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37.34% A Different Kind Of Journey / Chapter 31: Arc 2: Calm After The Storm

Chương 31: Arc 2: Calm After The Storm

I don't own Naruto. Kishimoto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

One more thing, This chapter is quite short. I had a very busy weekend so I had little time to write but somehow I managed to finished it.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 2 :

Chapter 18: Calm After The Storm

Morning of January 27 (Two days after the group successfully rescued the Kazekage).

It was beautiful early morning. The sun was still rising and as its rays shined all over the village of the sand. The citizens of the village were just preparing to start the day and do their business as usual as some shops were already opened.

On one particular cafe shop, which was situated on one the sand village's busy streets, A certain blonde teenager sat down on one of the many seats of the cafe shop waiting for his little sister, whom was ordering the breakfast meal.

Boruto slightly yawned. He was feeling a bit sleepy because his little sister was the most morning person that He had ever seen. Of course, the blonde himself woke up his butt off every morning back at the leaf village but right now, He preferred to be sleeping in the bed back at the Hotel.

"Man, If I only brought my pillow." Boruto sighed. All the things surrounding him were fueling his sleepiness. From the peaceful atmosphere of the place to the relaxing music that was playing through the speakers. It was just to overwhelming.

He attempted to fight his sleepiness as He forced his eyes to remain open. It was kind of tough actually but he managed to passed the test eventually. He then began allowing thoughts to enter his mind. He recalled what had happened for the last several days. He couldn't believed that all of that was finally over like it just happened in one day.

He then recalled the time when the whole team arrived at the village gates and they were greeted by a huge crowd waiting and cheering for them as heroes because they successfully rescued the Kazekage. Boruto smiled. The moment was kind of surreal for him because He had never been into that kind of situation where everybody was cheering for the team and leaf village.

Boruto then sighed. He then remembered his original home back in the future. How he wished a scenario from a day ago would play out the same for his home but the opposite happened. It was destroyed and erased from existence.

"Nii-chan!" The voice of his little sister called him which interrupted his thoughts.

Boruto then looked up to be greeted by the lavender haired teen, who was carrying a tray that carried their whole breakfast for this morning.

"Breakfast is ready!" Himawari cheerfully said. She was always this energetic every morning. She then placed the tray on the table, thus the food she ordered was revealed to be a pair of pancake meals accompanied by two hot chocolate drinks.

"Woah." Boruto muttered as he stared at his breakfast in surprised. He never expected that the pancake would emitted this powerful aroma that would really make any person's stomach instantly demand for food.

"Well, they really make good pancakes here and by just looking at it, you're already hungry for more." Himawari simply smiled. She sat down on her seat and helped prepare the food.

"Well, I am pretty much starving dattebassa." Boruto commented as he was pretty much excited to devour his breakfast and as he was about to do so, his little sister suddenly interrupted him.

"Ahem." Himawari gave her big brother a look as she would like to remind him that He was forgetting something.

Boruto stared at his little sister with a confused look. His mind was processing and clearing out the confusion. A few moments later, He finally realized what the lavender haired teen mean't.

"Oh, sorry about that Hima." Boruto gave the latter an apologetic smile while scratching his ead.

Himawari sighed. This was actually her big brother's usual thing every meal. He would often forget to thanked Kami for the food even way back when their still kids. On the other hand, the blonde placed the spoon and fork back on the plate. He then gave his little sister a nod and smile signalling her that he was ready to pray for the food.

Himawari smiled back as the siblings took some of the moments to give thanks for their food. It was really an important thing to do before meals, at least for the latter. It was actually her mom who told her about giving thanks before eating their meals back home.

As they finished giving thanks for the food, they were finally allowed to eat their breakfast. Boruto, who was finally released, began to eat his breakfast with pure enjoyment. The pancakes tasted phenomenal for him.

"This is really great!" Boruto commented. He would really like to know the the recipe for this pancake.

Himawari could only smile as she observed her older blonde. She was glad to have him as a big brother. Even though, He acted a little bit immature sometimes, She considered him as one of the best there is out there. He still had the same old personality back when they were still kids but this version was more calmed and reserved.

"Nii-chan?" Himawari called her big brother again.

Boruto, who was busy munching his pancake then looked up to face his little sister. "Yeah, What is it Hima-chan?" He asked as there was food still on his mouth.

"What do you think life so far here in the past?" Himawari asked. She wanted to know her big brother's perspective and thoughts about their new life here so far.

Boruto gave his little sister a smile." Well, So far things had been really great! " He commented. He would go on to explain that things were very much educational for him so far. There were a lot of new things about here that he'd learned so far.

