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4.92% She transmigrated and started different life / Chapter 32: 32.Some people just don't know

Chương 32: 32.Some people just don't know

After a long nap, Kendra woke up full of energy. Isaa was still sleeping on her bed still like a piglet.

Kendra softly chuckled as she went out and closed softly the door behind her. She wanted to check the potatoes that she meant for seed. She opened one of the boxes she prepared and slowly took them out and put them behind the house in shadows spread on few flat baskets. Then she used the power and used water from pot to sprinkle it over the potatoes so they could get some moisture.

She hoped that they would germinate faster. If she could speed up the process of germination she might have some potatoes in fall. She will water it now in dry season and in the rainy season, she can get rid of the excess of water.

She will spray fog every morning and night till they are done with the plowing and tilling the fields. She needs them to make rows as well. But now she just will use one or two rows to see how many will survive.

She contemplated long and through that, she almost forgot that seamstress is about to come. She heard knocking and saw a lady in middle age smiling friendly at her. She had nice clothes on but Kendra didn't care about that much.

''Please come in.''she invited her politely.

The woman turned around the garden and saw that it was all quite clean and orderly. This child seems to like it clean. Kendra was stamped as a clean freak before now again. If she knew...

Kendra showed her the table and chairs in shadows of the apple tree.

''Now the main office sent me here as it seems that you need some work on hard textile. How can I help you?''asked the woman looking at the child.

Kendra went into a small room and took out the material she bought. When the woman saw teh material she almost started laughing but she controlled herself on time. But there was still twitch on her lips and laughter in her eyes. Kendra saw it and didn't mind.

''This material I did not buy to make clothes. They are too heavy and stiff for it. I want you to make something special.''she looked at the woman as she explained what she wanted. She used a small branch and drew roughly the shamrock.''For teh ends, we will need good ropes and here and here we need to stabilize it and will put a peace of light wood or branch.''

The woman looked at the strange drawings and asked a few more questions. This order seems to be quite simple. So she told Kendra that she might give the product already tonight latest in the morning. Kendra told her to come the next day. She needs some peace as she wanted to try something with Isaa without interruption.

They set the price as 3 silver per shamrock and the woman told her that she can make 6 of those from that peace of textile. Kendra agreed and so she left in a hurry to finish order as soon as possible.

''Brother, what are you doing on the gate?''Isaa saw Kendra looking at the street in thoughts.

''Seamstress was here so I just send her off. Soon she will make something you will like a lot. Its outside bed. When we go to the seaside we can use it to sleep under stars.''said Kendra already imagining it...Maybe they should just leave the city and start traveling...But she still needs to think about Isaa not being strong enough. There is still time. She needs the gold anyway.

Isaa was now awake. Kendra told her she can go play with children or stay here and learn how to control the water. Isaa chooses to learn. This time they wanted to check the well.

Kendra took some few of wax candles they had and put them on stairs. She then closed teh door as she didn't want people to find this place and jumped in the water.

The water was amazingly cool but not too cold. But she didn't feel cold when tehy went to ice house so maybe for normal people, this would be quite cold.

''Isaa, is this water to cold for you?''She asked her looking at her face. It didn't seem that she felt uncomfortable. Isaa smiled and shook her head.

''No. It's the same as when we go deeper into the sea. But I still like more the sea. I don't like the smell of this water.''said Isaa while wrinkling her eyebrows.

Kendra smelled the water and it indeed smelled strange. Maybe because it was in closed space or something is in the water. She used the little light and swam down.

It seems this basin is quite deep. Luckily they didn't need air because they went down of quite a while but there was still no end. The deeper they went less light it was there.

Kendra didn't like that feeling. She turned to look at Isaa and saw that the child's face seemed to turn paler and the mouth turned slightly blue.

''Isaa, why didn't you tell me you feel cold?''she asked in worry.

''I wanted to come with you but now for a while, I feel extremely cold. Kendra, I don't like the water here,''said Isaa while looking down into endless darkness.

Kendra nodded. It was not safe for Isaa to go down. But it seems that the light from wax candles is not enough. If she could keep the door open. Maybe the natural light would go deeper. It was late for today. She will look when the light hits the water through the door the strongest and then swim deeper.

''Isaa another time I will try alone but I need your help. I need someone at the door to keep watch. You can talk under the water so I am sure in case of urgency you can call me up. Will you help me?'' Kendra asked and Isaa nodded. She really didn't like the darkness in the water.

''Let's go up. Next time you will have a difficult task to care about the door and all those bothersome people. I trust you, my little sister.''said Kendra while pulling Isaa by teh hand fast up.

Even tho Isaa is quite fast in water but how can she compare with someone who is older and stronger, that's what Kendra taught. But she didn't know, that was not the problem.

As soon they left the water, Kendra scooped shaking Isaa and run up to the door to get out and sent her to the hot air to warm her up. But just moments before she left she felt something behind her.

She turned around but didn't see anything. She looked at the calm water but didn't see anything. She shook her head and just gave up.

She walked slowly with Isaa in her hands and put her on the chair. She felt hungry. Because they ate ice cream at lunchtime and they slept as soon they came home, they didn't have any food since this morning.

