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61.53% Mobile Legends: The Untold Story / Chapter 8: Left Out

Chương 8: Left Out

Chapter 7: Left Out

Let me guess.

You're shocked. You're curious.

You're trying to materialize what in the name of God just happened back at the end of the last chapter.

But all things shall be explained at the right time.

These stories come from a singular source. I can tell you that. The information present is entirely corrupted, but the files are being processed and cleaned as we speak. Due to the nature of the files, it can take days or even WEEKS to finish.

Now you know why at often times I might not upload for a few days. Maybe even a month!

Why not we talk about… pairings?

Ah… the essence of love and tension are somewhat necessary when it comes to constructing a story such as this.

But here's the thing. I have a shared point of view when it comes to pairings in the Mobile Legends Universe. I officially make it fixed into the plot, to prevent all the outrage in the fanbase forums.

That doesn't mean I completely disagree with the mechanics of the other fanfics made by other aspiring authors like me! I appreciate and like their ideas, but they often seem to lack enough context or deep stuff. Like… it seems rushed… and roughly put.

Nevertheless, I'd like to note down a few pairings for all of you Readers, and why I chose them. This isn't a complete list, however.

1. Layla and Clint

This is too obvious. Even in the game, they have a matching skin set. Which leads to the main question.

What about Alucard and Layla?

I made them half-siblings. No incest. But why are they half-siblings? This will be explained somewhere in the middle of the story.

2. Hayabusa and Kagura

Again, an obvious pairing. Why do people need to pair up Hayabusa or Kagura with others?

They wear outfits with matching themes. Their colors contrast, and you know of the Yin Yang. I made them polar opposites, but they feel for each other all the same.

But what conflict arises between them? We know the previous Shadow of Iga killed Hayabusa's friend (which I will name in a late part of the story), and that Kagura is to help Hayabusa.

Why is Kagura sad? Again, all will be explained by the time the two meet once again. That shall be soon.

3. Miya and Yun Zhao

This isn't obvious, as many of you would be forcing Yun with Freya.

Freya doesn't really get a solid pairing, but she will feel close to a character probably no one would expect.

Why the archer with the Son of the Dragon?

A. They're insanely fast.

B. They originally wear blue outfits.

C. They sport ponytails.

D. They're up for any challenge and will brave them fearlessly.

I guess that's enough for you.

But who's for Freya? Once more… prepare.

4. Tigreal and Natalia

I am merely stating the obvious. Simply reading their background histories in the game will prove why their meant to be together.

(Put them in the same lane in a game, and they'll dominate the battlefield.)

5. Bruno and Lolita


I made them have a strong, family connection, but this will morph in the near end of the story. No one will complain. They are really good together.

Now… for the ice-breaker.

6. Alucard and Ruby


(Wow! That rhymed.)

You are probably tearing the sheets of your bed, screaming that Alucard isn't paired with someone else.

But anyone paying attention will agree with my decision.

Their background stories are nearly identical in form and flow. Their outfits are completely red (this is if you use the old Alucard skin, which I am using). They wield huge weapons. They are both fighters. They have the role of Crowd Control. They are the literal Lifesteal Couple.

Heck, even the Child of the Fall and Hidden Orchid Butterfly skins match.

Also, they have a dark past that they do not wish to recall, but this they have to brave to unlock a key component in their plans to save the world.

Let's go back to the story…

After all the ruckus that occurred in the arena, Alucard rushed to Estes, who was in the Citadel, training the mages. Tigreal, Natalia, Hayabusa, Ruby and Hilda followed him.

He reached the citadel, and saw Estes guiding a mage.

He said, "Just concentrate on the target, and when the sphere materializes, let it go. Never lose your focus."

The young mage was small, like a midget. He wore a tattered scarf and an old witch hat. A blue hourglass with gold linings nearly as big as he is was mounted on his back. He didn't seem strained. He was with Harley.

Estes noticed the combatants pouring in the citadel.

Tigreal started, "My Lord. There was a disturbance among the Training Fields."

"I have sensed it as well," the Elven King replies. "We are lucky that we were able to respond as soon as possible. We must remain discreet at all costs. I have placed shielding runes on the girl to prevent this from happening once more."

"What of the original plans?" Hilda asked.

"We are to continue it after your meals. Two separate teams will be dispatched as the former patrol squad rounds up later in the afternoon. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to privately speak with the Demon Hunter."

