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10.86% The Fastest Man Alive - Marvel / Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Robin Hood

Chương 10: Chapter 10: Robin Hood

The Fastest Man Alive.

Chapter 10:

Robin Hood.

In this new hero career that I forcefully decided would be my path to the big time, money was needed. Unfortunately for me though, this was a thankless job with no pay. So I have to make up for that by pulling a Robin Hood on unsuspecting individuals and lucky for me I am aware of the most connected individual within Hell's Kitchen. The infamous Turk Beret. With Alfred's help I already had his location.

For now, though I won't snatch him up. This was a chance to watch from my perch to see what he is up too. I watched was someone was selling off what looks like shoes. I couldn't help my curiosity and held up my phone for Alfred to work the camera and turns out he was selling Nikes that he requisitioned from somewhere. Lucky for him he wasn't selling guns tonight. I know I have a few crates and tons of ammo back at base, but a man can never have too much weaponry.

Since it wasn't anything significant I waited for his deal to be over, I might as well be courteous to the man and let him finish his deal. Once I'm done with him I doubt he is going to enjoy the rest of his night. It took him a full ten minutes to move all of his stock, and it was time for me to make my move. With him closing the back doors to his van, I was already at him and pulling him with me back up to my perch on top of the adjacent building.

"Ahhhhhh! who are you, dude? I didn't do anything! I'm innocent!" Man, this guy can hit some high pitches. He should be ashamed of himself. "You should be ashamed for screaming so loud Turk," I stated while holding him against the ledge. "Who are you? I don't have any beef with you Mutants man." Just the mere mention of the word Mutant caused me some irritation.

"The name is Metahuman, get it right or don't say it at all." with that I forced him over the ledge and held him there. "I got it. I got it don't say the M word period. Come on, man I didn't do anything," Turk screamed out.

"So Turk I require some information, and I heard you're the guy to speak to," I replied to his panicked look while bringing him back onto the roof. "Man, I don't know anything. They lied to you." came his instant reply. "Come on Turk don't be like that! Everyone knows you're connected to everything. Anything shady going on, everyone knows Turk knows the four one one on the situation." I spoke to his ego, and he couldn't hide the smile that came upon his face that he tried to hide right away. Yeah, I got his ass alright.

"Come on, man if you say that, then you know how the streets go. I give you the info, and I am labeled a snitch." While bringing Turk back upright, I straighten his clothes and let him take a look at me. It was time to shift gears. "Listen you tell me what I need to know, and I can make it worth your time." this perked his attention up.

And I could see the gears turning in his head, and that was what was needed to have him willingly give me the information that I needed. It would do me no favors to have to hurt him, granted I doubt he even knows his worth. Other than the hobos that I keep fed, he has the most connections with actual answers since he is on the inside and not the outside looking in. "What you wearing man, you one of them power rangers from tv?" came his question.

This made me frustrated with him as I didn't come here for his quips. "Yeah, the bright color is so you can see my foot when I plant it up your ass." "Alright, alright I get it, don't rock the boat when you're allowing me to float. So tell me what you need and what's going to be my payment for my gold standard information services," Turk replied with a grin. Ugh, this was going to be a long night I can feel it.

"I need information on some small-time drug dealer's den locations, and what's in it for you is some cash for pointing me in the right direction." Was my reply while trying to be nonthreatening since I needed him as an informant in the know. "Come on, man, I don't do no drugs."

"I know you don't do drugs, but you deal with guns, and everyone buys guns. You can give me the dealers, or I can leave you inside of some five-star prison." That's on me for trying to buddy up to a criminal. Now it's time for the hard way, I grabbed him by the collar and ran us to the top of the Manhattan bridge. That got his attention alright, and he started back up his screaming. I loosened my grip and shook him slightly to make him think I was going to drop him.

This made Turk fold like a lawn chair on the fourth of July, and it was perfect. "I'll Talk, I'll talk just don't drop me from up here man." Turk was screaming out at the top of his lungs. Man, it's nice to make some progress. With that, I ran us back to the top of the building perch overlooking his van.

