"Are you sure we are going the right way?" Daniel said as he looked around in the murky forested wetlands. He could see Yuna just hopping around and scurrying over roots and through the brush.
"Silly, I know the way," Yuna called back.
Daniel couldn't really argue, he felt lost currently in these woods. The trees were tall enough that they sometimes blocked out the sun, which threw off his bearings. Every now and again he also had to swim across a creek. Not to mention when Yuna squeezed through the small brush, he had to find a way to follow, sometimes he tried to crawl but even then sometimes he was simply too big. He really underestimated this supposed shortcut Yuna mentioned. Every now and again, he'd feel clean getting into the water only, to get out on the other side and get dirty again.
Daniel was trying to keep up with the much more agile Yuna, when suddenly, he heard a muffled blood-curdling scream when he walked through some a piece of a web, "Aaaaaaaa." Daniel couldn't tell where it had come from, it sounded distant but far, he suddenly stopped to try and get the web off of him.
"Stop... just stop... what are you doing, you are destroying my home." he heard the voice yell towards him.
Daniel felt surprised and shocked that the spider could talk, "sorry, I didn't mean to, I am following a friend," he replied. He realized he had accidentally broken the anchoring webbing, that supported the upper webbings.
"Well watch where your going next time, stop moving let me release you," the spider called out.
"Sorry," Daniel replied, he could see what was a long-legged 4-inch size spider coming towards him from the web stuck to him.
"Why is someone as big as you trekking through the underbrush?" the spider called out.
Before Daniel could respond he could hear Yuna calling out to him.
"What's taking so long, did you get lost again silly?" Yuna called out from behind him.
"No sorry I'm, talking to this lady back here," Daniel called back to Yuna.
"I see.... you are following that child," The spider said as it cut the web that was stuck to Daniel.
Daniel noticed the spider quickly began to work on creating a new anchor to support what was left of her web, "Sorry, about that we are trying to get to the central shrine," he said.
"What's done is done, be more careful in the future however, you seem surprised that I can talk child," the spider said.
"About that," Daniel tried to say more before he was interrupted by Yuna.
"Hurry up, come on we are getting closer," Yuna called out from behind the foliage.
"One moment, Yuna, I'll be there," Daniel called back towards Yuna.
"Don't leave the small child waiting, you will notice later I'm sure, that not everything shares the same level of intelligence," the spider said.
"My name is Daniel, do you by chance have a name?" Daniel asked.
"I do, it is Matikah child, go now I am sure you will not be finding me again in these woods," Matikah said.
Daniel was taken aback by the statement, but then he quickly realized he was conversing with a small spider. "I am sorry, again, I am unsure if you can even eat these but here," Daniel said as pulled out a cherry tomato from his inventory. He began to look around at the web unsure of how to even give it to her.
"No need, keep your fruit, there are plenty of mindless pests here that I am allowed to eat," Matikah said.
Daniel wanted to ask what makes something mindless, but he knew he couldn't keep the impatient Yuna waiting, he shrugged as threw the tomato into his mouth. Turning away to follow Yuna he called back, "take care of yourself," he said as he began to get lower to try and push through the bush. "Move it, move out of the way if anyone is in here, I am coming through," he said.
"What are you yelling for Silly?" Yuna called to him from the other side.
Daniel could kind of make out her small darker figure, "I am making sure no insects or anything is in there," he said.
"You talk to bugs? you silly, they don't talk," Yuna said.
Daniel turned around to look towards where Matikah was and he could see her web was still there, "Some do, don't they?" he asked.
"They don't talk to Yuna, still friends, Slerdach never talked when he lived with me and Grandpa Toga," Yuna said.
Daniel noticed that there were no responses so he began to crawl through the bush, "I remember you mentioning him, but you never said he was a bug..." he said.
"He is a bug, big hairy legs, he kind of walks funny, Grandpa Toga said that he was safe and welcome to stay in the burrow with us," Yuna said.
