When Akashi awoke, his vision was very blurred, and his body was hell, but when he felt Erza sleep peacefully beside him, Akashi could breathe easy.
Akashi does not know how long he was unconscious, but his magician has recovered a little, so he take out a disgusting fruit from his ring.
The effects were wonderful, but the taste was terrible.
After a few hours, Akashi changed his clothes, and nobody could say that before he was almost a body without life.
Sinbad came to Akashi's side while smiling.
"Little grasshopper, you did it, although you lost an eye, you do not have to worry too much, I have several ways to recover your eye, but that will be for later, I think you should help your little wife, but do not worry, do not worry attack, the effect of your blessing diminished, so you can be calm for now "(Sinbad)
Akashi really do not want to know what kind of future will.
Akashi got up and wanted to keep all the books in his ring, but there was a force that repelled them .
"You can not put anything in your ring here, so do not waste time, but I found some interesting books, so take them" (Sinbad)
All the objects in this place had a small seal, which would be impossible to lift by any ordinary person, Sinbad could teach him to destroy that seal, but his disciple has no talent, so he forget it.
Akashi saw the books, and tone that they were all related to the fight, as well as fencing and martial arts, Akashi took a bag and kept all while a dangerous thought came to his head.
"This tomb will be found sooner or early, so do not waste time trying to destroy it , what has to happen will happen, so go as soon as possible, and one last thing, you'd better not make me upset your little wife, as any extreme stimulus will unleash her yandere side, but if you keep everything in order, nothing too serious should happen "with all said Sinbad disappeared.
Akashi wanted to stay here, so he could investigate a little more, but Sinbad's warning made Akashi a little scared, so he kept his new sword and his books, while putting Erza on his back, to get out of that place.
........................ ..
When Erza got up , she felt very tired, she was not sure what happened before she passed out, but a strangely familiar sensation caught her attention.
Erza noticed it immediately, immediately tried to find a mirror, but in the end she only use the reflection of the window that was next to her.
Erza immediately covered her mouth, for fear that she would let out a scream.
Erza was not sure what was happening, but unconsciously tears began to fall from her eyes.
But while looking at his reflection, a detail caught the eye of Erza.
The color of his right eye was completely different from that of his left eye, Erza did not notice it immediately, since it was not a mirror, but when he looked closer, Erza's body froze.
Erza immediately turned around and tried to look for Akashi, but seeing him sleeping on the side did not reassure her.
"AKASHI" (Erza)
Akashi arrived to Erza to the train to return to Fiore , so he try to sleep, anyway he was not very worried, since Phenex told him that she had placed an illusion in his eye, so that no one would notice his fault.
So when Erza's voice called him, Akashi immediately got up while acting calmly.
"What's wrong, you're being very noisy" (Akashi)
When he saw Akashi's two crimson eyes, Erza could breathe easy, but he still had to question Akashi about what happened.
"I think you owe me an explanation" (Erza)
The recovery of an eye was not something easy to hide, so Akashi said something really combined with a part of lies.
"I had actually found a map that indicated a treasure, when I arrived I found this magical sword, and its ability is to heal wounds, after that I used it on you and you fainted, but it seems that there was a side effect, and some strange reason your eye looks a lot like mine, I have to apologize for that "(Akashi)
Erza's head was a mess, her memory was failing her, Erza felt that something was not right, but since she trusted Akashi, Erza decided to forget it and thank Akashi.
"Do not blame yourself, I'm very happy that you helped me, so forget it, and I always thought that your eyes are very beautiful, so I also have to thank you" (Erza)
Akashi breathed a sigh of relief, although he thought that Erza was strange at the thought that eyes with the color of blood were beautiful , Akashi decided to put aside that point, and continue to sleep, still his body ached.
..................... ..
Akashi knew that he would have to answer many questions when he arrived, but Master Makarov's attitude raised Akashi's nerves.
When they returned to the guild, Erza immediately arrived to give the mission report.
But the last thing that Makarov cared about was the mission report, he immediately began to question Erza about how he recovered his eye.
Erza said the same thing that Akashi had said, but it was impossible for Makarov to be so simple.
Makarov knew the situation of Erza, so Makarov did not believe that Akashi would find such a magical object out of nothing, so after speaking with Erza, Makarov immediately called Akashi.
"I think we have to talk" Makarov was normally a loving grandfather for everyone, but now he was quite direct and oppressive.
Makarov is very grateful that Akashi healed Erza, but Akashi seemed to have many secrets, especially for a person who had no magic.
