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57.18% DxDXD (Raw) / Chapter 179: Life.3 Hyoudou Issei-2

Chương 179: Life.3 Hyoudou Issei-2

[…I give up]

Tou-san who had been so excited — burst out crying.

[If anything happens to your body again like last time, I…really won't be able to bear i-it…!]

Kaa-san hugged tou-san tightly, as the two people wept in sorrow.

[We almost gave up on having children, and instead planned on changing our attitude to adapt to a different lifestyle.]

What unfolded before my eyes was just the modest and harmonious life of my parents. The two of them travelled together, they went shopping together,and they went fishing together; they were always together—. My figure was not there. …The figure of my parents' two children was not there.

[But, in the eighth year that I was together with my husband—]

When tou-san came back from work, he was really given a shock by kaa-san's report in the kitchen

[A b-baby!? R-Really!?]

After tou-san heard this news — with a determined expression, he placed his hands on kaa-san's shoulders and said

[…I understand now! This time for sure! This time we definitely have to give everything we've got to give birth to this child!]

Kaa-san happily began to shed tears while she made a smile. After that, the sight of those two working hard for the birth of their baby emerged again. More than ever before, tou-san read all kinds of books, and kaa-san was even more mindful of her diet. When kaa-san was trying to lift things, tou-san desperately rushed forward to stop her. In order to protect their unborn child, the two of them visited specialised agencies. On a snowy night, tou-san was barefoot in a certain shrine, and had already completed Hyakudomairi[10].

[Please! Please make sure! Please make sure that my unborn child will be delivered safely!]

On a freezing, cold and snowy night, tou-san had already bowed his head and prayed over and over while facing the main hall of the shrine.

[I don't care how much of my life you take! It's fine even if my remaining lifespan is halved! So please, I definitely need it! Protect the child in the womb! Please! I beg of you!]

Even if his feet were so cold that they became numb, tou-san still continued to bow and offer his prayer to the god. Tou-san, who prayed to the god…only wished that the child in the womb would be safe. On the screen, the seasons changed, and it had become a warm spring. Kaa-san was lying on a bed in a hospital room, and beside her — the baby that she had successfully delivered was lying there.

[It's a baby boy.]

The nurse told tou-san who was still in disbelief. After a brief moment, tou-san finally regained his senses and said

[...Ah, I see…. ...It's really my child…]

[Yes, it's the baby of you and me…. It took eight years.]

Kaa-san emotionally said as she lied in bed. The nurse then urged tou-san to hold the baby. Seeing the baby in his arms, tou-san smiled widely and tried to hold back his tears as he said

[...It's nice to meet you, I, I am your otou-san.]

The baby's eyes finally met tou-san's eyes. In that instant, tou-san could no longer hold back his tears. Tears streamed down his face as he continued to smile at the baby in his arms.

[...Thank you. That you were born…really…thank you…]

Kaa-san and tou-san cried tears of joy together, and she then asked tou-san

[…Have we decided on the name?]

[…Ah, it's [Issei]. That embodies the hope that'll he'll be able to live an honest life[11]. ]

After hearing this name, kaa-san made a weak laugh.

[…Ah, that isn't very creative.]

[T-This is all I could think of even after trying so hard!]

[Ufufu. …But, that name has a good sound. Issei. Ise. My child.]

The baby…I was surrounded by the warmth of those two people.

[Ah, our child. —Yes, Issei.]

What was displayed on the screen afterwards was consistent with my memories. At night, tou-san read picture books to me when I couldn't fall asleep. When the animals were sad, and when he read a sad story to me, I wouldn't stop crying. On a certain night, tou-san was away on a business trip. Kaa-san had called tou-san to tell him that I was in the hospital emergency room because I was suffering from a high fever. In the end, tou-san ended his trip early, and then took a flight to hurry back as soon as he could. In primary school, I ran together with tou-san in the parent and child three-legged race, tou-san and I worked hard to aim for first place. In the end, we could only take third place. Afterwards, on one side of the playground, the three people in our family ate fried chicken and tamagoyaki together; the taste from that time was something which I had never forgotten. In middle school, the first time that I put on my uniform, it made my parents really excited. We took quite a few photos in front of the school gate that day. Although I felt a little bit embarrassed about it, my parents seemed happier than ever. …On Father's Day, I bought tou-san a rather cheap tie, and on Mother's day, I gave her a floral apron from home education class. But the two of them still treasured those things. Finally, the last scene which appeared was — me on the verge of tears in the corner of a department store when I was young. …I remembered that. Our family of three went to the department store of a nearby prefecture that we rarely visited. I was attracted by a strange item, and got separated from my parents. The people who came and went were unfamiliar faces; with a guilty conscience I decided on one thing, that I would not cry. If I didn't see tou-san or kaa-san, it would be fine if I just found a place with a large clock and waited for them there—. In order to follow through with this decision, I stood in a square with a clock tower nearby, and waited for the appearance of my parents who would desperately come looking for me.

