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88.16% God succession system / Chapter 513: Explain.

Chương 513: Explain.

Asora is being invaded.

Those four words had a profound effect on everyone within the space-time orb as they ALL began to mobilize.

Rossweise marshaled the Valkyries as they flooded the streets, hundreds of women preparing to defend the people if needed at moments notice.

Alex's peerage meanwhile, sans Yami, Yuna, and Yue, immediately went to the council chamber of Asora with Anne, where they found all of the members that were living within Asora, or were visiting at the moment, gathered despite it being the middle of the night, all of them tense.

"What's going on?" Anne demanded the moment they arrived, before Hajime projected nearly twenty different images of thousands of people and...things pouring into Asora through numerous misty portals.

Several were identifiable, like different types of elves, dwarves, humans, and orcs. But then there were the unfamiliar beings, like the alien looking purple beings, the beings that looked like werewolves but were wearing clothes and wielding weapons, and then the massive bull-like beings that reminded several of them of minotaurs, but distinctly weren't.

They then watched as one of the bull-like things stopped its march, and let out a long and throaty bellow so powerful, that it even shook the trees surrounding them for several miles as the rest of them joined in.

"N-numbers?" Anne asked shakily, to which Azazel answered,

"They number in the tens of thousands by my estimates, and they're only growing by the minute. At this rate they be in the hundreds of thousands soon, and they very well may reach the millions. Where's Alex?"

Anne paled at the numbers Azazel gave her, and grew only paler when hundreds of dragons suddenly poured out of one of the gates, followed by hundreds more from another. And while the Dragon Emperor was missing as well.

"Anne. Where is Alex?" Azazel asked once again, in a bit of a firmer tone after Anne didn't answer the first time, his worry growing.

"None of us know where he is." Grayfia said eventually, drawing every eye to her as those they belonged to ceased their work.

"Are you serious?" Sairaorg asked incredulously.

"Little Goldie and Yunie are gone too~Nya!" Kuroka added, surprising everyone present even more as the atmosphere within the room became grim.

"And no one knows where they are? Or has any idea?" Azazel asked sharply, only for the girls to shake their heads.

"Fuck." He swore irritably while slamming his hand down on a nearby table so hard he cracked it.

Though they didn't necessarily 'need' Alex to fight off the invaders, their moral would take a hard hit if people learned he was missing. Azazel had heard the stories and seen the footage, and Alex had managed to rally the entirety of Asora when some moron kidnapped his daughter. Thankfully though, there was still a certain group they could rely on.

"Sairaorg, notify the Saiyans of the situation and order them to mobilize, but not yet engage!" Anne ordered as she entered her Empress mode, her eyes focused and intense.

"Hajime, what's the strongest long range weapon you have in your arsenal?" She then asked Asora's (former) top researcher and engineer.

"I haven't named it yet, but I do have a satellite capable of firing a beam so powerful that it can cut completely through a planet in a matter of seconds. Though I'm pretty sure 'someone' has something even better..." He said dryly while glancing at a certain Devilukian Princess.

"Wa! That's so amazing Hajime! All I've been able to do is create a sword that mimics Yami-Chan's Planet Slicer attack! It's no where near as flashy and cool as yours though..."

"Guh..." Hajime coughed up a bit of blood when he heard that, as once again Lala had casually outdone him since, while her sword was certainly not as 'flashy' as his satellite, it certainly did more damage and was significantly more effective.

He felt a hand on his shoulder where he was seated, and looked up to see Azazel there with a warm and understanding gaze. They both knew there was no beating Lala when it came to defying the laws of physics with technology....

"Ok." Anne said, either not noticing or not caring about the moment between the two mad scientists, and continued,

"I want you to get it in position and ready for firing at moments notice, but do NOT fire it without my permission! We can repair the damage to Asora with Regeneration magic, but I'd prefer not to if we don't have to. Sephie and Serafall, you're coming with me and Alex's peerage members."

"You're going to try and talk to them?" Azazel asked her when they heard Anne's orders, to which she nodded while saying,

"Of course. The area's they've appeared are all far away from any of the people living in Asora, and they haven't actually done anything to warrant retaliation just yet. I don't intend for it to be said I started an unnecessary war by attacking first without knowing the whole situation."

Azazel nodded in approval as he told her, as the one with the most experience in matters of war and politics present, "that's good. There's already enough fighting in the world without needlessly adding to it. But just remember to not let your guard down, or if they do mean us harm they could try to either kill or capture you."

"That sounds very smart Azazel."

