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12.5% The Justice warriors / Chapter 1: Introduction
The Justice warriors The Justice warriors original

The Justice warriors

Tác giả: Andrewstewart002

© WebNovel

Chương 1: Introduction

Destruction. The only thing that could be seen for miles. That was the life of Bardock a Saiyan. An advanced species that cleared our planets to sell to the highest bidder. But Bardock didn't care about any of that. He and his crew were the only things that mattered to him. Tora, Fasha, Borgos and Shugesh.

"Hey Bardock. I heard your son was finally born. What was his power level?" Bardocks friend Tora asked.

"Two. Two, an utter disgrace. You know I registered the power level of the baby next to him. Guess how much." Bardock said as the others shrugged. "Ten thousand." The others dropped their faces after hearing this. "Makes Kakarot look like a ant in comparison."

"So why did Freeza want this planet again?" Fasha asked.

"Something to do with psychics, or something like that. I don't know I get to kill some people, get my pay check and leave." Bardock loved his job. In fact he didn't just love it, Bradock was good at it. "Hey do you ever think we can take Krypton?" Everyone looked at him with a suprised look. They knew Bardock was confident, but not that confident.

"Are you crazy? You know Krypton is under Friezas protection. You want to deal with Frieza then be my guest." Shugesh said. As much as he hated to admit his crew was right. Despite a Great War between the two planets. Both were under Frieza protection.

"I'm getting bored now can we go?" Fasha butted in. The crew all got up with the exception of Bardock.

"You guys go ahead. I'll catch up with you all." Bardock replied. The others didn't need to be told. They all got in their pods and left the planet. Bardock just sat there, looking into the distance for a good fifteen minutes. As he got up he looked around and saw a fist heading his way. Bardock easily dodged.

"You will pay for what you did to my race!" The native shouted. Bardock uninterested just stood there. Gathering a ball of ki to kill the alien. As he shot however the native hit him on the back of the neck. This rendered Bardock immobile as he fell to the ground.

"Oh well at least I got the other guy." His vision began to blur. Every second his body getting heavier and heavier. Suddenly a mysterious man appeared. Bardock didn't recognise him, although he was now struggling to see at all. And soon everything was black.


Bardock woke up in a bed. Which bed? He did not know. Trying to get a sense of where he was, Bardock looked out the window. He was on the same planet as before. However the landscape was different. It was more green. Nothing like the wasteland his crew had made. Out of nowhere the door opened and in stepped an alien. Bardocks rage took over as he discovered what type.

"Kryptonian!" Bardock shouted before groaning in pain.

"Easy you took a heavy hit." The man said. Bardock felt humiliated, being saved by a kryptonian. At least his crew wasn't here.

"Why are you helping me?"

"Well even though you just committed genocide. It's the right thing to do." Bardock just sighed.

"How long was I out?"

"Two days."

"Two days? Damn, my team is going to think I'm dead."

"If it wasn't for me you would be." Bardock just glared at him. Bad enough this kryptonian saved him. He now mocked him.

"I would kill you. However you did save my life. Consider this a free pass. Who are you?"

"My name is Jor El." After this introduction something happened to Bardock. He seized up and saw a vision.

First he saw his team dead. Scattered across a planet. Next he saw Frieza as he threw a ki blast at Planet Vegeta. Sparks flew as the planet blew up. Then Bardock saw Jor El as he put a baby into a ship.

"Goodbye my son. May hopes and dreams travel with you." Jor El said as the pod flew into space. The final vision that Bardock saw was Frieza again destroying a planet. However this time it was Krypton. As his vision ended Jor El tried to help the saiyan up, but Bardocks pride wouldn't let him.

"Frieza! He plans to destroy our planets." Bardock shouted.

"What?" Jor El replied. "How do you know this?" Bardock now got up. Whatever he had saw, shook him to his core.

"I don't know, it just came to me in a vision." Jor El was not impressed.

"This planet is known for housing psychics. However I'm going to need more proof." Bardock thought to himself. Until he remembered.

"One of my visions was with you. You were holding a child. I believed you called him, Kal." Jor El jaw had dropped. There was no way that a saiyan could know that. Hell, only him his wife and her father knew they even had a child.

"Oh my god. You are telling the truth." Jor El didn't know what else to say. He was sent to this planet to test this species psychic powers. However he had no idea they could be passed on to other life forms. Now he knew the truth. Krypton was going to be destroyed.

