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82.82% Pokemon: Arceus' Champion / Chapter 135: The Fall of Surge

Chương 135: The Fall of Surge

(A.N. I feel like people are trying too hard to make Surge seem incompetent. The dude has had DECADES to turn his body into the perfect killing machine, while Ace has only been training for twelve years, has spent a good portion of his life on the battle field in constant life or death situations, while Ace has only fought thugs and other MMA fighters before reincarnating, AND he is part of a criminal organization that has already shown they have no qualms about inhumane experiments.)

The din of battle roared around us as our pokemon clashed, and I could only smirk at Surge as it turned overwhelmingly into my favor.

Half of the pokemon I'd sent out were ground types, which completely nullified the electric type specialty that Surge prided himself on. Even more so with Cubone present, since he had the Lightning Rod ability that drew all electric type attacks to him.

Even with all of the Magnemite, Magneton and Magnezone in the air around us, they were borderline helpless with Cubone drawing every one of their electric attacks from atop Onix's head. And even more so when Charizard flew up to snipe them out with his fire attacks as well.

Down on the ground we had Sceptile and Ampharos duking it out, Graveler against Electivire, Nidoking taking on Toxtricity, Nidoqueen against Alolan Golem, Snorlax versus Luxray, Houndoom taking on Manetric, and Exeggutor taking care of Electrode. That just left Raichu and Pawmot, who were using their speed and small sizes to dart about and hassle the rest of my pokemon, like when Raichu used Volt Tackle against Exeggutor, or Pawmot using fighting type moves to try and take out Onix.

Aside from them, I could also feel and hear the different battles going on around us as the others brought down as many Rockets as possible.

In one direction I could feel Lucario, who appeared to have successfully rallied the pokemon that were going to be auctioned off to fight alongside him. In the opposite direction I could feel Brock and Lucy battling against a small army of Rockets, with his Steelix causing mayhem while her Seviper was incapacitating their opponents directly.

I could feel Ash smashing his way through the lines of Rockets alongside Pikachu, while Goh desperately tried to keep up. May and Dawn were doing extremely well as they put the moves I taught them to use, while Jackie and Bruce competing to see who could take out more Rockets alongside their pokemon.

Gary seemed to have some kind of breakthrough in his thought process after being in REAL combat for the first time. And then there was Janine, hiding out up high to oversee everything going on.

That just left Surge and I, who was having a stare down with me as we waited for the other to move first. Of course neither of us were in a position to wait, as Honedge was constantly draining my aura while blood continued pouring out of Surge's nose, and his complexion was growing increasingly pale with each passing second.

"HA!" Surge cried out as he suddenly chucked one of the knives in his hand at me with pinpoint accuracy, sending it right for my head.


The sound of metal striking metal rang out as I deflected the knife with Honedge and a flick of my wrist, having already grown used to such attacks due to sparring with Janine. Except Janine's attacks didn't carry nearly as much power as Surge's.

As the knife clattered to the ground behind me I shot forward at Surge, taking advantage of the brief second while he was recovering from his attack to send a blade of darkness flying at him.

Night Slash!

Surge's eyes widened before he hurriedly leapt to the side out of it's path, allowing the blade to strike the arena walls behind him.

"Whad wab dat!?" He exclaimed in shock, but I gave him no time to figure out what just happened.


Again, the sound of metal hitting metal rang out as Surge just barely blocked the slash I made towards his throat, deflecting Honedge to the side before twirling his knife for his own counterattack.

I just barely shifted back out of the range of Surge's knife, the blade kissing my shirt as it flew by, before lowering my shoulder and driving it into his body to knock him off balance.


The large man staggered backwards from the impact, giving me more room to attack as I stabbed Honedge at his chest, only for Surge to once again block the attack. Except this time he could only use his hand instead of the knife.

I watched the tip of Honedge's blade sink into the palm of his hand, producing another spray of blood as it came out the back. As an added bonus, I could feel the drain on my aura lessen as Honedge began sapping Surge's lifeforce through the wound.

Surge himself seemed to be able to feel this though, as he quickly wrenched his hand off of her blade and recoiled. I wouldn't just let him get away though.

I leapt after Surge while swinging Honedge yet again, feeling her blade slice through flesh and bone as he raised his hand to block it, before watching as his hand fell to the ground.

"Mudder Fugger!" Surge swore at the loss of his hand, not even reacting to the pain he must be feeling. Instead, Surge elected to charge at me while swinging his remaining blade wildly and yelling ferally.



I just narrowed me eyes at him while sliding out of the path of his blade, before flicking my wrist so that Honedge's red metal gleamed in the light, followed by another spray of blood that match the color of her blade.

