"You're a fake person and I can't believe I trusted you" I go up stairs collecting my stuff and as I finished Nolen comes up to me panting a bit, guessing he ran but was it for me or the side chick he is with?
Nolen; "Joesph" pants "I swear it meant nothing to me, I love you so much and only you" I look at him not changing my emotion but slowly walks to him.
"I'm not something you can just destroy and walk away with my heart, now go to her seems like you guys like eachother more then you guys like me." I walk away with my stuff in my hand then goes out the door to the world, even though it hurts me inside to let go of the two people I thought I trust I rather be alone then be lied to. I might meet new people and fall in love again but I live and learn we all do, just we don't need to change anything for no one because if we do we aren't who we truly are and that's what people should love.
*The Next Day*
I wake up my back hurting and I slowly tremble through the hotel room my mind blank and as I check my phone it is filled with messages from either Nolen or Mya, I just leave my phone on the counter and just grab a box of cereal and a bowl. My life has been a complete mess since what happened, I been ignoring people, skipping school, and just blocking out everyone. I had to pay every penny I have to pay for the rent in the hotel and I just can't deal with anything right.
I checked my phone and it was filled with miss calls and messages.
*28 miss calls from Nolen
10 messages from mya
Instgram: [Joey_main_nation]Chris wants to message you* "What now?" I click on it then a long paragraph popped up saying stuff like, "I'm sorry I hurt you", "Please come back to me", "I miss you a lot and I can't think straight", and "Please come home".
How did you know I was gone?
Nolen and Mya are looking for you everywhere and told everyone
Well I'm not going back leave
me alone
No just tell me where you are
and I will go for you not them I won't
say anything as long as you tell me where
I sent him the adress of the hotel and I started to clean the room so he wouldn't think I was doing bad on my own. A few hours pass and nocks came from the door, I got up from the couch and unlocked it opening it to Chris, Nolen, mya, and a few other people I use to talk to. I look up at Chris angry a bit then I sigh, "You lied, just like the rest of them." I shake my head in disappointment then slammed the door, well I meant to but Chris stopped it with his hand.
"Listen" his kept his voice gentle and soft, "I know I said I wouldn't bring them but we all worried about you okay?" Chris opens the door slowly then before he entered Nolen came in.
"Yeah and we want you to come back please babe" Nolen's voice was more of wanting then asking to which caused me to get angry especially after what he had done. I got up from my chair my head still facing down on the table.
"Don't call me something that I'm not, and I will never go back with any of you. I been doing good by myself and this was all a waste of my time, now, get out." I didn't dare look back I was ready to just yell and scream my emotions where already a mess as it is i just want to be alone.
"Joey..." Chris says softly.
"No don't give me that!" I exploded and started to yell at him and everyone "Don't pitty me thinking I need any of you I've almost died, got cheated multiple times, and just got pushed around!" My voice cracked at the end my eyes filled with tears and I dropped to my knees.
"I'm sorry Joesph, I-i-i didn't mean to hurt you I just...." mya tried to speak calming to me going towards me, but I just stayed where I was my emotions getting the best me and....
"Get the fuck out, you caused this and now I'm here. All of you where the reason I'm broken, the reason why I could no longe r trust. LEAVE!" I got up then pushed mya then Chris, and the last person standing infront of the door was Nolen. "Never come back here" I pushed him out then slammed the door.
Silence fell in the room and my tears kept going down my cheeks, I just felt like nothing good could ever come to me I just want to give up. Then soft knocks come from the door and I wipe away the tears and pretend I was fine, I get up then open the door.
Boy: "Hello....um sorry to barge in and bother you but.... is everything okay? I heard yelling and I wanted to see if everything was okay. " He was about my height but a bit taller, he had soft thin brown hair, freckles covered his face and his green eyes looked at me.
"Y-y-yeah thanks for checking up on me." I forced a smile then before I closed my door he stopped it.
Boy: "Oh also uh, I seen you around the building and was wondering if we could sometime hangout" he smiles nervously and puts his hand behind his head. My mind thinks happily maybe he could be the one but is he really? I've said that about every guy and look where it got me. Well.....
"Sure why not, it's not like I got anything better to do" he smiles happily at me and hugs me excitedly jumping his eyes filled with joy. "Well see you then" I hug back I smile a bit, his scent was so sweet like peaches I loved it.
*At the coffee shop*
I sit in a booth waiting for the strange boy and I just play with my fingers nervous, should I be doing this? I dont know him and I'm not ready to get hurt again i always rush into things and I never hear the end of it.
"I hope I didn't take long" the boy smiles and sits infront of me panting a bit.
"Did you run..." I look up at him nervous holding my hands together.
"Oh no I just came back from jogging around, sorry I didn't dress properly" he smiles nervously nervously, he was dressed in a baggy shirt and grey sweats.
"It's okay didn't expect you to actually show up" I look down and he puts his hand in mine.
"Hey it's okay I get you been through a lot and I promise to take care of you, that's why I want to ask you...."
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