"I got to save my team." Bardock ran towards the door before stopping. "Just so you know, this doesn't make us friends." Jor El just laughed.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. By the way I never caught your name?" The saiyan stopped in the door and turned towards the kryptonian.

"Bardock. My names Bardock." Bardock said as he left the building. Neither knew that this would be the last time they ever saw each other.


Bardock now in his pod raced off into space. The events that had proceeded had changed the saiyans outlook on life. Suddenly with all his friends in danger he no longer cared about being strong, or even doing his job. Now it was a fight for survival. Bardock decided to call ahead to find their location. Fasha was the one he decided to call. Bardock needed to pace, however his ship only had enough room for just himself. As every second ticked by he grew more nervous. Finally he got an answer.

"Fasha, it's Bardock." Bardock shouted.

"Bardock. My god your alive?" Fasha replied, sounding very shocked.

"Yeah it's me. Listen, where is the crew now?"

"We got sent on a mission. We're on planet meat now, why?"

"Listen, you need to get out of there. Freiza is going to kill you guys. Then he's coming after planet Vegeta!" The words surprisingly came out easy for Bardock. Despite the situation.

"Would you calm down. There is no way that... Wait something is wrong. I will contact you when..." Suddenly the female saiyans scouter was cut off.

"Fasha, Fasha!" Bardock knew something was wrong. He had to get to planet Meat. Luckily for him it was only one hour away. Bardock settled in for the short trip.


Bardock finally got to planet Meat. His crew. His friends, they needed him. And he wasn't going to let some evil tyrant stand in his way. After searching for at least fifteen minutes Bardock saw it. The bodies of all his crew. Scattered among the ground. They were gone. There was nothing he could have done.

"Damn it. Curse you Frieza!" Bardock yelled to the heavens. Suddenly a voice called out.

"B-Bardock?" The sayain ran towards the voice. It turned out to be Tora.

"Tora, stay still your gonna be fine."

"Bardock. It was Dodoria. He said that Freiza was going to destroy the planet. You have to warn the King." Tora coughed up a lot of blood. "Please avenge us Bardock. Avenge us." The little life that Tora had left was gone. The white bandana that Bardock had held was now painted red with his friends blood.

"So your scared of us Saiyans, huh Frieza." Bardock muttered to himself. "If that's the case. Then I will give you something to be scared of." Out of nowhere an ki blast was sent Bardocks way. Then saiyan managed to dodge it. As he look around he saw a three of Friezas soldiers. They were with a big pink alien who was in command. "Dodoria."

"Why, we missed one of them. Finish him off men." Dodoria shouted.

"Yes sir." They all replied. Bardock knew he was in a tough position. The three of them charged at him all at once. However they were slow, and constantly relying on their guns and scouters. Bardock took advantage of this as he hit one of them into the ground killing him. The two others then charged again.

"This is too easy." Bardock said. Until the Saiyan had another vision. This time it was someone who looked like him. It must have been his son Kakarot. Kakarot was standing next to a short bald man and someone in red. The saiyan warrior flew in the air.

"Kaio Ken!" Kakarot yelled.

"Kaio what..." Bardock said before a punch from one of Friezas warriors knocked him back into reality. The other one grabbed Bardock in a head lock.

"Looks like this monkey ran out of luck." The henchman said as he closed in for the kill. Bardock though, was prepared. Even though he was not the smartest being in the universe he was a genius when it came to fighting. He flipped himself so the guard who was holding him was the one to get punched. As the pain increased, the guard let go of Bardock. The saiyan then took his advantage and blasted them both to pieces.

"Now where's Dodoria?"

"Here." The pink alien replied. Bardock turned around but it was too late. Dodoria had blasted him with a ki attack. It sent Bardock flying back so far that Dodoria had lost sight of him. Now believing the saiyan to be dead, Dodoria left the planet. He was unaware though that his prey had survived.


Frieza had waited for this moment for so long. In about an hour the Saiyan race was going to be no more. His trusted lieutenant Zarbon was here as well to witness the destruction.

"Lord Frieza. We will be approaching planet Vegeta in about one hour." Zarbon informed the tyrant.

"Excellent. Once those filthy monkeys are dealt with. I will personally go and destroy planet krypton as well." Frieza replied. The tyrant laughed as his words flowed through the room. Zarbon however had the same expressionless look on his face.

"If you don't mind me asking sir. Why did you go out all this way just to kill one team of monkeys?"

