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18.84% DxDXD (Raw) / Chapter 59: Life.3 The Group of Heroes has Arrived-1

Chương 59: Life.3 The Group of Heroes has Arrived-1

Part 1

"Good! Continue!"


It was early morning on the second day of the trip. The sky was just starting to lighten. Asia and I were using the hotel roof for training. To sum it up, we were training basic movements from start to finish. Asia would practice developing reflexes for releasing magical power at close range. On the other hand, I repeatedly practised my reactions and avoiding attacks fired at extremely close range. Along with basic training, these practice sessions will continue until the day of the match. They must be carried out day and night! Training no matter what was something I believed was necessary in order to catch up to Sairaorg and Vali.

—I will become strong! Even if it happened gradually step by step, it was fine. For this constant progression, I had to train!

"I'm sorry for taking up your time to help me train even on the school trip, Asia."

I spoke as I breathed heavily. Asia shook her head.

"No problem. It makes me happy to be together with Ise-san in Kyoto from early morning."

Asia gave a radiant smile. Ah, ah, she was such a great girl! Asia-chan is my most, most, most important Asia-chan! I am so proud of her!

"It's more efficient to have a training partner, right?"

It was Kiba's voice. Taking a closer look, not only Kiba, but Xenovia was here as well.

"Since I already bought a wooden sword, shouldn't we train ourselves to the degree of just barely not destroying this place? The upcoming match with the heir of the Great King's family will be upon us soon."

Xenovia...I know you are having fun, but are you planning on taking that wooden sword everywhere you go sightseeing? But then again, there seems to be no other way to defend against enemy attacks without destroying the tourist destinations. As I was thinking that, Kiba created a short sword in his hand.

"Xenovia, if anything happens, just use this to fight."

"Ah, a holy short sword? This will be easy to conceal in a school bag. Thanks."

Receiving the short sword from Kiba, Xenovia twirled it around in her hands skillfully. When Kiba entered Balance Breaker, he could not only create Demonic Swords, but could also produce Holy Swords of a certain calibre. However, compared to legendary Holy Swords, Kiba's were still quite lacking...

—However, enemies? As my thoughts reached that point, it made me feel demotivated. Even here, a battle was likely to break out. Was it the power of the Dragon that was attracting all this trouble? ...I hated that possibility. Slapping my face, I renewed my spirits. I had to pull myself together.

"Yes! Let's have a good spar before the morning roll call!"

And like that, our morning training began once again.

Part 2

"—So, kids!! Let's go!"

" " "Yes!" " "

Kiryuu's eyes sparkled as she pointed at the bus station, and we boys shouted in response. Though the first day's incident was unfortunate, since Sensei and the adults had already said so, we must try to enjoy the sightseeing as much as possible. I heard that Saji and his group were also visiting various places today as well. The second day's activities started with taking a bus from near the Kyoto railway station to the stop at Kiyomizu-dera.[1] We bought a one-day bus pass at the Kyoto station, and then lined up for the bus with the other students. We got on the bus and rode it all the way to Kiyomizu-dera. As we looked out to appreciate the new scenery, the bus reached its destination. After some searching around, we found the sloped path up to Kiyomizu-dera. Oh, those Japanese houses built on both sides looked very interesting.

"I heard this was called the Three Year Slope. If you fall over here, it means you will die in three years, eh?"

Kiryuu revealed.

"Ooohwaaaaaa! So scary!"

Asia was really terrified and hugged my arm. Eh, eh, eh, this was just a legend. Asia was a clumsy child and often fell over, so it was natural for her to be afraid. Grabbing my arm should be a little safer. —But then, Xenovia grabbed my other arm as well.

"W-What is it, Xenovia?"

I asked in surprise, but with an expressionless face, Xenovia muttered to herself.

"...The Japanese sure put some scary spells in their sloped paths."

She really believed it! Xenovia-san, she actually had such a misunderstanding! However, I think this is one of her cute points. And so it came to be a situation where I was climbing up a slope with two beauties, one on each arm. During this time, I could feel those two bastards glaring at me with pure hatred... Fufufu, the appropriate amount of jealousy sure felt good! At the end of the sloped path, the massive gates appeared! This was Kiyomizu-dera! After passing through the entrance, the Niou gate, we entered Kiyomizu-dera!

"Look, Asia! This temple gathers the essence of pagan culture!"

"Yes, yes! You can feel its history from its appearance!"

"Cheers to pagans!"

In their excitement, the Church Trio were making some very inappropriate comments! Y-You guys, Kami-sama and Buddha-sama are here! I can feel them watching, so don't act too rudely, OK? This was the stage of Kiyomizu I've seen on television! Looking down from there... Yes, though it was very high, for the current me, falling down shouldn't really be a problem? Why does my mind keep thinking of stuff like that? Not good. Battle-related things seem to have been carved into my bones!

"There seems to be many who fell down and were saved."

Kiryuu gave that explanation. Eh, so even humans will be fine. By the way, people have fallen down from there? Within the temple, there was a small shrine used for praying for passing grades and love wishes. Might as well put some spare change into the offering box and make a wish. I am a student after all. But since I'm a Devil, I have no idea to what extent Buddha-sama will grant my wishes. But still, I do want to go to university.

"Hyoudou, why don't you try the love compatibility prediction with Asia?"

At Kiryuu's urging, Asia and I drew a love prediction... How was the compatibility?

"It says highly favourable and auspicious. Looks like we are very compatible, Asia."

I summed up the main content of the prediction and explained it to Asia. Her face turned red and she looked very happy.

"Yes! I am so happy... So happy, really..."

Holding the fortune-telling stick with great affection, tears were flowing out of her eyes! Oh, oh, for her to be this happy, it kind of makes me feel embarrassed! But anyway, let me thank Buddha-sama here for guaranteeing the relationship between Asia and me. I am so grateful! I once again worshipped in prostration and paid my respects to the Buddha statue.

"This is great."

"Eh, eh, it's wonderful."

"I feel a bit relieved."

Xenovia, Irina and Kiryuu were nodding their heads approvingly. Can you guys stop that? It's very embarrassing.

"...Are we being left out?"

"Don't cry, Matsuda. Let's simply beat Ise up when we get back to the hotel."

Ah, the two boys were sulking gloomily in a dark corner. We made a quick round of the temple, bought some souvenirs, and then walked to the bus station.

"The next stop is Ginkaku-ji[2], the Temple of the Silver Pavilion. If we don't hurry, time is going to fly away in the blink of an eye."

Kiryuu led the way as she glanced at her watch. It was true, without us noticing it, it was already ten in the morning. If we were to visit another two destinations, it wouldn't work unless we hurried as Kiryuu said. Next is the Ginkaku-ji! Boarding the bus towards there, we left Kiyomizu-dera.

"It's not actually silver!?"

After reaching Ginkaku-ji and seeing the temple, those were Xenovia's first words. No, well, it's true that Ginkaku-ji wasn't silver. Xenovia was unusually disappointed, her mouth gaping wide open.

"...Xenovia-san's eyes were shining back when she kept saying to herself 'Ginkaku-ji is made of silver and Kinkaku-ji[3] is made of gold. They must be very dazzling'."

Asia hugged Xenovia's trembling shoulders as she explained. I see. She had a great fantasy.

"Rumours abound, such as the death of the monk Ashikaga who was involved in building the temple, or because the Bakufu government ran out of money at the time. Anyway, it's not silver."

Kiryuu explained. Man, did this glasses-wearing girl research everything beforehand in order to know so much about all the famous sights? However, this thought had already entered my mind at Fushimi Inari; Kyoto's autumn scenery with all the mountains and trees was truly a beautiful sight. It's really great to have the school trip during the autumn. On the other hand, will the winter scenery offer a totally different experience? After making the rounds at Ginkaku-ji, we stopped for lunch nearby and continued to the next destination, Kinkaku-ji. Of course, we also bought related souvenirs at Ginkaku-ji.

