Three days after his arrival in Fuyuki, Vahn's situation had changed greatly compared to when he had been unceremoniously dropped into the world by Akasha. Though the lack of a proper identification was quickly becoming a problem, Vahn at least managed to get a small apartment in one of the shadier sections of the City, located just on the outskirts of the fish markets. His 'illegal' fishing had caught more attention than he would have liked but it had been surprisingly easy to secure a temporary residence after selling his catch to a middle-aged businessman named Kinoba Fujitora. He was a relatively affluent businessman who leased out a few of the larger fishing vessels, making him one of the central figures within the region when it came to the acquisition and distribution of rarer fish. Unsurprisingly, he also dabbled in the Black Market and even had a few Enforcers staffed within the region who were rumored to be Yakuza, the most notorious gang within the region.
Because he had decided to sell one of the rarer and more expensive types of fish, Vahn quickly caught the attention of one of Fujitora's Enforcers. After easily dealing with the scarred man and his cronies, who had tried to claim his fish for themselves without forking over a single Yen, Vahn had been approached by Fujitora directly. Though he had arrived with the apparent intent to seek trouble, it didn't take long at all for Fujitora's disposition to change into a more amicable and 'reasonable' one. This was due to the natural 'aura' that Vahn emanated, something he only observed when dealing with clients who wielded extreme authority, often over thousands of lives. Since Vahn was also extremely fit and handsome, he assumed the latter was the son of a wealthy family who was just dabbling in 'playing commoner'. With Vahn's eyes constantly wandering around, combined with his apparent lack of common sense, it wasn't difficult to make this assumption...
Thinking he could curry some favor with the unknown foreigner, Fujitora had quickly helped Vahn arrange a place to stay and even assigned a few people to 'take care' of him. Vahn wasn't particularly fond of having people lingering around to observe his movements but, after making sure there were no cameras and audio devices within his room, he stopped minding it. He had a few million Yen within his Inventory and had been able to gain access to a computer so it wouldn't be long before he left Fujitora's influence and moved on to bigger and better things...
On the topic of computers, Vahn was genuinely shocked to learn of the existence of the 'internet' as, even compared to the planes flying through the sky, it was an unbelievably advanced technology. The fact that the entire world was interconnected through a series of wired and wireless networks had come as a great shock to him, especially since statistics purported that nearly three billion people proactively used the network on a daily basis. With such a vast number of people feeding information into the internet, the amount of information Sis had access to gave Vahn a feeling as if he had gained borderline omniscience within the Record. Not only was he able to gain basic information about Fuyuki and the surrounding regions, he was able to learn a vast amount of information regarding the Political climate and the various powerful families within, not just Japan, but the entire world...
There didn't seem to be any real 'limit' to what he could find through the internet as, even without having to sit at a computer himself, Sis was able to scour the vast network and compile information on his behalf. Though this required Vahn to literally plug an ethernet cable into his own body, after creating an access port for it, Sis had gone to town as she endeavored to 'literally' download all of the internets information into the deepest recesses of his mind. She had to filter out quite a lot of unnecessary information, accounting for nearly 98% of everything recorded, but that 2% was still the cumulative knowledge and wisdom of billions of people. Since she also gained access to private networks that were connected to the larger worldwide web, Vahn even had access to a great deal of information that was not meant for public consumption.
The only real restriction Sis had when it came to the internet was that she could only 'collect' information, not modify or interfere with it. If the security was advanced enough, she wasn't able to gain access to the network and, in order to directly carry out her intentions, Vahn was required to act as her hands and eyes. Fortunately, the system interface he had become intimately familiar with also served as a user interface that Vahn was able to navigate with thought alone. Under Sis' guidance, it only took him ten hours to gain access to the Japanese Census Bureau, fabricating a birth certificate and establishing an identity for himself. Though it wouldn't take much effort for anyone performing an investigation to conclude that his identity was faked, as there were more than a century of paper records filed away in warehouses Vahn didn't have access to, the odds anyone would investigate him to that extent were slim.