"Easy Zarbon. Those five saiyans had accomplished more in two years than my whole army in the same amount of time. Let's say others joined them. Soon there would be a whole army to oppose me. I would be the ruler of nothing. It is better that they were destroyed, so I can run my empire through fear."

Frieza knew that he could destroy any resistance against him. However if no one was left, where was the fun? Out of the blue Dodoria entered.

"Lord Frieza, it is done." Dodoria said as he knelt on one knee.

"Excellent. I do always love it when a plan comes together." Frieza laughed. "I must say Dodoria you have always done an exc..." Out of nowhere a saiyan pod raced passed the ship. Frieza looked unimpressed. "Dodoria. What is that?"

"No. No, it can't be. That was my most powerful attack it must have killed him."

"Dodoria. Did you check your scouter to see if he was still alive?"

"No Lord Frieza."

"Did you at least check for a body?"

"No Lord Frieza." The tyrant sighed after hearing this.

"I know I hired you for your strength not your brains, but this is ridiculous." Dodoria stood in fear. Not many people who had failed Frieza ever lived to tell the tale.

"I'm sorry Lord Frieza. I will go after him and..." Frieza cut off Dodoria before he could say another word.

"Oh, no need Dodoria." Both Zarbon and Dodoria looked at their leader puzzled. Frieza had never known to be merciful. "He is probably on his way to his people trying to warn them, good. It is always more fun when the squirm in fear." Frieza let out a powerful laugh as they continued to head towards planet Vegeta.


Bardock had no time. His pod had landed ahead of the tyrants. This gave him a bit of time before his planet was to be destroyed. Bardock went to see King Vegeta, surely the monarch would give aid? Bardock kept running. His knees felt like they were going to break. He was losing blood every second. However Bradock didn't care. For the first time in his life Bardock was fighting for someone else.

Then he saw it. The stairs had changed to a green planet. Bardock couldn't recognise it however when he looked behind him, he was standing there. It was like looking in a mirror. After a closer look Bardock realised that there was none of his battle scars. The Saiyan then realised who was in front of him.

"Kakarot?" Bardock whispered. The vision of his son looked at him.

"It's never too late to change." As he said this, the vision disappeared. Bardock fell to his knees, clenching his fist.

"Frieza!" The warrior got up a ran outside and saw it. Frieza had arrived. The Saiyan realised that he was the only one who knew Friezas plan. So he had to stop him. Bardock flew up, faster than he ever had before. As he entered space a bunch of Friezas men had been sent out to stop him. One by one however they lost to the Saiyan warrior.

With every punch with every kick, Bardock felt more powerful. He was in a rage, and nothing was going to stop him. A bunch of soldiers all jumped on him, but were blown to pieces soon after.

"Frieza, come face me you coward." Bardock shouted. At that moment the doors to the ship opened, and Frieza popped out. All of the soldiers backed away. Except Bardock, he stood strong determined to kill the ruler of the planet trade.

"Frieza. We're done, we don't work for you anymore. Find someone else to do your dirty work." Bardock screamed as Frieza just sat in his pod. The same stoic look on his face. He then put his finger up and a little ball formed on top of it. "Oh and one more thing. This is for all the people that you had us kill. Feel the wrath of the Saiyan race!" Bardock threw a ball of ki at Frieza.

Then it all went to hell. Friezas ball had multiplied till it was as big as a skyscraper. It's power completely absorbed Bardocks attack. The Saiyan looking on in fear. Frieza started to laugh as he sent his death ball right at the planet. Before he had time to react the ball had hit Bardock. It was slowly ripping him apart, torturing him. Until he had one final vision.

His son Kakarot was staring down Frieza. Next to him was a man in blue with an 's' symbol on his chest. He looked a lot like Jor El. Prehaps this was Kal El, the child in Bardocks vision. Whatever the case, Frieza was going to get his just desserts. Bardock wished he could have been around to see it. A smile came to Bardocks face. Before everything went black.


Jor El stood in front of the council of Krypton. The news about planet Vegetas demise had shocked everyone. Most were happy, some however knew that other people were on the planet too. Trading, part of Friezas force etc.

Jor El was trying to get the council to see that Krypton was doomed however his efforts were proving less than effective.

"We simply do not believe your story to be true, Jor El." One of the councilmen said.

"What about Planet Vegetas demise?" Jor el responded.