"Gold! This time, it really is gold!"

After reaching Kinkaku-ji, the Temple of the Golden Pavilion, those were Xenovia's first words that she screamed. Completely different from just now, she seemed very excited. No, it was extreme happiness.

"It's really gooooold!"

Xenovia raised both her arms, her face full of radiance. Kinkaku-ji really is shining and golden. It was so bright! Though I've seen it on television before, the real thing's glamour was overwhelming. Other students were also here and everyone was busy taking photos. Matsuda snapped photo after photo as if in a trance. I also took some photos to commemorate. Then, I texted them to the other members of the Occult Research Club back at Kuoh Academy. We toured the place, bought souvenirs, and then stopped at a teahouse for a break.

"Please enjoy."

The kimono-wearing lady prepared the powdered green tea and served it to us. There were also some Japanese snacks. Tasting the tea—wasn't as bitter as I imagined. Rather, I should say that savouring the tea along with the Japanese snacks made the taste just right.

"Yes, very good."

Irina seemed to be enjoying it too.

"It's a little bitter."

Asia was a little unaccustomed. However, she still drank it little by little, so it shouldn't have been too bad for her.

"...It really is gold and shiny."

Xenovia seemed to be in a dream-like state and was still enamoured by the golden glamour of Kinkaku-ji. Her eyes were shining with splendorous light and she did not even touch her tea. Today's Xenovia really showed some rare sides I've never seen before. It's so interesting. The one enjoying student life the most could very well be Xenovia.

"Xenovia, let's have a prayer to commemorate."

Xenovia nodded at Irina's suggestion.

"Good idea."

"Let's pray!"

Asia joined in, and the three of them went 'Oh, Lord!' as the trio prayed towards the heavens. What the heck kind of commemoration is this...? Ah, it was already after two in the afternoon. Though we've already toured the sightseeing spots at a rapid pace, once things caught our eyes, time seemed to pass so quickly. Come to think of it, we already went to sound the bell immediately after entering Kinkaku-ji, but I guess the long lines took longer than expected.

"Ah, pervert! Hentai!"

A female voice. With great surprise, I looked around to find a man being restrained by some staff members.

"O-oppai! Give me oppai!"

Even Kinkaku-ji had molesters. Man, it sure ruins the sightseeing mood.

"Another molester. Now that you mention it, the television news this morning also reported about them. There was one at the Sensoji Shrine too. And at the railway station yesterday. There seems to be rather too many molesters."

To Matsuda's words, Motohama pushed his glasses up and protested.

"What are you talking about? You're the one who attacked me on the bullet train yesterday."

So that's what happened yesterday.

"No, how should I explain it? At that time, I must have been groggy in my sleep, but I suddenly felt an urge to touch nipples. What was going on with that feeling?"

Matsuda tilted his head, puzzled. Well, I believe that, as a man, wanting to touch breasts is a normal thing.

"This is youth."

Motohama declared, and Matsuda went 'The mistakes of youth!' and nodded. But then again, please give up on the male nipples. As I was about to nod along with them—my mobile phone rang. Ah, it was Akeno-san calling. What was the matter?

"Yes, hello. Is there anything wrong, Akeno-san?"

[Hello, Ise-kun. No, it's nothing serious... Just now, Koneko-chan brought up some concerns.]


[Yes. You just sent those photos, right?]

"Yes, the ones at Kinkaku-ji. Is there a problem?"

Akeno-san replied to my surprised question.

[On that photo, it looks like you caught something.]

"Caught something?"

[Yes, in the background scenery, there seem to be a few fox Youkai. What is going on? Although fox Youkai are not that rare in Kyoto...]

Akeno-san's voice was somewhat worried. Having received her call, I felt a chill.

"No, we are fine. Ah, Asia seems to be calling me, so let's talk later."

[...If anything happens, will you contact me?]


I hung up after that. ...Being called by Asia was a lie. Checking those photos from just now, they looked just like normal scenery from Kinkaku-ji... I couldn't see anything. Was it something like those paranormal photos only special people could see? After all, only a Nekomata, Koneko-chan, could see them. Anyway, let me alert Asia and the rest about Akeno-san's information. Looking back at the teahouse—Matsuda, Motohama and Kiryuu were fast asleep! It can't be because they were too tired... It's impossible that they fell asleep within the time I took the call. Asia and the rest were awake, but Xenovia was glaring at the waitress with a scary expression. She had revealed her animal ears and tail... She wasn't human. Taking a look, more of those animal-eared guys have appeared and all the normal tourists are asleep.

...Hahaha, it was too naive of us to think that they would not attack at a famous sightseeing tourist destination. Was Kinkaku-ji part of Youkai territory? Xenovia quickly extracted the short Holy Sword from her bag and hid Asia behind her. I readied my left hand and was about to summon the gauntlet—

"Please wait."

Hearing a familiar voice, I glanced over. Appearing there was—Rossweisse-san!

"Rossweisse-san! Why are you here?"

Panting, Rossweisse-san answered.

"Yes, I was called by Azazel-sensei to welcome you guys."

"Called by Sensei? What happened?"

I asked as I surveyed the surroundings... Thinking about it, there was a lack of enmity. It was different compared to the Youkai who attacked us yesterday.

"A ceasefire. Or, in other words, the misunderstanding has been cleared. The Kyuubi's daughter wants to apologise to you all."

Thus answered Rossweisse-san. Ah, a ceasefire? The misunderstanding was cleared? Then, in other words, no more foxes will be attacking? As if responding to my lingering doubts, an animal-eared lady approached and bowed her head deeply.

"I am the fox Youkai who serves the Kyuubi monarch. We are most sorry for last time. Please come with us, as our princess would like to apologise to you all."

Come with them? To where? Just as I thought that, the fox Youkai onee-sama continued to speak.

"To the Inner Capital where we Kyoto Youkai live. Maou-sama and the Fallen Angel Governor are already there."

Part 3

What we stepped into—was a place that could only be described as another world. Like the streets of the Edo period, ancient houses were lined up, and strange creatures revealed their faces from the doors, windows and passageways. We passed through a secluded torii at Kinkaku-ji and entered this different world. A dark space with a unique atmosphere. Those creatures I just mentioned. The many residents welcomed us. ...A single-eyed Youkai with a large face, kappa-like Youkai with dishes on their head, tanuki walking upright and other creatures from legend, everyone was watching us with curiosity. We followed the fox lady towards the princess' residence. It was rather dark, and the only light source was a lamp moving along the road in front of us.


Wa! It scared me! The lantern suddenly showed eyes and a mouth and began laughing! Was it the legendary lantern beast?

"My apologies. The Youkai here love to play pranks...though I suppose none of them are able to pose a threat to you all..."

The fox lady guiding us apologised as we walked.

"This is the world of the Youkai?"

This was my question, though I realised that this space was connected to Kyoto. Fox onee-sama gave the following answer.

"Yes, this is the place where most Kyoto Youkai live. I remember you Devils have used bounded fields in the Rating Game. So why don't you think of this space as something created in a similar way? We call this place the 'backstreets', or the 'Inner Capital', and other names. Of course, just like Devils, there are those who live out there on the surface of Kyoto."

The Inner Capital? I see. It was something similar to the game fields of the Devils.

"...Are they human?"

"No, I've heard that they're Devils."

"Devils, eh? How rare to see them here."

"Is that pretty foreign girl a Devil too?"

"A Dragon, that must be a Dragon's presence. Devils and Dragons..."