By the time everything was taken care of, Vahn had the identity of a second-generation migrant who had been orphaned after both of his parents died in a car accident. As for other records, such as dental, medical, insurance, taxes, and educational, Vahn completely ignored the first three, as it wasn't that uncommon for some adults his age to simply lack insurance, while the tax and educational records had been important for validating his identity. Though Vahn hadn't officially filed taxes, meaning he would have to get audited if he wanted to 'solidify' his identity, it was important for him to at least exist within the system. As for his educational records, they seemed to be surprisingly important within Japan so Sis had guided him through the process of creating an education profile that stretched all the way from kindergarten to High School. Though any of his presumed classmates could easily expose the truth of the matter, Vahn wasn't particularly worried about it since the odds of him ever meeting anyone from his 'hometown', a small fishing town called Ine.
With his new identity, Vahn was able to feel more confident about his future actions, even though it resulted in Fujitora coming to his residence on the fifth day and 'kicking' him out. After finding the identity Vahn had fabricated, the man no longer tried to pander to him but, after Vahn easily dealt with the toughs he had brought along to intimidate him, the chubby businessman made no further attempts to stop him from leaving. As for why Vahn didn't deal with the man himself, his new understanding of the world all included an awareness of the local and provincial laws. He knew the methods he relied on in his previous world when dealing with criminals wouldn't exactly fly in a more modern setting, as he would quickly be labeled a criminal and murderer himself. Though he could always join, or even create a criminal organization, Vahn didn't consider himself a bad person so he wanted to avoid being publically, or internationally, labeled as one...
Leaving the temporary residence that had been provided to him, amidst the groans of pain from more than twenty men, Vahn headed into the downtown district of Fuyuki City once again. Since he wanted to avoid drawing attention to himself in the middle of the day, Vahn used the local train for the first time and, even though it was a bit slow compared to his own standards, Vahn felt it was surprisingly efficient. Not only had the train arrived almost exactly at the posted time, it also departed after idling for a mere two minutes. Though it felt a little suffocating to be packed into a small car with nearly a hundred other people, Vahn noticed that the majority kept to themselves while very few people even bothered to make sounds. Those who did were usually the younger members of society, resulting in them getting the stink eye from the surroundings...
After reaching his destination, Vahn moved with the crowd this time, deciding to view the City from the same perspective as a resident in order to gain his bearings. His minimap had been partially completed during his first exploration of the City but it helped to see things up close for the sake of clarity. Vahn's domain still missed out on the finer details of things unless he guided his 'intent' to inspect things more closely. Though he could sense the presence of individual blades of grass within a field, it didn't mean he automatically knew how many there were, or if areas of the grass were damaged and rotting. Since Fuyuki, and Japan in general, seemed to rely heavily on auditory and visual stimuli to communicate meaning, Vahn decided it was best to practice walking around the City so he wouldn't stand out as easily in the future.
Not even ten minutes into his exploration of the City, Vahn had started to regret his decision as he still garnered a lot of attention from his surroundings. Men would give him annoyed looks in passing while women would give way to him before pulling out their phones and snapping pictures in 'secret'. Whenever Vahn would politely greet them, they would act startled and confused before giving a too-polite response, often followed by them quickly leaving the area. Even women that were near the same age as his current appearance would act nervously around him before awkwardly following his back with their gazes. Vahn was beginning to feel as if he was an exotic animal that had been put on display, especially when a smart-looking woman with round glasses approached him with a business card before excitedly declaring, "You're an extremely handsome man! Have you ever thought about becoming an Idol and getting into advertising? My company had been looking for a new Ace to represent foreign products and I think you would be able to do well in the industry!"
With the woman presenting her company's business card with both hands, politely bowing in the process, Vahn almost grabbed it on instinct before changing the motion at the last moment to hold up his hand and declare, "I'm flattered, but I have no intention of becoming an Idol. Thank you for the offer but I must be on my way..." After politely refusing, Vahn attempted to walk around the woman but she immediately moved to block his intended path as she flusteredly stated, "Wait, wait, wait, hear me out, please! With your looks, you could easily become a legendary figure within the Industry. Even movie deals may not be off the table so please consider my offer. You could be Fuyuki's, no, all of Japan's Rising Star~!" Even though Vahn wasn't Japanese, the woman had actually forgotten to breath for a few seconds when she first caught sight of him. Even if he lacked the 'star power' she purported he had, it wouldn't take any effort at all to market him based on looks and disposition alone.