"Well I AM the one here with the most experience in these matters!" Azazel declared proudly.

"Indeed. I expect you've had a lot of experience not just in war and politics, but also the kidnapping and assassination."

"Fufufufu. Well of course! Why, one time I even-"

Azazel then stopped speaking as he registered WHO he had been speaking to, and looked to see Alex standing there, Yami and Yuna at his side.

"Yo." Alex said casually, despite them talking of him being missing moments before.

"""ALEX!!!""" The girls all cried as they rushed him at once, while the men all directed level looks at him.

"Where did you go?" Grayfia asked curtly, her tone neutral, but everyone could tell that her reaction would depend on Alex's response of where he had disappeared to.

"Well..." Alex began slowly, before directing everyone to the crowd of people behind him. And while thy were all people of numerous races, matching those who were 'invading' them now, there was only one that a few people in the room recognized. Namely those connected to Alex's Chatroom.

"""Saya!?!""" The girls exclaimed this time, to which the pinkette waved her hand as she said,

"Hello, nice to actually meet all of you."

The surprise the girls felt stalled the rest of the people in the room as they awaited an explanation, as Alex's Chatroom wasn't common knowledge outside his family. However, again, it was Grayfia who looked to Alex sternly as she stated,


So, conjuring himself a chair to sit on, Alex explained a brief version of everything that had happened over the last 'month' to everyone present. Starting from being brought to Saya's world forcefully, he then explained everything that happened after.

Helping her and her classmates by providing them Dresspheres, taking them to check on their families, meeting Rika and securing the people she had with her, traveling to the Busujima and Takagi estates, and fortifying it to last against the hordes of undead.

That was all fairly typical of what one would expect from a world like Saya's, which Hajime fumed and raged at Alex for not bringing him along to experience a genuine zombie apocalypse. But they weren't really expecting what Alex told them next.

On his first night in that world Alex 'accidentally' killed another reincarnator, receiving the Vampire Progenitor Bloodline from them as a reward. Naturally, since he himself didn't care for being a vampire, Alex had sent that particular reward on to Yue.

Of course it was for not, as a few short days before they could return to Asora, everyone was stunned to learn that, not only had TWO other reincarnators arrived simultaneously, but Alex had evolved his 'Soul Break' skill into one that allowed him to EAT souls instead.

And if that weren't surprising enough, Alex then promptly 'ate' the souls of numerous evil gods, obtaining their divine authorities and domains as he did so. Those he didn't eat, he'd still taken their divine powers for himself while binding them to him, turning them into divine/demonic familiar spirits instead.

And to no ones surprise, they were the 'female' evil gods that he'd spared.

Alex finished his recounting with telling everyone how he had arranged for the people brought over by the other two reincarnators to join them in Asora, leading to Sairaorg saying with noticeable relief,

"So we're not being invaded..."

"No, we're not." Alex reassured him, before adding, "we are however going to have a LOT more people in Asora soon. Those that wanted to stayed behind to start over in Saya's world, which isn't a problem since humanity was pretty much wiped out for the most part, but the vast majority decided to come with us to Asora."

Alex then made numerous introductions to the people that had arrived with him, including Saya's original group, Rei, Saeko, Shizuka, Kouta, and those who were related to them in some way, Rika, Yuriko, Kuriko, and Ichika.

After them Alex introduced the leaders of the differing Tamrielic nations, as well as the leaders of the former Alliance and Horde.

While Hajime had been the most enthusiastic, everyone was quite interested in the numerous new races Alex brought to Asora. Meanwhile the wives grew very

'Interested' when they heard about Alex taking a HUNDRED women from each faction to join his harem, which he promised to explain properly after they returned to the space-time orb.

And once the introductions were done with, Alex readily dumped the remaining responsibilities for their arrival into Asora on the others, and swept all of his wives, new and old, into the space-time orb for the remainder of the night.

There began another meet and greet as Alex introduced his wives to ALL of the women he'd 'collected' while in Saya's world. Starting with Saya, her companions and their mothers, there was also their classmates, THEIR sisters/mothers, the shrine maidens, all the women the shrine maidens converted, Garona, Karliah and Tess, Serana along with the rest of the vampires Alex made into 'pure bloods', Aela, the other 'pure blood' Therianthropes, Alexstrasza, and the two hundred women he had been given from the Alliance and Horde.

Even though he had 'demanded' women from high status, Alex had been fairly surprised by several of the women he had been 'gifted' from the two factions.