Judging from the gossiping of the Youkai that could be heard around us, Devils must be rare here. True, this was Youkai territory after all, so it was natural. Passing through rows of residences, we entered a forest with a river flowing through it. Venturing deeper, a massive red torii appeared. Before us was a huge mansion, giving off a feeling of ancient majesty. Ah, in front of the torii, Azazel-sensei and Leviathan-sama in a kimono were already there!

"Oh, you have arrived."

"Ah, hello, everyone!"

Even though they have come to the Youkai world, both of them acted the same. Between them was a blonde girl. She was the one who led the earlier attack. Should I just call her Kyuubi-san? Instead of a priestess outfit this time, she was wearing a fancy feathery kimono like a princess from the warring states era. Ah, she really looked like a little princess.

"Kunou-sama, I have brought everyone here."

The fox lady reported—and then disappeared in a burst of fire. Was that it? The so-called fox fire? The princess stepped forward and began to speak.

"I am Kunou, the daughter of Yasaka, the administrator of the Youkai living in Inner and Outer Kyoto."

After her self-introduction, she bowed her head deeply.

"I am really sorry for last time. I attacked you without investigating deeply. Please forgive me."

So, she is apologising to us... I showed a troubled expression and scratched my face.

"It's fine. Isn't it great that the misunderstanding is cleared? I don't mind as long as we get to enjoy our trip in Kyoto without any further incidents."

Xenovia said so. She probably had no wish to fight in Kyoto.

"Yes. A heart of forgiveness is very important for Angels. I have no grudge against princess-sama."

Irina followed up. Asia also spoke, full of smiles.

"Yes, peace is very important."

Since the three of them already spoke, I had no reason to disagree. By the way, to let everyone else say everything there was to say, that was really shameful for me as a man.

"So, that's how we feel. I'm fine too. Please lift your head."

"But, but..."

Hmm, that incident actually troubled her more than us. I knelt down and made eye contact with the young girl—Kunou.

"So, you're called Kunou, right? I say, Kunou, you're really worried about your mother, right?"

"Yes, of course."

"If that's the case, then making a mistake is understandable. Of course, this could cause problems and make it unpleasant for others. But Kunou, you have already apologised. You apologised because you understand you were mistaken. Is that right?"

"Of course."

I placed my hand on her shoulder and smiled, continuing.

"If that's the case, then we won't blame Kunou."

After hearing my words, Kunou's face went red, and she spoke with a timid voice.

"...Thank you."

OK. Misunderstanding cleared. I stood up, but Azazel-sensei gave me a poke.

"As expected of the Oppai Dragon. You sure have a way with kids."

"Please don't joke around. I put a lot of thought into it!"

"Don't be shy. You're living up to the name of the Oppai Dragon."

"Yes, truly the Oppai Dragon! I'm so touched!"

"Really, this guy is so great with kids."

Towards me who was feeling embarrassed, Xenovia, Asia and Irina were nodding their heads and giving praise.

"You really surprised me there. As a teacher, I am proud of you."

Even Rossweisse-san's impression of me has improved a bit... How bad was her initial impression? If I could strike a conversation about 100-yen shops, perhaps her opinion of me will go up...?

"I-I won't lose! The Oppai Dragon is promoting itself even in such a place! My television show 'Miracle Levia-tan' won't lose!"

Leviathan-sama seemed to be all fired up with some kind of strange oppositional impulse!? Really, these Devils are too peaceful! Looking very embarrassed, Kunou spoke.

"...Though I am very sorry for my mistake...but please, I beg you all! Please lend me your strength to save my mother!"

The painful cry for help from a young girl.

The leader of the Youkai in Kyoto was the Kyuubi[4] Yasaka. She left her house a few days ago to meet with Sakra's messengers from Mount Meru. However, Yasaka-san failed to show up at the meeting place. The Youkai began to investigate and discovered one of her dying guards, the karasu-tengu. With his last breath, the karasu-tengu told the other Youkai that Yasaka-san had been attacked and kidnapped. It was at that time they started investigating suspicious newcomers and attacked our group. Afterwards, Azazel-sensei and Leviathan-sama negotiated with Kunou, denying Underworld involvement, as well as providing clues that it was likely the work of the Khaos Brigade.

"...Seems like things have become serious."

After hearing everything about this incident, that was my opinion. We had been taken into the mansion. In the great hall, Kunou had taken her seat.

"Sigh, once the various factions decided to ally, this kind of thing has been happening. Last time with Odin, Loki came, right? This time, the enemies are the terrorists."

Sensei complained unhappily. Sensei, who hoped for peace, will definitely not forgive these terrorists. I think he must be full of righteous fury.

On Kunou's side were the fox lady from before and a long-nosed old man. The old man was the leader of the Tengu, and had a deep relationship with the Kyuubi since ancient times. He looked sincerely worried about the kidnapped Yasaka-san, as well as her daughter Kunou.

"Governor-dono, Maou-dono, could you help us find a way to save Yasaka-hime? No matter what, we pledge our full cooperation."

The old Tengu made such a request. He handed over a portrait for us to look at. A beautiful blonde onee-sama in a priestess outfit! Animal ears upright on her head! C-could it be...?

"This is the portrait of Yasaka-hime."

Really! Aren't these breasts massive!? It is something clearly visible despite the miko outfit! What do these terrorists want to do with such a busty fox princess? I-If you do anything shameless, I won't forgive you all!

"What we can be certain of is that the kidnappers are still in Kyoto."

Sensei spoke.

"Why do you think so?"

That was my question. Sensei nodded and explained.

"The flow of ki in all the regions of Kyoto is still stable. The nine-tailed fox is an existence responsible for maintaining the balance of ki flowing from the different areas of this land. Kyoto itself can be considered a large-scale force field. If the Kyuubi had left this land or had been killed, then Kyoto would have undergone dramatic changes. Since there are no signs of that, it means Yasaka-hime is still fine, and that the kidnappers are likely still around."

K-Kyoto was a city like that! These were all surprising revelations. However, if Yasaka-san was fine, then the chances of saving her were quite good.

"Serafall, what level of investigations have the Devils over there been undertaking?"

"I've ordered them to investigate in detail. Devils familiar with Kyoto have also been mobilised."

Sensei shifted his gaze and looked at each of us.

"It looks like you guys will likely be involved this time due to lack of manpower. Especially since you are experienced in fighting strong beings, we will be needing your power against the Hero Faction. It's a shame, but please be prepared for the worst. I will be responsible for contacting Kiba and the Sitri servants who are not here. Before that, please continue to enjoy your trip, but we will be counting on you in an emergency!"


We agreed to Sensei's words. In the end, it was no longer a simple trip. Well, covering all those wonderful destinations was a smart decision. Kunou placed her palms together and bowed her head deeply. The fox lady and the old Tengu also bowed with her.

"...I beg you all. Please...please lend us your power to save my mother... No, please lend your power to me. I beg you."

Such a young child was bowing her head and begging in tears with a trembling voice. Though she spoke like an upper-class princess, she must still be at an age where she still relied on her mother's affections. ...The fury in my heart overflowed. These Khaos Brigade bastards, though I don't know what you are planning, I will get you! To kidnap such a busty onee-sama, that's unforgivable! And then I thought this! When we save Yasaka-san, she will surely give me some kind of reward!

'Ufufu, you are the Sekiryuutei? You saved me? Wonderful. Let's see, how should I reward you...? Hmm, you're staring at my body... Is that so, you want my body? Ufufufu, no problem. Let me bring you to the utmost ecstasy.'

Drip, drip. As erotic delusions filled my mind, blood flowed from my nose. Seductively opening her kimono, the image of the Kyuubi onee-sama became incredible! Breasts! Breasts!