Though Vahn liked to consider himself a patient person, he had been 'trained' by Loki, Riveria, and Fortuna to never show leniency towards any party that attempted to pressure him. In an instant, Vahn's amicable 'aura' seemed to vanish before an oppressive atmosphere naturally radiated from his body. His expression hadn't changed at all but, from the perspective of observers, his eyes seemed sharper and borderline 'cold' as he looked down at the woman and plainly stated, "I have no interest in becoming an Idol..." This time, when Vahn walked around her, the woman made no effort to stop him and, instead, quickly moved aside before nearly falling to the ground when her legs gave out. A middle-aged man in a business suit caught her by the arm before helping her find her footing but, by the time she looked towards where Vahn had been walking, he was no longer anywhere to be seen.
Finding himself atop a building once again, Vahn was lightly tapping a signboard as he considered changing his appearance to better match his surroundings. He was trying to lay low, at least for the time being, so there were few advantages to walking around with his default appearance. However, the idea of 'hiding' himself in such a way caused Vahn to frown slightly as part of him had come to 'expect' attention. The thing was, compared to the power and authority he possessed in Danmachi, Vahn was an external variable within the Nasuverse who, for the time being, had neither. This caused something inside of him to stir, likely related to his Qinglong form and sense of identity, as Vahn knew he was one of the more powerful figures within the world. Allowing himself to be bound by the normal restrictions imposed upon this docile society, especially when there was a larger hidden world he hadn't even seen yet, made Vahn feel as if he was walking further from his goal of reuniting with his family...
Reaching this conclusion, Vahn's eyes reflected the City of Fuyuki as he extended his hand outward, almost as if he could grasp the entire City in his palm. Then, with a solemn and determined voice, Vahn muttered, "There is no need to adapt to a world I have no intention of staying in...why should I be afraid of being exposed when there is literally nothing my enemies can use to threaten me...?" Right now, Vahn didn't even have Fenrir and Medusa at his side so, regardless of any setbacks he personally faced, it ultimately didn't matter. Even if he faced an enemy that had the means to kill his immortal body, which seemed to be an actual possibility within this world, it only meant he would be forced out of the Record. If he wanted to, Vahn could even enter another version of the Nasuverse, an infinite number of times if necessary...
With that thought in mind, Vahn slowly closed his hand as his eyes turned towards one of the areas he had been proactively avoiding since arriving in the world. During his preliminary mapping of the City, Vahn had tried to avoid areas where the mana density was slightly higher than normal. There were a few locations that were interspaced throughout the City where barriers and other 'abnormal' phenomena could be observed. He had originally concealed his presence, keeping away from these locations, but now Vahn was considering proactively exposing himself. Though it might render the efforts he had put into making an identity pointless, Vahn knew the only way to truly begin his rise to power was to understand exactly what power meant in the context of the Record. The internet hadn't provided him with any real information in regards to Magecraft, making it clear that it was a highly guarded secret that the people in power didn't want to expose...
Vahn initially couldn't understand why entities with higher Soul Tiers would even bother to hide themselves away but, considering there were things like nuclear warheads and advanced weapons platforms in space, things he could hardly wrap his head around, it seemed to make a bit of sense. There were obviously forces at play he was simply unaware of as well, meaning he would need to experience them directly if he wanted to learn the truth. It was only by seeking the truth that he would be able to increase his own comprehension and, by virtue, his Tier. Stalling any longer would only increase the feeling of loneliness that had been plaguing his heart so Vahn affirmed his resolve as he leaped from the building and made a beeline towards a residence that stood out from the surroundings. While most buildings within the City were tightly packed together, there were a few regions near the periphery of the City where the wealthy, affluent, and traditional families lived.
The building Vahn found himself outside of stood out, even amongst the other large Manors and Mansions in the surroundings. Instead of looking like a traditional Japanese Manor, it was a large Western-Style Manor with three stories set beneath an angular tiled roof. There was even a tower-like structure built into it while, below the ground, Vahn could roughly make out that there were two subterranean levels. It was hard to be certain, however, as there were several magical formations that made it hard for him to get a clear read on the Manor's internal structure. Though he could still peer into the interior with his domain, it was almost as if the inside was 'shifting' around, obscuring his perception and making it difficult to determine if what his senses were picking up was real...