Daniel imagined it was some kind of spider, maybe a tarantula or something, "How did Toga, determine it was safe?" he asked. He was curious about a lot of things involving this forest, nothing made sense, predators were quite docile. But he also noticed that some creatures were different from others, he noticed that most insects he encountered weren't very intelligent. He wondered if the same concept applies to the larger beasts out in the world.
"Determine? what's that?" Yuna asked.
"Nevermind, but just so you know it means..." Daniel paused for a moment, he never really quite thought of the definition, how do you explain things to children he wondered. "it is like when you decide on something or confirm something," Daniel said as he pulled himself through to the other side, he could see the puzzled face of Yuna.
"I get it," Yuna huffed before running off again for him to follow.
Daniel couldn't help but smile as he followed behind her he could tell she was pouting. He noticed that the more they traveled the more noticeable differences he'd find with the terrain, he could visibly see the change in biomes as he traveled. It was still a fluid shift in scenery but, it felt strange to see such a sudden shift. He could tell though that he was getting closer towards the center as they traveled, he wasn't sure what kind of trees the larger tall ones were, but he recognized those small berry bushes that were spread about.
He was thankful that he did not run into any more trouble along his journey, he was also glad to have left the wetlands the flies and other annoying pests continuously bothered him. He understood what Matikah meant by mindless creatures, every time he got attacked he'd try and yell at them but there was never a response he even smashed one on accident when it bit him. He was also surprised to find that they were able to actually bite him though they didn't inflict any damage the sensation felt very real. he had also taken note that they did not bother with Yuna at all, he was unsure as to why they didn't try to bite her.
The journey felt quite long on foot, he couldn't help but wonder how far exactly was Shalee. He was also curious how players had managed to already come here, maybe there are some towns nearby up north or roads or something. While walking he received a notification notifying him that he had reached level 3, he felt was pretty happy but at the same time he realized, it was simply passive experience from time spent online. He noticed that his experience bar nearly quadrupled in size, and if the passive experience continues to trickle in at the same rate it would be impossible to level very far with it.
Daniel noticed Yuna quickly turn around and start darting towards him, he was confused but he could suddenly hear rustling from the brush up ahead.
"Up, up, hurry" Yuna called out from below him as she was hopping up and down.
Daniel reached down and picked her up like a little puppy, he could feel her warm soft leathery scales as he held her in his arms, "What's the matter," he asked. He continued to watch towards the direction of the rustling noise, something was coming through the woods pretty clumsily.
"I don't wanna play right now with him," Yuna said as she acted like she was going to sleep.
Before Daniel could ask who she was talking about, his thoughts were answered for him as he heard the sudden voice of Ko.
"Daniel!, you are back, where'd you go?" Ko called out as he barreled through the brush.
"I was busy helping..." Daniel tried to say before he was interrupted.
"Yuna is with you to... are you here to play? did you bring snacks?" Ko asked excitedly.
"No we aren't here to play, we are getting ready for our adventure just the two of us," Yuna said as she turned her face away from Ko.
"Adventure!? Can I come?" Ko asked curiously as he looked up towards them.
"Uhhhh...." Daniel couldn't find the words, he didn't even really want to bring Yuna anywhere, he knew their lives were completely different from his own.
"No... you can't Ko there will be danger," Yuna said with a matter of fact tone.
"I ain't scared of danger," Ko said as he stood up on his two legs.
Daniel couldn't help but roll his eyes, "Sorry, Ko, I promised Yuna already but, even then I am unsure of the danger, what about your parents anyway? You should be asking them," he said. Looking down he could see Yuna gloating towards Ko as she shook her head.
"No fair, let me go ask them then," Ko said as he quickly turned around to run into the forest.
"Wait, no that's not what I meant..." Daniel tried to say before the little bear went running off ignoring him. "These children....." He thought, he had no idea how other players were dealing with the inhabitants, but it was completely different than a typical normal game. They each had unique thoughts and lives, mindlessly killing was simply not possible, he wondered how fast exactly did things grow. He looked down at Yuna, and she was still level 3, without warning though she hopped out of his arms.
"Let's hurry before he gets back," Yuna said mischievously as she started running.