She looked at Isaa that got healthy color again and planned to make potato as she promised. She planned to cook them and then make something she liked when she was younger.

She let Isaa clean few potatoes and cut in slices. She prepared and cut an onion. She took peace of meat and cut in tiny pieces. She then took some of the seasonings she prepared and mixed it with some salt. She fried the onions then she put the meat and seasoning into it and fried it for a while.

When the potatoes were almost done she took the water out and then she used the flat pan to put most of the potatoes then she put teh meat mixture and then potatoes on top. She mixed a few eggs and put some salt on it. The mix she slowly put over teh potato-meat and let it in the oven to bake. Isaa was standing right next to her and watching with big eyes what Kendra did.

Kendra opened the oven from time to time to check it and turn around so it would be backed from all sides evenly. When it was fully done, she used a spatula to take out some of these in the plate and garnished it with some greens.

She sniffed at teh aroma it made and Isaa did the same. They just turned into hungry ghosts and ate so much that they just wanted to lay down and be lazy. Well, what's wrong with that.

But Kendra still chooses to let Isaa learn her powers better. She made her play around with water ball and her duty was to make from one, two balls.

She turned around and tried to do something different. If water can be turned into drops and small drops...can she turn it into ice? She tried to imagine ice then she tried to imagine snowflakes, but still nothing happened.

It seems she can only control water. She gave up ice. She plans to see can she control other elements. She concentrated at wind ( nothing), fire (nothing), earth (nothing) for now she gave up.

Somehow she feels there is something else there, but what is it?

Oh, whatever. When the time comes she'll find out. Now she needs to learn how to control the current power.

She can last with it just for short while. She really needs to become stronger. She started now something different.

Let's try making the water wall. If she could make it like a protective shield, it could help them in case of attack.

Before she tried to separate it now she is trying to increase it and make it thicker, compressed. She can't make ice but if she can make a thicker water wall...

It seems that this is easier. "Isaa, stop trying that. Come try this. It seems easier." she said while showing to Isaa the way she did it.

"Oh, I can do this!" Isaa happily did it the same.

They used the water from the well to make a thicker water wall. It seems that this will be easier done.

"Isaa, in case someone attacks you, use the water wall to protect yourself. Then run. Brother will find you." Kendra still tried to make a thicker water wall. But soon she felt tired. Her water wall could protect both of them.

If she could use it to make a dome and protect their home, wouldn't that be great? She needs to learn how to make her energy last longer.

After she learned that she can do this she looked at Isaa and saw that this kid is trying hard to keep her pace. She works really hard to make herself stronger.

"Isaa, I am happy that you are trying to be stronger. If we become strong enough then nobody can hurt us. And we can live comfortably. And lazy like pigs." she pinched her cheek.

This child finally has a healthy body. The food and play around and lots of the sun made both of them get healthy color. Even tho it seems they didn't get dark but it's fine as long they are healthy.

"I want to pinch brother's face as well," said Isaa while extending her two pows towards Kendra's face. She let her do it but as soon Isaa touched her face she started tickling her.

Sounds of children playing around sounded from the garden. They played for a while and then Kendra felt hungry again.

"We need to eat something. Potatoes that was left from lunch?'

" Yay, that tasted good."

They sat down and ate and then went to wash and to their beds.

Next morning they woke up early. Kendra planned to go and check on the fields and workers. She let Isaa stay at home and wait for the seamstress. She left her enough money to pay to her.

"Isaa, here is money. If she comes before I come back you pay to her." Isaa nodded. ''Brother will come back soon so it's fine if I help like this.''

Kendra today didn't ear any basket so it was quite easy for her to go faster. She passed already open gate and run up to her house as she plans just to check a bit and then go back.

She saw woman already preparing food for workers.''Good morning. Is everyone already here?''she asked Goluks wife. She nodded with the smile.

Kendra went in the garden behind teh house and saw an amazing sight. It seems they worked really hard day before as the whole land was now open and cleaned. Some of the trees were standing already there. She saw Goluk and went to greet him and teh people that were already digging more holes as per her request.

The rows of trees in clear line the bushes were planted around like natural fence. She liked it very much.

''Goluk. This is amazing. I taught you all will need at least few days to do this.''she smiled at people and loudly praised teh workers.''You all are amazing. I really am happy that you are doing it fast, but I still hope you eat and rest enough. There is no reason to get sick. IF its to hot just let the main heat pass and then continue. ''She tried to give advice. They shook their heads.

Most of them were farmers that already knew how much they can handle. So them staying a bit longer on the sun doesn't make many problems. Goluk explained it to her.

''Oh. I still hope that everyone just doesn't overdo it. ''Then she taught about something.''Approximately how long will you all need to work to finish all I wanted?''

''About two weeks if we make brakes. If we work like yesterday we might be done in a week.''

She nodded and taught about it. ''In that case, I will give you ten days. If you finish it earlier then two weeks I will still pay you the two weeks. That will be my bonus for you all.''

Goluk started explaining everyone what she said and soon sounds of calling and cheers sounded all over teh garden. Even woman and children were happy.

