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54.97% Fanfiction Collection + EPub Links / Chapter 92: GoT Fan-fiction 2 - United in Fury

Chương 92: GoT Fan-fiction 2 - United in Fury

Plot: Stannis Baratheon arrived on Dragonstone before Rhaella Targaryen's death, and her dying wish was for him to look after baby Daenerys. As a hostage of King Robert, her chance meeting with Durran, King Robert's black haired son will change the destiny of Westeros entirely.

Pairing: OCxDany

NOTE: OC not SI one, mainly focusing on Westeros (threats being the Night King and House Blackfyre)

284 AC

Dragonstone looked quiet. Too quiet, thought Stannis Baratheon. He had been charged by his brother to take the last Targaryen stronghold in Westeros, and was bearing down on the island with the newly rebuilt Royal Fleet. His ship Fury was leading the small armada, but while Stannis was expecting a fight, he sailed closer to the island to see the waters had been filled with wrecked ships.

Ordering the Captain to sail into the harbour, he noticed white flags being raised where Targaryen ones once flew. Mentally smiling, he had Fury pull into the harbour and disembarked from the ship to speak to the harbour master.

"You are surrendering?" Stannis asked.

"Yes My Lord." The man said. "The storm wiped out the fleet, and we see no reason to stay loyal to a boy of 8."

"Very well. Has the castle yielded too?" Stannis asked.

"Yes My Lord."

"I shall go up there and accept their surrender." Stannis said, and with a host of guards holding aloft Robert's brand new sigil, he made his way up to the castle. The tall gates had been opened by the surrendering loyalists, and Stannis looked up at the castle, noticing the stone Targaryen sigil on one of the walls, before making his way up the long, winding stairway that led the way to the castle of Dragonstone.

Expecting the castellan of the castle, or Queen Rhaella herself, to come and surrender personally, he was surprised when he was shepherded up to what looked like the living quarters, and shown in a doorway that housed Rhaella's rooms. Stannis quickly lost the look of surprise, and walked to the bed.

"Queen Rhaella, I have taken the castle." He said officially.

"You have." She said, tired. "A good thing I will not be able to see what you do to her." Stannis was confused, until he truly saw the state she was in. She was dying, blood stained the sheets of her bed and Rhaella was weak. Not knowing what to say, he kept quiet. Rhaella chuckled at his expressions. "I don't fear death, I fear for the safety of my children."

"Viserys shall not be harmed, you have my word." Stannis said.

"The word of a Baratheon." Rhaella scoffed weakly. "Your brother gave his word to keep the peace once, look what happened."

Stannis looked directly into her eyes. "I am not my brother."

Rhaella nodded. "A good thing too, that monster murdered my grandchildren. The realm shall suffer."

"The realm has suffered already." Stannis said impatiently. "Where is Viserys?"

"Gone." Rhaella grinned. "I know not where; I wouldn't let them tell me but he's safe." Stannis groaned internally, Robert was not going to like that. Luckily for Stannis he heard crying from the next room. Sending two men to investigate he was relieved to see a wetnurse carrying a High Valyrian baby into the room.

"Boy or girl?" Stannis asked.

"Girl" Was the reply.

"If you hurt her." Rhaella growled, before coughing softly.

"I do not harm children. She is safe with me."

Rhaella looked him square in the eye. "I know I am not… not long for this world. We were kin once, my aunt was your grandmother. Promise me you won't let your brother harm Daenerys. To do so is kinslaying."

Stannis was torn, he couldn't tell Robert what to do, could he? Then again he remembered Ned Stark coming to lift the siege on Storm's End, and telling him all about the fury he had felt towards Robert. If Stannis took the girl as a hostage, together both he and Ned would be able to talk sense into Robert. "I promise you, the girl shall be taken as a hostage, nothing more." He said truthfully. Rhaella wasn't overjoyed at the news, but she did seem like a weight had been taken off of her shoulders.

"May I hold her?" She whispered painfully. "One last time?" Stannis considered for a moment, before nodding once and watching as the baby was placed in Rhaella's arms. He watched on as she said her final goodbyes, before placing the baby back into the wetnurses arms. "Take her now, I don't want her in the room when I go."

Stannis agreed. "Take her to the Fury, set her up in my cabin and make sure the wetnurse has everything she needs." He ordered, and the men dragged the wetnurse out of the room.

"Thank you." Rhaella wheezed, before her eyes closed, and they did not open again.