[Chichi-saaaaan, haha-saaaaaan.]

When I saw them, I was unable to stand it any longer, and I called out as I ran towards them; our family of three, without minding anyone else tightly embraced each other.

[Hey, Ise! You worried me to death!]

[Really, didn't we say that you shouldn't leave our side!?]

[I'm soorrry! I'm sooorrrry!]

I was crying as I apologised…. After that, the three of us didn't separate again as we returned home, hand in hand—. —At that time, the warmth in my hands, I never forgot it. ...Tou-san...kaa-san…uh. …I was prayed for, and I was the child who was born from your hopes. Although your lineage wasn't special, nor were you wealthy people, I was the child which you two endured and struggled to finally have. These memories were surely things that could be seen everywhere. These memories were definitely not experiences which could be called uncommon. Even so…even so, it was my, and my family's journey over seventeen years. Not a single person was missing; for us three, those were irreplaceable times. Ah, tou-san, kaa-san, I — am the child of you two. I am Issei. The Issei that belongs to the two of you! —I am Hyoudou Issei! …The display of those memories still continued. In the time that the three of us spent together — a blonde haired girl also joined. —It was Asia. Kaa-san's voice traversed over to me

[We've both lived for so long now, yet we were actually able to have such a beautiful daughter.]

It was a scene where Asia smiled happily as she spoke to tou-san and kaa-san—.

[Supposing that we had a daughter back then, if we were really able to give birth to a daughter, it might be like how we're living together with Asia right now. I often think that.]

Asia said to my parents

[Otou-san, okaa-san]

Upon hearing Asia's words, both tou-san and kaa-san appeared to be deeply moved.

[—We're truly happy. You're able to be my — our daughter. Although I don't know what happened to this child in the past, this kind child is able to call me her haha. Yes, even so, she really is my daughter.]

Thus, we became a family of four, and then we increased by one more person, and another person — before we knew it, there were many people who sat around the dinner table with us. Tou-san and kaa-san looked at this lively house, and smiled as they exchanged a glance with each other.

[Hey, my dear.]

[What is it?]

[It's no longer just the two of us.]

[Indeed, that's right. We not only have a son. —We also have many more daughters.]

[To be able to live such a vibrant life…I'm truly happy.]

[The twenty five years that I spent with you—. Although it's been very long, perhaps it was all for this.]

[…I want to watch for a little longer.]

[Yes, if I could make a wish, I'd want to be able to continue to watch over this family—]

Seeing the figure of my two parents, I covered my face with my hands, and tears silently began streaming down. In that instant, the space broadened, and I was flown out—.

Part 5[edit]

.... …When I awoke, I was aware of the true feelings of my parents. I knew the love which my parents possessed. —I was born and raised from the love of my parents. Even now, they were still watching over me. …My tears would not stop; they couldn't be stopped at all. I tightly held onto tou-san and kaa-san as I said

"…Hey, tou-san, kaa-san. —I, can I really be your child?"

With radiant smiles filled with happiness, the two of them nodded.

"Of course."

"Ise is our child."

"...Thank you."

…Ah…ah. I, I already—. —Yes, I no longer had anything to fear. I knew that my parents still fully accepted me. There was no doubt; they believed that I was their child. …Where else would I be able to find such happiness…? Such a beautiful thing, where else would I find it—. I stood up, and then faced the Champion and Rizevim as I declared

"…Rizevim, and also Diehauser-san, thank you. Thanks to you, today I — no longer have any fears."

That's right, I had nothing to fear. I had no need to be afraid!

"—The current me is invincible!"

The light which was emitted from the gems of my armour was brighter and more powerful than ever before. The entire observation room was bathed in a red glow, and the shining light became even stronger! I put on my crimson armour once again, and rigorously charged towards Rizevim!


The noise came from the bottom of my chest, and an immensely bright light was released from my gems!


Just as I was about to hit Rizevim, the Champion stood in front of him, and invalidated my attack! Then, Rizevim followed up with an attack, causing my armour to release!


