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Here is inscribed the table to know which stats will give what. I write it here to be able to write less status screen in the chapter and more content.
Name: character name
Age: character age
title: - titles that can be aquired in many way. Can give bonus or malus to the character.
Race: - race base on the bloodlines the character have
Bloodline: - racial bloodlines the can be aquired in differents way.
Blessing: - divine blessing or curses that the character have. Can give bonus or malus on many way.
Description: - personal description of the character. Can change along the game.
other features: claw, wing, or anything else
Classes: - classes of the character. when he get a classes level he chose which class it aply to.
Class name/level:
Class name/level:
Class name/level:
xp:0/0 xp to level classes
Xp Bank: all xp aquired get here. Can be use to level class or skills
HP: 0/0 - 50 + skills bonus + other bonus + vitality bonus (see vit description)
HP regenaration: 0/min - % of Hp per minutes. Depend on vit score. (see vit description)
MP: 0/0 100 + skills bonus + other bonus + inteligence bonus (see int description)
MP regenaration: 0/min - % of Mp per minutes. Depend on wis score. (see wis description)
stats | base | bonus | total |
str--|0___|0___|0___| 1pt = 1physical damage and 1 physical defence
Vit--|0___|0___|0___|1 to50=10hp / 51 to100=25hp / 101 to200=50hp / 200+=75hp |
1pt=0,1% hp regen and 1 physical deffence
Dex--|0___|0___|0___| 1pt= +1 walking speed & +1 attack speed and reflex.
int--|0___|0___|0___|1 to50=10mp / 51 to100=25mp / 101 to200=50mp / 200+=75mp |
1pt= 1 magic attack and 1 magic deffence and 1 magic skill power
wis--|0___|0___|0___|1pt =1 magic deffence and 1 magic skill power|
1pt=0,1% mp regenaration |
Cha--|0___|0___|0___|use special mod again enemie wis special mod to lie, bluff or charme
Per--|0___|0___|0___|1pt= 0,5 awareness
luk--|0___|0___|0___|50pts= 1% bonus dmg on critical hit / 10pts=1% bonus on looting
Available stat point : 0 gain when leveling or by special actions. Can be use to upgrade stats.
Money: 0$ stored money in character possession,
Critical hit bonus : % when the character speed is faster than the enemie i'll trow a d20 dice. On a 20 the character get a % bonus on any type of damages deal.
Looting bonus: % - the more the character have, the more loots he will get.
Attack speed and reflex : the faster you are, the quicker you punch. Can use reflex to evade traps or spells
Walking speed: the speed he walk. Depend on dex score + bonus. 1Pt=0,5 feets by seconde.
Magic defence : (wis+int+bonus)
Magic attack : the number of magical damage the character deal. (int+bonus)
Magic skill power: specified the power of the characer magic skills (wis+int+bonus)
Physical defence : (vit+str+bonus)
Physical attack : the number of physical damage the character deal. (str+bonus)
Awareness and perseption: use to see if the character notice thing in his surounding.
(skill name / skill type,active or passive / skill level: 0 / xp: needed ) skill description and effects.
{gamer mind|passive|level:max} Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through - Allows peaceful state of mind - Immunity to psychological status effect
{gamer body|passive|level:max} Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. (He receives no physical damage from attacks only pain for a few seconds and a loss of HP) - After sleep in a bed he restores HP, MP and all status effects
Name of jobs: jobs description ( jobs bonus)
similar to classes but do not level. When the character get a special formation he can sometime get a jobs based on that formation. Each job will give bonus on skills related to that specific jobs.
jobs can be aquired by other special mean.
Light Swordsman: A swordsman specialized in using light swords (10% bonus when using fighting or sword skills with a short sword.
F- (1 to 10)
F (11 to 20)
E- (21 to 30)
E (31 to 40)
D- (41 to 50)
D (51 to 60)
C- (61 to 70)
C (71 to 80)
B- (81 to 90)
B (91 to 150)
A- (151 to 160)
A (161 to 200)
S-- (201 to 220)
S- (221 to 240)
S (241 to 260)
S+ (261 to 280)
S++ (281 to 300)
SS-- (301 to 330)
SS- (331 to 360)
SS (361 to 490)
SS+ (491 to 520)
SS++ (521 to 550)
SSS-- (551 to 600)
SSS- (601 to 650)
SSS (651 to 700)
SSS+ (701 to 800)
SSS++ (801+ )