The others, except Ruby and Hayabusa, went outside.

"My Lord, we need to remain open," the ninja pleads.

"Not now, Hayabusa," Estes replies. "We may not reveal the whole truth in one sitting, but bits and pieces will remain sufficient."

He also motions the other mages to leave. Eudora, Gord, Nana and the midget-looking dude departs along with Ruby and Hayabusa.

"If you're wondering, that's Cyclops," Estes says to Alucard. "He went along with Miya and Nana during an expedition. His cosmic powers will help us give an edge in the playing field."

"Estes, what on earth was that back there?" Alucard asks. "This is no ordinary matter!"

"Calm down, Alucard," Estes replies. "A remnant of the Dark Lord's spirit was set loose. It took the most vulnerable host: Ruby. I have set runes on her to prevent it from happening again."

"The Dark Lord is free?!"

"Patience. It means that the Holy bonds are breaking," Estes explains. "But the war starts in the same exact time. We only need to minimize the casualties."

Alucard is thinking very hard. "Wait… it said it wants to make me suffer."

"He is targeting you, Alucard, manipulating your every move through his words. He may not manifest completely, but he is spreading fear and terror. Pay attention to what he says, but remain courageous. His words are fruitless when we stand tall."

"However, this event was uncalled for. We have to strengthen the spiritual defenses here with the other Elven Priests." Estes then opened his book, activating a few written runes. The runes appeared in the air like holograms, and floated out of the citadel.

"That should do it," the Elven King said.

However, Alucard was still rushed. "Tell me, Estes. What truly happened back there? Why did my sword glow?"

Estes remained calm, though the Demon Hunter did hint a tinge of worry.

"My boy, I really wish to tell you. But the motion of things doesn't match! I hate to leave you hanging, but mark my words. One day, you shall know."

Alucard dislikes being cut out, but he could easily feel the amount of worry the King expressed. It was a good thing he confirmed that the King's intentions were pure.

"If you can't tell me, will the others at least hint me about what they know?"

"That, you can do. However," Estes replied, "don't be certain that they'll expose it all. I confirmed that you'll learn more in your travels, so that your trust will remain unfazed."

Alucard finally agreed. Before he walked out, Estes said, "You have a mission today."

"What's that?"

"You will help out with the truce."

"Wait, what?" Bruno exclaimed. "You're going with Freya and Franco to negotiate with the Pirates?!"

Lolita hushed him. "Come on now, Bruno. A few of us will be coming as well!"

Alucard explained. "I would need at most four companions on my way. The others can stay or help out with finding the 3rd shard."

Alpha, who was with them, suggested. "Anyone with good social skills shall suffice Alucard's needs."

"I will be going!" Layla volunteered.

"So am I," Bruno replied.

Lolita said, "Make that three."

"And four!" Ruby added.

"So Chou and Alpha are to go for the 3rd shard?" Alucard asked.

"I can deal with it," Chou happily answered. "I'd like a couple of punching bags to deal with."

"How about the other Demon Hunters?" Layla asked.

"They're assigned for reconnaissance duty," Alpha said. "Split into different groups. Each with different roles."

"I guess things are finally settled," Ruby finished. The friends split up as lunch hour began. Though, Alucard and Ruby paired.


Sorry for barging in again.

I am definitely not going to say what our fellow characters ate. Seriously.

This is because the files didn't even show that they were even eating, as the maker of these files only portrayed the important events.

This means that most of these is entirely true, but some gaps? I had to fill.

Back to the story.

As Alucard and Ruby were eating, Zhao decided to sit right next to them.

"Hey, dudes," he greeted. "Mind if I join in?"

"Sure, no problem," Ruby replied.

He sat beside Alucard.

"Tough fight from your buddy Chou back there!" Zhao says with glee. "I never had such opponents for years."

"He has a lot of skill, let me tell you," Alucard replies.

Zhao looks around a bit. Something catches his eye. "It seems that Hayabusa sits alone once again."

The spearman guides Alucard and Ruby's eyes as their vision drifts to the ninja, who, in one corner, eats alone. What's even more surprising is that he has never put down the mask.

"Why is he like that?" Ruby asks. "He's not that anti-social, right?"

"Well, there's a lot going on in his life," Yun says. "I am a good friend, so I am not gonna spread some classified stuff. Best you hear it from him, not me."