Rizevim kicked me in the abdomen! I was sent flying backwards, and rolled over several times on the floor. …Blood was spurting out from my mouth. …It was insanely painful. It was so painful that I felt as if I would die. —But, the brilliant light from my gems didn't diminish. A Sacred Gear would respond to the strength of one's thoughts and desires; if my thoughts became stronger, then my Sacred Gear would also become stronger…! I will fight on for my tou-san, my kaa-san, and Asia! With assistance from Asia's healing Sacred Gear, my injuries disappeared. Tou-san, kaa-san and Asia were encouraging me




…Look, isn't this powerful? Currently, I was being watched by three members of my family. The radiance from my gems once again burst out with a dazzling light.


Without a single drop of fear, I rushed towards Rizevim! The Champion invalidated my attack, and Rizevim used his Sacred Gear Canceller to remove my armour. He then gave me another blow, and it was the same as last time. I was sent flying onto the floor again. Then — the members of my family took action. With the support of tou-san, I stood up from the floor while kaa-san supported my back. And then, the illumination of Asia's healing light enveloped me.

"Come on, stand up, Ise!"

"Stand up Ise!"

"Ise-san! I'll heal you!"

Tou-san faced me as he said

"No matter how many times, I'll help you back up! Because I am — your chichi!"

Okaa-san pat my back as she said

"Give it your best!"

Asia also encouraged me

"Ise-san! Win!"

Ah, I can see it now. This is it. It's enough if I have them. —As long as I have them, I'll be able to get back up no matter how many times it is…ah! I had already re-equipped my crimson armour several times, and charged towards the Champion and Rizevim without turning back!


Even if the result was the same each and every time, the light which was exuded from my gems still continued to grow more powerful. Even though my stamina was continually drained, and even though my demonic energy was continually exhausted—.

"…Just a bit more, Ise! You can do it! If you're going to keep going, then I'll go together with you!"

"Then, I'll do this together with you kaa-san! We'll beat these bastards together!"

"I also need to go! Because I am also — a member of the Hyoudou family!"

I was being watched by my family. I was well supported by my family. —So, regardless of how many times I needed to get back up, I had to face them no matter what! Let me look cool for once, after all, I am in front of my important family.

"…I'm fine. Tou-san, kaa-san, Asia. As long as I have you supporting me, no matter how many times, I will—"

That's right, no matter how many times, I'll get up and face them! Rizevim looked at me as I stood back up over and over no matter how many times I was knocked down, and his face was painted with astonishment.

"…Why can that guy still stand up?"

Even if I was knocked down by the attacks of that bastard and the Champion, I didn't give up on standing back up each time. Even if blood spewed out of my mouth, the bones in my legs were fractured, or my arms were crushed, I didn't take a single step back; I only continued to advance forward!


With a twisted expression, Rizevim asked me

"Hey, why can you still get up? Why do you oppose me? …You already exhausted your energy long ago, right? So why do you still stand up?"

While asking me these questions, Rizevim released my armour again, and sent me flying with a kick again. …Even if I was kicked and sent flying, as long as I had my family supporting me, I could continue to get back up…! Seeing this unfold before him, that bastard had an extremely unpleasant look on his face.

"—Damn. ...Why? Why can you still get up!? Why are you able to resist me!?"

Rizevim snarled. Regardless of whether my demonic energy or stamina had been depleted, I still hobbled straight towards him. Even if my entire body was covered with wounds, the light from my Sacred Gear still did not attenuate. Rather, it continued to release a brilliant light. Seeing me in this state, the Champion — relaxed his stance.

"...Rizevim-sama, I can no longer…"

The Champion had a bitter expression on his face. Rizevim became even more agitated.

"Why did you put down your stance!? Get yourself into position! Why would you drop your stance upon seeing someone like that!?"

"...Do you not understand?"

As the Champion lowered his head, it created a stark contrast to Rizevim's furious expression.

"How is it possible to understand!? It's the way of thinking of those mere humans!"

Rizevim — turned his attention towards my parents, and then realised all of a sudden.

"I see! Your parents are the driving force behind your power! So that's how you're able to fight like that, right!? Well!"

Rizevim's hand began to glow with a mysterious light.

"Then allow me to kill them!"

It was an extremely powerful wave of demonic energy, and he began to direct it towards my parents! Bad! This is extremely bad! I wanted to run over to protect my parents, but I had already reached the limits of my stamina; my knees buckled, and the wave flew past my body towards them! My parents were going to be hit directly by a wave of demonic energy—!