Vahn was beginning to miss his ability to transform into his Qinglong form as, with his current reserves, he couldn't easily send his 'intent' into the Manor's interior without being rewarded a powerful headache for his efforts. Though his Innates hadn't been weakened upon entry into the Record, Vahn simply lacked the reserves to power them at the moment. This didn't mean he was without options, however, as Vahn's eyes passed over a list of items within the system shop before he pulled out a literal [Mana Crystal]. Focusing his mind, Vahn's skin tone began to slowly change as the outline of scales began to appear on his exposed forearms. From his head, accompanied by an incredibly itchy feeling, golden antler-like horns began to reveal themselves as he sent his intent forward to confirm his suspicions...
Regardless of how complex the magical formations were, Vahn's 'intent' was able to move without being restricted by things like distance. He didn't actually move it 'through' things, as it was more accurate to decribe the method in which his intent moved around as 'shifting' between points. As a result, Vahn bypassed the formations completely as he began to inspect the Manor's interior. He quickly identified several rather dated pieces of furniture while many of the books present within looked to be hundreds of years old. All of this was preserved with a unique spell formula that Vahn had never seen before, giving the interior of the Manor an aged, yet regal feel. It was obvious that the Manor's residents were of a more 'Noble' disposition, causing Vahn's brow to furrow slightly as he had never been fond of most Nobles...
After looking around the upper floors, Vahn was surprised to find that the Manor seemed to be completely bereft of serving staff. He half-expected to find a few Maids or Butlers within but, after looking through all three floors, there wasn't a soul in sight. Vahn next passed through the far more advanced barriers that had been blocking his perception of the Manor's underground before finding the first actual resident. Almost as soon as the woman came into his view, her head snapped around and as she held up a purple amethyst as she shouted, "Who is it!?" in a voice Vahn couldn't hear. He was, fortunately, able to read her lips, even if it hadn't been necessary to know what she had said to know he had been exposed.
Though it may not have been the best choice, especially seeing as the woman was already in a battle-ready state, Vahn had detected no other presences within the basement levels so he used the remainder of the [Mana Crystal]'s mana to tear through Space. He was immediately greeted by what appeared to be several reddish-black lasers but, sensing there was no 'danger' contained within the spell, Vahn allowed it to strike his body without resisting. A numbing sensation quickly spread through his limbs before it was completely nullified, causing the woman to mistake that he had counteracted the attack as she jumped back, blue runes covering her arms and legs. Vahn knew she had mistaken him as an enemy so, even though they may very well be actual enemies, he raised his hands in a gesture of surrender as he stated, "I do not bear any ill will towards you...!"
The woman had just pulled out a small rainbow-colored gem but, upon hearing Vahn's words, she kept it within her palm, remaining on guard as she asked, "Who are you? Why have you come here!?" She obviously wasn't going to take Vahn for his word so, even though he hadn't made any attempt to attack, the runes on her arms and legs hadn't faded away. Vahn could see that they greatly enhanced her physical capabilities but, no matter how he looked at her, she had the physique of a 'normal' person. Though her internal mana was far higher than most people, possessing a few unique qualities within, Vahn felt she would have lost out against most competent Level 2 Adventurers...
With his hands still raised, Vahn spoke in a clear and calm voice, "My name is Vahn Mason. I have come here seeking information, not conflict. I apologize for showing up unexpectedly but there are a few questions I would like to ask you. After you answer my questions, I will leave you in peace while also providing adequate compensation for your troubles..." Vahn was doing his best to appear as non-threatening as possible, even as his domain spread through the area, allowing him to analyze the surrounding spell formula. With enough time, he was confident he could negate, or even reverse, the effect of this worlds Magecraft, just as he had been able to within the record of Danmachi...
In response to Vahn's words, the woman squinted her eyes as she whispered, "Vahn Mason...I have never heard of a Magus with that name..." She wasn't speaking directly to him so Vahn ignored her external monologue, continuing to appear as 'harmless' as possible. Eventually, after nearly a full minute of awkward tension, the woman adopted a more casual stance as she asked, "What kind of information are you looking for? You should know that it is a terrible idea to enter into the territory of another Magus like this...what organization are you a part of?" Though she was putting on a show of acting casual, Vahn was very aware of the fact that the woman kept the gemstone tucked away in her palm while her heart rate hadn't even started to settle yet...