Stannis arrived at King's Landing and immediately went to the Small Council chamber. He was met by Robert, Ned Stark and Jon Arryn. Carefully he placed the baby in the middle of the table, and all three of the others had to stop Robert from smashing the baby's skull.

"Robert no!" Ned shouted. "You let Lannister get away with murdering children, now is the chance to redeem yourself."

"It's dragonspawn Ned I told you that!" Robert raged. "I want it dead!"

"Think, Robert." Jon pleaded. "See reason, Viserys has fled, he will want revenge for his family."

"Then I will crush him." Robert snarled.

"You won't need to if you ensure he doesn't come at all." Jon said. "We have a hostage now, he won't risk harming her."

"Let me take her North, she can foster with me at Winterfell with Jon and my trueborn son." Ned suggested.

"No, if she lives she stays here, in the Red Keep." Robert growled. "I'm having those damn skulls moved to the dungeons so she can rot down there with them. Stannis see to it that she gets a cell down there. I will have no part; I will never look upon this dragonspawn again. She can stay there till she dies." With that he stormed off, no doubt to fuck some whore to relieve his anger.

Ned was relieved too, ignoring the dragonspawn comment as he had barely repaired his relationship with Robert after seeing the bodies of the Targaryen babes. "He may be saved yet, but the girl will still need looking after."

"I will see to it personally." Stannis said. "I promised her mother I would look after her." He didn't notice the pained look on Ned's face at the word promise.

"Very well." Jon finalised. "Come Ned, we must talk before you set off for Winterfell, and I wish to see this boy you named after me." He placed his arm around Ned's shoulders and walked out the room, leaving Stannis and the baby Targaryen. He noticed her eyes were open and staring up at him. Sighing, he picked her up and went to go and find her wet nurse before starting on Robert's orders.

286 AC

Cersei screamed loudly, visibly worrying Jaime beside her. The pain was unbearable, and all she wanted was for it to stop.

"I can see the head Your Grace, one final push now." The Maester said, and Cersei screamed as loudly as she could to try and distract herself. Finally, she heard crying, and tears sprung from her eyes.

"Jaime, listen." She said ecstatically. Jaime rubbed her hand soothingly, before she brought it away to hold her beautiful golden haired boy. She ran her fingers over his cheeks, falling instantly in love with her boy. "Look Jaime."

"He's wonderful." He smiled down at her.

"I need to ask you to put him down, Your Grace." The Maester said, still peering in between her legs.

"What? Why?" She asked.

"It seems that you have a second baby on the way."

She didn't know what to think. Somehow, that drunken lecher had managed to get her pregnant that night on Estermont. She was sure she had been so careful, only letting Jaime spill himself inside her, but he must have fucked some whore and had the remnants of that on his filthy cock. She felt sick, Jaime told her not to worry, that at least the King would be happy with a black-haired son too, but Cersei just felt ill.

The twins were sleeping in the same cot next to Cersei's bed, the same place they had been for days. She had only breastfed Joffrey, leaving the other one to the wet nurses and claiming she wasn't sure what to do for two. Cersei hadn't even named the baby; she couldn't bring herself to do so.

Suddenly the door flew open, and in came Robert with a huge deer pelt.

"My Queen, I've brought you a gift." He grunted. "How is the child?"

"How are the children." She corrected. "Over there."

Robert looked confused, so walked over to the cot and was delighted to see the babies. He immediately went to hold the black haired one. "Look at you, Baratheon through and through. A fine heir." He surmised, and Cersei scoffed internally. She watched as the baby gripped onto his finger, and Robert laughed. "A fine grip too! Here, take him." He said as he gave Cersei the baby. She didn't really know what to do with herself, but the baby settled in her arms and started to fall asleep, comforted in the arms of his mother. Cersei's heart melted then, and looked upon the baby with love for the first time.

"I haven't named him yet; though his twin is named Joffrey." Cersei explained. "Joffrey was born first and I gave him a name that suited him."

Robert looked unhappy at the thought, but picked up Joffrey. "So you're my heir then, hello Prince Joffrey." The baby started to cry, and Cersei almost couldn't stop herself laughing as the buffoon placed Joffrey back down, looking nervously at him. He turned to Cersei, and let the black-haired baby grip his finger again as he was falling back to sleep.

"I'll let you name him, he looks like you in any case." She said.

Robert thought for a while, thinking of past Baratheon names that would suit his son. Lyonel, Steffon after his father, and Ormund were quickly dismissed, until he remembered his ancient history. "Durran, my ancestors with that name are some of the most revered in Stormlander history." He said. "Prince Durran Baratheon."

