Will shook Sicario's hand returning the gesture. "Trust me Lord Sicario, it is I who is happy. Becoming part of the world's greatest nation is an honor for any Lord."
Sicario shook his head while smiling beneath his mask, "Please, just call me Sicario, I am unworthy to be called Lord by one as skilled as you are."
Silverton's face became ugly the moment he heard Sicario compliment Will. As far as he knew, Sicario was a quiet and well-reserved man who valued etiquette above everything. Only those stronger or more talented than him would receive this kind of favor from him.
'Wait, so this kid is more talented than Sicario? That means its only a matter of time before he becomes stronger than me! Shit!'
It was at this moment that sudden realization dawned on Silverton. The pyramid was a fully charged technique by a world-class mage over level 100. Yet a level 50 boy had destroyed it in five steps!
'It took Sicario a full minute to charge the pyramid, but he destroyed it in five seconds! What the fuck is he?'
Silverton and Sicario knew full well that they were currently far stronger than Will, but the keyword was 'currently'. The stronger you were at lower levels, the far stronger you become at higher levels.
At the higher levels, the disparity in strength between those of the same levels would show easily. Take Sicario and Silverton, their gap was only one or two levels, but because of his skill, Sicario was far stronger than Silverton. Silverton would need to be at least ten levels higher to be Sicario's match.
There were many things that gave one an advantage over those at the same level. Talent, class, titles, stats, and skill were the most prevalent. Especially class and titles.
'Just what titles and class does this boy posses?'
There were many methods for getting this sort of information, in fact, some non-combat classes specialize in this sort of job. Right now Sicario was in a rush to head back to the Empire and request assistance and getting as much information about Will as possible.
The next few hours were spent discussing Will's role within the Empire and the general structure of the organization from the inside.
The Dragonheart Empire was a behemoth with thousands upon thousands of guilds and Lords under them. Their greatest enemy was The Nine Rings Clan run by Musashi. Publicly he was known as the only man on earth who could rival Arthur, but according to Sicario things were not that simple. Apparently, there was another superpower that both Arthur and Musashi were wary of, led by the first Emperor, Genesis.
Genesis was only interested in improving and creating martial arts. He was neutral and accepted any and all to his nation. Arthur and Musashi had once battled with Genesis while they were on the same level in a 2 on 1 battle, with no one gaining an advantage. According to Arthur, no one could touch Genesis while on the same level. This news was a revelation to Will.
'Facing both Musashi and Dragonheart and getting away unscathed? Unmatched at the same level? Ignius wasn't joking about this Genesis dude.'
Genesis was however many levels below Arthur and Musashi, as he now concentrated mainly on his martial arts. Arthur and Musashi mutually agreed that they will only take him on once they had dealt with each other, thus Genesis was left alone for now.
The Dragonheart Empire has Arthur at the head, With Prime Minister Andreas handling most of the affairs. There were 6 Lords known as the 6 Supremes who ran the empire and its armies. They were the 6 strongest individuals under Arthur himself and were very powerful. Each comparable to a Ring from the Nine Rings. To become a Supreme one has to personally battle Arthur and gain his recognition. The number was not maintained at 6, it is just that only 6 were worthy of that title.
Andreas had a non-combat class but his position was even above that of the Supremes. Arthur was the figurehead but the day to day running was done by Andreas, who is said to have been with Arthur since the beginning.
The Dragonheart Empire was a martial organization, which put strength above everything, so the fact that it was run by a non-combative individual was impressive to Will.
Will had proven himself to be skilled, thus he was no longer Silverton's subordinate. However, Miami was still a region of importance to the Empire so Sicario would have someone stationed here to make sure things would go smoothly. Will was unhappy having someone 'babysit' him but he had no choice in the matter. So, for now, all he could do was nod his head.
His earlier performance had no doubt impressed Sicario, so Will was confident that he was already close to entering the upper echelons of the Empire.
"There are currently ten candidates for the position of a Supreme, including you. These candidates are people our organization puts effort into nurturing. Each Supreme Candidate has a multitude of people working under them. I will send you a list of extremely capable people to work under you from now on. They will be the ones to ensure that everything works out smoothly. All you have to do is make sure you increase your level and sharpen your skills."
Sicario passed Will a file with a list of names. On each page was a name, with a picture and important details such as abilities, levels, etc.
"You may choose 10 people from that list to assist you. These ten are former Supreme Candidates who narrowly failed to meet the bar required by our Emperor. There is still a chance for each individual to become a Supreme, thus they are often arrogant and unruly. To ensure smooth cooperation between you and your subordinates, a Ghost such as myself will be present."
