The drunk Shun and Hu Lei were standing in front of the TV with the music blasting at full capacity. The two of them were trying to follow the moves of a pop group dancing. The scene was completely ridiculous because the images kept changing.
"You are a terrible dancer." Hu Lei shouted.
"Like you are any better," Shun shouted back.
Hu Lei poured more tequila into the shot glasses and handed one to Shun. After all the drinking they had already done, they had long forgotten about salt and lemon wedges.
"Blame it on the alcohol." Hu Lei yelled while lifting her glass.
"Blame it on the alcohol." Shun echoed.
They clinked their glasses before shouting 'woo'.
"You know we have turned into 'woo girls'." Hu Lei shouted as she tried to follow the moves on the screen again.
"What's 'woo girls'? And shouldn't it be 'woo people'?" Shun asked as the song changed. "Wooooo! I know this one."
Woo Girl is a phrase borrowed (by Hu Lei) from How I Met Your Mother, Season 4, Episode 8.