Himawari nodded in understanding. She could also say the same thing. She had been also doing her own research about life in the past. She described life here as very much simple and not complicated compared back home, where technology was just everywhere. In here, the social aspect of life here was much more on the side of face to face communication.

"Well, It really just bugs me on how will the people in this era react in our Era." Boruto commented. He wondered on how will people such as his young dad and others will react to the technology that the future posssesed. From computers, gaming devices, and advance transportation, the reaction would be pretty much priceless.

"You're right about that." Himawari said. She imagine how would the younger version of their dad would be reacting to a small communication device known as a "Cellular Phone."

"Pretty sure He would be acting like some kind of caveman and treat it as some kind of alien device." Boruto added which caused slight laughter from the laveder haired teen.

"Pretty much." Himawari replied. She found herself enjoying the comfort of her big brother's jokes once again.

As the Uzumaki siblings continued to eat their breakfast. They also began to wonder about their parents. What would their thoughts be on them if they were here. How would they react to the siblings' current situation?

"You know if Mom and Dad were here, I think they would be in this cafe right now eating breakfast together with us." Himawari told the most logical explanation that she could think of. Their parents really loved them that much, especially their mom who was really a bit overprotective.

Boruto nodded." Yup, they were really inseparable for most of the part." He added. He also began to wondered on how those two met and fell in love with each other. It must be a very romantic meeting.

"Speaking of dad, What do you think of him so far?" Himawari asked as she took a sip of her hot chocolate drink.

Boruto sighed but smiled." Well, from the way I see it. He is really different." He said, He explained that the younger version of his dad was far different from their dad from the future. He was young, a bit reckless but he had the energy and burning passion to be a strong shinobi.

Boruto chuckled for a bit. He was wondering on how was he gonna be friends with his young dad. He noticed that the latter's personality was a bit complex at the first place but as soon as his young dad took off his mask, his real personality was revealed. A person who was just looking for love and belongingness.

On the other hand, Himawari was also sad to hear the revelation. It was forgotten part of their dad's story that He wouldn't tell or bring up. It was like a kind of sensitive thing to be talked about for him.

There are things from the past that they were still not aware or had learned yet. The Uzumaki siblings were really looking forward to explore and learn more as time passes.

Another thought then came up to the Uzumaki girl. "I wonder if Sarada-nee will be thinking the same thing." Himawari wondered.

"What do you mean by thinking the same?" Boruto asked. He was a bit confused.

"Well, what I mean't was that if she is aware that about Uncle Sasuke and all this stuff regarding his past." Himawari explained. She was curious on what the raven haired Uchiha will think if she learns about her father's past. She heard stories from her mom about the latter's father being an enemy of the village back then.

Boruto nodded in understanding." Well, I'm not really sure but the only way to get the answer is by talking to her and asking her directly." He explained.

Himawari nodded." You're right about that." She agreed.

"Speaking of Sarada-chan, Where is she by the way." Boruto asked. He kind of forgot on where his teammate went to.

"I guess you're really getting forgetful." Himawari commented with a slight chuckle while the blonde just sighed.

"Yeah, you're right I'm getting there, but where did she went off to?" He asked once again.

Himawari sighed. She would go on to explained that the latter had told them before that she will be heading to the public library which was not far from here and also had an early morning opening.

Boruto widened his eyes in surprised. "Really?" He said. He wondered on why the latter would spend her time reading books in the morning? Was this really her main hobby right now? If it is, then her breakfast would be nothing but knowledge and information.

He really had to find this public library after he fiinish breakfast.


The Sunagakure Grand library was such a site to see. It was indeed a very huge place, more bigger than the public library back in the leaf village. The interior design of the building was beautiful and jaw-dropping.

By the time Sarada arrived at the said library. She was amazed of the architecture and design of the building itself. Whoever designed this building, must be given an award for his or her creativity. It was just marvelous.

The Uchiha girl observed the place further as she bothered to walked around and explore the place. She quite in fact surprised that this library had an early morning opening compared to its counterpart back in the leaf village. As she continued to move forward, she finally reached the reader's section.

So far, there were only a few handful of people that are inside the building currently. Sarada then proceeded to take her a spot at the said section, she then placed her small bag at the table and thus her loved for reading finally came back to life once more.

Sarada proceeded to head to the main area where the books were located. Mostly she was looking for favourite genres which were History and mysteries. The whole place was indeed very quiet and of course it was library but not this eerily quiet. Sarada had enough of rumours about this library being haunted because it was old.

As the raven haired girl finally reached her destination which was the said section, she was then greeted by the lone path way which was surrounded by hundreds of books that were placed on their respective shelves.

Sarada then took a deep breath, as she proceeded to collect the books that she wanted to read. Her onyx eyes surveyed the shelves in search for those specific books. While searching, she suddenly stumbled upon a book that intrigued her. She then grabbed and pulled out the book from its place.