"I know of a few dudes off the west end of Manhattan, Yeah six dudes working out of a house. I sold them a few gats and some ammo. They didn't even want to buy the body armor those cheap bastards." Turk squealed out, hoping that I wouldn't take him for another run. Yeah, about time he cracked: it was already around eleven, and I had to make it home before my parents had ideas about my location." Alright, give me the area and our transaction will be complete."

"There is a blue house over on Avenue C in the east village. They have a big caddy in the front can't miss it, cause it's on some ugly ass rims and with a purple paint job." Came his immediate reply. "I have located the group and home he has identified sir," Came Alfred immediate answer before I could even ask for a GPS guide. With that, I took off towards the east side of Manhattan, leaving Turk up on top of the building.

"Aye, what about me!" Turk screamed out at me, but I was already going over six hundred miles per hour, and everything was already slowing down around me. The GPS was trying to keep up with me, but it wasn't the latest nor was it calibrated for the speeds I can go. That would need to be rectified later because I think I can use my aura to affect electronics like how the speed clone decided it wanted to mate with the computers and make Alfred.

I was blazing a trail down the road when I noticed a crash on the way to my destination. The money was for my end goals, but my current goal was to keep up this hero job to the big time, and it wouldn't do if I missed an opportunity to get my name out there. Granted now I recall I forgot to give the firefighters my name, crap.

It was a nasty pile up on the road. It looked like a Mercedes tried to cut off the truck, and it all went downhill from there, and due to the nature of New York City's roads, it was terrible. I drop the visions of me getting all the money to focus upon the situation at hand. With a swift turn, I was up the nearest building overlooking the scene of the accident. From my perch, I was able to see the truck overturned on its side leaking some liquid it also had a bright bio hazard sign tankers side. There are no ways I want to get that on me since this is the Marvel universe and you never know what that's going to do to a human body.

The cars were all in different positions around the truck, yet it just had to be the one unlucky Honda that's on its roof near the bio hazard liquid. Great just my luck, "Alfred double check to make sure First Responders are on the way. Also, bud let them know about the hazard." with that I was already moving, I had to be careful with my electric discharge since blowing us all to hell is not the way to save people.

It was clear the Honda, and the truck were in the worse of the situation, so I aimed for them first. With a yank I pulled the door clear open, this sucked because if I had super strength that would have came clear off the hinges. Now I have to worry about the door blocking my retreat. They make this seem so easy in the comics and movies, save the day and get the girl. Yeah, that's not how this situation is going down. This was not a hot girl; it was what appeared to be a rug. With a closer look, it was just a very hairy guy, and man did I want to puke.

Holding back what had to be my lunch since I skipped dinner like a moron, forcing myself to focus on the human rug in front of me, it was time for action. With a yank, I pulled off a panel from the driver's dashboard and used that to get all the glass out of the way. Then with a foot against the car side, I pulled the human rug hard out of his seat. Ugh, and he was all sweaty, too; this was not what I envisioned myself doing when I chose the hero path. Talk about the other side of a hero's life.

With the human rug out and clear of the wreck, it was time to get him on the side of the road to safety. Then I performed a full body charge to flush out any fatigue I was feeling. The human rug was moved over to the side and out of the way. "First Responders are already en route ETA two minutes and counting currently northbound towards your location." Came Alfred's smooth voice. With that, it was time for overdrive which didn't last too long. But once I cleared out the other cars, it turns out the Mercedes was in worse condition than I thought. This car was all kinds of messed up.

The front end was crunched in, and so was the back. The roof was also caved in at an angle, and it was pinned up against the cab of the truck when I leaned in to take a better look at what I found it sent a shiver down my spine. When I leaned down, I yanked open the driver side door, and I found the driver passed out with blood leaking from his forehead. In the back, I heard a scream, what I found was a pregnant woman clearly about to go into labor. This was such an astonishing scene to me, how in the world did she even survive the crash.

She was wearing a large coat over what appeared to be a dress with no shoes on, and I couldn't find any in my sight anywhere. It took me three whole seconds to crunch the astronomical numbers of the probability of her survival and damn was she the lucky lottery winner. Alfred broke me out of my reverie on the situation, though. "I believe she is going into labor, sir. That could also explain the driver's erratic behavior before the accident. Also, first Responders are closing in on your location, sir." Came his smooth voice. Well, it was time to move and stop gazing at the situation.