Doing his best to adopt a disarming smile, Vahn explained, "I actually have no understanding of the etiquette practiced by other Magus. That is one of the things I'd like to ask about, though, I suppose the most pressing question I'd like an answer to is...who are you?" Vahn had expected his question to get a rise out of the girl but nothing could have prepared him for the look of sheer incredulity that appeared on her face as she exclaimed, "Hah? You snoop around my Manor and break in without even knowing whose territory you're invading? Are you some kind of idiot!?" For a brief moment, it even looked as if she was about to throw the gem in her hands toward him but, as if it was something she refused to part with easily, the woman quickly calmed down after seeing Vahn's wry and apologetic smile.
After calming herself down a bit, even though the expression in her eyes screamed, 'I don't believe this', the woman somewhat proudly stated, "My name is Rin Tohsaka, Sixth-Generation Head of the Tohsaka Magus family! Now, the more important question is, who, or, more specifically, what the hell are you...?"
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Fishy Business','Vahn is beginning to 'grasp' his situation...','Vahn's first step into the Magus world is onto a landmine...')
(A/N: As there seems to be some confusion about the 'low mana density' Vahn keeps mentioning, you need to keep in mind that he is comparing it to Danmachi. That is a world where literal gods roam the land and, as a result of the mana in the environment, monsters, dragons, spirits, etc, are all extremely common. Things that would be considered endangered and protected species in the Nasuverse wouldn't even be rare within the Record of Danmachi. So yes, while Fuyuki would have a decent amount of mana compared to other Cities, it is complete shit-tier compared to even a frontier village in Danmachi xD.) <-(p.atreon link)
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As he was still in his partial Qinglong transformation, Vahn understood why Rin's first question directly related to his 'species'. Fortunately, even as he reverted to what appeared to be a genuine human form, Rin just watched the process with slightly intrigued eyes without reacting hostilely. At the same time, Vahn continued to smile in a disarming manner as he explained, "As I said before, my name is Vahn Mason. As for what I would be most accurate to refer to me as a Progenitor. I'm not sure if that concept is a thing in your world, however, so you may not have heard of it..." With the Nasuverse having a multi-versal structure, Vahn wasn't too worried about alerting anyone within to the presence of 'other' worlds. Though he still couldn't explain anything regarding the existence of The Path, the Laws wouldn't punish him for talking about the general multiverse as a whole.
Rin didn't even seem surprised by the fact that he was from a different world, instead, seeming to focus on his race as she held her chin in thought, muttering, " peculiar..." When she next turned her attention back to him, Rin asked, "What exactly are you the Progenitor of? Those horns...are you some kind of Daemon, or perhaps a Nature Spirit..?" Then, without actually waiting for his response, Rin shook her head, causing the two twin-tails framing her face to bob before she muttered to herself, "No, he seems to possess an actual physical form...but then how did he break through my barrier...?"
Seeing Rin talk continually talk to herself, Vahn realized her personality wasn't all that dissimilar from Lefiya's, especially when the latter was researching Magic. In a way, he had been fortunate that the first person he came across seemed rather 'serious' about Magecraft, even if this also meant she could prove a bit troublesome to deal with in the future. If he were to reveal just a few of his secrets to her, Vahn could imagine her pestering him to the ends of the earth in order to learn the rest. She had a natural air of 'curiosity' about her that, combined with the slight arrogance she had revealed during her introduction, indicated she wasn't the type to take no for an answer...
Finished with her monologue, Rin walked a little closer to Vahn before leaning forward and looking directly into his face. She was only around 162cm tall so she was already looking up at him, even before she began to scrutinize him more closely. Fortunately, like most people he had seen thus far, Rin wore rather modest clothing, consisting of a long-sleeved red blouse, complete with a high collar, and a long skirt that extended past her knees. Overall, she had a very high-class and mature appearance, even if her hairstyle, consisting of twin-tails tied up by rather large ribbons, was somewhat childish. Based on the structure of her body and the feeling of her mana, Vahn estimated she was around twenty-seven years old, give or take a few months.
As if she had sensed his 'evaluation', Rin furrowed her brows before stepping back and crossing her arms, inadvertently pushing up her rather modest breasts. Vahn felt as if she were 'testing' him somehow so he continued to stare into her aqua-blue eyes, not too dissimilar in color to his own. In response, her frown actually deepened as she squinted her eyes and asked, "Well, what exactly do you want to know? Don't think I'll just answer any question you want answered, though, as I'm not a library that you can just access at your convenience. If you want information from me, you'll have to answer my questions in turn. I also want to know how you expect to compensate me as, from what I can tell, you don't seem to have anything of value..."
