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47.95% Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links / Chapter 80: Percy Jackson Fan-fiction 7 - Return of the Dead King

Chương 80: Percy Jackson Fan-fiction 7 - Return of the Dead King

Plot: Perseus, the eldest son of Kronos and Rhea was once the King of Olympus. When his younger siblings overthrew him, they completely destroyed him. Unbeknownst to them the Olympians sealed their fate, as he was the only one who could stand against the rising Protogenoi and save the gods from utter

Pairing: Percy J., Zoë N.

NOTE: Percyis OP, so yeah....

Chapter 1

The Fallen King

Resting atop the highest peak of Mount Olympus an immortal city glowed in the darkness of night. The city was the palace for all the Greek gods and goddesses of Greek mythology. The immortal city of Olympus.

In the center of Olympus was the grandest of all the buildings inside. Inside was fourteen magnificent thrones jutted out of the ground. The thrones signified the most powerful of all the gods, the ones that call themselves Olympians and believe they are superior to those they think are minor deity's of the Greek pantheon.

Well most believed that so, all except two. The only two to believe the minor gods and goddesses worthy of respect and the same acceptance the Olympians have were the two eldest children of Kronos and Rhea.

The two eldest, and the most powerful of all the gods believed all immortals of the pantheon of gods should have the same respect and all deserve an equal part in the Olympian council.

These two were the best and most loved by the minor deity' of Olympus. These Olympians were known as Perseus and Hestia. Perseus was the king of the gods, as he was the eldest of them all and held the most powerful domains. Perseus, the god of time, night, earth, and loyalty ruled over the council fairly and believed that all the gods, both major and minor should decide everything. Hestia, the goddess of the Hearth, hope and family agreed with her older brother and the two eldest got their way.

For a while after the defeat of Kronos and the Titan's, the world was run in a fair and democratic system that mirrored the city of Athens. Every god and goddess of the pantheon got a vote over every manner.

But their siblings were angered and hated their two eldest siblings because they believed them to be better and should be treated fairly. They decided it would be time for change. An era of the gods where the Olympians would rule above all others, an era where the council's word was law and everyone that was considered under the Olympians would have to follow their rule without question or fuss.

Perseus walked briskly through Olympus' streets. He made his way over to the Olympian throne room, where his sister had called him for an important matter. As he walked through the streets many of the female's swooned over him and his appearance. The beautiful immortal females of Olympus tried and failed to too garner Perseus' attention.

Perseus stood at six feet tall and looked to be around the age of eighteen in his immortal form at the moment. His hair hung low almost to his eyes. His hair was a beautiful raven black that shone in lights of the Olympian halls. His eyes were beautiful and timeless. When you looked at the eyes of the king, you seemed to be lost in the magnificent swirl of colors. His eyes as the deity of night were a beautiful midnight purple. Ringed around his pupil a bright magnificent gold shone in the light. Instead of black pupils Perseus' eyes contained dark brown pupils. Instead of pure white sclera, Perseus' sclera was white with gold tinted in it. The rest of the immortal was just as beautiful and mesmerizing as his eyes.

His smile was perfect, that showed off his brilliantly pearly white teeth. His skin was the perfect mixture of white and caramel. The immortal teen wore completely gold Greek chiton. Hanging at Perseus side was the most beautiful weapon ever created. The weapon in mortal form was a five-foot long one-handed sword.

The sword was his symbol of power and unlike his brothers and sisters he made this weapon himself.

The blade of the sword was midnight purple with golden outlines. On the purple blade dark clouds and bright stars glowed on the blade. The hilt of the sword was black, like the sky at midnight, with a gold handgrip and in the hilt the finest purple and gold jewels. Inscribed on the blade in bright golden letters, the words, The Sword of Time was written. The blade could summon thousands of earthen soldiers that would obey his command, as well as thousands of soldiers made of shadows and darkness. When the blade glowed gold, time stopped without Perseus using his power.

In Perseus' hair, was his most treasured weapon other than his symbol of power was a bronze hairpin that was interwoven with his raven black locks of hair.

Anaklusmos, when willed the blade would elongate into a three foot long shining bronze sword. Zoe Nightshade gave the blade to him, she gave it to him after he took it back from Heracles who broke her heart and brought her to her new family in the hunters of Artemis. In return she gave him Anaklusmos for she believed he deserved it.

Perseus ignored the females swooning over him as he came closer to the Olympian throne room.

Perseus walked in the throne room and walked to the throne at the middle of the ring of thrones. He grew to the size of an Olympian god at seventeen feet and he sat on the one that looked the most plain out of all the fourteen Olympians. His throne was just midnight purple with golden outlines. Next to him a throne made out of completely flames occupied his sister Hestia. Hestia smiled at him warmly.

"Hello, little sister, how are you this fine night?" Perseus asked. Hestia paled, but her face quickly returned to normal before he could notice.