"...Ise-san, could you be thinking erotic things right now?"

Asia was looking at me with a very displeased expression. Asia-chan, in these areas, your instincts are sometimes very sharp! I shook my head. No way, no way, this is the little princess' request! With that frame of mind, I renewed my determination and prepared myself for battle during this trip. But then, where have my possibilities escaped to...? There have been no signs of them returning so far. Were they still in Kyoto...? But somehow, they felt like they were not far away...

"Wow, it was such a sumptuous feast."

That night, I was lying on the sheets in my room, having finished my dinner and taken a bath. Buffets were truly the best. And everything looked so high-class.

...Having experienced the Youkai world, we returned to Kinkaku-ji once again. Waking Matsuda and the rest who were sleeping, we continued our tour while also buying souvenirs. We spent our time in that area until it was time to get back. Upon returning to the hotel, we met up with Kiba and the Sitri servants to plan our next steps. We will continue touring as planned for tomorrow, but will bring along portable versions of transfer magic circles so that we could return to the hotel immediately. Once we received news from our leader, Azazel-sensei, we had to return to the hotel immediately. Honestly, this really kills the sightseeing mood... Tomorrow we were planning on visiting the Storm Mountain, Arashiyama[5], and it looks like Kunou will meet us there as our guide. It seems like Kunou wanted to apologise by being our tour guide. Originally, we were about to decline, but she insisted it was fine. Since she wanted to do it no matter what, we could only accept her offer. However, it was actually Sensei who told us to accept first. He said something about this being the first step in the cooperation of the Underworld with the Youkai. The daughter of the Youkai leader was a super VIP. And so, the mission was handed over to us... Tomorrow, we must make sure nothing embarrassing happens.

...I wonder what Buchou is doing right now? Akeno-san... As well as Koneko-chan... Ah, and Gasper too. I missed the members of the club who stayed behind at Kuoh Academy. They likely never imagined we would get involved with Khaos Brigade. But too bad this incident is still under wraps. ...Mmm, how I miss Buchou's breasts. When I get back, I must bury myself in her bosom! How should I pass this time before I go to sleep? Matsuda and Motohama seemed to have left, saying something about peeking at the girls' bathroom... I'm not going this time. But then again, it might be fun to challenge Rossweisse-san and the entire Sitri defence team... Hmm, what should I do? As I pondered whether or not to peek at the girls' bathroom...

Knock, knock.

Someone was knocking at the door.

"I'm in."

Answering the door—

"Ise-san, it's me."

It was Asia's voice. What's up?

"Come in."

Asia entered. She was wearing just a nightgown.

"So, what's up, Asia?"

"I came to play. Xenovia-san and Irina-san are coming shortly as well. Kiryuu-san said she was busy gossiping with the girls from other classes, so she's not coming."

Really! Three beautiful girls coming to my room to play! This is wonderful! What should we do? Yes, yes! Strip rock-paper-scissors... Hehehe! Those kinds of activities are perfect for these situations! As I made perverted plans—


"We're going to be discovered!"

—! It was Matsuda and Motohama's voices from the corridor! Are they going to enter my room!?

"A-Asia! This way!"

"Eh? I-Ise-san?"

—For some reason, I suddenly didn't want to be seen by those two bastards, and so I pulled the puzzled Asia into the closet. Closing the sliding door from within, I raised my finger and went 'shhhh' in the dim light to tell Asia to be quiet. After a while, Matsuda and Motohama opened the door and their footsteps entering the room could be heard.

"Ah, Ise's not here."

"Could it be...that guy knows the same old place we are going to peek at the girls' bathroom?"

"What!? That's bad! Is he going to savour the female body before us!?"

"Ah, it must be! Let's go, Matsuda!"


Thud, thud. Those were the sounds of rapid and imposing footsteps as they raced out of the room. The two of them seemed to have left. I say! Same old place to peek at the girls' bathroom!? What was that supposed to be!? That kind of place actually existed... Damn it! I mind very much! What was that about...!? As I wracked my brain over their words just now, Asia suddenly grabbed my arm tightly. I turned back to look at Asia. She looked like she had something to say. And then, she seemed to make a decision and spoke.

"...Ise-san, when you were with Rias onee-sama at the Tokyo railway station platform...you kissed, right?"

—D-Did she see it? Did she realise something, returned to the platform and witnessed it by accident? No matter what, it seemed like Asia saw that scene.

"Ah, it was a goodbye kiss..."

"...I-I see. To kiss so intimately... True, Ise-san and Rias onee-sama are... But I am also—"

Asia looked straight at me. Her expression had a certain seductiveness.

"Can you...give me a kiss too?"

As she finished her words, Asia's face drew near. The second kiss. Naturally—our lips came together most naturally. With neither lust nor pretense, this kiss only communicated our care for each other. In the instant our lips pressed together, full of tender loving care, a frightening sense of reality surrounded me. That feeling truly impressed upon me how important Asia was to me, how so very precious. Asia. My Asia. We must be together forever. Be it hundreds, thousands, or ten thousand years later, we must be together. As I immersed myself in the romantic atmosphere—the door opened!

"Ahyaya! Umm, Xen-Xenovia, come look quickly!"

Her hair let down and wearing her nightgown, Irina had pulled open the door, and we started staring at each other.

"What is it, Irina? Ooooh, this is Asia's precious kissing moment. Asia, so this is what you meant by coming to play in Ise's room. I am impressed."

The one speaking was Xenovia, who was also in her sleepwear! Asia and I—were kissing right in front of them! What is this!!!!!!!!!!!!!? How did they enter without making a sound!? That's right, Asia said they were coming shortly! I was too careless! There were too many openings in a moment of impulse! They saw! They saw everything clearly when Asia and I were kissing! I frantically separated my lips from Asia's. Damn! Saliva is dripping out! What timing! Tongues, our tongues were about to entangle when the closet door opened!

"Looks like it's not the first time? Hmm... Asia is always ahead of me..."

"Yes, yes! Asia is sometimes very daring, advancing rapidly in this area!"

Xenovia and Irina seemed to be discussing the matter with great interest. They were so excited that their faces were red!


Something seems to have exploded! Asia's face was red to the limit!

"Ah, ahwahahahahahahahah, fuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu..."

Ah! Asia's eyes were spinning around out of sheer embarrassment, and then she fell down unconscious!

"Asia! Hey, Asia, pull yourself together! You have me to share your embarrassment! However, this is the kind of situation Asia couldn't possibly withstand!"

"Sorry to disturb."

"Same here."

As I attended to Asia—Xenovia and Irina entered the closet as well!!!!!? And then carefully slid the door close from inside!

"Sorry, we came to your room to play, but you seemed to be absent, so we opened the closet."

Xenovia calmly explained as if it was perfectly reasonable. My room was supposed to be used for emergencies, but who knew this kind of emergency situation would arise! —! Xenovia slowly approached!

High school dxd v9 000e.jpg

"W-What are you doing, Xenovia?"

Xenovia showed nonchalance at my surprise and replied.

"I am next after Asia. Is it going to be a kiss or something sexier? Next is Irina."

W-What are you saying!!!!!!!!!!!!? How did it come to this!?

"Eh?! Me too?! You must be joking!"

Irina's eyes popped out in surprise at Xenovia's words. She also seemed to have been caught up in something beyond her comprehension.

"This is a great opportunity, Irina. You should use it to understand men."

"Understand!? Won't that make me a Fallen Angel!?"

"Well, you must overcome this with spirit. Perhaps you won't change into one after all."

"Use spirit!? Yes, yes, it must be like that... B-But i-if I do something vulgar, how can I, as Michael-sama's Ace...!?"

Softly murmuring to herself, Irina seemed to be struggling with herself.