"Tou-san, kaa-saaaan! Asssiiaaaaa!"

My most important family members disappeared into the luminosity of that wave of demonic energy—. …They didn't. Rizevim's demonic energy had been completely scattered. At the same time, a dazzling golden light was emitted from where my parents were! Looking carefully, a shining golden aura was exuded from there, with Asia at the centre. The aura gradually took on the appearance of a dragon. It looked as if a massive dragon was protecting those three people.


Rizevim swore as he continued to fire numerous bullets of demonic energy! —But, the demonic energy that was released by the son of the Maou was eliminated the instant that it touched the golden aura! The aura was being emitted with Asia in its centre. Asia clasped her hands together in prayer and her eyes were glowing with a golden light as her entire body was shrouded in a golden aura. That aura also seemed like a type of armour. Asia let out tears of awareness, and with a firm expression in her eyes, she said

"Otou-san and okaa-san have me to protect them! I'll definitely protect them for you to see!"

Behind her — was a golden dragon; even if it had taken the form of an aura, it still fiercely glared at Rizevim. Beholding this sight, Rizevim abruptly shuddered. He hatefully spat these words out

"…Is that actually a Balance Breaker!? Also, that aura is…The Golden Dragon King…! Even if you've become like that…you still oppose me…!"

That's right, as Rizevim said, that aura was Fafnir! …That guy, even if he's become an aura, he still needs to protect Asia? Asia's Sacred Gear had also responded to indicate that she had attained her Balance Breaker! That is, the Balance Breaker which was born from the union of Asia and Fafnir. Even if it was an attack from the son of the Maou, that absolute defence was able to obliterate them—. Precisely because it was the gentle Asia; perhaps that was the reason why she awakened such an ability.

"...What is that thing? What exactly is it, that thing…!"

Looking at me and Asia, Rizevim could no longer hide his irritation, and was indignantly clutching his hair. With a sorrowful expression, the Champion said

"…Rizevim-sama, they possess something that we do not and are showing it to us."

Rizevim grabbed the Champion's chest and bellowed

"That's why I said, what is that thing!? Love? Is that the thing called love!? Are you stupid!? It's simply stupidity to the extremes! Those kinds of things are illusions! It's a stupid lie!"

…You're wrong, it certainly isn't any kind of illusion. And it certainly isn't a lie. The force which is currently driving us is derived from our familial love! Asia is also the same. Yes, she obtained that Balance Breaker by relying on love. Asia and I merely wanted to protect our own family. Seeing the flustered Rizevim, Vali, who had been quietly observing displayed a complicated expression. …That guy Vali was watching us almost silently. …Seeing us as a family, perhaps he also thought of something. However, my energy had already been depleted. …I was already beginning to stagger. If I continued to fight like this, I would eventually fall. Before that, I had to at least have my parents safely return, after all, that was my responsibility. …No, there was another one. Ravel and I had made a promise. I needed to return back with everyone safely. Well, it wouldn't work out if I died. I made up my mind again. At that time, someone spoke within my mind.


It was a voice which sounded familiar.

—Ise, I was finally able to reach you here.

It was Ophis' voice. Ophis should currently be sleeping at home, and she should still be unconscious…. Ophis spoke to me.

—Since you can hear my voice, then that must mean you're finally satisfied.

…Satisfied? What did she mean? While I was still surprised by it, Ddraig seemed to have understood part of what that meant, and laughed. Then, in a voice that everyone could hear, he said

[Son of Lucifer. Grandfather of the Hakuryuukou Vali Lucifer. You will be the first guest.]

"Huh? Guest?"

Rizevim tilted his head in surprise at Ddraig's words. Ophis continued to speak to me.

—Ise, sing it along with me.

Ddraig continued to talk to Rizevim

[That's why you should rejoice. Such a chant is not one which you can casually listen to, you definitely need to clean out your ears, and listen with your heart. If you need to ask why, it's because this is a unique chant that a Dragon God has created.]

—My very first friend. The significance of this, teach everyone about it.

Ah, Ophis. I understand. —Let's sing it together. I believed in Ophis, and entrusted my mind and body to her.

"Ophis' voice is inside me. —Let's sing together. —Together, we'll advance."

—In my mind, the chant appeared. I — quietly began to chant

"—The Crimson Red Dragon dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance"

A Crimson glow was emitted from the gem on my right gauntlet.