290 AC

Robert watched on with pride, as his son Durran gripped onto his first ever wooden sword. After the King had come back from the Greyjoy Rebellion, Durran had bombarded him with questions about the fighting, and was showing such enthusiasm Robert thought he would allow Durran to start training. Ser Barristan was the one to show the boy how to hold the sword, and Robert watched on as the Knight let Durran swing at him a few times, giving him small pointers on what to do.

He noticed a presence next to him, and saw the blonde hair of his wife in the corner of his eye. Inwardly groaning, he didn't even turn to face her when he asked. "What do you want."

"He's too young." She spat. "Why are you making him start this at four years old."

"He'll be the best in the Kingdom's." Robert waved off. "Unless you were lying to me, he won't inherit the crown, so I want him to be able to make a life for himself."

"Four is too young." Cersei argued again.

"I won't hear any more of it. Go and fetch Joffrey, he should be here too, a King should know how to wield a sword." Robert said.

"I won't forget this." Cersei snarled. "If they get harmed I'll…"

"You'll do what? Bitch some more or cry to your damn Father?" Robert turned to her, seething. "Go and fetch the boy."

Cersei glared up at him once more, before storming off back into the keep. Robert shook his head, that woman just made his blood boil. If only he could have saved Lyanna.

Angrily, he shook his head and drank from the wine glass that always seemed to be in his hand nowadays. Looking back at Ser Barristan, he chuckled as Durran swung too much and fell on his little arse. The boy looked up nervously, but Robert only smiled at the lad, encouraging him to continue.

Soon Joffrey joined them, although it was clear he didn't want to be there. Ser Barristan began the same lesson again, teaching the Crown Prince how to hold the sword and swing properly when suddenly, much to Robert's amusement Durran swung and hit Joffrey on the back. The blonde boy fell to the floor with a wail and Robert stopped laughing, cursing inwardly at the backlash he was going to get from Cersei. Ser Barristan did well in separating the two, and the lesson began again. Joffrey grew angry though, and when Durran had his back turned, the blonde swung at his head, connecting. Durran flew to the floor with a thump, beginning to cry as he held his head but Joffrey kept on raining blows upon the boy. Robert raced down to the area where they had been learning, happy that Barristan had separated the two.

"What was the meaning of that?" Robert roared at Joffrey.

"He… he did it to… to me." Joffrey sniffed, beginning to cry.

"He hit you once as a joke! I saw it all! You attacked him again and again!" Robert roared. Joffrey began to cry, and Robert huffed in impatience. "Right, go run to your Mother. I don't want to see you again today." And with that Joffrey sped away. Robert went and picked up his sniffling son, and inspected his head. "You'll need to see the Maester lad, come on, I'll take you."

For the first time, Robert felt like a good Father as he stayed by Durran's side as his head got treated, and he vowed to try harder from then on.

293 AC

Robert couldn't keep his promise. While the Baratheon King did seem to show more affection for Durran, he still loved his wine and whores more. Not that it bothered Durran too much, the 7-year-old was still a happy child, fairing well in his lessons, albeit not enjoying them, about the Seven Kingdoms, and especially enjoying his training with Aron Santagar, the master of arms in the Red Keep.

Durran also loved to explore. The Red Keep had so many secrets, and while he was escaping from his lessons about the history of the Seven Kingdoms, he decided he should do just that. Looking for the dungeons he was relieved to see the dragon skulls that he had overheard about a few weeks earlier. He took his time studying each one, not knowing which was which until he got further in. The skulls got larger, and the one at the very end, just before a door of bars was Balerion the Black Dread. A massive skull, Durran noticed that he didn't even come up to the top of it's tooth.

A snore made Durran duck for cover, knowing he shouldn't be down here. Sweeping his long, black hair to one side he peered around the skull to see a guard in Baratheon clothing asleep at a table, with a cup of ale set down. Concerned he'd wake the guard up, Durran slowly crept away, to head back to his rooms when he heard a soft singing. Confused, he looked back, and noticed that the guard was guarding a door to the side of Balerion's skull. He moved towards it, carefully ensuring that he was quiet so the guard didn't wake up. Trying to open the door, he was annoyed to find it locked, but luckily the keys were also on the table. Being as quiet as he could he lifted the keys and unlocked the door.