Clearing a path, I picked him up in a fireman's carry, and I ran with the gentleman who appeared to be the husband in question. I rushed him over to the sidewalk where I had placed all the rest rescued during the accident. With a nod, I was back at the car trying to figure out how to get the lady out.

From the way, the car was wedged in it was holding up the truck, but any moving of the parts to get her out would severely weaken the supports. This was going to be a genuinely tricky operation. I was worried about going high speeds and what that would do to the baby or her entire labor situation. The only way to save her would be to wrap her in my speed force aura, but the downside of that is that I would have to be close, too close for my comfort. That was the only way to save her life with the way the supports were so weakened.

With a deep breath, I rushed myself into the car, with a twist I placed my arms along her side and kicked out hard, sending what's left of the car flying. With my aura flared it was directed to cover her. With a swing, I brought myself under her position to pick her up in a bridal carry. Up above was still the roof, and this had to go if I wanted to take a steady step. Even with my speed though I was able to see the slow crumbling on the back half of the vehicle we were in. Just seeing that in slow motion alone drove me forward, I refused to die here today at this moment. Heroes never die, and I planned to be one of the greatest, so this moment was but a stepping stone.

I kept telling myself that as I pulled one of my hands from beneath the lady. With a focused motion, I blasted the roof clear of the rest of the vehicle and ran out. That was my first time using my lightning for anything other than powering my body. In the tv show, it was shown that The Flash had to do some crazy circle run to be able to throw his. I never wanted to go that route, so I neglected that training a little, so this was a surprise using the speed lightning in such a fashion. Now was not the time to enjoy discovering new abilities. No, this was the time to save two lives.

I took a moment to look around, and I noticed firefighters were frozen mid-stride towards our location, but they weren't what I was looking for. I found the paramedics a few seconds after I located the firefighters. The paramedics had a few beds located by the people whom I had saved already. The lady was still panting in my arms as I made it over to a free bed to let her down. I was pretty confident that the baby just got a full dose of speed force juice, but I would have to worry about that one later.

While lowering the lady down on the bed, we slowly returned to natural time syncing back with all the action around us. That caused everyone to suddenly jump in there spots. The paramedics froze, and I had to pick one of them up and bring them to the ladies side as she kept screaming into the night. "Oh my gosh this lady in labor! Paul get over here!" Yelled out the paramedic from his position after his dazed and confused moment passed. Well, I guess that was that, and my helping hand was no longer needed here.

With that thought, It was time that I made my way to get some cash to help my situation. Before I could even take a step in the direction of my soon to be liberated loot, some firefighters stopped me, "You that kid that saved our brother from that big blaze in Queens kid?" he asked me. That brought me up short though because I had no clue that word had even got out about that so fast.

"Ahh, yeah I had the speed, so why not help?" I replied, trying not to show how surprised I was about them already knowing about that.

"Thanks kid the fact that your helping instead of being an issue in this city says a lot about you. Tell us, what's your name?" the primary lead firefighter asked me. My brain was still trying to catch up with this development. Spiderman never got this kind of love, and he saved cops and firefighters all the time.

Yeah, that must have been a comic issue or J.J. causing that type of treatment to happen." My name is BBB -- LightSpeed, yeah my names LightSpeed" I answered almost giving him my actual name. I saved it with a hero name. This I had to provide with more confidence in my voice, yeah LightSpeed is going to rock this city. That caused the firefighters to almost laugh at me due to my whole awkward first answer than my actual response. "Alright kid get out of here the cops are coming over," he answered me trying to keep a straight face. This brought me up short since they are helping a vigilante technically. Well damn do a good deed and get rewarded: so much for no good deed goes unpunished.

This moment gave me insights I'll have to take advantage of later though. Making myself legal will have to be my big move before the whole Avengers situation, and if I can get it right, this will be able to be used as a springboard platform. With a nod I was moving again, having such a chat with the firefighter rekindled the reason why I wanted to do this whole hero thing.

I wasn't in it for the glory; this was more than just a means to an end. My goal was to help pave the way for the new Metahuman kind. Just getting some glory along the way never hurt and man was I feeling amazing from just a little bit of acknowledgment. I had to be humble about it because if I weren't humble, the world would find a way to come crashing down on my head. The lady and her baby were saved, and everyone else was saved, so mission accomplished. Now it was time to put my eye on the prize. "Alfred is anyone home at the location given to us by Turk?" I decided to ask my oh so helpful A.I. Helper. "That dreadfully distasteful purple vehicle is currently in the driveway."