"Planet Vegeta was destroyed by a meteor."

"That is what Frieza wants us to believe. However I know that he was the one to destroy Vegeta. Now he is coming for us next.

"Frieza wouldn't dare attack us." Another councilmen said. "We are developing weapons faster than any other planet."

"We're sorry Jor El. Without sufficient evidence we cannot risk a war with Frieza. Especially not after the incident with Zod." A councilwoman stated. Jor El was left there broken. He just managed to stutter.

"Please, you must..."

"We have spoken." All the members of the council said as they left. Jor El just stood there. The tyrant was going to destroy the planet. Yet the council refused to listen to him. Jor El now knew what he had to do.


Jor El had finally got home. After his meeting with the council he had rushed back. The kryptonian had expected Frieza to be at the planet in minutes. Time was unfortunately not on his side. His wife Lara was sitting down waiting for her husband to get home. He rushed in not stopping for anything.

"Jor what is wrong?" Lara asked.

"The council, they didn't believe me!" Jor replied as Lara sat back down, unable to process what she just heard. "Those idiots." Jor El punched the wall in frustration.

"Jor!" This had gotten the male kryptonian to calm down.

"I'm sorry, it's just that... We need to start our contingency plan." Lara looked at her husband with shock.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. It's the only way for him to survive." Lara looked hesitant, but remembered what her husband had told her when he returned.

"O.K." Jor El then set to work on the pod. He punched in some co-ordinates. Lara them rushed into the room, with baby Kal in her hands.

"Jor. Frieza is here!" She handed him the baby as Jor put him in the pod. Before closing however he kissed his son on the forehead.

"Goodbye my son. May hopes and dreams travel with you." Jor El closed the pod. As it went soaring into the air, Jor and Lara went outside where they saw Frieza floating in the air. Luckily he was so determined to destroy Krypton he was oblivious to Kals ship. Jor El held his wife closely.

"One last time?" He asked.

"Of course my dear." Lana said as they kissed for the last time. Friezas death all hit the ground. The last thing they saw was the flames engulfing them. Then, the planet blew.


It was a sunny day as Son Gohan was in his farm. It was a peaceful life in rural Japan. His only time at seeing other people, when he goes to sell his crops. Yet Gohan always felt lonely. At that point a meteor crashed down from the sky.

Gohan went so see what it was. To his suprise it looked like a pod. Whatever it was, Gohan had never seen anything like it. The farmer touched the pod. It then let out some smoke and opened its door. To even more surprised the thing that was in the pod wasn't a weapon or an alien. It was a boy.

"Why hello young man, where did you come from." Gohan said as the baby cried out. "You certainly have a pair of lungs on you. I think I'll name you Goku." Son Gohan realised that his life was about to change.


Jonathan and Martha Kent were a set of farmers living near Smallville USA. Life was good for them, they had a fair amount of money, a great house. Yet they received news that rocked their world. Jonathan was diagnosed with a low sperm count. Meaning that they were unable to have children. The ride home was awkward, both of the Kents were still hurting.

"It's gonna be okay, Martha." Jonathan said trying to remain calm. Martha however was having none of it.

"No, it's not going to be okay Jonathan. You heard what the doctor said. We are never going to have a baby." She replied.

"He didn't say that it was one hundred percent."

"Oh come on, they only say that to make us feel better. We are never going to do it naturally. And it's not like a baby is just gonna fall out of the sky." Suddenly a meteor struck the road. Jonathan braked heavily. Both the Kents breathed heavily as the meteor rolled into a field. Martha got out of the pick up truck and rushed to the wreckage.

"Martha. Wait!" It was no good as Jonathan followed his wife. As Martha approached the wreckage she made a discovery. It wasn't a meteor, it was a rocket. Then all of a sudden the rocket opened its door. There lay a sleeping child.

"Hey there little guy. Where are you from?"

"Martha, put him down!"

"Can we keep him?" Jonathan was shocked by this.

"What? No!"

"He has nowhere to go though."

"He must have another family somewhere."

"Please." Jonathan looked at his wife, and knew he wasn't going to win.

"Okay, but as soon as someone starts looking for him. He's gone!"

"Fine by me." Martha played with the baby a bit longer. Jonathan wanted to go home.

"What should we name him?" Martha had to think for a second before coming to a decision.

"How about... Clark."


Two pods. Two pods arrived at earth. One a Saiyan, the other a kryptonian. Both would go on to change the world.

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