From the Alliance Alex had 'received' numerous faction leaders and women of note such Alleria and Vereesa Windrunner, sisters of Sylvanas, Jaina Proudmoore, quite possibly the most powerful human sorceress of Azeroth, Lorna Crowley of Gilneas, Aysa Cloudsinger of the Pandaren, and numerous others from noble and reputable backgrounds.

From the Horde he had similarly 'received' Talanji of the Zandalari Trolls, Geya'rah, Overlord of the Mag'hair orcs, Mayla of the Highmountain Tauren, and Cindrethresh of the Dracthyr. But unlike the Alliance that had a system of nobles and aristocracy, the majority of their women consisted of those most skilled at fighting and magic, while also being 'beautiful'.

What surprised them and the girls from Tamriel was that they were immediately 'interrogated' by the girls from Alex's harem, before being separated into different roles based on what they could do. Several of the girls were taken to join the Valkyries, while Grayfia took the strongest to join her combat maids, and Sona drafted the most accomplished and knowledgable to teach at the Academy.

Speaking of the Academy, Sona also got to work in order to arrange for all of the new children living in Asora, from both Tamriel and Azeroth, to enroll in the Academy as swiftly and smoothly as possible. This in turn amazed several of the new women in Alex's harem regarding how seriously they took real education, as well as the availability for topics like magic to be taught.

Following the discussions regarding the Academy, Alex then surprised everyone further by summoning the six Daedric Prince's he spared from their respective realms of Oblivion, along with Sylvanas as the new warden of Coldharbour. Needless to say Vereesa and Alleria had been shocked to see their sister was also a part of Alex's harem, to say nothing of her already swelling belly.

Alex then went on to explain to them, along with the seven wardens as he planned to call them from now on, about the different planes of Oblivion and the Daedra in general.

It wasn't only Azura, Boethiah, Meridia, Mephala, Namira, Nocturnal and Sylvanas living within them, but also the thousands of lesser Daedra like the Dremora, Lurkers, Atronachs, Seekers, Seducers, and numerous others. And naturally, they were ALL loyal to Alex after he took the authority over the realm of Oblivion they belonged to.

And after explaining all of the realms he had acquired, the denizens within them, AND his plans for several of them, Alex finally got to perhaps the most surprising thing for the girls that night. Alice, the little girl he had adopted.

Alice readily told Alex's wives about how her daddy had died protecting her from Them, only for the nice 'older sisters' to arrive and save her and the puppy beside her, Zeke. Afterwards Alex had more or less adopted her, and comforted her after losing her father.

With the rest of the children present to hear her story, they all instantly accepted her as they dragged her off to play, while also introducing Zeke to Spike, their pet Behemoth.

"So what do you plan to do with her? Is she going to live and train with the other kids?" Anne asked in exasperation, to which Alex shrugged while saying,

"I'm not sure. Alice grew up relatively 'normal' until the zombie apocalypse happened, so I can't really see her dedicating herself to training like the other kids have." Alex's wives, especially the mothers, all nodded in agreement at his assessment since they all couldn't deny just how 'normal' Alice was.

All of Alex's children, including the ones he'd adopted, weren't at all 'normal' by any means. The one that would've been closest to it would be Videl, who had been raised as a regular human without any knowledge of magic and super powered beings whatsoever. However, she was still the daughter of a world famous martial artist, and would've gone on to use her own skills to fight criminals on a daily basis had the timeline gone uninterrupted.

"I'm sure she'll find some way to fit in. After all, physical strength isn't everything." Yuriko said suddenly. And while several women were inclined to agree with her, several others only smiled wryly.

The conversation then continued on for a small while as Alex tried to think of anything he'd missed catching his wives up on, including the numerous divinities he had acquired from eating the souls of the Daedric Prince's. And when he told that particular story Nyx had been the most interested, especially since some of the divinities Alex had acquired were in line with her own Night and Darkness.

She had even gone as far as to call him an evil God due to how many of his newly acquired divinities revolved around subjects like darkness, shadows, conspiracy, and so on.

As Alex continued going down the list though, Moka suddenly interjected as she asked, "By the way, why do you feel like a vampire now? Or rather, I can sense a certain presence from you like one?"

Alex stalled his explanation as he noticed the rest of the vampires present, excluding Yue since she was still going through her transformation, nodding in agreement. They had all felt a certain type of pressure coming from Alex ever since he returned, similar to the one they would usually feel from Yue, except his was significantly stronger.

And since Alex had told them that he had passed the Vampire Progenitor Bloodline to Yue, it didn't make sense to them that they could detect what felt like vampirism from him.