Ghosts were beings with a special presence in the Empire. They were powerful users who reported directly to Andreas. They had no desire for a formal post and only ensured the prosperity of the Empire. All Ghosts wore masks, not to hide their identity but to show it instead. The masks were not imbued with any special abilities but were unique. Every member of the Empire who had taken the intent pill was taught a simple method to be able to distinguish the mask of a True Ghost.
"Due to Miami's importance as a strategic point and your talent, it is most likely that a Ghost with a higher ranking than mine will be sent. The Ghost will not follow all your orders but will act as your lieutenant to ensure order and help you in defending the territory. Of course if Lord Solitary was to wish to become a Ghost that option is open as well."
Will immediately rejected Sicario's proposal, "No thank you, I'm not cut out for that sort of thing." From what Will could discern, Ghosts were fanatics that worshipped Dragonheart, because every time Sicario mentioned the Empire or Dragonheart himself, a look of fanaticism would flash across his face. In front of Will's aqua sense, that mask might as well be invisible. Will was not sure if Sicario was naturally like that or if some method had been used to brainwash him. Either way, he did not want to take a chance by finding out.
Not to mention there were may secrets on Will's body. It would also affect Will's plan negatively if he became a Ghost. Who knew where he would be sent? Will needed to be in Miami. It was important to him.
"Ah yes before I forget, Sicario I have a request." Said Will after some thought.
"Please go ahead, so long as we can provide it we will, as long as it does not conflict with the Empire's goals." Replied Sicario.
"I assure you it does not," Will then looked to Silverton, "I wish to keep attending Silverton High If and when I desire, also if for some reason I am absent please make sure I am not expelled. I wish to graduate from that school."
Sicario didn't really understand why Will wanted to do this but he did not object. "Very well, so long as it does not prevent yo you from working on what the Empire requires you to. As you know we are preparing to invade soon. It's now the time to take things seriously, you might be required to take action for the next few months often, possibly longer."
Will smiled, "That's fine, as long as I don't get expelled I am fine." Will had always remembered the mission he had been given the moment he left King Yama's Gate.
A new quest is available. The quest is to attend Silverton High and successfully graduate from it. If the school is destroyed or if you fail to graduate from this school then the quest has been failed. Failure to complete the quest will result in being stripped of all your abilities and having your memories erased.
Quest Rank: Unknown
Reward: Perfect Foundation Dan
The issue was the consequences of a quest failure. Having his abilities taken away was one thing but having his memories taken away greatly frightened Will. In the upcoming war, Wills primary objective was to prevent the destruction of the school, which had played a part in his joining the Dragonheart Empire. With the backing of the predicted victor, It would be much easier for him to protect the school grounds.
As for who ruled the world? He didn't give a shit. Will's primary concern was getting stronger. Anything else was pointless. Will was well aware that all his secondary objectives, such as protecting the earth and securing his family's safety, hinged on his personal strength. Modus was not Will's father but his master. As far as Will was concerned, he was no different from a mouse trapped in a maze to the lofty Immortal. The Ignius debacle had only reinforced this thought.
As for the state of the world? It was important because Will was uncertain about a future where the earth was taken over. According to Letty, if Earth was conquered by Eridium, it would be subjected to the latter's whims. Earth had quite a few things that Eriduim desired, especially its dungeons.
To users, dungeons were essentially mines where they obtained resources for cultivating. New dungeons had a high chance of containing rare resources. The second resource of Earth was population. Slaves were essentially free labor, and Eridium was not above slavery. Letty had seen several worlds where the entire population had been enslaved. For Will, this was the worst possible scenario.
In his talks with Modus, Will learned that he could likely save Earth if he succeeded in two tasks. Firstly, he had to unite Earth under one banner, and secondly, he had to reach level 100. The second clause was much easier for Will, but the first gave him a headache. Even before Modus had explained the matter to him, Will had known that he would have to find some way to unite Earth if they were to have even the slightest chance, which was why he had had Aurora Phoenix use his name to attempt to gather a segregated America.
Wills plan was quite simple, yet he believed that he could prevent the invasion. In fact, he already had a plan. Due to Silverton's looming presence, Miami was already a prime bridge for invading America because according to Letty, wars under the system usually occurred between experts of the warring groups.
The Dragonheart Empire was a mammoth with thousands of experts. The mere image of thousands of experts unleashing all sorts of abilities on America gave Will a headache. Thus, he decided to end this charade as soon as possible.
