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Chương 87: High school DxD 2 - The Dragonic-Wolf Prince

Plot: Okami Sora starts his new life at school, only to find out that it will change the course of history. He reincarnates into a devil but into two peerages which is unheard of. Holder of a lost Longinus and an Unknown Sacred gear.

Pairing: OCxHarem.

Name: Okami Sora (Wolf Prince)

Age: 17 (High School Second Year)

Height: 6ft 1in

Appearance: Slim Muscular build.

Weight: 170 lbs

Hair: Medium length messy silver hair.

Eyes: Brown (Left eye turns blue when activating Evolutio).

Abilities: Improved Flight(Due to Evolutio, Sora can fly higher, faster and can dodge better than the three races), Magic expert, cooking, singing, Overlimit and Artes(Tales series).

Overlimit: Like in the Tales series, it will be the only way to perform a Mystic arte but it can only be used once per day and has a time limit of an hour other functions are the same.

Balance breaker will improve functionality of Overlimit. Overlimit will cause a Gold over glow to appear on Sora

Fighting Style - Human/Devil: Short range: Martial Arts and Sword(Artes and Mystic artes will also be performed)

Mid-long range: Sword artes and magic, depending on the Opponent.

- Wolf: Short range: Elemental Bites and scratches(Comparable to Pokemon moves)

Mid-long range: Magic.

Weapons: Brutal Fang(Wolf-shaped Sword), Magic Pistol, Greaves, Magic Absorption(Works like Magia Erebea, but its not perfected), 2 Sacred Gears.

Sword: Brutal Fang - Blade shaped like a katana and looks to be eaten by a wolf's head(The hilt). The grip and the pommel are shaped into each other to look like a wolf's tail. The scabbard will be fully grey with a black line running down it, the locket will clip into the mouth of the wolf to hold it in place and the chape won't be there so the point of the sword pokes out. Brutal fang can also be enchanted with the same magic that can be used in wolf form.

Sacred Gear: Evolutio, Triumphant Wall(Zirnitra, Black Titan Dragon).

Evolutio: Ability to transform into any animal Sora has sufficient knowledge about, as well as the ability to change the colours of his clothes, Sacred gears, armour and hair accordingly. Also able to use his sacred gears while transformed but not till later. Allows the user to speak to animals in human form and also pulls in animals towards him.

Wolf form: Sora's favourite animal and transformation This heightens his senses and speed. His magic and elemental attacks are slightly changed due to the difference in fighting style. Taller than a normal wolf, if in trouble it allows the user to create multiple clones to attack and defend. Gains a power-up in all physical attributes at night or in a dark place. Balance breaker will also be able to be performed in wolf form but the functionality will not be complete and will only be able to form on his legs and create a dragon helm. Wolf form as a plus for Sora can also be a minus, it can be unpredictable at times and cause Sora to be in that form for days at a time but it's a rare occurrence. Due to this, his personality becomes more dog like and makes him want to go for walks.

Triumphant Wall: Zirnitra is a black dragon and also a Slavonic god of Sorcery. This does nothing to strengthen Sora's magic but it does increase the diversity of magic he can use such as illusion magic, Alchemy and also Conjuration magic as well as allow him to perform an ultimate magic attack. As Sora gets stronger, he can use trick room and eventually gains more functions to trick his opponents. Trick room will affect fighting style and what is seen through the enemies eyes. Zirnitra's standard form is in the shape of two Pitch black Gauntlets with a purple jewel in the palm of each gauntlet. Forms a indestructible physical wall in front of Sora when he guard, in balance breaker, Sora can see through the wall and hit his opponent whilst behind it.

Family: Adoptive Father - Gofannon, descendant of the Welsh Blacksmith.

Both mother and father are unknown.

Friends: Local wildlife until turned into a devil.

Personality: Lone wolf, Constantly in thought(Normally talking to Zirnitra), Protective, Brave, smart, loyal.

Likes: Friends, cooking, Animals, singing, Shooting Practice, video games, Full Moon, To challenge others.

Dislikes: Anyone who harms his master(s), anyone who performs an ill act or says something bad about his master(s), Wearing Glasses.

