firm grip around his scrawny neck as he fought and fought, but I paid him no mind as I watched the sun for some time.

"Let me go, you savage." Exodus roared. I would think with the amount of times I had killed him, he would have realized the difference in abilities by now. Ignoring his attempts of escape, I raised my right hand slowly, no powers, nothing flashy, just my hand.

Exodus started to blast me with his telekinetic powers, but I was far beyond him at this point. Each of his attempts barely did anything as I shrugged his attempts off. While I was in the hyperbolic time chamber, I had discovered a few things about myself. Gaia had said I had gotten to godhood and so did the Ancient One, but I hadn't figured out where, how or what it had been back then. Now though, now, I knew what it was for and where my godhood resided. Surprisingly or not, my godhood resided over meta-humans. As surprising as it was to find that out, it was something else to learn about the abilities that came with such a responsibility.

Pushing those thoughts aside, I placed my right hand forward, exerted myself, and took his powers. The look of shock that came from Exodus's face told me all that I needed to know. With a flick of my wrist, Exodus was tossed into the void to slowly drift away. No words were needed and I took a moment to watch as his body froze over before being taken over by the sun's gravity well.

I turned on the spot, teleporting back to the Moon.

I was back in orbit over the broken Moon. The damage from my battle had not broken the Moon nicely down the center but cracked it at an angle leaving large chunks in the air. Anyone down on Earth could look up and see the broken parts of the Moon floating out in the void.

Luckily for me, my AI collective had changed the NASA report. Back down on Earth, everyone thought that it was a meteor impact, while those with satellites and telescopes pointed in our directions at the moment might know the truth. I ignored it all and pushed it aside for later.

When I arrived, I found Oliver, my three hundred and the fifty thousand that I had commanded him to bring with him. My royal pelican dropship was hovering over the combat zone, waiting for my arrival and commands. Everyone was ready and prepared for battle; they had even cleaned up the mess from my previous battle.

Black Bolt was held kneeling before me, and I couldn't help but dig the knife deeper.

"You think yourself special because you live up here on the Moon which allows you to look down on the Earth. Well, let me tell you a secret. You're not special, you're nothing but a failed experiment born out of a test tube the Kree discarded. You weren't even special enough for your mother to swallow. You were nothing before, and you will be nothing after I have conquered your people." I spoke looking down at his kneeling form.

Ignoring the look of anger on his face, I looked over at my army waiting for my order. I didn't make them as a slave army like the Clones from Star Wars, but my Astartes were made for battle. They had their freedoms, their lives and could raise a family, but my spartans were built for battle. And they could smell it in the air, and they were ready, so instead of saying anything more, I grabbed my prize and tossed him to one of my spartans before jumping on top of my royal pelican.

Our destination was the blue area of the Moon, city Attlian, Black Bolt's hidden city and royal palace.

Getting to the city hidden on the Moon's dark side didn't take as much time as I thought it would have. Without having to say a word, Oliver had taken over for Faora since I had sent her to conquer Atlantis and her cities in my name. None of the defenses that Attilan used could breach our shields and we forced our way through their own.

I stood on top of my pelican in my combat pants with no shirt on looking like an old school Viking on my way for conquest and plunder. Well, in a way, I guess I was.

The smile on my face was vicious as I watched the gun batteries slot into place on the outside of the city's domes before taking aim and opening fire on us. My twenty ships were lined up beside us in a V shaped formation. As we flew I was slapping away anything that came too close to any of my ships. It was turning into a fun workout as I flexed my muscles in hard vacuum.

The city of Attlian kept firing at us as we got closer and closer, but I kept up my little dance of defense. Two of the pelicans from the ends of the V formation came in from underneath and opened fire on the clearly unshielded outer defenses. Four railgun rounds later and the outer defenses were down. Before anything could be placed to patch the hole, a javelin was launched. With the javelin blocking the hole, it erected a field to protect our way inside. Two more javelins were sent down to protect our LZ as I jumped down from the top of my royal ship.

Oliver had given out clear orders and when my spartans breached their outer defenses. They made it clear that surrendering granted life while those who struggled were granted death. We pushed through the corridors while tearing through their defenses with impunity. Any hard shields in our way; I smashed with ease. Any of the soldiers that attempted to stop us were gunned down with almost mass fire. We bullied our way out of the small corridors out into a promenade. The city was grand and we could see the palace in the middle. I only had one thing in my sights and that was the royal palace located in the middle of Attilan.