Finding it surprisingly hard to get a read on Rin, Vahn wondered if his sensibilities had been affected after traveling to a new record. After dealing with Loki, merchants, politicians, nobles, and foreign dignitaries, Vahn was a little surprised by the fact that he couldn't simply see through her intentions. She seemed to be constantly analyzing him while, at the same time, seemed to be prepared to dismiss anything he said. This, combined with the fact that she still hadn't truly dropped her guard, gave Vahn the impression that Rin was the type that lived at her own pace. She seemed like a solitary existence that worked independently of others, making it difficult for her to communicate normally with people...
Just as Rin's frown began to deepen further, Vahn quickly answered, "I want to know about this world, including the organizations you mentioned. If possible, I would like to learn about Magecr-" Before Vahn could continue, Rin had already started shaking her head before stating, "There is no way I'm going to teach you Magecraft. I might be able to explain the basics to you, but there isn't a Magus alive who will just teach strangers their techniques. I might make an exception if you were able to provide something useful in exchange, but I doubt you have anything that I need, regardless of if you are actually from another world." After having completed her studies at the Clock Tower, the most prominent Magus Academy and the Headquarters of the Magus Association, Rin was well aware of the existence of other worlds, including the existence of parallel and tangential timelines.
Hearing Rin's words, Vahn couldn't help but find her claims rather amusing as, regardless of the pride she possessed, he knew there were 'literally' an infinite number of things he could provide her in exchange for information. He had already found several accounts of the Tohsaka Family, including their techniques, within the system shop. Though their more important secrets would be recorded in texts and grimoires that were considered Unique items, meaning he couldn't simply purchase them through the shop, there were numerous texts their family had published throughout history that he had access to. Vahn even found a plethora of information on Rin herself, including the men she had married, the number of children she had, and even her future descendants. He was a little surprised to learn that she often became one of the most prolific Magus of her time, in far more than a few timelines, but that only made him more confident that she would value what he had to offer...
Before Vahn could say anything, Rin's expression had soured even more before she finally burst out, asking, "Okay, what the hell are you doing? Are you using some kind of technique to analyze me!?" Even though she couldn't understand why Vahn's gaze annoyed her, Rin had the distinct impression that his eyes were able to see through her. Though she had certainly been evaluating him since the beginning of their discussion, it made her uncomfortable to feel so 'exposed', especially since she didn't understand what he was doing. She suddenly recalled how he had been able to 'sneak' into her Manor without even setting off any alarms, causing her pigtails to strangely levitate as her anger continued to build...
Vahn once again raised his hands, this time in a placating gesture, as he quickly remarked, "I'm not going to ask you to divulge any of your family's secrets. Even a basic explanation of Magecraft will be more than enough for my purposes. As for what I'll offer in exchange, will this suffice...?" As he spoke, Vahn quickly purchased a high-grade [Mana Crystal] from the system shop before manifesting it in his palm. Rin quickly adopted a pseudo-battle stance in response, as it was abnormal to see objects appear out of thin air, but she immediately dropped her guard, for real this time, moments later. Her eyes widened into full circles as she saw the crystal in Vahn's hand, asking, "Where on earth did you get a catalyst like this? It almost has as much mana as a Brand..."
Without asking for permission, Rin tried to grab the sky-blue crystal from Vahn's hands but he quickly threw it back into his Inventory before plainly stating, "I am confident that I can adequately compensate you for your time, Miss Tohsaka. Now, perhaps you would like to move this discussion to a more appropriate venue...?" As it didn't seem conducive to the situation to stay within the relatively dark basement, Vahn gestured upwards as he asked his question. This, somewhat amusedly, caused Rin to follow his finger with her eyes, temporarily confused after Vahn had exploited the 'gap' in her awareness after stowing away the [Mana Crystal]. She had transitioned from expectant to annoyed before finally reaching a state of confusion, all within the period of a few seconds.
Realizing her mistake, Rin's face darkened slightly before she coughed a few times to cover up her embarrassment. Vahn's expression remained unperturbed throughout, giving her all the time she needed before she eventually nodded her head and said, "Very well. For the time being, I will treat you as a guest. Allow me to prepare some tea and we'll have a proper discussion..." Though she had been on guard before, Rin's desire for the [Mana Crystal], combined with the fact that Vahn didn't seem threatening in the least, had caused her to relax more than she normally would around strangers. He didn't seem like a 'normal' existence so she had decided to treat him in the same way she would treat other Nature Spirits, what Rin believed to be his true identity.
