If mu Yuan said he would not save them, he would not save them. There were only a few of them. Jiang Cheng was injured, and little pumpkin's whereabouts were unknown.
General mu and the intelligence officer couldn't find her, so it was impossible for them to save her and expose themselves.
Zhang Xiaoxi knew the severity of the situation, so he didn't say anything else, nor did he avoid the attack. The spectating militia was in high spirits as they took a knife and chopped off the head of a soldier.
The scene was extremely bloody, but it seemed to be a common scene here. The surrounding militia cheered as if it was a Festival.
Hu Yang said coldly,"there's no hope for this place."
He was already beyond saving!
If even a child could cheer on such an occasion, what future would they have?
They watched as the soldiers were beheaded.
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