I ignored the screaming, I ignored the potshots fired at me only to be canceled by my shields. Of course, I had my utility belt on and my shield was built into it. There was only one goal in mind and I was going to reach it come hell or high water.

My spartans ran through any and all guards in their pathetic attempts to stop us in our approach to the royal palace. I grabbed a plasma bolt sent at me and I tossed it back at the shooter. With a tch, I pointed a finger forward and blew away the other sixteen guards.

My spartans flowed like a river around me and I was the rock in the river, immovable. We moved slowly, tactically, and the Inhumans learned about the phrase, meat grinder. If they didn't put their weapons down, they were summarily killed as we marched our way to the royal palace. The city wasn't as large as I thought it was and I also noticed dirt and grime collecting around some places.

Something wasn't right, but I had to focus on the now.

The struggling form of Black Bolt floated up into the air beside me, but I ignored him as my guards broke down the door to the palace. Inside stood the so-called nobles on both sides of the aisle and in the center stood Medusalith holding up some screaming weasel. She was clad in some form of silk and I noticed blood off to the sides of the room. Ignoring that, I floated to meet her in the center as she was held up by her hair.

Medusalith gave me a look over, it was clear she was taking in my lean, muscular frame. I wasn't large like the HULK, but my six-six frame was not only muscled, but I had the definition of a sculpted Greek god. Medusalith gave me a nod before slowly lowering back down to the ground. Instead of staying up in the air and lording my position over her, I followed her back down to the ground. I watched as Medusalith got down on one knee as she held out the little weasel out before her.

"Might I present to you, Maximus Boltagon," Medusalith said in clear tones. My steps halted as I looked her over, this was an interesting development alright because if I wasn't mistaken, she was the Queen and in love with Black Bolt. Yet, here it seemed like that was not the case. I can work with this. I gave Medusalith a nod in acceptance and took control of his struggling form. Maximus floated out from Medusalith's blazing red hair as I had him kneel down for everyone to see.

"Unhand me this instant, my brother is the King!" Maximus screamed for all to hear. "Do you hear me! My brother is the King!"

I said nothing as I held my hand up outstretched and called, my ax materialized for all to see. The edge sharp and gleaming wickedly in the light.


Everyone went silent as my ax touched down on the ground splitting the material they had used for the ground. I slowly stalked forward, ohh so slowly. Everyone was silent and hung on my every word and movement, but I paid them no mind as I zeroed in on the goal before me.

Maximus had opened his mouth to say something else, but a swift movement of my ax removed his head. The decapitated head of Maximus Boltagon floated to a hover before his brother and that was when the real struggling began. I could see the rage and Fury burning in his eyes; but I was far beyond caring.

I released my ax and allowed it to float beside me as my fists started to glow. I could see the hate in his eyes and I had something special just for him to enjoy. I did two quick jabs into the open air to stretch out my arms before moving in for the kill. Every Inhuman watched as I tore their inbred King apart punch by devastating punch. Five hits, fifty hits, one hundred and sixty-two hits, blood had started to pour out around the ball gag, but I kept piling on the damage.




Some flinched, and others shied away from the breaking of their King. I, on the other hand, was starting to feel amazing. It's a wonder what a proper punching bag can do to uplift your emotions. But I knew that it was time to finally end this. I took one hard step back and released some air before stepping back forward. A left palm strike punched a hole clear through Black Bolt's body. A swift right punched a searing hole through the lower right-hand side of his abdomen.

A vicious strike took out the left side of his stomach, and another took out his torso's upper right. Taking a step back, I charged up some power into my fist before stepping forward once more.

The strike I laid on him blew apart his upper torso and with that final strike, Black Bolt was no more. Swiftly my ax was back within my hand as those not of my guards moved half a pace away from me. Ignoring them, I turned and made for the throne with slow and meticulous steps.

The Inhumans around the chamber all fell to their knees, bowing to my display of power and savagery over their previous King. The beauty that was Medusalith took a position to the throne's right, smiling at me as I approached. Eyeing her for a moment, I dismissed all of my preconceived notions of who the Inhumans were as I sat on my new throne. Raising my ax high, I brought the pummel of its shaft down hard three times.

Medusalith gave me a scintillating smile before stepping forward. Her hands were held out in announcement and her voice was projected around the palace.

"Long live the king!"

End Chapter…


One of my longest chapters to date…. Hot damn.

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