[—The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar]

Ophis then chanted the next line. At the same time, the gem on my left gauntlet unleashed a jet-black aura.

"—The jet-black God of Infinity"

A crimson aura enveloped my entire body.

[—The glorious Red God of Dreams]

A jet-black aura was encased over it—.

"[Watch over the forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries]"

My crimson armour was melded with a jet-black colour, and further changes then occurred. My gauntlets, greaves, breastplate, wings had the colour of crimson and black fused together, and their shape also changed. Then, Ophis and I sang the final verse at the same time.

"[—Thou shalt dance like radiance within our inferno!]"

"<<[ D∞D !! D∞D D∞D !! D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!! D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!! ] >>"[12]

All of the gems resounded with a voice which permeated through to the soul. A ∞ symbol emerged on all of the gems!

"[ <<Dragon ∞ Drive !!!!!!>> ]"[13]

Ddraig's and Ophis' voices amalgamated with each other as they echoed out from the gems. The chant with Ophis and me ended. .... …Currently, standing in front of Rizevim was something which felt more organic than the crimson armour; it was a full-body, crimson and black plate armour. There were now four wings, and equipped within them were cannons. Rizevim was astounded by this sight, and he kept shaking his head as he shouted

"Juggernaut Drive!? No, that's completely wrong! Although it has the same organic change as the Juggernaut Drive, that ominous aura can't be felt at all. Rather, the aura which rises out of its skin is…!"

Indeed, this wasn't the Juggernaut Drive. But it did have the organic characteristic of Juggernaut Drive. Rizevim's whole face was distorted.

"…What kind of a joke is this, this kind of thing? You've already reached this stage, yet you were still able to evolve…!"

Ddraig declared to Rizevim

[—Dragon Deification. This is the absolute power that only Ophis can bestow.]

"—So the reason is because you've obtained the power of Ophis!"

What he said was correct. Currently — I had been saved by Ophis' power. Presently, my body was re-constructed from the flesh of Great Red and Ophis' power. Right now, Ophis' power had been temporarily released. Precisely because the foundation of my body was Great Red's flesh, I was able to withstand Ophis' power. Only because I was constituted by two dragons could I obtain this forbidden power—. Ophis spoke within me

—Ise, this state can only be maintained for a very short amount of time.

I see, I only had a very brief amount of time. That could be a few seconds, tens of seconds, or even a few minutes. Regardless of that, it wasn't long. —That's because my body was already screaming out. There was a strange power circulating around inside my body. It felt as though my body would be torn apart if I moved even just a little bit. Well, I should hurry up and do something. Right now, I — could definitely do it. I readied my stance as I faced Rizevim. After preparing my stance, I only took a slight step forward. All of a sudden, I had shortened our distance, and was standing directly in front of Rizevim. That bastard didn't even react. My movements just now were completely beyond his comprehension. I clenched my right fist, and punched him straight in the face. At this time, a voice rang out.

" <<[ D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!]>> "

Rizevim intended to use his left hand to grab my fist! The wings of Lucifer on his back all expanded, and increased his strength. In order to block my fist, Rizevim used his Canceller…. I didn't use [Penetrate], but the momentum of my fist didn't weaken, and the aura enveloping it wasn't eliminated; Rizevim cried out in surprise 'what is this!?'

"First is a punch!"

Using my fist's momentum, I drove a direct punch towards Rizevim! Struck by that single blow, that bastard was flung onto the ground. Despite that, Rizevim immediately stood back up, and felt the part of his face that had been hit. From the looks of it, that blow just now was pretty good; his nasal bridge had been knocked crooked, and he had an incessant nosebleed. After Rizevim forcefully pushed his nose back into place and stopped the bleeding, he glared at me.

"...What the fuck was that just then? Why wasn't it invalidated!? Did my ability not work!? How is that possible!?"

In response to Rizevim who was in pure disbelief, Ddraig began to speak

[No, son of Lucifer. Your ability did work.]

"Well, why wasn't it cancelled then!? Even if that power has a share of Ophis' power, as long as it's the power of a Sacred Gear, my Sacred Gear Canceller should still be able to disable it, right!?"

[It's extremely simple. Your ability to cancel is limited. Over here, the power of the Sekiryuutei's ability is infinite. Since it's a power which can't entirely be cancelled — that would make things different, wouldn't it?]

Ddraig's remark left Rizevim stunned

"…To actually say that the power which was released is one which can't be completely eliminated by my Canceller…!"