"I'm alright brother, how are you? Been spending time with a certain hunter of Artemis." She said slyly. Perseus in reply turned as red as a tomato and looked playfully glared at his little sister.

"At the time you called me here, I was not, instead I was talking to Leto and keeping her company. I feel really bad for her. I could not reverse her banishment without the consent of the council and she also had to be with our younger brother and give birth to the biggest man whore to have ever lived. Also to the biggest man hater on Olympus, both who do not visit her and let her live alone on the island of Delos." Perseus said of the banished Titan. Hestia smiled at him, but her flaming eyes betrayed her, showing fear and sadness. But Perseus did not notice. Perseus turned back to her. "Why have you called me here sis, the council of gods does not meet until exactly three hours." He said matter of factly.

Hestia rolled her eyes as if she was used to her older brothers antics. "I brought you here because…" She was cut of as the doors of Olympus blasted open, revealing the five younger children of Kronos and Rhea. All of them were dressed in full battle armor and held their symbols of power aloft.

Perseus turned to Hestia, who was as pale as Hades usually was. Perseus stood from his throne as he looked at his siblings curiously. "What are you doing in full armor and why are your weapons out?" He asked curiously. The five let out a booming laugh and before he could react flames wrapped around his arms neck and legs and started to slowly lift him into the air.

Perseus eyes' widened in shock as he looked at Hestia, whose flaming eyes were full of tears and golden tears streaked down her cheeks. Zeus raised his master bolt and leveled it at Perseus' chest.

"Your time as King and as n Olympian a part of this council has come to an end, brother." Zeus spat. Perseus looked at his siblings disbelievingly.

"Why?" Perseus croaked. Before any could react, more flashes of light appeared in the Olympian throne room as Perseus hoped that they could save him. All hope drained from his heart as the other Olympians calmly sat down on their separate thrones and smirked at Perseus' face. The only one who wasn't smiling at the sight of Perseus being held prisoner by his siblings was Artemis.

Perseus had been more of a father to her than Zeus had ever been. The only person in her life that lover her and cared for and did not treat her as if she couldn't make her own decisions. Perseus midnight purple and gold eyes met her silver eyes. His eyes pleaded for Artemis to help him. Tears filled Artemis' silver eyes as she looked away from him.

Perseus face full of shock turned back to his siblings. "Why?" He croaked as the flames wrapping around his neck slowly became tighter and tighter.

"Because brother, we have had enough of everything is equal for everyone, we have had enough of you always outshining the rest of the council. Today we are handing you and Ultimatum. Either you back down and relinquish your role as King of the gods to me or you will be destroyed and I will become King anyway. Your choice, if you accept, you will remain a part of this pantheon and become a minor god, or if you refuse you will be destroyed by us and forgotten by all." Zeus growled. Perseus's eyes widened as he looked around at the throne room and at his siblings. He saw that most could care less if he would die or not.

"No," he growled. "I won't allow you to become a tyrant, you like our father both crave and lust for power, the gods and goddesses you believe as minor deity' are just as powerful as us and deserve and equal part in this pantheon."

"No, they do not, we are major gods and Olympians, anyone else is beneath us and should follow our will without question because of it. Last chance, Perseus, back down or die." Poseidon yelled at his elder brother.

Instead of answering he turned to Hestia. "How can you agree to this, sister? Is that the reason you brought me to Olympus, to have me dethroned and cast me asunder because I believe everyone is equal." Hestia in response said nothing but tears continued to stream down her face as she watched her older brother to writhe in pain and yell at her. Something her never did.

When she didn't answer, a lone tear rolled off of Perseus' cheek and fell to the ground. "Then I must do this, I am sorry sister. My answer is NO." he yelled, before he exploded into dark purple and gold energy that lifted the thirteen other Olympians off their feet.

Perseus fell to the ground without a sound and drew his beautiful sword. He raised his sword and the blade started glowing gold. Time stopped completely before all of a sudden the time freeze shattered and the Olympians climbed to their feet and raised their weapons at Perseus, who at the moment was completely ignoring them, instead her was staring at the sky his eyes were in disbelief.

'You will not escape your fate son of Kronos.' Four voices mused in his head. Perseus immediately knew who these voices were. 'Yes we are who you think, Perseus. We are four of the most powerful Protogenoi. You will not escape. Your family will destroy you and they will helpless to stop us when we awaken from our deep slumber. Because you will not be there to save them, Olympus will fall." The voices crackled in his head.

Perseus raised his hands but his powers wouldn't work. The Protogenoi talking to him were using the only powers they had in their slumber to make sure he would lose to his family. Zeus laughed loudly.

"What, not powerful enough to use your powers and save yourself from certain demise, brother." He said smugly. Instead of fear and sadness the other's expected to be on his face, his face showed no emotion except one acceptance. Perseus raised his blade and charged straight at his six siblings, the siblings raised their weapons and fired. Powerful beams of energy shot from their tips and collided in mid air. The powers merged and hit Perseus in the chest. The powerful energy exploded as it hit him.