Sighing in exasperation, Alex then explained, "it was one of the divinities that I acquired from the Daedric Prince, Molag Bal, who was the father of Tamriel's vampires."

Then, to show what his newfound divinity entailed, Alex proceeded to vampirize himself right then and there before them all, his skin going deathly pale while his eyes began to glow orange ever so slightly.

Alex then approached Moka, who was unable to tear herself away from his gaze as an unfamiliar feeling welled up within her, while his features became warped and animalistic as he opened his mouth to reveal numerous lethal looking fangs. He then sunk his fangs into Moka's neck, breaking her skin open as her blood flooded into his mouth.

And as Alex tasted the vampiric power contained in Moka's blood, his own features began to change yet again as his pitch black mane of hair transitioned to silver, and his glowing orange eyes changed to a glowing blood red.

This vampiric transformation had a profound effect on the rest of the vampire women gathered in his presence, each one feeling incredibly more submissive as a certain heat spread throughout their bodies.

Soon however Alex released Moka's neck from his draining bite, and his features began to transition back to normal as he wiped away the blood on his chin, and explained,

"I'm not a vampire, but I can turn into one whenever I want with my newfound Vampirism divinity. It also works similarly to Yue's new Progenitor bloodline in that I can take in new types of vampirism to add it to my own abilities. As if I didn't have enough abilities already~."

Though he was joking a bit at the end, Alex's expression cramped slightly as he noticed everyone giving him blank and unamused stares. Except for the vampires of course. They were all looking at him with expressions of desire. Desire even Kokoa couldn't hide.

"Anywho..." Alex continued awkwardly, before saying suddenly, "I also got divinities regarding the Wilds and Lycanthropy."

Artemis immediately perked up when she heard Alex also obtained a dignity regarding the Wilds, and her excitement grew as he fell to all fours and took on a completely different form.

"The two of them together allow me to take the forms of creatures found in the Wilds, like this." Alex said despite having the mouth of a wolf. A massive dire wolf to be exact.

He then changed form again until he became a massive lion, then an alligator, owl, eagle, bear, boar, and even a shark. As if that wasn't enough, Alex then shifted into hybrid versions of every one of the same creatures he had just transformed into, each one large and vicious looking, before finally shifting back to his SSJ4 form.

"There's also an ape form, but I doubt I'd look much different in that one." Alex said humorously though this time the girls were a fair bit more impressed with his demonstration.

Meanwhile Artemis appeared downright orgasmic at the rapid series of transformations, as she eagerly started planning numerous hunts she could go on with Alex now. What she didn't know was that Alex similarly had plans for her once her pregnancy was up, as he needed a warden for the Hunting Grounds realm.

There was however one person more excited than Artemis at Alex's rapid transformations.

"Alex! Could I also get those transformations?!" Shia asked excitedly while bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet, making Alex pause in his thoughts slightly as he imagined Shia with the power of the Therianthropes.

"I'll think about it." He eventually answered her, making Shia even more excited as her rabbit ears started going wild.

After that Alex went through the list of the other divinities he had acquired, such as Life, Insanity, and even Debauchery, making his wives and lovers groan as they realized Alex had gotten yet ANOTHER power up in bed. And he hadn't even told them about his dual cocks technique yet.

It was only as the conversation began to wind down that Grayfia asked him, "So what rewards did you get for your quest?"

There was a noticeable edge to Grayfia's tone that Alex noticed, which he understood considering the timing of his transfer to Saya's world. So, deciding to show both her holes plenty of love later to make up for it, Alex opened the Chatroom quests for the first time since he had returned home.

He had been preoccupied with moving everyone to Asora, and with catching up with his wives, so he hadn't gotten a chance to see what rewards he had gotten yet.



The world that is home to Takagi Saya is facing an apocalyptic scenario, go there and protect her along with her comrades for the duration of the mission: 1 month.

NOTE! Time will be paused in host's home world for the duration of the quest!

Participants: Konjiki no Yami, Yuna.


Rewards: Chatroom upgrade, users can now send physical objects through the Chatroom! Omniversal Summoning Cards: X10. New Chatroom invitees!]

[NOTICE! Locating potential Chatroom members...]

(A.N. You guys know the drill, how's about some suggestions for new members and possible summons on the cards? Probably won't accept all of them, but some ideas would be nice. The majority of the new members though will probably be from the worlds Alex is already in contact with though, One Piece, RWBY, Danmachi etc.)

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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