"Ise is a great choice. He's a good man, and also the Sekiryuutei. If you bear the child of the legendary Dragon, perhaps it may contribute to Heaven's battle potential in the future?"

"...Ise-kun's...Sekiryuutei's child... Heaven's battle potential..."

Aaaaaaaah, Irina began to agonise after all! Was that it!? Did the meaning of my existence lie there!?

"OK, how should we do this? In this narrow space, we have one man and three women."

"Hey, hey, Xenovia! What about the teachers outside?"

Yes, they forbid male to female contact. Who knows what they might do if they discover young men and women alone in one room. The boys and girls' rooms were separated by floors, and the teachers have been keeping watch strictly. Even during the free activities period before bedtime, they made rounds checking the rooms. It would be bad for them to find a situation like this!

"Ah, you mean the male teachers. We already used our Angel and Devil powers to seal this room in a barrier. Nothing will happen no matter who approaches. No problem. Even if moans come from this room, no-one will enter."

"I don't quite understand it, but this space is currently filled with holy and demonic magic!"

Xenovia and Irina were making a thumbs-up sign! Are you idiots!? These children are truly idiots! The Church Duo misplaced their initiative in such matters! As I harshly criticised these two's crazy antics, Xenovia closed the distance between her and I!

"OK... First...let's start with kissing?"

...Hmmm, I don't know why, but Xenovia's lips are especially sexy today. Perhaps it's because of the kiss just now with Asia, and my heart hasn't calmed down?

"Eh!? Xenovia, you're already going to kiss!?"

Irina seemed unprepared.

"Yes. I have to practice making babies with Ise. Didn't Kiryuu say that doing this on a trip feels extra special?"

Kiryuu!!!!!!! That damn pervert! Didn't I tell you not to fill these guys' brains with such useless information!!!!!!? But then again, thank you! What would happen with Xenovia if this continues!? Will I finally have sex!?

"T-That's right! This is important! But I am an Angel, as well as Michael-sama's subordinate...a Christian! T-This kind of thing..."

"Then you can just watch from the side. I will be making babies under the gaze of an Angel. Hohoho, doesn't this feel like making a child chosen by Heaven? Irina, you can watch the precious scene of Devils making babies. Please grant this scene your holy blessing if you can."

Xenovia began to strip! Her skin was slowly being revealed... Those perfect curves always steal my heart whenever they appear! We are Devils, so we can see clearly in the dark. It must be like that, since everything is so clear! Hearing Xenovia's words, Irina revealed her angelic wings and halo. The brightness further intensified the atmosphere! How convenient, the power of Angels!

"—Please leave this to me! I have always wanted to witness, like Gabriel-sama, the mysterious moment when life comes into being! Ah, ah, this also pertains to the Three Factions, to Heaven, and to faith in the Lord!"


Xenovia had removed her bra! Uuwaaa! Nosebleed! This damn fellow has breasts, bastard! Xenovia took no notice of the unconscious Asia and embraced me! Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, the feeling of breasts is transmitted to my body! The softness is making my brain go numb!

"This is a rare opportunity. You must also hug her like this when Asia wakes up. Since it's the first time for you and Asia, it might be tragic if you are unskilled. Learn about women through me, and then embrace Asia with that knowledge. This is for Asia's safety."

"Ah, ah, Xenovia! You are so self-sacrificing!"

What the heck are these two saying!? Xenovia removed my clothing while she caressed my body. So stimulating! A-And she's pressing my hand in between her thighs! That smooth, soft feeling is making my mind go blank.

"...Ahh... Truly, a man's skin—your skin makes me feel so good. Touching you really makes me feel like a woman."

Drip, drip.

My nosebleed cannot be stopped. T-This girl can naturally kill men with only words! A-At this rate, what can I do but accept this!? Something huge is going to happen with Xenovia and Asia in this very closet! I swallowed hard, adjusted my breathing, and reached out to embrace Xenovia—

"Oooo, mmmm... Eh, I..."

Asia woke up, sitting up slowly! Just as I was about to lie down with Xenovia, our eyes met! Watching us, Asia's eyes became wide open!

"Oh, Asia, you're awake. I was just about to extract some genetic material from Ise here."

Xenovia was completely nonchalant! G-Genetic material! Y-You, what are you saying!?

"Gene-Gene-Gene-Genetic material...!"

Asia's voice was shrill.

"Just a little bit. Relax, I won't take it all. Perhaps I might get pregnant after a few rounds of extraction?"

Xenovia!!!!!!!!!!!!! Speak a little more like a lady, please! Those are some unusual words, you!

"N-No way!!! Ise-san's... Not allowed!"

Asia pouted tearfully.

"Come on, what's the matter with sharing a bit with me?"

Xenovia raised an eyebrow, a little angry. The two began to fight!

"N-No, that's not the issue! But to extract it...t-then you need to do 'that' with Ise-san... Not allowed!"

"Asia, you're surprisingly knowledgeable. You've graduated from believing storks deliver babies."

"Y-You, don't go looking down on me! I understand everything! If you want it that much, I will announce it right now!"

Hugging me, Asia loudly shouted.

"I want to bear Ise-san's child!"

...In an instant, Xenovia, Irina and I were all shocked by Asia's daring declaration. And not to mention she was taking off her nightgown! Skin as white as snow was being revealed! In a second, my nosebleed began flowing audibly. O-Of course! Because Asia actually said she w-w-wants to have my child...! I know my own face must be red to the extreme!

"Amazing... This is the battle between women for genetic material. How amazing...!"

Irina watched us nervously. Shut up! Aren't you an Angel!?

"Ise-san, since we are to be together forever, isn't it natural for us to have children?"

Asia asked me. I have lost all judgement, and so I answered weakly.

"I-Is that so...? Is that so...?"

"OK, Xenovia-san, I will have Ise-san's babies! I will have many, many babies!"

Xenovia grabbed my arm. Her br-breasts are resting on my arm!!!!!!!

"No, if it's like that, then you must give me a round of genetic material. I want children too. I am a woman as well, and I want the experience of having a child. I also want to experience raising a child."

W-What kind of development is this...? I am very happy, but what is this suffocating feeling? This closet is not only narrow, but the air is getting thin! The current situation is so similar to Buchou, Asia, Akeno-san and Koneko-chan in my room fighting that night before the trip...! Girls are too incomprehensible!

Xenovia and Asia were glaring at each other. I extracted myself away from them, hoping to distance myself, but hit my head on a wooden panel with a loud sound. Ouch...this is too cramped. What have I bumped into...? As I fell forward—my hand landed on a supremely soft feeling...

"...Wa, I, Ise-kun..."

—In front of my eyes was Irina with her face all red! As I fell upon Irina—my posture was now on top of Irina! I glanced down; her nightgown was open, with her pure white breasts clearly open to view! Wow, so big! Irina's breasts are quite big! Too amazing! These are an Angel's nipples! Soft, tender tips expanding! By the way, my hand is currently busy fondling one of her breasts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This happened by accident because the closet space is so small! Irina's breast was so soft, yet elastic! That feeling of my entire hand sinking into the breast! That soft, quivering, but elastic feeling like a newly set pudding! The softness and tenderness completely rivalled Akeno-san's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ah, her Angel wings were flickering! Was she close to the dangerous edge of falling again?

"...I, this is the first time... So I don't know what to do, Ise-kun... You, do you want me to become a Fallen Angel...?"

Irina's face was full of uncharacteristic feminine charm! This won't do! The normally cute and naive Irina showing such an expression is too powerful! It is making massive power fluctuate within my whole body! Plus, her hair was let down, multiplying her seductiveness many times!


