Accidents happen in life. We can't avoid it no matter how hard we try to. Accidents are a part of life. But the outcome of those accidents entirely depends on us. How we will act will choose our life. Life likes to throw us down. It's life's way of challenging our limits. In other words, there is no such thing as accidents. It's all part of the game that life plays with us.
Xu Mey stayed unconscious for an hour and all that while, Zhu Qinyang, He Jian's mother made her brother Dr. Zhu Chen wait beside her. Dr. Zhu didn't know the relation between his sister and Xu Mey but he figured that Xu Mey was quite close to his own nephew He Jian.
Zhu Chen always thought that his nephew was indifferent and cold kind of person without any feelings. But the way he cared for Xu Mey cleared up that he had feelings as well.
Let's make do with this one chapter on Sunday.
Hope you had a nice Sunday.
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