History: At the age of 4, Sora was found outside a coal mine in the Welsh mountains by Gofannon. Gofannon and Sora lived in Wales till the age of 13, where his life consisted of helping his 'father' with his blacksmithing. They then moved to Japan to start anew, this was when his Sacred gears awakened. Every year, Sora and Gofannon challenge each other to see who can create the better sword, which due to his dismay, Sora loses everytime. At the age of 15, Sora assisted in taking down multiple armed robbers with his bare hands, and he was rewarded by being allowed to carry his sword with him when he is out in public. Since then, Sora has been going around the neighboring towns, like a watchdog taking down robbers and gangs. On his 17th birthday, he transferred into Kuoh academy. This being his first time in school and where his new life begins.

"Ughh .. Zirnitra, Do we really have to train today? I mean i got my first school day today." I complained.

{ You will get lazy if you miss a day, brat} Exclaimed Zirnitra whilst blowing smoke at Sora.

Training carried on for what felt like hours despite all my whining.

A faint voice comes from the shadows "Oi Sora, get your ass out of bed"

{Hmph ... I guess it's time we stopped} said Zirnitra.

"You don't think" i replied angrily.

I woke up to the sun blaring through the windows, First time in 3 years waking up before 11 feels like hell.

{Do you really have any memory at all of your parents?} asked the dragon quizzically. Whilst changing into my new uniform, i replied slightly irritated "How many times are you gonna ask that? All i know is that i was left outside the mine with a collar saying my name is Sora and plus you can see my memories anyway, why don't you go and rummage around and see if you can find anything for me"

As i expected, there was no response from the dragon.

I quickly jump down the stairs and rush into the kitchen to eat my breakfast.

"You got everything ready kiddo?" asked Gofannon.

"Yeah pops, Just need to take my sword and guitar and i'll be ready to go" i answered.

"Alright kid, remember to stay after school to check out the clubs" Laughed the old man.

I retaliated by growling then picked up my sword and guitar then left.

Slowly strolling the long path to school, i overhear people recognizing me from the news some of them even stopping to stare.

{Hahahaha ... Kid, you're bloody famous} chuckled the dragon.

'It's not like i want to be, the only good thing i got out of saving those people was being able to take my sword wherever i go' i mentally replied whilst giving Brutal fang a look over.

I finally arrived at my new school, Kuoh academy, it's a lot bigger than i thought it would be, it all felt overwhelming plus there is too many people and a huge majority are staring. I don't know if its the sword or because i'm new. Either way i stood out whether i wanted to and not and with my personality its not what i want. Walking through the hordes of people was like hell, bombarded by people who recognized me and barged into by 3 kids who i later found out to be 'The perverted trio'. They make me shudder just thinking about them. Walking round the school asking for directions as i go, i arrive at my destination the student council room.

I knock and find the door open as i knock.

I walk through the open doors to see a girl and boy talking, quickly stopping as they notice my entry.

"Hello, my name is Okami Sora and i've just transferred today and was told to come here about my class arrangements"

The girl pipes up" Ahh .. So you are the new kid, I'm the student council president, Shitori Souna, and this boy is the secretary, Saji Genishirou" as she finishes the boy waves.

"Hello Kaichou, Saji." i said as i bowed. The president replied "Nice to meet you too, wolf prince. Saji here will take you to your class, 2-C, he will be your classmate"

Saji walks to the door and ushers me out, just before i leave i reply " Thanks Kaichou".

As Saji walks me to our class he asks "You are pretty rude, don't you think?"

Confused i answer "Huh, How so?" Saji turns around and quietly shouts "She is the president, You have to be more polite to her."

" Oh sorry ... Umm after classes could you please bring me back to apologize" i replied apologetically.

Saji turns around and carries on walking after nodding to me. When we arrive at the class room he tells me to wait for the teachers call.

I breath in and out trying to calm my nerves as i hear the teacher shout out to me telling me to come in, as i walk in everyones eyes are on me, it's extremely uncomfortable.

I hear the girls talking about me calling me handsome and that i have pretty eyes, i shrug it off because to be brutally honest i couldnt care if they find me attractive.

As i stop next to the teacher in front of the board, The teacher talks "Class, this here is our new student. Okami Sora, he's never been to school before so if he ever looks like he is in trouble please help him out and for those who dont recognize him, he is the kid who saved 10 citizens from multiple armed robbers a few years back."

