[KEITH and ROMELLE hide in the halls of the Garrison as curfew begins.]
IVERSON: Lights out in five! Everyone back to their dorms, now.
ROMELLE: We shouldn't be doing this.
KEITH: You heard Commander Iverson! We need to bond as a team! We're going to grab Matt, hit the town, loosen up, meet some nice girls, maybe—
ROMELLE: OK, I'm just—I'm just saying this here, right now, on the record: This is a bad idea.
[The lights turn off. KEITH and ROMELLE sneak through the hallways.]
KEITH: Ya know, for someone in a space exploration program, ya don't have much of a sense of adventure.
ROMELLE: All of your little 'adventures' end up with me in the principal's office!
[KEITH sneaks by the instructor's lounge and motions for ROMELLE to follow, which she does reluctantly.]
ROMELLE: Oh, man. . . .
[KEITH and ROMELLE hide in recycling bins as a guard passes by.]
GUARD: L-5 North all clear.
[KEITH jumps out with ease; ROMELLE attempts to follow suit but collapses before quickly standing again.]
ROMELLE: I'm fine.
[KEITH and ROMELLE hide as MATT leaves IVERSON's office. The duo watches.]
KEITH: Where's he goin'?
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