I tried to apologise and remove my hand—ouch... I hit my head on the wooden panel again... My face fell down from the impact. Of course, that was where Irina's breasts were. The sensation of supreme elasticity was passed along to my face... Ah, ah, Irina's breasts are so large and soft and smooth... Is this how it feels to embrace an Angel? My vision was getting fuzzy, and so was my consciousness... I must have hit my head too hard, plus this unending nosebleed the entire time was...

"Ise-san! Are you OK!? Ise-san!?"

"Hey, getting knocked out by embracing Irina for the first time, I cannot personally accept that—"

"I am going to fall... Ah, ah, Lord, please forgive me—"

The three voices begin to trail off—

The Church Trio's cooperative battle power was truly a scary sight!

Part 4

The next day, we set off from the hotel to Kyoto station.

(Ah, last night was just so...)

I felt like I was in a dreamy state and still hadn't woken up. Last night, I experienced all sorts of erotic things with the Church Trio in the closet. It was an ecstatic situation, but at the same time, quite suffocating... After passing out from massive loss of blood and hitting my head multiple times, I woke up to find myself under the blankets in the morning. Apparently, Rossweisse-san had come along, had sent the Church Trio back to their rooms and had taken care of me. Rossweisse-san sure is great at taking care of people... However, hearing Asia declaring 'I want babies' really gave me quite a fright last night. But it really made me happy...from the very depths of my heart. Though it was a complicated feeling, I was truly touched!

But every time something like this happened to me, I would think. How should I put it, I am always faltering at critical moments. I am well aware of it. But I just can't take the next step forward. ...That traumatic experience in the depths of my heart must be binding me. Every time, I think if taking the next step might make the girls dislike me, and I am deathly afraid. —The current life is the best, which is why I don't want to destroy the current situation. Becoming a Harem king is impossible if this continues! I also know that! ...But if that's the case, the relationship with Buchou will never... Impossible to reach. Oh well, that is fine. For Buchou, I will always... Perhaps if there is a chance, I might find the courage to take that step forward?

—The next round. If we win against Sairaorg-san, then with Buchou, I can—

"Hey, Ise, why do you look like you're crying?"

Matsuda poked his face in front of me and questioned.

"Ah, i-it's nothing... But your and Motohama's faces are truly terrifying..."

"It's nothing much."

"These are wounds of honour."

Matsuda and Motohama's faces were swollen and covered with lots of plasters. The two of them went to some so-called same old place to peek at the female bathroom, but the Student Council, the Sitri servants, had already staked out the area. Yet the two of them still tried to force their way in, hence their bruised and battered faces. ...They stood no chance against the Sitri girls. Afterwards, even I became a suspect, but thanks to Rossweisse-san coming to my room, I had proof of absence. But then again, this morning, the Church Trio and I were summoned by Rossweisse-san for a lecture. Rossweisse-san truly was like a great older sister to us. Sorry for bringing you trouble. By the way, how did I get lumped into the activities of those two idiots!? I can't help it when we are known as the Perverted Trio! Do I have no credibility because I always look so perverted? Anyway, let's stop these thoughts. I need to pull myself together and continue sightseeing. Today, we are taking on Arashiyama, and the first place is the Heavenly Dragon Temple, Tenryuu-ji.[6]

"How do we get to Tenryuu-ji?"

I asked Kiryuu. She looked at the schedule and replied.

"Yes, take the tram from the Kyoto station towards Arashiyama, and then get off at the closest stop to Arashiyama. Then walk in that direction."

"Got it. Then we're going to the station now. Buchou mentioned it before, but there really are buses and trams everywhere."

"So, all the sightseeing spots are these kinds of places?"

Matsuda heard my comment and spoke. It was true. It was all like this. At Kyoto station, we got on the tram towards Arashiyama and headed to the destination.

"This is it."

After getting off, we had to walk to Tenryuu-ji. There were signs, so it was impossible to get lost. And so, we finally arrived at Tenryuu-ji. The elegant gates greeted us.

"This is Tenryuu-ji. Does the name have any special significance?"

[Who knows. Perhaps we once fought a battle here, perhaps not.]

Perhaps Ddraig's memories were fuzzy. Even if they had fought here, it must have been eons ago and the scenery would have been completely different from now. It was probably natural to forget. Just after we had entered the massive gates and were paying the entrance fee—

"Hello, you bunch came along."

It was the young voice I'd heard before. Turning my head, I saw behind us the blonde girl clad in a priestess outfit, Kunou.

"It's Kunou."

"Yes, as agreed, I will be your tour guide for the surroundings of Arashiyama."

Today, she had her ears and tail hidden. Of course, that was because there were normal humans all around us.

Matsuda and Motohama were surprised to see the cute little blonde loli.

"Wow, what a cute girl! Hey, Ise, you went and hit on a little kid just like that?"

How rude of this baldy. We went through a lot you know. On the other hand, Motohama—

"...So loli, really adorable... Haha..."

His breathing was becoming a little irregular?! I forgot! This guy is an incurable lolicon! Kunou's type was right up his alley! Motohama's glasses were giving off a dangerous light. However, someone pushed Motohama aside and hugged Kunou. It was Kiryuu.

"Ah! So cute! Hyoudou, how did you meet her?"

She was hugging her and rubbing their faces together! Kiryuu, you like lolis too?

"L-Let go of me! Don't act so familiar, you lowly girl!"

Kunou was very reluctant, but Kiryuu got even more excited.

"Protesting while using a princess' manner of speech is the best! What a perfect image!"

...This glasses girl is hopeless. Sighing, I pulled Kiryuu away from Kunou's body and continued the conversation.

"This is Kunou. She already knows me and Asia and the others."

"I am Kunou. Pleased to meet you."

Kunou was surprisingly serious. What a princess. Her attitude carried a certain air of nonchalance.

"Ah, you know Gremory-senpai? I've heard that the hotel is related to the company that Senpai's parents manage."

"Something like that."

Kiryuu's quick conclusions were useful for once. This way, I don't have to explain too much.

"So, Kunou, you said you will be our tour guide. What will we be doing?"

Kunou proudly puffed out her chest and spoke with confidence.

"I will accompany you all and tour these famous sights!"

...I see. Then I should be honoured... Whatever, this counted as a kind of cultural interaction after all.

"Then, show us around this Tenryuu-ji first."

"Of course!"

With that said, Kunou showed a bright and happy smile.

And so, under Kunou's lead, we toured Tenryuu-ji. Kunou confidently related stories she heard from others and tried very hard to present them to us. It made her extremely adorable. At the same time, it was comforting to see her trying her best to describe the various places in Kyoto. The garden inside the large abbey was very beautiful. Decorated by the red leaves of autumn, the Japanese-style garden's shades of the autumn season were quite intoxicating. The carp swimming in the pool was an excellent touch that completed this scene.

"This view is extremely good. After all, it's a World Heritage Site."

Kunou explained. World Heritage! Amazing! So that's why it's so pretty. Let me snap a picture with my phone!

After touring the garden, we were taken to the teaching hall. Entering, I lifted my head to look at the ceiling. Instantly, a most spectacular Dragon design came into view. It was an eastern Dragon with a long slender body! The Dragon felt like it was glaring at me with a frightening gaze.

"This is the famous Unryuu-zu, or 'Image of the Cloud Dragon'. No matter in which direction you stand, you will feel like the Dragon is staring straight at you. It's the so-called 'Watching the Six Directions'."

It was exactly as Kunou described. No matter which way you looked at it, the Dragon was staring straight at us! Amazing! Say, Ddraig, do all eastern Dragons give off such a feeling?

[Yes, they are mostly like that. This reminds me of the Dragon King Yu-Long, the Jade Dragon.]

