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71.52% God succession system / Chapter 416: Stories

Chương 416: Stories


The caverns around them shuddered from the force of the impact as a hulking monster was sent flying, followed quickly by a woman in her teens that was rapidly spinning a pole with a short blade on the end.

"TAKE THIS!" The woman cried out as she drove the blade of her weapon directly into the monsters heart, killing it almost instantly as it went limp. Though everyone remained tense for a second or two after she dealt the death blow, with no signs of the monster getting up they all relaxed as the girl removed her weapon from the beast's chest, and gave it a quick spin to remove the blood from it.

"Good job Alissa, you're getting more precise and deadly all the time." Said the only boy within the nearby group of girls, who, despite recently hitting a growth spurt, was shorter than most of them and had longer crimson red hair, Millicas.

While the girl that Millicas just praised, Alissa, beamed at him happily, he then turned towards another of the girls at his side, a shorter girl with her bangs growing long enough to cover her eyes and glasses, with a horn protruding from the center of her forehead, and said,

"And your punches were excellent Tora, you gave Alissa the perfect opening to deliver the killing blow on that thick skinned troll." Unlike the former girl that happily beamed at Millicas' praise, Tora instead fidgeted shyly while what was visible of her cheeks turned red, the edges of her lips just barely curling up in a shy smile.

Currently they were all deep within the the recesses of the imitation Orcus Great Labyrinth, training for their next Rating Game against the son of some noble from the Underworld. In the months since he received his peerage pieces, Millicas' team had grown from simply himself and Yukari as his 'Queen', to being almost completely filled with only a few 'Pawn' pieces left.

The only problem was that somehow every single one of his peerage members were girls, all from differing factions, backgrounds, races, and ages. There were demigods, Sacred Gear users, heroes(who didn't possess a Sacred Gear but were still gifted), low or medium class Devils, Youkai, a Fallen Angel, and one of the few younger members of Tio's tribesmen.

Though the majority of his peerage members had been scouted by Yukari, who apparently was trying to build Millicas his own harem, Millicas had no real reason to refuse their joining since they were either already powerful and gifted, or had great potential that just needed to be polished a bit. The only real problem was the way they treated him outside of combat.

"Oh Millicas! You're so cute when you try act all serious and manly!" One of the older women, a fallen angel, cried as she immediately pulled his face into her large breasts, smothering him in the incredibly soft pillows. This was the cue that led to several of the other women trying to fawn over their 'King', while Yukari tried to break them all up,

Meanwhile another woman who stood taller than the rest sulked at the side, seeing no way to get Millicas without plowing her way through through the small crowd of women. She had her bright red hair tied back in a long braid, Nordic tattoos decorated her arms and part of her face, and she was covered in a noticeable layer of tight muscles.

Just as she was contemplating how to also join the fun, her attention was drawn to a newcomer as a beast lumbered towards them from around the corner of the labyrinth corridor.

"I'll take this one!" She declared while charging forward, even as Millicas tried to tell her to stop.

"Brina, don't!" Brina of course kept up her charge while the monster, rather than seeming intimidated by her approach, simply opened its mouth to reveal three rows of serrated teeth, while the back of its throat glowed eerily. Smirking fearlessly even as a wave of fire rapidly approached her, Brina cried out right before it reached her,

"FATHER, GIVE ME STRENGTH!" With lightning crackling along her arms, Brina disappeared within the blazing inferno before an impact rocked the underground corridor, shaking pebbles from the ceiling despite the Magic Hajime wove into it to prevent cave-ins.

The flames quickly vanished a second later, forcing everyone's eyes to once again adjust to the dimly lit corridor where they saw the beast with its head savagely caved in, and a completely naked Brina. Though covered in soot marks, and having her clothes burned away, Millicas deadpanned at his otherwise unharmed demigoddess 'Rook' as she practically bounced up and down before rushing at him.