"You know, I really have to HAND it to you Surge." I commented dryly as his other hand dropped to the floor alongside his knife.

"You dink I'b neeb my'b habs dor dis?!" Surge roared as he tried to charge me again, his bloody stumps raised even as they continue spurting blood.

I just shook my head as Surge charged me again, and again, and again.

With each passing second his movements became increasingly sluggish while his complexion grew paler and paler, yet he seemed to not even register his injuries as he continuously charged me, baring his teeth and trying to kick me when his stumps proved useless. All he accomplished however was wearing himself out even further, and accumulating even more injuries as I repeatedly swung Honedge with each pass.

On his next pass I made sure to slice his hamstring, forcing him to drop to his knee before I sliced the other one, completely removing his mobility. Despite that though, he just glared at me hatefully.

Seriously, what was this guy made of?!

I then kicked him in the middle of his back, sending him crashing to the ground on his stomach with his stumpy arms spread out to either side.

"Stay down Surge. This is about over." I told him plainly, before pointing Honedge at our fighting pokemon.

We watched as Sceptile managed to take down Ampharos with a powerful Leaf Blade, before following it up with a strong Dragon Tail. I knew it was worth it to teach him that move.

Nidoking and Nidoqueen both made short work of their own opponents, Toxtricity and Alolan Golem, freeing them to deal with Raichu and Pawmot. Snorlax was already asleep after dealing with Luxray, Electrode was swiftly disabled due to Exeggutor's psychic powers, and Cubone took out the last of the Magnemite with a well-thrown Bonemerang to free up himself, Charizard and Onix. Thankfully that last one didn't rampage against their opponents, or he would have wrecked the entire warehouse.

The only two battles still going on were Houndoom versus Manetric, and Graveler against Electivire.

The former two were trading blows of fire and lightning, neither giving ground to the other as it turned into a battle of attrition. A battle that Houndoom would naturally win, as one of the most important parts of my training focused on stamina.

That just left Graveler and Electivire, who Surge and I watched trade blows repeatedly, Graveler with his body, and Electivire with his non-electric moves since he was immune to them. The exchange continued until Graveler used the move High Horsepower, charging recklessly at Electivire while coating his entire body in ground type energy.

Electivire responded by trying to use the move Ice Punch, but was unable to halt the destructive charge of Graveler's attack.

The result was Electivire being blasted back into the side of the arena and crumpling to the ground, unconscious.


"Looks like that's that." I said to Surge when Graveler finished roaring over his victory, before looking up in surprise.

Graveler was enveloped in a bright light that encompassed his entire body, before his figure began to change as he grew taller, rounder and more smooth, while both of his upper arms disappeared altogether.

Despite the current situation, I found myself smiling as the light died down to reveal my newly evolved Golem, who looked completely different than the Graveler he had been a moment before.

"GOLEM!" He cried out in excitement from FINALLY evolving.

"Well done buddy! You finally evolved!" I declared, praising his achievement.

"Gol gol, Golem!" He stated bashfully, unconsciously pulling his head into his new rocky shell due to embarrassment.

"Guuuuuuuuuuh..." Surge groaned from our exchange, making his displeasure known.

"Oh right. You're still here." I said while looking down at him in distaste.

For a moment I debated on wether or not I should just kill him here and now to be done with it. Part of me felt he should die for everything he had done, while another part reminded me that being a Ranger didn't mean I had a license to kill.

But as I looked over the state of Surge's body, his missing hands, the numerous cuts and the abuse I had delivered to his face, I decided there was no point in pretending I was the hero here.


Surge's body tensed as I stabbed Honedge into his back, sinking her right into his heart through a couple of his ribs, before she proceeded to absorb all of his remaining lifeforce.

Within seconds he was dead.

I released Honedge once Surge had died, finally ceasing the drain on my aura as I did so.

"Honnnnnnnnnne..." She hummed contently from the meal she had today. A surplus of my aura, and Surge's lifeforce.

"Yeah, I bet you're happy." I told her wryly. A part of me wondered how long it would take of her draining my aura until SHE evolved as well, as I could definitely feel her growing stronger after doing so each time. Maybe I should feed her some more Rockets to expedite the process? Then I would be able to Kratos-max my way through the criminal groups!

Something to think about later...

I then quickly collected the pokeballs from Surge's pockets and returned his pokemon to them before any could wake up. They would all be turned over to the proper authorities, and examined to determine if any rehabilitation would be needed after their time with Surge.

The next thing I did was retrieve the band wrapped around his bicep, which contained his Keystone for Mega Evolution. Why he didn't use it, I would never understand.