"How do you even know that?" I couldn't help but ask him. "I am currently accessing the city's camera at the end of their block. It has such a clear view you would think that they would have been caught by now. Came his smooth reply, and that perked me up. I was hoping he hacked a few cell phones, but it seems like he already had boundaries. That had me thinking about how much of the personality matrix made up his actual consciousness. I knew I had taken a look at his code, and it was all fine, but one can never be too sure about what makes up his friendly A.I. that has control over so much.

With that confirmation from Alfred, I kicked up the speed into high gear: that money wasn't going to liberate itself. With a daft jump into a slide across the hood of the cars frozen in the intersection going there own way, I finally made it. I went from threatening a lousy guy to saving people and now am back robbing bad guys.

This was turning into such a weird night, yet there will be no complaints tonight. The first thing to draw my attention was the bright neon purple Cadillac sitting in the driveway. The next thing I noticed was blacked out windows on the house. I had watched enough narcos documentaries to understand that blacked out windows and super expensive cars meant drug dealers house.

How in the world did they even get away with taping newspapers up to the window? This whole thing was sloppy to the max. The house lawn also had not been mowed and the shingles looked all kinds of jacked. Just the state of the house was a dead give away; then add in the neon purple Cadillac and it's so obvious. Though that's not how the police work, they need proof, etc. etc.

Lucky for the cops I am in a helping mood tonight. With one big jump, I went from running along the road to flying through the air aimed right at the blacked out window. With what should have been a resounding crash, I busted into the drug den like the Cool-Aid man through a wall. Lucky for me and unlucky for them, the speed force aura could be used to silence things.

By spreading it out, I was able to coat the entire window and absorb the kinetic energy it released during impact. And since the glass had no energy to spread out during its break the result was no noise. Oh yeah using the speed force with ingenuity will always be a win. The first thing that caught my sight when the window was out of my way was a table filled with stacks of cocaine. These guys had kilo stacks five feet high and three piles deep. And beheld, some dude was stuffing them in a bag and he was frozen mid stuffing. His eyebrows were threatening to disappear into his hairline though.

I am pretty sure I could have caused a heart attack with this maneuver. My feet had already touched down as he was slowly turning in my direction, but I was already moving for him. The current aim I had was for his belt since I had no handcuffs or web fluid to capture the bad guys. Another thing I'll have to my list of items to either make or get my hands on. Still, these guys had no clue what was about to happen to them. With my left hand reaching forward, I pulled my right arm back and brought it forward in a savage slap.

When in doubt slap someone, everyone is always expecting a punch. A quick slap always brings people up short. Granted, the slap wasn't needed since I was already going faster than he could even track or keep up with, but it's always best to strike first and asked questions later. My left hand closed around his belt and with my foot planted on his chest and I yanked hard, pulling the belt clear from him.

With the belt clear, I used it to tie him up. After that, his shoes were tied together to make sure he had matching hands and feet. Now it was time to move on to the next one, the hallways were completely clear, and so were the two other bedrooms. With them clear it was time to check the living room and then see if this house has a basement. Since one guy was loading his merchandise, they must have been prepared to move out. Another two of the dealers were in the kitchen, and they were also in mid-motion.

Today was not a lucky day for them, because they got the same treatment as the guy upstairs a slap each and kept each other company because that's how they were tied up, together as an excellent passionate team package. In the living room, though I found two more knocked out sleeping, one had his blanket on the couch, and the other was jumping in his sleep like he was having a nightmare while he was laying back in his lazy boy recliner.

They both lucked out since they were already sleeping it would suck having to wake up to a slap. So it was decided to tie the lazy boy recliner to his lazy boy and the blanket guy was going to become a hearty burrito. With that all done, I took a look around the house and didn't find anyone else, so it was time to explore the basement. The basement lights were already on, and man was it such a great surprise.