"Isn't Ko your friend, why do you want to leave him?" Daniel asked as he started to jog after her, he was unable to keep up having to constantly squeeze through the underbrush. The pace they traveled felt pretty slow even though Daniel tried to be forceful with the saplings and bushes.
"Yes? because it is our adventure?" Yuna replied from in front of him.
"Really, now huh, well we better hurry if we want to keep it that way," Daniel replied. They ran into a couple more children as they were traveling and the conversations ended up being quite similar to the one with Ko. He soon realized the children were tracking him due to his scent, but he couldn't do anything to help it. He was honestly surprised at how easily they could find him, but he was glad that he was getting closer and closer towards the central shrine. He was thankful though that there was a lot less underbrush the further he went towards the central part of the forest. Daniel could see a familiar opening up ahead as he continued to push forward following behind Yuna, and the other children.
"We are here," Yuna said excitedly as she dashed forward into the open meadow.
Daniel noticed the large tree in the center and the small pond to the side of the path leading up to it. The sun cast down on the meadow full of various flowers, with children scattered and playing all around under the sun. He didn't see Ko anywhere around. Stepping out into the Meadow, he noticed that Atia wasn't here as well. "Go ahead and play for a bit Yuna," Daniel said as he continued to walk closer towards the shrine, he was hesitant in his actions. As he got closer he noticed a strange natural growth in the form of a pedestal surrounded by carvings on the base of the tree. He recognized the carvings, there was a depiction of a woman he assumed was Kaena, and the four guardians, he recognized three of them Hojun, Bentia and Uara, but the eastern one was a large serpent. He slowly began walking up to the pedestal, he couldn't help but be hesitant. He wasn't sure of what exactly he was going say in his pledge, it felt strange and surreal to him to be doing this.
As Daniel walked up to the pedestal, he glanced over at the pictures and symbols, placing his hand on the pedestal and willing his mana towards it, "Lady Kaena Goddess of the Wilds, I seek both your guidance and wisdom," he whispered. He could feel his mana draining but there simply was no response, nothing happened as he continued to will his mana into it. He wasn't going to lie, he didn't know what the repercussions would be if he made a false move. "I have come back here with the intent to serve, however, I can not follow you blindly, I seek your guidance Lady Kaena," he called out.
"You are quite a strange child, are all travelers like you?" a familiar feminine voice said from behind him.
"No, everyone is different individuals," Daniel said as he spun around to see Atia standing behind him. He put his head down worried that he may offend her now that he knew her identity.
"Is that so, lift your head, the etiquette of men have no place here," Kaena said as she smiled towards him.
"Really?" Daniel quick asked he was pretty skeptical.
"I would not go back on my word, you have completed the things I asked of you earlier, you even helped those that lived here, and even when you erred you still showed compassion, you have come to me to serve, yet you have questions?" Kaena said calmly.
"I do not understand anything about you, I can not follow you blindly," Daniel said.
"Who am I?" Kaena asked.
Daniel was confused by the question, "Kaena, Goddess of the Wilds?" he answered.
"Daniel, you seem mistaken, you have come to Heelune, the lands gifted to me by my mother where life is most sacred, but what is it that I govern? do you understand what is the wilderness? the untamed wilds?" Kaena asked.
Daniel was confused for a moment as he stopped to think about the question, he was unsure of what the wilds actually meant. "I am unsure, I know it is untouched or unclaimed or uncultured lands," he said.
"Daniel it is the untamed and unbound natural freedom brought from life it is not meant to be controlled, it is a gift many try to control and harvest claiming it all as their own. If you were to serve me you will face many challenges, you will be pitted against many of your own kind, and yet would you still champion my cause?" Kaena asked.
Daniel was unsure, of whether he could stand in such a position, "when you say pitted against many of my own kind what do you mean?" he asked.
"So you have truly given it thought, your actions and choices would remain your own, however, your actions would have to be a reflection of my own domain, you are not to be bound by the laws of the various societies, I will have you serve to protect the balance and to protect the lands from those that wish to oppress and control it, you will find yourself an outcast in many kingdoms, and allies among the lesser races fewer and far between outside of Sylvantir," Kaena said.
