When they were gone, Gu Ning went back to Gu Man's ward, but before she left, she gave Shu Fangyi her number and told her to call whenever she needed help.
Back in Gu Man's ward, Gu Man asked Gu Ning about everything.
Although she went back to her ward earlier, she couldn't forget what Shu Fangyi had suffered. She felt great sympathy for the poor woman!
Gu Ning told Gu Man everything. Although Gu Man thought it was tiring for a single mother to raise a kid alone, she supported Shu Fangyi in making that decision, because Shu Fangyi could only protect her baby by getting a divorce.
No one should accept such a bad and calculating family.
"It's not a bad thing for her to get a divorce. She can only protect her baby by doing that. Anyway, she can look after herself and raise her baby on her own. There is nothing to worry about," said Gu Man.
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