I waved as soon as my name was said but frowned as soon as he said about my fight with the robbers.

"Okay, so your seat will be at the back next to Kiba, ok?" I nodded as i made my way to the back of the class and sat down quietly without reacting to anyone looking my way.

School then droned on for the next 5-6 hours, i'm not too sure slept through most of it. Teacher told me off once for it as well but he didnt say anything to me again after i scowled at him. My breaks were spent just playing my guitar on the roof, not feeling comfortable enough to sing.

As class ends, Saji comes over to me to remind me about apologizing and i get up to follow him. The corridors are surprisingly barren as i walk back to the student council room.

We quickly walk in as the student council's attention all drops on me and i nervously speak up "Umm .. Kaichou, Saji pointed out to me that i had been disrespectful in how i spoke to you, so i'm here to say sorry for how i spoke to you and i also forgot to say nice to meet you and ask you to take care of me whilst i'm at this school"

Kaichou nods and i turn around to walk out and i gingerly close the doors after me and make my way home.

"I guess i'll walk through the park back home tonight, i'll have to be cautious though the birds have been a bit restless lately." The remaining student looked at me weirdly when i mentioned the birds.

As i stroll through the park, i feel an unusual aura and i turn around to see some kind of monster, the top half was that of a woman and the bottom looked similar to a horse with bear feet.

"Hello there sweety, you are looking pretty ripe. I hope you don't mind me eating you." The monster, says.

As i unsheathe Brutal fang, I notice two different circles appear to my right.

As some people appear in the circles, i cut an 'X' into the air. The people across from me looked confused at my random swings.

As i punched the imaginery 'X' i shouted "Frigid Blast" and a frozen 'X' appears from where i punched the air and cut the monster in half and froze the four pieces.

I turned around to remember some of the faces. "Hey there, Kaichou" i shout across to them as they stand in awe.

I tilt my head to the head and ask "What's up? Was that thing meant to be strong?"

The first to answer is a new person, who has alluring red hair " Supposedly, she was meant to be borderline S class."

This red haired girl and Kaichou looked at each other then rushed over to me and held my hands and asked simultaneously "Will you join my Peerage?"

I drop my sword in confusion and quietly asked " ... Huh?"

Zirnitra appears in the form of two gauntlets and speaks up for everyone to hear {This is Rias Gremory and Sona Sitri, They are both Devils. The ones i spoke to you about.}

I put my hand on my chin whilst the two stare into my eyes not believing what happened and looked even more dumbstruck when i said "How about i join both your peerages? That's possible, right Zirnitra?"

Zirnitra answers {Yeah but they have to be different pieces because one will be rejected.}

Before the girls could argue, i said "The only way to have me in your peerage is for me to be in both otherwise i'm not going to join at all."

The girls look at each other again and nod before Sona asks me "Well then, how do we reincarnate him then seen as we have to recite a phrase?"

{The only way is to recite the phrase at the same time but leaving a gap for each other so say your names then finish the phrase}

"Let's do it then." I said with a smirk.

The two girls do as Zirnitra said and the pieces in their hands both glow and react with me and disappear into me.

The process goes off without a hitch until i open my mouth and a voice comes out of nowhere and shouts Evolutio and i finally say "Well, shit." as i transform into a wolf.

Everyone stares at me wondering what happened, as the wolf i speak up "Well, i guess thats weird. Didn't expect that to happen." As i turn back into my human form i ask "Is it ok if we talk about all this tomorrow? i'm kinda tired."

Rias answers me with a nod and Sona says " Kiba and Saji will bring you by the student council room if thats ok with you?"

I nod then Sona turns to Rias and she nods too. As i leave i hear the girls talk to each other "Well, he's an interesting kid."

{Interesting doesn't even cut it, eh kid?}

'Did you even know that would work?'

{Yeah, it happened to my first host but that was a real long time ago so i was kinda worried if i had it right, i'm glad i did} the dragon internally replies whilst smirking.

When i get home i told my father what happened and to my surprise he wasn't that bothered by it. My first day at school, even though it was rough and long finished well.