Daniel couldn't help but wonder, "What do you mean by protecting the balance? am I suppose to push back encroaching kingdoms or something, keep hunters out of the woods?" he asked. He noticed Yuna running up from behind Kaena.
"Big sis, you came, Daniel are you done yet can we go on our adventure?" Yuna asked.
"Yes, I am happy to see you little Yuna, I am explaining things to Daniel," Kaena said as she reached down picking Yuna up into her arms. "To answer your question Daniel, yes, those are various possibilities, but death is a normal cycle and is part of life, you must ask why is the hunter hunting? why is the kingdom encroaching, you are not to be a mindless martyr, what the lesser races claim is their own land can just as easily be taken back by me with time, countless kingdoms have fallen over the years, your greatest challenge will be dealing with travelers, they are not quite yet aware of the consequences of their actions as they disrupt the balance," Kaena said.
"What do you mean they disrupt the balance," Daniel asked.
"They only bring death and overhunt the lands, because of their reckless actions corruption spreads quickly, you travelers may be mana-bound but the mana that is lost when they die can still influence the world, they accelerate the growth of corruption in an attempt to grow themselves faster, let me ask again will you fight against the growing corruption and champion my cause?" Kaena said.
While Daniel was hesitating he was pulled from his thoughts as he saw, Yuna in Kaena's arms.
"I'll help," Yuna quickly said.
"Thank you little Yuna, but the decision is Daniel's, only he can decide," Kaena replied.
He had thought of this moment quite a lot however he still couldn't help but to hesitate, "I am sure I will be making mistakes in the future, but I'd like to serve you and your cause," Daniel said.
"That is to be expected, to err is to live and grow, I look forward to your growth Daniel," Kaena said as she stepped forward, "Place your blood upon my altar and swear an oath to me," she said.
Daniel turned to look back down at the Altar before him, there was no dagger or anything, he quickly realized he was expected to stab himself with his claws. Transforming his hands, he quickly gouged his palm opening a small wound, it wasn't very clean but he noticed his health bar drop my a small amount and begin to slowly trickle lower. Moving his bloody palm over the altar, Daniel rest his hand upon it as he willed his mana, "Lady Kaena, Goddess of the Wild, I solemnly swear to uphold and champion your cause, to defend and protect your domain from those that seek it's destruction, to maintain the balance in order to prevent chaos and to help cleanse this world of corruption," he said. Suddenly a notification appeared before him, as a burning sensation began to appear running up his right arm. He watched as a dark green serpent began slithering along the skin of his arm, followed by a bear, a wolf, and a tiger began to settle resting on his chest and shoulder. Runes followed along the beasts swirling along his right arm, forming a full sleeve tattoo, he was shocked as he watched them all continue to magically move and radiant a strange glowing light.
"Daniel I will have you become my chosen in these chaotic times," Kaena calmly said behind him.
|~~Class Change~~|
|~~Traveler -> Chosen of Kaena~~|
|~~Congratulations you have gained the favor of a Deity~~|
Congratulations as the First Traveler to be Chosen by a Deity
All creatures are under the watchful eyes of the divine.
~ Chosen of Kaena ~
Fame +20000
(First Bonus) +5000 Fame
You are no longer allowed to directly rule or govern a domain or kingdom.
As a Chosen, it is your duty to spread the Wisdom and Guidance to others, to be a reflection of your patron Deity. News will spread quickly that a new Chosen has descended in the Life Domain.
Chosen of Kaena
(Class) (Unique)
~ Effects ~
Your Body Bares the Mark of Kaena
- +3 Growth Points Per Level
- +1 Extra Trait Points Per 10 Levels
- +10% to Physical Attributes
Beast Understanding -> Divine Beastial Insight
- No Class Upgrades
~ Traits ~
New Unique Bloodline Traits Available
0 TP Available
~Skills Acquired~
Soul Bond
Beastial Soul Contract
|~~Soul Bond~~|
A rare skill often taught by the followers of Kaena.
