"Are you out of your mind, Lu Feng? I want you to take charge of the Lu Corporations. I don't want you to go through the long process which will take so many years and I don't know if I would be alive till then."
"I am sorry mother but I can only do things in this way."
"I won't allow you. Do you understand? This time you have to do what I want." She suddenly became aggressive. And Lu Feng stood up from the bed.
"Lu Feng, do you think feeding a bowl of soup and pretending to care for me can stop me? I won't hesitate to take my own life if it meant to give you what you deserve."
"I don't deserve what you think I do, mother, so stop doing unnecessary things." Lu Feng said and continued stepping towards the door.
"Will you understand me only the day I die?" She screamed and Lu Han held his mother. "Calm down, Mother."
Lu Feng took a last look at his mother, which was disturbing for him and when he was about to leave, Su Hui fainted.
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