Inside he was surprised to see a large room, decorated in floral patterns. Sitting towards a small mirror was a girl not much older than Durran with long, silver hair. A Targaryen. He watched her from the doorway as she continued to sing the Gentle Mother song, her voice sounding perfect to his ears. After closing the door quietly, he waited until she had finished singing and brushing her hair before he spoke.

"You sing really well."

The girl spun her head around in shock. And after registering Durran was there she spoke. "Who… who are you?"

"My name is Durran. Who are you?" He asked.

"Daenerys." She said.

"You have a really nice voice Daenerys." Durran smiled.

"Thank you." She replied nervously. The pair fell into silence for a few minutes, not knowing what to say to each other, until the door opened again. Durran swung around to find himself staring into the eyes of his Father's spymaster Varys, and he knew he was going to get in trouble.

"Prince Durran, I did not expect to find you here." Varys said in his silky tone. "I see you have met Daenerys Targaryen."

"Father doesn't like Targaryen's." He said nervously, noticing the look of sadness on Daenerys' face.

"He would be very mad if he found out you had been here." Varys said. "Wait a moment while I see to Daenerys, and I'll take you to your mother."

"Do you have to?" Durran groaned. "I won't tell anybody I've been down here.

"I do My Prince, it's a great offence to lie to the Queen." Varys replied.

Durran gulped, his mother would only shout at him a lot, as she always did. Varys meanwhile went and gave Daenerys some things, food and clothing that would last her a few days. He whispered in her ear, and then gently pushed Durran out of the room. Varys locked the door again, and placed the keys where they had been.

"Why is she in there?" Durran asked.

"She is a hostage, your father didn't want to see her live but was persuaded to keep her alive when she was a baby, so this is the best situation for all." He said somewhat bitterly.

"Oh." Durran said, thinking. "She sings well."

"Yes she does." Varys chuckled. "Now, let's go and find the Queen."

They entered Cersei's chambers, and Durran had the decency to look shamed. Cersei had been speaking to his Uncle Jaime, who upon seeing the arrivals, promptly left the room.

"I'm so sorry to disturb you Your Grace, but I found the Prince lurking near the dungeons." Varys said.

"Near the dungeons? I didn't realise that the Grand Maester had moved his lessons room to the dungeons." Cersei said, looking questioningly at Durran.

"He didn't." Durran said quietly.

"I'm sorry?" Cersei asked him, silently telling him to speak up.

"He didn't Mother." He said louder.

"Then why were you there?"

"I wanted to go exploring." He admitted. "I wasn't going to stay long, but then I heard singing."

Cersei looked shocked at that. Looking nervously at Varys she dismissed him, and called Durran over to her table. "Sweetling listen, I don't want you to go there anymore. The girl in that room is dangerous."

"She didn't look dangerous, she looked nice." Durran responded, frowning. Cersei sighed, realising he had seen the Targaryen girl.

"She is our enemy. You remember that your Father, the King, fought with the Targaryen's don't you?" She asked. Durran nodded enthusiastically.

"Father smashed Rhaegar Targaryen in the chest with his hammer!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, they fought but one Targaryen got away, so we keep the girl to remind him to stay away." Cersei explained. "I don't want you going near her again, do you hear me?"

"Ok Mother." Durran said, chewing his lip. Cersei sighed, knowing that was a sign he was lying.

"I mean it, if I catch you down there again I'll have to tell your Father, and he won't nearly be as calm as I am being now." Cersei warned. Durran gulped nervously. "Very well, now go straight to the Maester, I'll have Uncle Jaime follow you to make sure you go." Durran nodded, squirming away as Cersei tried to kiss his cheek as he ran to the door. Cersei watched him go, before nodding to Jaime to come into the room. "Watch him, please?" She asked.

"Why should I? I'm not a babysitter for the spawn of that man." He laughed, only stopping when Cersei slapped him.

"He may be the seed of that vile monster but he is still my son." She warned her brother. "Now go and make sure he goes to his lessons, and make sure he stays there. That's an order." She added when he didn't look like leaving. Jaime huffed and skulked out of his sister's chambers, leaving Cersei to think about her second son. Nobody had been as surprised as her when the Maester had told her that non-identical twins was possible in theory, and after watching her children, it was clear to her that while they were twins, Joffrey and Durran had different fathers. Sighing, she stood up to go and check on Myrcella and Tommen to clear her mind.

Chapter End

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: DannyBlack70

Original Platform: FanFiction.net

Word Count: 243,000

Chapters: 47

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12546054/1/United-in-Fury

Mega Link to EPUB files of ~1,000 fan-fictions (all completed ones)


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