Alucard takes a bite as he sees a blue, two-door car drive through the canteen.

"Here goes our boy," Zhao mumbles. He then shouts, "Guys! Johnson is here!"

"Johnson?" Alucard was confused. One of the car doors opened, and out came a cyborg with another visor covering his eyes, much like Alpha's visor. A pair antennae were on either side of his temples. His exoskeleton was roughly detailed, but still smooth to the sight. He had two purple katanas on his back that seemed to shine with a cerulean tint. He had a bun, and his hair was white-purple. A red bandana tied his hair.

"That's Saber, right?" Ruby asked.

Yun simply nodded. "Don't be fooled. He's tough to beat."

The blue car suddenly morphed. Sounds of whirring and clacking filled the place. It later turned out that the car was also a man.

"And that's Johnson," the Son of the Dragon continues. "A magical force molded his body with the parts of a broken car. He is stuck like that."

Saber and Johnson walk up to the Citadel to talk with Estes. Miya then appears next to Ruby. She didn't bring any food.

"You're going with Freya, huh?" the archer asks.

"For the negotiations, yes," Yun replies.

Miya eyes Alucard and Ruby. "Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Miya." She holds out her hand.

"Don't worry," Ruby comforts. "Estes introduced most of you, so we had little trouble in recognition."

"I see." Alucard then senses a form of worry in Miya's mind, but this is not as relative as the one he felt on Estes's. It was… mixed with a bit of caring.

Yun stands up and grabs the rested spear from the table. "I have to go. I need to prep."

Miya replies, "Stay safe, Yun. I'll kill you if you come back here late."

"I am never late," Zhao smirks. "If I am, I'd be dead already."

Miya laughs as Yun walks outside.

Alucard and Ruby were grinning. Miya takes notice of this.

"What?" she asks.

"We know."

The archer blushed. Hard.

"Don't worry, we wouldn't tell!" Ruby says. "And besides, I like the fact you're keeping it lowkey."

"Never, ever tell this to him, okay?" the archer pleads. "He doesn't even know."

Alucard puts his hand (his left hand) on her shoulder. "I am a man of my word."

"Thanks!" As Miya starts to walk out, she halts.

"Oh, one more thing. I am sorry if we have to keep secrets from you."

The Demon Hunter felt sorry. He realizes then that, after all this time, many value him like he is the most important member of the team.

"I understand. But we can't hold them back forever."

The horn sounds, which forces Miya to leave discreetly. Hayabusa pops out of the shadows.

"I am assigned to the negotiations as well. I decide to join you," he starts.

"Let's go then, shall we?" Ruby addresses.

"Before we do so, what were you and Miya talking about?"

Alucard intervened. "It's something private. I wish to tell you, but-"

"Nah, it's alright. I keep some secrets to myself every now and then."

The heroes pull in back to the underground chamber. Estes activates two makeshift portals.

"The left is for those assigned for the retrieval of the 3rd shard. The right is for the negotiations with the Queen of Snow, Aurora. Please, fall in."

Alucard takes note of who goes with or without him.

On the left side: Clint, Chou, Alpha, Miya, Cyclops, Minotaur, Hilda, Balmond, Karina

On the right side: Alucard, Freya, Zhao, Hayabusa, Ruby, Bruno, Lolita, Gord, Saber, Layla

"Not all of you have been assigned to these tasks. Some are to stay behind and fix a couple of matters. Stay safe, and avoid any conflict within the way. Remain vigilant. Godspeed, my brethren," Estes finishes.

The lefties dive in through their swirling vortex, only to reappear on the other side.

"Time to fly, compadres!" Bruno yells, as he dashes through the portal.

The others join in, and after a split second, they hear the slushing water.

"Where are we?" Gord asks, seemingly retaining balance with his board.

"Location Analyzing," Saber says. "Coordinates Verified. We are in the Glass Beach."

Lolita eyes out a huge galleon with black sails. And it is floating… in the air. A rack of cannons and mortars lined the ship's hull.

"What's that?" she asks. The others look up.

"That's Bane," Freya assures. "And there's Franco."

She points to a group of men wearing thick coats, clad in chain mail. The leader sported an orange beard and a helmet with long horns. He held a grappling hook on his left hand and a hammer on his right.

"Ready for our mission?" Freya says to Franco.

Franco nods. "About dang time, Valkyrie."

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