After moving upstairs, Vahn found himself seated within a study that wasn't unlike what he was accustomed to back in his own world. There were two comfortable sofas at the center of the room, separated by a highly polished wooden table that was set with a vase. Since it was empty, Vahn placed some fresh flowers to complete the scene before turning his attention to the surroundings. There was a fireplace on the northern side of the room while, towards the western section, a large wooden desk occupied the area before a large bookshelf. There was a standing lamp that served the purpose of providing reading light as the chandelier hanging from the ceiling only cast a gentle light over the room's occupants. Curiously, there was a loft-like mezzanine on the east side of the room, accessible by a wooden ladder. Vahn saw more bookshelves located at the top of the mezzanine while a lounge-type sofa, decorated with plenty of cushions, likely served as a place where you could read while relaxing...
Resisting the urge to explore the room, Vahn remained patiently seated on the sofa until Rin returned with a silver tray, complete with a gooseneck tea kettle and two ceramic teacups, each adorned with a golden leaf pattern that screamed 'expensive'. Rin set the tray down before turning her attention to the flowers Vahn had placed in the vase, asking, "What kind of flowers are these? I've never seen anything like them..." As they were flowers he had obtained through the shop, even Vahn wouldn't have been able to answer her question a week ago. Now, however, he could trace the origin of items purchased through the shop so he smiled politely before explaining, "They are known as [Winter's Kiss], a breed of lilies that cannot be found in this world. I thought they would accent the browns and beiges in the room well. They also have the benefit of increasing the air quality without you having to worry about them wilting away like normal lilies..."
Hearing Vahn's words, Rin's expression became a curious one as she leaned forward and smelled the [Winter's Kiss], seemingly without any caution. It had a gentle smell, akin to vanilla mixed with citrus undertones, causing Rin to produce a smile as she remarked, "They smell pleasant. It is a shame they are from a different world, as I would have liked to procure some for myself periodically." As she could tell the flowers were 'abnormal' at a glance, Rin harbored no illusions that they were easy to come across. She didn't know how Vahn was able to materialize items out of thin air but, as spatial magic wasn't unheard of, she also didn't question it. Just as she had secrets she wasn't willing to disclose, Rin assumed had more than his fair share if he was truly from a different world.
After waiting for Rin to take her seat, Vahn took his own before grabbing the teapot and skillfully filling their cups. Rin's brows perked up in response, especially when Vahn handed her the cup and saucer, but she still graciously accepted it before saying, "Thank you." Vahn followed this up by taking his own cup and answering, "It is I who should be thanking you, Miss Tohsaka. I consider it my fortune to have met a capable and understanding Magus so soon after my search began. From what I know of this world, the odds hadn't been particularly in my favor..." Though he had little concrete information about the organizations within this world, as anything he obtained from the shop didn't necessarily relate to his timeline, what Vahn had come to know thus far didn't paint them in a positive light.
With an understanding nod, Rin sampled her tea before releasing a tired sigh, followed by her adding, "Well, you aren't wrong. Most Magus are a pain to deal with, especially if you get involved with any of the larger organizations. Every time I have to meet with those smelly old men, I feel like I'm going to suffocate...haaaaa..." As if her earlier caution had been an illusion, Rin no longer considered Vahn to be a threat, at least for the time being. Though she could tell he was taking measured actions when talking to her, this wasn't that abnormal, even between Magus who had known each other for years. Besides, like the vast majority of women he had come across, Rin seemed to be weak to compliments, even indirect ones.
Allowing a light-hearted laugh to escape his lips, Vahn steered the conversation away from Rin's complaining as he asked, "What can you tell me about this world's Magecraft and its Organizations? As an outsider, I want to avoid causing any misunderstandings that could be otherwise avoided..." Even if he wasn't afraid of any future enemies that would cross his path, Vahn didn't want to make enemies for no reason. He was already tasked with 'returning' seven of the most troublesome existences in the Record back to the Root so it was best to avoid getting wrapped up in the affairs of extraneous organizations. Of course, if they did come seeking trouble with him, Vahn had no intentions of standing down without a fight...