So the Jade Dragon is like that. Eastern dragons are different from the western ones. Rather than being scary, they have a more mysterious aura to them. Unfortunately, photos were forbidden at the Unryuu-zu, so I couldn't take one. After touring Tenryuu-ji, we went outside.

"Kunou, where are we going next?"

I asked. Kunou pointed to a good many directions, and happily said.

"Nison-in![7] The Bamboo Path! Jojakko-ji![8] I will take you everywhere!"

Oh, how full of spirit. Now you're really acting your age. And so, under Kunou's lead, we continued to tour around Arashiyama.

Part 5

"Wow, we really visited a lot of places."

Matsuda let loose a sigh of relief. We were having lunch at a tofu hotpot place recommended by Kunou. After leaving Tenryuu-ji, Kunou took us on a tour around Arashiyama. Seeing Siddhartha Gautama and Amitābha's Buddha statues worshiped at Nison-in, riding the rickshaws through the Bamboo Path, and hearing the sound of wind rushing through the bamboo leaves was all very elegant. It was the first time I rode a rickshaw, so it was very fun. The person who pulled the rickshaw was very talkative and described the scenery as we went along. Watching Arashiyama's scenery from a rickshaw was one of the best experiences. Ah, it's really great that autumn came.

"I say, the tofu hotpot here is quite a delicacy."

Kunou fished tofu out of the pot with her chopsticks and distributed them on to our plates. Haha, even during meals, you like to act like a host. Kunou seemed very happy. This must be her usual smile. Precisely because of this, it was heartbreaking to see her begging us to save her mother. ...If only we could bring your mother back sooner... The tofu Kunou gave to me had to be eaten straight away. Hmm, Kyoto tofu was very fragrant. And this was even better than the hotel! I've heard that tofu is best eaten freshly made. It looks like this was made just now.

"This has a very Japanese flavour. Nice."

"Yes, it's different from the usual tofu. Its taste is very fresh and delicious."

"This tofu is good..."

Xenovia, Asia and Irina's faces were full of joy. Carelessly, my gaze met with Irina's—


Irina's face went red! This had been happening all day. It was definitely because of last night. It was only natural, since something like that must be a major incident for the Church-affiliated Angel Irina. Since she had always lived in purity, letting her breasts get touched by me must be very serious... ...But the feeling of Irina's breasts still lingered in my hand. So soft. Soft with elasticity. Feeling like my fingers were being sucked into the breast... The only way to sum it up was—'the breasts of an Angel'. It sounded like some kind of product, but that was the only way to express it. Irina, thank you very much. Just as I was thanking Irina in my heart—

"Ah, Ise-kun."

Suddenly, someone called me. This voice was—

"Oh, oh, it's Kiba. Right, you guys were going to Arashiyama today as well."

Kiba's group happened to be having lunch on the neighbouring table.

"Yes. You guys went to Tenryuu-ji already?"

"Yeah, there was a spectacular Dragon on the ceiling."

"We were planning on visiting Tenryuu-ji after seeing the Togetsukyou[9]. I'm looking forward to it."

"Ah, the Togetsukyou. We're going there after we finish eating."

As we spoke, another familiar voice was heard saying 'autumn at Arashiyama is really quite elegant'.

"Oh, so you guys are enjoying Arashiyama?"

Azazel-sensei! He was drinking sake in the middle of the day!

"Sensei! Sensei, you came too? But isn't it bad for teachers to drink during the day?"

Just as I pointed that out, the woman opposite Sensei agreed. It's Rossweisse-san!

"This person, I don't know how many times I've told him that, but he just won't listen. I keep telling him not to act so irresponsibly in front of the students..."

Rossweisse-san's forehead veins were bulging in anger!

"Come on, this is just a short break after investigating Arashiyama."

Was Sensei really investigating the Khaos Brigade?

"But then again, Rossweisse, you really must learn to act cuter. Isn't this why you haven't been able to find a man so far?"

Crash! After hearing Sensei's comment, Rossweisse-san's face went red and her fist struck the table!

"T-T-This has nothing to do with boyfriends! Don't mess with me! If you're going to drink, then so will I!"

Ah! She grabbed Sensei's cup and began to drink! Downing it gradually, her drinking posture was very elegant...

"Puwaaa... Shay, your ushual attitude ish no good..."

S-She's drunk?! That was too fast! She can't even speak properly!

"Y-You're drunk from one cup?"

Sensei was shocked, but Rossweisse-san poured another cup and downed it instantly! Her eyes staring straight, Rossweisse-san began to harass Sensei.

"Am not drunk! I've been drinking with him ever shinsh I became Odin, that old man's bodyguard. ...Thissss remindsh me, that old man. I ssssspent so much effort taking care of him during hish tripssss, but like an idiot all he shays is rubbishhhhh like 'ah, ladiesss! ah, booooooze! ah, breastssssss!'. Completely shhhhhamelessss! All the other Valkyriessssss at Valhalla called me the old man's ssssservant girl. With my pitiful ssssalary, I even had to shupport his daily life? It's all hish fault! Thatsssss why I have no boyfriend, no boyfriend, no boyfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ooooooooooh!"

...She was crying a storm...making both us and Azazel-sensei unsure of how to handle things... Sensei scratched his head and said.

"I understand, I understand. I will listen to your complaints, so just let it all out."

Hearing Sensei's words, Rossweisse-san suddenly became happy.

"Really? Azazel-ssssensei, I didn't know you had shum good pointssssh in you. Waiter, ten more bottlesh pleasssssse."

More!? T-This was getting out of hand... Who knew Rossweisse-san was such a poor drinker?

"You guys, leave as soon as you finish eating. I'll handle this."

Sensei sighed as he spoke. Everyone looked at each other and did as they were told. Rapidly finishing our meals, we left the shop.

"100-yen ssshopsssss are the best! Ahahahaha!"

Just as we were stepping out the door, Rossweisse-san's drunken laughter could be heard.

Leaving the shop, we reached Togetsukyou.

"Rossweisse-chan sure made quite a scene."

"Yeah, who knew she was such a poor drinker?"

Matsuda and Motohama were most disappointed. Since Rossweisse-san was very popular among both the boys and the girls, it must be very hard for the boys to accept the image they just saw. Even I received quite a shock.

"Don't be swayed by how young she looks. Rossweisse-chan definitely had a tough life. Following that Azazel-sensei around, anyone would want to spill out their discontent."

Kiryuu nodded, feeling very sympathetic towards Rossweisse-san. However, it definitely wasn't just because of Azazel-sensei. Most likely, it was because her original employer was a lecherous old man, plus the fact that she had been mistreated in Valhalla ever since she became old man Odin's follower... Unexpectedly, it looks like she has been through much hardship.

"You servants seem to have it tough?"

Kunou asked.

"...A-A little."

I could only answer that way. There were a lot of good people among the Gremory servants, but it was true that some of them had their peculiarities. Anyway, let's not talk about Rossweisse-san for now. The next stop was Togetsukyou! Leaving the restaurant and walking along the sightseeing streets for a few minutes, the Katsura River appeared in front of us. That traditional-style wooden bridge, full of historical feeling, must be Togetsukyou. By the way, the view of the mountain from here was really great! The red all across the mountain gave a heavy sense of autumn!

"Did you know? It's said that you shouldn't turn back in the middle of crossing Togetsukyou."

Kiryuu said. Asia asked.

"Why is that?"

"Asia, it's like this. If you look back while crossing the bridge, intelligence granted by the heavens will be taken back. If the pervert trio looks back, it will really be over for them. They will become utter fools."

" " "Shut up!" " "

Matsuda, Motohama and I retorted simultaneously. Kiryuu was unfazed, and even continued.

"Another legend says that if you look back, lovers will be separated. Hmm, but this one's a bit inauspicious—"

"I will never look back!"