"Did you see that Millicas?! I crushed that monster's skull with a single hit!" She squealed as she buried Millicas' face into her own large and naked breasts, not at all caring about Millicas' less than enthused reaction to her battle, or that he was probably suffocating within her massive milkers.


A washing pan suddenly appeared out of thin air and landed on Brina's head, drawing her attention to the one who conjured it, Yukari.

"What do you think you're doing?" The little witch demanded angrily, to which Brina replied with a smirk,

"I'm just enjoying a little 'skinship' with my 'King' after a well fought battle. Don't worry though, MAYBE you'll get like me one day." As she said that Brina emphasized the massive breasts she was using to smother Millicas, prompting Yukari to look down and attempt to squeeze her own nonexistent mounds.

For a moment she was tempted to let Brina reap the consequences of her own actions, but, knowing they would all be punished if she did that, she bit the bitter bullet and said,

"What about if that silver haired demoness shows up again?" Brina's entire body stiffened when she heard that, her already beautifully pale face turning even whiter as her backside practically spasmed as it remembered the last time Grayfia showed up when they were 'playing' with Millicas.

Though she had no delusions about her son one day becoming a 'man' and climbing the steps to adulthood, or even forming his own harem as he did so, Grayfia still believed that 12/13 was still too young to do so. As such, she had stepped in numerous times in the last several months when the girls around him tried to take things too far, such as when Yukari tried to take Millicas into a Love Hotel during their first 'date', or when the girls tried to get too frisky in the bath with him.

Each time she had to step in Grayfia would cover her hand in demonic energy as she proceeded to spank all of the perpetrators ten thousand times, with a thousand extra times added for each time she had to step in depending on the perpetrator. Grayfia wasn't too demanding with her expectations for the girls though, only asking that they waited until Millicas was sixteen before going further than kissing or holding hands, they were all just impatient.

With the silver haired 'demon' appearing in all of the girl's minds at once, they immediately backed away while several even looked around with a bit of fear in their eyes, several hands twitching as they fought the instinctive urge to protect their butts. Brina meanwhile jumped back from Millicas as if she'd been shocked, before she immediately conjured a new set of clothes to cover her shame before Grayfia appeared from nowhere once again, the 'Silver Haired Queen of Annihilation' being one of the only people she genuinely feared.

Though the members of his peerage finally stopped treating him like their plaything, Millicas couldn't help but to sigh since it seemed like the only way to truly keep them under control was to bring his mother into the conversation, a bittersweet pill for him to swallow. Hopefully though they'll listen to him more outside of battle in the future.

For the time being Millicas decided to make do with lecturing Brina about how they didn't go into the labyrinth simply to defeat monsters, but to work on their teamwork for the coming games. Millicas didn't doubt the capabilities of any one of his peerage members, but it was significantly easier to defeat one person acting on their own than two acting in unison.

By the time he was finished lecturing her, Millicas decided to call it a day since they had already gotten down to the eightieth level, and led the way to the warp pad that was planted on every tenth floor to make leaving and entering the labyrinth easier. From there he then escorted the girls back to the Academy, where all of them except himself and Yukari were staying.

Upon arriving though a commotion drew the group's attention, before they began to smile wryly when they realized what was going on.

"And the winners are, EDITH, MAI, ALEC, AND ANNA!" The mediator shouted as the four little kids celebrated their win against their opponents, who numbered more than twenty and were laying scattered here and there across the field.

Despite how young they actually were, some idiot had tried to provoke Alex's children into a fight shortly after they began school, leading both to their swift defeat after some rough 'playing', and to numerous people wanting to challenge the little kids to see how they matched up. Naturally, no one was able to win against a group composed of pint-sized Saiyans that had been trained by Alex himself.

With each child already displaying strength comparable to at least even minor gods, powerful Ki control, and their own respective natural abilities, they happily terrorized anyone brave enough to challenge them as if it were a game. Which, in their minds, it was.