Maybe it was pride?

Maybe he thought he wouldn't need to?

Or maybe I just hadn't given him a chance to use it as I cut off his hands and crippled him.

Regardless, it was mine now even though I already had Proton's ring. Usually I'd consider giving it to one of the girls, but Misty had the scrunchy she got from her father, and the two I had picked up from the market in Pewter went to May and Dawn after I got Proton's ring.

I can figure that out later though, since it was mine regardless now. I would have to have his pokemon checked for Mega Stones as well later.

I knew Manetric had one, according to Mewtwo, but there was no telling if Surge had obtained a second Mega Stone since then. Either way, I wanted them as well.

With the looting done, for the moment, I turned my attention back to my team around me as they waited for my feedback.

"Well done everyone. Truly." I began, looking each and every one of them over with pride.

"We all did excellent against Surge and his team tonight. And while I know that was in no small part because of all the preparation we did before coming, every one of you should still feel proud of how well you all did."

My little speech was punctuated by my pokemon all acting bashful and shy from my praise, aside from Snorlax since he was asleep. But then I turned serious as I said,

"But the battle is still ongoing. There are still several Rockets out there fighting the others!" I declared, pointing to the numerous signs of battle around us.

"Those of you who still wish to fight, GO!"

There was a resounding cheer from my pokemon as they all went out to go assist the others in the battles still ongoing, while I also sent out Gastly, Miltank, Tauros, Chansey, and my Raticate. Well, all of them went except for Snorax, who was still asleep.

I returned him to his pokeball while shaking my head wryly, before turning my attention to the room above.

Chloe and the other women were still up there, watching me through the holes that had been made in the glass when I stormed in and Surge threw me out.

Though I was exceptionally drained after the fight with Surge, especially from everything that Honedge drained from me, I used what little aura I had left to leap up to the window since it was the fastest route, creating several small platforms of aura in mid air as I did so for steps.

"Are you all ok?" I asked as soon as I entered the room, only to find myself immediately being assaulted.


I had to direct us away from the window as Chloe immediately flung herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck while planting her lips against mine in an awkward kiss.

"Chloe..." I tried to protest, not wanting to take advantage of one of Surge's victims while all of them had so obviously been drugged.

"You came to rescue me!" She exclaimed against my lips.

"Well yes-"

"You fought Surge, and killed him!"

"Yeah, but-"

"I love you!"

Anything else I was going to say was cut off as Chloe kissed me yet again, her tongue forcing it's way into my mouth as she tried to press her body up against mine even harder. I already felt as if her nipples were going to poke holes through my shirt, and that my pants would be perpetually stained from the fluids leaking from her crotch.

And amazingly, she wasn't the only one.

Soon I was surrounded on all sides by beautiful women in states close to nakedness, all pressing their bodies up against me while their hands explored as much of my body as possible.

My passionate kiss from Chloe was interupted briefly as they peeled my shirt off of me, followed by my pants and underwear being dragged down to my ankles immediately after. After that I could feel someone take my cock into their mouth, working it with their lips and tongue while coating it with as much saliva as possible.

At some point I found myself laying on my back on the ground, the women all trying to get as much of my body as they could with me down here. Both of my arms were even pinned as they were sat on, and somehow my disobedient fingers ended up somewhere wet, hot and tight.

Two in the pink, one in the stink.

Am I right?

Aside from my arms being pinned down, I also had women rubbing, kissing and licking me all over my body while moaning longingly for their turn. And all the while, I had Chloe straddling my lap as she rubbed herself up and down my already saliva-coated length.

Obviously, she had no real experience of what she was doing.

Something told me that she was acting entirely due to the aphrodisiac in her system, as well as the roller-coaster of emotions she had experienced in the last twenty-four hours.

Even I knew not to lay my hands on a girl who was doped up, with that being one of the few lines I refused to even toe in both of my lives.

Right now however, I was the one being pinned down by the group of women as they took advantage of ME.

I may be exhausted from the extreme aura usage and drain, but I could fight my way out of this if I wanted. But that begged the question, did I want to hurt them?

The answer was of course, no.

So, due to my exhaustion and unwillingness to hurt these poor women any more than they've already suffered, I didn't resist as they thoroughly violated me.

One of them even positioned themselves over my face before they began to lower themselves down onto me. And the last thing I saw before my view was obscured by the pussy descending onto me, was Chloe positioning herself above my cock before she began to lower herself down onto it.

And even when my vision darkened from the thighs and ass smothering me, I could still feel my length being steadily enveloped in wet heat, along with the slight 'pop' of Chloe's maidenhood before the entire thing was enveloped.

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

thanks for reading!

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