My second day starts off the exact same way, Zirnitra keeping me training for too long and people staring at me. I guess this is gonna happen everyday now.

Today has a lot more to it, we have joint class P.E. and for one i was happy about it. Something i wasn't ahead in. It was enjoyable but hard. Getting accustomed to my new found power was tricky but bare-able.

During P.E., we played football and whenever me or Kiba had the ball the girls would cheer us on calling me by my nickname 'Wolf prince' and kiba 'prince'. I can see how the girls think this, he is way above the rest of the boys in this school but it was kinda annoying and off-putting.

The rest of the day blew past, the time to meet the peerages had come, Zirnitra was audibly happy. He was reading his diary about his past times in peerages, it seemed like he had a lot of fun, i hope it's the same for me.

Saji and kiba both walk up to me and gesture to follow them. As we leave our the class i can hear the girls audible gossip as they query why Saji is together with the school's two princes which i chuckle to.

As we enter the student council room, the light glares at me through my glasses. The light has been a pain all day, since becoming a devil the light in the morning has become even more unbearable.

The first to introduce themselves was Rias Gremory's peerage.

"I'm Kiba Yuuto, as you know 2nd year like you and also Rias' other knight." Summons his sword to prove his point.

" Toujou Koneko, 1st year ... Rook." The small silver haired girl said whilst blushing much to everyone's confusion.

"... I'm Himejima Akeno and i'm a third year and Vice-president of the Occult Research club. Also, i'm Rias' queen." She says after staring at Koneko for a few more seconds.

" And lastly i'm the king and president of the Occult Research club that you are now a part of, As you know my name is Rias Gremory. My house, Gremory, holds the rank of Duke."

I respond with a bow and collectively say to them "Nice to meet you all."

'Zirnitra, is it me or are there different vibes being given off here.'

{Not too sure, i think that's just due to who they are.}

I turn to Sona's peerage and she starts talking " I'm Sona Sitri, and i'm also king of my peerage and my house holds the rank of prince. You know Saji here, He is a Pawn. The rest will introduce themselves."

"I'm Tsubaki Shinra, and i'm the queen and also the vice-president." she says whilst giving me a beautiful smile, which i can't help but smile back to.

"Hey there, I'm Nimura and i'm also a Pawn."

"I'm the other Rook, Yura. Nice to meet'cha."

"And i'm Meguri, a knight."

"We are the Bishops, i'm Kusaka and the girl on my right is Momo" Momo waves when her name i spoken.

"It's a pleasure to meet you" i bowed then stepped back and to my surprise, Zirnitra formed the gauntlets and spoke {Hey, it's a pleasure to meet you all, Please take care of me and my host}

I shook my head in disbelief "You know Zirnitra, i expected you to be a little less polite."

{Shut it, Mutt. I'm just being nice to the ladies}

I growled in response. "Seen as we can you that Sacred Gear, what's the name of it?" asked Rias.

"According to Zirnitra, these gauntlets are actually called Triumphant Wall and it's one of the lost longinus and as well as that i also have another sacred gear called Evolutio which as you all saw yesterday allows me to transform into animals and i gain their abilities." i replied "Hmm ... Your Evolutio isn't a very well known Sacred gear, this is the first time we've heard of it but we'll look into it." says Sona.

"Can i get to showing my abilities now? I would like to fight Kiba as a fellow knight, Yura as a fellow Rook and also Koneko because i get the feeling she is part animal in some way, due to the fact i'm feeling a little on edge im going to guess some type of cat?"

In reply all i got was a nod from koneko and a simultaneous nod off my kings. The nods brightened me up and i replied to them by asking "So, can we go somewhere with trees nearby for the fights?"

I followed my new friends outside to the forest area at the back of the school and the two queens put up some sort of barrier allowing us to fight.

The queens turned round and smiled to us as Akeno gave a creepy sort of smile, it put me a little on edge but it's time to show my worth.

Chapter End

PinkBunny PinkBunny

Original Author: Triplesquidge

Original Platform: FanFiction.net

Word Count: 105,161

Chapters: 17

Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/9280389/2/The-Dragonic-Wolf-Prince

Mega Link to EPUB files of ~1,000 fan-fictions (all completed ones)


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