[That is Ophis — the so-called infinite.]

After hearing Ddraig's reply, Rizevim regretfully laughed.

"…That's basically cheating…!"

That's right, this was basically cheating. I wouldn't want to use this power in a fair fight. Also, to borrow such a power from Ophis who only wants to live a peaceful life…I would be reluctant.

"It's really simple isn't it? It uses power to eliminate everything. It's very much like what I'd do. As you said, this is the cheat which you've obtained by borrowing Ophis' power. But, do you think you can protect everyone just by defeating me?"

I only needed to hit this bastard, so borrowing it a bit was fine! Facing such an outcome, Rizevim retreated a step, and revealed a nasty smile.

"However, from the looks of it, it doesn't seem like you can maintain that for long. Since that's the case—"

Seeing through my situation, that bastard shifted his hand into a chest pocket.

"I'll just drag this battle out. I've got many Tears."

What he took out was a small vial which had Phoenix Tears inside them. Rizevim opened up the bottle.

"Now then, I'll use the first bottle."

He then continued to drink it. —Damn it! He planned on healing his injuries! It doesn't matter. Even if I can't maintain this state for long, I'll fight with everything I have before the time limit is up! Once again, I mentally prepared myself and made up my mind…but nothing happened even after Rizevim swallowed the Phoenix Tears.


He didn't start to recover, and Rizevim frowned.

"…What's going on? Why haven't any of my injuries healed?"

The Champion quietly muttered. —A small magic circle was created in his hands.

"…Indeed, this is reality. But, it's already reached this point."

Rizevim, who immediately grasped the meaning of these words, stared at the Champion.

"…You're the bastard who invalidated them…? You completely invalidated the effects of the Phoenix Tears?"

"…Originally, the Belials' ability [Worthless] could only be used against an opponent's ability. —But, 'objects' are not an exception. …As long I know about its form and substance, it can become [Worthless]. All of the Tears that you hold have already been made [Worthless]."

So that could also work huh…. As long as he knew how it worked, his ability could be used. In this situation, because he knew about the composition of the Phoenix Tears, he was able to invalidate the healing effect. Understanding all of this, Rizevim clutched all of the bottles of Tears in his hand.

"…Since the battle against the House of Phoenix; you were already expecting this from the very beginning!"

I see, so that's how it was! This is what Beelzebub-sama was talking about! The Champion knew that Qlippoth were secretly producing Phoenix Tears from the beginning. In order to invalidate them, he planned to analyse them during the match with Raiser. In other words, he was able to analyse Ravel and Raiser's demonic energy, and learned about the composition of the Tears. He was then able to invalidate all of the Tears that Qlippoth had.

"You even meddled in Qlippoth's affairs, you boy…!"

Rizevim vented his dissatisfaction and anger. His face had become distorted in anger. All of this was beyond his expectations. Seeing him like that, I laughed.

"When you confronted Michael-san in Heaven, I thought that you were indeed the son of the Maou Lucifer, and I was somewhat fearful."

I expected him to become imposing; when he opened his wings of Lucifer in Heaven, I feared him. But — I was wrong. It was the same as what Vali just said; this is what that bastard's true nature was like. He was just a clownish ossan.

"—You're not being very brave by imitating your chichi are you, ossan? Your current demeanour is your original attitude, isn't it?"

I didn't fear him in the slightest, and said that to him face to face.

"—I'm not a pretentious and hypocritical seventeen year old kid, you know? If I'm an ossan, then what are you?"

"…I'm known as the Sekiryuutei!"

Because of a single thing that I had said, he could no longer hide the anxiety in his heart. He emitted light from his hand as he released demonic energy, and all of the wings of Lucifer on his back opened up! I borrowed Ophis' power, and prepared a full powered attack against Rizevim. I would determine the winner of this battle here! Since I had the addition of Ophis' power, it was possible! I would get rid of this bastard right here! In the observation room, Rizevim and I began to fight, and as we fought, we flew out of the glass wall that had Vali smashed through! Whilst in mid-air, I opened my wings and began charging demonic energy for a cannon attack! I narrowed our distance, and then began fighting in close-combat again! My punches and his kicks each hit each other's body! The aftermath of these clashes generated shockwaves which caused the surrounding buildings to crumble, and even the mass-produced Evil Dragons which were flying about in the air dropped out of the sky rapidly. I once again realised that this bastard's strength was extraordinary!