As far as Will was concerned, all he lacked was levels, so all he needed was to hunt dungeons and gain experience. Earth was already weak as it was, and Will was unwilling for it to lose important fighters over a nonsensical territorial scuffle. Will believed his title Peerless Dao Master name held weight, but he needed more strength to back the name.
"Sicario, as I am now part of the empire, that means I am privy to some important information, right?" Will asked.
"Indeed, as you are someone we seek to groom, you have many privileges. Might I ask what information you desire? Perhaps, I might be able to assist you." Sicario replied.
Will frowned before he requested, "I want all the information you have on Hattori Hanzo."
Sicario lightly coughed in surprise. "You wouldn't happen to be talking about Musashi's 3rd ring, would you?" Will nodded.
Sicario cleared his throat and said, "As you know, the Nine Rings clan is our greatest rival; thus, I can assure you that no one has more information on them than us. Might I ask why you want information about Hanzo?"
"We have beef; lets put it at that," Will spoke with a grim look.
Laughing, Sicario clapped. "Splendid! To think that the Nine Rings clan would be your enemy as well We are surely fated. I will gather all the information we have on him and deliver it to you within three days."
Will thanked Sicario and sighed in relief. Sicario went on, "On the matter of privileges, I almost forgot, the empire has gathered quite a few resources. As a Supreme Candidate, you may request one or two valuable resources. From weapons to medicines, we have it all. What do you desire?"
Sicario believed that Will would take his time, but Will unhesitatingly said, "I need points, the more the better."
Points were used to purchase many things from the system, and it was possible to transfer points from one person to another. Sicario was curious as to what Will wanted, but he decided to leave his curiosity unsatisfied.
"Very well, the Empire will gift you a million points to use at your leisure. Unfortunately, Lord Solitary, you will not be allowed to request anything else aside from these points. Is this what you desire?"
Will nodded vigorously like a chicken pecking corn. When he heard he was receiving a million points, he had to suppress the urge to whistle. Points could only be earned from clearing a dungeon or receiving a title due to incredible achievements. Each star a dungeon had represented 50 points you could earn from clearing it. The user who killed the Boss of the dungeon received these points. The sheer amount of points caused Will to wonder just how many dungeons they had cleared to be able to so generously give them out.
'Hawt diggity dang! A million points! Once Letty finishes the changes to the city, I will be able to buy that, hahahahaha!'
While Will dreamt about what to do with the points, Sicario chipped in, "Lord Solitary, I have one more piece of news. Your level is a bit to low at the moment, so once your new subordinates arrive in a few days, we will have you head over to a dungeon for you to level up."
Dungeons were buildings that housed beasts and many treasures like maps, weapons, spells, techniques, etc. If you cleared a dungeon, you would gain a lot of experience. Different dungeons had different numbers of levels, the lowest number being three. These were called three-star dungeons. Four-star dungeons had four levels, five-star dungeons had five levels, etc. The more stars a dungeon had, the higher the grade of demonic beasts, and the more experience and rewards gained from clearing its levels.
Until you cleared the level you were on, you couldn't leave a dungeon. Once a dungeon was cleared, it would disappear along with its rewards. Every world began with a certain amount of dungeons, and the number would only decrease from there.
"Lord Solitary might not know this, but each star also represents 25 levels. Thus, a three-star dungeon would have a boss with a maximum level of 75. The first-floor boss would have a maximum level of 25, the second-floor boss level 50 and so on. We will need Lord Solitary to be capable of clearing a three-star dungeon with your own power. Of course, your subordinates can assist you. There is a dungeon a few miles outside the city inside an abandoned gas station. It is north of the city and a popular spot for hunting parties. We have verified that it is a three-star dungeon. You must clear that one.
We will also use this as an opportunity for you to get used to your subordinates abilities and improve your teamwork. You have one week to finish the dungeon. With your skill set, I believe it should be easily achievable."
After a long conversation, Sicario and his crew left the city. Before Silverton left, he shot Will one last look as if he were trying to burn the young man into his memory.
Will turned toward Letty. "Letty, I have an issue to deal with tomorrow, but before that, let me fish some. When I return, I want you to have finished building that thing underground."
Will shot for the skies before she could respond. Letty sighed while looking at his disappearing silhouette.
"I have a nagging feeling he is about to do something crazy. Sigh, I'll just focus on my job."
Letty opened her menu and performed her duties. She had a lot of work to do because the designs Will wanted were not part of the template the system provided, so she had to design the whole thing herself.
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