She called teh children and let them go check the falls in teh forest and then help the elders with watering. On end, they will get paid full two weeks as well.

With new energy, it seems the work will go faster. She just hoped that they won't hurt themselves.

''Goluk, just don't let them get hurt. I prefer to do it slower than anyone getting hurt.'' he looked at her with gratitude.

''Don't worry, I will make them take rests and enough food.''

She nodded and took a rabbit from one of the cages. She will eat it today at home. She looked at the woman.

''Is there enough food there? If not send someone to the house with baskets. I will send you what you need.''Goluk's wife nodded and Kendra runoff. She needs to go back home as fast as possible.

Even if she let Isaa handle the seamstress she felt a bit uneasy since last night.

Something was bothering her but she didn't know what.

When she passed the city gate she first turned to teh bakery. She could smell fresh bread from far away. Inside was so many people that she reconsidered for a moment not to buy the bread and just to go home.

One of the workers knew her from the ice house and in a hurry went to the owner of the bakery.

''Do you see that bot over there,''he pointed ta Kendra.''It seems he has some backing even if he looks like that. It seems he is a partner with the owners of the ice house.''he explained to him what happened.

As soon the owner found out about the boy, greed went into his eyes.

He looked at the boy and as it seems they were two orphans. If he adopts them their money and everything they own will be his. He waved at the worker impatiently and walked straight towards the child.

Kendra suddenly had a feeling like millions of ants were crawling over her body. She shook slightly and looked around. Suddenly she saw a man with a sleazy face coming towards her. If she was a normal child she would think he is just a friendly uncle, but she already lived one life and these eyes... She suddenly felt disgusted.

''Hello. I am the owner of this bakery. I heard you and your sister have no one in this world. I have five children and it is hard to live in this world, but we will find you a place to live if you come to us.''He said while thinking about all the money ice house earned in only one day. The future seems bright.

Kendra saw in his eyes the calculations. It seems that this man knows about her stuff and just wrinkled her eyebrows.

''No, thank you. We live just fine as it is now. I wanted just to buy bread, not a family.''Then she turned around and wanted to go out.

The sleazy man felt angry. This little worm thinks he can escape. Not so easy. He wants it, he will get it.

''I am older than you, so listen to me and be good. I will give you a chance to live in my family. Of course, I can't love you as much as I love my own family but I won't let you be hungry. Of course, your stuff will be given to my children as that is your duty.''he started talking while people stared at him with the incredible face. He want to own this child money and give him leftovers from his children.

One after other people started leaving the bakery in disgust. One man knew that Kendra was in good terms with officer Luar so he runs to report the situation.

Officer Luar just wanted to make control round but saw his acquaintance running towards him with a worried look on his face. ''Quick, quick you need to run to the bakery. The little boy...that boy is in trouble...''he spoke while heaving heavily. He runs so fast that even breathing seemed to be hard for him.

Luar got him on his elbows and squeezed hard,'' What boy?''he really hoped that it's not who he thinks about...

''The boy that bought the house!''he looked at him. He didn't know that child's name but he knew about that boy being able to buy his own house at that age. The half town was talking about him being under the protection of the Lord. But that stupid baker had too many guts as t seems.

''Kendra? I hope nothing happens to that boy or we all will get in huge trouble. You come here, quickly get on the horse and run to the main office. Tell them Kendra is in trouble. Fast!!!''he yelled at one of the guards that jumped in fright. The guard jumped on the horse and run to mid of town in the hope he will arrive on time.

Officer Luar just remembered he gave that guard the horse so he just started running.''Thank you. I will visit you later on and tell you what happened. See you later.''he yelled while running towards the bakery.

At the bakery, only some people left to see the drama that was evolving. The man still held Kendra and continued to talk.

''I heard you have a little sister, we can give her safe home as well. One of my cousins has a deaf child and it will be hard for him to find a wife. So we will just marry her to him. Like that the money will stay in the family. And your partnership with ice house I will take over. You will be given some as well, so later you can marry well. I hear you have a house outside. It is good you can live there I will send you food every day. Yes, this is what we will do.''

Kendra looked at him and taught where did this person pick up that brain of his. She pinched his fat hand and got out his claws.

''You dare to pinch me. I will soon be your father. First what I will do is to teach you some manners. How do you dare to pinch me...''the sleazy man started yelling at the boy.

Kendra looked at him with cold eyes. On her face, she had a face of disgust.

''In this city, I have my own right. If I want to live alone with my sister I can. There is the main office and I will certainly not look for someone like you to become my father. Taking my money. You wish. I can live just fine without any interference from anyone.''she said while looking at him.

''We will see. I know a few nobles and they will help me get you on my family list. As soon that happens I will beat you up first and then send your little sister straight to my cousin. Or should I just gift her to the nobles.''he started laughing evilly.

''You really counted my little sister as well?''she asked slowly while ice seeped out her eyes. It seems he didn't see it.''You dare to even think of such dirty things?''

Kendra started feeling angry. She felt something welled up in her. She wanted him dead... She slowly stepped forward but in that second she felt two hands holding her tightly...

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