Though she could sense something 'wrong' about the way Vahn phrased things, Rin still went on to explain, "In this world, there are three major factions you need to be cautious of. Among them, the most troublesome faction is the so-called Holy Church. They have been around since the Age of Gods came to an end, supposedly guiding humanity towards prosperity through faith. Over the course of History, they have systematically eliminated any factors they are not able to directly control. Though they have an active cease-fire agreement with the Mage's Association, there are constant squabbles between the two forces while war usually breaks out every hundred years or so. As for the Mage's Association, they are an organization that advocates the development of Magecraft and the study of Thaumaturgy. The most important thing you need to consider in regards to the Mage's Association is that they have three official branches, the Clock Tower, which I am affiliated with, the Atlas Academy, and the Wandering Sea. I can't go into too much information about them unless you join but I can warn you about some of the things you need to consider if you are acting as an independent Magus..."
When she reached this point, Rin suddenly became a lot more serious as she added, "If it is true that you are from a different world, there is a high chance you would be given a Sealing Designation, even without joining the Mage's Association. Though you seem to be pretty strong, that is the same as being given a death sentence, even if they wouldn't actually harm you. It is closer to being put under house arrest as they typically treat you well, even if you're not allowed to take action on your own. Depending on the circumstances, however, you would be required to 'assist' in the Mage Association's experiments..." As these words left her mouth, Rin's expression had become extremely dour as she tightly clenched her teeth. This only lasted for a moment, however, before she took another sip of her tea and exhaled a profound sigh...
Vahn was tempted to ask if something had happened but, even without hearing it from her directly, some of the accounts of Rin's life showed that she had been given a Sealing Designation at times. In one timeline, she even campaigned to have the system abolished in its entirety, only having success after a large scale war broke out between the various Magus Factions. Vahn didn't think she had been given such a classification in this timeline, as she wouldn't be sitting here with him, but that didn't mean she wasn't a candidate up for consideration. The Tohsaka family seemed to be one of the most prominent Magus families but, with the exception of Rin, and a girl named Sakura, there didn't seem to be any other descendants within the main family line. Since she was obviously a very talented Magus, it wasn't beyond reason to assume that she would be given a Sealing Designation after accomplishing something that set her apart from other Magi...
After collecting herself, Rin's expression returned to relative normalcy as she continued explaining, "The last organization you need to be wary of are a group of individuals known as the Dead Apostle Ancestors. Though there are exceptions, many are evil entities who have obtained some form of immortality that makes it difficult for both the Mage's Association and the Holy Church to deal with them. They are associated with many underground organizations, with most of their members being classified as Vampires, Ghouls, Necromancers, and other problematic existences. If you someone manage to get on their bad side, you may not even know how you died..." For a brief moment, a pained look flashed across Rin's eyes as she stared down into her tea, almost as if she was looking for something infinitely in the distance...
Having seen and experienced loss himself, Vahn recognized the look in Rin's eyes as the look one had after losing someone dear to them. As a member of the Mage's Association, it wasn't hard to imagine that she had been involved in any conflicts between the Clock Tower and the Dead Apostle Ancestors. Perhaps the reason she lived alone in such a large Manor, without even a single servant, was due to the fact she had lost someone near and dear to her heart. Vahn, however, chose not to pry into her past as, while a part of him wanted to help ease her pain, he was currently dealing with his own separation anxiety and loneliness. He knew that, if he became too invested in helping her deal with her pain, there was a non-negligible chance he would begin to develop a dependence on her in an effort to alleviate his own.
With an expression of sincere empathy on his face, Vahn silently sipped his tea without commenting on Rin's current state. When her eyes finally came back into focus, she quickly showed an embarrassed expression but, after seeing Vahn sitting calmly across from her, she regained her own composure rather quickly. Then, having answered one of Vahn's questions, even though she failed to disclose anything related to Magecraft, Rin showed an expression of intrigue as she asked, "Now, tell me about yourself. I want to know about the world you came from and what the significance of being a Progenitor is. If your answer satisfies me, I may find it in my expansive heart to give you a few introductory lessons in Magecraft..." As the last words left her lips, Rin showed a somewhat haughty expression as she puffed out her modest chest, confidence radiating from her body...
(A/N: Alternate Titles: 'Vahn's common sense is skewed','Rin is raising so many flags, just to have Vahn mercilessly break them xD','A game of twenty questions...?') <-(p.atreon link)
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