Laz sat down and looked at Abraham, wondering what he should say.
'Is there an easy way to break it to someone that from now on, the average person would be scared of you and there will be people coming for your life?' Laz pondered to himself as he sat there while Abraham zoned out.
'I mean. I guess it gets harder and harder for the new ones. Waking up their abilities after others have already been doing it for years now. I wonder how this even happens? Is it like... only once the tank is full of gas can you start the engine? Or is it more like there is a specific trigger somewhere?' Despite the times that Laz had seen this happen, he still really didn't know the answer. And his own answer seemed to change depending on when he's asked...
"Hey. Uh... You've been around, right?" Abraham turned and looked at Laz who was sitting there with his head down while he was thinking. The fact the Abraham spoke first caught him off guard.
"Been around?"
Thanks for reading. I don't say that enough. I've basically enough time to write the chapters and then that's it. Work has been crazy lately since Covid has been dying down and business is booming. Great, right? Not so much for free time though. Anyway, take care and hopefully I can be more of a presence soon.