Waiting .. everyone in their life is waiting for something or maybe for someone like someone is waiting for a friend, someone is waiting for a person to in the life that he can love.
There also people who are suffering by waiting for gf//bf to comeback.
A son waiting for his father to come home safely and bring him a toy to play with.
whatever comes in our will be good, will make us happy, in other words, the things that never make us sad. Sometimes waiting is the only we can do to not bother the other person.
There is an old saying that if you wait you will get nice things. It can be true but it's not entirely true.
Sometimes it can make us hurt too waiting for too long can hurt is if we expect too much but didn't get the result as high.
A person suffering a bad disease is waiting for someone to give him hope that he can live one more day, that he can spend one more day with his family his mother his father, that he can spend one more day with his lover, that he can spend one more day with his son, that he can see his face before he died.
if a person like that gets a glimpse hope what can that do to him it makes him fight through the disease? A suffering person is kind of warrior who is fighting to survive, his life is like a place where there are no light exits just a small glowing gem that is hope if he can find that and reach it in the dark world with all the odds he won the fight.
His wife, his daughter or his son is are the once who are waiting outside for him to come back alive. at this moment a son will every little thing he has done for and think why he calls his dad a hero of his life and you know that's why legends never die.
No one knows how much we have to wait to get whatever we want things can turn bad at the moment or they can become good. at last, everything how much you have worked an waited for your success. If you are waiting for a very long time maybe there are much better things waiting for you in the future. Future can give you anything SO Believe you are a warrior Fight become someone who can give hope to your family.
If anyone can come back from near death, you are capable, don't doubt yourself, you are someone who achieves anything in life. You are the hero of your life I don't know can be the villain in your life.
So Don't Give Up and Prove yourself and RISE
— Chương tiếp theo sắp ra mắt — Viết đánh giá