They continued celebrating wining another 'game' until Alec cried out,

"Look! It's Millicas!" The four mini Saiyans then rushed him excitedly as Edith asked,

"Did you see us win again?!" Millicas nodded as he replied,

"Yes I did, and against so many people too!" The four mini Saiyans then began to excitedly give Millicas a play-by-play of the match, while he patiently listened like the older brother they all regarded him as.


"Mochi-Chan! Look at uncky Elfman!"

In one of the many rooms within the Misty Manor, an unusual but increasingly common scene was playing out, as a large muscular man with spiked up white hair and a scar running down the right side of his face made as many silly faces as possible at an infant girl. Normally such a sight would make any baby cry out of fright, but this little girl only giggled and reached her tiny hands up for her funny uncle, while her mother and aunty watched on warmly from the side.

Thinking back to how things were a year ago, Mirajane still had a hard time believing how much had changed. A year ago they were hiding in fear from Darius, all the people of Earthland were either enslaved for desperately trying to resist the Dark Emperor's advances, her powers were sealed, and there was no end to his tyranny in sight.

Now, one short year later, Darius had been destroyed, the people of the world were rapidly recovering, the guild's were now free to pursue their previous jobs without worry of being destroyed, she had her powers back(and was stronger than she ever dared to dream), and perhaps the biggest change of all, Mirajane was now a mother.

Her mind was brought back to the present as Lisanna said to their brother,

"You're looking pretty silly there for a 'man' Elf-nii." She said to him with a slight giggle, however Elfman didn't even flinch as he declared,

"A baby's laughter is one of the greatest sounds there is! Doing whatever it takes to hear it, no matter how foolish, is what it means, TO BE A MAN!" To punctuate his declaration Elfman struck a pose as he planted his right foot on the coffee table before him, causing a small ruckus as he did so.



While Elfman was posing, a large chuck of stone in the shape of the word 'stone' appeared above his head, crashing down right on top of him and sending him crashing down to the ground.

"Go and 'BE A MAN' somewhere else, you woke Andre from his nap!" Levy told Elfman angrily, before her words were met with that of a crying baby as she went to a nearby crib. She then lifted out the scarily large baby from within, that had a tuft of blue hair that matched her own on its head, and a bright red tail that matched his father's.

Knowing the only way to get her own son to stop crying was to feed him, Levy grabbed a nearby pacifier and threw it at Elfman while angrily saying,

"I said to get out! We have to feed them now!" Though Mirajane had no problem feeding her daughter in front of her little brother, the other two new mothers similarly gave the muscular man pointed looks, prompting him to quickly vacate the room after giving Mochi one last kiss on her forehead.

With him gone, Levy, Shizuku and Kotegawa Yui all sighed in relief as they and Mirajane unhesitantly pulled out one of their breasts, and offered it to their respective little ones.

Ever since Brigid and Freya moved into the manor and became Alex's wives there had been a sharp increase in the amount of women around him that were becoming pregnant, including the two goddesses themselves. This was of course due to them both being goddesses with a divinity related to fertility, which they also used to ensure their own pregnancies shortly after they settled in.

Along with Nyx's daughter Nocta, that meant there was a total of seven recently born babies in the family now, three of which were already genuine goddesses while the rest could be counted as minor demigods.

Looking down at their respective babies, all four of the new mothers present felt an overwhelming sense of motherly love as they caressed their faces and swept the little tufts of their hair out of their faces. While some of them might've had a few doubts at first about wether or not they'd have been good mothers, they had all been blown away as they devoted most of their time to caring for their little ones.

A sudden ruckus drew their attention away from the babies though, as all the women present looked up and smiled knowingly.

Meanwhile a group of children raced through the halls of the manor, Edith and Alec at their lead after they returned from the Academy and linked up with their other siblings. Altogether ten children ran through the halls of the Misty Manor as they raced towards their destination, which was one of the many lounges where one person in particular usually spent her days.

"Hestia!" Anna called out excitedly, making the goddess look up from the book she had been reading as the children came flooding into the room she was in.