It allows the user to communicate and feel their bonded companion no matter the distance or even through life or death.
Allows the sharing of Mana between linked beings.
Soul bounds the linked beings.
Soul bound beings will resurrect to their partner(s) location after sufficient mana is shared.
Current Level: Beginner Rank 1
|~~Beastial Soul Contract~~|
A rare skill often taught by the followers of Kaena
It allows the user to form a soul bond with an animal companion.
When the bond is formed, mana is linked between the beings.
Requires a Mana Infused Blood Ritual
~ Effects ~
Mana(Experience) is shared between the bond no matter the distance
Allows a soul contract to be formed
Requires complete trust and consent between both parties
Maximum Level for Contract Creation Can't Exceed 10 Levels Higher
Maximum Current Contracts: 1
Current Level: Beginner Rank 1
|~~Devotion(Unique) [Kaena]~~|
A common skill, used by priests and acolytes.
With a symbol dedicated to their god or goddess mana infused offerings and prayers may be sent.
A Chosen is a living embodiment and symbol of the divine.
Variable Based on the Offering and Kaena's Favor
The Voice of the Chosen is Always Heard
Current Level: Max
Daniel was shocked as he looked through all the notifications, "Why me?" he asked as he turned around to look at Kaena.
"Many reasons, you take the form of one of my children, yet you are not but, still you are here now willing to serve, and yet still you show more compassion than even my own children who have become lost and follow other gods, they have become obsessed with war and hunger for always more power. In time I will have you travel to those lands to aid those that wish for it, but in your current state you are simply too weak, you can do nothing for me there." Kaena said while shaking her head.
Daniel understood what she meant, "Is there a way I could grow or level quickly?" he asked
"There is no easy route, it will all be difficult and challenging, I shall point you in the direction to various corrupted areas and have you cleanse the ones I believe you can, but the corruption grows stronger and faster then you even as we speak, it will be difficult and challenging for you to cleanse even the weakest one," Kaena replied.
"What about me can I go?" Yuna asked.
"That is up to Daniel, and yourself little Yuna, he has not chosen a partner, however, little one you would only hinder his growth in your current state," Kaena replied.
Daniel knew he had the soul contract skill he just obtained, and he knew exactly what Kaena meant when it came to hindering his growth, Yuna was still just a child, "I'm so..." he tried to say.
"You... promised..." Yuna said while holding back her upset whimpers.
"That..." Daniel paused, he felt bad he knew he promised, he also knew there wasn't a maximum distance, "even If we become partner, and you come with me, there is a still a chance you may die..." Daniel said.
"Danger, not scared, Yuna can fight," Yuna huffed.
"That..." Daniel didn't know how to argue back. He felt bad, he was worried about her growth, "You mentioned her current state, what do you mean? is something wrong with her?" he asked.
"Wrong?" Yuna looked curiously up at Kaena.
"Of course, nothing is wrong with you little Yuna," Kaena said as she looked downwards, "She is but an infant, it will take a long time for her to grow and countless resources, her best chance in life is here or with you," Kaena said.
"What do you mean," Daniel asked.
"Have you looked at Yuna since you felt the changes in yourself?" Kaena asked.
It took Daniel a moment to realize what she meant, "No," he swiftly replied as he stared at Yuna. Suddenly the notification window popped up displaying information
|~<LvL 3>~|~<Yuna>~|
|~Status: Healthy Hatchling~|
|~Species: Grey Dragon~|
|~Divine Insight~|
Strength - 3
Intelligence - 11
Constitution - 8
Wisdom - 9
Dexterity - 12
Quickness - 9
Charisma - ??
Luck - ??
Daniel was surprised, he thought her shape and size was weird, it definitely had similarities to what he thought a dragon looked like, but her size and lack of wings and color gave him a different impression. "There are dragons in Heelune?" he asked.
"Dragons?" Yuna asked curiously, she struggled to keep up with the conversation.