All of Rizevim's wings had been rolled up, and they were then swung down towards me! The sharp end of the wings was thrust towards me, but I evaded them at high speed. However, the impact of his wings caused all of the building and roads below to be destroyed.


This time, he released several extremely large shots of demonic energy! Both the intensity and aggression of his demonic energy were incredible; I would have been fatally injured even if I was wearing my crimson armour. But — right now, I had the extra protection of Ophis' power!


The massive bullets of highly dense demonic energy which came towards me were all deflected by my punches and kicks! Of the bullets of demonic energy that I deflected, some went down to the streets or buildings of Agreas, and some were sent even further away. The moment that they landed, enormous explosions occurred in various places. The resulting gusts of wind swept away everything in the surrounding area. At the impacted place that was nearest to where I was, several buildings had been reduced to dust or nothingness, and a massive crater had formed. Although it was incredibly destructive, this was the Maou's son after all. —That was what I thought. …He was on the level of a Super Devil? Of course it was impossible. The silent pressure and absolute aura that could be felt from Sirzechs-sama and Ajuka-sama; this bastard couldn't be compared to those two Maou-sama at all. I thought that among these three Super Devils, wasn't this bastard a few levels below those other guys? I couldn't help thinking that…but, he would be the same brutal enemy regardless. The wings on Rizevim's back were all swung at once, and a powerful aura burst out of his body. With that, he flew above me, and shouted!

"Eh! Well! Let me give you something massive as a return gift! Your nakama are below, right? If you evade this, then they'll die won't they!? Even if you're able to destroy this, your family members in the Government Office will all be killed by the aftershock!"

After Rizevim shouted like that, he gathered an unimaginably overwhelming aura in both of his hands! An incredible amount of demonic energy emerged from his hands. Appearing above his head — was an incredible ball of demonic energy more than ten metres in width. There were also six of them! If these things were to hit the surface of Agreas — not to mention my nakama, the whole city would be destroyed! The six balls of demonic energy gradually circled around.


Rizevim bellowed out as he unleashed his attack! An immense pressure and a massive amount of demonic energy descended from the sky! I — prepared myself, and then said to Ddraig

"—Accompany me to the end, Ddraig!"

[Of course, this was already decided on!]

I aimed the cannons embedded in my four wings in front of me! There were two above my shoulders, and two under my armpits; the barrel of the cannons widened! The infinite power of Ophis was concentrated into the cannons.

"[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!>>]"

A [∞] symbol emerged on every one of my gems, and they alternated with flashes of red and black light. DOOOO…the cannons were charging up. Ophis — The Dragon God of Infinity's power was being focused.


"<<[∞ Blaster !!!!!!]>>"

Along with my voice, the thick and intense cannon attack which was a combination of crimson and jet-black aura was fired from the muzzle of the four cannons at once! The blast from the four cannons and Rizevim's six demonic energy spheres collided with each other. Then—. A massive explosion engulfed the sky above the floating city of Agreas. Booming, explosive sounds, strong winds, and all kinds of other phenomenon occurred. My cannon blast and Rizevim's demonic energy were eliminating each other in the sky! All of the windows in Agreas were completely shattered by the shockwaves which were produced—. —The sky turned into a field of red and black interwoven together. Those two extremely large and powerful attacks clashed with each other, and then annihilated each other. Amidst the smoke which was generated by the explosion, the figure of a person could be seen. —It was Rizevim. But, because he just withstood the impact of that explosion, more than half of his wings were damaged, and blood was dripping out of every part of his body. Blood was seeping out of his ears, nose and mouth. Flying also seemed very strenuous for him. In contrast to him, I was completely unharmed. Seeing that I hadn't suffered any damage, Rizevim's expression was intertwined with anger and unease.

"…Could it be that I'll end up like how Shalba and Cao Cao did, being defeated by you like this…!?"

Hearing this, Ddraig was also slightly surprised, and he then said

[—Shouldn't you have known when you got involved? My partner — Hyoudou Issei has always been in pursuit of peace and quiet. But, whether it's that descendent of the old Beelzebub, the leader of the Hero Faction, or even you, the son of Lucifer, you've all trampled over that which should not without a shred of hesitation.]

Ddraig then asserted

[Well, there is no choice but destruction, right? —This is the Sekiryuutei of the Two Heavenly Dragons. …No, this is something a bit different. This is something slightly different from the Two Heavenly Dragons, it should be known as the Cardinal Crimson Promotion[14] — [ Diabolos Dragon][15]. ]

Being known as the reincarnated Devil the Crimson Sekiryuutei — [Diabolos Dragon], It was actually somewhat embarrassing. Hearing what Ddraig said, Rizevim laughed.

