(Haven's pov)
The cough was getting worse. At first it was only slightly irritating. I'd almost believed that it appeared due to the dust streaming around the crater of Yukio's battle. Erin disapproved that theory, however when we both felt lingering fatigue and a slight burning sensation spreading through our body like a poison, I started to realize that it was due to the bite.
According to Yukio, we had around 50 minutes left in this mission which meant I only had to hold out for 50 minutes before I could cleanse this accursed virus from my body. Unfortunately, I've already started coughing blood.
Yukio: Sigh. Haven, at this rate, you might really die, you know?
Haven: Can't you, like... encourage me or something?
Yukio: Oh shut up. Just die already, would you?
Haven: Im really loving the positive encouragement you're giving me here.
Yukio: Hey, just saying, at least I'll get some points off of your death. I hope you turn into a Runner, more efficient, I guess?
Haven: ...
Yukio... wasn't exactly great at encouraging people. From what I could see, his attitude seemed more focused on surviving than actually bothering to make a team. People aren't usually like that. He must have had some tough experiences when he came to this place.
I wonder if he'll share a little of his life with me.
Haven: Hey, Yukio, these missions...(Cough) how many have you been on?
Yukio: Five. I know, it seems like I'm really strong but the truth is that I'm really not.
Haven: But you (cough) took out those-
Yukio: They were only worth 100 points. I've been through five missions and all I could do was barely take on both of them. My muscle form takes too much stamina from my body. If I don't cancel it out in time, I'll be drained of all my stamina, unable to even move a single muscle in my body for at least a few minutes.
Haven: (Cough) That's...
My reply was interrupted by blood spewing from my mouth, a fit of coughs rang throughout my body as I tried ignoring the pain that spread through my lower abdomen.
It was slightly terrifying, the feeling of slowly dying to a disease. Especially considering that it was the zombie virus. If I didn't die here, It would be an absolute miracle
As my wracking coughs kept emptying my lungs, Yukio ignored my pain and continued to tell me more about his life in the missions that he'd been on.
I wasn't sure what caused his sudden openness in regards to his past life but I was happy to enough to take my mind off from the pain that was poking through my body.
His last few missions were particularly bad, his team being wiped out multiple times due to the difficulty increase.
Time went on and on as he chatted with me, telling me of his adventures. Soon, before I knew it, I stopped spitting out blood. It wasn't due to me having been cured, no, far from it, my body could no longer throw up blood due to there being a huge lack of it.
This was the final stretch.
I don't think... I have any more strength to go on.
[Haven... I'm... sorry.]
Don't be. I... it was my fault. I'm sorry you have to reincarnate once more.
[Well... for what its worth, You've been a really great host. You're the only one who's accepted me from my previous incarnations.]
Yukio: Haven? You still with me?
Haven: Y-yes.
Yukio had recovered enough strength to stand up by now. He was slowly stretching his body out and massaging his aching muscles to speed up their recovery.
As he did his exercises, I glanced over at our surroundings. The dust from the battle had already settled down into the earth, leaving our view fairly unobstructed. The debris had all been destroyed or pushed away from the crater that we lay in due to Musculario's meteor impact.
As I was about to close my eyes to conserve strength, I noticed movement in the corner of my eyes. I looked over to it and noticed a regular zombie walking over into the massive crater. It seemed like the noise and all the explosions have caused all of them to converge upon our location.
Slightly worried, I called out weakly to Yukio.
Haven: Yukio. Zombies are c-coming.
Yukio: Hmm? Oh. Shit... F*ck. Alright. We gotta get out of here.
Haven: You... go without me.
Yukio: I ain't leaving you, come on.
He limped over to me and put my arm over his shoulder. I could only follow him as best as my body allowed me to.
Yukio: Work with me here Haven...
Haven: I'll only drag you down. You should really leave me. Use the gun, shoot them.
Yukio: I won't leave you and... I can't use the gun either.
Haven: Why not?
Yukio: Right now the zombies only know our general location, the sound from the gun will echo out quite loudly, giving our location. As for why I ain't abandoning you? Simple. You didn't abandon me when I fought those two Evolved. Im repaying a favor, is all, kid.
Haven: (smiling weakly) Sure... whatever you say, Musculario.
Yukio: Muscu-what?
Haven: Don't worry about it. We should go leave now before any Runners show up.
We managed to sneak our way past the regular zombies and walk into a broken apartment complex. Before we could relax, however, a guttural noise echoed around our area.
Yukio: (Frowning) Runner.
I nodded, having no more strength to speak.
I changed my mind. Here's a chapter for you folks.