The particular book was simply entitled "Revelation."

Sarada gave a surprised and amused look. She observed the outer part of the book, which had a dark brownish color and She described it as somewhat very old as if It hadn't been used for a long time.

"Interesting." Sarada muttered. Looks like she'd finally a book to read for awhile



"The book was really intriguing to be honest. it's like it was written a very long time ago.



Sarada sat down on her seat as she began to read the book. She opened it and she was greeted by the books contents page which contained a lot of topics that she hadnt learned yet. Most of these topics tackled Myths and Legends that she never heard before.

Curiosity took her to another level as she flipped the first pages and began to read the first few topics which discussed several unknown legends across the elemental nations. Legends, such as a mysterious tree which directly linked to the Sage of Six Path's origins, A whole mysterious clan that resided on the moon and the mysterious "Pure Land." A place where all living things that died would go to which was expanded more in the book. It seemed that this book had all the information regarding the elemental nations and also from beyond. The author of this book must've been researching his or her butt off everyday.

So far the Uchiha girl was enjoying every part of mystery that she was learning from this book. Although, there was one topic that really made her intrigue amongst the other legends that were in this book.

As she was flipping the pages, she stumbled upon a certain topic that caught her eyes and attention. It was a topic that was very different from the rest. The topic's name was known as "Genesis."

"Hmmm, Strange name for a topic." Sarada commented as she continued to read more from the book.

She tried to find the reason why such as a word would be chosen as the topic's name. As she began reading the contents of the said topic, she would then soon learned an unknown lore that was seemed to be not included in the history books. The topic spoke of a mysterious powerful being only known as "Chaos" which existed during the early times of creation. Apparently, this being was so powerful that no one can kill it. It was a described as an ancient powerful winged creature that stood with titanic proportions.

Nothing is known about its origins or when it came from. It is said to have appeared in numerous times in different places and each time the creature started to wreak chaos and destruction of unimaginable proportions.

Sarada then learned that this being was most likely the most powerful creature in existence. Even the combined of every existing thing including the gods or celestial beings themselves, were not enough to bring harm to him. The final straw came when the said being was on the verge of destroying every existing life and millenniums ago, All of the things in existence, be it Gods, Celestial beings, Demons, Humans, and including spirits from the afterlife united together in a effort to defeat the creature.

Since no one could ever lay harm on it, the only possible way that they could do was to seal the creature away and until to this day no one knows where or how it was sealed and no one will ever find it. That was also the only time that everybody was united until all went their separate ways after the being was banished. There were also rumours about fragments of the creature's power being scattered in different places in a form of giant trees which contained dark energy but there were hardly enough evidence about its existence.

History continued and wars still ravaged the nations and until to this day even there is no war, there is still a chance of it happening.

Sarada sighed as she removed her eyes from reading the book. She had learned enough information and she decided that it was time to rest for awhile. She had to admit that this was a one of a kind lore or legend. Although, She wasn't gonna easily believed that everything of it was true. There were hardly enough evidence to support the legend.

Gods, Celestial Beings, and Spirits? It was all just too far fetched unless she was given the opportunity to see it then she might be able to believed it. Right now, She was found herself travelling back in time along with the Uzumaki siblings which was enough to be considered a very far fetched story.

Sarada then rested her head on the chair. She then removed her glasses, placed it on the table and rubbed her tired eyes. She took note in her mind, that read just one book and it really made her eyes a bit exhausted.

"So how's breakfast?" A familiar voice then interrupted her thoughts.

The Uchiha girl then placed her glasses back on her eyes and she was greeted by none other than her blonde teammate." Boruto? I thought you were the cafe shop with Hima." Sarada said. She also wondered on how did the latter managed to locate her.

Boruto smiled." Well, I just had a feeling that you'll be immersing yourself with a lot books so I head here to find out." He explained as He sat down beside the raven haired girl.

"Where's Hima by the way?" Sarada asked.

"Hima is still at the cafe but she told me that she would be exploring the rest of the village later on. So that means I have the free time to also immersed myself with Knowledge just like you." Boruto explained as He began to checked out the books that his teammate brought to the table.

"Really?" Sarada couldn't believed it. This was the first time she had seen him wanting to read books. Her blonde Teammate was not known for reading books.

"So what do you got here?" Boruto asked as He grabbed one certain book from the table which was the same book that Sarada had read just awhile ago.

Sarada sighed." It's just one of those old forgotten books that were lost in history." She simply explained as she massaged her forehead.

"Really?" Boruto asked. He was beginning to get curious about the book itself.