"…Kukuku, so you've become the new Super Devil [Satan][16]. …In that case, I wonder if my grandson will become a Super Devil before long."

After saying that, behind that bastard — a transportation magic circle was created!

"…But, I will not die here…I will take my leave!"

Bastard! He planned to escape! After Rizevim glanced at me, he immediately faded into the light of transportation! Damn it! He's faster at running away than anyone else! But, it was still too early to give up!

"I won't let you get away, Rizevim!"

Vali flew out from the Government Office. —Then, he glanced back at me and said

"—Impressive. Hyoudou Issei. You, fighting for your family…I was captivated by it."

After saying that, Vali chased after Rizevim who had disappeared in the sky of Agreas. …Vali, there seemed to be a slightly lonely expression on his face.

Part 6[edit]

After Rizevim escaped, I returned to the observation room to confirm the safety of my parents and Asia. I released Ophis' armour, and returned to my normal appearance. Well, although I had already returned to the observation room…. I walked over to the Champion who was hanging his head in the middle of the room. It seemed like he no longer had any intention of resisting. I faced him as I said

"…Champion, what you've done is unforgiveable."

After I said that, the Champion opened his arms and closed his eyes.

"Dispose of me as you like. You have the right to do so."

...Kill me, that's what he meant. Something like that…how could I possibly do that? —But, kaa-san quickly ran over. She slapped the Champion's face.

"…To let my family's children, to allow my family's children to suffer such things, this is considered a small price to pay."

Kaa-san was very dignified—. It caused tou-san to say 'waaah' on the side in surprise. I also had to give the Champion a punch at the very least. But since kaa-san took that away…well so be it. The Champion sincerely apologised to kaa-san 'I'm very sorry'. …I shook my head and said

"…No matter how many years, or even thousands of years you spend, please atone for your sins. …The girl that I love has said that she wants to compete with you. …Having a Game against you as their dream, surely it wouldn't just be Rias. There are a lot of contestants who also have this dream."

That's right, it wasn't just Rias. Sairaorg-san and Sona-zenkaichou also dreamed of competing against this man in the future. Also—.

"…Even me, I'll have my own peerage one day, and I want to have a good match with you. So…regardless of how many years it is, I'll wait, so please atone for your sins."

"...Even so, you said that I actually can't die. …You're truly crueller than anyone else."

With a frown on his face, the Champion continued to ask me

"…There is one thing, please tell me. I've heard rumours. …You met Yaegaki-san and Cleria's soul in Heaven. …Cleria, she…what was her expression like?"

I recalled the ghost which appeared to be Cleria-san when I was in Heaven. Cleria-san was tightly embracing Yaegaki.

"…She had a very gentle expression."

After hearing my words, the Champion let out a stream of tears.

"...I see...I've lost."

Seeing the dispirited Champion sit down, I couldn't help looking at the sky. …This was a battle which couldn't have been predicted. It wasn't that I couldn't understand the Champion's reasoning. But, it was a fact that he overstepped the boundaries that he shouldn't have—. But, to me, my gains were large. I — looked back at my family. My tou-san, my kaa-san, and Asia. They were all my important family members. Everyone now smiled together. There was no longer a need to hide anything. But, it was possible that it would place my parents in danger. —In that case, together with Asia, together with my nakama, it'll be fine if we protect them. It'll be fine if we do our best to protect them. I reaffirmed my determination to fight in order to protect the people important to me—. —Suddenly, I was attacked by a bout of nausea. I immediately covered my mouth. Deep in my throat — something was coming up from my abdomen that I couldn't even hold back with my hand. …When I noticed, I was already coughing up large amounts of blood from my mouth. There was also something warm running out of my nose. I understood that it was a nosebleed. I suddenly felt weak and sensed that I had lost all of my energy—. My body collapsed, and I fell onto the floor.


I could only look at the floor…I didn't even have the strength to lift a finger, I couldn't move at all. I could only look at the floor which was dyed red by the blood which had spurted out of my mouth.




The cries of Asia, tou-san, and kaa-san made its way into my ears…but the noise gradually became more distant from me….

[…Partner. —This is the price of power. Ophis' power…is really too…]

Although I could hear Ddraig's concerned voice…everything in front of my eyes slowly turned to white, and then became dark…. After that, my consciousness receded—. Indeed, the price really is too—.

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