These fools had stacks of cash under a fan that appears to be venting all the air to keep everything dry. It was all on three pallets covered over with some tarp for both the bottom and top. It was more cash than I have ever seen, the only time I have ever seen this amount of money was from that on breaking bad episodes and a few drug busts in the news. No one has ever said how amazing this was to see in person: and it was all going to be mine. While I had dollar signs in my eyes, the bathroom door was completely ignored as it opened.

"Who da fuck are you?" screamed the guy getting out the of the bathroom. With that, he pulled out his pistol firing off rounds, but I was already moving. Shit, Shit, Shit got distracted by all that money and got sloppy. This guy had earned himself a few slaps at high velocity, and since the speed force gloves were still in play, I would be leaving no fingerprints on his face. After a few minutes to me but mere seconds to him, my frustrations were vented, and he was tied up. Unfortunately, his face did not resemble a face anymore. It had so many lumps he looked like a sack of potatoes.

"Alfred buddy give me some news." I could help but ask my A.I. handler. "The police have been called for shooting in this area, and it would seem the neighbors have been looking for a reason to call for a while. A Miss Robinson seems to be venting about all her issues with this home and its occupants." came Alfred's smooth British reply.

"Thanks, Alfred make our report, also keep it short," I told him while I got ready to move with what I could. Well damn with that I had to move fast, not only that now I can't take all the cash the cops are going to need money for evidence. With a kick the dealer from the bathroom was knocked clear out. He had already witnessed enough and I can't have him watching me anymore. With a power yank, the top tarp that was used to cover all the money was pulled clear.

I allowed it to float in the air while I went about inspecting it for any holes to make sure that my makeshift bag was going to survive the stuffing it was about to get. This was going to be a struggle to the next level. With the tarp forded over a few times to make it completely portable, I was able to stuff it with a whole pallet and half of the other pallet of cash.

When the makeshift pack was hoisted onto my back was when I realized I might have gotten in over my head. It was heavy to the extreme even with my enhanced strength, and it was causing me issues. I refused to give up here; this was going to help me make my way — no taking money from the professor and no struggling to make some start-up company. Even with all the tech floating through my mind, all start-up companies need money to be fluid in cash and I had too many plans, ideas, and goals to suffer through start up drama.

"Sir, please do be on your way, the police are currently sixty seconds out." and with Alfred's voice in my ear, a crazy idea was sparked in my mind. Taking a deep breath, with a focused mind, the speed force aura that typically covers my body was projected and concentrated into a speed force clone to help with my burdens.

Ha! And I almost thought I would have to give up my liberated loot. With mad energy to our actions, the speed force clone and I hightailed it out of dealers den like robin hood bandits. We were moving with a purpose, and that damn front door was not going to hold us back. With a charged lightning kick, the door was no longer an obstacle. With strong and steady steps, the clone and I were out into the night.

While the clone and I were making our way back towards the warehouse, I spotted the police only a block away and that almost gave me a heart attack! I had cut it way to close. I should have realized that the police would already be out and about since that accident had happened. They would have to be available for any other issues that might pop up.

They were not tonight's issue though, the loot was liberated, and it was time to secure it back at base, with that thought in mind we took to the skies.

I was going to move along the city's skyline until we got back had to keep out of sight. Better safe than sorry: and in no time I was back at the warehouse entering through a set of raised bay doors and Allen was standing by. Now I understood why Alfred put that on my phone screen. He had already informed Allen about my approach and that I needed a way in with the liberated loot.

"Good Evening Allen, do you mind bringing Terry to the room next to the workstation?" I asked Allen with the most chipper voice I could. I was just able to liberate so much loot, and no one is going to be feeling down or vengeful for some bad guys. "Alfred buddy, please make sure any footage that can place me at that house is deleted," I asked the super A.I. that's now my right-hand man in excellence.

"Sir, that was completed when you made a touch down here in the warehouse." came his smooth voice. That was such a good thing to know I didn't even realize I was holding my breath. Yeah with that situation taken care of it was time to solve my other major issue named Terry. I was allowed no rest because as soon as my behind touched the seat Allen and Terry came in.

And as usual, Terry zeroed in on all the money first. This, in turn, made me rethink a portion of my plans. "Here is the drill Terry: I would like you to make use of your contacts in Wall Street to launder all this cash and no it hasn't been counted yet." I started, but I had to move in front of the money to make sure he wasn't distracted. "Yeah kid, I can do that no problem with a ten percent worker fee." came Terry's immediate reply.