The first thing Makarov thought was that someone is using Akashi.
That's why Makarov had to clarify everything as soon as possible, the last thing he wants is for Erza to get hurt by that guy.
"You have something to tell me" (Makarov)
"Not really, but if you want to ask a question, then I'll try to answer it" (Akashi)
Akashi was quite relaxed, he could see that this old man was not an unreasonable person, so Akashi tried to fix this misunderstanding as soon as possible.
Makarov knew that this was not an ordinary child, few adults could be not calm in this situation, especially when Makarov tries to oppress Akashi with his enormous pressure.
"How you cured Erza, and I hope you can give me a satisfactory answer" (Akashi)
Akashi did not want to rebel everything, but if he did not show something, then he could win Makarov's distrust.
"It's hard to explain, so let me show you" (Akashi)
Makarov just shook his head, for Akashi to continue.
Akashi took his sword slowly, while making a small cut in his hand, after that, Akashi used his magoi, so that a pink fire would form on the edge of the sword.
Makarov was surprised, because even though he looked at that fire, he could not feel any strands of magic, but he kept silent while looking at Akashi.
The flame enveloped Akashi's finger, and little by little he healed it, after that the fire disappeared, and Akashi reholstered his sword.
"So cure Erza, some doubt?" (Akashi)
"Where did you get that sword?" (Makarov)
Akashi could tell him the location, since Sinbad had told him to find that grave sooner or later, but Akashi would prefer it to be late.
"I'm sorry but I do not have to say it" (Akashi)
Makarov was disgusted by that brat, but he could not be too harsh either, since that little one had answered one of his questions satisfactorily.
But neither could it be very soft.
Makarov's body began to emanate a gigantic amount of magic, enough for the whole city to notice a great disturbance.
Everyone in the guild was surprised, but this happened from time to time, when the teacher got angry, so they continued with theirs.
The only person who could not ignore him was Akashi, since his entire back was filled with a layer of cold sweat, while each breath became increasingly difficult.
" I'll be watching you little one, now come back, Erza is waiting for you" (Makarov)
.................. ..
The rest of the day was fairly quiet, except when Erza asked Akashi again to live together.
But when Akashi refused again, Erza's eyes had lost their light, causing Akashi to reassess his situation.
So after some negotiations, Akashi managed to convince Erza not to live together, for the time being.
Akashi told Erza, that if they are going to live together, then they should buy a house, but with their funds it was impossible at the moment (Akashi could not reveal that he was disgustingly rich).
So they promised, that they would save what they got in their missions, and in the future they would live together.
After that Akashi managed to get to his inn, to be able to rest, or that's what he would have wanted.
When Akashi arrived in his room, he saw Sinbad with a large number of books.
This would not have been annoying, if it was not that every time Sinbad finished a book, he would look at Akashi while shaking his head.
After a few hours, Akashi was already at his limit, so he went to Sinbad.
"If you're going to say something, say it, you're starting to get sick" (Akashi)
"I'm sorry if I made you angry, but after getting this information, I have to admit that you are going down the wrong road" (Sinbad)
Akashi was not smoking to read, so he ask Sinbad.
"What kind of books are those?" (Akashi)
"Normally I look at things very superficially, since nothing calls my interest, but since I now have you as a disciple, then I try to obtain information to be able to guide you correctly, so by chance I found a lot of books that could reflect your situation, like you , they were people who transmigrated to other worlds, and they all had similar dreams, make a great harem with the best beauties, so when I compared them with you, I felt quite disappointed "(Sinbad)
You could see a vein in Akashi's forehead, Sinbad really made him angry.
"You called my curiosity, how about you lend me one of those books?" (Akashi)
Sinbad could notice Akashi's evil intentions, but he did not care.
"No problem" (Sinbad)
But after a few hours, Akashi began to see Sinbad as he sighed, Sinbad was not a child to fall for such a simple provocation, but anyway I ask.
"What!" (Akashi)
Akashi closed the book while sighing.
"I just think that all the protagonists in those stories, they have a great guide, they are all received by some kind of god, who told them that he accidentally killed them while he was lazing, so he always compensated them with wishes to make them strong enough to break the balance of the world, will not you have killedme in some of your drunkenness? "Akashi said whilesighing.
Sinbad wanted to refute, but he really did not remember anything when he got drunk, but since he could not get drunk being a disembodied entity, Sinbad regained a bit of his confidence to refute.