Asia interrupted Kiryuu's explanation and tearfully grabbed my arm.

"I-It's okay, Asia. It's just a legend."

Though I comforted her, Asia shook her head and went 'unacceptable', grabbing my arm tighter. So cute! That's my little Asia! Ah, I am so happy. As we started crossing Togetsukyou, Kiba's group could be seen not far ahead. While crossing the bridge, Asia was determined not to look back.

"Damn, Ise and little Asia, they totally look like a pair of lovers...!"

"It makes me furious, but it seems like they will soon enter the stage of passionate fools in love."

Matsuda and Motohama were commenting behind my back. What!? Saying passionate fools in love! I really felt like turning around to give him a punch, but I endured it. Turning back now will make Asia cry!

"I don't think you need to mind it. The legend about lovers is just superstition."

Though Kunou said that, Asia is very innocent in these things. We finally finished, and peacefully crossed over to the opposite shore. Asia exhaled deeply, as if very much relieved, but we have to cross again when we go back. Asia's great adventure had not ended yet! Suddenly, a warm, slippery feeling enveloped my entire body. ...What was that just now...? I thought in surprise and looked around. Other than me, Asia, Xenovia, Irina, Kunou and Kiba over there, everyone else had disappeared. Matsuda, Motohama, Kiryuu and all the other normal tourists were gone! What!? This is!? What happened!? All the other servants were shocked like me, and we prepared ourselves. ...Though we surveyed the surroundings, there were no suspicious characters nearby. After a while, a strange mist seemed to be floating up from under our feet.

"This mist is..."

Upon seeing the mist, Asia was very surprised.

"This feeling, there's no doubt about it. When I was taken by Diodora, the device deep in the temple that imprisoned me had this kind of mist."

"...Dimension Lost."

So said Kiba as he walked over.

"One of the Longinus. Didn't Sensei and Diodora Astaroth mention it? I fear this is..."

Kiba knelt down and tried to touch the mist with his hand. Longinus... That's something just as amazing as Vali's and my Sacred Gear. Something like that was activated here?

"Hey, are you all okay?"

A voice was heard from the sky. Looking up, Azazel-sensei was flying in the sky, flapping his black-feathered wings. He landed where we were and put away his wings as he spoke.

"Everything except us has disappeared completely. Most likely, we were forcefully transferred to an alternate dimension and sealed within it... From the way things look, this is an alternate dimension that is an exact replica of Togetsukyou and its surroundings."

Really? There were no signs of transfer beforehand. Once I felt that warm feeling, we had already been transferred here.

"So this is made in a way similar to the Devils' game field?"

I asked Sensei. I couldn't feel there was anything similar between them.

"Ah, yes. The techniques of our Three Factions were most likely leaked. This place likely applies game field methods. So, the power of the mist should also be transferred to this replicated territory. Can Dimension Lost's mist transfer anything that it wraps itself around? ...To be able to transfer me and Rias's servants all together at once to this place without any warning signs, a Longinus truly is terrifying."

Sensei explained. I see, so this kind of dimension really was an application of the game field technique. Their reproduction of it seemed to be just as good as the Devils'. Beside me, Kunou spoke in a trembling voice.

"...On the verge of death, mother's dying guard reported that they were also trapped by mist without warning."

So, this phenomenon was... Besides, the person using this should be... My ominous premonition seemed to have come true. Over at Togetsukyou, the appearance of several new presences could be felt. From the light mist, figures approached and revealed themselves to us.

"Pleased to meet you for the first time, Governor Azazel and the Sekiryuutei."

The one who greeted us was a black-haired youth wearing a school uniform. Wrapped around the uniform was something resembling Han Chinese clothing. That should be called Han Chinese clothing, right? In middle school, the history teacher was very knowledgeable about Chinese history and explained to us in detail about their clothing. It seemed to be a type of traditional ethnic attire. He was carrying a spear in his hands... The spear gave off a most unpleasant feeling. It was definitely no ordinary spear. The black-haired man was very young. He looked like he was about a year or two older than me? No, it was impossible to tell from appearances alone.

High school dxd v9 161.jpg

His companions were also wearing clothes similar to school uniforms. They were a mix of male and female, also around high school age. ...They gave off a strange kind of presence, different from Devils or Dragons. Sensei stepped forward.

"Are you the rumoured Hero Faction?"

The youth in the middle patted the spear on his shoulder as he answered Sensei's question.

"I am Cao Cao, the descendant of the famous Cao Cao, Cao Mengde, who was recorded in the Records of the Three Kingdoms. Something like that."

Cao Cao...? Eh, Records of the Three Kingdoms!? With a big shock, I hurriedly asked Sensei.

"Sensei, that guy is...?"

Sensei did not take his eyes off his opponent, and said to us.

"Listen well, everyone; be careful of that man's spear, True Longinus. It's the most powerful Longinus that is said to be able to pierce through God. I have not seen it for a long time, but to think it has now fallen into the hands of the terrorists..."


Sensei's words made everyone terrified. The man himself was intriguing enough, but we all stared with shock at the spear.

"That is the Holy Spear that the Seraphs of Heaven fear...?"

Irina spoke, unable to contain her trembling. Xenovia continued, whispering.

"I also heard about it ever since I was a child. The spear that pierced Jesus. The spear carrying Jesus' blood. The absolute spear which pierced the body of God!"

W-Was it something so powerful!? I think Buchou seemed to have mentioned about that spear before. It was something about the legendary spear that pierced Christ. C-come to think of it, this is intimately related to the roots of the religion that Irina and Xenovia belong to. To those involved with the Church, perhaps it wouldn't be wrong to call it the ultimate existence.

"That is the Holy Spear..."

Beside me, Asia's gaze seemed to be drawn to the spear as if her consciousness was being sucked out, mesmerised—


Sensei quickly covered her eyes with his hands.

"Asia, people of faith should not stare at that spear. They will lose their sanity. After all, it is one of the Holy Relics among the True Cross, the Holy Chalice, the Holy Nails and the Shroud of Turin."

Kunou angrily yelled at the spear-wielding youth, Cao Cao.

"You, boy! I have questions for you!"

"Arara, little princess, what's the problem? If I can, I will try to answer all your questions."

Though Cao Cao sounded calm, he clearly knew something.

"Are you the ones who took mother away?"

"That is correct."

He admitted it so openly. It turned out to be these people after all!

"What are you planning on doing to mother?"

"We wish to have your mother cooperate in our experiment."

"Experiment? What are you planning to do?"

"To grant the wish of our benefactor. That is the main idea."

Hearing that, Kunou bared her fangs, extremely angry. Her eyes glimmered with traces of tears. It looked like she was furious. Not only was her mother taken away, but she will be used for some kind of nefarious experiment.

"Benefactor... Is that Ophis? And why have you appeared before us?"

Sensei interrogated sternly.

"No, there is no need to hide anymore. We just decided to say hi before the experiment. Let us cooperate for a bit. I also wished to meet Governor Azazel and the legendary Sekiryuutei."

...This bastard sure has a way with words. By the way, am I really that famous? Ah, though I did beat that Old Maou leader while under the effects of Juggernaut Drive. Only I don't really remember much about that scene. Sensei formed a spear of light in his hand.

"Let's keep this simple. Please return the Kyuubi leader. We are trying hard to join forces with the Youkai."

Seeing Sensei prepared for battle, everyone gathered into formation and prepared themselves. I also called out Boosted Gear and started the Balance Breaker countdown. And then, I summoned Ascalon—


"Much appreciated!"

Xenovia caught Ascalon and readied her stance. ...By the way, Rossweisse-san wasn't here.

"Sensei, where's Rossweisse-san?"

Sensei made a long sigh at my question.

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