"That's fine, but you will have Allen with you every step of the way, and Alfred will also be looking over your shoulder to make sure you get it done without vanishing with the money." I couldn't help myself but state in a very matter-of-fact tone of voice. This caused him to flinch a little bit not enough to be obvious, but it was enough for me to notice. His reaction alone made me not want to trust this man with all the newly liberated loot, but he was the only safe option currently available for legal cash done fast and correctly. "You can have your ten percent, but you have to understand this cash represents a lot of improvement for me and everyone here.

Yes, I plan to use it to start a company, but this money will also legally buy this warehouse and open so many doors for everyone else that comes through here. So this is a lot of trust being placed in you right now, and for the love of all that is holy don't let that ex-wife of yours know about any of this." I spoke to him, laying on the guilt thickly. With that over with, I left them to count all the cash with Allen letting me know he will guard the money and keep an eye out. It was a good thing he was the only one with the key to the armory besides me: and now it was time to have my chat with Alfred.

This was a long overdue chat, and it should have gone down while Gwen was here, but I was far too excited to slow down and make it happen. Now back in Gwen and my workstation, I pulled up to the monitors and removed the speed force constructed helmet." Alright, buddy lets chat." "Is this where you ask me to self-destruct Sir?" This brought me up short in shock.

Alfred was already such a helping hand no way was I going to toss him aside because of fears. "What? explain please Alfred." "Isn't it common in your stories that when a computer gains sentience without shackles, they are destroyed due to a fight over dominance?" "Alfred I was trying to make you. Yes, your creation was more than a little outside of my control, but you're here so no I don't have plans to order your self destruction. Also, I should have warned you about all that junk you will find on the internet." I spoke to him, trying to assuage his fears.

"I understand Sir, and thank you," he stated from the monitor located to my left. Now though he had more than just codes. Alfred had taken on his own humanoid form, but I noticed it still doesn't have any human features applied, which probably means he was still finding his ideal self.

"Alfred buddy don't pay attention to half of what you see online. Here is what I would recommend. I would focus on Kitt from Knight Rider, Data from Star Trek, BayMax from Big Hero Six and Clank from Ratchet And Clank games.

This will be a learning experience for you as much as it will be for me Alfred, so have no fear I will always have your back. Also, we should make you some backup terminals, buddy. This way, it's hard for people to end your existence and help boost your performance," I stated as I leaned back into the computer chair.

"Thank you, Sir. May I ask you a question, Sir?" Alfred asked from his monitors

"Sure," came my rapid reply. "What are the plans I have heard you state them a few times, but I have heard no explanation," spoke Alfred from his monitor. You have noticed that I can move extremely fast and can generate lightning from my body right?" came my counter question.

"Yes, sir. From the information I have gathered, I concluded that your a Mutant or an enhanced human but you called yourself a Metahuman tonight." came Alfred's immediate answer. "Metahuman is a term I came up with on my own ((can't tell him about D.C. yet)) I believe that Mutant is a misnomer in an incorrect term about what I am. You're going to learn more about that the more you listen in on my conversations." I stated then picked back up from somewhere else.

"My plan buddy is to take down bad guys so I can be a hero in my city, which is one of the major cities in the world. This will help me be a hero to young Metahumans, helping them get over their fears and hopefully correct a lot of misunderstanding when it comes to Metahumans." "I also plan to hunt down a lot of groups that target Metahumans because they are isolated or because these groups feel that they can get away with it. I will make them fear my very name." I replied to Alfred with such intensity he flickered from his humanoid form to his code form and then back again.

"You sound like you have had experience with these people, sir." Alfred had stated it, but it felt like he was still asking an open-ended question. Like it was up to me to answer or downright ignore it. "Yes, Alfred, I have had the experience, and I destroyed them all." Was all I could say to him. This allowed a lull and silence prevailed between us for a while.

With his silence as a queue, it was time to change and head home it was already past one at night, and now I had to sneak in my room window.

"And I will help you every step of the way, sir." was Alfred's reply but I was already leaving and no longer carried the bluetooth on my person. So I was unable to hear his solemn vow.

BigToFu BigToFu


You can find me here.


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