"Well good afternoon everyone, did you come to hear another story?" As she greeted them Hestia pulled Regal up into her lap, her relationship with the young Phenex being the best amongst the children due to their shared affinity with fire in particular.

That wasn't to say that Hestia didn't have a good relationship with all of Alex's children though, as they all adored her and she adored them in turn. With one of her divinities also being related to 'Home', Hestia adored homes that had little ones running around the most, and actually being around them even more. Naturally, the children loved Hestia as well as they came to her almost daily to listen to her tell stories, typically about Ancient Greek heroes and mythology.

As Alex's children, they of course loved hearing stories of battles, heroes, and even those about the monsters that once terrorized the lands of Greece. Of course she also told them tales of nicer things, such as love or adventures, and even fairy tales of other far off lands. While she didn't necessarily sweeten things over like most modern children's movies do, she of course omitted many of the more 'mature' details from some of the stories.

And so, with the fireplace crackling to spread the warmth from her hearth on their backs, Hestia wove her words into a tapestry of amazing stories for the children, who hung onto her every word with stars in their eyes. None seemed aware of the passage of time as Hestia spoke, and nothing drew the children's attention away from her, until a certain man stepped over the threshold of the Misty Manor.

"Daddy!" Edith exclaimed with excitement, excitement shared with the rest of her siblings as they all leapt up and ran from the room, while Hestia slowly stood and followed them.

The stampeding children thundered through the manor until they reached the entryway, where they found their father and the wives who accompanied him to the meeting.

"Dadnya!" Mai cried out as the lovable feline-Saiyan jumped into Alex's arms, purring contently as Alex patted her head and scratched behind her pointed cat-ears.

One by one Alex greeted each of the children that came to see him, with even Lana hurriedly waddling behind them after she heard her siblings storming through the manor.

"Da-da!" Lana cried out while reaching her stubby little arms up towards him, which Alex grabbed hold of as he gently pulled her up into his arms. As he was coddling the youngest of his children present, as the rest of them were being cared for by their mothers, Alex then noticed Hestia's approach as the goddess smiled warmly at him, and said,

"Welcome home Alex." Alex returned Hestia's warm smile as he leaned forward, and planted a kiss on the top of her head.

"I'm home Hestia."He whispered to her, as the goddess leaned into Alex's touch lovingly for a moment, having long since decided she made the right choice joining Alex amongst his wives. While he was really perverted, he genuinely cared for all of those he considered to be a part of his family.

And while she was sure that they would never admit it, Hestia also knew that both Artemis and Athena would agree that becoming Alex's wives had been the greatest blessing they received in centuries. Artemis perhaps considering everything that she had received from him, but Athena would always be too proud to admit her own falling, even though Alex had already 'broken' her numerous times at night.

Her nieces however were far from Hestia's mind as she practically bathed in Alex's presence, until he ultimately separated from her as he led everyone into one of the rooms within the manor, where he informed them of the topics of the day's meeting.

(A.N. Sorry for the delay, once again, as well as how short the chapter was. Work has been kicking my ass even worse than usual, with me typically getting enough work for 3-4 people daily with minimal to no help. But anyways here's a list of Alex's children and their mothers since so many have been added, and I know people are going to ask.)

Edith- Gabriel's daughter

Toujou Mai- Koneko's daughter

Alec/Anna Morningstar- Anne's twins

Regal Pheonix- Ravel's son

Elizabeth(Lizzy) Sitri- Serafall's daughter

Yuki Shirayuki- Mizore's daughter

Aurora Shirayuki- Tsurara's daughter

Ryuto Gremory- Rias's son

Shuri Himejima- Akeno's daughter

Lana Lucifuge- Grayfia's daughter

Nocta- Nyx's daughter

Freydis- Freya's daughter

Aife- Brigid's daughter

Andre McGarden- Levy's son

Yeagashi Saya- Shizuku's daughter.

Kotegawa Rito- Yui's son

Mochi Strauss- Mirajane's daughter

Harry_Dresden Harry_Dresden

Thanks for reading!

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