Not a moment too soon, He opened the book and began flipping through its contents. He was then unknowingly directed to a certain page of the book which really caught his attention, thus He began reading its contents.

As for Sarada, she began to noticed that the blonde's expression had turned into full curiousness. He was intently reading the book as if He discovered something big.

"Hey, are you alright?" Sarada asked. She gave the blonde a puzzled look.

A few moments later, the blonde then turned his eyes directly towards the latter." So where do you got this book from?" He asked. This book has gotten interest even though he himself rarely reads.

"Well, I got that from the Mystery and Myths section." Sarada explained. She also informed that by the time she discovered the book, it was somehow very dusty and old but in good condition.

"Have you checked the author of the book?" Boruto asked.

Sarada nodded." Yup, but the only problem is the Author's name is not written on this book." She said. She would go on to explain that by the time she checked the information background of the book there was hardly any useful information written to it.

Boruto on the other hand was taken by surprised and puzzlement. A book without an Author's name is just really strange. He would then go on to explained that when he was reading the book, He immediately realized that its contents somehow were very different than any lore in the shinobi world and the surprising thing about it, is that he noticed that some of book's stories felt as if it had really happened.

Sarada was a bit confused, but eventually she figured it out." So you're saying that this book is somehow telling the truth?" She asked. Why was He believing an unknown legend?

Boruto shook his head." I'm not saying that this book is true, What I mean't was that this book tells a whole a new world out there Dattebassa.!" He explained. Unknowningly disturbing the peace in the library and receiving a looked from the librarian herself.

"Young man please be quiet!"

"Oops sorry about that." Boruto quickly apologized.

Sarada gave an amused face." Hmm, interesting, are you gonna borrow the book by the way?" She asked.

"Well, I don't have a library membership card." Boruto was gonna really borrow it but the bad news was that He didn't have any ID or Card membership to borrow the book. Sarada also shook her head. In fact, she had one but it had expired recently, so she was just going to apply for another one next week.

Boruto sighed as he rested on the chair. He began to think of a way to somehow borrow the book through legal means. He wasn't really going to steal it. As moments passed by, He drifted his eyes throughout his current area and immediately noticed a single photocopier machine that was stationed at the corner of the readers section.

"Jackpot!" He widened his eyes as he finally figured out a way. He then stood up from his seat headed towards the said machine.

"What are you gonna do this time?" Sarada asked.

Boruto gave her a grin."Well, If I can't borrow it, then I might as well copy it." He explained as he was referring to the photocopier machine. Who had the power to copy any documents.

Instead of receiving a smile or a nod. His Uchiha teammate gave him a sligtly worried look which confused the latter even more.

"What's with the face? This is Legal ya know." Boruto slightly chuckled.

Sarada sighed." Yeah I know that, but you're gonna have to pay first." She explained.

Boruto gave a confused look." Hmm That's strange?" He said. He never thought that this library would charged people for using the photocopier machine.

"Yes Boruto, Every single library does that." Sarada explained. Does her teammate even know the basic system of the libraries?

"Alright then, so how much would I pay?" Boruto asked. He then began drew up his wallet from his pocket.

"It depends on how many pages you're gonna copy. One Ryo per page though." She explained.

"Alright then." Boruto smiled as he then darted his back to the book.

His smile soon disappeared when he discover that He had to copy almost 200 pages of this whole book. The blonde then scratched his head, He was gonna pay 200 just to photocopy an old book.

"You've got to be kidding me!"


"This is a really nice place!"

Himawari strolled along the streets of the the sand village. She felt like a tourist right at the moment. The place was indeed really great and Despite the sandish atmosphere, it was still a mesmerising thing for her.

She described herself a bit of an adventure person. She really like to travel to different places, learn more about the heritage and culture. She could say that she had that Uzumaki persona in her.

She also immersed herself into the village's culture. She learned about on how the people here were very much hospitable, kind, and welcoming. She also tried to eat the local dish here which she found really delicious. She even joined and played a game of street soccer with the local kids here and her team won the game.

"I just wished Nii-chan and Sarada-nee would be here to see this." Himawari commented. She began to wonder on why did the two didn't chose to come with her but instead they went to the library to read some books.

"Is reading a book that enjoyable?" Himawari wondered.

A thought then came to her. She recalled her big brother telling her that he would be going to library to check on the raven haired teen." Does Nii-chan really care so much about Sarada-nee that He would read books with her?" She asked herself.

Himawari then shook her head. It was just a bit impossible right now for her big brother to have feelings for the raven haired teen. Although, she herself began to noticed hints that Uchiha girl had feelings for the older blonde which was really not that surprising

She then sighed yet again. Why was she thinking about these kind of things. She should be enjoying adventure right now.

She was a tourist right now.


AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!

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