"No, there are various circumstances that brought Yuna to live here, they matter not though since she is here now, she trusts you, and the decision to become her guardian is yours. However, once the contract is made it cannot be broken under normal circumstances, as both a traveler and my chosen it is unbreakable not even those of the death domain can break it," Kaena said.
"Really, so it is basically permanent, how does it work though, what if something happens or we disagree?" Daniel asked.
"Then you will have petty squabbles, you will still remain bound together, neither of you would be able to enforce anything upon the other, however, the weaker the bond the weaker both of you would become. In order to do the ritual, you must perform the blood-mana binding before one of my altars, as my chosen, you do not require the altar only the ritual," Kaena stated as she began to set Yuna down on the ground. "I will let you two decide, it is an important decision that will determine both of your fates," Kaena said.
Daniel watched Yuna hoped onto the ground and came walking over towards him, squatting down he looked at her, "Yuna, I know you want to come along on my adventure, but this is a big decision there will be a lot of danger, and I am worried for you since there would be almost no going back," he said. He wasn't sure about her background or her species, typically the name dragon was strong, but she seemed to have been abandoned, and he wasn't sure why. He was under the impression that Kaena wouldn't tell him the details in front of Yuna or the details didn't matter or mean anything to her in the first place.
"Yuna not scared, we are friends, our promise," Yuna said worriedly.
Daniel sighed, he was unsure of whether he could properly take care of her, various thoughts kept flowing through his mind, even remembering Kaena's words about resources. Then a thought flew past him, what will happen to her when she is growing up if she is left with Toga, the image of her outgrowing the burrow was a likely possibility. "I know I promised, and I don't plan to break it, if needed it may have to be delayed..." he said softly.
"No, don't leave Yuna, you promised," Yuna said as she looked up at him pleadingly.
Looking down into her soft pleading eyes, and hearing her childish voice, he cracked, "Okay, we can go," he said as he reached down and picked her up. "I am sorry for causing you so much worry, we are friends after all," he said.
"Really," Yuna said nervously as she shook in his arms and looked up at him worriedly.
"Yes," he said while smiling down at her.
"Big silly, worry Yuna," Yuna said as she swatted him on the arm with her tail.
The flick of her tail did not hurt but he played along "Ouch," Daniel said as he looked down at her, "if we are going to go together on adventures, then we will have to do the ritual so that we can always be best friends and partners," Daniel said.
"Best friends!" Yuna said looking up excitedly.
Daniel was unsure of how to explain it to Yuna, "Yes, we would be best friends forever," he said.
"That is not quite correct, Little Yuna, what Daniel is asking you is if you are willing to become a member of his family, you would both be part of the same family forever," Kaena stated.
"Family, really? Like Grandpa Toga?" Yuna asked.
Daniel watched as Kaena nodded towards him and Yuna, "So are you willing to join me for a life-long adventure then Yuna?" Daniel asked as he looked down at her.
"Yes we can even live together, dig more," Yuna asked excitedly and curiously as she looked up towards him.
That question struck Daniel because he wasn't going to be able to be logged in all the time, "That... most of the time we will be living together..." he said. He could see the excited look on Yuna's face however he looked away towards Kaena, "because I am a traveler, what will happen to Yuna while I am not here?" Daniel asked. He could see the confusion on Yuna's face and he was worried for her.
"Those you bond with will remain here in this world, the bond will always remain, however with certain unknown limitations, should anything happen while you are gone, Yuna will be appearing here, I warn you though you should not leave her by herself in the wilderness," Kaena said.
Daniel understood what Kaena meant and he didn't want to even consider that or think about what could happen if he was careless, "I understand if something happens to me and we get split up, how will I find her?" he asked.
"You will feel a tether and a connection with those you bond with, as my chosen and the initiator of the contract you could summon those that you bond with directly to you, it would require both your mana dual channeled into the bond and my mark," Kaena said.
"When will we be going on our adventure?" Yuna asked curiously.
Looking back down at Yuna "This is important for both of us, but we will be going shortly," Daniel said. Turning back up to look at Kaena, "How exactly do we do the ritual," he asked.
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