The energy ripped the room apart as this was the first time the six children of Kronos used their powers together. When the explosion died down, the room was in utter chaos and destruction. All the Olympians were blasted off their feet from the force of the power. But the worst was Perseus. He was slumped against the front of his throne as golden blood was splattered against the floor.

Shadows wrapped around Perseus pinning him to the throne. He tried to take control of the shadows as deity of night, but one of the Primordial' was cutting off his power. He struggled as water and fire merged with the shadows and formed tighter bonds on the King of Olympus. Zeus smirked evilly as he raised his master bolt, along with the other Olympians as they raised their weapons. The only two showing sadness and pain for Perseus were Artemis and Hestia. From every god, they each blasted a different colored blast of energy. The balls of energy merged again and instead of hitting his chest and exploding, the ball of energy sank into his chest and collided into his heart.

The shockwave of power ripped Perseus apart from the inside out. His body exploded. When the explosion stopped Perseus was gone. In his place a pool of golden blood and his sword lying in the middle. His throne had disintegrated into rubble and fell into Perseus' blood.

Zeus smirked as he raised his hand and the blade of his older brothers shot into his hand. But once he touched it the blade started to burn. The blade glowing with such power as his arm started to disintegrate. He dropped the sword and screamed in agony. He summoned Hebe, who for some reason could hold the weapon, and told her to put it in display with top security on the weapon. Hebe, who was confused at why Perseus sword was not with him, but she did as her father asked.

Zeus raised his hand and his throne and Hera's throne appeared at the center of the throne room. While Hades and Hestia' thrones disappeared. They turned to Zeus questionably but their brother's bolt slammed into his chest. Hades groaned and went to stand but water willed him in place. Hades eyes held betrayal and anger.

"We offer you the same offer as Perseus, brother. If you do not accept, you will be destroyed as he was. Now choose, leave and be banished from Olympus' halls or die." Hades agreed in pain and disappeared in the shadows after swearing on the River Styx to never return without will of the council.

After dealing with Hades, Zeus turned to Hestia and snapped his fingers. Dionysus appeared next to her as a purple throne appeared at the end of the male's section. "Olympus will now have twelve council members now, instead of fourteen, they will decide the choices for the whole Greek Pantheon of gods. Perseus will be erased from history and no mortal will ever remember his name. None of you will ever utter his name again, anywhere or you will incur my wrath. As for Hades, he will be getting the treatment Perseus would have gotten if he had accepted our offer. No one will visit him, he will be an outcast to all of us and the council will not give him permission to ever set foot on Olympus again. As for Hestia, my son Dionysus will take her place on the council or there will be war. Hestia your choice, war or you step down." Hestia nodded numbly; still crying over the fact her loving brother was dead.

"I relinquish my role as an Olympian goddess and give it to Dionysus." She said before vanishing into flames. The Olympians looked at Zeus in shock as his master bolt vanished from his hands.

"Now, we rejoice as the new era of Olympus begins. Since we are major gods, we have complete rule and word over everyone in the world and the rest of the Greek pantheon. The new era with me as King of Olympus." Zeus shouted as the other Olympians fell into a bow for their new king. "This meeting is over. My coronation will begin tomorrow." Zeus said before vanishing in a huge clap of thunder and lightning.

All alone, with the highest security surrounding it, the sword of Perseus laid in a glass case. The sword held aloft sideways. The golden letter's shined like they have never before. Instead of the words The Sword of Time inscribed on the blade, new words were etched on the symbol of power. You Have Sealed Your Fate.

Deep in the corners of Tartarus two males and females slept side by side in their prisons. The four beings were up and talking while they were asleep. The four were smirking at the events that took place in the throne room. "Just as we have planned, Zeus' lust for power has taken their only means of survival of the chest board. We will rule and take over the Earth once more. Those Olympians will not have any power as we utterly destroy Olympus and cast the world into chaos." One of them said excitedly. The other three nodded their heads in agreement.

"Yes, Olympus will fall, but we still must follow the plan. My son Kronos will be the first to challenge the gods as they are weakened greatly without my eldest grandchild. Then we will rise from our slumber and not even our father can stop us from ruling, not even he can take four Primordial gods at once. "

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: TheGoosemaster

Original Platform: FanFiction.net

Words: 63,389

Chapters: 19

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10553502/1/Return-of-the-Dead-King


Fan fictions (~3000): https://bit.ly/308C3ue

Wuxia/Xianxia (~500): https://bit.ly/2z5bTg6

Korean Novels (~100): https://bit.ly/2TEvA7X

Light Novels: https://trollo.blog/list/

SI+OC Fanfics (~600): https://bit.ly/2kViAOc

Completed (Translated) Novels (~100): https://bit.ly/2MmQM1n

(Complete list of all recommendations can be found in the Auxiliary Volume)

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